Hear and become aware, O ignorant ones, of the Lord of Truth (Almighty and Glorious is He) and His saints [awliyå›]. O you who disparage the Lord of Truth (Almighty and Glorious is He) and His saints! The truth is the Lord of Truth (Almighty and Glorious is He), and falsehood is you, O creatures. The truth [al-¥aqq] resides in the hearts [qul«b], the innermost beings [asrår] and the spiritual contents [ma‹ånº], while falsehood [al-bå£il] resides in the lower selves [nuf«s], the passions [ahwiya], the natural impulses [£ibå‹], the habitual modes of behavior [‹ådåt], the ways of the world and all that is apart from the Lord of Truth (Almighty and Glorious is He). This heart cannot prosper until it is connected to the close presence of the Lord of Truth (Almighty and Glorious is He), the Everlasting from All Eternity [al-Qadºm al-Azalº], the Enduring for All Eternity [ad-Då›im al-Abadº]. Do not try to compete, O hypocrite, for you have nothing better than this.
G'ijduvonimizga xush kelibsiz! Assalomu alaykum va rahmatullohi va barakatuh!
Assalomu alaykum siz gʻidivondanmisiz yordamiz kerak
Alloh rozi bõlsin mashalloh
Шунай мукаддас жойларга бориб зийорат килиш хамма катори бизга хам Оллох насиб килсин
Шундай олим зотни оркаларида намоз укиш мени фарзандларимга хам насиб килсин
Salom olloh rozi bõlsin
Ас-саламу 'алайкум ва роҳматуллоҳи ва барокатуҳу
хурматли ва химматли устозжон
рухсат бергайсиз, саволимиз ...
ушбу 15 даррадаги хикмат кандай?
Ассалом алайкум кори домла
Hear and become aware, O ignorant ones, of the Lord of Truth
(Almighty and Glorious is He) and His saints [awliyå›]. O you who
disparage the Lord of Truth (Almighty and Glorious is He) and His
saints! The truth is the Lord of Truth (Almighty and Glorious is He),
and falsehood is you, O creatures. The truth [al-¥aqq] resides in the
hearts [qul«b], the innermost beings [asrår] and the spiritual contents
[ma‹ånº], while falsehood [al-bå£il] resides in the lower selves [nuf«s], the
passions [ahwiya], the natural impulses [£ibå‹], the habitual modes of
behavior [‹ådåt], the ways of the world and all that is apart from the Lord
of Truth (Almighty and Glorious is He).
This heart cannot prosper until it is connected to the close presence
of the Lord of Truth (Almighty and Glorious is He), the Everlasting
from All Eternity [al-Qadºm al-Azalº], the Enduring for All Eternity
[ad-Då›im al-Abadº]. Do not try to compete, O hypocrite, for you have
nothing better than this.