I always describe the look of my front yard during late spring frost and freezes as a patchwork quilt. Here's to the other gardeners who's garden looks the same!
Thanks Jenny! Always super informative! I keep my 4 year old grandson a couple of days a week. This morning as he does most mornings he said “Yaya what’s my friend Jenny doing in the garden today?” We watched the video and then he was ready to protect everything in the garden ❤ so you are inspiring gardeners of ALL ages!
Gardening in Oklahoma is quite challenging. I protect many plants this way and it works. I have an entire row of holly fern in front of the north facing garage that I try the hardest to protect. Thank you for this common sense video
Thanks Jenny! We spent lots of time yesterday evening getting ready for the weather here in Atlanta. Don’t laugh, but we have been saving our plastic Tidy Cat containers and we used those to pop on top of smaller plants…..they worked beautifully.🤣
My gardens look funny too with all the blankets, sheets, towels and pillow cases. Lol. Gotta do what you gotta do. Love hearing the birds singing and Brynna looking at all those pots and thinking they were for her. Here's hoping all our efforts will be worth it. 🙂
Jenny said her tulips and daffodils will probably not survive but she has enjoyed them while they were in bloom. This would be a good day to cut a few and bring them indoors. At least then you will enjoy them for a little longer.
Thanks for the tip about the wire and tomato cages. Had not thought of that. Are you going to leave the covers on during the daytime too? Or take them off during the day and put them back on at night?
Great video. I also use 5 gallon buckets as well as trash cans. Purchased 16 Rubbermaid trash cans on sale one time for many future uses. We get the occasional winter blast for 3-7 nights same as this video. This method of buckets and trash cans definitely works faster for those occasional freezes.
Thanks Jenny! I have also used binder clips (the kind used to hold stacks of paper together). They do well holding sheets to trellises covering clematis buds. Great informative video.
We do what we can to protect those babies of ours. Thanks for all the great info. On a side note if it’s windy I like to use landscape staples to secure any fabric or burlap and sometimes even the pots I use when covering my plants. It usually works pretty good for me.
The challenge we are facing is multiple heavy wet snows. The plants are still dormant, but some of the newer ones - we have to brush the snow off to reduce the weight on them. Zone 6 New England
Thanks for showing this. Here in Indiana zone 6a we had unseasonably warm temps that woke everything up. Then we got hit with a couple of inches of snow and multiple days with lows in the 20's. I covered what I could. I have been worried about the rest, but seeing how you choose certain things to cover helps a lot. Thanks!
Hi Jenny, we get high winds here in Indiana sometimes and now thanks to you for all the mention of weapons that can be used feel better protected. I am hanging on to buckets,sheets, & I am sure the large rings can be purchased at Lowes or any garden center for that matter! As always thanks for the valuable info!😁
I love using fitted sheets; I bought them at the resale shop for about three dollars each; I also use unused planters or old shower curtains that are cloth...it's a lot of work, but then again, I love my plants
A great informative video from a fellow Southern gardener who is fussing about the freezing temps.... as if it has never happened before! You taught me some new things, and I thank you.
Going through the same thing tonight and the next two nights. My plants have came up so I was out with flannel sheets and microfiber throws. I use my bamboo sticks that I get in plants I order to hold up the sheets. I also use chip clips and rocks on top since I have river rock as mulch. I have done the same on my veggies with the pots on top of them when I get an unexpected frost or freeze.
Excellent video Jenny!!! I never knew plastic sheeting was not a good idea. I’m a Michigan gardener so I will be dealing with the same issues in the near future. You’re a great teacher!😊
I have 3 giant old oak leaves that I can't really cover (it takes more than 8 king size sheets and I'm to short to cover them amymore) so I water them really good the day before the cold Temps come in. It's worked the last two years.
Normally, I just take my chances, but this go round, decided to be proactive. Everything that hadn't gone into the ground, yet, I brought inside and put in the garage. For everything else, I used big cardboard boxes (on hand for the no dig method), freeze protection cloth, and an old dust ruffle.
Oh, Mavis, I am laughing just picturing your dust ruffle fluttering the breeze. In my mind it it pink with a lace trim. 😁😁 Good luck with the cold temps.
