Bili smo mnogo bolji od Madjarske u vecem delu ove utakmice, dva gola iz malih ofsajda, dve stative... Ali, najvaznije da smo se plasirali na EP bice dana za revanse
stvarno sam bio neko koji je drzo do kiksija äähm mislim piksija ali sad u rewind-u ,nakon 7 meseci nakon ove utakmice gledam ovaj snimak i primetim prvi gol madjara..tek sad vidim i ne mogu drugacije,volim naseg piksija ali ja da sam predsednik fss dao bi nakon ove utakmice otkaz kiksiju.ej da tebi neki varga,nagi magy ,fagy lagy ,da ti taju onaj gol onaj njihov prvi ...hvala ti za sve ajde pakuj stvari iz biroa i napravi mesto za novog selektora,ajmo paljba....smesno..
Kako vam Mađari lako zabijajau! Što će biti protiv Danaca a da Engleze i ne spominjemo. Na Euru ne prolazite grupu. Odlazite kući sa 1 bodom i 7 komada u vlastitoj mreži te s maksimalno tri postignuta pogotka!
Ako mislite na dva nezakonita cilja, onda je svugdje nevaljano . Hvala Bogu da postoji video koji mozete pogledati . Pixi je bila u pravu , zna pravila . Ja sam Madar hvala na cestitkama , dragi 1912 . Sudac je bio Francuz . Francuzi su bili vasi prijatelji 1920 . kao i sada , ne nase . 🇭🇺👏🇷🇸Euro 2024 🇭🇺❤️🇷🇸lci zajedno .
Two points need to be made: 1. The better team did not win, which is a shame 2. Here is a classic uefa mafia game…there’s a referee, linesmen, sideline official, then you have VAR….and the 2nd goal that was disallowed was neck and neck…one can dispute not off side …offside…and when it is so marginal that offside impossible to determine….in such situation, the striker should be given more status….obviously the crowds come to see goals and strikers….no one really comes for the defenders
Ok so..your point 1: do you think in football always the better team win? Sorry if just now realized, but not..otherwise we should have won against Lituania three days later and would have the 1st place in the group already but is not how is it work...(with respect for Lituania) Point 2 : that is an offside situation even if just a few inches but your attacker was clearly visible in front of the defender . So then we should to get the 54 world cup instead of Germany because not the better team won ? Or take the 86 world cup from Argentina because of Maradona's hand goal? Or to say all of this a football mafia? But I am sure even Serbia have winner games when not played better than the opponents this is the football
@@MaaaamegTeljesen igazad van , teljesen . Savanyú a szőlő . Nézzék meg a Zselneznicsar - Videoton 1986 meccs yugoszláv góljait , ha nem jön a végén Csuhai kiesünk a szabálytalan les gól miatt , idegenben rugott góllal . ( Fehérváron 3-1 ide , kint 2-0 lett volna oda , ha nem jön Csuhay József . )
@@Maaaameg To get knocked out 2x in a row, they still think it's a coincidence. It doesn't matter where there are better players, the team that is better on that day wins. Unless the judge cheated. But he didn't cheat. A French worm would never help the Hungarian national team.
Hungary beat Serbia twice in a row, Hungary is the better team. 💪🇭🇺 In the last 4 official games between the two teams, Hungary won 3 times and 1 draw.
Hatalmas harc volt! Most nekünk sikerült. Köszi Srácok! ;)
it was great match! both team was amazing.
Bili smo mnogo bolji od Madjarske u vecem delu ove utakmice, dva gola iz malih ofsajda, dve stative...
