Thank u for subtitles and this movie , and people on the world finally understand - life is more important than material good or money , i propose watch you movie on YT "unconquered" its history of poland from 1939 to today , maybe you much better understand us . Greetings and thank you again for this movie
There are mistakes in the subtitles. For example, in the fourth minute: "wściekłość wśród narodów". "Wściekłość" means rage, anger, aggression. It was certainly quite the opposite.
@@Cletus_polskiThe German complicated the code just before the war. But only for safety reasons. Without knowing a thing about the fact of polish success. Germans were close to it when they arrested Gwido Langer in 1943, but all he said during interrogation was that Poland was able to read Enigma until 1938, when changes were made, but not since then. Enigma was used until end of the war without suspicions.
@@sylwiamarakasz6550 Everything you say is right, but the sharing of the code taken place in Warsaw/Pyry on 25th July ;-) I've just written that Germans did not have big suspicions that Enigma code was broken until the end of war. But they were making changes and put some complications into the project. So they made Enigma hard to decode (but it was not unbreakable!) for Poland in 1939 mainly due to the lack of funds (polititians, stupid army headquarters' officers etc.), facilities. Plus the number of messages was huge due to the war preparations made by Germans. Being sure that the war will come very soon Poland shared the secret with its allies. Of course there were many more reasons standing behind this decision. I am still impressed by Mr.Rejewski genius mind. This true mathematical talent found the solution just within 2-3 months in late 1932... Just after he was given some materials which were shared by French intelligence. Some sources say that the British involved mathematicians to the program before 25th July 1939 due to the first Pol-Fra-GB meeting in January, some say it was that after this crucial date.
One, very important episode of history is missing - the battle of Vienna. Polish king, Jan Sobieski, defeated Ottoman Empire and saved the Europe from the flood of the Islam.
Vienna was the last point of resistance for the Ottomans in all of Europe. If the Poles had not defeated the Ottomans at Vienna, Europe would likely have become predominantly Muslim.
In my opinion there are 3 moments that truly changed the world of it's time and made the history. And delivered Europe from real trouble coming from the East: 1241 - when Poles under Henryk Pobożny at Legnickie Pole stopped Mongols from advancing into Europe 1683 - Poles under command of Jan III Sobieski stopped Osmans 1920 - Poles under Piłsudski and Rozwadowski stopped Soviets This 3 events truly shaped Europe as we know it
Bitwa pod Legnica byla totalna kleska Polakow a Henryk stracil przez to glowe. Po tej bitwie Mongolowie jeszcze walczyli z Czechami i Wegrami po czym mieli zaatakowac Europe Zachodnia. Na nasze szczescie Batu-chan dostal informacje o smierci chana Ugedeja i nakazal odwrot do Mongolii. Trudno w tym doszukiwac sie zaslugi i chwaly Polakow...
And after the Polish 303 helped defend Great Britain they got screwed over and were not even invited to the victory parade, because the Brits didn't want to anger Stalin after they made a deal to give Poland to the soviets.
@@randalldraco3822 O dziwo nie. Wystarczyło być wartościowym sojusznikiem Francji i wkroczyć do Czechosłowacji w '38-mym jako zbrojne wsparcie dla naszych sąsiadów, sojuszników Francji. Czechy, ze swoją znakomicie wyposażoną na tamte czasy armią, wspomagane przez Polskę i Francję od przeciwnej strony zdołałyby rozłożyć Hitlera. Ale nie. Polska nie dość, że odmówiła prośby Francji, to jeszcze zgarnęła Zaolzie. Inna sensowna okazja była jeszcze wcześniej, w '33-cim. Dojście Hitlera do władzy i pierwsze miesiące jego rządów ujrzały pogwałcenie wielu postanowień po WWI. Piłsudski był o krok od wjechania w Niemcy ze swoją, wtedy o wiele poziomów potężniejszą armią w ramach obalenia Hitlera. Nie zrobił tego, bo nie wiedział, co ZSRR zrobiłoby (teraz wiemy, że nie zrobiłoby nic; '33 był środkiem czystek na stanowiskach władzy i Stalin miał dość problemów na swoim podwórku) oraz Francja i Wlk. Brytania stchórzyły, studząc zapał Piłsudskiego. Kto był najbardziej winnym człowiekiem sytuacji Polski w czasie WWII? Niereformowalny matoł kliniczny i laureat nieistniejącej nagrody Polskiego Debila Stulecia, Józef Beck. Jak można było kogoś tak potwornie oderwanego od rzeczywistości posadzić za stery cholernej polityki zagranicznej? Nie mam pojęcia. Zapłaciliśmy za to wszyscy. Niemała część przedwojennej populacji Polski swoją krwią.
Importantly Poles stopped Muslim Turks at Vienna 1683 and stopped Red Russians at Warsaw 1920. Poles saved Europe from both hostile religious and ideoligical floods
You forgot to add that after WW2 Polish pilots had to pay for the food and the petrol they had used while fighting the battle of Britain. That was some sort of "thank you very much" bill for their bravery and skills. (Over £ 100 millions) Polish people know very well the saying that the West loves to fight till the last Polish soldier.
Chwala Polsce , niech zyje I thrive Polska, honor, odwaga, bog/wiara, Ojczyzna May Poland and Poles with their brothers and sisters thrive forever from the place of wisdom , love and compassion . I am proud of my ancestors they defeated so many powerful invading armies , it is in my blood as descendant of over 1500 years of lingeages of noble knights . That is any my name means glory of God because my nascestors believed and had limitless faith in the supreme, the One , the All present and all powerful God source. We fought for freedom and to defend others from murderers from every direction .
Poles are amazing people. As Hungarians, we will always see them brothers and sisters. We will never let them down, and we could always count our brave and noble-hearted Polish brothers and sisters.
My dad used to work in Hungary when I was a little child . He always say it was his best times 😃 . He learn me how to count to three in hungarian 😂 i remember to this day.
One, very important episode of history is missing - British diplomat Lord Edgar d'Abernon, who in the summer of 1920 stayed in Poland, called the Battle of Warsaw the eighteenth decisive battle of the world (in chronological order). It was, in his opinion, an event of global importance, the clash of two different civilisations
W latach 1919-1921 trwała wojna polsko-bolszewicka, podczas której w roku 1920 doszło do słynnej Bitwy Warszawskiej, w której to wódz naczelny marszałek Józef Piłsudski rozgromił bolszewickie hordy Siemiona Budionnego niosące na bagnetach swą zbrodniczą czerwoną rewolucję bolszewicką aż po krańce Europy. Gdyby nie to zwycięstwo to Rosja w latach 20 XX wieku zafundowałaby całej Europie swój komunistyczny reżim.
@@bogudanbogosz4150 das ist im Rest Europas unbekannt. Die Darstellungen sind eher so, dass das protofaschistische Polen die arme, arme Sowjetunion überfallen hat - was natürlich Unsinn ist. Ich denke, die unwahrscheinliche Gefahr, die von den roten Bestien ausging, wird heutzutage vollkommen unterschätzt. Nichts anderes als Schwerkriminelle waren und sind bei den Russen an der Macht.
It wasn't as much a clash of two civilizations as the aftermath of the 2nd World War. The reason why it was so important, and that was Lord Edgar d'Abernon's reasoning, was that Germany was in a very poor economic state after the war and there was widespread discontent and socialist strikes everywhere (jak grzyby po deszczu ;) So basically, had the soviets beat Poland, the socialists in Germany would have revolted and Germany would have fallen, with a possibility of French after that. Effectively, by winning the Bolshevik war we prevented most of Europe becoming part of USSR. Because if that happened it would be game over. That is why that war mattered.
I'm a polish, my country suffered a lot. And now someone is attacking my neighbors and and want to do almost the same thing they did to my home in the past. I WILL help as much as I can and I already am!
Недоумок иди учи историю, твое государство сателит всю историю нападало на соседние страны и лизало ботинки Франции , США или Германии. Кроме как служить мясом вы ни на что не годитесь.
The Battle of Vienna under the command of King Jan III Sobieski Battle of Warsaw. According to British politician and diplomat Edgar D'Abernon, the Battle of Warsaw was one of eighteen groundbreaking battles in world history
Super odcinek., ale zapomniałeś dodać, że na koniec wojny nie zaproszono Polaków jako jedynych na defiladę zwycięstwa i dodatkowo potrącona Polsce z rezerw złota (przetrzymywanych w Kanadzie) za samoloty, paliwo i wyżywienie lotników 108mln funtów
A jak przeliczyć te rezerwy złota, na dzisiaj, to ile by było ?? A jak przeliczyć to na ilość nie zrujnowanych domów i fabryk w Londynie, to ile by to było ? A jak przeliczyc to na koszty wyszkolenia pilota samolotu we współczesnych latach, w stosunku do kosztu samolotu oraz paliwa, to ile by to było ?? Myśle że teraz mamy odpowiedni moment, by z Brytyjczykami jeszcze raz przeliczyć...
