Naeun looks so pure. Not gonna lie, I started learning Korean because of Naeun. I honestly fall in love with her😍💞, I saved and keep many of her photos, you know, even my phone wallpaper is her.
because shinee taemin gave a the rosary present to naeun in wgm,they also are Catholic. the rosary is Catholic's accessories. Some ppl said naeun 's rosary is not the same one as wgm.
Naeun looks so pure. Not gonna lie, I started learning Korean because of Naeun. I honestly fall in love with her😍💞, I saved and keep many of her photos, you know, even my phone wallpaper is her.
우리 나은이 데뷔초와 달리 많이 의젓해진듯.. 초엔 쑥스럼도 많이타고 낯도많이 가리고 해서 말수도 없었는데 이젠 말도잘하고 애교도부리고 ㅠㅠ 여전히 착하고 이쁜모습 너무좋다 핑순이들 꽃길만 걷자❤❤❤
naeun so cute
Madiani Madi 💜 NAEUN 💖 😘 🐼 💞 👍
진짜 심각하게 이쁘고 귀엽다..
낭니 개인기도 없고 애교도 없지만 그거에 안절부절하는 모습이 개인기고 애교로 보여 우리는ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
보미랑 낭니 둘다 넘귀ㅠㅜ
Naun tan kawaii~ 💛
1258 hk 😘
나은이누나 애드립 따라할때 헤드폰 떨어질때 생각나네 손나 졸귀♡ 게다가 손나 이뻐요
bomi winning by default because of naeun's right hand wrecking things
bomi was already great at tennis, instead of excuses just congratulate her instead of being salty bc your bias did not win..
bomi is not my bias btw so stop assuming things i don't hate naeun i love apink so much
Xx Xx are you even a fan of apink? U dont know right hand Son?
apink is the best.
Son NaEun soo PRETTY. ^_^
Naeun is so adorable...please please please do an english sub...
아 진짜 오른손나은 너무 귀여워 ㅎㅎ
와 차라리 이걸 다행이라고 해야하나ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 나은이는 어차피 라디오에서 말 잘안하는데 이렇게 영상에 나와서는 말도 많이하고ㅠㅠㅠ 오랜만에 나은이 말 많이하는것 본것같아요!! 별밤 감사합니다ㅎㅎ
Interesting, her nails are pretty, shinee and bright. 😉😉
bomi cute
BoNa moment.if anyone can translate this then that would be great. though i'm assuming they had a challenge and bomi won.
Bomi so cute!!
한동안 바빠서 못보고 살았는데
1등 했다니 좋아랑~~!
I check it everyday & im still waiting for english babydoll naeun is pretty adorable...
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 스튜디오에서 한 말 보다 대기실에서 한 말이 더 많은거 같아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 벌칙 인듯 벌칙이 아닌거 같아
BONA is so cute😘😙😚😘😙😚
Naeun still wearing the silver rosary so it means TAEUN is still alive..teamin so lucky bcoz naeun was a honest girlfriend. ..
but we have to admit that the rosary she's wearing is the symbol of her being a catholic. hehhee
Yes im so happy😭😭😻😻♥️♥️
Naeun is so clumsy. And always beautiful
BoNa!!! 😍
cute cute ~~💓
naeun still wearing the silver rosary? 😍
Kisses Gallo Taeun feels 💕
Kisses Gallo omg rlly
Kisses Gallo what is the rosary about!??! still learning about apink
Really? I'm so happy if it's real
because shinee taemin gave a the rosary present to naeun in wgm,they also are Catholic. the rosary is Catholic's accessories. Some ppl said naeun 's rosary is not the same one as wgm.
so cute.
Apink hwaiting. Sarangnae❤
ㅋㅋㅋ역시 오른손나은ㅋㅋ 탁구 못해ㅠㅠㅋㅋ
.... 왜 갑자기 이게 뜨는데.. 눈에서 눈물나
굿굿굿 ㅎ 드뎌 올라왔네
Bomi lol😂
우리 나은 언니 사랑해요 ♡
انا لم افهم ما قالته ناؤن بالتحديد و لكنني سعيدة بالنظر إليها و هي تتحدث ❤
Thank you so much for subbing!!!
Is naeun really wearing silver rosary bracelet? If yes then I really happy😍😍
I'm laughing even though I don't understand 😂😂😂 Bomi 💞
bomi so cute 😍😍😍
썸네일 존예..
나은누나 진짜 애교하는거 싫어하나 보다 ㅋㅋㅋ
Naeun y su mala suerte 😅
벌칙이 신의 한 수네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
watching bomi and naeun play tennis like dumb and dumber 😂❤
lmao naeun be like how to table tennis
아잇 나은이 넘 귀여워>
어멋! 심쿵💘
♥Cute Bbom VS Pretty Nangie ♥
역시 오른손나은ㅋㅋ%%♡♡♡♡
jajajajaja yo creí que ganaría Naeun xB
4:28 낭니ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 매니저 일러바치는거 너무 귀여워 ♥♥
poor naeun, did she forget that bomi appear on coolkiz playing table tennis? lol
as a always we don't understand Anny things and we finished the video😒😒whaaaay they don't know thing names subtitle
Iman Maria uhm what
왤케 이뻐용ㅠㅠㅠ
cute 0-0
bomi play table tennis better than me
English sub please...😁😁😁
Taemin is such a lucky husband.How to move on?😅
DO your best Kyungsoo hahahah😍😍😍😍😍😂
DO your best Kyungsoo IKR HAHAHA both r lucky thoo😍 perf couple!!!
퍄퍄퍄 꿀잼 영상이네
apink unnie party
Apink keep fighting
오른손낭니~ ^^
더 말 많이 한것같애ㅋㅋㅋ
역시 허당 나은 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 뽐아 좀 봐주지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
wow, that's kangta, lol....
Hahaha she's got skilzz
kangta radio show?
나은이 옷정보아는분!
Bomi 💕
can you please add english subtitle for us to understand it...
Whats the name of the show
is there any full of the radioshow???
By the way guys forget the table tennis and can we have the girls mud wrestling next time
english sub plsssss ^^
NaeunAahh do you wanna puffed rice cakes?😁
I Love To See Them Laugh 2:20 BOMI LOL 2:36 I Want Eng Sub Please
2eun is not tragic hahaha.
hahaha.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
도전 태권도 겨루기
eng subs pls!
you can just click add subs and provide captions on this video :)
나의벌칙 보미랑
아직도 태민분 언급하시는 분들 많ㄴ네,,
하도 말을 안하니, 따로 불러 말시키기...^^