Jenny I so appreciate your video ! I’m zone 7 in Delaware. Checked weather after watching your video , starting Saturday three days 28,27,and 29 degree temperatures at night. So I made a trip this morning to local Goodwill store and bought some used sheets and large linen table clothes. I will also make use of some old towels. Yelp it’s gone to look a little crazy in yard. I’ll be thanking you when my hydrangeas are looking beautiful 😍
Thanks this is a brilliant informative video! It almost doesn’t seem right for me to so easily pop you up on my I-Patti and boom there’s my Girl Jenny who gladly arrives on the daily and fills my brain with gardening tips and tricks that I myself could have never thought of alone! You are a real charm and treat to me Jenny I absolutely adore and admire your love for gardening and your love for all of us who try to fallow you in your footsteps…. Thank you and God Bless you and the family ✨🤍🙏
We have covered our two Pillar Rose of Sharon. We are in 8A and both the purple pillar and white pillar are totally leafed out and gorgeous. Also covered midnight masquerade penstemon and perennial salvias which are also totally leafed out. We have gorgeous new growth on beautiful Radiance abelias so we covered those as well with frost covers. Probably did a lot more covering than we needed to, but we weren't sure about so much new growth too early. It's like you said, you try to save those things which mean most to you. 🧑🌾
I had a bit of a scare with our weather here in Louisiana. We’ve been in the 80s/ even a few days of low 90s the past few weeks. Our last frost date has already passed. Everyone has out their tomatoes, peppers, and okra plants. I have planted out my impatiens and annual vincas. Our low next week was at first 33F, but now has been raised to 38F. Hopefully it doesn’t drop again! My poor tropical hibiscus and birds of paradise are trying to come back, and I’d also like for them to not get set back again.
We just moved into our neighborhood so pretty sure our neighbors think we are crazy! 🤣 question- when it will consecutive nights of freezing temps do you take all the sheets/containers off during the day and put back on each night? Or just leave it on for the few days?
I’m in Tx, zone 8a, and we usually only have a day or two (maybe 3 but that’s rare) of freezing temps. In that case, I leave my buckets, sheets, blankets, and frost cloth on thru out the few days. For example, we r expecting freezing temps with two days of light snow this coming weekend. I will cover everything Friday evening before dark, and I won’t uncover anything until Monday when the freezing temps will be gone. Hope this helps!
I am definitely covering my bigleaf hydrangeas this afternoon - last year's late March freeze was a bit colder/longer and I lost almost all flowers on all the bigleaf hydrangeas. I wish I didn't have a dozen to cover. 🙂I am going to hope for best for the pulmonaria. Pots on all the garden phlox - a few of which are already 6" tall and lush. You have inspired my to cover my massive holy fern that thinks its late April and is very lush. Next up - trapping rabbits...again... to relocate.
Thank you for the push I needed! Ran out and covered my 6 big hydrangeas. when my husband came in, he said, " our house has been eastered". Pink and pastel sheets 😄
Every time I think about getting rid of my old nursery pots/buckets a cold spell comes along and reminds me why I keep them here in southeast Missouri. My pretty white lilacs are budding up beautifully this year but too big to cover. We knew with all the pretty early spring weather this was bound to happen. Somewhere along through the winter something already happened to keep the forsythia from being in full bloom. I have multiple bushes but rare blooms and they didn't get trimmed so that's not the reason for no blooms so it's kind of a crap shoot each year!
Such a great and helpful video. I like that you went through your garden and talked about what you were covering and what not. Very helpful. Question, so we have 3-4 days here in middle TN area that the temps drop at night. Are you leaving yours covered the whole time or do you uncover during the day? Seems like a lot of work if you do. Thanks for this video!
Hi Jenny sorry if you answered this already. Do you uncover the plants during the day if the temp is above freezing? If not, is there a limit to how many days you can leave them covered? Thank you!
Love the sounds of the birds ! In Nebraska the big leaf hydrangeas that bloom on old and new growth die down to the ground each year but the buds are close to the surface so I cover them too.
Jenny when you are using sheets or frost blankets you can use clothes pins to help close these. I wrapped light weight frost blankets around my obelisk with my clematis vines and attached clothes pins to hold it.
