Loving this - your Tier 2s are great, so well thought through. I particularly like the themed abilities of Leaf insect, Elephant shrew, and Coyote, they add bags of character to the pets :)
hmmm, milk being a normally buyable shop food is really funny. I wonder if it should be tier 2 or 3... I really like the idea of practical "remove this pet" abilities. I mean, I like everything you're doing here, but that's my favorite thing so far, very clever. the eject mechanic feels inevitable too, though designing around it intentionally seems hard! the detect mechanic is very clever as well.
I felt like tier 2 was fine given that it's only +1 hp more than an apple, but I guess you could argue it's only -1 attack less than a pear. Really it's there for 2 reasons 1) to save creating another stat food and b) I felt like there should be 1 stat food per tier... although I ultimately failed on that front 😅
I hope either you put these into their own playlist or stitch all of these videos together to make a big long one! Also I’m so excited for all of the dinosaurs in tier 6!
Great video! The pack already seems to be coming together. Coyote is SUCH a cool, unique, and fitting ability! One thing I wanna point out - assuming base stats, Pheasant would remove itself before the enemies affect it. The stat distribution is tough, because triggering early is good for your team, but triggering late is good against the enemy. Anyways, excited for the next one!
Love watching this videos, really great work! I have 2 thoughts about this: 1. Vampire Squid: Right now it seems to mostly only work with blackberry (maybe there will be more later) because it is a start of battle ability, was thinking if "before attack" (only works 1, 2, 3 times / battle) would be better for more chances to get inked without having to do it yourself? 2. Leaf insect gave me an idea for another pet, maybe a customs only pet? Pet "ignore" opponents perk, defensive perks don't defend, tomato don't trigger, peanut don't work etc.works 1,2,3 times / battle. That is something that SAP don't have at the moment and could be very useful.
Glad to hear it :) 1. The ink bonus is there to provide a small additional incentive for buying ailments early without being over the top. It will be possible to get inked by the opposing team but the design isn't really assuming that will be common. 2. I think that's probably way too strong which may well be why it doesn't exist already!
When I saw the border collie at the bottom I just thought, What about a pet that prevents your team being pushed by donkey or seahorse. Seems the only tactic without a direct counter
You're on the right track but not quite the ability I had in mind... You could put the papaya on a unit right at the back with low attack so that it could at least recover 1 space after being moved by seahorse, but it won't do anything against donkey 😅
For the Midas Tamarin it should work more times per turn because as it is. In one turn with lvl 3 you can make 3 gold but swan already does that with no prerequisite. More work for same pay off
Swan is just an overtuned tier 2, pretty much always has been. With more pets coming up you will easily be able to trigger midas during battles as well.
I love the pheasant idea as if you give if blueberry all the enemy pets will hit it and it wouldn't even matter along with it giving the buff the only thing I would say is kind of bad is that it falls of really quick due to it not giving much of a buff to stats begin with
Really you want tier 2s to fall off though. There are a lot of tier 2s in the current version that are probably a bit too good and you just end up keeping them forever.
Already love the summon ejection synergies, always felt like this could be a very well implemented mechanic to build around! Now we just need a high-tier pet that punishes the opponent for too many ejections (which I bet is coming later in your pack showcase…)
box jelly does seem crazy strong! Alternating wall chicken and blackberry in customs could be pretty broken. Sounds fun for a 5 of a kind though, you could pill microbe for team wide scaling :D
Someone else said it was too weak 😆Would it really be that strong though? Suppose you get double box jelly turn 3 and can still buy blackberry, you've just spent 9 gold to get 2 2/2 units and one of your pets has ink. You probably could get a pretty decent engine going eventually but I imagine you'd have to bleed a lot of hearts to get there by which time there are better options. Could easy be switched to an in-battle only type effect with higher base stats though.
@@GroundedSAPI'm just thinking of it in comparison to the jellyfish we do have, which is a very strong scaler despite level ups being rather limited. I may be overvaluing it a bit, there are only 2 foods thus far that give ailments and outside of that it's rather niche to do in shop, but it seems really easy to do right when you grab it because all the relevant ailment foods thus far are in tier 2! But I could absolutely be overvaluing the early scaling here, especially since it doesn't have jellyfishes starting stats.
