Doctor Who's Most Hated Era

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024
  • The 13th Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) was quite a divisive Doctor among the Doctor Who fandom. With Russell T. Davies and Ncuti Gatwa taking over the show in 2024, I decided to look back on the Chibnall era of Doctor Who to see if it truly deserves the hate
    Articles shown in this video:
    Steven Moffat stepping down as showrunner:
    Chris Chibnall says no-one wanted to replace him:
    Toby Whithouse wanted to be showrunner:
    Jo Grant confirmed as a past Doctor:

ความคิดเห็น • 438

  • @PatriciaCoberly
    @PatriciaCoberly 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +268

    Chris Chibnall: " Look, everybody, it's the first female Doctor!"
    Whovians: "Great! Why is the writing so bad? And, what's with that outfit?"

    • @hamoiq908
      @hamoiq908 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +34

      Yeah my mum and I’s first comment was that oh she feels so much dumber and cluesless then the dr usually does. Almost felt like chibnall didn’t know how to handle her

    • @Enjay001
      @Enjay001 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

      Yep, exactly that. I was genuinely excited to see a female Doctor, and Jodie Whittaker is a fantastic actor. When she was allowed to have her moments, she did absolutely shine as the Doctor IMO. However, most of the time, she simply wasn't given a good enough script and characterisation to work with.
      There were interesting characters in the world, and in the TARDIS.
      I loved Bradley Walsh's Graham and Mandip Gill's Yas but I was much less keen on the character Ryan (for basically the reasons in the video). Too often I felt like I was being told to like and be sympathetic to Ryan without actually being given any reason to.
      There were some great story premises, some excellent sets, some great effects: lots and lots of good elements.
      But the show, overall, was slow, preachy (yet, the messages were too simplistic and crassly handled), obvious, simplistic, turgid, dull and, ultimately, just not very good.
      Such a waste of the great potential of the first female actor, being played by a fantastic actor. Yet the "meh-ness" and bad writing of the era leaves a bad taste that has tarnished the idea of a female Doctor. i.e. the opposite of what the hope for the era was.

    • @jrmarcus
      @jrmarcus 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Agree, she never had a chance. I thought she was ok. After a few episodes though, I couldn't keep going.

    • @CrystalWong
      @CrystalWong 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      ​@@Enjay001 Jodie is a great actor but she isn't on the level as Capaldi who can turn mediocre scripts into something enjoyable with his on-screen presence. Jodie was let down by poor scripts and uninteresting concepts and ideas

    • @iamnobody2
      @iamnobody2 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@CrystalWong I like Jody as the Doctor more than capaldi. I think capaldi was better as Malcolm Tucker than as the Doctor. Sorry not sorry

  • @PsyrenXY
    @PsyrenXY 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +136

    Another great "Doctor moment" for Jodie was her discussion with a sentient universe shaped like a frog in It Takes You Away. That was a great speech

  • @georgercop
    @georgercop 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +115

    The main problem with the Timeless Child reveal is that it COULD have worked, but the main issue is that it was the Doctor, and enraptures them in the "Chosen One" trope, when it could have been more.
    If the identity of the Timeless Child was unknown because they had escaped Gallifrey long ago, or gone missing, then the Doctor could have become horrified or even disgusted at the idea that the power of regeneration was developed by essentially the repeated murder of a child over the course of many years; as opposed to Time Lords developing it due to exposure to the Time Vortex (as was established in A Good Man Goes to War to explain River Song's ability to regenerate).
    This could create a moral dilemma for the Doctor, and gives them a goal of seeking the Child out and coming to terms with the horrendous things the early Time Lords did to them in order to seed the power of regeneration within their species. Imagine they fail, and the Doctor has to wrestle with the decision of whether or not they should regenerate again, now knowing the origin of the ability.
    Perhaps they do find the Child and make peace with it.
    Who knows? There's plenty of storytelling capability there that carries weight and could have provided some incredible moments for the Doctor. But instead, nah, Chosen One.

    • @gazda69
      @gazda69 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      I think it's meant to be a compelte rejection of the Chosen One trope. The difference between this and stuff like Harry Potter, Star Wars and The Matrix is that the Doctor and the Timeless Child are functionally two different people. They may be the same entity, sure, but the Child/pre-Hartnell incarnations are locked away inside of that fobwatch that the Doctor literally threw away into the depths of the TARDIS (see the symbolism?). The Doctor doesn't accept her former life and chooses to continue being who she's always been because she doesn't need to be anybody else. I'm pretty sure that's the intended takeaway here.

    • @Enjay001
      @Enjay001 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      @@gazda69 I agree. However, given that there is a lot of fanfare surrounding finding out about the timeless child story, only for it to be rejected by the main character and lost in the depths of the TARDIS, it ultimately ends up as "so what?" I mean, in terms of the show going forward, it doesn't really seem as if it is going to change anything.
      I must admit that I do cringe every time someone associated with the show says something like "this will change Doctor Who forever". Why? Because it usually ends up being a non-event that actually changes nothing and was just teased in a way that was likely to grab a few headlines and, with any luck, a few more viewers.
      These "this will change Doctor Who forever" announcements also always leave me with the question: "why do they want to do that?" I don't mean that the show shouldn't evolve - of course it should. The world was very different in 1963 and a show that was still made to cater to that world would be horrendously awful in so many ways. But these announcements always come across as if the show runners are trying to change Doctor Who to be something else. (If you want to make something else, go and do that. Keep the winning parts of the Doctor Who formula intact by not making fundamental changes to it.) That being said, these announcements almost always turn out to be inconsequential, like I already said.
      Um yeah, got a bit side tracked there. ;)
      Yes, I agree with your interpretation - that the timeless child was fundamentally, functionally different to the Doctor that we know, the Doctor rejected that history and chose to continue existing as the Doctor. But that does mean all that "sound and fury signified nothing" to paraphrase Bill Shakespeare.

    • @gazda69
      @gazda69 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@Enjay001 Yeah, that's a fair observation. Only thing it really changed is that it opened up a whole new corner/era of the Whoniverse for future writers to play in. Could lead to some interesting stories.

    • @Enjay001
      @Enjay001 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@gazda69 I think the idea is interesting and it could be opened up in many different and potentially interesting ways. It would be nice for something that was such a big element of the show for a while to actually have some consequences beyond its own (currently) self-contained storyline - provided whatever happens is good.
      To be honest, as soon as the watch was thrown into the depths of the TARDIS, rather than being destroyed, I thought that they were deliberately building in the possibility of it returning at some point (even if they pretty much stated doing this meant it would never be found, or at least I think they said something like that).

    • @yonatanyonatano1192
      @yonatanyonatano1192 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I would’ve made it the Master. It explains how they came back multiple times from things that are in-universe supposed to permanently end a timelord’s life

  • @avocadothecat
    @avocadothecat 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +130

    To this day I don't know how to categorise Jodies Doctor. Like... 9 was the traumatised alien that needed a distraction after the war but didn't want to admit it. 10 was the surface level happy go lucky guy that had so much anger and grief just underneith. 11 Was the quirky ancient man that has seen too much. 12 was the "hard shell soft core" type. But what's 13th thing? I still can't pin it down. The Morally wrong one that's also so socially awkward that she can't help her own companions?

    • @MrSukram777
      @MrSukram777 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      I think she was supposed to be a "think positive" kind of Doctor, best showing in her speech in demons of the punjab, as well as a "history teacher"-type. Only her questionable actions and political speeches overshadowed that...