Przestańcie opowiadać te głupoty o rachunku, który wystawiła Anglia Polsce. Tak się zwykle dzieje jak z tematem ktoś się zapoznaje pobieżnie, bez głębszej analizy. Proponuję doczytać i nie siać dezinformacji. Podobna głupota jak ta, że nas zachód zdradził 1 września.
Never wise . Always stupid. Give away what belong to them : land, tradition, religion, culture and one day language when asked to speak in some cities ukrainien.
I appreciate Vigo’s Dad spreading the word about Polish soldiers taking the side of black slaves in Haiti. I don’t think that this part of Haitian and Polish history is known outside of Poland.
You are more of Polish patriot than most of poles that I know. By some reason we have had terrible PR around the world especially in US, UK and Israel. I work in international corps all around the world and sometimes I could not believe what I could hear about Poland in mainstream media around the world. That's great that there are lads like you whom are trying to show it in different perspective. Well done! Keep up the good work mate!
A może mało znany epizod - strajk polskich rzemieślników w Jamestown w 1619 roku. Pierwszy w historii Ameryki Północnej strajk robotniczy i polityczny. Ech, Polacy są wszędzie ;)
@@Immigrantwriter Zanim pani skrytykuje Polakow strajkujacych w Jamestown prosze sie zapoznac dlaczego to zrobili Dodam tak dla pani informacji zeby nie ci Polscy emigranci kolonia przestala by istniec Prosze sie zapoznac z tym tematem Przecietny Angilk nawet nie wie ze 1 4 populacji to byli Polscy emigranci
@@Immigrantwriter i najpierw polska Solidarnosc '80, ktorej echa tkwia w obecnym kanadyjskim Konwoju Wolnosci. translation of the above reply: and first Polish Solidarity '80 is echoing in recent Canadian Freedom Convoy.
@@teresathompson7404 W d... z tym konwojem - przez ponad miesiąc palili głupa i partowali trzymając miasto jako zakładników. W tej chwili mieszkańcy centrum Ottawy wnoszą sprawę sądową przeciw organizatorom konwoju. Mogą sobie protestować i bawić się w karnawał na polu, a nie na głównych ulicach miasta uniemożliwiając życie mieszkańcom. Trackers go home!
Aż kusiło, by wspomnieć, jaka "nagroda" spotkała rodzinę Ulmów za pomoc Żydom, gdy mówiłeś o tym, ilu Polaków zostało zamordowanych przez Niemców za ukrywanie Żydów.
Polish General T. Kościuszko in America. He designed the blueprints for West Point, the key American military fortress. The plan for the Battle of Saratoga was his, and it became the turning point of the American Revolution. As Kościuszko made his impact on the newly established United States, it soon became his second homeland. Jefferson recognized Kościuszko’s role in securing America’s independence and appealed to him to delight in the promise showed by the young nation. Jefferson: Gen. Kościuszko.As pure a son of liberty, as I have ever known… Kazimierz Pułaski: 'father of the American cavalry' Benjamin Franklin encouraged the Pole to go to the United States and lend his support to the fight for independence. Pułaski decided to do just that. Upon his arrival in the United States, he wrote to George Washington, declaring his intention to serve the Continental Army under his command. "I came here, where freedom is being defended, to serve it, and to live or die for it." President Barack Obama conferred honorary American citizenship on Pułaski (making him the seventh honorary citizen in American history) and declared 11th October General Pulaski Memorial Day. Obama proclaimed: Each year on this day, Americans pause to remember a patriot and champion of liberty who fought valiantly for the freedom of our Nation. During our struggle for independence, General Casimir Pulaski displayed heroic leadership and ultimately sacrificed his life in service to our country. His commitment to liberty remains an inspiration to us today, 230 years later, and it serves as a reflection of the many contributions Polish Americans have made to our national identity. When you understand Polish history: Grunwald, Polish Hussaria and the Battle of Vienna, Independence, Battle of Warsaw, uprisings, World War I and II, and many others, it becomes clear why Poles are against tyranny and dictatorship. Freedom and independence are the most important things for every nation!
There is much more moments ,when brave Polish people changed the world. Polish mathematicians who break enigma code, 1920 when Poland stopped Russian invasion to the west, and much ,much more.
Not to mention how Nikolas Kopernicus delivered a fatal blow to religious dogma in his lifetime by his discovery that the sun is,at the center of our universe, not that the planets move around the earth. That challenged how we see ourselves in the grand scheme of things
Fun fact; hussar's equipment, armor, weapons, horse. Thoughtful and refined to the smallest detail and made with the utmost care. Horses trained from a foal to be able to perform maneuvers on their own. A murderous tactic for over 200 years to complete any task. Probably the only equally well-developed equipment had the Roman legionnaires, and now soldiers of special forces. The famous samurai do not match the effectiveness of the tactics and equipment of the hussars. Unfortunately, the horse breed disappeared after the partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Thank you to the author for this type of videos. The author did more to promote Poland than Polish institutions that should produce this type of materials.
For me, the greatest moment in the history of Poland was in 1920 the "Miracle on the Vistula", or the Battle of Warsaw. Also, the "Battle of Vienna", "Battle of Grunwald" (the Middle Ages), the victories of the hussars ...
Once an old Englishman gave me a high five and thanked me for the Polish airmen. It was a great moment for me, besides I had nothing in common with this story (born 1963). But it was so endearing and sweet for me, that I could not help and cry.
Witold Pilecki Who was the only volunteer to go to Auschwitz and report to the world what was going on! The Polish constitution was the first of its kind in all of Europe, right after the American Constitution. As a result, among many other things, the Jews of Europe flocked to Poland for freedom and that’s why Poland had for hundreds of years the most jews in the world. Also women in Poland had a hereditary right to all property, whereas elsewhere in Europe, only men were allowed to inherit property. And this goes back a few hundred years.
Constitution of 3 May was signed in 1791, but I wouldn't connect it to the polish-jewish relation because jews were equal in rights long before: 1st writen document coroborating this, is Statute of Kalisz from year 1264 which was extended to the whole Kingdom of Poland in 1334 by Kazimir III The Great. As of hereditary rights, the story comes back also to the medieval times: Jadwiga Andegawen, heiress of the throne was proclaimed King of Poland, not a queen and hers marriage with Lithuanian Great Prince Vladislav Jagiello brought beginning of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - union of equal kingdoms.
@@grzegorzwodarczyk9080 I mentioned that one a few times in a conversation with some Russians and they always get angry :) Btw most Russians say that also Napoleon conquered Moscow - but they fail to see that the Rus let them in an empty and burning city :) There's a bigger problem at hand - I guess that the RUS history books are being rewritten. This year the terrorist Putin put to jail historians ( Russian historians ) from the Memorial organization because they were hunting down crimes connected to the KATYŃ massacre ( Zbrodnia Katyńska ) as most people ( in central and eastern Europe ) know the butcher Putin doesn't like to apologise. Have a nice day!
@@johnbaran8312 Za Wikipedią: Wojna polsko-rosyjska (1609-1618) - @john baran From Wikipedia: Polish-Russian War (1609-1618) - :) It's funny how different the Polish and English versions of this story are. :)
Great Video and history lesson. I didn’t know about some of these things. My father was in Poland during WW2 and saw so many horrible things. I’m so proud to be Polish and am so proud of Poland For helping the Ukrainian people. My heart aches for all of them. 💔
Thank you very much for that video unfortunately Europe quickly forgot about all this stories and forgot how grate and brave hearts Polish people have ❤🇵🇱
And you forget most important thing "the miracle over Vistula" when the polish army stop the red flood from covering all of middle and eastern europe. This battle saved Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Romania and even Germany from turning red.
Poland was the most tolerant country in Europe before the partitions in the 17th century. In these troubled times we live now, I feel like Poland is regaining its old soul.
you forgot about: - battle of Grunwald in 1410, defeating Teutonic Order, - battle of Vienna in 1683, save Europe before turkish invaders, - battle of Warsaw in 1920 - save Europe before russians
@@Fifek666 bolsheviks were russians. like mythical "nazis" during II world war were mostly germans. Let's stop erasing faults of germans and russians. These nations have tendency to war crimes, annihilations of whole nations etc.
@@teresathompson7404 Are you a russian troll? Why are you trying to erase yours faults? Which language these mythical bolschevicks were using? From which country did they come frome?
@@teresathompson7404 Red plaguee is red plaguee, it's not any difference, bolshevikks, sovietts, russianns all the same, changing the flag and government does not change the fact that they are the same people.
Thank you for this video. You understand polish culture very well and I really appreciate all your videos. I was born in Poland and now live in the US and I didn’t even know all the facts you talked about in this video… Thank you!
6. On December 1, 1932, Polish mathematicians: Marian Rejewski, Jerzy Różycki and Henryk Zygalski broke the codes of the German encryption machine Enigma. During the 2nd WW, they escaped with that knowledge to England, to help Brits broke improved version of Enigma. You're welcome.
