That ecu uses a tricore microcontroller with an otp zone, can it be cloned like this? And what about the otp zone? Did the car start? I have to do some work with that ecu.
So we are taking a use ECU and making it into a clone of another ECU....or are we trying to flash it? On'y in the world of top of the line performance or countries like India and China will you ever ever have the need to do this type of coding. And only time I've ever seen similar is on Mighty Car Mods when they do engine swaps on 90s vehicles or have to repin a wire harnes for a dam Subi. They got those Haltech boies doing all that
Wow love launch, how is this even profitable. Regular service work is quick money. Amazing though, love my launch scanner.
Excellent job
Where do you buy the update after 2 years? I heard the ones sold on Amazon are not official
If the serial number on the ecu is not in the system eg MEG17.9.12.1, but the one that is ME17.9.11.1, what can we do that?
Super !
Why this tool does not have MSV70? For common BMW N52?
Same problem I'm having with a MVS80.
Hi how to read get isn BMW e90 cas3+
Does the tool can clone siemens and delphi ecm?
How much is for launch devices tools kindly?
bonjour ir avec launch v+ sa peut tenir merci pour la ste
Xprog 3 compatible or x431 pro3s+ v2.0 ?
Hi anyone can can explain help to read isn from DME
Pls I cannot see the screen
How much for all that tool? #mrtalentedreid
Hello my bro How much
That ecu uses a tricore microcontroller with an otp zone, can it be cloned like this? And what about the otp zone? Did the car start?
I have to do some work with that ecu.
So we are taking a use ECU and making it into a clone of another ECU....or are we trying to flash it? On'y in the world of top of the line performance or countries like India and China will you ever ever have the need to do this type of coding. And only time I've ever seen similar is on Mighty Car Mods when they do engine swaps on 90s vehicles or have to repin a wire harnes for a dam Subi. They got those Haltech boies doing all that
I do this type of work every day
I want to learn its from you boss@@deerhunter8533
U for sala
Audio its ..🤮