    • @gazda69
      @gazda69 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      I don't think she needed a 'thing' like the other new series Doctors and was meant to be a more chill type of character like most classic Doctors. The Chibnall era in general represents sort of a rejection of what 21st century Doctor Who has been up until that point (though it didn't always follow through with that mission statement).
      12 letting go of his troubles at the end of his era wiped the slate clean for the return of the 20th century type Doctor and that's what 13 is supposed to represent, I think.

    • @TheTrollerGamer
      @TheTrollerGamer 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +25

      After seeing 14th and the 15th Doctor, I think 13th was meant to be more the hopeful version of the character. 12 told his next version to be kind and 13 tried to be that, but a lot of dark stuff happened during her tenure and she tried to cover all the pain and grief with a quirky school teacher persona.
      To be honest, I don't think Chibnall planned her that way. I only came up with this conclusion after seeing how burned out 14th was in the Specials. I believe in Series 11 this Doctor was genuily trying her best and there was a recurring theme of her being light in dark times. Then, with all the shit happening in Series 12, she becomes a bit more agressive towards her Fam.
      She also seems traumatized after what happened to Bill, so she is pretty much detached from her Fam. She calls them family and hypes them up as her best friends ever, but never really treats them as such. She keeps secrets, avoid deep conversations and acts agressive when they ask too much. She is like that person in your friend's group that is only around for parties and drinks, but runs away when you need help or want to have a serious conversation.

    • @gazda69
      @gazda69 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@TheTrollerGamer You've hit the nail on the head, that's exactly who she is.

    • @avocadothecat
      @avocadothecat 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@TheTrollerGamer oooooh that's a good one! Thank you! It does help putting that era in line with the rest.

  • @janoschw2895
    @janoschw2895 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    "You've got to give Chibnall credit for atleast trying some different stuff on the show"
    No, no we really don't. Thats not how continuity and character development works.

  • @lucam8758
    @lucam8758 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    I just had an idea which I don't think was ever shown: an evil companion, someone who starts out like everyone else, but throughout their journey gets greedy with power and wants to use the doctor to get more, ultimately clashing with him, ending with separation or defeat.

    • @lonelystarslibrary9326
      @lonelystarslibrary9326 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I think that'd need RTD specifically to pull off. Luckily, we got him back~

    • @varisrevolver4061
      @varisrevolver4061 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Something like Clara after Danny's death, but it not being a hologram, (key words, something like, because I'd rather something else, and not a carbon copy of it)

    • @RachManJohn
      @RachManJohn 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Literally Adam in season 1, but over the course of a season

    • @lucam8758
      @lucam8758 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@RachManJohn you are right! I had totally forgotten Adam. But he was not portrayed as very capable. I was thinking of a companion on the level of clara/donna who would eventually clash with the doctor over morals or ideals to the point of breaking up.
      Adam is a smart arrogant inept, he didn't win the doctor's trust.

    • @altinaykor364
      @altinaykor364 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      they're too coward to do such a thing. Companions should always be good and keep the doctor close to humanity (usual cliche🤮) regardless of the fact that humanity doesn't always translate in being good and history has proved it time and time again.

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +46

    Maybe they should let people apply for the job, and then they'd find people they'd love to have but hadn't thought of.

    • @floppyfairy99
      @floppyfairy99 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      13s breathy delivery of every line grated even in the first episode. After that the ham fisted writing, odd morality and lore crimes we're then icing on the stale cake.

  • @themaker2149
    @themaker2149 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +37

    Jody was fine but the writing was terrible especially the timeless child. The doctors whole thing was he wasn't special which is actually what made him special. Anyone time lord could have been the doctor but none did cause most see themselves above others the doctor though is special cause he's a failure as a time lord and yet what makes him a bad time lord is what makes him the perfect protector of the universe. Making the doctor this grand being that had a destiny takes that away and takes the fear out of the show. Yes we know the doctor has to keep regenerating or no show but what I loved about 11 getting a new set of regenerations was it was unknown there was always a chance the next death could be the last that should have been important but now death is completely pointless for the doctor

    • @Cosmic_Nite
      @Cosmic_Nite  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Tbf the Doctor's original consciousness is stored in a fob watch. They're still currently a Time Lord, with a presumably finite amount of regenerations. But I agree with the rest of your comment

  • @thor6519
    @thor6519 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

    I completely agree with your points about Ryan being dyspraxic. I instantly felt a connection to him due to my struggles with riding a bike. It’s just such a shame it was so forgotten. I feel his dyspraxia should have been more extreme like mine is and so he struggles with even the most simple things like running. He then has to constantly face this throughout the first two seasons to show him that he deserves to travel with the doctor despite his coordination disorder. It would have made Ryan stand out so much more than he does

  • @garethdowson
    @garethdowson 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +81

    I didn't know it was divisive. Thought everyone hated it.

    • @itskashkashi
      @itskashkashi 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I hated it too (only silver lining for me was no longer needing to come up with ways to extend the doctor's regeneration cycle).
      I'm semi enjoying the orphan spin RTD2 has put on it, interested to see where that goes.

    • @ambivvvvvvvvvalence
      @ambivvvvvvvvvalence หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yall so funny 🤣
      Chibnall the goat and jodie the best doctor, it’s actually that simple. Time is leaving you olds behind 😂

    • @garethdowson
      @garethdowson หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@ambivvvvvvvvvalence Wish it would leave us. We oldies have 26 years of mostly great sci fi tv and look no further for more. If you lack artistic judgment to know what you're talking about, you are welcome to the utter rubbish created these days. No one wishes to deprive you of it. You want it, you can bathe in it.

    • @garethdowson
      @garethdowson หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@ambivvvvvvvvvalence Also, a goat is a flipping mammal. English. Speak it?

    • @ambivvvvvvvvvalence
      @ambivvvvvvvvvalence หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@garethdowson thanks for the laugh lol

  • @thethinkingcatakaneonormie3527
    @thethinkingcatakaneonormie3527 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +75

    Really the worst part of the Chibnall Years was how everything was a swing and a miss with the Amazon episode being like a Mirror Universe Version of the Sun Makers where the doctor is saving the slave driver corperation not ending it and freeing the slaves.

    • @elliebingo
      @elliebingo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@Georgie_R I think what you're misunderstanding is that the doctor didn't sort it out. She defended the hijacked system after it also kills someone, Kiera dies so the system can... prove a point to Charlie? And the Doctor defends it. Not only that but she then murders Charlie herself, she stops the delivery bots from sending out the bombs, great. But then she makes the bots detonate the bombs instead of safely disposing of them, killing Charlie for no reason. Ontop of that she doesn't fix the issues with the system at all! Kerblam is still the authority on that moon and all they said was that they were going to employ more people. More people to do physical labour that robots can do safer and faster, more people to be underpaid and forced to stay away from their family to provide for them as best they can, more people under constant watch by Kerblam for them to keep up their useless physical labour. The biggest villain in Kerblam isn't the hijacked AI, or the socialist terrorist.. It's the capitalist big wigs at the top. Profiting off of underpaid workers now more than ever and the Doctor treats that as a win.
      "A bottom line where human life means nothing at all, like every worker everywhere... We're fighting the suits"

  • @bigcupodisapointment
    @bigcupodisapointment 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    I feel that Jodie never really got her moments to shine, even though moments peaked through. I loved the few times she would lose her temper with the gang because "yeah it's a flat team structure, but sometimes it's really not that flat is it?" Those moments had made me get interested in that progressing but it never really did.
    Would also have loved for 13th doc to lean in to the tinker of gizmos and gadgets. The whole schtic of the first episode was her making a new sonic out of random objects.

    • @mrericmmurphy
      @mrericmmurphy 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Totally agree. Whitaker could have been an amazing doctor. But they never let her have sole focus of an episode. I would have loved to see what she could do with a heaven sent-esk episode.

