The Newest Murder Drones Episode Is Exhausting In The Best Way Possible

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 269

  • @dylanmah7791
    @dylanmah7791 ปีที่แล้ว +108

    When it comes to Doll, we shouldn't forget the fact that Tessa tried to kill her last episode after she handed over the keybug. Despite Tessa's attempt to laugh that off, Doll has very good reason to expect a bullet in the back of her head once the mission is complete. Given her goal is to rid herself of the solver, preemptively killing Tessa (and getting V in the process) made sense.
    As far as J, considering she's a corporate stooge, I'm betting she'll transmit the lab data back to JCJenson, setting up a hook for season 2.

    • @randybellwood1778
      @randybellwood1778 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      N, V, Uzi, J, and Tessa have ALL been shown to be at least threatening to Doll and V killed her parents. She may have decided to team up with Tessa for answers, but after how immediately friendly Tessa was with N's group, it makes sense for Doll to change her mind.

    • @Batterykitten8
      @Batterykitten8 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@randybellwood1778yep, this makes sense. They shouldve said it in the episode tho

    • @Notyourstodisclose
      @Notyourstodisclose 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Doll still not over V for murdering her parents~

    • @OmbriOnVR
      @OmbriOnVR 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Tessa said "just checking" when she tried to shoot Doll, which makes me belive she wanted to check if it was the real Doll, since shooting a bullet would tell because of the absoulute solver's bullet/basically everything shield.

  • @Yagsterr
    @Yagsterr ปีที่แล้ว +214

    This is the best possible headache anyone could ask for, this episode is too PEAK.

    • @nvm201
      @nvm201 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @The-dark-t5
      @The-dark-t5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @Yagsterr episode 6 was possibly one of the most fun episodes I ever watch it was worth my time I’m happy that you enjoyed it Can’t wait for seven.😁

    • @Iso20227
      @Iso20227 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Indeed it was

  • @ryanphillips4123
    @ryanphillips4123 ปีที่แล้ว +293

    You totally missed how suspicious Tessa was during her calmer moments.

    • @Boxin.
      @Boxin. ปีที่แล้ว +39

      shes not suspicipus, its rather showing that she knows dark facts, her feelings, like she might be traumatized after what cyn has done while being controlled by as

    • @kiyoshi3313
      @kiyoshi3313 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      She wasn't suspicious lmao. What she knows is just ominous. And she shares that same info with N who also acts "weird." It's just the information that's dark.

    • @s-k-i-t-e4388
      @s-k-i-t-e4388 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      He's too busy trying to find something to hate about the episode

    • @Nightmare-hq4oq
      @Nightmare-hq4oq ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Tessa isn't suspicious ppl are just over-thinking

    • @ethanfrese1995
      @ethanfrese1995 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      I disagree with how yall are reacting to this comment, Tessa wasn't acting like there was any risk to herself and kept her motives vague to her own agents. If that isn't suspicious, I'm not sure what is. My out there theory is that she isn't the Tessa we know from the manor incident, possible corruption from Cyn.

  • @johnsmithfakename8422
    @johnsmithfakename8422 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    My head cannon is that Nori somehow mutated her Absolute Solver or separated from it. This would explain the change of her eye color.
    That Eye color also makes me think that the scientist of Copper 9 Mass produced Absolute Solver and it is in all the worker drones. In the flashback episode all the non-infected drones has white eyes but when Absolute Solver (Version Cyn) infected them, their eyes turned/Were yellow. In the previous Episode, Uzi changed the Admin Authority from Cyn to darkXwolf17, and for that brief moment their screens were purple.
    The copper 9 drones have a wide variety of eye colors (a possible hint that they all have a version of Absolute Solver in them) ... and I think that also is a chekhov's gun.
    I have it stuck in my head that V's eyes will turn purple and she will make a return.

    • @syweb2
      @syweb2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Eye color is tied to who is in control - yellow eyes means the Solver itself is in control, hence why it's so important that Nori had them.

  • @animatorofswordman3256
    @animatorofswordman3256 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    I don’t really have much complaints for this episode (expect doll but she’ll probably get explained next episode) but I’m mainly worried of where this series is going because there’s only 2 episodes left and I might get the feeling that this will probably be a rushed ending (it may have a s2 but I think Liam said he wasn’t planning for one) the fix for this is probably making the episodes longer but not like 40 minutes long. other than that this episode was a huge step up from episode 5.

    • @gdartho
      @gdartho ปีที่แล้ว +7

      When did liam say there wasn't gonna be a season 2? I always thought it was supposed to be a 2 season show.

    • @RaptorZer0
      @RaptorZer0 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Seeing how really amazing this episode is. I feel like the series is making a really great turn in my opinion

    • @The-dark-t5
      @The-dark-t5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@RaptorZer0 agreed

  • @Jonathan83X
    @Jonathan83X ปีที่แล้ว +14

    While I do like this episode more than 4 and 5, I must admit it did have its problems too.
    J being removed from the story so quickly feels extremely jarring the more I think about it. I mean, unless there's a valid reason for it that the series will explain later, I seriously did not like the fact we didn't get to see J in action because she clearly is one of the more powerful murder drones when she gets serious That and the episode missed a golden opportunity for her to reconnect with her comrades and see if anything has changed between them because it's been at least a few weeks since Ep 1, if not longer. I mean, does this J have any of the memories from Ep 1 when she tried to kill N and Uzi? I would assume no, but because the episode never explored it, who can say for certain?
    Also, as much as I love the Sentinels as part of the lore, you brought up a great point about how NO ONE except for Uzi was even able to kill one. Yea, I get it, they can boot loop any drone with ease, but murder drones have missile launchers, machine guns, laser cannons, blades and even chainsaws. Would it really be that difficult for them to close their eyes and basically fire on them blind? Chances are they would hit their targets more times than not because some of those weapons are pretty lethal. Unless the Sentinels took them by surprise with their boot loop lamp or ganged up on them in one big horde, the murder drones really shouldn't have THAT much trouble killing those metal reptiles.
    I must agree it was annoying N barely pulled his weight in this episode when it came to the conflicts other than being there to protect Uzi. I get it, he loves her and wants to keep Uzi from letting the AbsoluteSolver take over her body completely, but could he not have helped V even a little bit when she was fighting that red Sentinel? He could have fired his weapons to kill it after V had it subdued if nothing else! But no, he just stands there like a helpless child. Ugh... -.-
    And then we get to V's supposed sacrifice. Yea, I'm just going to say it. It felt very forced the more I analyze it. V could have easily just flown on top of the elevator after she cut the line with her laser cannon to join the others. What could the Sentinels have done to stop her from it? It's not like they could haver reacted in time to jump on it too, let alone attack since the cable snapped within seconds. I'm all for a noble sacrifice, but... this just felt the wrong time for V to do this since her story arc is far from complete. She hasn't even fully redeemed herself from her previous murders either.
    Also, as you put it, why give V a friend in Lizzy and then do little to nothing with it? It's why I don't believe V is going to die because it would be a huge waste if they did. And if they bring V back with a clone like J, it would feel cheap and hollow since that V would more than likely not have the same memories as this one and might even revert back to being a psychopath like she was in Ep 1. And if that happens, than what's the point of bringing her back at all?
    All and all, I really do love what this episode gave us for the most part since it truly did have some great moments, but I also felt like it really wasted some golden opportunities for characters like J, V and even N to a certain extent to grow and develop, especially with Tessa being there and all. I mean, if Cyn really did give them those orders to build a spire with worker drone corpses and all, then this conflict should have been very personal for all of them due to how Cyn ruined their lives back on earth.
    I REALLY hope Liam doesn't go through with V being killed by the Sentinels because it would be a terrible decision, but that's just my take on it. ^^;

    • @psychomagalor4902
      @psychomagalor4902 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I’m sure J will have her chance to shine next episode. Tbf she didn’t exactly seem to have much of a personal relationship with N and V hence why she didn’t comment much about them before she was sent away. I am sure she has her old memories still, otherwise she wouldn’t have so quickly shrugged past Uzi’s comment about killing her.
      I am fairly certain the sentinels would have still tried some way to get down the elevator shaft and V wanted to stay up to make sure there was no way they could have followed, I believe she continued fighting after the episode ended and didn’t just stand there. I still feel V has had great development over the course of the series and I think they could potentially have this be the end of her arc if done right, but yeah I too hope this isn’t the last of her, theres still tons of potential she has.
      Plus I feel her being friends with Lizzy showed her what a real friend would be like and helped her understand what sort of thing N saw in Uzi, which influenced V’s choice to entrust protecting N to her.

