Lesley Hazleton on The First Muslim

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • Award-winning writer Lesley Hazelton talks about her biography of Muhammed, 'The First Muslim' and answers why, as an agnostic Jew, she chose to write about him.
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ความคิดเห็น • 93

  • @arwanpawar3260
    @arwanpawar3260 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    May Allah blessing her always mom you are inspired me that much. Thanks and go on.

    • @kingpriapatius5832
      @kingpriapatius5832 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Allah doesn't exist mate. Grow up.

  • @babubhaishaikh2150
    @babubhaishaikh2150 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Fine, very neutral talk. It need clean mind and wide thinking to say something with justices. Great thinking and great job.

  • @panindiaincorp558
    @panindiaincorp558 6 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Even though being an agnostic, the way she has understood the crux of Islam is commendable... she is a blessed soul!!

  • @dzul0710
    @dzul0710 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    From your open minded,your heard will be open too

  • @FauzyFreme
    @FauzyFreme หลายเดือนก่อน

    Masha Allah,"❤

  • @mahmudhun1911
    @mahmudhun1911 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Salaamun Alaikum dan Asalam tali persaudaraan 🤚🤝🤝🤝🤝 Tiada TUHAN YANG LAYAK DI sembah dengan sebenar-benarnya melainkan Allah yang Maha penyantun lagi Maha Mulia salaamun Alaikum dan Asalam tali persaudaraan 🤚🤝🤝🤝🤝

  • @mahmudabdullah1517
    @mahmudabdullah1517 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @mahmudabdullah1517
    @mahmudabdullah1517 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @HeruSantoso-uj6en
    @HeruSantoso-uj6en 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Cobalah anda berFANTASI memandang sesuatu dari SATU SUDUT PANDANG maka anda akan menemukan konsep tentang TUHAN, Allah SWT

  • @TheBrookemarley
    @TheBrookemarley 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Sorry, can you explain the meaning of "first muslim"?

    • @hkhan5801
      @hkhan5801 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Well this book refers to Muhammad as being the first muslim hence the name but we muslims believe any one who follows the will of God is a Muslim by nature and therefore for us it was Adam and Eve who were the first Muslims with respect to Human beings in heaven and earth. Hope that answered your question Stay Blessed :) Salam

  • @gunawan6172
    @gunawan6172 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Trimendously !

  • @jontibloom
    @jontibloom 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Technically wasn't Adam the First Muslim ????

    • @irfans1385
      @irfans1385 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes and no...because muslims believe that Adam pbh even prayed and seeked forgiveness by remembering the name of Mohammed which was written on the door of paradise. Mohammed pbh is believed as the most greatest prophet embodies all perfectionism and highest rank among all. On the other hand He is the main source of all creation. Allah says if you(Mohammed) weren't exist I would not have created anything. Meaning I created everything for the sake of you-Mohammed pbh. Time, past and present and future are making harder to grasp it all, but for Allah there is no beginning or end...time is something for us, the mortals, to be able to conceptualize the meaning of limited life... and hereafter... thus nothing in this limited mortal world pleasures and satisfies human beings who is just created for eternal life which will be given hereafter. He is the Almighty God.

    • @maryammuslimah7660
      @maryammuslimah7660 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Irfan Soylemez hmmmm bro what you talking

    • @quicktutorials7662
      @quicktutorials7662 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@irfans1385 Where did you read about all of these stories?

    • @mohammadalhuniti6216
      @mohammadalhuniti6216 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      نعم آدم هو اول مسلم
      اذا ما أخذنا بعين الاعتبار تعريف المسلم والإسلام عقائدياً
      ما هو الاسلام !؟
      هو التحرر من عبادة كل شيء الا الله الخالق الواحد صاحب
      الحق وحده في أن يُعبد من قِبل مخلوقيه ...
      الاسلام يعني الحرية والتحرر من الشهوات الأرضية
      ليتم الاستحقاق الكبير ما بعد الموت ( الجنة ) ..
      الاسلام هو التسليم بربوبية الله وعظمته وكل ما يرافق
      ذلك من صفات موجبة وعن استحقاق للخالق البديع ..
      بدليل ان الاسلام ككلمة نفهمها نحن المسلمون على انها
      نقيض الشرك او الإشراك بالله عز وجل ...
      وهذا واضح وصريح لأن الشهادتان تنصان على ذلك
      والشهادتان اول اركان الاسلام وبوابته الى ما فيه
      من اركان وأحكام واخلاق وعبادات ...
      اشهد ان لا إله الا الله وان محمداً رسول الله
      اول أركان الاسلام كما هو معلوم
      فكل من يشهد بوحدانية الله هو مسلم قطعاً والله اعلم