What a fantastic lesson on history! The way you shared it was both incredibly interesting and effective, making it a great candidate for presentation in schools to educate young people. Thank you for sharing this amazing piece of history, which brought back memories of my youth.
1. You must add that the English "thanked" Poles for participating in the Battle of England, the fact that they sold us to the Soviet Union, they ordered to pay for the training of pilots who fought for England and died for England, they did not invite us to the Victory Parade in London. 2. You did not mention the Battle of Warsaw during which Poles stopped the Bolshevik march to the West, thus changed the history of the world. This battle is considered 18th most important battles in the world history. 3. You did not mention the battle of Vienna in 1683 where Polish army broke the army of the Ottoman Empire. I understand that censorship would not let you talk about it ;)
Churchill fed Stalin throughout the entire Second World War. He denied Katyn, accepted the communist puppet government, agreed to take half of the territory from Poland. Later, drunk, he raved about the "Cold War" but it was too late.
Absolutely fantastic material. I love that you add Haiti and Jewish holocaust. A lot of people talking about Vienna and that's great, but why no one is talking about 1920? Poland stop communisms spreading to Europe.
You remember that this communism in Poland was being spread by the ethnic Jews? That was true in Russia where 85% of Bolshevik leadership was Jewish, that was true in Hungary, in Germany etc. That is the history, which for some reason we do not remember today.
@Gdanski I thought communism was exported from West via Lenin then much earlier we stopped muslims under Vienna promoting business of pope so...what sort of good we did for the World here?! I consider muslims better then Vatican's soul poisonous propaganda; o, well, nothimg is beeing done without approval of Almighty God Creator of Life & everything else...
@@annawarner1078 how is that relevant? Poland stopped Bolshevik communism from spreading, they didn’t fight to stop russian jews lol. They fought against their ideology not their ethnicity
@@hejahatjenaremors2294 Polish history is very complicated and it is difficult to respond to you just in a short YT comment. In 1918, Bolshevik revolution in Russia was led by ethnic Jews who constituted 85% of Bolsevik leadership. At that time,Jewish population in European Russia was about 2%. Ethnic Jews also led commust movements in Hungary and in Germany etc. Check Wikipedia to verify that. In 1920 Polish Army fought with Bolsheviks primarily for independence and (secondarily) against ideology of the Soviet troops. After WWII many ethnic Jews came to Poland with the Red Army. They gave themselves high level positions in government and in the communist party (PZR and later PZPR). They prosecuted polish patriots who fought Germany during WWII (Home Army), by putting them in prisons, sending to labor camos in Siberia, taking their properties or simply murdering them. After 1968 many of those Jewish communists who after WWII built communism and many of which worked for the security services (NKWD) in Poland prosecuting ethnic Poles, decided to look for a greener postures and they left Poland claiming that they were discriminated against. Today, still many leading government positions in Poland are occupied by ethnic Jews.
"There are people whose grandparents have gone through exactly this." I am one of these people. We indeed know what it means to have your home destroyed, your family members slaughtered. We will not let Ukrainins down. We have been helping for 39 days now and we will do it for as long as it takes to wave them goodbye seeing them going back to their country, free from the Russian agressors.
Things like these always make me feel patriotic. Stories of our past are always so inspirational to me- even things like the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, that, although mostly having catholic/Christian leaders, welcomed every religion and ideology- even creating an important and one of the longest alliances in Europe with Turkey. But it always makes me so sad to see these… misconceptions. Credit being given elsewhere because, similar to the battle for Britain, these is this idea that somehow Poland is wildly behind when it comes to development. It’s so weird to explain to my friends, smart and wonderful people, that individuals such as Marie Curie (Who had a French husband), Nicholas Copernicus (Mikołaj Kopernik- who’s surname was changed for no reason) or ever the three men who broke the enigma code were polish- and not French, English and English respectively. These sort of videos, ones that acknowledge things Poland has done/is doing, makes me strangely emotional.
Love your videos. I am so very proud of Poland's welcoming the Ukrainian's after they experienced such cruelty by the Russians. Poland shows how important kindness is in the face of barbarism. The people of Ukraine also are showing such remarkable courage. God bless and protect both the people and countries of Poland and Ukraine.
Us Poles know what it's like to lose everything and feel hopeless. Our country and people have gone through more hardships in history than most and so the least we can do is give Ukrainians shelter, safety and a shoulder to cry on.
Hello dear! Thank you for a wonderful video about our homeland! Haiti is a fact, but there were 100,000 Poles in Napoleon's legions;) You can add more than 5 points. 1. Jews were persecuted as early as the 10th century. Polish kings, the only one in Europe, gave them shelter and rights like Polish citizens. 2. Poland defended Europe against the invasion of the Mongols, who pressed for the conquest of Europe. Poland was destroyed but the hordes were stopped and forced to withdraw. 3. Poland led to the fall of the Ottoman Empire in Vienna, which was occupying Europe bloodily. The Balkans were already occupied and they came as far as Vienna. 4.The Polish constitution was the first in Europe and the second in the world. And now others want to teach us democracy and what is right and wrong ... sad 5. Polish pharmacist Ignacy Łukasiewicz opened the world's first (in Poland) crude oil mine. It is the first time in the world that it has distilled crude oil to perfectly separate kerosene from crude oil.From this discovery he also created the asphalt on which we are driving for the first time in history. For his achievements, he was awarded in Vienna by an international commission. He also created the world's first kerosene lamp, which was used for the first time in a hospital in Lviv during the world's first night surgical operation. The lamp was also placed at the crossroads on the road from Krakow to Hungary - it was the first street lamp in the world, which reduced the number of night road accidents among horse-drawn carriages. Americans dug oil but couldn't distill. That is why they came to Poland, and Rockefeler himself learned distillation from Łukasiewicz for free. When he asked what he wanted in return, Łukasiewicz said: if you get rich on my invention, help the poor. That is why the Rokefeller Foundation was established. 6. Poles fought for the independence of the United States (Kościuszko). 7. In 1920, the Poles defeated the Bolsheviks who were going to conquer Europe in the Battle of Warsaw. The Bolsheviks shouted at Warsaw! There, chocolate is in the streets! for Warsaw, and for the conquest of Europe over the corpse of white Poland! The Poles then broke over 100 Russian codes, including three encrypted in Latin. And the Russian radio was disturbed by the Gospel of St. John. 8. Of course, the Battle of Britain was decisive because it was the last one on the way to the victory of the Reich. But Poles were on 30 fronts of the war all over Europe. In 1939, after the invasion of Poland by Germany and Russia, the Russians forcibly deported over a million Poles to Russia, including soldiers. In 1941, General Anders' army broke free and left Russia together with 120,000 Poles. They went through Iraq, Iran, Egypt to the west of Europe to fight. They reached the Italian city of Monte Cassino and were the only ones to liberate it. 9. Poles, for the first time in the world, introduced mathematical methods to cryptology. Nearly 10 years before the Second World War, 3 Polish mathematicians employed by the Polish cipher office, which worked on breaking the German Enigma machine, broke the ciphers of this machine. Only in August 1939, before the outbreak of the war, the method of breaking the codes was handed over to the French and the British near Warsaw for further work. Breaking the Enigma saved several million lifes during the Second World War. 10. Polish inventors also changed the world. Kaziemierz Pruszyński (died in the camp in World War II) and Jan Szczepanik were pioneers of world cinematography. They were responsible for the prototypes of the first television, the first portable camera, and the combination of sound and image, as well as color film and color photography. 11. Maria Skłodowska (curie after her husband). One in the world has been awarded the Nobel Prize twice in two different fields. She discovered 2 elements, Radium and Polonium. She named one of the elements Polonium in honor of Poland. 12. Szczepanik invented the bulletproof vest, which saved the life of the Spanish king for the first time. 13. In 1956, during the Hungarians' Fight for Freedom, there were thousands of wounded in Hungary. Poland sent 15 airplanes loaded with: 795 liters of blood, 415 liters of dry plasma, as well as dressings and medications. 14. In 2018, Poland sent 44 fire trucks and 139 firefighters to extinguish fires in Sweden, completely free. Later the same in Greece. And in August 2010, 155 Polish firefighters extinguished fires in Russia ... I will say what all my countrymen say, we will always be on the right side and we will help until the end of the world and one day longer. This is how we are brought up, to empathy and humanity. In many European countries "cold farming" is popular when it comes to raising children, but not in Poland. In addition, our colors in the flag for 1000 years, these colors accompany us, silver white and crimson. And they mean purity, the purity of the intentions of the Polish nation, nobility, good, bravery, love, devotion, acting in a right cause. By the way. The partitions of Poland carried out by Russia, Prussia and Austria ... were carried out "by God's will", this is what Russia, Germany and Austria wrote in the partition treaties as the cause of the partitions of Poland.
