Abba, please forgive me for my ignorance. I had no idea I was unclean. I have been following the Ruach of Yah as you have been pressing on me to dig. You have been revealing to me who you are and leading me to many truths that has never been taught. Please continue to humble my heart and remove any stench of pride, confusion or anything that does not honor you and your Kingdom. I want my will to be in line with your will. I die to myself today and everyday so that your work may be fulfilled in me. Refine me. Circumcise my heart. Cut away anything that is not of you. This is not taught in your house. Please continue to lead me Abba into truth so that I can face you someday with a clean heart. Help me by the Ruach of Yah to walk in a manner worthy of the gospel of Yahusha HaMashiach Amen
Update urgent emergency please join me in prayer for Terri had emergency brain cancer surgery last year she is improving she desperately needs continued prayers for her and family God bless you all...
Lifting Terri to YOU YESHUA/JESUS/ YEHOVAH RAPHA....Her name is a good name, LORD....Terri means Reaper! May Terri be The Reaper of YOUR GRACE, LORD, on Earth as It Is IN HEAVEN....YOU were wounded for Terri's transgressions, bruised for her iniquities; the chastisement of her SHALOM/ Peace was upon YOU and by YOUR stripes, Terri is healed! THY will be Done and in YOUR Precious Name, YESHUA, we pray! Amen! To YAH be Tje GLORY, HONOR, and Praise! HalleluYAH!!!!! 🙌🏻🩸🙌🏻
Healing prayer YHWH you know every secret of the soul. You're acquainted with Terri for Yahshua her advocate gave His life for her. He, YHWH, loves her better than we (her love ones) possibly can. If, therefore it is for Your Glory and good of this afflicted one to raise her up to health, I ask you in the name of Yahshua, that health may be given to Terri at this time. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Father, I am a smoker of cigarettes, and tho all else has been cut off I pray You lend me Your ear and hear my prayer. I lift Terri up into Your healing powers and ask You to look upon her. Please, in all Your mercies, please, heal Terri and myself and all those who have posted in this video. Look upon us, acknowledge our desires to be clean before You. Help us to be more like Yahusha. Thank You for opening our eyes and ears to You but please, complete our holiness and with all Your might remove all these things which hold us down and keep us from You. For this we ask in the name of Your Beloved Son, our King to come, and Husband to be, amen Thank you, Jim!!!
Father I pray and ask You to reveal to me what's blocking me from making a time everyday to pray and worship, i repent of what is blocking me in Yeshua's name Amen.
Oh man this is just what I needed today! It’s hard for me to keep the sabbath. Because my husband doesn’t keep YHWH true Shabbat. Today was such a day! Pray that My husband will start keeping YHWH’s appointed times with me!
i was SOOO unclean…filthy, I couldn’t clean myself (i tried hard😭)…only when i came in His Presence for the first time, with my sins and all, i finally got clean. He received me and forgave me and in His Presence i was made clean❤Now, in His Presence He doesn’t see my sins anymore, He sees the robe of righteousness of His Son on me…the robe of our Yeshua. Unfortunately on this earth my sins will never go away completely…but in His Presence…yes thru confession and repentance…myself will die more and more each day and He will live in me more and more each day. BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!! i love you all!!!
Father, forgive me for my uncleanness. For my lack of peace, my injuries, my temper , my lust, my deaf ears & blind eyes, my addiction & my lack of submission. In Yahusha's name, Amein.
Abba, Father, I am unclean as a leper. I am unrighteous as those who perished in the Flood. I am as unholy as the sons of Aaron who brought strange fire into the Temple. Forgive me and wipe away these sins so that I might dwell with You throughout eternity and praise You forever. I pray in Yeshua's Holy Name. AMEIN!