    • @aiesyahsyahirah4717
      @aiesyahsyahirah4717 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Irfan Soylemez eh??? Where u get that??! 🧐🤔🤔 any reference?!never heard of that in hadith..certainly not in quran

  • @KushairiKhusairi
    @KushairiKhusairi 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If you want to see muhamad so practice his life every day and read hadis from scolar

  • @DavidBrowne-wx7cm
    @DavidBrowne-wx7cm 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    My questions are simple. Why don't we have a manuscript from the time of Uthman which clearly reflects what is in the Hafs Quran produced in 1924? Why select a transmitter who died in the 10th Century as the authentic Quran transmitter (he was not even a reader) when he existed 3 centuries after Muhammad and lived in Kufa.- Iraq (130 kms south of Baghdad). Why do we have no mention of Muhammad until the late 8th and early 9th Centuries? Why would Yasir Qadhi come out and say there are holes in the whole preservation myth of the Quran? Would you like to respond to those. As I have been saying for years, I have doubts that Muhammad actually existed. Story tellers create stories. That is what story tellers do. Maybe scribes, when writing the later Qurans needed a "Jesus" to make the whole thing plausible. I think we are going to find as we tread slowly through this minefield, that the whole story lacks plausibility and what this woman has actually written is a biography about a fable. I have to say Atlantic Books - this is the real story and of the last two weeks this is what you should be following.

  • @sami9810
    @sami9810 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Read the book... Don't go by others opinion...in comments .

  • @isitreal79
    @isitreal79 9 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    Having read this book I highly recommend it to everyone. Very well written and researched.

    • @ahmedmgdy6183
      @ahmedmgdy6183 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Amir Majeed do u `ve a pdf download link?

    • @isitreal79
      @isitreal79 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ahmed mgdy
      I dont sorry Ahmed. bought on kindle, well worth a buy

    • @freshlime7538
      @freshlime7538 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@ahmedmgdy6183 www.academia.edu/39337941/Lesley_Hazelton_THE_FIRST_MUSLIM_THE_STORY_OF_MUHAMMAD

    • @crudephilosopher9860
      @crudephilosopher9860 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      After reading her book i wished to see her in hell

    • @OmairBhamji
      @OmairBhamji ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm reading it too. It's well researched, but I'm getting the feeling she's added her own interpretations to the events that transpired, which although may be plausible, aren't rooted in documented fact. For instance, how she describes how the prophet 'must have felt' during his experiences. I'm slightly conflicted in regard to these additions.
      Also I just read page 173 where she mentioned the raid at Nakhla. She incorrectly wrote that it occurred in the last day of three months of non-violence. When actually it occurred on 1st Rajab, which occurs after jumad Al thani, 1 month of non violence. The three months are from Dhul qadah to Muharram.
      As someone who feels she's done a good job writing the book, could you please share your opinion on the above?

  • @empathyco_8783
    @empathyco_8783 6 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    May Allah reward you for every word that was heard, written and spelled out from you Lesley Hazelton, with a beautiful Flower in Paradise ❤️

    • @selvamthiagarajan8152
      @selvamthiagarajan8152 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I wonder how she handles the episode of Muhammad's marriage to a 6 year old child, and consummation of that marriage.

    • @nurhadiujang3332
      @nurhadiujang3332 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@selvamthiagarajan8152Anda salah... Silahkan cari informasi dengan benar..

    • @muchtaraja3121
      @muchtaraja3121 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@selvamthiagarajan8152 the age she was married to him is arguable. But one thing for sure, she never produced a negative comment about him (the pedophilic?). She even adore him so much!

    • @selvamthiagarajan8152
      @selvamthiagarajan8152 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@muchtaraja3121 o that's disgusting, you are saying a child bride never complained about the old man therefore it is alright to consummate marriage to a child. I am throwing up.

    • @kingpriapatius5832
      @kingpriapatius5832 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Allah doesn't exist mate. Grow up.