  • @justynmatlock8873
    @justynmatlock8873 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +37

    "Guns. Never use 'em." The Doctor has certaily used leathal weapons in the past against living organisms, even if they're not tecnically "Guns", in 'Seeds of Death', in 'Remembrance of the Daleks' to name two straight off the top of my head.

    • @PsyrenXY
      @PsyrenXY 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      The "no guns" thing is just Chibnall going through the motions without understanding the Doctor's character. The Doctor avoids guns because the Doctor wants to give even their worst enemies a chance, and destroying them with their own technology means they made the choice to keep attacking. When the Doctor nuked the Racnoss with her own bombs or when he froze a bunch of Angels for all eternity with their own gaze or when he condemned the Family of Blood to immortality in hell, it was due to their own actions.

    • @justynmatlock8873
      @justynmatlock8873 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      He also used Dr. Lightfoot's Chinese 'Fowling Piece' in Talons of Weng Chiang, he was prepared to shoot Davros in Resurection of the Daleks, he shot the lock of the cellar door with a flintlok pistol in Visitation, boasting "I never miss", so he must have used such a weapon before.@@PsyrenXY

    • @justynmatlock8873
      @justynmatlock8873 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I love that in 'Silence in the Library' he says, "Books are my weapons", but in 'Remembrance of the Daleks' he says, "Weapons, always useless in the end."
      So, books are useless ?@@PsyrenXY

    • @sayospecter6731
      @sayospecter6731 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      There's also "Die, hideous creature... Die!"
      The fact that he was shooting a spider creature in that panel also made it retrospectively funnier after the Arachnids episode.

    • @hyperion3145
      @hyperion3145 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The First Doctor also had a gun in his collection

  • @elizawulf8180
    @elizawulf8180 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    If you stick to this, you'll hit most of the highlights of Whittaker era, understand most of the plot, and avoid as many pitfalls as possible:
    Woman Who Fell to Earth
    Ghost Monument (sorry)
    Demons of the Punjab
    It Takes You Away
    Spyfall 1 & 2
    Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror
    Fugitive of the Judoon
    Haunting of Villa Diodati
    Power of the Doctor
    Timeless Child Arc: Ascension of the Cybermen, Timeless Child, Revolution
    Flux Arc: Halloween Apocalypse, War of the Sontarans, Village of Angels, Survivors of the Flux (sorry), The Vanquishers (sorry), Eve of the Daleks
    Independent/Filler: Legend of the Sea Devils
    Tsuranga Conundrum
    Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
    Orphan 55

  • @lordepsilon7023
    @lordepsilon7023 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +30

    I'm always of the opinion that the Timeless Child being the Master would've been a better choice. Not *great* but better than the Doctor

    • @mayotango1317
      @mayotango1317 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      But the Master stole bodies and try to stole Doctor's regenerations.

    • @aleczrike9647
      @aleczrike9647 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Would've given him a much better reason to hate the Timelords, that's for sure.

    • @lordepsilon7023
      @lordepsilon7023 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@mayotango1317 As I say, not great, but it would've at least been a *little* more reasonable than the Doctor themself

  • @ottopenquist5545
    @ottopenquist5545 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +65

    I was a fan pf DW since 1974; I gave up on it after Series 11. Not because the Doctor was a woman, nor because of Whittaker, whose acting I have nothing against, but because every episode bored me! I fell asleep watching some of them.... at 2:00 in the afternoon. That was it for me. Seies 12 gave us the Timeless Child and, from what I heard, I am glad I missed it.

    • @trg8858
      @trg8858 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Just skip ahead to the starbeast (7/10) and then every following episode gets better and better

    • @Mojo1356
      @Mojo1356 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ⁠@@trg8858yeah- I like the Disney Plus specials. Gonna be honest- Starbeast did bore me at points. The Giggle was great though.
      Also, I’m gonna wanna watch the flux season at some point just so I have a better context of what pains the Doctor so much.

    • @jesstse3336
      @jesstse3336 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Same thing for me haha! Bit of a night owl netflix/tv viewer myself, but passed out cold before 9pm watching an ep from this era. Earliest I have slept in a while😂

  • @joeduffy4547
    @joeduffy4547 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    If this is the so-called "worst" era of your show, that's a pretty damn good show!!

  • @ericthesupreme2
    @ericthesupreme2 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +263

    Who actually thinks the whole timeless child stuff was good. The flux was alr in my opinion but the timeless child takes away so many things about doctor who

    • @kuggacouragegx6093
      @kuggacouragegx6093 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

      Homie no it literally doesn't at all. It adds the who back to Dr who

    • @purpleduke3193
      @purpleduke3193 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      The Timeless child is literally just a more accessible version of the Cartmel masterplan. I don't like it, but honestly I don't hate it.

    • @kuggacouragegx6093
      @kuggacouragegx6093 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@purpleduke3193 no

    • @purpleduke3193
      @purpleduke3193 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      @@kuggacouragegx6093 I mean, it literally is. In both, the first Dr isn't the first Dr, the Dr is one of the core pillers of the start of timelord society and in both they have a god like status. The literal only difference is the inclusion of Tecteun finding the Dr and the removal of looms and "houses".

    • @kuggacouragegx6093
      @kuggacouragegx6093 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@purpleduke3193 yet the show already stated that he isn't the true first.
      But he is the 1st doctor of the cycle. This was a known fact before the timeless child and the other.
      So no itnisnt a retcon at all u idiot.
      Yes, so wtf is the issue with the Dr being a core part of the timelords? Wtf is the issue?
      No itnis a god like status cause of their actions. Which is why the doctor is feared.

  • @sanctumsanctorum4130
    @sanctumsanctorum4130 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    FYI I would have fucking loved Toby Whithouse as showrunner.

  • @robertcooper4th259
    @robertcooper4th259 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Last year I saw some of the worst written characters, 13 was an inconsistent disaster, her companions were bland while having actually interesting ideas for what they should have been, then there’s coral who was an inconsistent character who I kept being told was caring while being shown how awful they are to their youngest kid, their youngest kid was painful to watch because she just suffered while no one reacted to it in the right way so I assume the writer either hates their actual kids so they wrote some kind of incoherent revenge fantasy or should never have kids if that disaster was their opinion on raising kids, then there’s buddy the elf who was annoying instead of funny, and finally there was the spy master who was annoying when he was on screen, why can’t we put him in the abuse plot and make the little kid fight the doctor and destroy galifrey because that would be better.

  • @fanthonyfictions
    @fanthonyfictions 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +38

    When you said you were dispraxic, I was about to ask if they portraied it well in your mind.
    Key word ABOUT to. Because then I instantly remembered Cod boy running over sand with a gun and I knew where this was going.
    This show's representaion of Dispraxia, I assume, is about as faithful to real life as the movie Inglorious Bastards.

    • @friendlyotaku9525
      @friendlyotaku9525 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Dyspraxia can affect different people differently

    @SSJPENGUIN 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I've never had a problem with 10's nonchalant attitude towards racism in Shakespeare's Code
    Him (seemingly) not taking her race into account during Human Nature kinda ties with it too

    • @retriwa5640
      @retriwa5640 หลายเดือนก่อน

      nah i felt like john smith had definitely looked down on martha, probably part because of her being a servant, but he was very much in line with the outdated 1913 views (for example when he allows one of the guys to "punish" the little dude)

      @SSJPENGUIN หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@retriwa5640 I meant the tenth doctor didn't seem to (seriously) take into account Martha's position in society during WW1
      but John Smith definitely looked down on her a bit in the ways you described too 🙌

  • @tyrxian6452
    @tyrxian6452 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Fellow dyspraxic and Ryan INFURIATES me as a character

  • @Inquisitorrandom
    @Inquisitorrandom 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Comment at 00:01. Yes. It is VERY bad

  • @autumnmatthews3179
    @autumnmatthews3179 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    What really disappointed me was when Graham told the Doctor he was worried about his cancer returning and she walked away

  • @triplejazzmusicisall1883
    @triplejazzmusicisall1883 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    The character of Ryan (not actor) is for me the most boring and dull companion in DW's history. Even Adric had personality (mostly annoying but any personality is better than none). He just went nowhere. Watching this post made me recall just how awful series 11 was (except Rosa - although the baddie was crap). This is an excellent post with some very important points raised and considered. I can not be as kind to the Chibnall era as you but you make fair points.