I like the Midas tamarin a lot. And the box jellyfish doesn't seem overpowered to me at all, there's still not that many ways to get ailments in the shop and they won't always be useful. Blackberry in the pack is just going to be giving it 1/1 most of the time which is fine scaling for an item
so far , pretty cool pack... midas seems like a tier 3 to me cuz of customs (sauropod+ BOP + midas + elephant seal would be so broken) , box jelly should have trigger limit imo , the gubby should be +1 attack OR +health to not be OP for tier 1 ... I am super impressed at your creativity and really hope they add the pack to the game as it seems fitting already
I don't think midas would be better in that scenario than swan or weasel. Even at level 3 you're only getting 3 gold back on the following turn if you buy 3 perks or ailments. You might as well just sell it for another sauropod.
I love the idea of pheasant baiting out attacks, however because it has high attack, it'll probably remove itself before anything has a chance to snipe him. :c
There's no limit on comments! Yeah it absolutely could have. Generally I've tried to avoid putting those in unless I felt it was absolutely necessary - people tend to hate trigger limits for no real reason!
I once created an pack on my own before star pack was created. My focus was on food perks like carrot and croissant and cucumber, but they're stackable and get removed when inflicted with a buff or debuff in battle. Todays meta they would be quite unbalanced, but then it mixed with the pets I made and the easy turtle and puppy packs. I also made a new debuff which would have the pets "miss" attacks, which I called fro-yo, but certain pets gained perks from misses and non-crits. Anyway, I emailed teamwood and like 2 months later star pack came out and a couple of the pets I designed were a part of it. I made a form of Panda and mantis, which I actually called Koala, but at the start of the turn it makes the last friend faint and gains some of the fainted pets stats(50%-150%). I thought it was super cool to possibly have a couple pets inspired from me, and I really hope these make it into the game. I love the idea of more unique day and night pets, I feel like that could be a really cool build to create.
Guppy you should compare with Blue Bird. Blue bird is a 2/1 that gives +0/1 stats to a random friend. The drawback of blue bird on early rounds is clearly snipes + not being able to trade with standart stat units (2/3s). Guppy is basically a better blue bird because on buy turn it doesnt die sniped and gives double the stats (1/0 and 0/1). To fix, I suggest: 1. Making it a 1/3 2. Change the lose stats mechanic onto End turn > Deal itself 1 damage and give nearest 1/2/3 friend(s) ahead 0/1 stats. With these two changes you have a sitting duck that is fairly weaker than blue bird because it wont trade with 2/2s and also it can die, meaning you cant runt it on your team for so long that easily unlike blue bird. Also distincts itself from blue bird by giving a guaranteed target stats and being HP instead of attack
The idea was that it would be good at first but then become a liability as it's stats drained. The main issue I see is that 'wasting' the stats on other guppies just keeps them alive and so really you lose nothing. Needs a rethink but can't really hurt itself on end turn for a variety of reasons, not least pita bread!
@@GroundedSAP i mean, by that point having basically a worse giraffe would be terrible for your team, im not sure if that is a problem. If anything it has more sinergy with Koala
I think making the Guppy a 1/1 that can’t scale until it is above that stat line can make it more balanced. For instance a level 2 Guppy at 2/2 can only scale as a level 1 but at 3/3 can scale as level 2. At 1/1 or 2/2 it can’t faint but the ability just won’t activate at 1/1. What do you guys think?
the ideas are really strong here but i feel like the detect mechanic would be too hard to implement. just for example if you fought a full summon team with all figs? would it be summon or sniper?
Summon. If you allowed perks to influence it it would be too easy to disguise your main archetype. Not saying it wouldn't be difficult to implement, but we're in the privileged position of not having to worry about that with a fantasy project!
There's nothing you can do to avoid them when people post in the comments 🤷♂I didn't want any spoilers for Unicorn either and day 1 people are telling me how to get Moby Dick and Good Dog 🤣
I think the number 1 thing is trying to make sure each major archetype has an obvious throughline from T1 to T6. If you look at Turtle pack you can see the progression from, for example, horse/cricket > spider/sheep > whale/deer > turkey/shark > fly. Give the player multiple avenues to pursue even if they're already set on one archetype from the beginning. But more importantly just enjoy yourself!