  • @fatimaaitali5521
    @fatimaaitali5521 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Where I can find the book she wrote for prophet pbuh

  • @laeequenadvi4746
    @laeequenadvi4746 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Presup Jam
    The Holy Qur'an says:
    Jesus spoke: Lo! I am the slave of Allah. He hath given me the book and hath appointed me a prophet.
    ( Qur'an (Mary,19:30)
    It befitteh not (the Majesty of) Allah that He should take unto Himself a son. Glory be to him! When He decreeth a thing,
    He saith unto it only :
    Be! and it is.
    ( Mary,19:35)
    And lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So serve Him. That is the right path.
    Jesus never said that he is the begotten son of Allah (Father) and he never claimed that he is the God.
    This story was developed later.
    Jesus was a Muslim and preached Islam.
    Paul invented Christianity. We Muslims believe that Jesus is a prophet only like other biggest prophets.
    Europeans must know this fact and
    they should admit that Mohammad(pbuh) is the last messenger of Almighty Allah for all Mankind for ever.
    Almighty Allah bless all of us.

  • @heruputro
    @heruputro 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I always love Lesley's voice .....

  • @anwarkemal4711
    @anwarkemal4711 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I appricate what u diid.. but.. Mohammed peace be upon him was not the first muslim. Muslim means submission to the will of Allah. So Allah sent all messangers starting from Adam, Abrham, jacob, Daved, mosses, Jesus and Mohammed.. Allah's peace be on all of them.. With a massage of monteithim (worshipping one God only) and Submission to the wiil of God.. so they were all muslims.

  • @HeruSantoso-uj6en
    @HeruSantoso-uj6en 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Pandanglah Alam Semesta dari DUA SUDUT PANDANG maka anda akan menemukan tanda2 kebesaran ALLAH SWT yaitu AL QUR'AN & NABI MUHAMMAD SAW.

  • @FerozKhan-lt2cy
    @FerozKhan-lt2cy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    May ALLAH guide you to EMBRACE Islam AMIN

  • @safuwanfauzi5014
    @safuwanfauzi5014 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Different if person do not have hate and really love the history without bias, agnostic or atheist or secular need to b neutral with all culture and religion, it part of human history. If against one religion, insulting, slander, made fun and provoke that proof the person have hate on their heart. See all people are equal as human being, nobody perfect.

  • @tmamabozaed-u2t
    @tmamabozaed-u2t ปีที่แล้ว +5

    His name is the Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of God

  • @nooraq9889
    @nooraq9889 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5


  • @mahmudabdullah1517
    @mahmudabdullah1517 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @nacigoekce8028
    @nacigoekce8028 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @FatemehBagherian-o1v
    @FatemehBagherian-o1v 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thank you 🙏🏻 ❤❤for taking responsibility to show profit Mohammad in whole 🙏🏻

    • @kingpriapatius5832
      @kingpriapatius5832 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Allah doesn't exist mate. Grow up.

  • @pituturchannel5020
    @pituturchannel5020 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Have You known about Moslem? Please read your Qur'ran Surah AN NAJM verse 67, "But any that had repented believed and worked righteousness haply he shall be one of the successful," (in heaven)

  • @Userpintar-y4e
    @Userpintar-y4e หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mengapa Muslim sering debat dengan Kristen? Tidak dengan Hindu dan Buddha. Karena Kristen ranjau yang ditinggalkan penjajah. Mengapa mereka Kristen ? Karena mereka tidak mau ribut, maka masuk Kristen. Kepada Muslim jangan menghina Tuhan mereka karena Allah SWT melarang kita. Perlakukan mereka lemah lembut agar mereka menerima hidayah. Jika saja Asia dijajah Muslim, maka sebagian besar Kristen saat ini menjadi Muslim. Karena mereka tidak ingin ribut.

  • @oldgaffer9212
    @oldgaffer9212 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He has a great story for sure but did many unkind things and theres no getting away from that so come to Jesus everyone please 🙏

  • @TJ-ug1cc
    @TJ-ug1cc 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Who was the first Muslim? All prophets pbut are Muslim.

  • @mohdborhan2872
    @mohdborhan2872 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great speech but void of the slightest bit of eemaan😂😂😂❤

  • @sunmoon1589
    @sunmoon1589 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I can not understand anything 😿I am Arabic , I speak French but not English alas!