@@VigosDad I think that they should also deserve attention: Nicolaus Copernicus, son of a Krakow merchant, Polish astronomer - creator of the heliocentric model of the Solar System and the first heliocentric in Europe since ancient Greece. The author of the work "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium" (On the revolutions of the heavenly spheres) presenting his vision of the universe in detail. He studied astronomy at the former Krakow academy, his astronomy teacher was a Pole-Wojciach from Brudzewo. In the world, Nicolaus Copernicus is incorrectly portrayed as the German astronomer. Incorrectly, because the fact ...that his mother was rooted in Germany a few generations back, but she was born in Silesia(Poland). Mikołaj's father came from the Polish Kopernik family - and the Kopernik form is the only proper name, with the ending -ik, characteristic for Poles (-ik, -ek, -ski, -ska). Nicolaus Copernicus is the Latin equivalent of his proper name and surname, because Latin was the language of science at that time, but also because Latin was the official language of Poland from the 10th century to 1772, and Kopernik himself created works in Latin. Stefan Banach, an outstanding Polish mathematician, created Banach spaces. Today, Krakow calls its housing estates with modern buildings "Przestrzenie Banacha"(Spaces Banach). Witold Pilecki, an activist of the underground and a secret Polish cell, a volunteer to Auschwitz for the benefit of humanity, to secretly collect reports on German crimes and organize a resistance movement. After two years, he escaped from the camp with reports that went west. John Paul II - united people all over the world and gave hope in difficult times. As well as Polish intelligence, during the Second World War, obtained Hitler's secret plans about the Third Reich's attack on the USSR, which passed on to the British so that he could hand over to Russia so that they could prepare. This was the nobility of Poland and help ... despite the fact that Russia had persecuted and bribed Poland for centuries, and in 1939, together with the Germans, they attacked us, made the 4th partition and behaved in the same way as the Germans ... despite everything, the Poles made Russia aware that Germany wants to break their pact and invade them.
@@VigosDad Thank you for your answer and ❤:) You are a wonderful person. I always say, Poland was destroyed by wars and was poor for decades. After the war, Western countries received 200,000 air shipments from the United States with modern equipment, food and aid, and free money for the development of economies. Poland could not take advantage of it because it was behind the Iron Curtain. For decades, people from all over the world have been coming to Western Europe to do business, but they only came for money. If someone chose Poland, it was not for money, but for love of the country. And for decades until now, the best people with love and a huge heart have come to us. You are a blessing for us. Best wishes for your family! John Paul II taught us: "man is consider great not for what he owns, but for who he is; not for what he has, but through what he is willing to share with others". Let this song go around the world as a support for Ukraine which is fighting today not only for itself but for the whole of Europe on YT ---> "Cypis - Putin"
Thanks for this! Lots of Americans didn't know who Lech Wałęsa is! And you sounded great speaking Polish. Like you pronounced ,,solidarność'' very nicely and that is not an easy word
English payed for Poles heroism by confiscating polish gold after the war (as a payment for using planes) Your list is great but there are 4 things that are probably more important in world history: 1) Battle of Grunwald - probably biggest in middle ages in europe - changed how europe will look 2) Poland along with other slavs in middle europe stopped Mongols - just imagine russia spanning whole europe :) 3) Battle of Vienna. Ottomas were marching to flood europe - stopped by Poland (100 years later Poland was dismantled by countries it saved). 4) Poland regained independency just after ! World War and stopped Bolsheviks - whole europe would be red..... in both blood and ideology. Maybe you could do material about this becouse this deserves to be known - you do a great job. Best Regards.
Great video! I do appreciate you prepared this film as it is not common knowledge to the world. I read comments and did not find any about Monte Casino and battle of Somosierra which are important in our history, but probably there are some more things worth to be remembered....
Many thanks for talking about this. Now in my polish appartment I have 21 women and children , 4 cats and 1 dog. . Let me tell you in Polish: Nie wiem sad w nas Polakach taka siła ale moge powiedziec ze swojego punktu widzenia- tacy jestesmy- SŁOWIAŃSKI NARÓD- FORREST PEOPLE. . BIG THANK YOU FOR YOUR TH-cam VIDEO
Polish Subtitles READY!
Thank u for subtitles and this movie , and people on the world finally understand - life is more important than material good or money , i propose watch you movie on YT "unconquered" its history of poland from 1939 to today , maybe you much better understand us . Greetings and thank you again for this movie
Thx for this
I am Polish. I did not know about Haiti, Polish turning on French occupiers. Not suprised though :).
I would put this one in top 5 -
There are mistakes in the subtitles. For example, in the fourth minute: "wściekłość wśród narodów". "Wściekłość" means rage, anger, aggression. It was certainly quite the opposite.
The Poles were the first to break the German Enigma code and capture a machine. This shortened the war, maybe even won WWII.
some say by 2-3 years. counting 10mln victims per year, we've got 20-30 mln saved souls.
@Peter K kinda but to be fair germans learned about it and created a more complex version which could be deciphered only thanks to Turings machine
@@Cletus_polskiThe German complicated the code just before the war. But only for safety reasons. Without knowing a thing about the fact of polish success. Germans were close to it when they arrested Gwido Langer in 1943, but all he said during interrogation was that Poland was able to read Enigma until 1938, when changes were made, but not since then. Enigma was used until end of the war without suspicions.
@@grzesieks.180 dzięki za sprostowanie
@@sylwiamarakasz6550 Everything you say is right, but the sharing of the code taken place in Warsaw/Pyry on 25th July ;-) I've just written that Germans did not have big suspicions that Enigma code was broken until the end of war. But they were making changes and put some complications into the project. So they made Enigma hard to decode (but it was not unbreakable!) for Poland in 1939 mainly due to the lack of funds (polititians, stupid army headquarters' officers etc.), facilities. Plus the number of messages was huge due to the war preparations made by Germans. Being sure that the war will come very soon Poland shared the secret with its allies. Of course there were many more reasons standing behind this decision. I am still impressed by Mr.Rejewski genius mind. This true mathematical talent found the solution just within 2-3 months in late 1932... Just after he was given some materials which were shared by French intelligence. Some sources say that the British involved mathematicians to the program before 25th July 1939 due to the first Pol-Fra-GB meeting in January, some say it was that after this crucial date.
One, very important episode of history is missing - the battle of Vienna. Polish king, Jan Sobieski, defeated Ottoman Empire and saved the Europe from the flood of the Islam.
Correct !
I was just about to write about it!
Dokładnie ale kto docenił?
Vienna was the last point of resistance for the Ottomans in all of Europe. If the Poles had not defeated the Ottomans at Vienna, Europe would likely have become predominantly Muslim.
In my opinion there are 3 moments that truly changed the world of it's time and made the history. And delivered Europe from real trouble coming from the East:
1241 - when Poles under Henryk Pobożny at Legnickie Pole stopped Mongols from advancing into Europe
1683 - Poles under command of Jan III Sobieski stopped Osmans
1920 - Poles under Piłsudski and Rozwadowski stopped Soviets
This 3 events truly shaped Europe as we know it
Bitwa pod Legnica byla totalna kleska Polakow a Henryk stracil przez to glowe. Po tej bitwie Mongolowie jeszcze walczyli z Czechami i Wegrami po czym mieli zaatakowac Europe Zachodnia. Na nasze szczescie Batu-chan dostal informacje o smierci chana Ugedeja i nakazal odwrot do Mongolii. Trudno w tym doszukiwac sie zaslugi i chwaly Polakow...
@@dozenpack dokladnie głowne siły mongolow szly na wegry. Krol ich uciekł na jedną z horwackich wysp
@@dozenpack no wlasnie ogladaldm odcinek o tej bitwie... i sobie myslalem jak ktos mogl to tak przekrecic?
A 1410?
Piłsudski and Dmowski*
And after the Polish 303 helped defend Great Britain they got screwed over and were not even invited to the victory parade, because the Brits didn't want to anger Stalin after they made a deal to give Poland to the soviets.
Bo biednemu zawsze wiatr w oczy i chuj w dupę. Ech...
Is Biden letting Putin dictate how much the US helps Ukraine? History of weakness repeats itself.
Bo trzeba sie bylo dogadac z Ribbentropem. A tak jak zwykle wydymali nas wszyscy z kazdej strony.
@@randalldraco3822 O dziwo nie. Wystarczyło być wartościowym sojusznikiem Francji i wkroczyć do Czechosłowacji w '38-mym jako zbrojne wsparcie dla naszych sąsiadów, sojuszników Francji. Czechy, ze swoją znakomicie wyposażoną na tamte czasy armią, wspomagane przez Polskę i Francję od przeciwnej strony zdołałyby rozłożyć Hitlera. Ale nie. Polska nie dość, że odmówiła prośby Francji, to jeszcze zgarnęła Zaolzie. Inna sensowna okazja była jeszcze wcześniej, w '33-cim. Dojście Hitlera do władzy i pierwsze miesiące jego rządów ujrzały pogwałcenie wielu postanowień po WWI. Piłsudski był o krok od wjechania w Niemcy ze swoją, wtedy o wiele poziomów potężniejszą armią w ramach obalenia Hitlera. Nie zrobił tego, bo nie wiedział, co ZSRR zrobiłoby (teraz wiemy, że nie zrobiłoby nic; '33 był środkiem czystek na stanowiskach władzy i Stalin miał dość problemów na swoim podwórku) oraz Francja i Wlk. Brytania stchórzyły, studząc zapał Piłsudskiego. Kto był najbardziej winnym człowiekiem sytuacji Polski w czasie WWII? Niereformowalny matoł kliniczny i laureat nieistniejącej nagrody Polskiego Debila Stulecia, Józef Beck. Jak można było kogoś tak potwornie oderwanego od rzeczywistości posadzić za stery cholernej polityki zagranicznej? Nie mam pojęcia. Zapłaciliśmy za to wszyscy. Niemała część przedwojennej populacji Polski swoją krwią.