Midas level 3 is 3 gold total that can be generated, so same as swan. But using it with the in-battle gold generators would definitely be better style points 😎
@@GroundedSAP brother if you want stuff to be practical you can always build a pack with leech camel tiger leopard, cause in this town we worship RevGT, and the name of the game is style
Some of the sell effects are too strong. Like if you have a big tamarin being able to spam sell waffle onto it would be crazy. Catfish was bugged on test server for a while so there are definitely vids out there showing this!
Vampire squid seems unusable. Why would you buy ink to benefit an enemy pet? and there's no start of battle ink abilities, so... yeah, the double effect means nothing. Box jellyfish needs to gain permanent 1/1. This would enable it with teams like microbe. Since its a 1/1 base stat line though, it shouldn't be overpowered. Midas tamarin would work better as a tier 3 with double triggers. Making it just a more complicated swan with more stats is unnecessary. Making it a tier 3 makes it more unique in my opinion. Road runner, whilst a token pet, should be better. I personally loved Monty, since it was a token with an actually scalable and fun ability. I think road runner should have 1 trigger, but gain the stats permanently. How many times can you get the road runner to jump twice? Actually, what you could do with road runner is: "Pet faints: jump 1 space backwards and gain 1, 2, 3 health (respective to level up). Just making the road runner "Before attack" and giving it a jump ability doesn't make a lot of sense. Pheasant could very well be the worst pet in the game. You're telling me that a 50/50 level 3 pheasant dies and give two friends 3/3? However, I like the concept. I think that Pheasant should give 3 friends 1/1, 2/2, 3/3. Not only is it competitive against flamingo (flamingo has better stats, doesn't remove itself and gives the friends YOU want the buff, works with pill) but it would also fit into specific, fast-paced archetypes that want to optimise their early game and get as many wins as possible in the shortest amount of time. Yes, I understand that pheasant appears to work with macaw and similar pets, but it's just too niche. A buff would really help to make it viable in other archetypes. Also, for the "detect" ability: not good. I'm sorry, it just isn't. There's no way to build your team around these pets, since its all up to RNG. For example, elephant shrew. If you need an elephant on your team but the enemy doesn't have the right "triggers," you're pretty much guaranteed to lose. But if you DON'T need an elephant but the team has the right "triggers," you're going to get hurt by the shrew. Besides, for new people for the game it would be WAY too confusing. Yes I know I rambled lol, and you didn't show the higher tiers; but based on current footage, I think my suggestions could help.
Vampire squid: What do you mean the double effect means nothing? If the vampire squid has ink it removes double the health from the opponent and gains double the attack. Box jellyfish: Permanent +1/+1 in battle would be broken at tier 2. Base statlines are usually not enough to tone down these types of abilities. There are also more pro-ailment pets down the line so trying to judge these abilities in a vacuum isn't going to work. Road runner: Monty, whilst funny, is hilariously broken so I wouldn't want to design anything on that level of strength. Road runner could very easily jump twice if you just have 2 coyotes. Again, you haven't seen all the other pets in the pack that could create other jump twice scenarios. Ultimately it was supposed to just be a thematic touch that it's repeatedly escaping. Pheasant: If you want to imagine it giving more stats to justify the ability, by all means go ahead! The numerical values are just for illustration. But ask yourself this - why on earth would you scale a 'remove this' trigger pet to 50/50 in the first place? And when was the last time you saw a 50/50 flamingo?... Elephant Shrew: This game is a game of RNG. If you get drawn against the wrong type of opponent with other builds, you lose. It wouldn't really be that difficult to design a team around this at all. (And even if it was difficult it would be nice to have some pets that promoted creativity!) Most hurt pets in this game have very good standalone value - camel, triceratops, blowfish... and some more coming up in this pack. Obviously elephant shrew is worse than elephant... but it's tier 2 so why shouldn't it be? Imagine how satisfying it would be if your janky elephant shrew combo paid off 😎 Rambling is perfectly fine and definitely not discouraged! People often have very strong opinions on pet ideas regardless of whether or not they are imaginary 😉
@GroundedSAP wow you actually responded 😎 As with vampire: yeah I didn't see it lol. Box jellyfish could be a tier 3... way more interesting. Yeah I know monty is broken, what I meant was that some tokens should have viable, pillable abilities. Yeah I know you wouldn't scale pheasant, but then why would you take it? There are so many scaler. Flamingo doesn't need to be 50 50, it can be a 10 10 and still be better than Max pheasant.