  • @doctorwhat779
    @doctorwhat779 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    For me Flux arc pretty redeemed Chibnall era. it was really fun and mostly good. Also I like the timeless child. A new element for Doctor's legacy way better than hybrit or most of things Moffat did. Also yeah I think Daleks a bit overused in Chibnall era but they were way better than what Moffat did with them

  • @hazmat7949
    @hazmat7949 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    That ryan season 6 joke really caught me off guard 😂

  • @ianbd77
    @ianbd77 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    He made a jigsaw of the doctor's history; I didn't like it.

  • @Tototoo88
    @Tototoo88 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    My ex was dyspraxic and he just laughed at how bad Ryan was as representation

  • @fearfulcat
    @fearfulcat 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I loved Jodie Whitaker's Doctor. I like the companions. The plotting was very uneven and I felt like Jodie Whitaker's doctor didnt get nearly asuch chance to develop over the run. Also, really wish they hadnt wasted another arc on the Master. Again. Im so done with the Master. Missy was the culmination. We dont need another new version of the master. Just stop.

  • @le_birb
    @le_birb 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    A great, well put-together video that calls out the goods and the bads of the era. As much as I dislike the era overall, I can't say every single thing in it is bad, and it's frustrating to get lumped in with those who do by people who are more fond of Chibnall's time as showrunner.

  • @lesigh1749
    @lesigh1749 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    The Timeless child was the iceberg that fatally holed Doctor Who, and Flux was Chibnall reversing the ship into the same iceberg to make sure it was sinking evenly from both ends.
    Everything since has been desperate pumping to slow the sinking, and its not going to be enough.

  • @DigiRangerScott
    @DigiRangerScott 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    9:56 Black Lives Matter began in 2014 after the killings of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner. The death of Freddie Gray caused enough outrage and unrest that an Orioles game was played crowdless in April 2015. George Floyd’s death caused practically a re-eruption, a second wave if you will

  • @gazda69
    @gazda69 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    A super underrated aspect of Chibnall's Doctor Who is it's chill, laid-back vibe. Series 1-10 felt very same-y for lack of a better term, but with Series 11 the stories feel like they have more room to breathe and not have to take themselves too seriously. I can't really explain why it feels this way, but it feels very loose and open and unshackled in a way the show hasn't felt since the 70s. And this feeling has even carried over into RTD2 somewhat.

  • @mikebasil4832
    @mikebasil4832 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    What I disliked most about the Chibnall era was how most of the scenes had the drama and character development drowned out by overwhelming action and outrageously extravagant sci-fi.

  • @Peoplesvisioning
    @Peoplesvisioning 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    At least we didn't have any teeny-bopper love dramas

  • @mrericmmurphy
    @mrericmmurphy 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The chibnal era as a whole felt like someone almost getting close to a great idea, but then flubbing it with mediocre writing and those ‘very serious moments’ where two characters take a pause from the action to exposition dump their feelings and motivations (that change episode to episode). The era was defined by ‘tell, don’t show.’ It got really frustrating. I missed any amount of nuance and having characters grow and change.
    Case in point: what was Yaz’s character arc? 3 years in the tardis, and how did she really change as a person?

  • @SmartAlec86
    @SmartAlec86 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I've gotten alot of hate for saying that I like the Chibnall Era. I do think it's one of the worst eras of Doctor Who. But being the worst isn't the same as being bad. It's just bad in relation to the rest of Doctor Who. But Doctor Who is so good that even he worst of Doctor Who is still okay at least.
    The thing about Orphan 55 is that there are people who will never get the message even when the show literally tells them in a speech. That's why our planet is still dying. There are too many climate change deniers.
    Technically, the Timeless Child was originally a Time Lord. In fact, the Timeless Child was THE original Time Lord. The Doctor being the Timeless Child just means that he/she wasn't originally Galifreyan. And the Timeless Child is based on a (admittedly non-canon) book that suggests that the Doctor is the reincarnation of The Other, the original Time Lord. And it's been canon that the Doctor had previous regenerations ever since 4 (Tom Baker).
    Also, I think one of the best moments in Doctor Who was during the Flux, when the Doctor was forceably transformed into a Weaping Angel. Another one of the best moments was also a Chibnall Era moment where the Master forces the Doctor to regenerate into the Master.

    • @gazda69
      @gazda69 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Agree with everything you said. It's definitely one of the roughest patches of the show's history, but I'd still rather watch it over any 6th Doctor episode any day.

    • @davidgraham8299
      @davidgraham8299 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ok, here's some more hate. 👍

  • @Kesteen
    @Kesteen 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    The Chibnall era is pretty generic sci-fi, and if it had been in any other show it would have been fine. But its in Doctor Who. Which is the greatest tv show of all time.

    • @LoneGh0ste
      @LoneGh0ste 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If it was in another show. I don’t think it would’ve lasted more than one season. At least not as an original series. It would’ve been like one of those random Netflix sci fi shows nobody watches.

  • @TheMerlinRailway
    @TheMerlinRailway 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    If I am completely honest, in the last few weeks I have found myself missing certain aspects of Chibnalls Who.
    (This is coming from someone who openly hated it for its entire duration)

    • @thedoctor1263
      @thedoctor1263 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      What are those aspects

    • @TheMerlinRailway
      @TheMerlinRailway 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      @@thedoctor1263 Longer episode series, returning villains, maintained iconic costume and there are some other things.
      (Just to clarify I am loving Ncuti's new series and I think people are hating on it too much 🙃)

    • @thedoctor1263
      @thedoctor1263 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ⁠@@TheMerlinRailwayI do miss the longer Epsiode count and even flux felt more complete compared to series 14(I love it a lot though) and the costume thing does kinda bother me

  • @mimiquoi7380
    @mimiquoi7380 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    You know what ? I think it's maybe one of my favorite era of the show.
    Sasha Dawhan is my favorite Master.
    Season 12 and Flux are in two of my favorites series
    I really like the concept of the Timeless Child (And I'm so excited to see what RTD will do with it now)
    And I love Power of The Doctor so much. It's like a movie and a great finale for Jodie Whittaker.

    • @gazda69
      @gazda69 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I totally agree. Some other things that I liked were for example that the companions felt like actual people you could meet on the street instead of characters written for a TV show. It's a nice breath of fresh air. There are also some stellar episodes in there that most of the fandom overlooks, like It Takes You Away, Demons of the Punjab, Can You Hear Me, Tesla's Night of Terror and Resolution.

  • @Comicbroe405
    @Comicbroe405 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    While there were few good eps my biggest gripe with era was just how dull it was especially with character dynamics. Mostly on the companion end of things where with 3 of the in it, it got so bloated. And also with making the Doctor really dumb. Like why'd she get captured so many times lol. Jodie Whittaker was pretty cool tho.

    • @tobynorris
      @tobynorris 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Yeah, for the most part it was just boring.