  • @TheFog91
    @TheFog91 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    While reading this book, have very high admiration the way the book is written, at the same time could not miss the subtle way the writer avoided important details of the history to portray a picture made by her even to a point where it provoke suspicion whether it's another attempt to degrade Islam and the leader of the prophets Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the most subtle way.
    For the information of the viewers and readers of the book below is a link with much historic information about Banu Qaynuqa, an entire chapter is devoted about this incident with so little info. but so much opinion, that questions is bound to emerge about the intention of the writer.

    • @TheFog91
      @TheFog91 5 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @nrlawlyn
      @nrlawlyn ปีที่แล้ว

      Hello brother/sister, do you have the link of the historic info?

    • @OmairBhamji
      @OmairBhamji ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I completely agree with you. I finished the book recently and whilst it was well written, the intentions of the author are subject to scrutiny because I feel she's added her opinion in many areas which weren't backed up with evidence, hence reducing the character of the prophet

    • @Randomest_Stories
      @Randomest_Stories 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Actually I read the book because I saw her TED Talk and was shocked a Jewish woman would praise Mohammad. I still have the book in my library. And after reading it, I walked away in great admiration of Jewish Brain. She has fully exposed Mohammad and done it so cleverly that her life is safe and Muslims promote her. Unlike Salman Rushdie poor chap who spoke an inside secret too bluntly. I walked away understanding the actual history of the times of Mohammad and the inner secrets. Her book is the FIRST TIME I heard about Aisha. And also first time I understood what is this Shia and Sunni sect. Before that I always openly and innocently used to ask the Muslims around me, (because we used to hear Shia Sunni word a lot in context of Iran and Iraq wars) what they are, and why is there a difference when the one thing Muslims will constantly tell you is, we are superior. We have only one God and I would ask, then why is there a difference of opinion about just one God. About "one" how can there even possibly be a confusion. And no Indian would give me an answer. Infact as a trainer (and I now shudder at my innocence, considering the fate of Nupur Sharma) I asked a guy, we keep hearing on news about Shia - Sunni. What is a Shia ? What is a Sunni? What are you? And he replied to that whole batch of 60 people, that I am Muslim. We don't have any Sunni or Shia...no idea what it is, but my mother said, who ever came up with Shia word is a idiot. And then everyone sort of laughed and we all moved to some other topic. But I found that answer so dumb. But being their trainer, I just excused it as an immature kid who did not know his religion. Which is how most of us are. We all in our youth feel, religion is for old retired people who can't do anything else. But then seeing so much global terrorism, always Islamic, I finally started reading and boy! I can say today, secularism is name of ignorance today. U r a sitting duck or a goat waiting for your day to be turned into Halal meat if u choose to be secular. If I had any control I would make Quran mandatory reading for everyone from 1st standard itself. People have very delusional and stupid ideas about Islam. Islam is 100% clear on its agenda. Kill the Infidel and unless you have yourself killed an Infidel you have no place in Heaven. That's it. Point blank. Period. The end.

  • @arnizou5209
    @arnizou5209 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @MulyonoMulyono-e5f
    @MulyonoMulyono-e5f 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Salam dari muslim Indonesia

  • @davidhale6929
    @davidhale6929 ปีที่แล้ว

    Meh. Understanding Mohammed requires understanding Syriac-Aramaic. Without it you cannot possibly understand who Mohammed really was.

  • @Dhon-rb9mq
    @Dhon-rb9mq 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Al Tana'h (H) Hara
    Al Fatihah

  • @freshlime7538
    @freshlime7538 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Book pfd: www.academia.edu/39337941/Lesley_Hazelton_THE_FIRST_MUSLIM_THE_STORY_OF_MUHAMMAD

  • @nacigoekce8028
    @nacigoekce8028 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @sidiethman5856
    @sidiethman5856 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please translate this speech in arabic or french.

  • @fahrijas2626
    @fahrijas2626 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you

  • @qomenxtitanic8300
    @qomenxtitanic8300 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @mohammadbassalem3269
    @mohammadbassalem3269 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @sipahutarsardiman7152
    @sipahutarsardiman7152 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    😂😂😂not god..