@GroundedSAP also, elephant shrew is just TOO much RNG. Like, snipers are good against certain teams, and broken against summons; but at least they always do something and benefit the player.
@GroundedSAP nah pheasant is a fun idea, just needs better execution. In fact, what if you change maquae (monkey summons monkey) to :remove this and then summon?" This way you could have a 5 squad, but no held food perks.
Petition to add this as a real pack in SAP ⬇️
No one commented 💀
@@loggerT123But it has 52 likes
It would be awesome! I love all the art and the abilities are very unique and cool
I would actually buy that
super manual pets in this context is the greatest thing i've ever heard in my life god damn
Let me tell ya it's interesting
honestly that's so funny lol
I absolutely love coyote summoning roadrunner, that was one of my meme ideas in a main discord forum 😂
Oh yeah? 😆Great minds 🧠
Meep Meep!
I hate that there aren't more videos like this. It's so addictive
I probably watch more fan made Pokemon design vids than I do actual Pokemon gameplay 😆
Loving this - your Tier 2s are great, so well thought through. I particularly like the themed abilities of Leaf insect, Elephant shrew, and Coyote, they add bags of character to the pets :)
It's so much easier to come up with this stuff when you have the artwork to go off 🙏
"Eject" is a great idea and is something I hope gets added to the game someday
This series is a blast!
hmmm, milk being a normally buyable shop food is really funny. I wonder if it should be tier 2 or 3...
I really like the idea of practical "remove this pet" abilities. I mean, I like everything you're doing here, but that's my favorite thing so far, very clever. the eject mechanic feels inevitable too, though designing around it intentionally seems hard! the detect mechanic is very clever as well.
I felt like tier 2 was fine given that it's only +1 hp more than an apple, but I guess you could argue it's only -1 attack less than a pear. Really it's there for 2 reasons 1) to save creating another stat food and b) I felt like there should be 1 stat food per tier... although I ultimately failed on that front 😅
@@GroundedSAP porridge does give 3 total stats if that's relevant
Yeah porridge is tier 3 so probably right that milk should be tier 3 as well.
I hope either you put these into their own playlist or stitch all of these videos together to make a big long one! Also I’m so excited for all of the dinosaurs in tier 6!
Yes I will make a playlist for sure. All the end cards will be changed to point to the following video as well for any latecomers!
This is the coolest thing in the sap community in a while. Love these videos. Cant wait to see how it progresses
Great video! The pack already seems to be coming together. Coyote is SUCH a cool, unique, and fitting ability! One thing I wanna point out - assuming base stats, Pheasant would remove itself before the enemies affect it. The stat distribution is tough, because triggering early is good for your team, but triggering late is good against the enemy. Anyways, excited for the next one!
Yeah pheasant's attack stat is a bit awkward eh? Maybe I'll think of a different way to word it...
Love watching this videos, really great work!
I have 2 thoughts about this:
1. Vampire Squid: Right now it seems to mostly only work with blackberry (maybe there will be more later) because it is a start of battle ability, was thinking if "before attack" (only works 1, 2, 3 times / battle) would be better for more chances to get inked without having to do it yourself?
2. Leaf insect gave me an idea for another pet, maybe a customs only pet? Pet "ignore" opponents perk, defensive perks don't defend, tomato don't trigger, peanut don't work etc.works 1,2,3 times / battle. That is something that SAP don't have at the moment and could be very useful.
Glad to hear it :) 1. The ink bonus is there to provide a small additional incentive for buying ailments early without being over the top. It will be possible to get inked by the opposing team but the design isn't really assuming that will be common. 2. I think that's probably way too strong which may well be why it doesn't exist already!