  • @Roast52
    @Roast52 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I like that you brought up the fact Liam didn’t do a time skip, which is the biggest thing that bugs me about this show, yes the jokes killing the mood in previous episodes did suck, that’s really my only other complaint. It really confuses and frustrated me when shows abruptly transition, such as during episode 5, when we were never told how N and V were put into the state they were in during most of it, and why they were seeing their memories of all things

  • @rlyehianbuddha6961
    @rlyehianbuddha6961 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    First off, this episode beats out episode 3 just a bit in terms of my favorite.
    A few theories and possibly defenses for some of the lesser liked aspects of this episode... so excuse the wall of text.
    Starting off with J and cloning: This implies, to me at least, that the J in the beginning was a clone, and the one with Tessa is potentially the original, since she was probably the closest Drone to Tessa after N. Also being a clone doesn't mean they're the same. If V were to be resurrected as a clone, she wouldn't have all the experiences that "our" V had, and would more likely be back to normal Murder Drone V.
    N and Tessa's relationship actually doesn't seem like it's changed that much. Even in Ep5, Tessa obviously loves N but he kind of regards her with almost exhaustion? It's almost like she's an overbearing parent; he likes her (I assume) but is never shown to be "Excited" to see her unlike when we've seen with say V or Uzi.
    Also, (just based on ep5) V and Tessa probably never really knew each other that well, since V was the one on Error 606 while N and J were free. So V might not have such a high opinion of Tessa at all.
    Attacking the Sentinels: I agree I wish they acted a little more aggressively towards them, but getting bootlooped is a serious problem. One flash and its over. How are you going to fight 5+ enemies shown to be fairly strong without the flash, while blinded? Uzi couldn't help without risk of possession, Tessa couldn't do much, shooting bullets down the hallway won't do much especially when we've seen the machine guns are inaccurate while not blind. Fighting them is fighting Medusa; either you're prepared or you have to swing blindly. They're already in a bad spot with injuries, having a drone get bootlooped is a death sentence.
    V's Sacrifice: I do not like the salute she does. I wish instead of the dramatic salute, she "went down" fighting. It would feel more like a necessary fight and less of a "I'll buy you two seconds of time pointlessly standing still." However, the sacrifice was necessary (I think) based on the situation. Breaking down the last moments, V hesitates on killing the sentinel because using the laser is a huge energy dump, making her more likely to overheat (Ep 1 shows when the beam is used, N is already drinking oil to cool off and lasers are rarely used more than once per fight). So she makes a choice, cutting the wires gets everyone down relatively safer, and quicker. V will stay behind and most likely keep the Sentinels busy enough for the others to get what they need (either by luring them or attempting to fight).
    And no, I do not believe V is dead (no body no death). My prediction is either saved by J or the eldritch transformation cleans up the sentinels and she will be a threat to be cured/dealt with. Or, who knows, if the theory that Uzi is now the admin to N and V is true, then maybe she'll have control over the eldritch form without being controlled by CYN/Solver. Plenty of Sentinels to use for reconstruction and an entire oven filled with Corrupted Cores that could be used later.
    Tessa is acting odd: Why have J tend to her ship? I know its important, but surely having another murder drone would be handy. J even seems caught off guard, or awkward about it. Also, it seemed like J was coming with Doll and Tessa before the trio showed up, so why has that changed now that N,V, and Uzi are here? The ominous tones and black void of her helmet really give off suspicious vibes about her, but otherwise was definitely a huge character win.
    Doll's Betrayal: Doll was shot at, and was most likely going to be killed by Tessa/J, adding three more drones for her to deal with that have already been hostile to her, and killed her parents, pushed the deal over the edge and she probably figured it'd be less risky to just go in alone. The Trap at the end she also probably felt like she needed to do because she: can't use Solver on the Drones, and has only been shown to fight with the element of surprise. Ep3 needed an elaborate setup to ensure just one Murder Drone's death, three and another with her powers is just too much. So she wanted to stall for time, or just get rid of them, even if she clearly feels bad for at least Uzi.
    Alice was interesting and I would argue she didn't need much character development because of how much character she had in environmental storytelling and was not going to add anything else to the story by adding another drone to the mix. She was there to set the pacing of the Sentinels, dump some lore on Nori, and exit with a well deserved death. This also pushed Uzi to the point of either overheating or just using too much Absolute Solver that CYN was able to take hold of her for just a moment and continue holding on for even small uses of Solver. Also using Audio Logs or videos for Nori backstory feels so much staler than having a betrayed associate explain parts of it, but maybe that's just me.
    N is dealing with a lot right now so I think the absolute goofball mode has been tempered down a bit. So much so that Uzi asks if HE is doing good, and he admits he's not. His endless optimism is starting to crack under increasing pressure and it's showing.
    NxUzi moments were fine if not a little heavy handed. They don't interrupt the pacing much at all, and finally shows some form of reciprocation on N's part, which I have been wondering about. The hug was warranted, because they'd just been through literal torture and the last thing she saw of him was getting bootlooped and smashed against a wall. The Hand Holding was cute (maybe focused on too long?). But the little things in the background were also just adorable, like Uzi's tail biting his hat, or her slapping his hands when she's landing. I'm sure there's been some form of timeskip in between episode 4 and 5 that probably had them hanging out a lot more that the show doesn't have time to spend on, and Uzi is finally trying to a) work up the courage to show her emotions. and b) Comfort N who was visibly shaken up multiple times this episode. As he said in ep4, he's less scared when she's around. I think its less "Thirsting" and more concern/comfort.
    These are all obviously just my opinions/theories but I have too many things to talk about and this video made me pull the trigger on actually making a comment about it, which is something I rarely do. So kudos to Vanitymoth for wanting to make me comment, and also to GLITCH for making such an amazing series.

  • @petar_bibic
    @petar_bibic 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    V and Lizzie's friendship is important now that in ep 7 Lizzie is talking to a "secret friend" who told her to go to the corpse spire

  • @germang760
    @germang760 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Personally, I do think the plan was to kill V in this episode, because of her history and personality (we found out that she is very protective of N since chapter 3 and she learned that Uzi can do a better job protecting him than her in chapter 5) indicate this, the problem is the little time given to the character and his story in each chapter, even going so far as to summarize sequences that could perfectly cover a subplot of an entire chapter in just a couple of lines of dialogue (yes, I'm talking about the friendship of V and Lizzy) giving the feeling that the character is incomplete or poorly written

    • @psychomagalor4902
      @psychomagalor4902 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I highly doubt this is the end for V, if it was they wouldn’t have made it so vague and offscreen, they probably woulda confirmed it.(Heck they even gave BRAIDEN a memorial in Ep 4). Even still I think V’s development up to this point has been really good and that her sacrifice was perfectly believable and earned, even if a lot of said development was more subtle and visual based than many are used too.

  • @skyblock64
    @skyblock64 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    Idk if this is a hot take but this episode is easily the 2nd best in the series! Between the lore reveals, large spike in animation quality that makes the show have the most realistic atmospheres I have ever seen, extremely gruesome but cool action scenes, and the mostly hilarious comedy when a funny moment is eventually shown, there is little to complain about! 9.5/10! Obviously episode 3 is the best though. That episode is literally perfect.

    • @The-dark-t5
      @The-dark-t5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Me too this Hass to be one of my favorite episodes

    • @aeiio8372
      @aeiio8372 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree, feel it's second best to the Promening.

    • @phighter
      @phighter ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@aeiio8372 Agreed!

