Thank you Evangelist Marufu for allowing God to use you to clear all the mist.God's law is still there and should kept by all who profess to be Christians.
Thank you evangelist I have learnt a lot ....God has revealed everything vanoda kuponeswa vachateera chokwadi ..... Hazvide nharo zvinoda munamato kutokumbira wisdom not intelligence pashoko ramwari.......thnk u so much .....PODCAST
Mmmmm powerful! Thank you evangelist manyatso tsanangura zvonzvika, apa ukaona uchiramba uchiita nharo ziva kuti uri wokurasva chaiko, I think this lesson ichakwezvera vazhinji ku light
Am following through this discussion, and so far, there is a lot of dancing around the key issues and lack of understanding as to what the Apostle addressed, Apostle Chiwenga's issue was very clear and on point
Thank you Evangelist Marufu. This is abundantly clear. It's like the Emmaus road experience. The Apostle seems to be ' sincerely ' confused about this aspect of Law and Grace. I do think that pride prevents him from learning since he claims to know more than everyone else. Unless The Lord himself removes the scales from our eyes we cannot see clearly even as thoroughly reveald here. I'd urge everyone to examine for themselves by the Scriptures rather than blindly following a preacher.
If apostle chiwenga were to carefully listen to this .....he will be saved .....this Is very clear And The holy spirit helped to explain this.....may God bless the reading of his word
My Questions to Evangelist and those who agree with this our brother 1. What distinguish the old Testament and the New Testament? 2. What was The purpose of the old testament and the new testament ? 3. Do these Testament core exist to save one purpose in this day? was there a replacement of a testament when the new came? (Hebrews 8:13) 4. What constitutes the old testament? are the 10 commandments Part of the Old Testament? 5. How do we reconcile Hebrews 10:1 , which tell us the law could not make perfect , such that there was need for Christ to come.
Evangelist is explaining something meaningful, not fighting or hating anyone, even if some of the things we don’t agree but he is explaining in the right manner unlike Chiwenga his speech is hateful, provocative and attacking
It's not easy to understand what has been explained by the Evangelist if you already have your own interpretation but ndaona zvangu kuti Evangelist vatsanangura chaizvo zviri mubhaibheri
I like it that you mentioned OWN INTERPRETATION ZVICHIENDERANA NE DOCTRINE RAWAKADZIDZISWA NEKUDZIDZA. But Chiwenga is correct as well. Annd what he said is in the bible and he quoted many bible verses that are relavant.
he quoted many bible verses but wrong interpretation especially Romans10 verse that's not what it means to anyone who uses common sense there is no way you can preach that Jesus ended the law on the cross it doesn't make sense coz we live with Law
1 Corinthians 9 vs 20 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; Why Paul wanted to gain those were under the Law and turn them to Christ if they were already in Christ? Just a question hama yangu
@PatrickRubaya-xn1px Nhai zvako.Kana munhu akati Mari ndiwo mugumo wekushanda zvinganzi ati kushandaa kwaguma here ? Kkkk. Comprehension is still a challenge to many zvedi
Daniel 9:25 - 27 inobuditsa pachena basa richauya kuzoitwa na Kristu. Hanzi kugumisa zvibairo, chete - sacrificial rites ndiwo anotsanangurwa nema ceremonial laws akanyorwa neruoko rwaMoses. And were kept outside the covenant in the book also refered to as the letter.
God is grace for sure. I really appreciate and thank that we still have people like you GUYS to clarify the confusion. May the good God continue to give you strength, to fight against the false teachings of those who preach to suit their interests and exalt themselves. It is very clear that the devil is trying to destroy the Sabbath. Mr Chiwenga must read to understand and also must give himself time to listen,not to argue, but also to repent. With his intelligence,let not the devil not use you to deceive the congregation. May God bless us all
Apostle Chiwenga you need the enlightment of the Holy Spirit to see the need for mankind to keep the 10 commandments. Study the Bible diligently and prayerfully. God have mercy on you. Murambwi you are causing confusion, let the Evangelist to explain. You are disturbing his train of thought.
”But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.” 2 Corinthians 3:15-16 KJV
Listen to the whole podcast then conclude ,,, and have your bible with you so you also compare,, And if it came from God there should not be mistakes 1 - he misled people on William Miller , 1844 event and Ellen G White 2 - he hammered on the fact and declared that the is no more law that binds us but then again he comes back and say but there is another law 😅😅,, contradicting himself The Law is the foundation of God’s foundation,, if there is no more law then Satan was unfairly dismissed from heaven 🤷🏾♂️,, the law was there before men and it will always be there even on the new earth .