When I saw the border collie at the bottom I just thought, What about a pet that prevents your team being pushed by donkey or seahorse. Seems the only tactic without a direct counter
You're on the right track but not quite the ability I had in mind... You could put the papaya on a unit right at the back with low attack so that it could at least recover 1 space after being moved by seahorse, but it won't do anything against donkey 😅
For the Midas Tamarin it should work more times per turn because as it is. In one turn with lvl 3 you can make 3 gold but swan already does that with no prerequisite. More work for same pay off
Swan is just an overtuned tier 2, pretty much always has been. With more pets coming up you will easily be able to trigger midas during battles as well.
God I wish this pack was in the game SO badly. Loving the vids! Eagerly awaiting pt 3
The sprites are just so gorgeous it's hard not to fall in love with them 😍
You predicted so many pets that are officially released and available now congrats bro
Ha! At some point I still need to do the follow up video to this and talk about it 😅
Really cool pack so far. Very excited for the rest of the parts
Next bit should be tomorrow all being well!
The Emperor Protects 🙏
I love the pheasant idea as if you give if blueberry all the enemy pets will hit it and it wouldn't even matter along with it giving the buff the only thing I would say is kind of bad is that it falls of really quick due to it not giving much of a buff to stats begin with
Really you want tier 2s to fall off though. There are a lot of tier 2s in the current version that are probably a bit too good and you just end up keeping them forever.
@GroundedSAP I'm more talking about like a tier after like tier 3-4 in my opinion that's just a bit to fast
I've already tweaked its ability so you can reassess after the next video ;)
@@GroundedSAP wow ok thanks ❤️
Can’t wait for part 3 !!
Should be a bit easier to do now that the build demo screen is all set up.
Already love the summon ejection synergies, always felt like this could be a very well implemented mechanic to build around! Now we just need a high-tier pet that punishes the opponent for too many ejections (which I bet is coming later in your pack showcase…)
There are certainly lots of ways you could take it. I think it's no surprise this is one of the most requested triggers I've seen - it's just fun!
Absolutely love this series! I’d love to see you make more packs in the future as well! Your voice is also very calming and nice to listen to!
Glad you like it, but I don't know if I'll have another pack in me after this! Very fun to work on but it's so time consuming 🕰
@@GroundedSAP very fair! I assume it would take a lot of time and effort.
box jelly does seem crazy strong! Alternating wall chicken and blackberry in customs could be pretty broken. Sounds fun for a 5 of a kind though, you could pill microbe for team wide scaling :D
Someone else said it was too weak 😆Would it really be that strong though? Suppose you get double box jelly turn 3 and can still buy blackberry, you've just spent 9 gold to get 2 2/2 units and one of your pets has ink. You probably could get a pretty decent engine going eventually but I imagine you'd have to bleed a lot of hearts to get there by which time there are better options. Could easy be switched to an in-battle only type effect with higher base stats though.
@@GroundedSAPI'm just thinking of it in comparison to the jellyfish we do have, which is a very strong scaler despite level ups being rather limited. I may be overvaluing it a bit, there are only 2 foods thus far that give ailments and outside of that it's rather niche to do in shop, but it seems really easy to do right when you grab it because all the relevant ailment foods thus far are in tier 2! But I could absolutely be overvaluing the early scaling here, especially since it doesn't have jellyfishes starting stats.
I mean the 1/1 statline is there because I was worried too lol
Vampire squid is reminiscent of venoshock or facade from Pokémon cool ability!
Hadn't thought of it like that but you're right!
Fine work, GS
I tried :)
This looks so fun. I keep having to remind myself that it’s not legit… yet. Amazing work.
Glad the illusion holds up 👍
Midas Tamarin is insane! I would love a pet like that. Awesome idea.
Bat hits you with weakness... CHA-CHING!🤑
I like the Midas tamarin a lot. And the box jellyfish doesn't seem overpowered to me at all, there's still not that many ways to get ailments in the shop and they won't always be useful. Blackberry in the pack is just going to be giving it 1/1 most of the time which is fine scaling for an item
Yeah the only situation I'm concerned about is having 2 of them, but I was going ham with 'adjacent' so I left it 😅
I was just thinking about how amazing would it be if GROUNDEDSAP uploaded. Then poof, like a wizard, he doth uploadth.
so far , pretty cool pack... midas seems like a tier 3 to me cuz of customs (sauropod+ BOP + midas + elephant seal would be so broken) , box jelly should have trigger limit imo , the gubby should be +1 attack OR +health to not be OP for tier 1 ... I am super impressed at your creativity and really hope they add the pack to the game as it seems fitting already
I don't think midas would be better in that scenario than swan or weasel. Even at level 3 you're only getting 3 gold back on the following turn if you buy 3 perks or ailments. You might as well just sell it for another sauropod.