Do you remove the covering during the day, then recover at night? I was taught to do that with the warm up during the day. I don’t remove the cover if it stays below freezing during the day, but that’s rare. 7b near Atlanta.
This is video is perfect timing for me. I live just north of you in Davidson, NC. I used your suggestion of using empty plant containers over my peonies that are just starting to come up. Do I need to take them off during the day or can I leave them on for the next few days until this cold snap is over? Thank you, Love your channel.
Thank you Jenny for all the info that you gave us. I am from the West Coast in BC, Canada and yes we do get dozzies of the cold at times. I have not covered my rose this year and we had a snow in the Christmas time and another cold in the late Feb early March time frame again I did not cover my rose that had new growth all over it and it handled the cold like a trooper we even had snow this time around again. So even if you don't cover I believe that they will handle cold. But like you said it is the gardener's call. Enjoy your garden.
Thank you, Jenny! I knew I would find solutions to this freeze we're having. I'm from New England where we don't have anything coming up at this time. I have so many things coming up here with the "Spring" we just had. Thanks for the tips!
I keep a huge tub of old sheets for painting and covering my hydrangeas and azaleas. These freezes seem to come around the second week of March each year in SC. I will be dragging all my pots back in the garage tonight. Roses tend to be fine unless the temps stay low for longer than 12 hours. Thank you for this helpful video.
Blessings, Jenny to you and the Creekside Family❤. This is very helpful…I’m on my way outside to cover hydrangeas. I have a “Lady in Red” hydrangea that I’m having a hard time finding information about. The nursery where I purchased it has closed so I’m researching “Professor Google”. I found 1 presentation on it but it didn’t have much information. Thank you for the lesson on “old wood growth”. Blessed Planting and Harvest😊.
Great job best to be safe than sorry. I too have flannel and buckets plus Rubbermaid garbage cans I put over mine. Hopefully everything pulls through. Thank you so very much for sharing this with us.💯💯💯🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
I'm on the same zone but a little north of you in MD. My plants are a bit behind yours and I'm leaving it all to fend for themselves right now. We had a couple of nice days but not the prolonged false spring so not everything stated to come up. We also aren't getting the freezing nights. Only low 30s. Other than my daffs and snowdrops, it is still pretty brown. I know I'll have to do all this though in April. We always get some bizarre weird freeze that tries to kill everything. This video was great! Reminds me why I keep old towels and pots!
Timely info, Jenny. We covered things last night and kind of did a triage on what to cover. Some things I wondered about and covered some emerging hostsa and dahlias with cardboard boxes when I ran out of nursery pots, sheets and a couple frost covers I bought from Lowe's this year. Good luck!
My hellebore is new. The only reason I covered. I am grateful to see you tell Brenna to get out of the flower beds. My dogs are the same with getting in my beds.
Hi Jenny. After watching this video I went out there to protect my young camellia & three of my mop head hydrangeas. Thank you for giving me the push to do this. Here in NY we’re now experiencing snow & very cold winds. My question is do I pull off the sheets each morning & put them back on during the evenings or can I leave them each day until the frost pass?
Hi Jenny! I'm up on the edge of zone 7a in MD.. I've got my old growth hydrangea covered with a bedsheet! Thank you for making this video! I lost a lot of blooms and foliage last year due to a late frost, this year I know what to do!
We had wind here in Raleigh NC I used diaper pins to secure sheets but I forgot rocks on top of pots 😢 some ended up in yard this morning! Two more nights of this! The joys of living in south. Thanks for video. Chip clips works too 😊 Can you please address do we need to remove these coverings every day and put them back in the evening? Thank you.
Thanks for sharing your tips! I will leave all of this covered until the threat of freeze passes (2-3 days). The plants are nice and safe in these coverings for a few days and will be nice and happy when I remove their protection on Thursday.