My sincere and humble request is that the host should give the guest enough time to speak his mind and open the scriptures.The host simply shoul be the discussion moderator, pausing of questions, less speaking and interjections, however, ofcourse the host can come in here and there😊❤ with love and due honor.
Marufu Read this: 2 Corinthians 3 Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation to you or from you? 2 You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. 3 You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. 4 Such confidence we have through Christ before God. 5 Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. 6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant-not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
Murambwi varicorrect zvechokwadi...he is trying to bring Evangelist to show that there are 2 commandments left by Jesus which is love your neighborhood/brother and love your God which is a summary of the 10 commandments...Murambwi is bringing a critical discussion of the Bible with Evangelist which is good for better understanding....Murambwi is a good moderator he wanted the audience to be clarified that there are still commandments....
Thank u...alot of ppl is blaming kuti he must only lesson not asking so many questions but he is representing the ones who are not in the studio who have such questions
2 Corinthians 3 The Greater Glory of the New Covenant 7 Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was, 8 will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? 9 If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! 10 For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. 11 And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts! 12 Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. 13 We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away. 14 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. 15 Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. 16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate[a] the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
Vamirambwi munobhowa..inmbonyararayi seem to be agreeing naChiwenga and not giving mufundisi a chance to speak..mukuda kuti mufundisi vabvumirane nachiwenga
Who wrote the ten commandments? Exodus 34:28 (KJV) And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.
This is a game of technicalities, in my view, I suppose there should be a verse which say keeping the Sabbath shows one's love to God. It appears to me that, only the Sabbath Commandment is the issue at hand
He is right . he try by all means to be hard, mubvunzo iyoyo ndoyaizobvunzwa nevanhu kudai Murambwi aingobvumirana without asking those hard questions . Atleast now zvajekera vakawanda .
No Murambwi he jas the questions dzevazhinji let him ask mibvunzo iyoyo . Pasare panatsurrudzwa .What am happy with Evanjelist warikupindura mibvunzo .
I totally agree with you. Anobva avharidzira kwese. Zvinobva zvakuhunisa. Apa tinenge toti tava kunzwa mhinduro, iye obva aramba achingotaura. He tends to dominate the speakers as if he 'owns' the show.
Hazviti ponese as zvinoti motivater kuti tivavarire uye kutsunga kusvika pakupedzesera...kunyange some of the missionaries get disappointed but we learn something from it
The host is disruptive he needs to learn the true art of journalism to extract as much truth as possible from the guest. Not to control the thoughts of the guest. The host would guide the discussion not to represent other people's ideas.
Sodom ne Gomorrah were gentile cities but akaparadzwa panyaya dzehupombwe ne chingochani, vanhu venguva yaNoah vakaparadzwa nohuipi (sin) but vaiva ma gentiles.
We are nolonger under the law (including 10comms), if u go thru the whole chapter Galatians 5:4 (KJV) Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
Nzwisisai basics musati mamhanya neverse. The law(principle) of sin and death ndoiri kunzi kana wave muna Kristu haichakubati bcz watendeuka so hauchapiwe zvinoenderana nekutadza kwako.Hazvisi kunzi ramba uchitadza.
Hapana amboti mursiro unoponesa so your last verse is irrelevant panapa. Pari kunzi akaponeswa anochengeta murairo,hapasi kunzi chengeta murairo kuti uponeswe.Rom 4:2,John 14:15.
For the sake of clarity, l think dai taizoita moyo murefu toterera message yese. What is presented here is a short clip of the message Question and Answer Session, without even the question that was asked. I think tikatangira ikoko tinobatsirikana kuti tiwane context. Munotiwo kudii?
As long as there's no conversion in you and you're still in the flesh and not in the spirit, as the word of God says in Romans 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither can it be". Romans 7:14 also says "For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin" so arguing about the law is not profitable. Kusvika munhu atendeuka achitsvaka Mwari nemoyo wake wose. Even the word of God instructs us in Titus 3:9 "But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and striving about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain".
Dear Mr Murambwi and Evangelist Marufu. I made a video on the 31st of August and I confessed I made a mistake in 1943 instead of 1843 an hour after publishing ... After discussing with you about the issue on phone you said you saw my correction of the dates. Only to say I lied about dates. Anyway the truth continues
Go on watch keepers of the flame by Allan lindsay, you can understand better HOW SDA BEGAN after great disappointment of 1844. Ellen White was not a founder of SDA.