He has already shown me i need to stop losing my cool, its my anger issues, even if i have legitimate things happening..even exercising my right to be right. I need to stop. I don't want to disappoint Him
Vessel Jim Staley you are a blessing to each and everyone of us! Keep encouraging us! Love U Brother! I pray that this sinful flesh die to the things of this world that have kept me trapped. Anger,Gossip,Lust, Lying Tongue, UnLove. I want these chains broken so I can come clean before you and that I can meet you behind that curtain and be righteous and holy before your eyes and you can say well done faithful servant! Yeshua thank you for the Blood you should have never shed for my wickedness and sickness and the torment you took for me and I dismissed it in pride and selfishness. Have mercy and favor on me!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Father GOD, forgive me for I am unclean. I have sinned so much and have asked for forgiveness and repentance. But I still feel lost in the darkness, searching for the light. In Jeshua name AMEN
Thank You God for revealing your Word I'm sorry for being selfish and full of myself please help me to be humble and kind to serve Your Kingdom here on earth please help me to be clean and holy before you I'm sorry thank you for you are slow to anger and plenty in mercy for Your mercies do not end and Your compassion never fail they are new every morning great is Your faithfulness
I have uncleanness. I have anger, unforgiveness and live by the world when in the world. Forgive me Father. May the Spirit convict me and direct me every moment of my life.
God in the name of your Som Master Yashua please forgive me of all my uncleanness, Holy Spirt show me and help me to be set free and to be clean in Yahusha name I pray Amen
I have uncleaness, I confess it before my brethren, & I ask the god of israel to reveal the uncleanliness in my heart that I may walk blameless and clean before him, I also pray that for all my brethren in the comments. Amén
I have uncleanness.... Forgive me Abba! I want to rid myself of pride & selfishness. I want to love others and show myself to be Yours by not judging, and trying to justify myself for "my issues," I can't do this without You. 😢
I struggle with bitterness against those who have wronged me (especially in outright evil), I need to forgive and throw it in the ocean to move forward, I feel like I have also been lying to protect myself from people who I just don't need to be around. Abba cleanse my life starting with my own heart and mind, help me to get the scales from my eyes to see, help me to keep my wick trim and my garments ready for the wedding and not live in this world your Son's name Amen
Yeshua highlight and expose my uncleanliness to me so I can fix my eyes on you more LORD. Thank you for this clarity and understanding and as you already know my next questions and steps, may you reveal more of your presence to me so I can see. ❤️🔥🙏🏼🙌🏼🫶🏼
I have sin.. I have anger and my mother speaks words that are not of Him.. Father I repent of all my uncleanliness all my sin.. please draw near to me and help me be your Sons image..
I have uncleaness and ask Abba to forgive me in Master Yeshua Maasiach’s Name and please come close to me. Me reveal my uncleaness to me. Thank You Abba for loving us so much, in Master Yeahua’s Name, Amen 🕎
Abba, Father, cleanse me of my unclean wretched self. Flush me through with the blood of your precious Son Jesus, Yeshua..scrub me Lord and make me white as snow
I am homeless. 75 yrs old been praying asking God to provide me a place to live if his will is that he will not then I have asked god to take me home to heaven I am homeless in ocala Florida 4 4 2014. I lost my place where I was living thru high rent increases and eviction. I live in fixed income SS.
Try checking out the high rise Apts where seniors can live on fix incomes. Or salvation army they can try to provide you a room to rent out at low cost. Otherwise get out of Florida high cost living area. Go to states where is much lower cost like Mississippi.. etc
There is a root cause. You or someone he may trust, talk to him about his life. When he was little. I will pray for him. I needed a sledge hammer to hit me, for me to wake up. That sledge hammer was the death of my beautiful husband.
@thomsinefrye6134 I have tried. I have spoken to ppl who knew him as a kid. And they can attest to my discerment. I see into things, and I know something happened in his home, but he is adamant his home was perfect. I know it wasn't. I am completely broken right now. I have no one to talk to. So thank you for reaching out. I'm sorry he is no longer with you. Did he wake up before he passed? How are you now? Any suggestions?
@@timeless1563 I don't know . My husband " supposedly" had covid and they wouldn't even let me go in the room. I was cruel to my husband. In the past 2 years since he's been gone, the Father has shown me a lot about my husband that I didn't know nor cared about. I have fallen in love with him. I am reaping what I sowed. I am reaping the consequences of my actions. I had no idea how beautiful, in and out, he really was. I now try to tell people, but sometimes people will do what people will do. I will pray for you and your husband.