We got over 5 feet of snow here my area of California which we never get and unfortunately we had no time to cover anything so I’m hoping everything is going to be ok:) we have had 3 days of non stop rain again which is not common but it helped to melt the snow :) I’m excited to see how everything looks at the end:) Your video gave me great hope as some of the plants you were not going to cover are some that we have…fingers crossed:) you always give great advice:) tfs God Bless:)
Cold is not an issue if the plants are buried in snow its like the best insulation. You'll just have to deal with some things getting smashed, which if they were covered it would have done more damage
This video couldn't be more timely! Although I went out last night and covered most of the newly growing plants with pots, I did NOT know about covering those types of hydrangeas. We only got down to 33 last night here in Mt. Juliet TN, but we are expecting lower temps the rest of this week. We do have a day of expected rain, when the nighttime temp is supposed to warm up. Would you remove the fabrics for that night and then put them on the next day? Thanks again for this really important knowledge!
Jenny thank you soooooo much!! I just bought 2 lime light hydrangeas, and viburnums in the fall. I just noticed that 1 of the viburnums tipa were a bit crunchy. I will put them in the green house and cover the one that I can't carry.
I am in KC area zone 6a. I always have problems with my macro hydrangeas but my lacecap and my Oakleaf always bloom I never cover them. Now we have not broken dormancy yet either. Next month we will need to worry more. I am going to cover the endless ones this year. See if it helps. They have hardly bloomed the last 5 or 6 years but we had a horrible winter it was very dry but we also had two weeks of true Temps-teens. I just wrote it off as winter kill. They should be coming out of that by now. It might be the fact we get later freezes and they get nipped.
Wow No Wind!! It has been blowing hard over here near Crowders Mountain for 3 days!! We put rocks on our buckets. Lol. Did the wind ever pick up over there?
I went flying outside with my sheets, buckets and huge old PW pots not a sign of frost anywhere; think I’m in a protected nook; I covered them anyways for tonight!
I leave them covered. I just don't have the time to cover, uncover, cover, uncover, etc. Plus by using these materials on the plants there is no need to uncover them.
How many days can you keep your stuff covered? Mine have airflow but we have freeze warnings again tonight then Sun and Mon. UGH. It was a ton of work covering all my plants.
I did all my covering last night. My oak leafs are way too big to cover so they’re on their own! My clematis all have flower buds so they got covered or brought inside.
I always describe the look of my front yard during late spring frost and freezes as a patchwork quilt. Here's to the other gardeners who's garden looks the same!
I'm new to my neighborhood. I'm sure my neighbors wonder about me at times. Little do they know, I've just begun!!!!
Thanks Jenny! Always super informative! I keep my 4 year old grandson a couple of days a week. This morning as he does most mornings he said “Yaya what’s my friend Jenny doing in the garden today?” We watched the video and then he was ready to protect everything in the garden ❤ so you are inspiring gardeners of ALL ages!
Gardening in Oklahoma is quite challenging. I protect many plants this way and it works. I have an entire row of holly fern in front of the north facing garage that I try the hardest to protect. Thank you for this common sense video
Thanks Jenny! We spent lots of time yesterday evening getting ready for the weather here in Atlanta. Don’t laugh, but we have been saving our plastic Tidy Cat containers and we used those to pop on top of smaller plants…..they worked beautifully.🤣
No laughing here sister! Use what you've got!
My gardens look funny too with all the blankets, sheets, towels and pillow cases. Lol. Gotta do what you gotta do. Love hearing the birds singing and Brynna looking at all those pots and thinking they were for her. Here's hoping all our efforts will be worth it. 🙂
Jenny said her tulips and daffodils will probably not survive but she has enjoyed them while they were in bloom. This would be a good day to cut a few and bring them indoors. At least then you will enjoy them for a little longer.
Thanks for the tip about the wire and tomato cages. Had not thought of that. Are you going to leave the covers on during the daytime too? Or take them off during the day and put them back on at night?
Great video. I also use 5 gallon buckets as well as trash cans. Purchased 16 Rubbermaid trash cans on sale one time for many future uses. We get the occasional winter blast for 3-7 nights same as this video. This method of buckets and trash cans definitely works faster for those occasional freezes.
Very helpful info for this Zone 6B gardener! Many thanks. 🌱💚
Our pleasure!
Thanks Jenny! I have also used binder clips (the kind used to hold stacks of paper together). They do well holding sheets to trellises covering clematis buds. Great informative video.