    • @syaifullahsalam5923
      @syaifullahsalam5923 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @sipahutarsardiman7152 , That's right, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, wasn't God and wasn't made a God to be worshiped by muslims.
      Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, was the same as Jesus, only a human who needed to eat, drink, rest, sleep and carry out other activities such as urinating, farting and defecating.

  • @DavidBrowne-wx7cm
    @DavidBrowne-wx7cm 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lesley, if the first biographies on Muhammad were written one to two hundred years after he had died, then who kept all the hadiths for people to use? We know, if we believe Islam, the hafizes carried the surah but who carried the hadiths? You say there is a tendency to mystify the man. I think you are correct and I really wonder whether the bloke ever existed in the first place. We seem to have these comments on statements he allegedly made, battles he was supposedly involved in but we do not have a clear indication of what he looked like. Doesn't that seem somewhat strange to you? It does to me.

  • @hypermageran1110
    @hypermageran1110 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Shes dead.
    Now she knows exctly what is the ultimate truth and says in unimaginably regretfully manner 'arggh.. if only i could turn back the clock'

  • @udanggalah4170
    @udanggalah4170 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    i think, the main problem of common muslims and including most of their Quranic scholars, are too much "legalistic," (fiqh oriented), as if ayatollah (god guidance) is only one: al Quran (holy scripture) and its derivatives (hadist, ijma, qiyas, etc). factually, God him self, in very first revelation to Muhammad, is not asking Muhammad to study (iqra) the holy Quran (cos the kitab doesn't exist at that day), instead He command Muhammad to study (iqra) other ayatullah, we called as ayat Kauniyah (universe and all of His Creations in it). That why in serious and encyclopedic Islamic traditional school, we always taught that beside al Quran, there is another god guidance (ayatullah) called ayat kauniyah (the universe and all god creation in it). and for qur'anic scholars, we also know --from al Quran it self, there are two others god guidance (ayatullah), that we as muslims should seek for God Guidances: called as ayat insaniyah (human being) and ayat tarikhiyyah (human history).
    if common muslims and it scholars, uses all 4 God Guidance in balanced ways, we will not always fall into legalistic point of view when we talking or examining Islam point of view about woman/feminism, politics, evolution, LGBTQ issues, democracy, secularism, separation between religion and state, on terrorism, etc. for me, if sociology, political science, statistics, history on the rise and fall of civilizations/countries (as interpreters of ayat kauniyah and ayat tarikhiyyah) comes to the conclusion that democracy with separation between religion and state, is the best political system in the world for advancement human civilizations, then all Muslims should choose democracy with separation between religion and state, as preferable political system to practice in all Muslims majority countries.
    also if expert on biology, doctors, psychiatry, etc (as interpreter of ayat kauniyah and ayat insaniyah) , said that beside man and woman (as gender), we also has intersex, hemaprodyte, woman with more testosterones, man with more X chromosome, etc, then all Muslims should choose to agree that god him self gave us guidance / ayat that beside man and woman as gender, there also another genders/pronouns that we should cherish, protect, and respect (cos if we don't respect others God Creations, are similarly with we don't respect our God as their Creator).
    if we stubborn, only picks, one ayatullah, we called al Quran (holy scripture/ayat Qauliyah), as the one and only god guidance to follow, then muslims and it scholars, will always fall upon into legalistic point of view (fiqh oriented) when we examining what is islamic point view on everything under the sky. wahabbiyah, isis, al Qaida, etc are trapped in this narrow point of view about Islam and its believe. of course, for responsible and encyclopedic islamic teaching, all those narrow point views on Islam are wrong (at least incomplete), misguided, and disrespecting God.
    umar bin khattab, as on of few sahabah (closed friend of Prophet), several times choose to disregarding some textual issues stated clearly in al Quran, and pick other decision after he choose as Muhammad successor, as leader (khalifah/amir), if there are more fairer and more justice way (socially) on making decision as Amir/Leader, rather than choose from what already state very clear in al Quran. he always choose more fairer and more justice decisions, even others sahabah question his decision. and as we know it, umar bin khattab is one of several sahabah (closed friend of Prophet) that guaranteed (informed) by the Prophet that he is going to heaven. his way of leadership decision, was a hard evidence that the closest friend to Muhammad, also not only consider holy scripture (ayat Qauliyah), but also social aspect, fairness, and justice (ayat kauniyah), when he making decision as a leader.
