Thank you Road Trip Parents. We Love MIRROR so much. Catch a vibe 👍Rocketstar 👍Ignited👍.. All are lovely songs Support Edan🤓 He is adorable 🫠🤤.and talented😊
Were you seated in section A, or are you part of a fan club? I hope the video was clear enough for you to see both the stage and yourself - a concert photo with Mirror.
Hello @tonghin, thanks so much for stopping by. I moved to US from Hong Kong for work many years ago. I can read, but can't type in Chinese :-). If there is any travel information you think I may be able to help. Please let me know anytime.
@@roadtripparents Hello, I am going to Great wolf Lodge next week with my kid, and saw your video about that earlier. That's how I found your channel. Thanks so much for sharing where you were having fun.
喜歡Mirror每位成员,年青人要努力不懈,合作時要有團隊精神,才能發揮出真正的團结精被,而且可昇華更昇華!祝福你们這群年青人,All the best!
San Fran 這站服裝跟香港的很相似!Glad Keung put on his leather suit for his performance of Dark Moon again. Very impressive!
Keung To
Good Show
Love you
Support you forever
Thanks sharing, nice ❤ Support Mirror and #KeungTo ❤️🍬
Mirror good show 👍👍Thanks for sharing 🙏Keung To is my favourite 😍🤩
Me too😊
Thanks your sharing...Love $ Support #Mirror #KeungTo...from Canada
Love & support Keung To 🍑❤
Love Keung To & Mirror❤️❤️
多謝樓主分享。很多Mirror精彩片段😙。我見到Mirror 和我的靚仔鋼琴皇子Edan呂爵安🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️感激有得睇片。Have a good day!
Thanks for sharing. Support Mirror , Keung, Eden, Ian, Frankie.
Nice video 👍🏻👍🏻Support and love #KeungTo and his Mirror bros💖🍑🍑💖
Ian ❤❤ and Mirror Good Show, thanks for sharing 😍😍
Thank for sharing 🙏😊 love Anson Lo & Mirror ❤️
Love Ian and Mirror! 😍😍😍 Good show and subperb performance! 👏🏻👍🏻 Thank you for sharing. 🙏🏾 Hellosss from 🇲🇾
me too💙💙🕺🏽🎸🎵 lan Chan👍👍
@@ytam1110 🙌🏻😁
So cool! Thanks for sharing!
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Thanks for sharing. Ian唱live真係好好聽🥰🥰
多謝分享!支持教主Anson Lo & Mirror ! Great performance !❤
Mirror, well done. Good Performance. 支持姜姜同11位兄弟。
Support KeungTo💪
We all love you very much❤
多謝分享,支持Anson Lo & Mirror❤❤ 美加世巡演唱會Good Show👍🏻👍🏻
Thank you for sharing ❤ Support Anson Lo 😍🥰 & Mirror ❤ Good Show🔥🔥🔥
Thanks ! 鐘意 陳卓賢 咇咇 音樂唱作王子 發自內在的魅力 卓越 有內涵 Ian and the 11 brothsss Good Show ! 👍👏💪🎉🎊
Thanks for share❤❤❤
Welcome 😊
Love You , Edan❤
Ian郁手手同你say hi🥰 勁愛佢
Thank you Road Trip Parents.
We Love MIRROR so much.
Catch a vibe 👍Rocketstar 👍Ignited👍.. All are lovely songs
Support Edan🤓 He is adorable 🫠🤤.and talented😊
Too bad "Day 0" has to be trimmed out from the video due to copyright restriction.
Mirror ❤❤❤
SUPPORT #AnsonLo #盧瀚霆 #MIRROR 美加世巡演唱會Good Show 💖💖💖
Thanks for sharing ❤
Thanks from HK yoyoyo❤
I'm glad it reached you all the way there 😀.
Supporting Keung To & Mirror!❤
KT & Mirror Good Show!
Thank you! I was truly lucky to get an open seat, although it unfortunately meant someone else missed the show. ☹
👍👍👍👍有實力有才華是最實在的🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳Ian Chan💙💙💙💙💙
Thx for sharing 👍🏻
Thanks for sharing😍🤩🤩 知道佢地有jet lag, 三藩市 Mirror演出十分精彩 full energy 炸台 , good show 👍👍
見到SF concert 用螢光捧, 同香港英國站唔同😊😊
Thx for sharing! Good show! Mirror! Alton! 💛🦍
Thank you for your sharing. Mirror and Anson Good Show🥰
Of course! I'm happy to hear you're enjoying it.