@@GroundedSAP wait you are totally right :p , that's why I watch you
Love this project
I love the idea of pheasant baiting out attacks, however because it has high attack, it'll probably remove itself before anything has a chance to snipe him. :c
Yeah I guess it is a bit anti-synergistic in that sense because it needs to have higher attack than its friends but lower attack than the enemies 😆
Oooh i wonder if you made a pet who transforms ailments into benefits, like ink being +3 attack and weakness as a garlic
Sorry for commenting so much I just really love this idea you’re doing lol. Maybe Box Jellyfish could have trigger limits?
There's no limit on comments! Yeah it absolutely could have. Generally I've tried to avoid putting those in unless I felt it was absolutely necessary - people tend to hate trigger limits for no real reason!
I once created an pack on my own before star pack was created. My focus was on food perks like carrot and croissant and cucumber, but they're stackable and get removed when inflicted with a buff or debuff in battle. Todays meta they would be quite unbalanced, but then it mixed with the pets I made and the easy turtle and puppy packs. I also made a new debuff which would have the pets "miss" attacks, which I called fro-yo, but certain pets gained perks from misses and non-crits. Anyway, I emailed teamwood and like 2 months later star pack came out and a couple of the pets I designed were a part of it. I made a form of Panda and mantis, which I actually called Koala, but at the start of the turn it makes the last friend faint and gains some of the fainted pets stats(50%-150%). I thought it was super cool to possibly have a couple pets inspired from me, and I really hope these make it into the game. I love the idea of more unique day and night pets, I feel like that could be a really cool build to create.
Wow that's going back a bit! Yeah it's very tough to come up with new stuff when you don't know what's already in the pipeline.
Guppy you should compare with Blue Bird. Blue bird is a 2/1 that gives +0/1 stats to a random friend. The drawback of blue bird on early rounds is clearly snipes + not being able to trade with standart stat units (2/3s). Guppy is basically a better blue bird because on buy turn it doesnt die sniped and gives double the stats (1/0 and 0/1). To fix, I suggest:
1. Making it a 1/3
2. Change the lose stats mechanic onto End turn > Deal itself 1 damage and give nearest 1/2/3 friend(s) ahead 0/1 stats.
With these two changes you have a sitting duck that is fairly weaker than blue bird because it wont trade with 2/2s and also it can die, meaning you cant runt it on your team for so long that easily unlike blue bird. Also distincts itself from blue bird by giving a guaranteed target stats and being HP instead of attack
The idea was that it would be good at first but then become a liability as it's stats drained. The main issue I see is that 'wasting' the stats on other guppies just keeps them alive and so really you lose nothing. Needs a rethink but can't really hurt itself on end turn for a variety of reasons, not least pita bread!
@@GroundedSAP i mean, by that point having basically a worse giraffe would be terrible for your team, im not sure if that is a problem. If anything it has more sinergy with Koala
I think making the Guppy a 1/1 that can’t scale until it is above that stat line can make it more balanced. For instance a level 2 Guppy at 2/2 can only scale as a level 1 but at 3/3 can scale as level 2. At 1/1 or 2/2 it can’t faint but the ability just won’t activate at 1/1. What do you guys think?
I even think doing this can make it remain a tier 1. You would have to stack the guppy on turn 1 for the ability to even work and the stats are poor
The ability it has came about because I was trying to keep it similar to fish and yet with a new twist... doesn't quite work though!
the ideas are really strong here but i feel like the detect mechanic would be too hard to implement. just for example if you fought a full summon team with all figs? would it be summon or sniper?
Summon. If you allowed perks to influence it it would be too easy to disguise your main archetype. Not saying it wouldn't be difficult to implement, but we're in the privileged position of not having to worry about that with a fantasy project!