    • @ixirion
      @ixirion 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I would add boring and often cringe. Vulcan neck pinch? companions act not according to personality but cos plot needs to happen. I also became so oversensitive to the Message that any hint of it and I am appalled.

    • @cement_eater
      @cement_eater 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The companions were what really set the era apart from others. Series 8 had Kill the Moon, and the one with the trees and the long ass title. Both of those episodes sucked balls, but they're still worth watching for the Doctor and Clara.
      On the other hand, series 11 had Demons of the Punjab. One of the Chibnall era's only decent episodes. Could've been great, but it's dragged down by its 3 companions, with 3 character traits between them

    • @Comicbroe405
      @Comicbroe405 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@cement_eater Yeah that was a great ep Icl but you also summed up the issue.

    • @hotdog1214
      @hotdog1214 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ixirion Vulcan neck pinch? You mean Venusian aikido surely? 😁😁Actually one of the credits I will give to Chibnall, referring back to Classic Who like that.
      But with you on the companions, they were often interchangeable observers that had no distinct characterisation of their own.
      Still to this day its a disappointment that if Chibnall was going to expand the Tardis team he didn't bring in companions from different planets and/or time zones instead of meeting them all at once from the same present day Sheffield. Wasted opportunity to give us a bit of variety and move away from the 21st Century companion we've had since the revival.

  • @jonathan.palfrey
    @jonathan.palfrey 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I’ve been watching Doctor Who on and off since 1964. After a while I stopped watching the show in the Chibnall era because (1) the stories were not dreadfully bad, but they were feeble enough that I didn’t feel I’d be missing anything, and (2) Chibnall clearly lacks even an elementary understanding of science and technology, which is rather a problem when you’re writing science fiction (as he was trying to do). I made a whole list of things in “The Woman Who Fell to Earth” that were absurd and wouldn’t work as described. After that I stopped making lists, I couldn’t be bothered.

    • @PsyrenXY
      @PsyrenXY 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I don't even care that the science is bad. Come on, it's Doctor Who! What bothered me about Chibnall is his complete inability to understand the Doctor's character (seriously, the Doctor defending freaking Amazon is disgusting) as well as stuffing the Tardis with way, way too many companions.

    • @jonathan.palfrey
      @jonathan.palfrey 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@PsyrenXYAnyone writing science fiction should get basic science and technology right, whatever kind of science fiction it is, and Chibnall was clearly trying to write science fiction. Even a child should have a better understanding of how things work. I agree that his understanding of the Doctor seemed faulty, but the Doctor had three companions repeatedly in the 20th century, and even in the 21st century if you count River Song. Maybe three are too many, but at least it’s a mistake with ample precedent.

  • @johnrussell5592
    @johnrussell5592 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Here's my take: Chibnall wrote a very long fanfic dedicated to Jodie. Who appears to be a good enough actor, if she's been given a decent script. Chibnall didn't deliver on that, in that all of the really important thing had to be coming from Jodie, and the companions where there to be impressed and deliver some tidbits of information that moved the story along.
    He broke so much canon that I had to stop watching at the end of the second of his seasons. So horrible. In no particular order:
    Timeless child - A Gallifreyan scientist tortures a child to death, over and over, for years?
    The Doctor forged a delicate scientific instrument using old, discarded Earth technology and refuse laying around a machine shop?
    A dead (for hundreds of years), and dismembered dalek (out of it's prosthetic) teleports its body together and heals itself, and then operates a human like a ventriloquist doll by interfacing with it's nervous system?
    And then that dalek uses the same old machine shop as mentioned before, and creates a fully functional prosthetic (of the flying model)?
    At the beginning we get a fair amount of companion backstory and development, and then that just stops. Like everything in their lives except the part about the Doctor (including each other) were put on pause.
    Even his master was weak, in my opinion. Loud, obnoxious, but weak.
    I just started watching the third season, and it starts by re-using the first season schtick of the dead dalek (this time reconstituted from DNA scraped from the inside of a burnt-out shell) by a computer geek (how he was able to sequence alien DNA? or bring it back to life?) which was, for dumb plot reasons electronically connected to a private scientific database, and it was somehow able to learn use binary, whatever computer language, and English in days.
    How much disbelief must one suspend? Here's what I can't believe: someone thought Chris Chibnall was a good choice for showrunner.

    • @kuggacouragegx6093
      @kuggacouragegx6093 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Stupid wtf u mean? Dude u might as well just admit u never watched Dr whom
      Homie delivered tidbits of information that move the story along?
      The timeless child then🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
      Stupid how tf did he broke the Canon when he literally didn't at all. The movie went agaisnt the Canon, moffat literally changed the cannon, rtd did too all before the timeless child which literally didn't broken no Canon but went along with the Canon.
      Yes dummy. Which isn't a new thing that timelords wouldn't do, so it will make sense for them to do it and kept it a secret. This isn't a new thing since they are manipulative for their own benefits.
      And it answers questions of the Canon. Meaning it never broken any lore
      Yes stupid. The doctor is known of crafting technology and gadgets with scraps.
      This isn't new at all.
      Literally wtf u think the third doctor or any doctor that was stuck on earth did? They did the same thing🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ also it wasn't just earth scraps but also used alien technology from tzim ship
      OK and? What tf is the issue? If the dalek did that in before u won't say a thing but just cause it is her Era u are looking for an excuse to complain.
      How tf the master was weak? Wtf u mean loud and obnoxious? That literally can be said with John simms🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️.
      Just stfu cause u are literally reaching for nothing right now🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  • @seanbhoycfc4834
    @seanbhoycfc4834 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What actually bothers me about the Timeless Child is that it seems ambitious but I would have a lot more respect for it had Chibnsll actually went all in. The flux has its issues but I like it more than anything else in this era. But 13 actually finds the watch. The memories that are missing and tells the TARDIS to bury it unless she really needs it! Going so far then having no endgame or no confidence in what it could have been made it feel pointless. He showed us 2 Division Doctors and many child versiond so but s cluster of memories is where he drew s line. Then there's meeting Tektaiun (Unsure of the spelling just now) She found the future Doctor as a founding. Adopted the foundling but then after seeing the mysterious child regenerate made the child an experiment. Literally killing the child numerous times. Forcing the Doctor ss a child into slavery. The Doctor meeting the person who potentially took her from her real parents and used her as a child to help make Galifrey the advanced planet it became and when they finally meet again we get a tiny exchange based on something that could have been the arc of s whole series. Then the Shaboogan scientist is killed almost instantly! That could have been so powerful.
    I have nothing against Jodie. But the Ruth Doctor is what I hoped for in a female Doctor. But when Capaldi and Moffat were bowing out many BBC higher ups wanted a David Tennant type feeling a younger Doctor is what the show needed back. Chibnall gave us the first female Doctor and her act like David's Doctor. But a look at Ruth's Doctor is all you need to see that a femals Doctor could be every bit as unique as those before. She's edgy but not in a mean way. A nice look with a perfect Doctor-y ascot to top it off. She also had a wonderful Tardis interior. I though it was a brilliant combination of classic and modetn. No need to just be a female version of a beloved male Doctor. And Jodie's honestly looked like there was a Tardis colouring contest on Blue Peter and it was picked.
    Graham and Rian were fantastic. I missed them when they left.
    Thanks for another great video. Your hard work really pays off my friend

  • @dwfan91-
    @dwfan91- 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    7:26 tbf, that is an ironic line. Great video! Personally I think a lot of the things you pointed out don't really bother me that much but I can understand how it can others. Can't wait for more

  • @friendlyotaku9525
    @friendlyotaku9525 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Yes thank you!! I think this era is way more hated than it deserves, is it perfect? No. But no era of this show is, Doctor Who isn't perfect and that's okay! I love it warts and all and I do think this era will be appreciated more in retrospect, it has it's issues but I think there is a lot to like and even love including things I think are brilliant but barely anyone talks about, it also pushed the show forward in terms of inclusivity too which is so important and that is still felt today, Russell is continuing what Chibnall did and I love that!