We do what we can to protect those babies of ours. Thanks for all the great info. On a side note if it’s windy I like to use landscape staples to secure any fabric or burlap and sometimes even the pots I use when covering my plants. It usually works pretty good for me.
The challenge we are facing is multiple heavy wet snows. The plants are still dormant, but some of the newer ones - we have to brush the snow off to reduce the weight on them. Zone 6 New England
Thanks, Jenny! Yes, we ARE those odd people on our street who have everything covered during cold snaps like this. 😂
Hi Jenny, do you take the covers off during day? Also, do you cover your macrophylla hydrangeas in the winter?
Thanks for showing this. Here in Indiana zone 6a we had unseasonably warm temps that woke everything up. Then we got hit with a couple of inches of snow and multiple days with lows in the 20's. I covered what I could. I have been worried about the rest, but seeing how you choose certain things to cover helps a lot. Thanks!
Hi Jenny, we get high winds here in Indiana sometimes and now thanks to you for all the mention of weapons that can be used feel better protected. I am hanging on to buckets,sheets, & I am sure the large rings can be purchased at Lowes or any garden center for that matter! As always thanks for the valuable info!😁
I love using fitted sheets; I bought them at the resale shop for about three dollars each; I also use unused planters or old shower curtains that are cloth...it's a lot of work, but then again, I love my plants
Omg this video is so helpful. Were about to hit a freeze in texas
I use the paper binder clips(since I have no clothespins) to secure the burlap . 🌸❤️🇨🇦
A great informative video from a fellow Southern gardener who is fussing about the freezing temps.... as if it has never happened before! You taught me some new things, and I thank you.
Thanks 🙏
Binder clips and clothes pins are my friends in northern Michigan Spring, anchoring sheets over hydrangeas.
Hi Jenny I was short on items to protect my plants so I used boxes. Hope the work!
Going through the same thing tonight and the next two nights. My plants have came up so I was out with flannel sheets and microfiber throws. I use my bamboo sticks that I get in plants I order to hold up the sheets. I also use chip clips and rocks on top since I have river rock as mulch. I have done the same on my veggies with the pots on top of them when I get an unexpected frost or freeze.
Excellent video Jenny!!! I never knew plastic sheeting was not a good idea. I’m a Michigan gardener so I will be dealing with the same issues in the near future. You’re a great teacher!😊
Good Morning
I have a supply of old sheets and tablecloths. Great video as always. Creekside is a part of my morning routine❤
Loved hearing the cardinals singing in the background!!
I save the used nursery cans for that reason- but it was so windy ,some I just had to cover with pine straw! Cross our green fingers!
I have 3 giant old oak leaves that I can't really cover (it takes more than 8 king size sheets and I'm to short to cover them amymore) so I water them really good the day before the cold Temps come in. It's worked the last two years.
Normally, I just take my chances, but this go round, decided to be proactive. Everything that hadn't gone into the ground, yet, I brought inside and put in the garage. For everything else, I used big cardboard boxes (on hand for the no dig method), freeze protection cloth, and an old dust ruffle.
Oh, Mavis, I am laughing just picturing your dust ruffle fluttering the breeze. In my mind it it pink with a lace trim. 😁😁
Good luck with the cold temps.
Jenny I so appreciate your video ! I’m zone 7 in Delaware. Checked weather after watching your video , starting Saturday three days 28,27,and 29 degree temperatures at night. So I made a trip this morning to local Goodwill store and bought some used sheets and large linen table clothes. I will also make use of some old towels. Yelp it’s gone to look a little crazy in yard. I’ll be thanking you when my hydrangeas are looking beautiful 😍
How beautiful are the sounds of the birds in the background at 22 minutes & 38 seconds!!
NSW, Australia
They have been singing so much lately; I love it!
Thanks this is a brilliant informative video! It almost doesn’t seem right for me to so easily pop you up on my I-Patti and boom there’s my Girl Jenny who gladly arrives on the daily and fills my brain with gardening tips and tricks that I myself could have never thought of alone! You are a real charm and treat to me Jenny I absolutely adore and admire your love for gardening and your love for all of us who try to fallow you in your footsteps…. Thank you and God Bless you and the family ✨🤍🙏
I’d be a happy plant too getting tucked in like that ☺️
Great suggestions. Sometimes I use clothes pins to hold the sheets on in the wind.