I understand you Brother Howard, and i would love to see you on the Podcast to help clear some grey areas of SDA, but don't be emotional or rude when you go to the podcast
kkkkk interesting. Responding, criticism and defending are three distinct concepts. 1. Responding- understanding the other person's perspective, which can foster constructive dialogue and enhance relationships of ideas. 2. Criticism- often pointing out perceived flaws or shortcomings. 3. Defending- act of protecting oneself or someone else from criticism, attack. When individuals feel their actions, beliefs are under threat, they may respond with a defense mechanism to justify their position or actions. Murambwi wanted Evangelist to respond, likely hoping for thoughtful and open exchange of ideas. However, as much as Evangelist is talking sense, his approach is characterised by defensiveness and criticism. This defensiveness can lead to a focus on protecting one's own position rather than engaging with the content of the sermon. The emphasis is on rebutting the Apostle's points rather than exploring them.
Kkkkkk yah u r hard headed my fellow,,, after all these verses uchingori nenharo. If u really wanted to learn ungadai wadzidza but since u r a critic then keep on looking for it
”who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away:” 2 Corinthians 3:6-7 kjv
God is seeking those who worship him in Spirit and Truth John 4v23-24. Then in Romans 8v6-8. The carnal person cannot keep the law of God. The law is holy and we can only keep it if we walk in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit is Galatians 5v22-25
Murambwi I think you should allow the evangelist to speak uninterrupted. Yes you may interject, but the evangelist often loses his line of thought which doesn't help the learners viewing, so keep interjections at a minimum
Am sure MOST of people who are against chiwenga ma sabbath,but if you are nutral u will live a room to understand both these preachers and learn chagara chokwadi hachidiwi nevazhinji
Chiwengwa haana Kana chaanoziva zvamuchose Dai Mwari vamubatsira une nhamo anowanikwa achiomberera nhema dzinotaurwa navaChivengwa pride ndoyakadhonedza satan kudenga
All this murairo wakapera nonsense was made to run away from the sabbath command. When Paul was saying murairo wakapera he meant only the ceremonial that represented Christ. The sabbath was and is not part of those.
Unfortunately Chiwenga refused to debate this man ,It would benefit us a lot to understand this subject not prove anyone wrong but to help Christians understand better. Now Apostle is bosting achiti iye is a pit bull anode vakuru kkk now it seems he is about outclassing Evangelist than making people understand
Seems other people don't care about salvation they just want to be Right and follow what their teachers told them, it's hard to be told what you have been following since birth is wrong, and I feel sorry for all who are stuck on what they already believe, what if you are wrong 💔, are you willing to loose salvation because you are stuck with what you where taught...
Murambwi ari kuvhunza kuti ndipe verse inopatsanura 10 commandments from the other laws? Or tipei verse rinopatsanura ceremonial laws from the 10 commandments...... Ofwhich in the bible murairo unonzi ngautevedzwe wese
Marufu clearly mention kt ariku defender Adventist teaching .I think this issue was more in need of a scriptural thesis treatment not doctrinal...chiwenga avhura ma verse anga achingozvidudzira ega clearly whereas marufu is pannel beating some scripture
@@JusticeMachingura hapana Apostle akatanga church. Church ndeya Jesu.. Vapositori VARANDA va Christ Jesus. Paul used the word BONDSERVANT. Proof inoratidza kuti ma Apostle aisabata Sabbath iripa Matthew 12, Acts 15 and 1 Corinthians 16 vs 2
@@mufesi4274 Masavadha don't even know kuti Sabbath was an exclusively closed church. Not ALL Jews were allowed to observe Sabbath. Bastards, eunuchs and disabled people, for example were not allowed to observe Sabbath. If the law of Moses is to be re enacted VERY FEW people will worship God..
You only gives us a clip from 2hours sermon feom apostle chiwenga now you are saying apostle is wrong we have seen the full sermon apostle chiwenga is on point
This marufu must listen when a true preacher preaches . The is difference between the law of moses and the law of Christ. Apostle tf chiwenga always on point
Powerful.. Mm this gift of explanations are too clear and none other than the spirit of God
Thank you Evangelist Marufu for allowing God to use you to clear all the mist.God's law is still there and should kept by all who profess to be Christians.
Thank you, evangelist iri shoko nderezvokwadi uye ringatendwe.
This explanation from Mr Marufu is clear ,thank you
Thank you evangelist I have learnt a lot ....God has revealed everything vanoda kuponeswa vachateera chokwadi ..... Hazvide nharo zvinoda munamato kutokumbira wisdom not intelligence pashoko ramwari.......thnk u so much .....PODCAST
Thank you evangelist Marufu for detailed explanation
Mmmmm powerful!
