Etruscan Civilization in 17 Minutes

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 1 ต.ค. 2024
  • Here are the cities founded by the Etruscans. Today, a quarter of Italy's population lives in them. According to myth, even Rome was founded with the observance of Etruscan rituals. The last kings of Rome were also Etruscans. The Romans adopted the Etruscans' social, political, and military organization, crafts, and arts. The Etruscan religion heavily influenced Roman beliefs. Even the Latin alphabet is just a slightly modified Etruscan one. Through Latin, the Etruscan language has entered our speech
    Herodotus believed the Etruscans were migrants from the Lydian kingdom in Asia Minor, present-day Turkey.
    Dionysius of Halicarnassus, a first-century BC historian, instead pointed to the Italian origin of the Etruscans. However, today the continuity of Etruscan civilization from the Villanovan archaeological culture of the Iron Age is becoming more and more evident.
    There are other theories; for example, some scholars speculate that the Etruscans came from the Alps region or migrated to Italy from the island of Sardinia, but these versions are questionable at best
    The most plausible theory is that the Etruscans emerged based on the Villanovan culture while experiencing the influence of the Phoenicians and Greeks and possibly even mixing with them. It is precisely in the 9th-8th centuries BC that the Phoenicians and Greeks began to sail to Italy, and it cannot be a coincidence that precisely at this time, the Villanovan culture rapidly transformed into Etruscan.
    The Etruscans are surrounded by an aura of mystery mainly because their language is still not deciphered.
    Only eight texts in Etruscan contain more than 50 words. The most notable one is the Liber Linteus, a linen book.
    Two languages are considered related to Etruscan. Firstly, it is the language of the Rhaetian tribes who lived in the Alps. Ancient authors generally referred to Rhaetians as "mountain Etruscans." Secondly, it is the language of the island of Lemnos.
    During the late Bronze Age, around the 12th century BC, the urnfield culture spread into the Italian Peninsula. In Italy, this culture is usually referred to as the Proto-Villanovan culture. The characteristic feature of this culture is the method of burial. People of this culture cremated their deceased and placed the ashes into biconical urns. By the 10th century BC, the Proto-Villanovan culture had transformed into Villanovan culture - the direct predecessor of the Etruscan civilization.
    Archeologists found wealthy tombs containing weapons, ritual items, and pottery. Finally, at the turn of the 8th and 7th centuries BC, the Villanovans began to contact the Greeks and Phoenicians.
    The Etruscans built a full-fledged house as a tomb. There they placed a sarcophagus with the body and a lot of items the deceased might require in the afterlife. They richly decorated and painted the tomb's walls and covered the house with a tumulus.
    In the 7th century BC, the Etruscans spread throughout Italy, along the southern coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, and to the north along the Po River valley. They established new colonies on Corsica. In the late 7th century BC, Etruscan kings began to rule Rome.
    The Etruscans believed they received their religion from Tages, a bearded and white-haired infant born from a furrow. Tages dictated to the Etruscans five books containing descriptions of rituals and methods of divination.
    When speaking about the religion of the Etruscans, one cannot fail to mention their divination using the entrails of sacrificial animals, the flight of birds, and bolts of lightning. These divinations played a huge role in the life of the Etruscans. Soothsayers by birds were called augurs, by entrails of animals - haruspices, and by lightning - fulgurators.
    If I was asked to name just one reason for the decline of Etruscan civilization, I would name just one word - disunity. The lack of unity and centralized rule prevented the Etruscans from dealing with the hardships that befell them in the fifth and fourth centuries BC.
    Soon after this, the Greeks expelled the Etruscans from the Tyrrhenian Sea. In 474 BC, the fleet of Syracuse, led by Hiero I, defeated the united Carthaginian and Etruscan fleet at Cumae. In 396 BC, the largest city in Europe at that time, Veii, with a population of four hundred thousand people, fell to the Romans.
    The entire fourth century BC was spent in continuous wars between the Etruscans and Romans, resulting in Rome's borders steadily expanding to the north
    The Etruscans did not disappear during the Imperial era. Even some Roman emperors were Etruscans, for example Herrenius Etruscus, Hostilian, Trebonianus Gallus, and Volusian. The first Roman emperor, Augustus, also had Etruscan roots. Emperor Claudius was a great connoisseur of Etruscan language, culture, and history. He wrote a 20 volumes of history of the Etruscans, which unfortunately were lost and are only known through references in the works of ancient authors

