Weekliy education right and lifet and4estand emepitiy bicouse attined efucation or offices exsprines impirtant no so one over fore aribe wife foces jornaliest efficet this mane no fire only ludetshiop wife foces dicetratre mane lidetshiopn no officale twomorowe more slication all cantery policiy this bicouse lidetshiop no familiy economiy like puobluces matrale Evene no mane andrestand this
showe compition intrnationale disition this mine pichre hasband officale lidetshiop firest more jorniest presnale mimoriy or potinitale foces this m8ne hop 0% bicouse no calechre posrt all calechre mach value so this mane atked mane aribe foces verry atked mane no inclyding cut
እዉነት ነዉ ድል ለፋኖ
Derrashewa yeteffa Ande nachew
ምነው እባክህ በሬ ወለደ ማለትን ብታቆም ይህን የሚመሰቃቀልን ሕዝብ ማደረግን ብትተው ባታደርገን ምናለበትበተለያየ መንገድ ባታደነዝ ዘን
እውነት ዝናሽ ታያቸው አሁን አንተ ያልከውን አብይን ብላዋለች?ወይስ በግምት እንዲህ ልትለው ትችላለች የሚል ግምት ነው? በዚህ በተናገረችው የጸናች ከሆነች ለምን አትተወውም? እሱ እንደሆነ የጀመረውን ከግቡ ካላደረሰ አይመለስምና?
Weekliy education right and lifet and4estand emepitiy bicouse attined efucation or offices exsprines impirtant no so one over fore aribe wife foces jornaliest efficet this mane no fire only ludetshiop wife foces dicetratre mane lidetshiopn no officale twomorowe more slication all cantery policiy this bicouse lidetshiop no familiy economiy like puobluces matrale
Evene no mane andrestand this
showe compition intrnationale disition this mine pichre hasband officale lidetshiop firest more jorniest presnale mimoriy or potinitale foces this m8ne hop 0% bicouse no calechre posrt all calechre mach value so this mane atked mane aribe foces verry atked mane no inclyding cut
Shi verry simple verry sricent mode cut bicouse officale atced mine cut no education bihahide historiy ????
atked cut aribe foces one ethiopian jornaliest like rimote controll this mine atked verry simple srivent mide cut one mimoriy one hope cut bicoyse intrnationale jornaliest name showa Amhara only simple cut