Jesus Christ died for our Sins according to the scriptures and that he was Buried and he rose Again The third day praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all
Bitterness, resentment, and anger toward my husband for various reasons. I’ve been praying for Yah to help me not to feel this way for years but it seems like He’s not listening. Thank you for this video!
Forgive me, Father, for my anger towards my son, for my pride, for not following your laws and statutes, and for trying to manipulate you into doing things my way. I co fess and repent of these things. Renew and cleanse me in the name of your Son. Thank you!
I repent of procrastination and gluttony...please forgive me YAH, in Yahshuas name I pray it and lay my fleshly desires down be spririt led. I choose to teshuvah.
Forgive me Abba, I have uncleanness, while calling myself a follower of Messiah. I've allowed fear, pride, unforgiveness, resentment, anger, wanting my own way & other issues of my heart, people & circumstances to drive me to drink very unhealthily & have a worse attitude than I used to have. I call it crazy/stupid drinking. I was in a difficult marriage & my hubby passed & so much chaos happened in my life. I didn't handle things good. I didn't walk in the Spirit through all this. I spiraled downward. I repent, need healing, & to remember who I am. Forgive me, in Yahusha, amen. Oh there's probably more... 🙄
I confess... i cut corners im my march... i loose my patience way too easily. I gossip sometimes.... i eat too much.... i lack discipline... i have unclean thoughts.... i dont spend enough time in prayer though i want to.
You and your family will be abundantly blessed if you choose to work 6 days and honor your Creator Sabbath as designed. Just give it a try and see how much you love it ❤️
Thank you for continuing to lead and mentor. When I ask Yeshua for clarity it’s always one of your videos! Through Yeshua He sent me….you(Jim Staley) online pastor… to be born again and continue this walk and understanding through you 😍🙌🏼🙏🏼❤️🔥
I’m a sinner and I’m unclean. I’ve got tattoos, I’m addicted to marijuana and nicotine, I cheated on my ex husband. I’m not married to the man I have a family with and live with. I’ve had an abortion. I’ve been a bully, I’ve judged people, I’ve lied, stolen. Working on seeing the Lord and forgiveness for I’ve taken way short of the glory.
That is why Yah send Yeshua, to save people like you and me, sinners. Surrender and let He do the miracle for you. Listen to His voice and do what He shows you. ❤
👏 Amazing, pastor Jim! Toda raba! I am 33 years old. I was appointed representative of the Messianic Church in one of the cities of Uzbekistan. At some point I started drinking alcohol. But thanks to your sermon, I realized that this is especially prohibited for leaders. thank you. I stopped.
Rage, hatred, and unforgiveness towards and against those who hurt and abuse me and destroy my property is my sin. יהוהplease forgive me and cleanse me I pray in the Mighty Name of Your Son, יהושע 😢
Abba Father. Please create in me a clean heart & renew a right spirit within me😢.... Blessed be the name of Yah Most High
I have uncleanness. Fear, loosing control, weak faith, laziness etc. Holy spirit continue working on me.
Abba, please forgive me for my ignorance. I had no idea I was unclean. I have been following the Ruach of Yah as you have been pressing on me to dig. You have been revealing to me who you are and leading me to many truths that has never been taught. Please continue to humble my heart and remove any stench of pride, confusion or anything that does not honor you and your Kingdom. I want my will to be in line with your will. I die to myself today and everyday so that your work may be fulfilled in me. Refine me. Circumcise my heart. Cut away anything that is not of you. This is not taught in your house. Please continue to lead me Abba into truth so that I can face you someday with a clean heart. Help me by the Ruach of Yah to walk in a manner worthy of the gospel of Yahusha HaMashiach Amen
Update urgent emergency please join me in prayer for Terri had emergency brain cancer surgery last year she is improving she desperately needs continued prayers for her and family God bless you all...
