jayagatha (the Buddha’s victory over Maras) Composed by Pra Ajahn Mun Puritatto

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024
  • Homage to the Buddha
    Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammā Sambuddhassa (repeat three times)
    then say
    Panca Mare Jino Natho Patto Sambodhi Muttamam Catu Saccam Pakaseti Dhamma Cakkam Pavattayi Etena Sacca Vajjena Hontu Me Jayamangalam
    The Buddha, the Conqueror, the refuge of all beings, the protector for the worlds,
    He defeated the five Maras (the Evil One, the Tempter, the Destroyer, the Dark One) together with their troops,
    He gained perfect enlightenment by himself, the Supreme Buddha (Samma-sambuddha), attained the highest wisdom and perfections, the Four Noble Truths, made the True Dhamma be known and set the motion of the unsurpassed wheel of Dhamma.
    I revere with devotion to the Buddha, the brave one, may these 5 Maras will never appear.
    Through the merit I have done and sharing to 5 Maras and all defilements, may there be no more retribution, no enmity, may they do me no harm, may I have a victory blessing.
    This gatha is suggested to recite daily for protection, and recite before practicing meditation for being guarded from disturbing of Maras to obstruct cultivation of the practice. Mara, the god of demon used his spiritual powers to threaten, tempt, disturb and hinder the enlightenment of the Buddha.
    Mara personifies roots of unskillful actions, obstructs and distracts the doers of kusala or skillful actions, opposes to nibbana. 5 kinds of Mara:
    1. Mara of defilements, passion, delusion - kilesa
    2. Mara of five aggregations : 5 khandha: physical form (rupa), feelings (vedana), thoughts (sanna), inclinations (sankhara) and sensory awareness (vinnana)
    3. Mara of kamma-formation (forms accumulated actions), conditioned existence, causes samsara (cycle of rebirth)
    4. Mara as a deity (Devaputra), creates vision or sign to dissuade or interfere us from doing skillful deeds or liberation of defilements
    5. Mara of death, deprives us from a chance to complete the practice or doing good things
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