Push seems really op. A t2 which can give +24 to the front unit? That seems op.
This is obviously in the hypothetical 4 locust scenario but still
Think about that team build for a second - 1 pudu and 4 locusts? You'd be lucky to win a single battle.
Oh hey! I'll be doing an ejection pet job my video tomorrow! Really fun trigger
Has to be the number 1 most requested thing I've seen across YT/Discord ✈
@@GroundedSAP I had no idea! Kind of glad I don't look at too many other ideas, keeps me feeling creative 😅
There's nothing you can do to avoid them when people post in the comments 🤷♂I didn't want any spoilers for Unicorn either and day 1 people are telling me how to get Moby Dick and Good Dog 🤣
I am so surprised the box jelllyfish, the most venemous (or poisonous) animal in the world, is just a tier 2.
I don't think it's the number 1 is it? Either way cone snails can be deadly are it's a tier 1!
@@GroundedSAPso true. It is number 1 tho.
I think roadrunner twice per battle is fine if the base stats are 2/2
Yeah and I think having a larger unit that will pretty much always fight last is worth less overall.
Another pet the pheasant idea is similar to would be the panda if you think about it
Similar, but panda does not allow pets like macaque to spawn into the resultant space sadly
@@GroundedSAP what about when panda's attack is higher than macaque's
It doesn't matter. Fainted start of battle pets aren't removed until all the start of battle abilities have gone off.
@@GroundedSAP hmm ok
Could the pheasant activate the eject ability? Or is it just the remove effect?
It's just remove. I think there would probably be too many eject pets in the early tiers if it did that as well.
Do you have any tips for those who want to make their own pack?
I think the number 1 thing is trying to make sure each major archetype has an obvious throughline from T1 to T6. If you look at Turtle pack you can see the progression from, for example, horse/cricket > spider/sheep > whale/deer > turkey/shark > fly. Give the player multiple avenues to pursue even if they're already set on one archetype from the beginning. But more importantly just enjoy yourself!
I want the leaf insect. I NEED the leaf insect 🍃
Garlic has had it's 2+ years in the sun 👋
Please tell me the roadrunner says "meep meep" when summoned!
I can confirm, in my 100% fake pack, that it does.
Papaya would be huge for cobra scaling with monkey
Yeah there are a lot of uses for it. I'll probably do some mockups using official pets later on to demo.
Since ejecting wastes stats, it should double if ejected.
More rewards are coming for ejecting pets...
wait i forgot: does Detect apply to our own team or opponent?
Opponent. If you could detect your own principal archetype it would be guaranteed!
i just imagin box jelifish and good dog dominating already in customs
Box jelly is ailments only, so it would have to be bad dog!
the tamarin is also a a bit like a very early Sauropod. edit: and a weak avocado
Yup, just much weaker as befits tier 2!
Pudu slime boutta go bananas
Front slime eject squad 🤤
She front on my squad till I eject that slime 😫😫😫😫😫
Hear me out:
Seagull + mushroom, orca, midas tamarin and mimic = Instant stock market crash due to overinflation
Midas level 3 is 3 gold total that can be generated, so same as swan. But using it with the in-battle gold generators would definitely be better style points 😎
@@GroundedSAP brother if you want stuff to be practical you can always build a pack with leech camel tiger leopard, cause in this town we worship RevGT, and the name of the game is style
It's funny how Rev has reinvented himself as a memer given that his first 100 videos were all cat + skunk 🤣
@@GroundedSAP first you learn the game, then you master the game, then you BREAK the game
Why isn't there a sell equivalent to the waffle?
Some of the sell effects are too strong. Like if you have a big tamarin being able to spam sell waffle onto it would be crazy. Catfish was bugged on test server for a while so there are definitely vids out there showing this!
Vampire squid seems unusable. Why would you buy ink to benefit an enemy pet? and there's no start of battle ink abilities, so... yeah, the double effect means nothing.
Box jellyfish needs to gain permanent 1/1. This would enable it with teams like microbe. Since its a 1/1 base stat line though, it shouldn't be overpowered.