Lifting Terri to YOU YESHUA/JESUS/ YEHOVAH RAPHA....Her name is a good name, LORD....Terri means Reaper! May Terri be The Reaper of YOUR GRACE, LORD, on Earth as It Is IN HEAVEN....YOU were wounded for Terri's transgressions, bruised for her iniquities; the chastisement of her SHALOM/ Peace was upon YOU and by YOUR stripes, Terri is healed! THY will be Done and in YOUR Precious Name, YESHUA, we pray! Amen! To YAH be Tje GLORY, HONOR, and Praise! HalleluYAH!!!!! 🙌🏻🩸🙌🏻
@@terrybunting8294Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤
@@terrybunting8294Amen! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤
Healing prayer
YHWH you know every secret of the soul. You're acquainted with Terri for Yahshua her advocate gave His life for her. He, YHWH, loves her better than we (her love ones) possibly can. If, therefore it is for Your Glory and good of this afflicted one to raise her up to health, I ask you in the name of Yahshua, that health may be given to Terri at this time. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
I have uncleaness and for it i ask for FORGIVENESS in the name YESHUA. Shalom shabbat SHALOM.
Father, I am a smoker of cigarettes, and tho all else has been cut off I pray You lend me Your ear and hear my prayer. I lift Terri up into Your healing powers and ask You to look upon her. Please, in all Your mercies, please, heal Terri and myself and all those who have posted in this video. Look upon us, acknowledge our desires to be clean before You. Help us to be more like Yahusha. Thank You for opening our eyes and ears to You but please, complete our holiness and with all Your might remove all these things which hold us down and keep us from You.
For this we ask in the name of Your Beloved Son, our King to come, and Husband to be, amen
Thank you, Jim!!!
I smoke, too, but I love and serve Him. Please, help me quit and serve you as a clean vessel...oh my God. Amen and praise be to the Lord. 🙏.
God, I come to thee being unclean. Please, cleanse me...oh God. This is my preyer through my Sherepphered, Lord Jesus. 🙏.
Father I pray and ask You to reveal to me what's blocking me from making a time everyday to pray and worship, i repent of what is blocking me in Yeshua's name Amen.
I have uncleaness and I haven't loved my creator enough because of that. This message helped me let go and is such a blessing of yhvh to me.
Oh man this is just what I needed today! It’s hard for me to keep the sabbath. Because my husband doesn’t keep YHWH true Shabbat. Today was such a day! Pray that My husband will start keeping YHWH’s appointed times with me!
God forgive me for my uncleanliness. Lord forgive me for any judgment I think or speak on others. In Jesus name. Amen.
i was SOOO unclean…filthy, I couldn’t clean myself (i tried hard😭)…only when i came in His Presence for the first time, with my sins and all, i finally got clean. He received me and forgave me and in His Presence i was made clean❤Now, in His Presence He doesn’t see my sins anymore, He sees the robe of righteousness of His Son on me…the robe of our Yeshua. Unfortunately on this earth my sins will never go away completely…but in His Presence…yes thru confession and repentance…myself will die more and more each day and He will live in me more and more each day. BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!!
i love you all!!!
Prayer is the most powerful weapon of a Believer praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you All
Have a blessed Shabbat! Looking forward to the teaching! Stay safe everyone!
I have uncleanness and I ask for Humility in my heart, in the name YESHUA. Shalom shabbat SHALOM.
Incredible sermon! The Lord led me here. I so needed to hear this... Thank you, Pastor, and God bless. 💜💙🤍
Yahweh forgive me for my cleanness . Show me the way and hear my heart in Yahshuah’s name. Amen
Father, forgive me for my uncleanness. For my lack of peace, my injuries, my temper , my lust, my deaf ears & blind eyes, my addiction & my lack of submission.
In Yahusha's name, Amein.
Father your Spirit have convicted me of my uncleanness. Thank you for not abandoning me in my struggle. And walking with me at all times. Amen
You and me both! Amen, his grace is amazing!