Thanks for the short clip video last night. I was able to protect my 3 year old glorious Oakleaf Hydrangea, which was just transplanted🤞
Wonderful! Glad it was helpful!
The wind was so crazy here in Chattanooga it blew my sheets off. No frost because of the wind.
Thanks for showing how to protect our newly planted and sprouted babies. Hula hoops work nicely too.
We have covered our two Pillar Rose of Sharon. We are in 8A and both the purple pillar and white pillar are totally leafed out and gorgeous. Also covered midnight masquerade penstemon and perennial salvias which are also totally leafed out. We have gorgeous new growth on beautiful Radiance abelias so we covered those as well with frost covers. Probably did a lot more covering than we needed to, but we weren't sure about so much new growth too early. It's like you said, you try to save those things which mean most to you. 🧑🌾
I had a bit of a scare with our weather here in Louisiana. We’ve been in the 80s/ even a few days of low 90s the past few weeks. Our last frost date has already passed. Everyone has out their tomatoes, peppers, and okra plants. I have planted out my impatiens and annual vincas. Our low next week was at first 33F, but now has been raised to 38F. Hopefully it doesn’t drop again! My poor tropical hibiscus and birds of paradise are trying to come back, and I’d also like for them to not get set back again.
Is that a mini educator for Brenna? We just got the micro and are thrilled with it!
We just moved into our neighborhood so pretty sure our neighbors think we are crazy! 🤣 question- when it will consecutive nights of freezing temps do you take all the sheets/containers off during the day and put back on each night? Or just leave it on for the few days?
I’m in Tx, zone 8a, and we usually only have a day or two (maybe 3 but that’s rare) of freezing temps. In that case, I leave my buckets, sheets, blankets, and frost cloth on thru out the few days. For example, we r expecting freezing temps with two days of light snow this coming weekend. I will cover everything Friday evening before dark, and I won’t uncover anything until Monday when the freezing temps will be gone. Hope this helps!
I am definitely covering my bigleaf hydrangeas this afternoon - last year's late March freeze was a bit colder/longer and I lost almost all flowers on all the bigleaf hydrangeas. I wish I didn't have a dozen to cover. 🙂I am going to hope for best for the pulmonaria. Pots on all the garden phlox - a few of which are already 6" tall and lush. You have inspired my to cover my massive holy fern that thinks its late April and is very lush. Next up - trapping rabbits...again... to relocate.
Thank you for the push I needed! Ran out and covered my 6 big hydrangeas. when my husband came in, he said, " our house has been eastered". Pink and pastel sheets 😄
That is too cute!
Every time I think about getting rid of my old nursery pots/buckets a cold spell comes along and reminds me why I keep them here in southeast Missouri. My pretty white lilacs are budding up beautifully this year but too big to cover. We knew with all the pretty early spring weather this was bound to happen. Somewhere along through the winter something already happened to keep the forsythia from being in full bloom. I have multiple bushes but rare blooms and they didn't get trimmed so that's not the reason for no blooms so it's kind of a crap shoot each year!
Such a great and helpful video. I like that you went through your garden and talked about what you were covering and what not. Very helpful. Question, so we have 3-4 days here in middle TN area that the temps drop at night. Are you leaving yours covered the whole time or do you uncover during the day? Seems like a lot of work if you do. Thanks for this video!
Thank you for the great tips! Love your videos! Have a great day and God Bless.
Thank you! You too!
Hi Jenny sorry if you answered this already. Do you uncover the plants during the day if the temp is above freezing? If not, is there a limit to how many days you can leave them covered? Thank you!
This was a great resource! Using the buckets was a great idea!
Love the sounds of the birds ! In Nebraska the big leaf hydrangeas that bloom on old and new growth die down to the ground each year but the buds are close to the surface so I cover them too.
Jenny when you are using sheets or frost blankets you can use clothes pins to help close these. I wrapped light weight frost blankets around my obelisk with my clematis vines and attached clothes pins to hold it.
Binder clips work well too
Do you remove the covering during the day, then recover at night? I was taught to do that with the warm up during the day. I don’t remove the cover if it stays below freezing during the day, but that’s rare. 7b near Atlanta.
