i cant travel anymore but i miss Malta so much if anyone in malta reads this message please burn a candle for me in the rendentur in senglea tyhank you God bless you all
i miss malta a lot and i am not maltees iam from belgium i never forget the years i spent my holydays over there that was the time i was very happy i miss the redentur my favourute church in malta and all the nice and lovely people may God bless malta and all people .istop now because iam crying xxxxxxxxxxxx
grazzi Joe Muscat, il Mellieha l-isbah rahal ta Malta qabel ma fottewa il kuntratturi , Jiena ghext 5 snin il mellieha u mart l-iskola hemm 60 sena ilu imma ghadni niftakar il laqmijiet tas surmastri kollha. Viva Malta
Jien ma twelidx hawn, pero nhossni patrijotta meta nisma' dawn id-diski Maltin. Vera nixtieq li nibzghu ghall-pajjizna meta tqis kemm ghandna natura sabiha!
Hi Joe, I need the chords from this song. I fugured out some of them - but there some chords missing. Only the first vers and the chorus. Thanks in advance, Rainer (Hamburg)
i cant travel anymore but i miss Malta so much if anyone in malta reads this message please burn a candle for me in the rendentur in senglea tyhank you God bless you all
Kanzunetti sabiħa qatt ma jmorru mill-moda dejjem sbieħ
anke wara elf sena
Beautiful songs never go out of fashion always beautiful
even after a thousand years
i miss malta a lot and i am not maltees iam from belgium i never forget the years i spent my holydays over there that was the time i was very happy i miss the redentur my favourute church in malta and all the nice and lovely people may God bless malta and all people .istop now because iam crying xxxxxxxxxxxx
this reminds me on my first love in MALTA. and that was 32 years ago .xxxxxx marleen
One of the good songs coming from Malta.
Sammy Bartolo one of the best Maltese singer.
grazzi Joe Muscat, il Mellieha l-isbah rahal ta Malta qabel ma fottewa il kuntratturi , Jiena ghext 5 snin il mellieha u mart l-iskola hemm 60 sena ilu imma ghadni niftakar il laqmijiet tas surmastri kollha. Viva Malta
love this song.
This is like the Mellieha National Anthem....Thank you Ninu Pajzanu u Sammy. This should be the welcome song for Mellieha.
ty for the good memories vincent and joe
still love the song it brings back good memories marleen belgium
I love /live in Mellieha !
U xi tghidli Ghajnejn Sbieh ta Sammy - vuci helwa - tlifna bniedem bl'lehen veru sabih
kburi li jien malti ,kburi li jien rabti ,u kburi bil maltin li ghamlu gieh lil art tewlidhom VIVA MALTA , VIVA L MALTIN
bugaxtreme my
malta its very nice
like the pics
nice song
Jien ma twelidx hawn, pero nhossni patrijotta meta nisma' dawn id-diski Maltin. Vera nixtieq li nibzghu ghall-pajjizna meta tqis kemm ghandna natura sabiha!
i would like to see lyrics of "Bajja tal-Mellieha".
proset ghal kantanti maltinbid-diski taghhom bil-malti thanks
Nice nice :)
@KranichVera ija mela hahaha
tassew malta sabieha u anka l-ghadira kif ukoll il-mellieha.Diska mill-isbah vera togobni stampi sbieh ukoll.
gbwserty TV TV f V X x x dx c m cm am at
int titaqab xi naqra jew?
Mellieha is nice no doubt the bay and the village, however I think Paradise Bay and Blue Lagoon are more beautiful.............
actually it was 34 years ago
also thanks to pauline and rita we had nice vacation
marleen gahl er
I like that song.But I have problems to figure out the chords for my guitar.
Can you send the the chords - or you know some one who can?
fejnhom il group flame ,mil mellieha,
kellhom gejja il mummy?
@Dylanb1231 Bis-serjeta??
Hi Joe,
I need the chords from this song. I fugured out some of them - but there some chords missing. Only the first vers and the chorus.
Thanks in advance,
Rainer (Hamburg)