  • @MrFancyDragon
    @MrFancyDragon 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    You know, in hindsight, Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor falls into some of the similar tropes with Jodie Whittaker as he is both very less active as the Doctor, and sometimes just straight up out of character?
    He straight up killed the Goblin King, is incredibly passive and not commanding in most episodes… and falls in love with the guy who nearly killed him.
    That last one I was okay but that romance is rushed and half of the episodes aren’t written well.
    I’m hoping the season finale is better and fixes some of these mistakes, but it’s really weird RTD is treading the same path as Chibnall.

    • @Cosmic_Nite
      @Cosmic_Nite  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Tbf, the Goblins were parasites that literally steal and eat babies. I think that's a fair example of unambiguous evil

  • @ThatFoxxoLeo
    @ThatFoxxoLeo 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I'm watching the modern series of Doctor Who with a friend, and we've just finished the Spyfall episodes.
    I think the main issues with the series so far are the script wanting to be taken so seriously (with the cinematography reflecting that, with the cinematic video ratio rather than the standard 16:9), the villains usually having vague or unclear motivations (like that CEO in "Arachnids in the UK" or the racist guy from the future in "Rosa"), and the character moments being spread too thin (especially when a good chunk of it is given to Ryan, who practically has nothing to latch onto due to how dull he was written).
    It's just a shame because I love Whittaker's energy and how she portrays the Doctor. 13 is like a manifestation of 12's dying wish, to become someone who's just kind, and unfortunately she got saddled with the worst writing yet. The show doesn't really feel like Doctor Who due to how a lot of the weirdness, comedy, and charm have been sterilised out in favour of portraying a more serious show.

  • @idle_speculation
    @idle_speculation 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Series 12 was definitely the strongest of the 3 series. It had most of the really good episodes, and only the finale was truly bad.

    • @Freezer28528
      @Freezer28528 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Spyfall is shit as well. Some awful twitter level feminism in part 1 and racism in part 2.

    • @krchecotah
      @krchecotah 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Series 12 also had Orphan 55 and Praxeus.

    • @idle_speculation
      @idle_speculation 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@krchecotah What are you talking about? No episodes under those names were ever aired.

  • @ranzamack8447
    @ranzamack8447 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Just found your channel love your work I believe this doctor needs more than 20 minutes needs a video like 12th Doctor

  • @gaztheman7879
    @gaztheman7879 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I really do wish it worked for and I’am happy for those it does. But for me the doctor was always a member of a powerful race who stood by and would watch the universe burn. Maybe a madman in a box but someone who learned humanity from two teachers and decided to you can’t stand by and watch evil win, and any of his race could have done this if they weren’t a bureaucratic mess.

  • @poppiaria
    @poppiaria 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    8:39 I choked on my drink

  • @TheHobatron
    @TheHobatron 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It's flawed, perhaps more than most eras, but as you say, it's not outright bad. TWWFTE, Demons of the Punjab, The Haunting of Villa Diodati, Flux as a whole imo... there's some genuinely really good stuff in there.
    People love to hate; it's such an easy emotion and once you have it, it's difficult to turn it around. Hate grips you like a vice. People hated Moffat's era too during its run.
    But time heals. Whether it's the Moffat era, the Star Wars prequels, or now the Chibnall era, I think in a few years time people will be re-evaluating and picking out the good more than the bad. I hope so.

  • @ZombieGrandpa
    @ZombieGrandpa 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Was it that bad? The latest Dr. Who makes it look good.

  • @Elleluminated
    @Elleluminated 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "no one wants to write for doctor who" how just how i swear they had a flood of people wanting to guest write

  • @MatthewLee-j8m
    @MatthewLee-j8m 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    See, I don't think people get the Doctor sometimes. I don't need humble beginnings for the Doctor that everyone talks about, how he lived in a barn before becoming a high ranking time lord. I don't need the Doctor to be this amazing thing that saves people like the Timeless Child because that's his destiny. What makes the Doctor special is that, even though the Doctor is a being of power and mass destruction, he chooses to good. Not because these lower lifeforms lived beneath him was creatures he felt pity and sympathizes with, not because it gives him gratification or makes him feel better, but because it's the right thing to do. Even if nobody sees him do it, even if nobody remembers him, it matters, because helping and saving people is the right thing to do for him. So he does it with an iron fist and sure, it backfires on him sometimes. He reaps the consequences he sowed because of this. It seen in a "Good Man Goes To War", "The Waters Of Mars", When Peter Capaldi damned Ashildr to the life of Immortality.
    The Doctor falls and breaks, but he never gives in and never gives up. And while he is at it, he tries his best to never be cruel and never cower. That is who the Doctor is. Being the Doctor is not a special title. It never has been and it never will be.

  • @hazmat7949
    @hazmat7949 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Rewatching this video so happy to see youre favorite eposide is waters of mars. If the 13th doctors flaws came back to haunt her in her era that could of been such an intresting take on her mixture of personalities

  • @impax2634
    @impax2634 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The worst thing about this is understanding that we'll now never see good Jodie DW.

    @SSJPENGUIN 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I think the timeless child was at least well-intended because of the adoption themes
    I can't forgive destroying Gallifrey?!
    Just make it so the doctor refuses to go there, if you're unwilling to include it😫?!!

  • @Issaeff-i7f
    @Issaeff-i7f 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    "But... lo and behold, a Nerdrotic fan has travelled back in time to kill Rosa before she can kick-start the civil rights movement" is easily one of the best lines I've heard in a review in a long time.

  • @TheMrOkamiden
    @TheMrOkamiden 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Chibnall era's highs were never as highs as RTD1 or Moffat's highs, but because of that, Chiball's lows were never as low as either Moffat or RTD1. Orphan 55 isn't even written by Chiball and it is the worst the era gets. While Love & Monsters, Aslyum Of The Daleks, The Sorcer's Apprentice/The Witch's Familar, The Beast Below were written by RTD and Moffat respectively.

  • @drewcampbell8555
    @drewcampbell8555 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Honestly, I can't think of a single redeeming feature of the Chibnall era. But full marks for trying.

  • @dwanpol-lovesdonuts
    @dwanpol-lovesdonuts 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The problem with Chibnall is he is an ideas man but lacks execution. Doctor Who has for decades run on the idea that the Doctor meant more to the Time Lords than they let on. The Doctor is not special, not the chosen one, just a guinea pig with a habit of breaking out of the cage and destroying the lab. The missed opportunity comes in denying the Doctor the chance to confront the society that reveres, abuses, and misuses them. The Doctor didn't make the Tardis ships, invent time travel, the matrix, or the Time Lord society. They just found out they were adopted. I hope the Gatwa era explores that.

  • @adambarnes49
    @adambarnes49 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I'm glad I skipped most of this era,I think the last episode I saw was the one just before the 13th doctor was put in prison and met captain jack,I started watching classic who coz that's something I'd never done before,now that this era is over I can start watching doctor again coz everything I've seen with the 15th doctor and the specials was great so far.

  • @bananatiergod
    @bananatiergod 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Its such a shame honestly. Chibnall is much more used to dark, character-based dramas like Broadchurch, episodes like Cyberwoman and Countrycide, or even 42. It's why his episodes in Torchwood are considered some of the best in the Whoniverse, but he never knew how to nail the whimsy fantasy madhouse of DW because it's not the kind of vibe he's used to. I'll admit the Power of the Doctor was a pretty enjoyable series finaly tho, hope we'll see more of the Guardians of the Edge in the future.