Thank you evangelist manyatso tsanangura zvonzvika, apa ukaona uchiramba uchiita nharo ziva kuti uri wokurasva chaiko, I think this lesson ichakwezvera vazhinji ku light
Am following through this discussion, and so far, there is a lot of dancing around the key issues and lack of understanding as to what the Apostle addressed, Apostle Chiwenga's issue was very clear and on point
Thank you Evangelist Marufu. This is abundantly clear. It's like the Emmaus road experience.
The Apostle seems to be ' sincerely ' confused about this aspect of Law and Grace. I do think that pride prevents him from learning since he claims to know more than everyone else. Unless The Lord himself removes the scales from our eyes we cannot see clearly even as thoroughly reveald here.
I'd urge everyone to examine for themselves by the Scriptures rather than blindly following a preacher.
If apostle chiwenga were to carefully listen to this .....he will be saved .....this Is very clear And The holy spirit helped to explain this.....may God bless the reading of his word
Amen evangelist marufu jesu haana kuzoparadza mirau kwete asi kuzozadzisa saka trikuto shamiswa navachivengwa kuti vakazviwana kupi kuti mirau yakakasara pamuchinjikwa
manzwa ma verse avhurwa na Chiwenga here including Rom
Explain TIMOTHY 1 vs 8-10
Mr Murambwi thank you so much, you asked very very good questions and Mr Marufu it's unfortunate that he was not strong to answer those ones.
Listen the whole discussion and you will understand. Thank you for making everything clear. God bless you guys
great work being done by the man of God. keep this work up. clear explanations in a humble way.
My Questions to Evangelist and those who agree with this our brother
1. What distinguish the old Testament and the New Testament?
2. What was The purpose of the old testament and the new testament ?
3. Do these Testament core exist to save one purpose in this day? was there a replacement of a testament when the new came? (Hebrews 8:13)
4. What constitutes the old testament? are the 10 commandments Part of the Old Testament?
5. How do we reconcile Hebrews 10:1 , which tell us the law could not make perfect , such that there was need for Christ to come.
Powerful, may the Lord continue to bless this ministry. Amen
VaMarufu totenda matsanangura zvakanaka ini ndanzwisisa chose, asi rambai muchinyengetera zvamurikuita izvi hondo iri kuuya kwamuri mumhepo nepanyama
Let's pray for him too. Let's pray for all doing the Lord's work🙏
Amen murambwi zvakanaka izvozvo mhibvunzo ine simba yamuri kupa mwari ngakudzwe uye arambe achikupai mubvunzo nokuti muri kubvunza makamirira vanhu vari kunyika marufu akamira panzimbo ye church kupindura nyika zvaisiri kunzwisisa dai maramba muri mubasa rakadaro muwane hupenyu husingaperi
Evangelist is explaining something meaningful, not fighting or hating anyone, even if some of the things we don’t agree but he is explaining in the right manner unlike Chiwenga his speech is hateful, provocative and attacking
Thank you so much .May God bless you
It's not easy to understand what has been explained by the Evangelist if you already have your own interpretation but ndaona zvangu kuti Evangelist vatsanangura chaizvo zviri mubhaibheri
I like it that you mentioned OWN INTERPRETATION ZVICHIENDERANA NE DOCTRINE RAWAKADZIDZISWA NEKUDZIDZA. But Chiwenga is correct as well. Annd what he said is in the bible and he quoted many bible verses that are relavant.
he quoted many bible verses but wrong interpretation especially Romans10 verse that's not what it means to anyone who uses common sense there is no way you can preach that Jesus ended the law on the cross it doesn't make sense coz we live with Law
1 Corinthians 9 vs 20 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;
Why Paul wanted to gain those were under the Law and turn them to Christ if they were already in Christ? Just a question hama yangu
@PatrickRubaya-xn1px Nhai zvako.Kana munhu akati Mari ndiwo mugumo wekushanda zvinganzi ati kushandaa kwaguma here ?
Comprehension is still a challenge to many zvedi
Daniel 9:25 - 27 inobuditsa pachena basa richauya kuzoitwa na Kristu. Hanzi kugumisa zvibairo, chete - sacrificial rites ndiwo anotsanangurwa nema ceremonial laws akanyorwa neruoko rwaMoses. And were kept outside the covenant in the book also refered to as the letter.
