I love good deals on those,man you can get some deals ,in general police agencys world wide use high quality stuff.The were selling those DAKS dirt cheap in 40 five years ago,you can covert them to normal sig action.The overall quality on a 226 or 229 is just top tier you must have the best.
We grabbed one of those Orlando PD Sig 226s awhile back for 569. Great gun. That was at Recoil. I've noticed that Kings likes to offer their shittiest guns on their website for a Premo price and then sell they're nicer stuff on their Gunbroker auctions. I don't think that's too cool, but what can you do?
I love good deals on those,man you can get some deals ,in general police agencys world wide use high quality stuff.The were selling those DAKS dirt cheap in 40 five years ago,you can covert them to normal sig action.The overall quality on a 226 or 229 is just top tier you must have the best.
We grabbed one of those Orlando PD Sig 226s awhile back for 569. Great gun. That was at Recoil. I've noticed that Kings likes to offer their shittiest guns on their website for a Premo price and then sell they're nicer stuff on their Gunbroker auctions. I don't think that's too cool, but what can you do?