  • @klonxwastaken
    @klonxwastaken ปีที่แล้ว +6

    V's sacrifice was kinda pointless tho, if she had time to close her eyes and salute as the elevator cables snapped, she could've just as easily cut the cables and jumped in

    • @alexanderp8882
      @alexanderp8882 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree durring the whole scene i was just like JUMP FUCKING JUMP DO IT YOUR RIGHT THERE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    • @klonxwastaken
      @klonxwastaken ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@alexanderp8882 V acting irrationally due to seeing uzi take n

    • @psychomagalor4902
      @psychomagalor4902 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Pretty sure the sentinels would have followed her and she wanted to make sure they stayed up there. I have a feeling she still continued fighting after the camera cut.

  • @lukebristol10
    @lukebristol10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Most people fail to realize that characters like Alice and locations like the spooky mansion are Liam inserting references to his older works. Alice is Di from "Let's Split Up" and the memory mansion with the objective of getting to the basement is taken straight from "Black Dogs". LVA fans understand why these characters are here. Glitch fans don't. Even Cyn is a reference to "Internecion Cube".

  • @superIdiotstudios2.0
    @superIdiotstudios2.0 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Bro, I understood everything Tessa said, and I'm not even Australian.

  • @totalneniesomrobot
    @totalneniesomrobot ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Ep6 might be almost 20 min but let's be real it's 7 min

  • @DizzyScorpia
    @DizzyScorpia ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "Thick Australian accent" *Laughs in barely decipherable country Aussie*

  • @drakelong5851
    @drakelong5851 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Two things.
    One, why does everyone think that cloning means characters are being brought back to life? The clones won't have the memories that were created after they were backed up. So, a V clone won't have memories of Uzi or anything that has happened in the show. So, she won't be quite the same.
    Two, I doubt cloning is where they are going with this anyway. Absolute Solver only seems to be fully active when a disassembly drone is destroyed to an extreme extent. A lot of people assume that its only purpose is to rebuild the drone as it was and then shut down but the is no reason to think that this is all that it does. V may be rebuilt with altered personality, altered memories, maybe even be directly controlled by the Absolute Solver. And May actually played a significant part in this because it was established that she was the one removing the Absolute Solver cores not the sentinels. So, with her dead and loads of parts around V will almost certainly be rebuilt but will she be the same V?

  • @CastCreator
    @CastCreator ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The ending felt cheap, I wouldve absolutely loved a struggle before her end. Like she was planning on going there but she failed. Her "death" is really a shame though

  • @AllExistence
    @AllExistence ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I agree with you about that episode. V's death was both unconvincing because of setup, as well as implementation. I think Liam just wanted to remove her from laboratory to have N have to choose between Tessa and Uzi without anyone else's opinion affecting him. Seriously, she could just shot a rocket down the hallway, for f's sake. And N just stood here. Also, why N and V were knocked out by EMP by Alice? You know, considering they have it built-in, and, as shown in episode 1, immune to it? Them being tied down to bed made no sense either. They could just cut through the bed itself by claws, wings, tail (that always present and doesn't need transformation), even snap the entire thing in half by brute force.
    As for Doll, i guess she resolutely refused to work with the group with V in it, so she decided to do it herself. And trying to kill them for V does make sense. That what i think at least.
    I guess Glitch really has little budget for episodes, so they really lack good pacing. I think it's at least half reason to blame for writing issues, forcing Liam to find quick and simple solutions.
    But honestly, although i like the amount of LORE and the mood, i think it's the weakest episode so far, writing-wise. And cliffhangers are diffused right away to nothing.
    It feels like at first Liam was having fun with all of those references to horror genres, and then he was reminded that he only got two episodes until the end of the show.
    By the way, i always thought that Liam had that problem, where he made plot crazier and crazier and less stable and convincing the further he got into a series, which i observed back in his first series, Design. Every new season redefined all of the secrets and concepts and went in entirely new direction and mood getting crazier and (in my opinion) worse. I don't know whether he overcame that problem, as i didn't watch his future stories and he never finished anything after this, but it's something to keep in mind, i guess. I sure hope he did.

  • @peroperic1885
    @peroperic1885 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think I have figured the rest of the season.
    So, this theory highly relies on the murals. Basically, i think the murals are how the characters are gonna die. V died fighting the sentinels, which is portrayed in the mural. I have reason to belive she isn't coming back beacuse the song that plays during that scene suggest that she is happy to finally die. This is also supported with the "I trust you Uzi" line, which probably means that she trusts her to care for N, meaning V doesen't need to be with him anymore.
    The second mural is most likely portraying Uzi getting fully taken over by the Solver, which means that while her body is still in tact, Uzi's mind is gone. This will probably happen towards the end of ep 7. The third mural seems to depict Solver Uzi fighting a Disassembly drone. Thus is supported by the fact that you can see a sioulette of Uzi's tail biting a Disassembly drone's tail. This would probably happen in ep 8. The fight itself will probably be N defending Tessa from Solver Uzi, dying in the process. Tessa will probably be working on burning the lab, and just as N dies she will do whatever she needed to do and we will get a scene where she makes a mad dash towards the exit, possibly being saved by J. This would leave a nice situation for season 2, where J and Tessa follow Absolute Solver's trail to another city where they meet another squad of Disassemblers.

    • @Embodiment_of_trash
      @Embodiment_of_trash ปีที่แล้ว

      I’m not sure if we’re even getting a season 2

    • @peroperic1885
      @peroperic1885 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Embodiment_of_trash I'm not sure either, which is why this is quite a far-fetched theory.

  • @UnderTheRated
    @UnderTheRated ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Tbh i wouldn't be surprised by liam killing a character and then just not bringing them back

    • @AHorrorFanatic
      @AHorrorFanatic ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Or bringing back a alternate version like he did with Kali in Design

    • @UnderTheRated
      @UnderTheRated ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AHorrorFanatic ik this is from 3 weeks ago but (design spoilers ahead)
      While he did plan to bring Kali back he did not do it because the series got a premature end

    • @AHorrorFanatic
      @AHorrorFanatic ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@UnderTheRated I remember and he technically did bring her back she just never reached our original universe however we did get another Kali in the second timeline. And yea, that ending was probably the least satisfying thing I've ever listened to.

  • @matheusmelisguerrapeixe2330
    @matheusmelisguerrapeixe2330 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    J- effective drones were cloned more
    Also j:
    Dies to a emo girl with a pen
    Missed every shot on doll, letting her scape.

  • @Un_forgotton
    @Un_forgotton 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I Feel Like The Sentinals, An V Have A LOT Of unanswered questions. " what, or who caused the sentinals to go rouge? " Or, " why was V Always ominous? like they were hiding something? " It Really did Feel Like V's Dead Might've just been fraud. and they didn't really build up the suspense for the death, one moment their fighting, then they pull a, " I Cant fight them for to long! Go! " { not sure if they DIRECTLY SAID THAT, I Forgot, But It Was Smth Similiar. } in a full praise, V's dead was basically useless. and, why introduce 2 new characters and kill them off 3 - 9 minutes after??

  • @biobasher
    @biobasher ปีที่แล้ว

    Doll knows that Tessa's bad news, it's seen when Uzi asks tessa about dolls infection. And tessa advocating for her extermination to N.
    Chances are Doll either knows of Tessa from the mothers past or has figured out that her happy go lucky attitude is a farce.

  • @xeamumceo2681
    @xeamumceo2681 ปีที่แล้ว

    i have a feeling that the overload of major events will lead to a mental breakdown

  • @denisdubovik228
    @denisdubovik228 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    10:49 tessa literally tried to kill doll in the end of episode 5

  • @AFnECRtDFtdd
    @AFnECRtDFtdd 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I want more Uzi gremlin moments (and i prefer her to still have that personality when she interacts with n instead of bein all lovestruck and shy)

  • @theworldofthestrangethings7599
    @theworldofthestrangethings7599 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very good video you really explained ot so well and I agree it was like so fast all the information and lore given to us in just a couple of minutes

  • @itz_znuggvt7940
    @itz_znuggvt7940 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I LOVED this episode, I think its S tier along with 1 and 3, but I understand where you’re coming from. You have valid points and I can understand why someone may feel more neutral or just downright not like this episode.