Totenda ne shoko rakanaka marufu ndinoona kuti wakatumwa na mwari kumira panharo dza satan muchimiririra chokwadii muchibuditsa nhema dzehunyengeri hwa Satan nokuti Satan Ari kushandisa bhaibheri Saka ndinokunamatira marufu kuti urambe uchitumwa namwari kumiririra chokwadii pa Hondo ya satan iyi yekushandisa bhaibheri kutsausa vanhu enda mberi ne basa Kuna murambwi ndinoti endai mberi nebasa mwari ngarambe achiwanza huchenjeri asi ndinoda kubatsira zvishoma pamuno bvunza mubvunzo Kuna marufu mupei kanguva kekuti apindure mubvunzo mozopa mumwe zve mubvunzo zvinobatsira isu vatereri kuti tonatsa kupedza chidzidzo tavanekunzwisisa pazvinhu zvese mupei mukana imi motarisa muri kure kana pane pasina kupindurwa mozobvunza amboti fambe zvishoma amen
He is running away from the true issue , that needs to be addressed
God is grace for sure. I really appreciate and thank that we still have people like you GUYS to clarify the confusion. May the good God continue to give you strength, to fight against the false teachings of those who preach to suit their interests and exalt themselves. It is very clear that the devil is trying to destroy the Sabbath. Mr Chiwenga must read to understand and also must give himself time to listen,not to argue, but also to repent. With his intelligence,let not the devil not use you to deceive the congregation. May God bless us all
An informative discussion with clear explanations.i have learnt a lot from both.thank you evangelist marufu may God bless you
That's Great Evangelist
Apostle Chiwenga you need the enlightment of the Holy Spirit to see the need for mankind to keep the 10 commandments. Study the Bible diligently and prayerfully. God have mercy on you. Murambwi you are causing confusion, let the Evangelist to explain. You are disturbing his train of thought.
Apostle Chiwenga opened clear verses 👌. God bless him .Law ended on the cross we have new commandents from Christ given by Holy Spirit Acts1v2
”But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.”
2 Corinthians 3:15-16 KJV
Listen to the whole podcast then conclude ,,, and have your bible with you so you also compare,,
And if it came from God there should not be mistakes
1 - he misled people on William Miller , 1844 event and Ellen G White
2 - he hammered on the fact and declared that the is no more law that binds us but then again he comes back and say but there is another law 😅😅,, contradicting himself
The Law is the foundation of God’s foundation,, if there is no more law then Satan was unfairly dismissed from heaven 🤷🏾♂️,, the law was there before men and it will always be there even on the new earth .
Coz VaChiwenga vati murairo hakusina totally ..,, then he comes back and say asi kuneumwe murairo 😂😂😂,, confusion
@@denfordmutatiwa6169SDA inoti mirairo yekuold testament yakapera kukasara 10 commandments
Apostle Chiwenga vanoti kwete, mirairo yese yekuold testament yakapera kusanganisira 10 commandments
Totally irikureva 10 commandments nemimwe yese yekuold testament(yaMoses)
@@mufesi4274Ishe vanofadzwa nazvo
As for the host ......I don't see any problem with the questions .....they were justified and of great cause....God bless you
Confussion izere mumusoro wava Chiwenga
@@DonaldMunasheRhudu too proud. Sometimes it’s not worth it arguing with people like him.
Yoh vaMurabwi shud learn to listen kana umwewo achitaura ..ngavarege kukata munhu achirikutaura
Splendid. The truth shall set us free.
My sincere and humble request is that the host should give the guest enough time to speak his mind and open the scriptures.The host simply shoul be the discussion moderator, pausing of questions, less speaking and interjections, however, ofcourse the host can come in here and there😊❤ with love and due honor.
handiti haadi here kuti auye kupodcast chiwenga wenyu
I think you for making the clear may God bless you guys
Clear explanation from Mr Marufu❤.
Marufu Read this:
2 Corinthians 3
Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation to you or from you? 2 You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. 3 You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
4 Such confidence we have through Christ before God. 5 Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. 6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant-not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
Well explained.Thank you and may God bless you all.
Thanks for the explanations, was so blessed🙏🏾
Dzungu rakawandisa pana chiwenga. 18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Amen ev Marufu ane shoko benyu ndopainzi nashe makwai angu anonzwa izwi rangu
My people shall perish for lack ok knowledge. Tine basa hama.
The Bible has been explained here.
On John 5 vs 45 guys ndadzidza, go back to old testament so that we understand what was written by Moses. May God bless you evangelist Marufu.