Oh no! Last night my beautiful Double Play Candy Corn took a frosty hit. Any hope for blossoms this spring? They are toasty brown now.
I used cardboard boxes and attached them to the ground with landscape staples.
Love that!!!
This is video is perfect timing for me. I live just north of you in Davidson, NC. I used your suggestion of using empty plant containers over my peonies that are just starting to come up. Do I need to take them off during the day or can I leave them on for the next few days until this cold snap is over?
Thank you,
Love your channel.
Watching from Delaware was snowing here this am.
Just what I needed I’m getting some lows and needed to cover my plants 👌
Thank you Jenny for all the info that you gave us. I am from the West Coast in BC, Canada and yes we do get dozzies of the cold at times. I have not covered my rose this year and we had a snow in the Christmas time and another cold in the late Feb early March time frame again I did not cover my rose that had new growth all over it and it handled the cold like a trooper we even had snow this time around again. So even if you don't cover I believe that they will handle cold. But like you said it is the gardener's call. Enjoy your garden.
Thank you, Jenny! I knew I would find solutions to this freeze we're having. I'm from New England where we don't have anything coming up at this time. I have so many things coming up here with the "Spring" we just had. Thanks for the tips!
Brenna? (Is that right) and the giant “stick” ❤❤❤❤
Brynna 💗
I keep a huge tub of old sheets for painting and covering my hydrangeas and azaleas. These freezes seem to come around the second week of March each year in SC. I will be dragging all my pots back in the garage tonight. Roses tend to be fine unless the temps stay low for longer than 12 hours. Thank you for this helpful video.
Blessings, Jenny to you and the Creekside Family❤. This is very helpful…I’m on my way outside to cover hydrangeas. I have a “Lady in Red” hydrangea that I’m having a hard time finding information about. The nursery where I purchased it has closed so I’m researching “Professor Google”. I found 1 presentation on it but it didn’t have much information. Thank you for the lesson on “old wood growth”. Blessed Planting and Harvest😊.
Great job best to be safe than sorry. I too have flannel and buckets plus Rubbermaid garbage cans I put over mine. Hopefully everything pulls through. Thank you so very much for sharing this with us.💯💯💯🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Hi, Jenny. Were in the same boat! Southern indiana, 6b.
Thanks Jenny! 😊
I'm on the same zone but a little north of you in MD. My plants are a bit behind yours and I'm leaving it all to fend for themselves right now. We had a couple of nice days but not the prolonged false spring so not everything stated to come up. We also aren't getting the freezing nights. Only low 30s. Other than my daffs and snowdrops, it is still pretty brown. I know I'll have to do all this though in April. We always get some bizarre weird freeze that tries to kill everything. This video was great! Reminds me why I keep old towels and pots!
Timely info, Jenny. We covered things last night and kind of did a triage on what to cover. Some things I wondered about and covered some emerging hostsa and dahlias with cardboard boxes when I ran out of nursery pots, sheets and a couple frost covers I bought from Lowe's this year.
Good luck!
Great video! Lots of good information.
Awesome video. Just what I needed
Thanks for the information, always helpful.
I used a box on my newly planted hydrangea and a bucket on my lenton roses.
My hellebore is new. The only reason I covered. I am grateful to see you tell Brenna to get out of the flower beds. My dogs are the same with getting in my beds.
Thank you so much for the information ☺️
Hi Jenny. After watching this video I went out there to protect my young camellia & three of my mop head hydrangeas. Thank you for giving me the push to do this. Here in NY we’re now experiencing snow & very cold winds. My question is do I pull off the sheets each morning & put them back on during the evenings or can I leave them each day until the frost pass?
Thanks for video Jenny ❤
Hi Jenny! I'm up on the edge of zone 7a in MD.. I've got my old growth hydrangea covered with a bedsheet! Thank you for making this video! I lost a lot of blooms and foliage last year due to a late frost, this year I know what to do!
We had wind here in Raleigh NC I used diaper pins to secure sheets but I forgot rocks on top of pots 😢 some ended up in yard this morning! Two more nights of this! The joys of living in south. Thanks for video. Chip clips works too 😊 Can you please address do we need to remove these coverings every day and put them back in the evening? Thank you.