  • @thegaelicgladiator665
    @thegaelicgladiator665 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think we might have been watching 2 different episodes m8

  • @randomairbreathingman8927
    @randomairbreathingman8927 ปีที่แล้ว

    While im glad that this episode pushes the lore, the inconsistancies about the disassembly drones prevent it from being my contender for the best.
    Even if the idea was that disassembly drones cant switch their weapons or use their wings because of the magnet, they still have their stinger.
    When it comes to the sentinels, why not just use the wings as a shield and launch rockets at where light is comming from? Then there is the fact that they have regeneration so they can just stab their own visor and fight the sentinels blind in a dire scenario. Also, they have a weapon on their back that guarantees a kill and is very precise, one stab and sentinel will die, even if it takes a while. Nanite acid in general was kind of forgotten about.
    While the main trio are having hard time dealing with dingos, J doesnt seem to have the same issue, we havent really seen a disassembly drone be so destructive since a good while, and she is chasing down a drone who bodied both N and V at the same time.
    It seems like doll was also weakened to make her more evenly matched with Uzi.
    To me it shows that liam didnt really have a good idea of how strong he wanted these characters to be. N and V never quite reached the levels of destructive power or agression they did in the pilot.
    this is a major issue, but the rest of the episode is still good in my opinion.
    One thing I wanted to point out is that J seemed to be confused about Tessa leaving her on a guard duty, which means that its probably out of character for her. I assume that the reason why she didnt bring J is because she is planning to do something that would be against the rules, not sure what that might be though.

  • @omogisalu
    @omogisalu ปีที่แล้ว +2

    it'z cuz he doesnt know how to act around a human...who might kill all of the drone'z just to save life any cost.....

  • @EvaTheFennecFox
    @EvaTheFennecFox 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    20:07 my soul left my body…

  • @n4ter_the_g4mer82
    @n4ter_the_g4mer82 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Respectfully, I don't think Tessa is very likeable, I think she's a good character, but I just don't like her, she feels like a villain, and as other commenters have mentioned, she's very suspicious.

  • @ObviOneKenobi
    @ObviOneKenobi ปีที่แล้ว

    i just liked it. i like the idea of killing of characters, makes it mean the stakes are higher than you think, while sure they got hurt multiple times we never got a shot of a main character getting kekwed for real.

  • @ElPepe0805
    @ElPepe0805 ปีที่แล้ว

    19:05- 19:15 This phrase. This single phrase has described this episode for so many people it's not even funny.

  • @tapulu
    @tapulu ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Loved this episode, loved this review

    • @tapulu
      @tapulu ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Also loved the joke at the end

  • @AStoryWithLukeAnimates
    @AStoryWithLukeAnimates ปีที่แล้ว

    This is good

  • @hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-Mikel.Montalat
    @hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-Mikel.Montalat ปีที่แล้ว +66

    V being willing to "sacrifice" for Uzi is mostly just proof of her character growth. She goes from attempting to kill Uzi several times to sacrificing her own life for her even though the absolute solver keeps taking over her, which is the main reason why V wanted to kill her.
    Also, you forgot to mention that Beau saved V before dying, which may have meant a lot for her, though it wasn't shown in the episode.

    • @enriqueedru8998
      @enriqueedru8998 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      The fact that V had plenty of time to slide to the elevator before the wires got cuted tells me that V is probably going still be alive

    • @hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-Mikel.Montalat
      @hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-Mikel.Montalat ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@enriqueedru8998that is completely irrelevant to my comment. Yeah, she's probably alive, and?

    • @enriqueedru8998
      @enriqueedru8998 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-Mikel.Montalat She sacrifices more for N

    • @hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-Mikel.Montalat
      @hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-Mikel.Montalat ปีที่แล้ว

      @@enriqueedru8998 I don't know what you're trying to say.

    • @phighter
      @phighter ปีที่แล้ว

      @@enriqueedru8998 She commit suicide!

  • @gdartho
    @gdartho ปีที่แล้ว +79

    I agree that this is indeed among the best episodes so far. Contrary to popular belief I'm very certain that V is coming back, there's just too many loose ends with her that have yet to be resolved. If I had to make a complaint it's that in some places the episode felt so fast that it was difficult to take in all the information it was throwing at you. I rewatched it multiple times and still missed some of the details that you pointed out in your summary. However I understand that murder drones is meant to be rewatched and speculated on, and being an indie show they can only make so many episodes so it makes sense that the story is condensed. I'm very excited for the next episode, and overall to see how the story plays out.

    • @afungi9885
      @afungi9885 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I think the biggest question mark is if the rebuilding has anything to do with the admin. In ep5 we saw uzi change N and V's admin from cyn to her so if cyn needs admin control to rebuild them, then she might not come back (if she's even dead). Personally I think if she's being rebuilt she won't be back until a possible season 2, but that's my guess

    • @The-dark-t5
      @The-dark-t5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@afungi9885 I just hope that they don’t rush to the finale

    • @jarcake6581
      @jarcake6581 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​​@@The-dark-t5The show is consistently condense. I'm sure they can cap it off with a great/bitter finish. But other than that, you can't really help it.

    • @afungi9885
      @afungi9885 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@The-dark-t5 I trust that they won't

  • @Iso20227
    @Iso20227 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Now this guy, is a true critic.
    Don’t care what anyone thinks about you, speak what you feel about it, don’t sugarcoat your words.
    Honesty is appreciated especially by me, even if I disagree with a few points.
    Otherwise, great video about an amazing episode.

  • @DeciDeci_
    @DeciDeci_ ปีที่แล้ว +30

    As much as I hate fake out deaths and would rather a character in a dangerous situation actually die. The show needs V. There would be plot holes without her inclusion as you mentioned and also the fact that there are clones of the murder drones. I feel like Doll's inclusion in the episode is interesting but still in line with her character, she is constantly using others to her advantage so this is just another instance of that. Best episode since episode 3 though, and I can't wait for episode 7 coming in probably October.

    • @HuzayefIbre
      @HuzayefIbre ปีที่แล้ว +3

      She was like the mascot of murder drones on Liam’s channel before the show started

    • @InfiniXCat
      @InfiniXCat 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      October huh?
      At the end of march

    • @DeciDeci_
      @DeciDeci_ 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @InfiniXCat made this comment 6 months ago. Good bait though!

  • @JumboJumper
    @JumboJumper ปีที่แล้ว +47

    If I had to be honest, I'm debating whether this episode is my favourite in the whole series because of how much I enjoyed it. I was getting worried that the Glitch was going to drop the whole "horror aspect" of the show in favour of more comedic scenes, as seen in episodes 4 and 5.
    I'm mostly okay with the comedy, but I felt like they overdid it with those episodes to the point where I forgot this show was known for its horror and violence.
    This one, however, managed (for me at least) to keep a good balance between the comedy and horror aspects of the show, more than any other episode to me. I love how tense this one is; the characters actually feel like they're in danger for once, and I think the main reason why is because of how Liam made the Sentinels.
    I know you weren’t a fan of them and the fact that the drones barely used any of their weapons against them, but I honestly think that it works in the episode's favour. The Sentinels' ability to just one-shot any drone by just looking at them makes them (in my opinion) great threats towards Uzi, N, and V because all the weapons that the drones have force them to face their target in order to be effective, something that they can't do without risking getting killed by them or attracting more.
    And since there are so many of them, it puts all the drones in a very vulnerable state that we haven't really seen in the entire show. And the horror shines so much due to that. That's just my opinion though.
    The jokes were also surprisingly funny.
    And I do get that this episode always has something important going on for a lot of its scenes, like episodes 3-5. But I don't mind it because the story in this one flows so smoothly with each scene, while episodes like 4 and 5's plot felt shoved and not planned out. It feels more natural here in my opinion.
    Plus there's many other things that I also loved about it, like how Cyn sometimes fully corrupts Uzi when she uses the Absolute Solver, N not being his usual positive self due to realising how bad of a situation he's in, or those random awkward close-ups with Tessa that happen out of nowhere.
    The only minor problem I had with it was V's sacrifice. Sure, I don't mind the show telling us that characters like her are not invincible, but I didn't think it needed to "end" her character because it felt a bit too early to do so. She has a lot going for her so "ending" her here feels a bit unsatisfying. Other than that, I found this episode to be a great big breath of fresh air! I'm actually excited to see the next episode again!