Apostle chiwenga ndavangouya pa podcast ka
Mwari vakatuma Marufu kuzokonzeresa Rufu rwewakaipa
Murambwi varicorrect zvechokwadi...he is trying to bring Evangelist to show that there are 2 commandments left by Jesus which is love your neighborhood/brother and love your God which is a summary of the 10 commandments...Murambwi is bringing a critical discussion of the Bible with Evangelist which is good for better understanding....Murambwi is a good moderator he wanted the audience to be clarified that there are still commandments....
Thank u...alot of ppl is blaming kuti he must only lesson not asking so many questions but he is representing the ones who are not in the studio who have such questions
You ask and give time to respond
You ask and give time to respond
2 Corinthians 3
The Greater Glory of the New Covenant
7 Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was, 8 will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? 9 If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! 10 For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. 11 And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!
12 Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. 13 We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away. 14 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. 15 Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. 16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate[a] the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
Murambwi chimboteererai pliz
Vamirambwi munobhowa..inmbonyararayi seem to be agreeing naChiwenga and not giving mufundisi a chance to speak..mukuda kuti mufundisi vabvumirane nachiwenga
Hakuna tsananguro inopfuura yaitwa na Eve Marufu. Ukasahwisisawo apa chingozvinongedzera pachufuwa chako woti "Ini....(isa zita rako) ndiri marambadenga".
I'm an Adventist till death
Be a Child of GOD instead
Ndizvo zvaiita vafarise
Powerful Discussion Amen. Varanda vaMwari 🙏
Who wrote the ten commandments?
Exodus 34:28 (KJV) And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.
It will be good to read the whole chapter
This is a game of technicalities, in my view, I suppose there should be a verse which say keeping the Sabbath shows one's love to God. It appears to me that, only the Sabbath Commandment is the issue at hand
Apostle Chiwenga was true he cannot have a debate with this young man marufu is a novis anoda ma youth eku church kwaChiwenga ndivo veZera rake
Haaa Murambwi ava vanokangaisa interview zvakutoita kunge nakumiririra chiwega wacho
He is right . he try by all means to be hard, mubvunzo iyoyo ndoyaizobvunzwa nevanhu kudai Murambwi aingobvumirana without asking those hard questions . Atleast now zvajekera vakawanda .
True .
No Murambwi he jas the questions dzevazhinji let him ask mibvunzo iyoyo . Pasare panatsurrudzwa .What am happy with Evanjelist warikupindura mibvunzo .
Maybe you're right😊@@taylormbodza8921
Murambwi is not a good interviewer. He should let the interviewed talk without interrupting.
I totally agree with you. Anobva avharidzira kwese. Zvinobva zvakuhunisa.
Apa tinenge toti tava kunzwa mhinduro, iye obva aramba achingotaura. He tends to dominate the speakers as if he 'owns' the show.
@@lovemoresibanda8860 yaaaa tru i also wanted to say that
He is good... these are the question we get when we meet with Apostle Chiwenga. The combination is good
Mirairo ya Kristu ndoakati a new commandment I am giving to u is love one another
Problem yaChiwenga ane Pride ari dofo futi,
You can say that again
Dofo hombe chairo
Kupaparika sitereki Chiwenga
Sei madaro brethren
😂, since you got brain read 2 Cor3 from 6
Ndikaramba ndichitevera kudzidzisa kwenyu vaMarufu zvechokwadi ndinotendeuka Mwari vawedzere Nyasha murambe much muchiti dzidzisa tive tinoziva Mwari
Isaiah 8:20 Rev 12:17.
Kana mukahwisisa kudyidzana kurikuita ma verse maviri aya, nharo dzofanira kupera.
Zvana Miller hazvitiponesi Kani toda shoko ramwari keep educating us ev marufu
Thanks Mr murambwi neprogram
Hazviti ponese as zvinoti motivater kuti tivavarire uye kutsunga kusvika pakupedzesera...kunyange some of the missionaries get disappointed but we learn something from it
Hama hukama hwemunhu waMwari haude Sabata hunoda ropa raJesu chete apo maremerwa E MaRufu Murambwi ndoda kumbosvikawo pauri i like your questions
The host is disruptive he needs to learn the true art of journalism to extract as much truth as possible from the guest. Not to control the thoughts of the guest. The host would guide the discussion not to represent other people's ideas.
he refused to come as a guest Chiwenga weeny
After watching this podcast handibudi Savadha,,,,,,
Sodom ne Gomorrah were gentile cities but akaparadzwa panyaya dzehupombwe ne chingochani, vanhu venguva yaNoah vakaparadzwa nohuipi (sin) but vaiva ma gentiles.
