Tha 1st 16 bars is some of the realist bars I've heard in my life! I'd lost my license, my job, my wife, & my side. I remember riding a bike to a punk ass job with this on replay.
lmao let's have a convo, #1 bars r us, was hot, #2 facts2 was hot, that song new York with Jada #fire the boy can write a song, he had some songs that were OK the but Trask "hell no", I'm from BX n good friends with his boy j quest who makes a lot of his beats, there's a couple on utube that he destroyed, oun has a new project coming out, it's fire I got a couple tracks, oh I wish I could leak my favorite one, but ull hear it soon enough. bodied #facts #2easy oh one last thing if u don't know who my man j quest is check him out on sincere cypherz, he spits too, he bodied that Cypher. HOLLA!!!
Yes it was in 8 mile but it is Oynx last dayz .... The crazy thing how alot people like battle rap and freestyle but don't know instrumentals????? This is getting crazy nowadays...
NO FLEX, YOU LISTEN Let the guy be in his zone and don't interrupt rappers who are killing it. 99.9 % of your viewers would have enjoyed watching him rap for longer rather than you cutting it short.
@@LB-zk6ud emitt smith is a running back who played for the cowboys nd the linemen creates holes for the rb to run they block for them so emitt ran thru the line
Lina Luv crazy, I bump into you in almost every rap related video ... You got good taste ...Oun P my dawg ... Shout out to all my courtland ave project Gunners
The only rapper to ever deliver realness that nearly delivered tears from the eyes of funk flex ! OUN meant everything he said here..the mood says it all🔥
Did anyone catch the last bar- "Why you actin different, we can chat to the matty spitting, and your baby moms telling your kids that daddy's missing." WTF
Capitol FUCK battle rap. This the kind of flow you need to turn to the ear of the MILLIONS and actually make wedges in the culture, that battle rap shit does nothing for nothing. Comes and goes none of them get any real respect.
Malik Turner WORD!!! I know that Flex had to cut to commercial to pay those bills but they should have let some of those bills pile up. Oun would have brought them MAD money!!! SHEESH!!! This episode should have had parts to it. Dang!!!
Lmao!!!! Bars like this have people catching heat rash all on their neck!!!! It is time to have standards again. Foolishness is fine for a while but then you have to get back down to reality.
Violet Martinez #facts the industry is polluted with catchy hooks n no bars, oun p can also write songs too, a lot of people that jus freestyle can't write a song, n he can do both
Ness Rosenbrad I was going to say the SAME EXACT THING!!! This right here though was CRAZY!!! Maybe real rap is on its way back. Its good to know that we have it here in New York though. Better yet, we are the ones BRINGIN IT BACK!!!
"these strippers be having a mans lemme bring you to the light , but throw enough singles they'll be songle for the night" had to pause that shit n walk away
He spit the hardest verse I've ever heard in my life. Look at his face when flex stopped him. He was 84 bars ahead with 10 bodies caught already.
DubEDoLLarS loaded lux and that new suft junt killing this and i fux wit dude
DubEDoLLarS oh my god...You was right. Flex had to stop him twice. Lol
DubEDoLLarS god dayuum son you are right
Gina Wilson they all up there
This is the only rapper flex stopped from rapping how did this not make the top ten list
Because this deserves it's own list by itself. It's stands alone, this and Fred the God sons freestyle..go check it out too.
@@N9MGyoutube Yo stoppin yo rap because you killin it is a fucking compliment
MR. GNF meek mill
He was so into what he was saying he almost cried mid sentence 😂
I saw them tears😂🤣🤣
That means the spirit of rappin' is pourin' out his flesh!