Ali, najvaznije da smo se plasirali na EP bice dana za revanse
Nek se Sve to vrati na euru
4:04 sta je ovo bilo kakav volej
Srbijo moras da jos treniea🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
Veruj te u sebe 🇷🇸 srbija
Srbija je ponovo veliki miljenik sreće primila je samo 2 komada od Mađara a trebala je 3 najmanje
Realno bar nereseno je trebalo biti,mada zao mi sto ih nismo dobili
ma sta nereseno,trebalo je biti 3:2 za nas
Gacinovic nije znao osjetit trenutak kad provući loptu ispod golmana
stvarno sam bio neko koji je drzo do kiksija äähm mislim piksija ali sad u rewind-u ,nakon 7 meseci nakon ove utakmice gledam ovaj snimak i primetim prvi gol madjara..tek sad vidim i ne mogu drugacije,volim naseg piksija ali ja da sam predsednik fss dao bi nakon ove utakmice otkaz kiksiju.ej da tebi neki varga,nagi magy ,fagy lagy ,da ti taju onaj gol onaj njihov prvi ...hvala ti za sve ajde pakuj stvari iz biroa i napravi mesto za novog selektora,ajmo paljba....smesno..
Ove vertikalne lopte sergeja ce unistit protivnike na euru
Ни данас се не зна ко је онај лик са турбаном(или шта већ) при кореографији коју су извели мађарски ултраси??? Зна ли се шта?
Legend Bandita... 500 harcossal le verték a török hadsereget...
@@gabormuller2618Ок хвала. А која је поента развијања његовог лика? Јел то Мађари сматрају Србе Турцима или којим поводом?
@@gabormuller2618Ок, хвала на одговору, поздрав 👍💪
Kinda like a hungarian robin hood..
Nem turbán az hanem kalap . Nemzeti legenda . RÚZSA SÁNDOR .
نريد ملخص مباراة صربيا والجبل الاسود
Szopolovics :)
Kako vam Mađari lako zabijajau! Što će biti protiv Danaca a da Engleze i ne spominjemo. Na Euru ne prolazite grupu. Odlazite kući sa 1 bodom i 7 komada u vlastitoj mreži te s maksimalno tri postignuta pogotka!
sudije sudile za madjare
Ako mislite na dva nezakonita cilja, onda je svugdje nevaljano . Hvala Bogu da postoji video koji mozete pogledati . Pixi je bila u pravu , zna pravila . Ja sam Madar hvala na cestitkama , dragi 1912 . Sudac je bio Francuz . Francuzi su bili vasi prijatelji 1920 . kao i sada , ne nase . 🇭🇺👏🇷🇸Euro 2024 🇭🇺❤️🇷🇸lci zajedno .
Tartsd be a szabályokat, lőjél szabályos gólokat, és akkor nem veszik el tőled.
@@disobey47Hatalmas igazat mondtál .
Па и нису баш, мислим да су били више него коректне судије.
Should they have to give you the 2 offside goals or what?
Two points need to be made:
1. The better team did not win, which is a shame
2. Here is a classic uefa mafia game…there’s a referee, linesmen, sideline official, then you have VAR….and the 2nd goal that was disallowed was neck and neck…one can dispute not off side …offside…and when it is so marginal that offside impossible to determine….in such situation, the striker should be given more status….obviously the crowds come to see goals and strikers….no one really comes for the defenders
Ok so..your point 1: do you think in football always the better team win? Sorry if just now realized, but not..otherwise we should have won against Lituania three days later and would have the 1st place in the group already but is not how is it work...(with respect for Lituania)
Point 2 : that is an offside situation even if just a few inches but your attacker was clearly visible in front of the defender . So then we should to get the 54 world cup instead of Germany because not the better team won ? Or take the 86 world cup from Argentina because of Maradona's hand goal? Or to say all of this a football mafia?
But I am sure even Serbia have winner games when not played better than the opponents this is the football
@@MaaaamegTeljesen igazad van , teljesen . Savanyú a szőlő . Nézzék meg a Zselneznicsar - Videoton 1986 meccs yugoszláv góljait , ha nem jön a végén Csuhai kiesünk a szabálytalan les gól miatt , idegenben rugott góllal . ( Fehérváron 3-1 ide , kint 2-0 lett volna oda , ha nem jön Csuhay József . )
@@Maaaameg To get knocked out 2x in a row, they still think it's a coincidence. It doesn't matter where there are better players, the team that is better on that day wins. Unless the judge cheated. But he didn't cheat. A French worm would never help the Hungarian national team.
Hungary beat Serbia twice in a row, Hungary is the better team. 💪🇭🇺 In the last 4 official games between the two teams, Hungary won 3 times and 1 draw.