    nobody in umar bin khattab time, dare to called umar bin khattab as heretic/bid'ah, kuffar, or infidel. but in modern era, several of loud muslims, loud muslim scholars, and most of jihadist will immediately call us heretic/bid'ah, kuffar, or infidel if we also uses 3 other God Guidance's beside ayat Qauliyah, when we speak, analyze, examining islamic point of view on everything under the sun. how strange is it, if we following completes God Guidance's, then be called as infidel, kuffar, or bid'ah. legalistic approach (fiqh oriented) on Islam has bad impact on advancement of Islamic civilization, and has backward effect on development of its peoples: the Muslims. but yes, in Islamic jurisprudence (ushul fiqh), we also has similar concept with Umar way, but unfortunately has more narrowed approach and clearly far from sufficient to be implemented in modern era, we call them: maslahah mursalah (public good principle) and maqashid syariah (ratio legal over legal specific).
    if muslims also incorporate social science, biology, technology, history, political science, psychology, etc (as part of rightful interpreter all of God Guidancs/ayatullah), many problem we faced today in many part of Muslim countries, will be addressed in responsible way. Muhammad him self, in his own word (Hadits Bukhari Collection no 6015), said: muslims should follow person with specific expertise on handling matter, so let political scientist handle political matter, health matter should handle by doctors, etc. do not let everything under authority of quranic expert. in general, muslim should treat expert on other ayatullah (scientist as rightful interpreter whole universe and all of His Creations in it, as rightful interpreter human being behavior and it history) equal to expert on holy scripture (al quran). Furthermore, on all wide range of social issues, every new founding/understanding as result from responsible research by scientist, should supersede (abrogate) any old interpretation from holy scripture, cos all of new founding/understanding as result from responsible research by scientist, are also rightful interpreter of God Guidance (ayatullah). falling to do so, should be interpreted as a disqualified argument/opinion.
    Many argument/opinion base on fiqh (islamic legal specific), kalam (theology) and falsafah (philosophy), factually in most areas are quite obsolete for addressing social, economic, and political problem in modern era, cos most of them are derived only from ayat Qauliyah (Quranic centric), which is an incomplete way to sorting our problem in modern era. Most of old argument/opinion already supersede/abrogated by new founding/understanding as result from responsible research by scientist. Muslims should back to the complete of God Guidance in balance way on solving problem in Muslims world, not only using holy scripture as final say. and stop kuffar/infidel calling game, cos that game from a complete, genuine, and responsible interpretation of 4 God Guidances, is simply un islamic.
    and, as an open end conclusion, there is a deeper question: why common muslims and its scholars dare to disregarding 3 other God Guidance's? why muslims and its scholars become legalistic (only focus on 1 ayatullah / 1 God Gudance (ayat Qauliyah) called alquran, as if salvation of a civilization fate can be and must be depend on 1 cause only? as brief answer is: corruption and abuse of power by people in high power, it cronies, and big business that closed to muslim countries rulers at that time. all of them, almost single handedly creates and propagate common muslims and its scholars into disregarding 3 other God Guidance's.
    peoples in power, it cronies, and big business that closed to muslim countries rulers push and push relentlessly to narrow interpretation on morals and public interest thru perverted interpretation on the holy scripture. even, they dare to appoint unqualified islamic scholar as qadi for them to uses as fatwa producers in favors to their vested interest. since then, islamic civilization goes down spiral into inevitable decline from it's greatness. many fatwa produced in their regime will makes serious, genuine, and responsible islamic scholar scratching their head and shocked. fatwa on mihnah policy, on banning printing technology, banning radio, tv, google, youtube, etc, are among of perverted interpretation on holy scripture. it lead to tradition/repetition/reinforcement on using narrow interpretation islamic law for beating and punishing dissent and discontent on social injustice in islamic society.
    furthermore, it lead islamic society to become close minded, anti science, and trapped in textual approach tradition on just 1 god guidance called al quran (ayat Qauliyah) only, with narrow and more narrow interpretation. common muslim today and it scholar today are the real victims of bad fatwa born from dark alliance between high power, it cronies, big business that closed to muslim rulers before them. lets wake them up, by spreading the real genuine of God Guidance's and it's rightful interpreters that we called: sciences. amen.