I am an unclean man and pray for my repentance every day. I pray I am doing this correctly
I have uncleanness. Fear, procrastination, bitterness. Abba Father, clean me of this sin... I pray this in the name of Yeshua!
Abba, Father, I am unclean as a leper. I am unrighteous as those who perished in the Flood. I am as unholy as the sons of Aaron who brought strange fire into the Temple. Forgive me and wipe away these sins so that I might dwell with You throughout eternity and praise You forever. I pray in Yeshua's Holy Name.
I have uncleanness! Thank you Pastor Jim!! Love the simplicity of GOD's Word!
I have uncleanness. Please help me Father the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I yearn for cleanness.
He has already shown me i need to stop losing my cool, its my anger issues, even if i have legitimate things happening..even exercising my right to be right. I need to stop. I don't want to disappoint Him
Vessel Jim Staley you are a blessing to each and everyone of us! Keep encouraging us! Love U Brother!
I pray that this sinful flesh die to the things of this world that have kept me trapped. Anger,Gossip,Lust, Lying Tongue, UnLove. I want these chains broken so I can come clean before you and that I can meet you behind that curtain and be righteous and holy before your eyes and you can say well done faithful servant! Yeshua thank you for the Blood you should have never shed for my wickedness and sickness and the torment you took for me and I dismissed it in pride and selfishness. Have mercy and favor on me!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Father GOD, forgive me for I am unclean. I have sinned so much and have asked for forgiveness and repentance. But I still feel lost in the darkness, searching for the light. In Jeshua name AMEN
Thank You God for revealing your Word I'm sorry for being selfish and full of myself please help me to be humble and kind to serve Your Kingdom here on earth please help me to be clean and holy before you I'm sorry thank you for you are slow to anger and plenty in mercy for Your mercies do not end and Your compassion never fail they are new every morning great is Your faithfulness
I repent of uncleanliness, I want to be close to King Jesus! Please heal me Father. Amen. Ego , judging, unloving….
I have uncleanness. I have anger, unforgiveness and live by the world when in the world. Forgive me Father. May the Spirit convict me and direct me every moment of my life.
Excellent teaching! I love the way he expounds on the scriptures!
God in the name of your Som Master Yashua please forgive me of all my uncleanness, Holy Spirt show me and help me to be set free and to be clean in Yahusha name I pray Amen
Father, please forgive me for the uncleanness I accumulate daily. Help me be worthy of your Presence so I can earn my place in Your Family.
I have uncleanness Father I come to you with a humble heart and ask for forgiveness in the name of my Lord and Savior YESHUA 🙏
Fear, anxiety, unforgiveness, judging and anger. Help me Lord. Help me to be clean and put my trust in you.
I am unclean! Thank you for unveiling this truth! 😢
I have uncleaness, I confess it before my brethren, & I ask the god of israel to reveal the uncleanliness in my heart that I may walk blameless and clean before him, I also pray that for all my brethren in the comments. Amén
Shabbat Shalom family!🕊
Wash me oh Lord from pride, gossip, lies and whatever I don’t even know I’m sorry with!! You Yah and only You could do so 🙏🏼🙏🏼
I have uncleanness.... Forgive me Abba! I want to rid myself of pride & selfishness. I want to love others and show myself to be Yours by not judging, and trying to justify myself for "my issues," I can't do this without You. 😢
I struggle with bitterness against those who have wronged me (especially in outright evil), I need to forgive and throw it in the ocean to move forward, I feel like I have also been lying to protect myself from people who I just don't need to be around. Abba cleanse my life starting with my own heart and mind, help me to get the scales from my eyes to see, help me to keep my wick trim and my garments ready for the wedding and not live in this world your Son's name Amen
Yeshua highlight and expose my uncleanliness to me so I can fix my eyes on you more LORD. Thank you for this clarity and understanding and as you already know my next questions and steps, may you reveal more of your presence to me so I can see. ❤️🔥🙏🏼🙌🏼🫶🏼
Wonderful! Amen!