The passion almost brought tears to my eyes
Man what !!!! Same here
I think everyone that got on this legendary beat killed it and bleed on this tears to my eyes too
Bruh then he was trynna killbit again bruh I’m scared for the niqqa that try him!
dude snapped im sleeping in my timbs tonight
jarrett hamilton Facts my nigga!
jarrett hamilton lol
jarrett hamilton loooooooooooooooooooooooooool
jarrett hamilton I'm weak 😂
jarrett hamilton lmfao
Lil Uzi: “I killed my girlfriend that’s why I’m single”
OJ Simpson: 6:48
behind motherfucking bars
Underrated comment
@@jaycobbeard9912 word
3:29 " sometimes i play broke to try see whos here to stay "
Raymond Hader them you can't make this up bars. PERIOD
Oun-P needs a part 2.
Flex, set it up.
SpekksHOA “Put him on the f***ing camera(again)!”
@@FrankWillTV 🤣😂😭😭😭😭😭
Word get him back up
Check him out on freestyle Friday.
Tha 1st 16 bars is some of the realist bars I've heard in my life! I'd lost my license, my job, my wife, & my side. I remember riding a bike to a punk ass job with this on replay.
Bars show
The struggle don’t last forever tho. Hope you doing good now
@@bradleyforeman6850 facts … and I also pray all of you are living good
3 years later… how u doing now ?
Selma yes it is, every time u c oun p freestyle u c that passion, he's a one man bar show
Selma he hungry ... He been hungry, these labels been sleeping on my vagabond
lmao let's have a convo, #1 bars r us, was hot, #2 facts2 was hot, that song new York with Jada #fire the boy can write a song, he had some songs that were OK the but Trask "hell no", I'm from BX n good friends with his boy j quest who makes a lot of his beats, there's a couple on utube that he destroyed, oun has a new project coming out, it's fire I got a couple tracks, oh I wish I could leak my favorite one, but ull hear it soon enough. bodied #facts #2easy oh one last thing if u don't know who my man j quest is check him out on sincere cypherz, he spits too, he bodied that Cypher. HOLLA!!!
he turned down 2 deals already check yo facts 1st please ;)
Jamain Perry quest his little brother
Bars will never leave Hip Hop. No matter how many mumble rappers that come in the game.
I come back to this and keep replaying it like it’s a regular song. Classic
This the hardest freestyle I think I’ve ever heard in my lifeeeeeee sheeeeeesh
yewms8 , FACTS
This fire blood, but the best freestyle ever, tsu surf got it
@@MilitantMaddawgs Facts
@@MilitantMaddawgs your right but Surf on i95 not the flex one.
@Will White I hear you beloved but he said “ever heard in his life” so that’s all freestyles feel me?
The views are rigged I've watched this 1 million times by myself.
Jerzyy Panesso on the real
Jerzyy Panesso he ain't that nice but he's done better
Kufari Mahdi he ain't that. nice ? please check out his other vids have a blessed life
One view per device lol
Jerzyy Panesso facts
Damnnn 6 years already!! This is crazy 🔥🔥🔥 He unlocked every achievement with this freestyle 😅🏆🏆
Every last one smh🔥🔥🔥🙌🏾
he got that platinum trophy 🏆
6:48 Thank me later.
Not all heroes wear capes
flex is an asshole for stopping him.
“Convos is different when you having them with millionaires.”
Aye yo
That's what i love about oun p every bar is either a fact/axiom or it's a metaphor.
nigga you having conversations with mcdonalds employees stfu
@@thegoon3088 no cheese and onions please
Powermove Squadron lmaoo
6:48 when I'm high asf and my homie spits a freestyle
D w underrated comment
I thought flex was about to bust out crying at 7:00 LMAO!!! 😂😂😂
milton Beato 😂😂😂😂
He damn near dropped a tear, you can see it
That's that raw emotion that was flowing...I woulda loved to be in that room. So dope
"Sometimes I play broke to try to see who's here to stay.." #BARS #FOODFORTHOUGHT
Blakk Fero
Blakk Fero lpj of the most underrated! New Bronx City get em son
Flex was yellin so hard he looked like he was about to shed tears
Dubem I’m just praying he ain’t getting a hernia
Nigga I did shed a tear.