Thanks for sharing your tips! I will leave all of this covered until the threat of freeze passes (2-3 days). The plants are nice and safe in these coverings for a few days and will be nice and happy when I remove their protection on Thursday.
Great timely video for us here in Raleigh…off to my linen closet to gather supplies!😂. Thanks!
I also use old-fashioned wooden clothespins to hold coverings on plants when it is windy (like now and through tomorrow night). Works like a charm!
We got over 5 feet of snow here my area of California which we never get and unfortunately we had no time to cover anything so I’m hoping everything is going to be ok:) we have had 3 days of non stop rain again which is not common but it helped to melt the snow :) I’m excited to see how everything looks at the end:) Your video gave me great hope as some of the plants you were not going to cover are some that we have…fingers crossed:) you always give great advice:) tfs God Bless:)
Cold is not an issue if the plants are buried in snow its like the best insulation. You'll just have to deal with some things getting smashed, which if they were covered it would have done more damage
@@dylan8285 thank you:)
If a plant is just popping head up, can you throw some extra mulch or compost over them ?
This video couldn't be more timely! Although I went out last night and covered most of the newly growing plants with pots, I did NOT know about covering those types of hydrangeas. We only got down to 33 last night here in Mt. Juliet TN, but we are expecting lower temps the rest of this week. We do have a day of expected rain, when the nighttime temp is supposed to warm up. Would you remove the fabrics for that night and then put them on the next day? Thanks again for this really important knowledge!
My question too.
They'll let you know us out west has been going through this Frost it began in February we've had snow Frost Heavy Rain hail that we've never had
Jenny thank you soooooo much!! I just bought 2 lime light hydrangeas, and viburnums in the fall. I just noticed that 1 of the viburnums tipa were a bit crunchy. I will put them in the green house and cover the one that I can't carry.
Loving a Tuesday video, Jenny!! Thanks for the tips!!
You are so welcome!
I am in KC area zone 6a. I always have problems with my macro hydrangeas but my lacecap and my Oakleaf always bloom I never cover them. Now we have not broken dormancy yet either. Next month we will need to worry more. I am going to cover the endless ones this year. See if it helps. They have hardly bloomed the last 5 or 6 years but we had a horrible winter it was very dry but we also had two weeks of true Temps-teens. I just wrote it off as winter kill. They should be coming out of that by now. It might be the fact we get later freezes and they get nipped.
Wow No Wind!! It has been blowing hard over here near Crowders Mountain for 3 days!! We put rocks on our buckets. Lol. Did the wind ever pick up over there?
It did 🫤
Do you need tuck in or cover the bottom of the bushes I’m trying to protect my hydrangea and my rose bushes
My poor peach tree. I trimmed it. I haven't been able to get peaches due to the cold snaps. It upsets hubby but I try to cover it too.
I went flying outside with my sheets, buckets and huge old PW pots not a sign of frost anywhere; think I’m in a protected nook; I covered them anyways for tonight!
Jenny, will you uncover the plants during the day when the temps warm up and then recover them before the next night temperature drop?
I leave them covered. I just don't have the time to cover, uncover, cover, uncover, etc. Plus by using these materials on the plants there is no need to uncover them.
Great info Jenny!
Great info, thanks
can I use lightweight sheets like satin or silk to cover plants or flowers?
Great video! Thank you! Do I need to take the sheets off during the day and replace again for the evening?
That would be optimal, but as long as the covering is fabric it is not necessary.
Do you cover azaleas?
Wondering if you have to remove these covers each day since the temp rises during the days!?
How many days can you keep your stuff covered? Mine have airflow but we have freeze warnings again tonight then Sun and Mon. UGH. It was a ton of work covering all my plants.
I did all my covering last night. My oak leafs are way too big to cover so they’re on their own! My clematis all have flower buds so they got covered or brought inside.
Do i need to cover the hyacinth s and hecheras? The seen so hardy 😮
Does it matter if sheets are thin?
Jenny, do winds help protect or damage plants from the freeze? I know to water well before a freeze comes
This is my problem with the macrophyllas. If I get no blooms this yr I’m getting rid of them. Do you find putting cloth on them knocks the buds off.