Importantly Poles stopped Muslim Turks at Vienna 1683 and stopped Red Russians at Warsaw 1920. Poles saved Europe from both hostile religious and ideoligical floods
Love Poland from Romania! ❤
Love You too Romanians brothers and sisters
Romania was in among very few that had helped Poles in 1939.
Romana przyjęła nas do siebie w czasie wojny dziękujemy ❤️
Mulțumesc mult. Mie îmi place România și abia aștept să vizitez țara voastră.
You forgot to add that after WW2 Polish pilots had to pay for the food and the petrol they had used while fighting the battle of Britain.
That was some sort of "thank you very much" bill for their bravery and skills. (Over £ 100 millions)
Polish people know very well the saying that the West loves to fight till the last Polish soldier.
I never heard that - and could not verify online. Could you name a source for this, if you have it? Thanks.
@@ScottA2345 as Pole I can confirm that this saying is quite widely known in Poland
Also, Poland was not invited for the victory celebration in London 1944 :/
So... very nice :/
@@mcz1037 1945.
@@ScottA2345 Visit the library, do you have libraries where you live?
Nobody in the world has such a beautiful, sad and at the same time brave history like us, Poles
Chwala Polsce , niech zyje I thrive Polska, honor, odwaga, bog/wiara, Ojczyzna
May Poland and Poles with their brothers and sisters thrive forever from the place of wisdom , love and compassion . I am proud of my ancestors they defeated so many powerful invading armies , it is in my blood as descendant of over 1500 years of lingeages of noble knights . That is any my name means glory of God because my nascestors believed and had limitless faith in the supreme, the One , the All present and all powerful God source. We fought for freedom and to defend others from murderers from every direction .
Yes sure but try to live there its not that beautiful any more. Just escaped the country. Horrible people to each other .
We have a beautiful history, but we are sometimes too good and that is why the european union is kicking us in the ass to this day.
@@MAHAKALAXXXV 🙏❤️💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🇵🇱
our justice system is in shambles, that's why EU is on our ass all the time
Poles are amazing people. As Hungarians, we will always see them brothers and sisters. We will never let them down, and we could always count our brave and noble-hearted Polish brothers and sisters.
True! Hungarians who were on the German side in the war refused to fire on the Poles during the Warsaw uprising. Thanks!
My dad used to work in Hungary when I was a little child . He always say it was his best times 😃 . He learn me how to count to three in hungarian 😂 i remember to this day.
To jest wspaniałe że "obcy" ludzie potrafią takie rzeczy docenić. To jest budujące.
Ma polską żonę, to się chłop uczy... ;)
Zwykli ludzie tak. Dla mediów i polityków to tylko liczby.
A może właśnie nie jest obcy...jest nasz. Taaaak...jest nasz
@@ivanq999 tez tak mysle. To nie obcy, to polski patriota.
dokładnie, bo Polacy nie potrafią :( będą się tylko krytykować i mówić, że są najgorsi :(
One, very important episode of history is missing - British diplomat Lord Edgar d'Abernon, who in the summer of 1920 stayed in Poland, called the Battle of Warsaw the eighteenth decisive battle of the world (in chronological order). It was, in his opinion, an event of global importance, the clash of two different civilisations
W latach 1919-1921 trwała wojna polsko-bolszewicka, podczas której w roku 1920 doszło do słynnej Bitwy Warszawskiej, w której to wódz naczelny marszałek Józef Piłsudski rozgromił bolszewickie hordy Siemiona Budionnego niosące na bagnetach swą zbrodniczą czerwoną rewolucję bolszewicką aż po krańce Europy. Gdyby nie to zwycięstwo to Rosja w latach 20 XX wieku zafundowałaby całej Europie swój komunistyczny reżim.
@@bogudanbogosz4150 das ist im Rest Europas unbekannt. Die Darstellungen sind eher so, dass das protofaschistische Polen die arme, arme Sowjetunion überfallen hat - was natürlich Unsinn ist. Ich denke, die unwahrscheinliche Gefahr, die von den roten Bestien ausging, wird heutzutage vollkommen unterschätzt. Nichts anderes als Schwerkriminelle waren und sind bei den Russen an der Macht.
It wasn't as much a clash of two civilizations as the aftermath of the 2nd World War. The reason why it was so important, and that was Lord Edgar d'Abernon's reasoning, was that Germany was in a very poor economic state after the war and there was widespread discontent and socialist strikes everywhere (jak grzyby po deszczu ;) So basically, had the soviets beat Poland, the socialists in Germany would have revolted and Germany would have fallen, with a possibility of French after that. Effectively, by winning the Bolshevik war we prevented most of Europe becoming part of USSR. Because if that happened it would be game over. That is why that war mattered.
I'm a polish, my country suffered a lot. And now someone is attacking my neighbors and and want to do almost the same thing they did to my home in the past. I WILL help as much as I can and I already am!
Недоумок иди учи историю, твое государство сателит всю историю нападало на соседние страны и лизало ботинки Франции , США или Германии. Кроме как служить мясом вы ни на что не годитесь.
Marry Ukrainian. He'll teach you lesson.
The Battle of Vienna under the command of King Jan III Sobieski
Battle of Warsaw. According to British politician and diplomat Edgar D'Abernon, the Battle of Warsaw was one of eighteen groundbreaking battles in world history
Super odcinek., ale zapomniałeś dodać, że na koniec wojny nie zaproszono Polaków jako jedynych na defiladę zwycięstwa i dodatkowo potrącona Polsce z rezerw złota (przetrzymywanych w Kanadzie) za samoloty, paliwo i wyżywienie lotników 108mln funtów
Bo to nie o tym odcinek pało czemu zawsze ktoś musi zaczynać te jątrzenie.
hak w smak fiveoclocom
A jak przeliczyć te rezerwy złota, na dzisiaj, to ile by było ?? A jak przeliczyć to na ilość nie zrujnowanych domów i fabryk w Londynie, to ile by to było ? A jak przeliczyc to na koszty wyszkolenia pilota samolotu we współczesnych latach, w stosunku do kosztu samolotu oraz paliwa, to ile by to było ?? Myśle że teraz mamy odpowiedni moment, by z Brytyjczykami jeszcze raz przeliczyć...
Przestańcie opowiadać te głupoty o rachunku, który wystawiła Anglia Polsce. Tak się zwykle dzieje jak z tematem ktoś się zapoznaje pobieżnie, bez głębszej analizy. Proponuję doczytać i nie siać dezinformacji. Podobna głupota jak ta, że nas zachód zdradził 1 września.
@@szymon3571 👍
"We are breathing history" - beautiful words. Greets from Poland.
This is Poland! These are Polish people! Always helping.
Never wise . Always stupid. Give away what belong to them : land, tradition, religion, culture and one day
language when asked to speak in some cities ukrainien.
no is over for "traitors", UK is done by m migrants in 10+ years- peacefully...
I appreciate Vigo’s Dad spreading the word about Polish soldiers taking the side of black slaves in Haiti. I don’t think that this part of Haitian and Polish history is known outside of Poland.
turst me, they didn't tech me about it in school (I'm Polish)
@@weziak me too... I found out about it from american youtuber.... ;)
All I remember are the Polish jokes in the US.
They also called us "the White Negroes of Europe", which would basically mean we can use the w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ word too?
@@Shimitzu Did you mean the word?
You are more of Polish patriot than most of poles that I know. By some reason we have had terrible PR around the world especially in US, UK and Israel. I work in international corps all around the world and sometimes I could not believe what I could hear about Poland in mainstream media around the world. That's great that there are lads like you whom are trying to show it in different perspective. Well done! Keep up the good work mate!
this poor PR is due to our dumb PiS politicians headed by psychopat Kaczynski
A może mało znany epizod - strajk polskich rzemieślników w Jamestown w 1619 roku. Pierwszy w historii Ameryki Północnej strajk robotniczy i polityczny. Ech, Polacy są wszędzie ;)
wow ciekawe! PS. wszedzie i zawsze pierwsi do strajkowania 😂
Trafiony - zatopiony🤣
@@Immigrantwriter Zanim pani skrytykuje Polakow strajkujacych w Jamestown prosze sie zapoznac dlaczego to zrobili Dodam tak dla pani informacji zeby nie ci Polscy emigranci kolonia przestala by istniec Prosze sie zapoznac z tym tematem Przecietny Angilk nawet nie wie ze 1 4 populacji to byli Polscy emigranci
@@Immigrantwriter i najpierw polska Solidarnosc '80, ktorej echa tkwia w obecnym kanadyjskim Konwoju Wolnosci.
translation of the above reply: and first Polish Solidarity '80 is echoing in recent Canadian Freedom Convoy.