    • @The-dark-t5
      @The-dark-t5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Me too I have the absolutely blast watching the show what a roller coaster😊 can’t wait for episode 7

    • @psychomagalor4902
      @psychomagalor4902 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope this isn’t the end for V, I’m sure she could still make it out, but her sacrifice is probably gonna affect N a lot in the next episode.

    • @RaptorZer0
      @RaptorZer0 ปีที่แล้ว

      I honestly don’t think V died. It feels more like they got separated.

  • @polterghast12
    @polterghast12 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    For the context of V's character and where she started off - the willingness to sacrifice is a lot more meaningful than if it actually happens. She could absolutely come back in another episode but the moment would still hold almost all of the weight it does now.

  • @blackelitestudios
    @blackelitestudios ปีที่แล้ว +19

    ok true death in this show is basically meaningless but,
    eternal dream is a masterpiece.

    • @blackelitestudios
      @blackelitestudios ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jakepayne9707 j said effective drones were cloned MORE meaning all of them have atleast 1 clone

  • @youtubeisapublisher6407
    @youtubeisapublisher6407 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    One more plot hole regarding the Sentinels and both N and V being seemingly impotent against them. N and V's real eyes are NOT in their face, as is the case with Workers. The glowing headbands ARE their eyes, they can't seem to close or shut them off, yet the boot stun flash from the sentinels only seems to effect them if they're face-to-face. It feels almost as if Liam were less involved in this episode, simply because that seems like the kind of detail he wouldn't forget.

    • @booyahboogie3350
      @booyahboogie3350 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I always interpreted the headbands as "working well" or "on" indicators, like on computers, but i can see this too (no pun intended!)

    • @gdartho
      @gdartho ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I always thought of the headbands as sensors rather than their actual eyes. This is an interesting take

    • @The_Menendez
      @The_Menendez ปีที่แล้ว

      The headbands are the eyes?

    • @SwagSwagSenate
      @SwagSwagSenate ปีที่แล้ว +11

      For the three replies. Liam confirmed the headbands are eyes in one of the art things when the show started

    • @booyahboogie3350
      @booyahboogie3350 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@SwagSwagSenate oh, thank you for clearin it up! i wouldnt have known otherwise haha

  • @Sleepy-Stars
    @Sleepy-Stars ปีที่แล้ว +41

    This episode showcases the highest potential that this show can be, a very fun but also at the same time dark

  • @SwagSwagSenate
    @SwagSwagSenate ปีที่แล้ว +128

    I just feel V is so wasted. I really want to see more of her in the mansion (NOT CONTROLLED BY CYN FOR A WHOLE EP LIKE EP5). I really want to see her have a serious conversation with N.

    • @columnarcarp7825
      @columnarcarp7825 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      That would feel way too out of character for her, I feel like they dealt with her perfectly.

    • @SwagSwagSenate
      @SwagSwagSenate ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ​@@columnarcarp7825you're weak minded. There's a lot of subtle hints that she's more than she seems but instead you just want her to be a bland psycho character that's just psycho to be psycho. And HOW is it out of character? The episode 2 flashback literally proves she's a completely different person back then

    • @Fools_Blade
      @Fools_Blade ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Maybe N will get some more flashbacks then we can get to see more of V's personality at the mansion

    • @joshuawinter7483
      @joshuawinter7483 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      She needs her own episode if she is revived

    • @chocoholicbatloverstudios
      @chocoholicbatloverstudios ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think she did have serious conversations with N in episodes 3 and 4, actually. The former where she tells N to stop looking into whatever she’s not telling him, and the latter where she and N get into a fight.

  • @ethanfrese1995
    @ethanfrese1995 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Im so glad someone else is frustrated how much the murder drones have been neutered from the killing machines they were introduced as

    • @psychomagalor4902
      @psychomagalor4902 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Tbf we have mainly been following ones who have mostly reformed and we never really saw them doing especially well against opponents who were actively aggressive against them so…

  • @gergo5954
    @gergo5954 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    I wanted to say, Alice had alot of potential as a character. She was a pretty good character with her way of talking and how she acted, and she holds like, ALL the secrets to Nori, and she is menacing, whic is why killing her off is so annoying, like couldnt they make her a character being convinced? She also just dumbly let Uzi keep using solver?... She was said she killed murder drones AND absolute solver users. They set up a a big threat, with promising looking character...just to kill her after 5 minutes. Imagine she controlled Sentinals? Or she and V was left off to be forced to team up and kill off the sentinals, she had so much potential, just to be wasted, and it sucks

    • @kyleromero9912
      @kyleromero9912 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      "She also just dumbly let Uzi keep using solver?"
      1. distracted
      2. she had sedatives

    • @gergo5954
      @gergo5954 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@kyleromero9912 Distracted? Literally the same person able to catch countless solvers that lielly at dirs tried running away, escaped sentinels, just taking her eyes off of Uzi, NORIS KID who she has a history with?

  • @WildPlaysStudios
    @WildPlaysStudios ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Finally… no more milking the hell out of episode 4 and 5… this is the vanitymoth we wanted!

  • @DemonGlacier
    @DemonGlacier ปีที่แล้ว +44

    I think Doll stole back the Elevator Key from Tessa at the start because N, Uzi and V showed up, and she didn't want them interfering since Tessa was just going to end up effectively giving the key back to Uzi after Doll went through the effort to get it for use on her own terms. Just a theory tho~
    Also I agree that the ending felt kind of weak for me, and I was genuinely frustrated that the murder drones weren't fighting back whatsoever. Introducing a new threat in the form of the sentinels could've had serious potential for some well-made fight scenes, but I feel like they got nerfed under the scenes to keep things 'scary' so they couldn't fight back. 'Cus I think N and V alone could've easily hunted down and destroyed every sentinel in there, yet they conveniently didn't...

    • @jaydraws0667
      @jaydraws0667 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Eh, 50/50, your forgetting the sentinels have that stun ability that's only shown 2 be ineffective on 2 people, V and Tessa. Tessa is a human and V is shown to have some issues with her optics (she has bad aim and actually requires her glasses for certain viewing distances). Tessa is the second weakest group member, sporting basic weaponry and has no powers to speak of. V is really the only one who can stand against them, but it is evident she will not last long on her own.

    • @DemonGlacier
      @DemonGlacier ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@jaydraws0667 V was immune to the flashes because her glasses protect her - like in that shot where they shine and reflect the light. She has blades, blade wings, missile launchers, guns and chainsaw hands which she could have easily utilised to take advantage of the sentinels.
      Also, V no longer needed glasses since becoming a murder drone, as she doesn't even wear them after the flashback until the end of Ep.6.

    • @jaydraws0667
      @jaydraws0667 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@DemonGlacier Technically, the end of episode 5. Also, it's worth noting that V lacks precision. Up till now, she 95% of the time, uses her melee weapons. Whenever she did use her guns, she always had to do a wide sweep. Also, after she threw the bullet back at the Sentinal, she literally asks "did I get it?". She's not blind without the glasses, but she still needs them to an extent. She can be seen handling the flashes with her only reactioin being squinting.

    • @AhmedSa-lo5il
      @AhmedSa-lo5il ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Despite how amazing this episode is it's really frustrating How N & V where Nerfd and how dumb they are in this episode you want to make the argument that the senators have a stunt ability they could just use a laser or locket Racher maintaining their distance and using any long range weapons they have so many weapons at the disposal yet so use none of them not to mention they can fly to maintain a long distance from the senators i believe V Alone Easily destroyed all the senators and one thing I Really Hope For is the don't waste V character development I hope the original V comes back and not the Clone one it will be like throwing all V character development out the window I can only pray for God 🙏 😔🥺😭 that original V come Back in EP7 or S2 and R.I.P V x N shippers man I can imagine how pissed Off they are right now the Shippers all about unleash they are Wrath on glitch

    • @Appletank8
      @Appletank8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I think the weakest part of Ep 6 was how they laid a trap for one of the Sentinels, then just had V silently aim at it doing nothing for like 15 seconds. Sure her aim might not be the best, but then what was the point if she can't even hit a stationary target?
      As for not fighting back, the Sentinels have been shown to be very effective at curbstomping most Drones who aren't very ready for the stun flash. There's literally a giant pile of Disassembly drones by the entrance.