Antonio Torres me too fam no doubt 😰
Bro I listen to this one regularly like it's a track , dope shit man
Psych FAX
He rapped from the heart.
You could see it in his eyes, especially when he mentioned close friends switching up.
The beat is Onyx - Last Dayz
EchelonNYK this was in 8 mile, right?
EchelonNYK yup killed this b4 sounding like Sticky lol
Yes it was in 8 mile but it is Oynx last dayz .... The crazy thing how alot people like battle rap and freestyle but don't know instrumentals????? This is getting crazy nowadays...
@@derrickbaker759 some only listen, some listen and study, some listen study & create
@@4humanity223 ain't never lie..... That a Tru story bro
... Could not have said it better... Facts 💯
“My young wolves is nothing like Ricky Rubio.”
Agh man
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
DDK KUSH this man is really different
This went over alot of heads
"Put him on the f****** camera" 😂😂😂😂😂😂 smh bruh blew a gasket
Let the guy be in his zone and don't interrupt rappers who are killing it.
99.9 % of your viewers would have enjoyed watching him rap for longer rather than you cutting it short.
He was just getting good too jesus
Omar Al Sallal, he had to slow him down before the roof catches on fire
Seriously tho he always does it too like damn G you be killing your own show
@@qwertykevin1 ikrrrrr such a buzzkill lol
He created a meme so we'll let it slide
He said "writers block? Bars unlimited I run through lines way more than emitt did"
Richard Richardson explain please?
@@LB-zk6ud emitt smith is a running back who played for the cowboys nd the linemen creates holes for the rb to run they block for them so emitt ran thru the line
"It's like I'm spitting curtains"
"High grade is what we smokin', we stoners"
"Sometimes I play broke to see who is here to stay"
I'm joining you on this one
"It's about BARS! It's 2017, mumble rappers are finished!"
Flex is a boss!
louididdy Facts
louididdy 🔥🔥🔥🔥
louididdy Agreed
But flex let in one mumble rapper "desiigner" oops.
And we saw how that Desiigner freestyle went... Flex had tears in his eyes lol
Whos here listening almost 2 yrs later 🔥 🔥...
Feds be at the Rucker tryna sniff out all the owners.
I wach it since 2 yrs :D
2019 and still listening to this fire 🔥🔥
Me as always
“I didn’t even mean to shoot him, he just caught me by surprise”
-Zombies Players: 6:48
Why did Funk Flex stop him. Let him go. When you open the cage you know the lion going to come out
dude got a show to run man, i bet he would’ve wanted him to go on for longer too
Lmao fr
Word ✔️
The memes
"Sometimes I play broke just to see who here to stay." #grownmanbars
Still one of the best freestyles that ever blessed Hot 97...
Nigga said "Dope so strong you gotta bag it with a mask on"😪🔥
King of cyphers and freestyles. He is not to be followed after, either go before him or don't go at all lol. Love Oun. Killed this ughh
Lina Luv ming of freestyles n cyphers would be King Los imo
Lina Luv crazy, I bump into you in almost every rap related video ... You got good taste ...Oun P my dawg ... Shout out to all my courtland ave project Gunners
Jodie Martinez Shoot, you know great minds think alike lol.
Lina Luv haha I already beloved
The only rapper to ever deliver realness that nearly delivered tears from the eyes of funk flex ! OUN meant everything he said here..the mood says it all🔥
Oun-P killed it!!! When Flex put his feet up I knew he approved lol
553 dislikes , proves people will hate no matter how excellent you are
ronald gross Sad isn’t it.
@@haitianmaniac74 right
ronald gross he recycled the last part he does this a few times
Sad but true!
7:01 Flex danm near in tears lmfaoo
He literally murdered that beat. That should be illegal. This might be the top Funk Flex Freestyle 2016.
Did anyone catch the last bar- "Why you actin different, we can chat to the matty spitting, and your baby moms telling your kids that daddy's missing." WTF
Trevor Taylor he was about to go ultra instinct
Yea flex really took it away that guy was sitting there with that face like "im not done".