I have sin.. I have anger and my mother speaks words that are not of Him.. Father I repent of all my uncleanliness all my sin.. please draw near to me and help me be your Sons image..
I have uncleaness and ask Abba to forgive me in Master Yeshua Maasiach’s Name and please come close to me. Me reveal my uncleaness to me. Thank You Abba for loving us so much, in Master Yeahua’s Name, Amen 🕎
Shabbat Shalom Everyone
Great teaching!!
Abba, Father, cleanse me of my unclean wretched self. Flush me through with the blood of your precious Son Jesus, Yeshua..scrub me Lord and make me white as snow
I am homeless. 75 yrs old been praying asking God to provide me a place to live if his will is that he will not then I have asked god to take me home to heaven
I am homeless in ocala Florida 4 4 2014.
I lost my place where I was living thru high rent increases and eviction.
I live in fixed income SS.
Try checking out the high rise Apts where seniors can live on fix incomes.
Or salvation army they can try to provide you a room to rent out at low cost. Otherwise get out of Florida high cost living area. Go to states where is much lower cost like Mississippi.. etc
Emergency prayer for my two sons, my husband to be healed from narcissism, for me to forgive him, for restoration.
There is a root cause. You or someone he may trust, talk to him about his life. When he was little. I will pray for him. I needed a sledge hammer to hit me, for me to wake up. That sledge hammer was the death of my beautiful husband.
@thomsinefrye6134 I have tried. I have spoken to ppl who knew him as a kid. And they can attest to my discerment. I see into things, and I know something happened in his home, but he is adamant his home was perfect. I know it wasn't. I am completely broken right now. I have no one to talk to. So thank you for reaching out. I'm sorry he is no longer with you. Did he wake up before he passed? How are you now? Any suggestions?
@@timeless1563 I don't know . My husband " supposedly" had covid and they wouldn't even let me go in the room. I was cruel to my husband. In the past 2 years since he's been gone, the Father has shown me a lot about my husband that I didn't know nor cared about. I have fallen in love with him. I am reaping what I sowed. I am reaping the consequences of my actions. I had no idea how beautiful, in and out, he really was. I now try to tell people, but sometimes people will do what people will do. I will pray for you and your husband.
Father I repent of my uncleaness. Please forgive me today. Help me to be holy before you. Amen
Excellent word of truth. God Bless 🕊️
Jesus Christ died for our Sins according to the scriptures and that he was Buried and he rose Again The third day praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all
Excellent teaching. I needed this.
Please forgive me for my uncleanness, Abba 🙏🕊️
Bitterness, resentment, and anger toward my husband for various reasons. I’ve been praying for Yah to help me not to feel this way for years but it seems like He’s not listening. Thank you for this video!
I am an unclean soul and I am so sorry, please help me back up again and I beg for forgiveness in the name of Yeshua.
Lord please scrub me clean from the inside out so I may come before you. In Jesus name, Amen 🙏 🙌
Forgive me, Father, for my anger towards my son, for my pride, for not following your laws and statutes, and for trying to manipulate you into doing things my way. I co fess and repent of these things. Renew and cleanse me in the name of your Son. Thank you!
I repent of procrastination and gluttony...please forgive me YAH, in Yahshuas name I pray it and lay my fleshly desires down be spririt led.
I choose to teshuvah.
I have uncleanness. Forgive me Lord. Help me with my faith.
Thank you
Lord, I have uncleanness. Pray for me to become Holly.🙏
I have uncleanness in me. God please strip me of my uncleanness and for give me in Jesus mighty name Amen
Wow Jim im so blessed by the message
Abba, please forgive me for my uncleaness. My attitude needs a change, I need to let go of fear.
Forgive me Abba, I have uncleanness, while calling myself a follower of Messiah. I've allowed fear, pride, unforgiveness, resentment, anger, wanting my own way & other issues of my heart, people & circumstances to drive me to drink very unhealthily & have a worse attitude than I used to have. I call it crazy/stupid drinking. I was in a difficult marriage & my hubby passed & so much chaos happened in my life. I didn't handle things good. I didn't walk in the Spirit through all this. I spiraled downward. I repent, need healing, & to remember who I am. Forgive me, in Yahusha, amen. Oh there's probably more... 🙄
I have a unclean spirit. I pray that I can be cleaned by the blood of christ. Our Heavenly Father clean me.