  • @lucam8758
    @lucam8758 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I didn't like that there were 3 companions taking away time from each other and the doctor... making every episode feel rushed because everyone had to have their moment. And in the end I didn't feel invested in any one of them.
    Like, in Smith era with Rory and Amy Rory was pretty much in the background until we had some episodes focusing on him, I think that was good; and then he went back to the background letting others shine again.
    There simply isn't enough time in every episode for everyone to shine and if you try to, no one truly shines, not even the doctor.

  • @goldgrasshoppernein9451
    @goldgrasshoppernein9451 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I havent been able to watch all of 13s era because my streaming service ran out and i dont want to get viruses from the high seas but one of the episodes i did watch was demons of the punjab and from that episode alone you cant say that the whole thing is bad thats same level as vincent and the doctor for me i cried at the end

    • @Bowerprods2011
      @Bowerprods2011 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well to sum it up 13 did stuff and not very well then regenerated back into the 14th/10th doctor then Disney took over and everyone where's Mickey mouse ears

  • @davidbwoo
    @davidbwoo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    8:38 - Lo and behold, a Nerdrotic fan has travelled back in time... 🤣

  • @doctorloongman5899
    @doctorloongman5899 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's not Jodie's fault this was most hated era... It's Chimball

  • @platypusnoise
    @platypusnoise 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The only thing I have to say about Orphan 55

  • @Gotenks7Kid
    @Gotenks7Kid 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This video will not age well-
    Enter Naggy Getouta-here stage FAR left

  • @schrodingersdog5512
    @schrodingersdog5512 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I went back and watched the entirety of Jodie's tenure, and I honestly gotta say, it just felt... boring. There was some cool moments and I wish that the companions had more character development. There was so much potential, and it was ruined by boring and bland writing.

  • @JuiceMyRandomness
    @JuiceMyRandomness 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    She is my fav Doctor by far. I enjoyed a lot of the stories and Jodie elevated the series for me ❤

  • @snarlyelf5468
    @snarlyelf5468 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. While I disagree with your overall conclusion (to me, this era was a chore to watch, and The Timeless Child storyline was the end for me), I love hearing other people’s perspectives and opinions. There’s something truly delightful about having a civil conversation sharing opposing viewpoints. Great video!

  • @ItsMeGPZ
    @ItsMeGPZ 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Bro absolutely no hate I don't think you did this on purpose but this seems like a rehash of Jay Exci's video down to the letter. Perhaps you could acknowledge this in the description or something like that, I've subconsciously done this all the time.

    • @Cosmic_Nite
      @Cosmic_Nite  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Yeah I was fully aware of that while making this. Tbf it's kinda hard not to rehash points Jay made in her video, since she covered basically everything in series 11 and 12
      Edit: But also I wouldn't say this video is exactly like Jay's 5 hour video. I go over some of the same points but I talk about and focus on a few different aspects that she either didn't talk about or didn't go into as much detail on

    • @ItsMeGPZ
      @ItsMeGPZ 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@Cosmic_Nite i kinda meant that it didn't really offer more insight than what was offered in her video imo

    • @Cosmic_Nite
      @Cosmic_Nite  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Well yeah, like I said, it's kinda hard not to repeat some of Jay's points since her video was very long and in-depth, but I'd argue I added my own commentary and made my own points throughout the video

    • @____uncompetative
      @____uncompetative 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


    • @____uncompetative
      @____uncompetative 7 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @angelb.823
    @angelb.823 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    The moment Jodie Whittaker's Doctor said "I speak on behalf of humanity" in War of the Sontarans really drove me into the edge, and convinced me to never watch this show on a serialized walkthrough.
    Compared to Capaldi's Doctor speech in "Death in Heaven", in which he said "I am an idiot with a box and a sonic screwdriver; I don't need an army, never had because I always had them", you can see the downgrade on the Doctor's character and direction.
    The 12th Doctor had flaws that were shown in episodes, in which he claims he is not a hero, but he still takes notes from moral dillemas and struggles to be better without shouting it out loud. The 13th Doctor appears more like your typical egotistical activist with a messianic complex who doesn't see the shortcomings of her actions.

    • @mayotango1317
      @mayotango1317 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Tennant had moments like that.

    • @Meridian951
      @Meridian951 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Literally every doctor has had an "I speak on behalf of humanity" moment? Most of them even multiple. Hell 11's first episode has him tell the massive eyeballs off by saying "earth is under MY protection" and 12 has his whole "President of Earth" thing going on. Not to mention 10's insane ego. Not saying I dislike any of those doctors but this just really feels like nitpicky unfair criticism.

    • @angelb.823
      @angelb.823 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Meridian951 There is a huge difference.
      The previous Doctors (from War to 9th to 12th) were shown as well-hardened veteran doctors and soldiers who had experiences with war, and were not hesitant to take action against ethical dilemmas to defeat their enemies, at least if their companions were not present to keep the Doctor grounded. In the Atraxi speech, the 11th Doctor showed a montage of previous enemies that fought the Doctor, and warned them of the consequences should they fought against him. Same pattern for the Pandorica speech, which the 11th Doctor threatens his enemies with the fact of their defeat previous times in the past, and that he would not be hesitant to challenge every last of Dalek, Cyberman, Sontaran, etc.. The 11th Doctor was also shown to be a merciless monster when the circumstances called for it (e.g. "A Town Called Mercy" episode), in which he says this directly to Amy "They keep coming back, don't you see? Every time I try to negotiate, I try to understand. Well, not today, no. Today I honor the victims first. His, the Master's , the Daleks'. All the people who died because of MY MERCY". You can actually feel the intimidation threat that the Doctor poses in most episodes, since he is well-hardened experienced veteran who wouldn't hesitate to trigger the gun if the situation called for it. Thankfully, the 12th Doctor, though he does have aspects of the previous incarnations in several episodes, actually tries to settle the differences with a different approach, convincing the aliens of the horrors they would unleash should they declare war (e.g. "The Zygon Inversion" episode). He also revealed his flaws to both enemies and allies, stating that "He is an Idiot with a blue box" (e.g. Death in Heaven), not a self-proclaimed superhero like Batman or Homelander would actually say.
      The 13th Doctor doesn't have much of a personality or experience to begin with. She doesn't seem like your typical Doctor who actually fought legions of enemies. She doesn't show a montage of her previous enemies that fought before her. She doesn't understand the complexity of the situation. And, to topple all, she THINKS that she is making an effort to the universe by intervening on humanity's behalf. This is less of an experienced doctor, but more of a self-entitled activist who thinks that their work would actually save the planet, when in reality could have led to disaster (cue the video with war veteran arguing with activists, with the latter stating "we're all vets, just like you sir", and with the war veteran responding "give me a gun, I'll shoot these sons of b*****").
      Again, it's not the actress, Jodie Whittaker is seen to have given it all for the role of the Doctor. Fans didn't have complaints for a female Doctor, much like how they didn't have complaints with Missy/Master, since it was a walk out of the park for the actress with the role of the Master. It's the direction of the series that it is the problem. The fact that we went from seeing stories of adventures across the universe, to new episodes that have "the Message" shoved up to the throats of the viewers, with the main story being somehow irrelevant and a subsidiary focus to the episode. It's an insult and downgrade to say the least.

    • @TheHobatron
      @TheHobatron 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@angelb.823So, let me get this straight:
      You don't like Jodie's Doctor because she's mischaracterised in comparison to her character's history, but then at the very moment she did something perfectly in-line with being the Doctor and something her previous selves would have done, thus improving her character... you gave up??
      Make it make sense. You yourself don't seem to know what you want from her.

