Mustafa ceric should bring more sandzaklija in order to spread national pride among Bosniaks. Would he do that ? Sure it is another question open the stereotypes among Bosniaks eachother....
How interesting is that ? O Bosniaks you need a ceuntry to finish your national building project and it is almost too late... But the process in this bosniakization national process only sandaklija and gorani can be most loyal stable and straitforward in embrancing bosnakization.Unfortunately great number of Bosniaks from bosnia still sleep in the Yugoslav dream
zasto bjezis od samoga sebe? Ja nisam Turcin, a ne znam ni rijec turskog jezika, a vidi kako ti lijepo pricas bosanski.. ma sha Allah
Cestitam Mustafi Cericu sto je posjetio ovo jedinstveno muslimansko selo na obroncima Sarplanine.
ali mi nismo bosnjaci ja sam iz ovog sela
Mustafa ceric should bring more sandzaklija in order to spread national pride among Bosniaks. Would he do that ? Sure it is another question open the stereotypes among Bosniaks eachother....
How interesting is that ?
O Bosniaks you need a ceuntry to finish your national building project and it is almost too late... But the process in this bosniakization national process only sandaklija and gorani can be most loyal stable and straitforward in embrancing bosnakization.Unfortunately great number of Bosniaks from bosnia still sleep in the Yugoslav dream
Nije ovdje rijec o Bosancima vec o Bosnjacima.
ali i ti si Bosnjak, vidis kako lijepo pricas bosanski jezik, zasto bjezis od drevnog imena? :/
Nema Bosanaca, ali ima Bosnjaka itekako
brate ja sam iz ovog sela retelice i mi nismo bosnjaci
mi brate ni smo bosnjaci ja sam iz ovog sela
seric sere