  • @heyder9403
    @heyder9403 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I heard a saying "If someone dies off screen, they didn't die"

  • @Iso20227
    @Iso20227 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I think J being a battle for N as Uzi fought Cyn would be pretty cool.
    We would get to see N finally fight J, the member of his squad who abused him the most, and who he asked to fight instead of V in episode 1, and we finally get to see N have a serious fight without that panicky expression on his face that makes him seem less badass in battle.

  • @Sanakudou
    @Sanakudou ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I had no idea that non-Australian’s struggle to understand what Tessa is saying. I’m Australian and heard everything she said perfectly 😅

    • @Chara_Dreemurr1
      @Chara_Dreemurr1 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Literally the exact same here. G'day mate.

    • @phighter
      @phighter ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I'm Australia and had trouble understanding her younger version in Home who spoke very fast and anxious. They've definitely toned it down in this episode and I have no difficulty understanding her now.

  • @aeiio8372
    @aeiio8372 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    For Doll betraying Tessa and trying to kill her, I feel that's because Tessa shot at her. Doll knows Tessa willing to endanger her at least and, given she's pretty smart, probably figured out Tessa plans to kill all infected Drones. Do agree that she probably released the Sentinels to kill V, though, alongside killing Tessa.
    Also, I think V genuinely might be dead. It's possible the Sentinels would eat her core, and, depending on who controls the cloning, the Solver might not bring her back due to her being rebellious. Also, I do feel it's obvious what she knew in the other episodes (that the Solver killed and brainwashed her and the others). That being said, guess the Lizzy thing might be true, unless Lizzy's purpose was just to prove V was sympathetic. Overall, feel it's about 50/50 she comes back.
    Agree with most of the other points though.
    Also, I will say, this Episode makes Episode 4 feel all the more weird. They didn't show any kills (which would technically be bloodless) onscreen in an episode that was a homage to slashers, but have Tessa bleeding over a gallon of relatively realistic blood in this episode.

  • @Changingtesting
    @Changingtesting ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The thing about fakeout deaths and value of character is the one thing this series struggles with. Because we have drones that are expendable and completely worthless. Prime example, the drones that died by V in cabin fever. And the pure amounts of murder drones dead in this episode’s facility. We still don’t know if those are other drones or if they are clones of the trio, either way this and the previous episodes are by far my favorite, bird uzi was amazingly animated and the sentinels put a big twist into the “security system trope” and they actually make it so the murder drones dont feel invincible. Though another thing is that we haven’t really addressed the murder drones overheating issue in a while, especially since uzi was also experiencing that same issue

  • @chocoabyss1054
    @chocoabyss1054 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    You forget the sentinels were MADE to kill murder drones. They probably have a way to get rid of the weird heart robot things.

    • @psychomagalor4902
      @psychomagalor4902 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Actually Alice took them out before they could reactivate.

    • @chocoabyss1054
      @chocoabyss1054 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There were more dead murder drones in the beginning than there were robot heart things with Alice.

  • @aboda2432
    @aboda2432 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Finally this dude has something positive about this show💀

  • @matheusmelisguerrapeixe2330
    @matheusmelisguerrapeixe2330 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    11:11 I honestly believe that doll doesn't trust uzi, especially uzi's sanity. Even though she is willing to help uzi.
    Also you mentioned that N could fire rockets/9mm at the hallway and I agree, but like friendly fire is a thing, yes v can regenerate, but so fast enough, if shot and hit v, that could be enough time the sentinels have to attack a injured v, or making so v is now far from the elevator and injured making it harder for her to come to the elevator.

  • @neuralstrings8015
    @neuralstrings8015 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    20:24 this was my reaction too, I just didn't feel that her sacrifice was set up right and would even say that this was for a sacrifice for the sake of having a sad moment, instead of fulfilling a character arc.

  • @urdeddog5124
    @urdeddog5124 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    you said it was an issue that you couldn't understand Tessa through her aussie accent but I understood all of it, that could just be because I'm British. great video by the way

  • @randybellwood1778
    @randybellwood1778 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I have found that a lot of modern audience members struggle with the difference between "Death" and "Sacrifice".
    If your best friend pushed you out of the path of an oncoming truck and was subsequently struck in your place and died, you would mourn the loss but also be grateful that they cared enough to save you. If they lived through their injuries you would be overjoyed at their survival.
    I do not believe that a character being WILLING to sacrifice their life for someone they believe in and then surviving the situation, in any way cheapens the motivation of that sacrifice.
    I find that it has become a trope used for easy comedic impact that when used correctly, as I believe it was in this episode, gives a lot of insight into V's growth as a character.

  • @inserisciunnome
    @inserisciunnome ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Damn, when you criticize an episode i defend it, and when i criticize It you praise It😅
    Looking forward to hearing what you have to say on this One
    Alright, largely aggree with everything you said, Especially regarding structure: Now We have a cohesive greater gameplan, "destroy the labs", And an actual idea of what Is going on in the Greater scheme of things, wich Is Great and was sorely needed.
    I however have to disaggree on the characters.
    You bring up most of my problems Regarding Alice, J (RIP To anyone else who was also looking forward to seeing her, Tessa and Uzi interact with one another), V, and Doll, but i actually have problems with Tessa and Uzi as well in this one.
    First the actually big One, Uzi:
    her main problem Is the same It has been for quite a while now. despite taking on the role of protagonist of the serie, she is not proactive. Like, at all.
    If it was up to her and her alone to move the plot forward, then it simply wouldn't, as the character that Is REALLY Making a difference here Is Tessa, a SIDE Character, not Her.
    Alredy as far back as episode 4, she was more interested in N than in her investigation, to the point that V, *who was actively trying to discourage them from digging deeper at the time,* called her out for It and had to set her back on track.
    I also have a few issues with Tessa, but these are comparatively minor:
    She Just seems really Incompetent here, what with loosing the Bug twice in One episode, and incompetent Is the One thing She showed herself to categorically NOT be.
    With all of that said, my final complaint would be something you briefly touched on:
    The power levels of the Disassembly Trio are dumb. They manage to be both too strong to be put in danger without nerfing them, like when they were Strapped down by Alice and they didn't use Their wings, or when they didn't shoot a rocket in the corridor to collapse It, but also too weak for me to believe they were sent to take out the AS Drones, as they are consistently beaten into the dirt by nearly everything else in the serie, INCLUDING Worker and AS Drones (reminder That Uzi, a Worker Drone without AS Powers, Solo'ed both N and J).
    Its Really strange how inconsistent they are. At this point, im convinced that, in Ep 1, had the WDF Actually took up arms, they might well have successfully dismantled both J and V right there and Then.
    Overall, im seriusly torn on this episode by itself. However, unlike its predecessors, this One promises a far more cohesive narrative going forward, and if Glitch actually delivers on that promise, as Im sure they Will, ill be more than willing to cut them some extra slack.

  • @numbuh1507
    @numbuh1507 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey vanity. Have you watched The Rhino and The Redbill animated short?

  • @Arina_flexia
    @Arina_flexia ปีที่แล้ว +2

    But v is not die but v is save why becouse j is saving v from the dinasaourust if v die why j is not with v + if v die whos gonna know that v relly die + what about uzi shes going to die idk if its real...

  • @katsimp004
    @katsimp004 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    My main issue that i had in episode 6 was N the reason why i have an issue with N is mostly likely that he didnt do anything threw out episode 6 even tho he did do stuff in the pilot, episode 2 or episode 3 which i dont know why Liam and Glitch Production didnt make him do anything like in the pilot, episode 2 or episode 3 causing N to be there.
    I am not sure if this just a pet peeve of mine that was in episode 6.