Please can you show us the verse on the platform when he is reading
We are nolonger under the law (including 10comms), if u go thru the whole chapter
Galatians 5:4 (KJV) Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
Nzwisisai basics musati mamhanya neverse. The law(principle) of sin and death ndoiri kunzi kana wave muna Kristu haichakubati bcz watendeuka so hauchapiwe zvinoenderana nekutadza kwako.Hazvisi kunzi ramba uchitadza.
Hapana amboti mursiro unoponesa so your last verse is irrelevant panapa.
Pari kunzi akaponeswa anochengeta murairo,hapasi kunzi chengeta murairo kuti uponeswe.Rom 4:2,John 14:15.
For the sake of clarity, l think dai taizoita moyo murefu toterera message yese. What is presented here is a short clip of the message Question and Answer Session, without even the question that was asked. I think tikatangira ikoko tinobatsirikana kuti tiwane context. Munotiwo kudii?
Murambwi musanyanye kudambura mudzidzisi
As long as there's no conversion in you and you're still in the flesh and not in the spirit, as the word of God says in Romans 8:7
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither can it be". Romans 7:14 also says "For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin" so arguing about the law is not profitable. Kusvika munhu atendeuka achitsvaka Mwari nemoyo wake wose. Even the word of God instructs us in Titus 3:9
"But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and striving about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain".
Psalm 25:14
"The secret of the LORD is with them that fear Him; and He will shew them His covenant".
Halloo makasimba hre
Ndokumbirawo mascriptures anoratidza kuti paten comandments tine 2 stones, 1st rine 4 laws then the other rine 6 laws, mayb pandidarikawo
Dear Mr Murambwi and Evangelist Marufu.
I made a video on the 31st of August and I confessed I made a mistake in 1943 instead of 1843 an hour after publishing ...
After discussing with you about the issue on phone you said you saw my correction of the dates. Only to say I lied about dates. Anyway the truth continues
Haaaa mkuru endai ku podcast
UKutyei kuuya kuPodcast
Go on watch keepers of the flame by Allan lindsay, you can understand better HOW SDA BEGAN after great disappointment of 1844. Ellen White was not a founder of SDA.
I understand you Brother Howard, and i would love to see you on the Podcast to help clear some grey areas of SDA, but don't be emotional or rude when you go to the podcast
Moderator haana chitadhi, arikutovhiringa chiedza chirikuvheneka
kkkkk interesting. Responding, criticism and defending are three distinct concepts.
1. Responding- understanding the other person's perspective, which can foster constructive dialogue and enhance relationships of ideas. 2. Criticism- often pointing out perceived flaws or shortcomings. 3. Defending- act of protecting oneself or someone else from criticism, attack. When individuals feel their actions, beliefs are under threat, they may respond with a defense mechanism to justify their position or actions.
Murambwi wanted Evangelist to respond, likely hoping for thoughtful and open exchange of ideas. However, as much as Evangelist is talking sense, his approach is characterised by defensiveness and criticism. This defensiveness can lead to a focus on protecting one's own position rather than engaging with the content of the sermon. The emphasis is on rebutting the Apostle's points rather than exploring them.
I wish I could meet with this whom cold Marufu..... Surely he dsnt understand Romans 13:8
Kkkkkk yah u r hard headed my fellow,,, after all these verses uchingori nenharo.
If u really wanted to learn ungadai wadzidza but since u r a critic then keep on looking for it
Apostle Chiwenga's verses were more coherent and they were clear, these guys are exhibiting confusion
Can he explain 1:08:56 2 cor from vs 6 please ha tsamba dzapauro dzomuvhara murume uyu
”who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away:”
2 Corinthians 3:6-7 kjv
2 Corinthians 3 from vs 1 to end inobatsi futi
God is seeking those who worship him in Spirit and Truth John 4v23-24. Then in Romans 8v6-8. The carnal person cannot keep the law of God. The law is holy and we can only keep it if we walk in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit is Galatians 5v22-25
Murambwi I think you should allow the evangelist to speak uninterrupted. Yes you may interject, but the evangelist often loses his line of thought which doesn't help the learners viewing, so keep interjections at a minimum
Am sure MOST of people who are against chiwenga ma sabbath,but if you are nutral u will live a room to understand both these preachers and learn chagara chokwadi hachidiwi nevazhinji
Taura NEMA Vs sezvikuitwa nachiwenga magurue siyana hako chiwenga please take care
Ummm Murambwi should learn not to interrupt munhu achitsanangura, he's now confusing people.