    • @angelb.823
      @angelb.823 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TheHobatron Again, as I answered in a previous comment, the issue is not about the Doctor being in roleplay as the Doctor. The issue is the direction and writing in which the character goes. I didn't have an issue with Missy because Michelle Gomez knocked the role out of the park by portraying the mad, chaotic, and sinister Master opposing the Doctor. Jodie's Doctor is not written as the Doctor who would actually save lives, but as the Doctor who "pretends" that she is saving lives by addressing the fact that she is speaking on behalf of humanity in line with the virtue signaling of the arrogant and self-entitled world. You want a better Doctor, leave him to face moral dilemmas (e.g. "A Town Called Mercy", "The Zygon Inversion", "Dot and Bubble", "Dalek" episodes) and deal with the appropriate measures, not roleplay the role role of an egotistical activist who thinks that his work would save humanity without thinking the shortcomings or consequences of his actions.

  • @onekirbyfan
    @onekirbyfan 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i love this era alot!!!!
    it takes you away is one of my fav episodes in doctor who history, do agree some episodes are pretty bad but i think alot of it is quality

  • @VirTaro
    @VirTaro 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

    To answer the question in the thumbnail, no, it was not that bad.

  • @cttommy73
    @cttommy73 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks to Disney Doctor Who Cares. Jodie Whittaker, formerly the most hated person on BBC's reign of terror, has finally been dethroned. But than, it really is "The bar is already on the ground, but someway, somehow, Hollywood finds a way to disappoint you more".
    P.S. Forgot to mentioned but the hitmen and women the BBC brought in were finally able to do their job the second time around because if there is one thing the BBC learned from it's failed hit attempt on Doctor Who during the classic era, was that bad show with great actors only just made fans hate the writing. Hence why Doctor Who could come back around the second time. Now, it learned that in order to permanently bury what it hates and make the hit attempt work, it needed to take it out with the most worst hot takes, bad show, bad writing and terrible casts and crew who loves nothing more than to tell the peasant that they are everything wrong with the world. This way, they actually succeeded in their hit on Doctor Who and with the carcass in the hands of Disney, it's never coming back.

  • @tgiacin435
    @tgiacin435 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    From my experience, series 5 and 11 were the top of their era. Outside of most of the writing, I liked that Chibnall tried to go back to the more classic era. No laying seeds of what the season is about, and have the finale be about it, no companions being perfect, or special on a cosmic level, they were normal people going on an adventure in time and space. Series 12 was mostly fine until the timeless child crap, but then flux happened, and boy was it something

  • @ChoseManatee
    @ChoseManatee 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When ryans dad dies and ryan tells him he's forgiven, they could have made ryan struggle with having lied to give his dad peace. Now ryan is stuggling with having lied and now not being able to get peace himself

  • @user-ef7kt5sf6o
    @user-ef7kt5sf6o หลายเดือนก่อน

    8:50 we finally got it in s14

  • @dazzwsmith
    @dazzwsmith 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    he killed the show: its just on life support now til disney pulls the plug.

  • @justynmatlock8873
    @justynmatlock8873 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The four least-good to worst eras of Doctor Who: 4 The Colin Baker years, not great, but with some very good moments. 3 The Moffet Era, again not great, with some illogical stories, but again, some very good moments. 2 The Chibnal Era, would be the the very worst, with almost no good moments, (and The Timeless Child was a hate crime against the whole series and it's history). It WOULD be The WORST, but for 1: RTD2 Utter s**t, and not even original s**t, (i.e., stealing a plot from Doctor Who Weekly 1979).

    • @pearsareawful9006
      @pearsareawful9006 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How can you judge an entire era based on four episodes?
      If we were to only count the first four episodes of other eras, Doctors like McCoy and Tennent would also seem quite bad. But both then went on to arguably be two of the best.

    • @justynmatlock8873
      @justynmatlock8873 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Because RTD has doubled down and said to expect more of the same. He's openly at war with the 'classic fandom', but then acts all innocent when the 'CF' fight back.@@pearsareawful9006

  • @CasperFGhost
    @CasperFGhost 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’d sum up Chibnall/Whittaker’s run as great concept but poorly executed in the Hour or less format.
    The issue with making huge retcons is that you actually have to go somewhere with that information and we did, barely.
    To be clear, I think Jodie was okay and the fam was great.
    But the writing….
    Some tv/movies feel like you’re listening to a well written book, straight off the pages and onto the screen, this wasn’t one of those.

  • @MichaelHeide
    @MichaelHeide 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When you say that the returning villains were treated well, I mostly agree - with the caveat that you conveniently forgot the Sea Devils. That episode was just terrible top to bottom.

  • @lukewind13
    @lukewind13 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jodie was a good doctor let down by not only the writing team but just the culture wars in general.

  • @blackenedwritings
    @blackenedwritings 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I gave this era multiple chances but it never convinced me. There were some solid episodes but the only one that I'd say I enjoyed was Jodie's last, ironically. Damn shame, would have liked to see her in good stories since she was never "The Doctor" to me. On the other hand I immediately bought Jo Martin as our favorite Timelord, stupid storyline aside.

  • @justarandomguy2424
    @justarandomguy2424 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the episodes themselves were bad but the show had a consistent tone and vibe and I somewhat respect that. As a whole it was alright but if you look at it closely you really see a gigantic quality difference to the previous three seasons (edit: in a bad way). But if you just want to turn your brain off it can be fun at least my family really enjoyed the chibnall era.

  • @NightShinerStudio
    @NightShinerStudio 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think we just need to stop having the showrunner be the main writer

  • @Stayner
    @Stayner 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    8:59 Oh boy I just come from months in the future, and I have a few things to tell you about this.

  • @nifralo2752
    @nifralo2752 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    9:26 the mutants from the 70s was an apartheid metaphor

  • @edwardcaswell
    @edwardcaswell 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I didn’t like it, so I didn’t watch it. But, I didn’t spend my time moaning on Twitter about how much I hated it for 3 years. I just waited for the storm to pass. I think that’s the fan friendly way to let people enjoy it if they do.

  • @Brixxter
    @Brixxter 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What failed the most to me is how it never felt like I really got to know the characters at all. I'm not sure I could even name a single character trait for most of them. They felt as distant and uninteresting to me by the end as they did in the first episode.

  • @jamesa.fitzpatrick1566
    @jamesa.fitzpatrick1566 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    This era killed my desire to watch any more, and I've been watching since 1978. I loved the modern era until Clara and all other women putting down the 12th Doctor at every opportunity. And the Timeless Children was motivated by politics, not by plot or story. This era is cr@p. I'm praying the Ncuti era does better, but it's not looking good.

    • @idle_speculation
      @idle_speculation 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      I do hope you realize the entire point of Clara's character in the 12th Doctor era was that she was a bad influence on him and their relationship was incredibly toxic.

    • @SeanORaigh
      @SeanORaigh 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Boo hoo you sexist git.

  • @rhysdehaan
    @rhysdehaan 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Rosa, Power of the doctor, and the ghost monument are one of the best episodes of the show there I said it

  • @MrRjhyt
    @MrRjhyt 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    For me, the era was strongest with Jodie in the Witchfinder General, when they actually leaned into the fact the Doctor was a woman. Especially since it was 'The King' dismissing her, an authority beyond any refusal. I have to agree, I wish more were done with Yaz in Rosa. Alas, the Chris Chibnall era is defined by superficial judgements and arbitrary decisions....

  • @oskarm646
    @oskarm646 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Women who fell to earth might be the best episode of this era, you know why? Because it focused on the characters' development and suspense. Two things that make DW great and didn't occure in the rest of this era