"Unlimited" 😐
Trevor Taylor yeo that’s what I’m saying this nigga is sick in the head bro 😂
Magic spitting*
@@jeffmenace91 *matic spittin 🤦🏾♂️
“My Bars Block ur Light, it’s like I’m spitting Curtains” 👍🏾👊🏾✌🏾🇳🇬🇺🇸
I'd like to report a murder at the Hot97 studio.
dslimm lmao
God damn homicide
Word up b
dslimm 😂😂😂
I just fuckin cried OMG this shit gave me chills...Passion, hunger, bars and THE FUCKIN TRUTH....BX stand up ..#salute
“Don’t put ya hand on him, have him transforming, tears and liquor is what I’ll have your man’s pouring!” HOT DAYUM!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
OUN-P BEEN FIRE SINCE he first started rapping. Yall better stop sleeping. Every cypher/freestyle he does, he kills it
danieldvs100 yup
GunStreets #facts I've been telling people that for a couple years now, "gotta wake tf up people, he's a one man bar show
yeah he needs to put more out tho
GunStreets FAX
Real talk. Barz R Us was fucking fire. People sleeping too long.
OUN-P has always been fire on the mic, the way he flows, his barz. Amazing. So many unsigned artists...
6:48 whenever i accidentally rhyme 2 sentences
Underrated comment
Facts 😂😂😂
This might be on top of my funk flex freestyle list! damn
shakur WC Does it count if spit it before?
Isaiah Watson I doubt he spitted this shit before
shakur WC he did... go look up Bronx Cypher Oun P. It's still good tho.
shakur WC he spit it before. I just watched it.
Man idc that shit hot too me
I come back to hear this everyday. FACTS!!!
i had to download it lol it was so good
Dragon Penguin all facts....PUT EM ON THE FUCKIN CAMERA!!!!
The death stare he gave flex for stopping him 😂😂. The best bars I ever heard!!
now this is a killa freestyle ... we need him in the battle rap ring
Propa Bermuda he already is lol.. 106 and park, smack etc... Try google lil homie!!
Propa Bermuda he spit those bars before. I just seen it. still fire tho
Capitol FUCK battle rap. This the kind of flow you need to turn to the ear of the MILLIONS and actually make wedges in the culture, that battle rap shit does nothing for nothing. Comes and goes none of them get any real respect.
Crip52 you tripping!
This is the bar. This man has the skill, passion, and commitment. If you not matching that with Oun just save time and $$ and just Quit.
This guy and black thoughts freestyle will always be remembered🤞🏽⛓
He literally gave me chills! He was ready to go for like 15 mins! Unlimited bars!
Damn had to sit my phone in some water after this shit. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
It's Only TH-cam
MostHated Jay lol I see what you did there, but no iPhone 7
fr fr
"I judge you how you act and when you right there in my face" 🔥
My parents: *sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to me*
Me: 6:48
this comment is slept on
nigga I'm at work crying real tears LMAOOO
Hip Hop, when you can feel the pain and story from the bars🔥🎤💪🏾
“Your soul will be awoken while you sleepin in the flex.” That’s one of the dopest lines I’ve heard in a min brother keep this up right here
good to see Oun gettin his respect ..always got bars and he paints a picture at the same time.
Those are BARS from somebody you can tell needed just ONE OPPORTUNITY! This dude is an ANIMAL! Best freestyle I've heard on here so far 🔥🔥🔥
That's how we give it up on the Bronx. Niggaz that come from Courtland Ave is hungry fo sho ya dig....
Still one of the BEST freestyles on Flex “TO THIS DAY”💯💯💯
to this day !
One of the best freestyles on Flex ever!
This is stuck on repeat even in 2023. This is getting me through some times right now 🔥🔥
Best freestyle in flex been watching the same one for a couple years
GOT DAMN. Straight FIRE. NY rap at its best. Gutter and grimy. Oun-P definitely blacked out on this session. 8 minutes of straight BARS.
