The initial song (Hail Holly Queen) with the quartet was a bit rough, but when the entire orchestra of ANA Team Haneda came on, their teamwork, dedication and coordination really showed. Each song was well done and got better as the concert progressed. You can tell they practiced a lot with each other and worked hard on bringing quality music to the audience even though this is their hobby. Their main job is working in ANA. They really played the theme song "Another Sky" really well compared to their earlier concerts. Excellent performance!!! Keep up the good work.
ANAファンでありながら、ANA Team HANEDA Orchestraのファンでもあります、高知県土佐市出身のせんちゃんです!ライブ時は故郷高知へ仕事と私用、大使の委嘱式で帰郷していたので聴けなくて残念でしたが、毎回ここへupしてくれる素敵な方がいらっしゃるので、とても嬉しいです。今回も素敵な演奏をありがとうございます('◇')ゞ いつ観ても、聴いても感動。Another Sky サイコー!! また、12月29日の高知龍馬空港ー羽田空港間のANA568便でお世話になったキレイなCAさんにも感謝感謝(*´▽`*)
「Another Sky」 Vn.2nd part 素敵ですね。
Another sky theme song is so memorising. And thanks for the up load is very relaxing I watch.
The initial song (Hail Holly Queen) with the quartet was a bit rough, but when the entire orchestra of ANA Team Haneda came on, their teamwork, dedication and coordination really showed. Each song was well done and got better as the concert progressed. You can tell they practiced a lot with each other and worked hard on bringing quality music to the audience even though this is their hobby. Their main job is working in ANA. They really played the theme song "Another Sky" really well compared to their earlier concerts. Excellent performance!!! Keep up the good work.
“トナカイの被り物” 👍💖☺️ 鹿🦌も『制服が機長👨✈️サン』😲 ♬🎤 “好きよ💖好きよ キャップテ〜ン” ヤバっ, 歳がバレるな.
う〜, たぶん≒調布🛩飛行場空だと“①時間位🕐”で着いちゃうんでしょう寝 😪💤, もしも🏊♂️泳いで行ったら 👉🈯️ “海泳ぎにも関わらず『間違いなく三途の河を渡るハメ』に … …”
How to say fabulous in Nihon go?