Evangelist tibatsireiwo na 2 Vakorinde chapter 3 yese
The earlier moderator was very good and had a better insight of the word..Murambwi often lacks that skill
Eish host wacho😣
Please vari kutora mufananidzo potai muchimbokwenya Murambwi kuti asiye munhu achitaura kwete kungogurisira munhu asati apedza.
And anomuitisa nharo even asati apedza.
He is sooo domineering.
Anoita kuti nhaurirano iyi isanakidze.
Chiwengwa haana Kana chaanoziva zvamuchose Dai Mwari vamubatsira une nhamo anowanikwa achiomberera nhema dzinotaurwa navaChivengwa pride ndoyakadhonedza satan kudenga
Haaaa parumwa rumwa, Chiwenga opened clear verses zvekuzoti my opinion is haa panoda kugadziriswa,
All this murairo wakapera nonsense was made to run away from the sabbath command.
When Paul was saying murairo wakapera he meant only the ceremonial that represented Christ.
The sabbath was and is not part of those.
Can you give me a verse which says ma ceremonial laws akapera kukasara ma moral laws.. tipei verse..
@@mikakaziboni2316Ndipe verse why usingabe or kuita upombwe yet you also don't do sacrifices.
I hate people who engage without thinking first.
@@Rebel4Right 😂😂😂 verse hauna ka.. kusaba kana kusaita hupombwe 1 Corinthians 3 verse 16 - 17.. 1 Corinthians 16 verse 19 - 20.. ndangokupai 2 Baba but ma verse akawandisa ( ndiyo Inonzi BORN AGAIN yacho ).. imimi chindipaiwo verse randakumbira.. If
@@Rebel4Right don't hate people who talk without thinking. Instead show them the right path. Remember " thou shall not hate " 😂😂😂
@@mikakaziboni2316your verses not cutting or not about the subject on discussion n
Madzibaba marufu havazive vhangeri rechokwadi
Unfortunately Chiwenga refused to debate this man ,It would benefit us a lot to understand this subject not prove anyone wrong but to help Christians understand better. Now Apostle is bosting achiti iye is a pit bull anode vakuru kkk now it seems he is about outclassing Evangelist than making people understand
Seems other people don't care about salvation they just want to be Right and follow what their teachers told them, it's hard to be told what you have been following since birth is wrong, and I feel sorry for all who are stuck on what they already believe, what if you are wrong 💔, are you willing to loose salvation because you are stuck with what you where taught...
What are you saying ?
Murambwi ari kuvhunza kuti ndipe verse inopatsanura 10 commandments from the other laws? Or tipei verse rinopatsanura ceremonial laws from the 10 commandments......
Ofwhich in the bible murairo unonzi ngautevedzwe wese
Marufu shoko hapana ngavure ma verse ano defender vhangeri zvese zvaarikutaura arikuwumburuka pamusoro pemubvinzo
Marufu clearly mention kt ariku defender Adventist teaching .I think this issue was more in need of a scriptural thesis treatment not doctrinal...chiwenga avhura ma verse anga achingozvidudzira ega clearly whereas marufu is pannel beating some scripture
Tipeiwo 1 apostle aisachengeta sabata uye akatanga church yake
@@JusticeMachingura hapana Apostle akatanga church. Church ndeya Jesu.. Vapositori VARANDA va Christ Jesus. Paul used the word BONDSERVANT. Proof inoratidza kuti ma Apostle aisabata Sabbath iripa Matthew 12, Acts 15 and 1 Corinthians 16 vs 2
Peter aisachengeta sabata and it’s not my job to read for you
@@mufesi4274 Masavadha don't even know kuti Sabbath was an exclusively closed church. Not ALL Jews were allowed to observe Sabbath. Bastards, eunuchs and disabled people, for example were not allowed to observe Sabbath. If the law of Moses is to be re enacted VERY FEW people will worship God..
@@mufesi4274 but is it your job to lie for me.Tipe verse
@@mikakaziboni2316ten Commandments are not moses' laws. Keep that in mind
Marufu murefu wenhema
You only gives us a clip from 2hours sermon feom apostle chiwenga now you are saying apostle is wrong we have seen the full sermon apostle chiwenga is on point
This marufu must listen when a true preacher preaches . The is difference between the law of moses and the law of Christ. Apostle tf chiwenga always on point
Mese mukuti marufu ataura chokwadi hamuzive imi ngaauye ndimuratidze chokwadi
Create your own platform and teach people the truth you claim you have