Thanks for sharing. Mirror and Ian enjoy the stage, we are always be with you💙🤍
最舒服真係睇lan Chan💙💙👍👍👍有D太浮誇!
Love KT ❤
好高興聽到外國人喺街上同Mirror講,I Know You guys,真替他們高興,這要多謝各地fans 們的支持,好好享受這個show 吧!
多謝Mirror 多謝姜濤,Anson Lo, 給我堅持下去的力量❤
Thank you . A fantastic video. Mr E💥 Edan👍🤓
我見到我自己 😂Mirror Feel The Passion Concert Tour 繼續Good Show🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Were you seated in section A, or are you part of a fan club? I hope the video was clear enough for you to see both the stage and yourself - a concert photo with Mirror.
@@roadtripparents I sat at Section 116 😁
Support Anson Lo 😍 🥰& Mirror❤ Good Show🔥
Support Anson Lo😍 🥰North America Good Show🔥
Adorable 12 from HK 💞 💞 💞 💞 💞 💞
How is Eden now❓️❓️❓️ 🙏 Pray。。。。
i wish i were to go 😢
Good cutting
Appreciate your comment ☺️
Anson Lo & Mirror, Good show!
Edan, good show in USA
He did very well in SF!!
Mirror was on Fox News
Hello @tonghin, thanks so much for stopping by. I moved to US from Hong Kong for work many years ago. I can read, but can't type in Chinese :-). If there is any travel information you think I may be able to help. Please let me know anytime.
@@roadtripparents Hello, I am going to Great wolf Lodge next week with my kid, and saw your video about that earlier. That's how I found your channel. Thanks so much for sharing where you were having fun.
坐邊?我坐樓下但您仲好view過我…… 我俾前面條女高舉banner 成日遮Q住唒!😢 將來睇演唱會可否禁燈牌banner….?😮💨
你張ticket貴咁多有價值架。 正面睇住佢地表演其實接觸感大好多。 好多fan club 朋友其實都好considerate. 不過我地舉牌真係要留意翻。 其實你下次試嚇直接友善提一提佢。 好過浪費咗個好位。
@@roadtripparents 我都唔算前….. 買唔到頭十行…….比較偏側靠您嗰邊….. 有時候,寧願個view 唔會俾人遮住仲好……其實我唔明到底舉牌舉banner 意義何在…. 舉其實唔緊要…. 但任何嘢都唔應該舉高過自己個頭囉!仲有,前面另一條女,帶個好高嘅頭cool ….. 舉banner 嗰個塊banner 雖然係一塊佈….. 但遮住嘅範圍都好大吓😮💨😮💨😮💨
其實應該好似英國咁唔俾帶…. 最好…. 仲有條話自己生日嘅友….. 大大張cardboard 咁舉要人哋祝福佢?(唔知您見唔見到?)(雖然遮唔到我,但遮住任何人都唔好啦!😮💨)佢生日關人Q事咩?我夠嗰日生日啦…. 生日大唒?我見到和唔覺意影到AK, KT 巳經應咗佢….. 條友都唔滿足?洗唔洗十二個陪埋佢切蛋糕先肯放番底個牌?😮💨😮💨😮💨 好self center 囉!😮💨😮💨😮💨 完全冇理後面觀眾感受!😮💨😮💨😮💨
仲有開場前亂Q咁嗌嗰個男人…..😮💨 喂!阿叔,冇人逼佢去睇㗎!既然haters入嚟做乜?就算當佢唔洗錢…. Parking 油錢都係錢吖?做乜佢要浪費佢自己D時間呢?何必呢?😮💨😮💨😮💨
那也是我最喜歡的節目部分。我全神貫注. 很遺憾, 沒有拍攝任何影片。由於版權問題,"Day 0" 的內容被刪除了。我希望你喜歡我分享的其餘部分。
Alton not bad at all, 跳得好過姜涛
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Good characters 一時一刻係扮唔到,keep住呢個特質❤,lovey guys.❤