Midas tamarin would work better as a tier 3 with double triggers. Making it just a more complicated swan with more stats is unnecessary. Making it a tier 3 makes it more unique in my opinion.
Road runner, whilst a token pet, should be better. I personally loved Monty, since it was a token with an actually scalable and fun ability. I think road runner should have 1 trigger, but gain the stats permanently. How many times can you get the road runner to jump twice? Actually, what you could do with road runner is: "Pet faints: jump 1 space backwards and gain 1, 2, 3 health (respective to level up). Just making the road runner "Before attack" and giving it a jump ability doesn't make a lot of sense.
Pheasant could very well be the worst pet in the game. You're telling me that a 50/50 level 3 pheasant dies and give two friends 3/3? However, I like the concept. I think that Pheasant should give 3 friends 1/1, 2/2, 3/3. Not only is it competitive against flamingo (flamingo has better stats, doesn't remove itself and gives the friends YOU want the buff, works with pill) but it would also fit into specific, fast-paced archetypes that want to optimise their early game and get as many wins as possible in the shortest amount of time. Yes, I understand that pheasant appears to work with macaw and similar pets, but it's just too niche. A buff would really help to make it viable in other archetypes.
Also, for the "detect" ability: not good. I'm sorry, it just isn't. There's no way to build your team around these pets, since its all up to RNG. For example, elephant shrew. If you need an elephant on your team but the enemy doesn't have the right "triggers," you're pretty much guaranteed to lose. But if you DON'T need an elephant but the team has the right "triggers," you're going to get hurt by the shrew. Besides, for new people for the game it would be WAY too confusing.
Yes I know I rambled lol, and you didn't show the higher tiers; but based on current footage, I think my suggestions could help.
Vampire squid: What do you mean the double effect means nothing? If the vampire squid has ink it removes double the health from the opponent and gains double the attack.
Box jellyfish: Permanent +1/+1 in battle would be broken at tier 2. Base statlines are usually not enough to tone down these types of abilities. There are also more pro-ailment pets down the line so trying to judge these abilities in a vacuum isn't going to work.
Road runner: Monty, whilst funny, is hilariously broken so I wouldn't want to design anything on that level of strength. Road runner could very easily jump twice if you just have 2 coyotes. Again, you haven't seen all the other pets in the pack that could create other jump twice scenarios. Ultimately it was supposed to just be a thematic touch that it's repeatedly escaping.
Pheasant: If you want to imagine it giving more stats to justify the ability, by all means go ahead! The numerical values are just for illustration. But ask yourself this - why on earth would you scale a 'remove this' trigger pet to 50/50 in the first place? And when was the last time you saw a 50/50 flamingo?...
Elephant Shrew: This game is a game of RNG. If you get drawn against the wrong type of opponent with other builds, you lose. It wouldn't really be that difficult to design a team around this at all. (And even if it was difficult it would be nice to have some pets that promoted creativity!) Most hurt pets in this game have very good standalone value - camel, triceratops, blowfish... and some more coming up in this pack. Obviously elephant shrew is worse than elephant... but it's tier 2 so why shouldn't it be? Imagine how satisfying it would be if your janky elephant shrew combo paid off 😎
Rambling is perfectly fine and definitely not discouraged! People often have very strong opinions on pet ideas regardless of whether or not they are imaginary 😉
@GroundedSAP wow you actually responded 😎
As with vampire: yeah I didn't see it lol.
Box jellyfish could be a tier 3... way more interesting.
Yeah I know monty is broken, what I meant was that some tokens should have viable, pillable abilities.
Yeah I know you wouldn't scale pheasant, but then why would you take it? There are so many scaler.
Flamingo doesn't need to be 50 50, it can be a 10 10 and still be better than Max pheasant.
@GroundedSAP also, elephant shrew is just TOO much RNG. Like, snipers are good against certain teams, and broken against summons; but at least they always do something and benefit the player.
I'm not allowed a single meme pet in my fantasy pack? 😭Pheasant I've already changed to have better general utility...
@GroundedSAP nah pheasant is a fun idea, just needs better execution.
In fact, what if you change maquae (monkey summons monkey) to :remove this and then summon?" This way you could have a 5 squad, but no held food perks.
Oh it's comin' 😅