W d... z tym konwojem - przez ponad miesiąc palili głupa i partowali trzymając miasto jako zakładników. W tej chwili mieszkańcy centrum Ottawy wnoszą sprawę sądową przeciw organizatorom konwoju. Mogą sobie protestować i bawić się w karnawał na polu, a nie na głównych ulicach miasta uniemożliwiając życie mieszkańcom. Trackers go home!
Aż kusiło, by wspomnieć, jaka "nagroda" spotkała rodzinę Ulmów za pomoc Żydom, gdy mówiłeś o tym, ilu Polaków zostało zamordowanych przez Niemców za ukrywanie Żydów.
Niestety, zdradzeni przez Polaków
im so glat that someone non polish admire our history that much. tears in eyes
Polish General T. Kościuszko in America. He designed the blueprints for West Point, the key American military fortress. The plan for the Battle of Saratoga was his, and it became the turning point of the American Revolution. As Kościuszko made his impact on the newly established United States, it soon became his second homeland.
Jefferson recognized Kościuszko’s role in securing America’s independence and appealed to him to delight in the promise showed by the young nation.
Jefferson: Gen. Kościuszko.As pure a son of liberty, as I have ever known…
Kazimierz Pułaski: 'father of the American cavalry'
Benjamin Franklin encouraged the Pole to go to the United States and lend his support to the fight for independence.
Pułaski decided to do just that. Upon his arrival in the United States, he wrote to George Washington, declaring his intention to serve the Continental Army under his command.
"I came here, where freedom is being defended, to serve it, and to live or die for it."
President Barack Obama conferred honorary American citizenship on Pułaski (making him the seventh honorary citizen in American history) and declared 11th October General Pulaski Memorial Day. Obama proclaimed:
Each year on this day, Americans pause to remember a patriot and champion of liberty who fought valiantly for the freedom of our Nation. During our struggle for independence, General Casimir Pulaski displayed heroic leadership and ultimately sacrificed his life in service to our country. His commitment to liberty remains an inspiration to us today, 230 years later, and it serves as a reflection of the many contributions Polish Americans have made to our national identity.
When you understand Polish history: Grunwald, Polish Hussaria and the Battle of Vienna, Independence, Battle of Warsaw, uprisings, World War I and II, and many others, it becomes clear why Poles are against tyranny and dictatorship. Freedom and independence are the most important things for every nation!
There is much more moments ,when brave Polish people changed the world. Polish mathematicians who break enigma code, 1920 when Poland stopped Russian invasion to the west, and much ,much more.
Enigma - sure.
1920 is bs.
Yeah man.
Not to mention how Nikolas Kopernicus delivered a fatal blow to religious dogma in his lifetime by his discovery that the sun is,at the center of our universe, not that the planets move around the earth. That challenged how we see ourselves in the grand scheme of things
also inventing a fine vodka !
We do not beg for freedom we fight for it !!!
Do zwierzątek się nie strzela!
Fun fact; hussar's equipment, armor, weapons, horse. Thoughtful and refined to the smallest detail and made with the utmost care. Horses trained from a foal to be able to perform maneuvers on their own. A murderous tactic for over 200 years to complete any task.
Probably the only equally well-developed equipment had the Roman legionnaires, and now soldiers of special forces. The famous samurai do not match the effectiveness of the tactics and equipment of the hussars.
Unfortunately, the horse breed disappeared after the partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Thank you to the author for this type of videos. The author did more to promote Poland than Polish institutions that should produce this type of materials.
For me, the greatest moment in the history of Poland was in 1920 the "Miracle on the Vistula", or the Battle of Warsaw. Also, the "Battle of Vienna", "Battle of Grunwald" (the Middle Ages), the victories of the hussars ...
Once an old Englishman gave me a high five and thanked me for the Polish airmen. It was a great moment for me, besides I had nothing in common with this story (born 1963). But it was so endearing and sweet for me, that I could not help and cry.
Witold Pilecki Who was the only volunteer to go to Auschwitz and report to the world what was going on!
The Polish constitution was the first of its kind in all of Europe, right after the American Constitution. As a result, among many other things, the Jews of Europe flocked to Poland for freedom and that’s why Poland had for hundreds of years the most jews in the world.
Also women in Poland had a hereditary right to all property, whereas elsewhere in Europe, only men were allowed to inherit property. And this goes back a few hundred years.
Constitution of 3 May was signed in 1791, but I wouldn't connect it to the polish-jewish relation because jews were equal in rights long before: 1st writen document coroborating this, is Statute of Kalisz from year 1264 which was extended to the whole Kingdom of Poland in 1334 by Kazimir III The Great. As of hereditary rights, the story comes back also to the medieval times: Jadwiga Andegawen, heiress of the throne was proclaimed King of Poland, not a queen and hers marriage with Lithuanian Great Prince Vladislav Jagiello brought beginning of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - union of equal kingdoms.
Nobody on WEST was listening to Pilecki and his report from Auschwitz.
Everything was planned by west in 1939 same like covid these days.
By the way US constitution was inspired by Warsaw card - Kosciuszko invention !
In this respect Poland has always been ahead of the rest of the world that can only look on amazed.
Must be said here - Witold Pilecki was a Pole,Catholic most probably, not a Jew ,like many Jewish try to make him to be.
Great video as always!!!
Two more situations, Poles saved the world:
Bitwa pod Wiedniem,
Wojna polsko-bolszewicka.
Only Poles conquered and occupied Moscow for two years.
@@grzegorzwodarczyk9080 I mentioned that one a few times in a conversation with some Russians and they always get angry :)
Btw most Russians say that also Napoleon conquered Moscow - but they fail to see that the Rus let them in an empty and burning city :)
There's a bigger problem at hand - I guess that the RUS history books are being rewritten.
This year the terrorist Putin put to jail historians ( Russian historians ) from the Memorial organization because they were hunting down crimes connected to the KATYŃ massacre ( Zbrodnia Katyńska ) as most people ( in central and eastern Europe ) know the butcher Putin doesn't like to apologise.
Have a nice day!
@@grzegorzwodarczyk9080 Prosze mi odpisac kiedy? Dobra?
@@johnbaran8312 Za Wikipedią: Wojna polsko-rosyjska (1609-1618) -
@john baran From Wikipedia: Polish-Russian War (1609-1618) -
:) It's funny how different the Polish and English versions of this story are. :)
@@grzegorzwodarczyk9080 Dziekuje bardzo za informacje.!
Great Video and history lesson. I didn’t know about some of these things. My father was in Poland during WW2 and saw so many horrible things. I’m so proud to be Polish and am so proud of Poland
For helping the Ukrainian people. My heart aches for all of them. 💔
Thank you Poland 🇵🇱 We all need to live simply so others can simply live!
Blessings from Ireland 🇮🇪
Love others like yourself that’s the key
Yup! :D
Thank you very much for that video unfortunately Europe quickly forgot about all this stories and forgot how grate and brave hearts Polish people have ❤🇵🇱
And you forget most important thing "the miracle over Vistula" when the polish army stop the red flood from covering all of middle and eastern europe. This battle saved Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Romania and even Germany from turning red.
Not for long unfortunately :( - but it's true we saved 19 years of freedom.
Poland was the most tolerant country in Europe before the partitions in the 17th century. In these troubled times we live now, I feel like Poland is regaining its old soul.
And still is the most tolerant country in Europe, believe me!
in the late 18th century
you forgot about:
- battle of Grunwald in 1410, defeating Teutonic Order,
- battle of Vienna in 1683, save Europe before turkish invaders,
- battle of Warsaw in 1920 - save Europe before russians
Worse than Russians - they were Bolsheviks!
@marcin NOT Russians but bolshevicks! - HUGE difference!
@@Fifek666 bolsheviks were russians.
like mythical "nazis" during II world war were mostly germans.
Let's stop erasing faults of germans and russians. These nations have tendency to war crimes, annihilations of whole nations etc.
@@teresathompson7404 Are you a russian troll? Why are you trying to erase yours faults?
Which language these mythical bolschevicks were using? From which country did they come frome?
@@teresathompson7404 Red plaguee is red plaguee, it's not any difference, bolshevikks, sovietts, russianns all the same, changing the flag and government does not change the fact that they are the same people.
Z tym Haiti to ciekawy temat, wielu Polaków tam zostało i sporo potomków po sobie zostawili.
Thank you for this video. You understand polish culture very well and I really appreciate all your videos. I was born in Poland and now live in the US and I didn’t even know all the facts you talked about in this video… Thank you!