ความคิดเห็น • 20

  • @wouterraaijmakers9155
    @wouterraaijmakers9155 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Loved seeing the Etruscan artifacts in Rome, such a interesting people

  • @pomyao
    @pomyao ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thank you! That was very informative and delightful to watch.

  • @Steven-dt5nu
    @Steven-dt5nu 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thanks. Great video. The population of Veii seems high. 400000?

  • @eugene5610
    @eugene5610 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Підписався і тут, щоб підтримати Вас. Успіхів!)

  • @oldreddragon1579
    @oldreddragon1579 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Why is the script shown sideways?
    Example @ 7:19 of this video
    BTW Good job

  • @tante8074
    @tante8074 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As a lover of all things Etruscan and as someone who tries to find everything on Etruscan culture and language, I can say this video is very good.

  • @joerosa2532
    @joerosa2532 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I had an Etruscan girlfriend once.

  • @sarcasmo57
    @sarcasmo57 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    My uncle was an Etruscan.

  • @gaspardisarro9316
    @gaspardisarro9316 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Cool video, your accent makes it even cooler.

  • @florenceneri8240
    @florenceneri8240 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Mon père il est toscan egale étrusque

  • @ThimiPapathimiu
    @ThimiPapathimiu 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This are worlds from albanian language Ati is father,Apa is open,Clan is cray, Thi is pig, this are worlds from albanian language.from Albania

  • @otho69AD
    @otho69AD ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I sense greatness in this channel's future, keep up the great work!

  • @ticvas1258
    @ticvas1258 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A Serb deciphered the Etruscan script.
    The names of Etruscan settlements, such as Polatera, Sena, Bada, Rusele, Aretium, Volsini, Volci (vuci - wolf), Kosa, Svana (Sovana), Bieda, Cera (Kera)... It is easy to transcribe them into Serbian without editing.
    Svetislav Bilbija deciphered the Etruscan script using the Serbian Cyrillic script. When he saw the Etruscan works in the museum, he could immediately understand what was written.
    The Romans and Latins inherited the complete culture, religion and skill of inherit from the Etruscans. The Etruscan art of divination based on the observation of animal livers was called Haruspicium(hara) from the word Hara or Žgara, which is the Serbian word for entrails, another name was DISCIPLINE ETRUSKA. the question arises why the Romans called the Rasenes (Rascia, part of Serbia, there is a town of Raska) Etruscans, because we know that the Rasenes called themselves Rasenes.
    the liver(JETRA Serbian )was also observed for daily needs, looking at the liver of small animals (chickens), I believe that the cosmos is reflected in the liver, then alive is the old Serbian diminutive (jETRUSKA) from which ETRUSKA comes later.
    Another proof is the footwear, thay wear opanka (opanke, Serbian footwear) on their footwear, sculptures and frescoes. Etruscan work was placed on the she-wolf being sucked by the twins later in the Renaissance, through it we approach the oldest cults of Rasena, where the wolf represents the first Etruscan. maybe now it's time to adopt: man is a wolf to man. the wolf is the progenitor of the tribe, so it originally had a completely different meaning, a kind of cult password.

    • @Mezentis
      @Mezentis 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ma se era tutto così facile, perché nessuno studioso serio collega strettamente la civiltà etrusca con Serbi, Albanesi, alfabeto Cirillico e altre amenità ex Jugoslave? tutti i misteri si risolverebbero subito!

  • @DipakBose-bq1vv
    @DipakBose-bq1vv 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Russians claim that Etruscans are slavic.

  • @deepakraag
    @deepakraag ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Is your accent Etruscan?😂