  • @blazeburner4832
    @blazeburner4832 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    12:54 I mean... there's thad, he got jumped by the lore police

  • @connergoessupersonic
    @connergoessupersonic ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I had a feeling this one would be more positive than the last two!

    • @blackelitestudios
      @blackelitestudios ปีที่แล้ว +2

      dont count your lucky stars yet exhausting atleast to me says this is a more neutral video

    • @connergoessupersonic
      @connergoessupersonic ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@blackelitestudiosTrue, but the thumbnail also calls it a worthy comeback

    • @ThatguyUkn0wfr0mS0mewhere
      @ThatguyUkn0wfr0mS0mewhere ปีที่แล้ว

      The fact that his last two ones weren’t actually from a negative standpoint is saying a lot.

    • @blackelitestudios
      @blackelitestudios ปีที่แล้ว

      @@connergoessupersonic ayyy i was right it was neutral!

    • @connergoessupersonic
      @connergoessupersonic ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@blackelitestudios fair enough. I know when to admit defeat

  • @TheGooseOfChaos
    @TheGooseOfChaos ปีที่แล้ว +3

    J: "Effective drones were copied."
    V: *For sure effective at killing drones.*

  • @sethisevilone02
    @sethisevilone02 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Based opinion

  • @Captain_tiberius
    @Captain_tiberius ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I agree, V's death didn't land with me too much because I fully suspect she will go worm mode, and likely escalate the situation by freeing the other murder drone... hearts? cores? Codexes? The jar’d mechanical flesh balls in the oven.
    As to N pulling his weight, I've enjoyed some of the casual reminders of his power (like in the camping episode where he pretty easily stops Uzis rampage by launching her into low orbit) but I agree that the show feels like it wants to protect N’s reputation of best boy more than fulfill his role in the story of being a murder drone. That said, i figure that next episode will do A LOT with these themes.
    Disclaimer: I have been wrong on nearly every murder drone theory i have come up with, but im still going to try and call me shots.
    So far, when any ship gets favored over another (I.E. NV or Nuzi) the next episode tends to launch us the other way. Since the previous episode gave us N reading to V when she was comatose, a fact she seems to remember in the current day, this episode gave us Uzi and N holding hands. I think next episode N is going to have a meltdown over the fact he couldn't save V, which when paired with N being pushed by Tessa to distinct himself from Uzi so killing her will hurt less, i figure he will get mad at Uzi, not that anything that has happened is her fault, but N is the emotional support of the group, he doesn't have anyone he leans on, the way everyone else leans on him. This of course would be the ultimate test of Uzi’s character growth so far. As she will likely be the target of his emotional spiral, and she will have to be the one to guide him back to himself.
    A side note, it was a tiny thing I noticed that I don't see a lot of people mention, but you're talking about how N doesn't seem comfortable with Tessa made me realize why it felt so significant. In the cubicle, as N and Tessa talk, there is a moment where she gestures for N to take a seat. N, in response, launches the chair out of the cubical. Though I realized it was significant, I assumed it was his way of telegraphing that they were on the clock and he wanted to get under way. However, if taken with the context of the greater discomfort he shows when she is around, it telegraphs something far more important.
    He disobeyed her
    Not that she gave him a command or anything, but the subtext is there. He remained standing which is often used as a power play, conveying a level of threat to action, and often used a as a way by individuals to convey their strength, but we also see his posture is terrible, with his head bent down and his shoulders slumped, which telegraphs that he may have been disobedient, but he wasn't prepared to be defiant. Tessa may be his penultimate authority figure, but let's not forget…
    N is an angesty, rebellious disassemble drone now!

  • @NesyaStephanie
    @NesyaStephanie 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Is there something wrong with me or what? cuz I am a very emotional person if there was a sad movie, in the whole class only 3 people including me cried normally, but V's death didn't make me cry it's suspiciously weird?

  • @اناانت-و3ر
    @اناانت-و3ر ปีที่แล้ว +5

    we all have seen j scared from death once
    maybe she thought that she will be dead forever.
    maybe we'll see v again in the last episode to next season
    (if there's a second season)

    • @loonable
      @loonable ปีที่แล้ว

      It got SOOO many views, why would they ONLY make 1 season?

    • @اناانت-و3ر
      @اناانت-و3ر ปีที่แล้ว

      @@loonable it feels like if the show reaching the end and i dont know what to start the next season with

  • @NoxiousWitch
    @NoxiousWitch ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I was so glad this show finally got the plot moving again after the backstory episode 5 and the useless filler Friday the 13th knockoff ep 4. If you disagree, fine, I don't care, these are my opinions.

    • @SwagSwagSenate
      @SwagSwagSenate ปีที่แล้ว +5

      "backstory" episode that barely even gave a backstory and still took place in the present

  • @BlueSoulGamer
    @BlueSoulGamer ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I would rank this episode as the 3rd best of the entire series so far. I had a lot of fun watching it, it was a rollercoaster of action and it’s nice to get another likable character besides N (Tessa ofcourse.)
    The depth in this episode also wasn’t lacking, giving the N the choice to choose between Uzi and the universe was peak writing and honestly either way would be entertaining. It also helped that after that moment him and Uzi had so many small cute moments, really emphasizing the weight of such a choice.
    But you’re right this episode wasn’t flawless. V’s death is either unconvincing or it makes her feel incomplete. Doll also really doesn’t make sense to me either. If she never intended on giving Tessa the bug, why did she bother showing up to their meeting spot at all? She could of just Gone ahead and bought herself so much time. I really hope it’s something like being unable to work with V because otherwise I don’t get the idea behind her choices this episode.

  • @RalphsArts
    @RalphsArts ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm pretty sure the reason she turned on Tessa was because Tessa looked like she was gonna bring Uzi N and V along her, which she did, which Doll likely doesn't want.

  • @agentumbra2374
    @agentumbra2374 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I think Doll took off because she planned on betraying Tessa but when the 3 protags showed up she felt outnumbered so she took the bug and ran

    @UGH_ITS_THAT_GUY ปีที่แล้ว +1

    what do u mean, i understood Tessa completely and i dont even live in country that speaks english and im not even from Australia

  • @devanrana8544
    @devanrana8544 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The only thing I have to say is that Old J and New J are not the same character. Old J and N&V was sent to copper9 right before AS disappeared from earth while new J was always with the Tessa from the time when she ran away from AS.

  • @Carlos-hm3pg
    @Carlos-hm3pg 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Am I the only one that didn’t like the episode ? Edit I have a different opinion now

  • @syweb2
    @syweb2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Neat analysis, here are my thoughts as I was watching.
    3:02 It's not a picture, _it's live footage._ It's a small distinction, but it shows that it's not what the Solver did to Earht oncce, that's its _current state,_ which means that recovery doesn't seem to be possible.
    11:03 I think what changed is Uzi's presence, as Uzi has shown to be willing and able to get in the way of what Doll wants. Plus, let's not forget that Tessa _shot at her_ right after she handed over the key bug.
    12:40 This episode is above Lizzie's paygrade, and she would have cluttered the already-dense cast.
    13:30 Do note that V wouldn't be in control of the worm. That worm is just the Solver, and it's debatable whether or not it actually is going to repair its host like it claimed in episode 2, or if that's just a cover story.
    13:40 You know what, same. What's worse is when scenes/events are contrived to make that sacrifice possible, like V waiting _literal seconds_ to shoot the red Sentinel, and then getting distracted by another Sentinel, allowing the whole situation to escalate.
    15:24 Holy shit, you _just_ made me realize the significance of that without meaning to: Disassembly Drones run _super hot,_ to the point where they need to consume oil in order to cool down and not die. That may be what prevents their corrupt cores from awakening into Solver worms on their own, instead only happening once the Disassembly Drone has died and thus stopped running its systems.
    16:24 She has a magnet attached to her head, which seemingly scrambles her systems and limits her abilities, like what happened with Uzi and her Solver powers (to an extent).
    16:50 Sentinels are designed to hard-counter Ai targets; you can't use your weapons if you're bootlooped into paralysis. You are right about them not really using their weapons, though.