Wspaniały filmik🥰 nie wiem czy wiesz,ale Polak wynalazł widelec i marcepan😉
Polacy pomagają innym,ale kiedy sami potrzebują pomocy, to nikogo nie ma 😘
To sie nazwya bycie frajerem. Polak przed szkoda i po szkodzie glupi.
Dokladnie. A do tego nikt nigdy nas nie przeprosil za co nam zrobili. Teraz Zelensky placze o to co sie stalo w Buczy. A przeprosil nas za Wołyń?
@@dorotakobak8864 Jak mówiliśmy w sprawie 2WŚ- wybaczamy,ale nie zapomnimy. Tak samo powinno być teraz.
Za to Pan Bog nam wynagrodzi teraz i po smierci.
@@romanastepnik2983 Polak wynalazł pana boga. Wcześniej bóg był kobietą
Bardzo dziękuję za to robisz, starannie, dokładnie, zwięźle, brawo!
Thank you for this video. Regards from Poland
Thank you for bringing up those historical events. There are many many more. We are fighters and we changed world history several times.
6. On December 1, 1932, Polish mathematicians: Marian Rejewski, Jerzy Różycki and Henryk Zygalski broke the codes of the German encryption machine Enigma. During the 2nd WW, they escaped with that knowledge to England, to help Brits broke improved version of Enigma. You're welcome.
Well, Polish cryptographers were NOT involved in Bletchley park.
But Bletchley Park appreciates their contribution in helping to break the Enigma code 😉☺
Very heartwarming. I've never heard about Poles in Haiti. Dzięki!
As a nation we went through a lot and really never been appreciated. Quite opposite I would say. Hence thank you Vigo's Dad! Lots of love ❤️
Thank YOU mr Vigo for making this video. :)
Dziękuje za dobrze zrobiony przekaz z naszej historii
Greetings from Poland!! Everything will be fine.
Thank you,
What a fantastic lesson on history! The way you shared it was both incredibly interesting and effective, making it a great candidate for presentation in schools to educate young people. Thank you for sharing this amazing piece of history, which brought back memories of my youth.
You are Polish!BigHeart!Thx
Thank you for informing us - media will never do that!
Super. Dzięki.
i am from poland,thank you very much
Well said.Thank You.
thank you for all the respect you have for my country
Don't forget to mention that the Allies betrayed Poland and gave it to Stalin. The greatest betrayal. It was their gratitude for the Battle of England
poles historically are basically the complete opposite of western european colonizers, but 3x more fierce. the heroes the world truly needs
@@idanikamal4789 we ALMOST had Madagascar :P
Love you lovely cauntry......
1. You must add that the English "thanked" Poles for participating in the Battle of England, the fact that they sold us to the Soviet Union, they ordered to pay for the training of pilots who fought for England and died for England, they did not invite us to the Victory Parade in London.
2. You did not mention the Battle of Warsaw during which Poles stopped the Bolshevik march to the West, thus changed the history of the world. This battle is considered 18th most important battles in the world history.
3. You did not mention the battle of Vienna in 1683 where Polish army broke the army of the Ottoman Empire. I understand that censorship would not let you talk about it ;)
Churchill fed Stalin throughout the entire Second World War. He denied Katyn, accepted the communist puppet government, agreed to take half of the territory from Poland.
Later, drunk, he raved about the "Cold War" but it was too late.
History may be repeating itself. At the end of WW II Roosevelt was sick at Yalta. Now, Biden is mentally unfit.
They did invite but they invited those in l9ndon and communist poles. And london did not want to march together with comunist poles
Thank You for publishing this information around the world. Its very important for me as a Pole.
Dla zasięgu.
Dzieki za to co robisz!
Absolutely fantastic material. I love that you add Haiti and Jewish holocaust. A lot of people talking about Vienna and that's great, but why no one is talking about 1920? Poland stop communisms spreading to Europe.
You remember that this communism in Poland was being spread by the ethnic Jews? That was true in Russia where 85% of Bolshevik leadership was Jewish, that was true in Hungary, in Germany etc. That is the history, which for some reason we do not remember today.
@Gdanski I thought communism was exported from West via Lenin then much earlier we stopped muslims under Vienna promoting business of pope so...what sort of good we did for the World here?! I consider muslims better then Vatican's soul poisonous propaganda; o, well, nothimg is beeing done without approval of Almighty God Creator of Life & everything else...
@@annawarner1078 how is that relevant? Poland stopped Bolshevik communism from spreading, they didn’t fight to stop russian jews lol. They fought against their ideology not their ethnicity
@@hejahatjenaremors2294 Polish history is very complicated and it is difficult to respond to you just in a short YT comment. In 1918, Bolshevik revolution in Russia was led by ethnic Jews who constituted 85% of Bolsevik leadership. At that time,Jewish population in European Russia was about 2%. Ethnic Jews also led commust movements in Hungary and in Germany etc. Check Wikipedia to verify that. In 1920 Polish Army fought with Bolsheviks primarily for independence and (secondarily) against ideology of the Soviet troops.
After WWII many ethnic Jews came to Poland with the Red Army. They gave themselves high level positions in government and in the communist party (PZR and later PZPR). They prosecuted polish patriots who fought Germany during WWII (Home Army), by putting them in prisons, sending to labor camos in Siberia, taking their properties or simply murdering them. After 1968 many of those Jewish communists who after WWII built communism and many of which worked for the security services (NKWD) in Poland prosecuting ethnic Poles, decided to look for a greener postures and they left Poland claiming that they were discriminated against. Today, still many leading government positions in Poland are occupied by ethnic Jews.
@@hejahatjenaremors2294 Ethnicity was tightly related to ideology in 1918/1920 and after WWII. Most likely it is true also today.
Vigo 'Dad Thank You from the Video! You are doing a Great Job and you have Tremendous Knowledge! Best Wishes! 🙂🧡👍
Is Battle of Warsaw from 1920 also on the list of the second episode?
Dziekuje za ten film. Dobra robota
Awsome report!
Thank you so much very important episode of history 👏God bless you 🙏🌷❤God bless Poland 🇵🇱🙏
Poland in1683 came to the relief of Austria.
"There are people whose grandparents have gone through exactly this."
I am one of these people. We indeed know what it means to have your home destroyed, your family members slaughtered. We will not let Ukrainins down. We have been helping for 39 days now and we will do it for as long as it takes to wave them goodbye seeing them going back to their country, free from the Russian agressors.
@@AdrianBoyko My z Wami
It's not forgotten. But currently, it is not relevant. @@thomasczarnowski2267
Things like these always make me feel patriotic. Stories of our past are always so inspirational to me- even things like the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, that, although mostly having catholic/Christian leaders, welcomed every religion and ideology- even creating an important and one of the longest alliances in Europe with Turkey.
But it always makes me so sad to see these… misconceptions. Credit being given elsewhere because, similar to the battle for Britain, these is this idea that somehow Poland is wildly behind when it comes to development.
It’s so weird to explain to my friends, smart and wonderful people, that individuals such as Marie Curie (Who had a French husband), Nicholas Copernicus (Mikołaj Kopernik- who’s surname was changed for no reason) or ever the three men who broke the enigma code were polish- and not French, English and English respectively.
These sort of videos, ones that acknowledge things Poland has done/is doing, makes me strangely emotional.
Thank so much for this video.
As always excellent and educational.
Super video! Pozdro z Polski. :)
Love your videos. I am so very proud of Poland's welcoming the Ukrainian's after they experienced such cruelty by the Russians. Poland shows how important kindness is in the face of barbarism. The people of Ukraine also are showing such remarkable courage. God bless and protect both the people and countries of Poland and Ukraine.
Chwała Tobie że opowiadasz tak ładnie o naszej nacji światu :)
Us Poles know what it's like to lose everything and feel hopeless. Our country and people have gone through more hardships in history than most and so the least we can do is give Ukrainians shelter, safety and a shoulder to cry on.
Koń z Troi pokazał, jak się kończy wpuszczanie wroga pod przykryciem...
Great video. Cud nad wisła, oraz Odsiecz wiedeńska. COuld be added to this list in my opinion!
I Monte Casino
and this is the content that i like
thank you for making this video
many people think Poland was not important for world throughout entire history
Hello dear! Thank you for a wonderful video about our homeland! Haiti is a fact, but there were 100,000 Poles in Napoleon's legions;) You can add more than 5 points.
1. Jews were persecuted as early as the 10th century. Polish kings, the only one in Europe, gave them shelter and rights like Polish citizens.
2. Poland defended Europe against the invasion of the Mongols, who pressed for the conquest of Europe. Poland was destroyed but the hordes were stopped and forced to withdraw.
3. Poland led to the fall of the Ottoman Empire in Vienna, which was occupying Europe bloodily. The Balkans were already occupied and they came as far as Vienna.