Malik Turner WORD!!! I know that Flex had to cut to commercial to pay those bills but they should have let some of those bills pile up. Oun would have brought them MAD money!!! SHEESH!!! This episode should have had parts to it. Dang!!!
Ashley Guillaume FACTS
facts he blacked out you couldn't have said it better
That freestyle gave me chills
YEARS LATA, and this still is HEAT 🔥🔥🔥, STRAIGHT BARS 🔥🔥🔥
Coming back in 2019... My man killed this joint.. deserves any extra views... Nasty
Lmao!!!! Bars like this have people catching heat rash all on their neck!!!! It is time to have standards again. Foolishness is fine for a while but then you have to get back down to reality.
Violet Martinez #facts the industry is polluted with catchy hooks n no bars, oun p can also write songs too, a lot of people that jus freestyle can't write a song, n he can do both
mumble rap is bullshit. it's not hip-hop. it's like a rock group messing around with the instruments makes no sense.
Violet Martinez add me
Gassboiroyal 155 Royal thank you kindly. I did.
Violet Martinez
cant get enough of this freestyle been watching this for years now OUN P GOING HARD
ounP got them barz fr.
7:04 Flex almost shed a tear for Hip Hop..
Randy Washington lmao facts
Met this dude and one of the most down to earth guys. Respect homie 💯💯💯 BRONX TONE.
I still come back to this masterpiece. Oun P went in on this joint😤
He bodied this
Homie went straight tha pluck OFF on this
Oun p never disappoints me. I felt every line
This definitely my favorite freestyle on here. This shit was 🔥 all around #barz
U must ain't hear loaded lux on hot97 or corey guns or arsonal. Or even tsu surf. Those guys set the bar on hot 97
6:18 flex listening and saying ‘Bronx’ real quiet in the back had me losing it
Oun P is a Bronx legend,been a fan since his battle with dna🔥🔥🔥
Top 2 Funk Flex "freestyles" of the year.
Ness Rosenbrad which was the first one?
Don Q freestyle is 1
Ness Rosenbrad I was going to say the SAME EXACT THING!!! This right here though was CRAZY!!! Maybe real rap is on its way back. Its good to know that we have it here in New York though. Better yet, we are the ones BRINGIN IT BACK!!!
MRBBALLMAN10 yea yea yea yea highbridge
Albee als freestyle deff top 2 with this
Oun-P went straight Loco! I never heard Flex get so hype. E--Ver!!
”You Call it snitching, i Call it bitin Cheese” YOOOOOOOOOOO
what does bitin cheese mean?
Ahmad another word for a snitch is a rat, rats eat cheese
@@LB-zk6ud shiii, tnx mayn!
Ahmad glad I could help bro
flex is bringing back real rap
B.X. is,in the building 🎤🎤🎤💣💣💣💣🔥🔥
Funkflex: Mumble rapping is over!
*Lil pump enters the chat with gucci gang*
Somebody get the salt and holy water, this nigga is clearly possessed!!! He slaughtered this
BARS!!!! BARS!!!! BARS!!!!
He should get top 10 just for not getting distracted by his hypeman
Flex good looking on bringing the hottest shit to da table. Flex is a legend of a DJ and anyone who throws shade at this freestyle is a str8 up HATER
"these strippers be having a mans lemme bring you to the light , but throw enough singles they'll be songle for the night" had to pause that shit n walk away
just Did .
Even Mook almost caught smxke when Oun-P closed it off with the last Bar🔥🤣🤯. Legend 🏆
This series is the best Hip Hop on the Internet right now
RIP to mumble rap
RIP to mumble rap
Surfing for almost 15 years in internet and youtube ...this is one of the greatest video i have seen!
benjamn luz lol
benjamn luz I'm glad he did stop him cuz that recycled oun was coming up lol he been nice