GOD, forgive me for my uncleanness, help me to be clean physically & spiritually.
I have uncleanness that Yeshua is washing clean! Amen!
I confess... i cut corners im my march... i loose my patience way too easily. I gossip sometimes.... i eat too much.... i lack discipline... i have unclean thoughts.... i dont spend enough time in prayer though i want to.
As usual, I Love❤ your teachings
Lord Yahshua cleaned my unclean heart, I confess that I need to be cean more and more every day, please forgive me, I repent for all my mistakes 🙏
I work 7 days a week, not honoring the sabbath.. I feel like there’s even more that I can’t think of
You and your family will be abundantly blessed if you choose to work 6 days and honor your Creator Sabbath as designed. Just give it a try and see how much you love it ❤️
Thank you !
I am uncleanness. Fear, anxiety and defensiveness. ADONAI help me! Change my heart and wash me clean!
Woah! Lev 21:10. Thank you for that!! HalleluYAH!!!
Saludos y bendiciones de Libros Neobiblismo
Thanks Jim
It was a great message! I have these issues in my own life, thanks for opening my eyes!
Lord JESUS, forgive me of ALL uncleaness in my life.
I have uncleanness on me I struggle with pride and loosing my cool because of it. Please lord don't give up on me and I promise I will work on it.
Shabbat Shalom !! 💌
Thank you for this Torah study breakdown, and practical application!! Shabbat Shalom
U talk sooo fast 😆
I have uncleanness. Pray for me. I want to change but having a hard time.
I have uncleanness. Father, please forgive me and make me whole and clean. Thank you, Amen
“Why judge them just pray for them because tomorrow you might be in the same situation!!!”
I have cleanness 😭 Forgive me Holy Father!!
Thank you for continuing to lead and mentor. When I ask Yeshua for clarity it’s always one of your videos! Through Yeshua He sent me….you(Jim Staley) online pastor… to be born again and continue this walk and understanding through you 😍🙌🏼🙏🏼❤️🔥
I have uncleanness. Greed, lust, judging others etc. Please forgive me and guide my steps in your righteous ways. Amen.
Holy Spirit Fire 🔥
Please forgive me of lashon hara. Thank you, amen.🙏🏽
1 John 1:9
I’m a sinner and I’m unclean. I’ve got tattoos, I’m addicted to marijuana and nicotine, I cheated on my ex husband. I’m not married to the man I have a family with and live with. I’ve had an abortion. I’ve been a bully, I’ve judged people, I’ve lied, stolen. Working on seeing the Lord and forgiveness for I’ve taken way short of the glory.
That is why Yah send Yeshua, to save people like you and me, sinners. Surrender and let He do the miracle for you. Listen to His voice and do what He shows you. ❤
👏 Amazing, pastor Jim! Toda raba!
I am 33 years old. I was appointed representative of the Messianic Church in one of the cities of Uzbekistan. At some point I started drinking alcohol. But thanks to your sermon, I realized that this is especially prohibited for leaders. thank you. I stopped.
I also realized that I need to find a few worthy friends among believers in Yeshua and not let friends from non-believers get close to my soul
I have uncleanness of procrastination, controlling, gossip and not understanding what it looks like to love Yahweh the way HE wants.
Abba forgive me for afraid to people
Rage, hatred, and unforgiveness towards and against those who hurt and abuse me and destroy my property is my sin. יהוהplease forgive me and cleanse me I pray in the Mighty Name of Your Son, יהושע 😢
Lord Jesus, I have uncleanness. Please wash me with your precious blood, in your mighty name. Amen
Yeshua, please forgive me of my uncleanness.
Shabbat shalom 🙏🏾, yah forgive me of my uncleanness
I have been angry at Yah for my circumstances because I know he could change them ....Forgive me Father