4.The Polish constitution was the first in Europe and the second in the world. And now others want to teach us democracy and what is right and wrong ... sad
5. Polish pharmacist Ignacy Łukasiewicz opened the world's first (in Poland) crude oil mine. It is the first time in the world that it has distilled crude oil to perfectly separate kerosene from crude oil.From this discovery he also created the asphalt on which we are driving for the first time in history. For his achievements, he was awarded in Vienna by an international commission. He also created the world's first kerosene lamp, which was used for the first time in a hospital in Lviv during the world's first night surgical operation. The lamp was also placed at the crossroads on the road from Krakow to Hungary - it was the first street lamp in the world, which reduced the number of night road accidents among horse-drawn carriages. Americans dug oil but couldn't distill. That is why they came to Poland, and Rockefeler himself learned distillation from Łukasiewicz for free. When he asked what he wanted in return, Łukasiewicz said: if you get rich on my invention, help the poor. That is why the Rokefeller Foundation was established.
6. Poles fought for the independence of the United States (Kościuszko).
7. In 1920, the Poles defeated the Bolsheviks who were going to conquer Europe in the Battle of Warsaw. The Bolsheviks shouted at Warsaw! There, chocolate is in the streets! for Warsaw, and for the conquest of Europe over the corpse of white Poland! The Poles then broke over 100 Russian codes, including three encrypted in Latin. And the Russian radio was disturbed by the Gospel of St. John.
8. Of course, the Battle of Britain was decisive because it was the last one on the way to the victory of the Reich. But Poles were on 30 fronts of the war all over Europe. In 1939, after the invasion of Poland by Germany and Russia, the Russians forcibly deported over a million Poles to Russia, including soldiers. In 1941, General Anders' army broke free and left Russia together with 120,000 Poles. They went through Iraq, Iran, Egypt to the west of Europe to fight. They reached the Italian city of Monte Cassino and were the only ones to liberate it.
9. Poles, for the first time in the world, introduced mathematical methods to cryptology. Nearly 10 years before the Second World War, 3 Polish mathematicians employed by the Polish cipher office, which worked on breaking the German Enigma machine, broke the ciphers of this machine. Only in August 1939, before the outbreak of the war, the method of breaking the codes was handed over to the French and the British near Warsaw for further work. Breaking the Enigma saved several million lifes during the Second World War.
10. Polish inventors also changed the world. Kaziemierz Pruszyński (died in the camp in World War II) and Jan Szczepanik were pioneers of world cinematography. They were responsible for the prototypes of the first television, the first portable camera, and the combination of sound and image, as well as color film and color photography.
11. Maria Skłodowska (curie after her husband). One in the world has been awarded the Nobel Prize twice in two different fields. She discovered 2 elements, Radium and Polonium. She named one of the elements Polonium in honor of Poland.
12. Szczepanik invented the bulletproof vest, which saved the life of the Spanish king for the first time.
13. In 1956, during the Hungarians' Fight for Freedom, there were thousands of wounded in Hungary. Poland sent 15 airplanes loaded with: 795 liters of blood, 415 liters of dry plasma, as well as dressings and medications.
14. In 2018, Poland sent 44 fire trucks and 139 firefighters to extinguish fires in Sweden, completely free. Later the same in Greece. And in August 2010, 155 Polish firefighters extinguished fires in Russia ...
I will say what all my countrymen say, we will always be on the right side and we will help until the end of the world and one day longer. This is how we are brought up, to empathy and humanity. In many European countries "cold farming" is popular when it comes to raising children, but not in Poland. In addition, our colors in the flag for 1000 years, these colors accompany us, silver white and crimson. And they mean purity, the purity of the intentions of the Polish nation, nobility, good, bravery, love, devotion, acting in a right cause.
By the way. The partitions of Poland carried out by Russia, Prussia and Austria ... were carried out "by God's will", this is what Russia, Germany and Austria wrote in the partition treaties as the cause of the partitions of Poland.
thank you for writing all of these good info. ❤️
@@VigosDad and what about the enigma code
@@VigosDad I think that they should also deserve attention:
Nicolaus Copernicus, son of a Krakow merchant, Polish astronomer - creator of the heliocentric model of the Solar System and the first heliocentric in Europe since ancient Greece. The author of the work "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium" (On the revolutions of the heavenly spheres) presenting his vision of the universe in detail. He studied astronomy at the former Krakow academy, his astronomy teacher was a Pole-Wojciach from Brudzewo. In the world, Nicolaus Copernicus is incorrectly portrayed as the German astronomer. Incorrectly, because the fact ...that his mother was rooted in Germany a few generations back, but she was born in Silesia(Poland). Mikołaj's father came from the Polish Kopernik family - and the Kopernik form is the only proper name, with the ending -ik, characteristic for Poles (-ik, -ek, -ski, -ska). Nicolaus Copernicus is the Latin equivalent of his proper name and surname, because Latin was the language of science at that time, but also because Latin was the official language of Poland from the 10th century to 1772, and Kopernik himself created works in Latin.
Stefan Banach, an outstanding Polish mathematician, created Banach spaces. Today, Krakow calls its housing estates with modern buildings "Przestrzenie Banacha"(Spaces Banach).
Witold Pilecki, an activist of the underground and a secret Polish cell, a volunteer to Auschwitz for the benefit of humanity, to secretly collect reports on German crimes and organize a resistance movement. After two years, he escaped from the camp with reports that went west.
John Paul II - united people all over the world and gave hope in difficult times.
As well as Polish intelligence, during the Second World War, obtained Hitler's secret plans about the Third Reich's attack on the USSR, which passed on to the British so that he could hand over to Russia so that they could prepare. This was the nobility of Poland and help ... despite the fact that Russia had persecuted and bribed Poland for centuries, and in 1939, together with the Germans, they attacked us, made the 4th partition and behaved in the same way as the Germans ... despite everything, the Poles made Russia aware that Germany wants to break their pact and invade them.
@@VigosDad Thank you for your answer and ❤:) You are a wonderful person. I always say, Poland was destroyed by wars and was poor for decades. After the war, Western countries received 200,000 air shipments from the United States with modern equipment, food and aid, and free money for the development of economies. Poland could not take advantage of it because it was behind the Iron Curtain. For decades, people from all over the world have been coming to Western Europe to do business, but they only came for money. If someone chose Poland, it was not for money, but for love of the country. And for decades until now, the best people with love and a huge heart have come to us. You are a blessing for us. Best wishes for your family! John Paul II taught us: "man is consider great not for what he owns, but for who he is; not for what he has, but through what he is willing to share with others". Let this song go around the world as a support for Ukraine which is fighting today not only for itself but for the whole of Europe on YT ---> "Cypis - Putin"
so lovely. thank you. and super knowledgeable and insightful. ❤️
Thank you for making this video
Dobra robota
Thank you J for let the world know about our Amazing frends of Poland and Ucrania
Wiedeń, Kłuszyn, Cud nad Wisłą, Enigma to kolejne 4 ratunki dla Europy
Amazing job man - huge thanks!
Świetnie, że robisz takie filimiki. Aż łza do oka napływa. Tak trzymaj.
Thank you for this video!
Dziękuję za to co zrobiłeś 🇵🇱👍
Thanks for this! Lots of Americans didn't know who Lech Wałęsa is! And you sounded great speaking Polish. Like you pronounced ,,solidarność'' very nicely and that is not an easy word
Thank you Vigo's Dad!
English payed for Poles heroism by confiscating polish gold after the war (as a payment for using planes)
Your list is great but there are 4 things that are probably more important in world history:
1) Battle of Grunwald - probably biggest in middle ages in europe - changed how europe will look
2) Poland along with other slavs in middle europe stopped Mongols - just imagine russia spanning whole europe :)
3) Battle of Vienna. Ottomas were marching to flood europe - stopped by Poland (100 years later Poland was dismantled by countries it saved).
4) Poland regained independency just after ! World War and stopped Bolsheviks - whole europe would be red..... in both blood and ideology.
Maybe you could do material about this becouse this deserves to be known - you do a great job. Best Regards.
SHAME ON YOU BRITISH!!!!!!! GIVE BACK THE GOLD. This should be Publicized to the world what they did and put pressure on them to get it back -.
Great video! I do appreciate you prepared this film as it is not common knowledge to the world. I read comments and did not find any about Monte Casino and battle of Somosierra which are important in our history, but probably there are some more things worth to be remembered....
1920 Cud nad Wisłą. Thx for podcast :)
Thank you very muche ❤️🇵🇱
Many thanks for talking about this.
Now in my polish appartment I have 21 women and children , 4 cats and 1 dog. .
Let me tell you in Polish: Nie wiem sad w nas Polakach taka siła ale moge powiedziec ze swojego punktu widzenia- tacy jestesmy- SŁOWIAŃSKI NARÓD- FORREST PEOPLE. .
Wow! Bog zaplac wam za wasze dobre serce!
Thank you for supporting Polish foreign image. It's very kind of you.
HI! PLEASE Make part 2. You missed so many crucial events.
I am Polish, but I learned about these soldiers in Haiti from you. thank you