  • @lookwyrm
    @lookwyrm ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I agree with you on this episode deciding to expand upon the main conflict of the show (and confirm who's the main antagonist), as one of my biggest issues with it was the lack of a clear plot. I had honestly been losing a lot of interest in the show because of the last two episodes, but this one managed to rekindle my excitement for it. There are still many gripes I have with it though. While I can get past the awkward pacing, I'm getting pretty tired of really important information being shown in what's essentially "blink or you'll miss it" moments, though I guess I should be glad, that stuff is being explained in the first place.
    Hoping for an even better episode next time and great video as always!

  • @trickykylegaming6991
    @trickykylegaming6991 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    did you guys know v is lizzys mom

  • @Jimmyhawk333
    @Jimmyhawk333 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Im pretty sure this man time travelled

  • @DaniilNeKuril17
    @DaniilNeKuril17 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I see some same things between Solver and the Core from Amphibia. Both villains using others like dolls, for example Cyn are the doll of the Solver, like Marcy/Darcy (Core's idea) is the doll of Core

  • @blueblur5995
    @blueblur5995 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If you want to see the show with the characters running in the same place over and over again just want one piece.

  • @clutchthecinnamonsergal8493
    @clutchthecinnamonsergal8493 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So…this show is only gonna be 8 episodes is what I'm getting at….that's way too short

    • @EmperorProd
      @EmperorProd 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No no, just the first season will be 8eps

  • @LolaGamerAndMore
    @LolaGamerAndMore 19 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @ctcproductions-music
    @ctcproductions-music ปีที่แล้ว +1

    One problem I have with this episode is the EMP that Alice uses.
    In order for a Disassembly Drone to be able to use an EMP and not shut down they would have to be immune to it themselves.
    While yes, it should have taken out Uzi, N and V should have been fine.
    A small little detail, and far from enough to ruin the episode for me.
    I loved this episode so much.

  • @colinsmith1495
    @colinsmith1495 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think Doll's reaction is understandable. Connect Doll from the previous episode. Doll HATES the Murder Bots. She actively wants to kill them. Seeing Tessa working with them changes her entire concept of who Tessa is and how she should relate to her.
    I also agree that V isn't dead. But maybe not the way people think. Remember, J was dead, PROPERLY dead, and then we just find out that they have back-ups. Which could happen with V just as easily.

  • @brida9168
    @brida9168 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anna soberton knows about the affair about the sectionals one of them are actually have red color I believe they'll rise represents a special state and I also like the Sentinels I hope you found a way to like manipulative Sentinel Prime reset Sonos because they can Hermione have to send out Prime from from Doom

  • @zpaceship_pilot
    @zpaceship_pilot ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was in a restaurant while watching the premiere of this episode. I was really excited. But the whole video was so fast and too much for me to handle. It was very hard to watch. I am quite certain V isn't dead but the possibility sucks because she is an awesome character and deserves to have a happy ending. I didn't hate the episode, but I did not enjoy watching it. I hope for episode 7 to be an easier watch.

  • @renelle9144
    @renelle9144 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    great thumbnail choice, one of my favorite moments

  • @MiguelDCristo
    @MiguelDCristo ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Man, J was done so dirty in this episode.💀But that's probably because of the plot. Cuz why would Tessa want J to guard the ship? Like, who would even try to rob it and escape the planet? Do drones even know how to pilot that thing? Tessa is pretty sus for real. 🧐

  • @muserweaver
    @muserweaver 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Wow this is like watching a freight train gaining speed

  • @firenze6478
    @firenze6478 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    V’s ‘death’ was way to vague to be real.

  • @TARINunit9
    @TARINunit9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm just glad they let V beat someone in a fight for a change. To use a term Liam Vickers would understand, she was going through serious "Worf effect" up until now

    • @theplushtoywolf1038
      @theplushtoywolf1038 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Seeing V finally showing off her skills was incredibly satisfying, although I would disagree that she was Worfed.
      From what I understand, for the Worf effect to occur, a character needs to be established as exceptionally strong amongst their peers in martial ability, but at the same time keeps getting beaten up in fights by new unestablished antagonists.

    • @TARINunit9
      @TARINunit9 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@theplushtoywolf1038 >"for the Worf effect to occur, a character needs to be established as exceptionally strong amongst their peers in martial ability"
      Right, V is a Disassembly Drone so she definitely counts there
      >"but at the same time keeps getting beaten up in fights by new unestablished antagonists."
      Which happened to V like 3 or 4 times in a row.

    • @theplushtoywolf1038
      @theplushtoywolf1038 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@TARINunit9 V is not exceptionally strong amongst her peers though, N is also a disassembly drone, and Uzi beat up J, so she doesn't really count since she's pretty much the same.
      V's had 4 fights from episodes 1-5.
      The first one was between her and N, who was another murder drone, and they were shown to be fairly evenly matched. I'll go over each fight and why I don't consider any of them a Worf, so be prepared to read a bunch of paragraphs (or you could read the TLDR but there won't be as much detail).
      The second one was not really a fight, she was ambushed by Doll, and Doll, who had already been established to being somewhat dangerous due to her solver powers.
      The third was with Solver Uzi in ep4. Both Uzi and her Solver powers were not new and were established as powerful and dangerous, and throughout the episode V herself expressed fear of Uzi and her transformation so this can't really be considered a Worf either.
      The final was in episode five with V's Solver form against Tessa's group, the outcome of which is unknown, however Uzi believed V won since they were subsequently attacked by V at the basement.
      TLDR: Since the first fight was an even match against N, the second was an ambush, the third being against a threat already pre-established as exceedingly dangerous, and the fourth being debatably won by Solver V, I would not consider this a Worf effect.

    • @TARINunit9
      @TARINunit9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@theplushtoywolf1038 Yeah I disagree with most of your assessments.
      In the pilot, the impression I got from the writers is: N and V are NOT evenly matched, and V would have won if narrative causality didn't demand she lose. Episode 3 is not as big an ambush as you make it out to be, V had her claws out and Doll was standing _right in front of her with her glowing red sigils._ Episode 4 is a hardcore Worfing from start to finish, the writers wanted to show V getting taken apart and that's exactly what they did. The only one I can give you the benefit of the doubt on is episode 5, since the whole "hacking into and interacting with memories" thing implies the fight shown on-screen was different from the fight that happened "for real" (for one thing, N wasn't in that room at all, he died to the crows in the "real" history)

    • @theplushtoywolf1038
      @theplushtoywolf1038 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TARINunit9 For the first fight, I don't see what exactly implied or indicated that V was in any way stronger than N, they shown that she was sadistic and that was pretty much her entire character that episode, N even had a moment showcasing his skills which V lacked, so I don't really understand why you thought V was stronger.
      I rewatched the scene for episode 3 and V did not have her claws out, and Doll wasn't right in front of her, she was back behind a crowd of worker drones, and by the time she registered Lizzie's warning she was already hit. She fell for a trap and got hit hard because of it, so it's not really a fight.
      For Episode 4, the absolute solver had already been established as extremely dangerous from the previous episode, with Doll 1v2'ing N and Uzi (and nearly won if it weren't for V). Not only this, but the solver was in the hands of Uzi, who had herself taken on both N, J, and Doll, and proven herself to have been at a similar level despite being a (nearly) normal worker drone. Furthermore, V herself showed us that she already knew about the Solver and that she was afraid of it, meaning in no way was this a new unestablished threat, rather one that has had significant build up and shown itself to be very dangerous.
      Due the fact that every loss V has suffered has been to something already established as powerful within its own rights, or simply due to an ambush, I disagree with your belief that V has been Worfed.
      One final thing I think it is important to mention that just because V wasn't Worfed doesn't mean they didn't do her justice in showcasing her abilities. She never really got to show off in any fights (except for ep1 against N) since she either ended up getting ambushed or going up against something that previously traumatised her so hard she literally created an entire persona just to cope - which is why I loved seeing V finally get the combat recognition she deserved in episode 6.

  • @williehughes1690
    @williehughes1690 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yeah that bit J says about more efficient drone's being cloned more did seem weird.

  • @jatrenoto
    @jatrenoto ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I just cant take it anymore, when V dies for the crew. I've become a true killer bean now....