Oof. She sounds like a liberal. Don’t believe what they tell you. We aren’t crap at all. The majority of us are honest , hard working and decent people.
Yup, extremely disappointed.He would probably feel partly responsible for all the drug use and the fentanyl epidemic because he would probably think he helped glamorize it unintentionally.Not.many other actors are so humble.
He was like a young buddha. He was always so good, he made stand by me. That scene by the tree when he was on lookout with the pistol is legendary, and he was a kid. He was on point about homelessness and police state back then. Dead on the money. What an inspiration he was.
I've loved him since I was 9, and joined TH-cam initially because of him when I was 16. Over the past 17 years I've watched a lot of videos (& read several books) on him. This is by far the best video, bio, or the like I've ever seen on him that wasn't a strait interview. It told his story, in his words 💗 Thank you to whomever put this together 🙏
Yes, me too. Such a high frequency soul, and so his voice was set in high frequency too. It is actually soothing. The frequency of his voice is soothing and healing. That happens with high frequency people. Really not many around. But River was one of them.
the important thing to know/remember is river was as good a person as he could be with all he went through , n it's very sweet we had him as long as we did n his death was never quite as we were told , but he'd still ask us to move forward in peace and love
Thank you for this lovely tribute. River was such an inspiration in my life and I will forever be grateful. I wish he lived on to do great things. ❤️❤️
He was the most beautiful and talented among his siblings and perhaps also the most fragile. 30 years later the pain of his loss deepens because thanks to the Internet I am learning to know him, not only as an actor but above all as a human being through the interviews done with him and with those who had the pleasure of knowing him. Besides, it was nice to hear his wonderful voice, unknown to me until recently, because, being an Italian girl I have always heard him dubbed in my language. River, I saw you for the first time in "Little Nikita" and since then you entered me and never came out. So many things I would like to say, so many reflections I could make but what remains inside is only a great void and the sense of an interrupted life that could have brought you joys and satisfactions and us with you, if only you had taken better care of yourself and if you had had people around you capable of helping you. River, despite your death you are eternal to me, even a thousand years or more can pass, because even if your life was short, your memory will always remain because you were a special person. May you rest in peace. 🌈 ❤
This is such an honest and beautiful message 💗. I am certain, it would touch River. He would feel the honest care. In my opinion, that is what he needed, a true honesty, true connection, true care. That was the key ingredient missing in his life. I think.
@francescaf.7942 A very honest expression of a beautiful soul. Thank you. p.s. i'm a straight man - i.e. i don't fancy River, lol, i just think he was a great person. We need so many more like him to save our home, Earth, from us.
@@Rickster691000 Thanks for commenting on my thoughts. Today we are environmentalists and animal rights activists for fashion but he was in a pure, unconditional and fully aware way. By the way, I saw that you write from Ireland, thanks to your comment I learned two expressions in English that I didn't know.😊 Greetings from Italy 🇮🇹
What a remarkable young man. Wow, I'm honestly in awe of his wisdom & how articulate he is at conveying his thoughts and beliefs, especially for such a young man! The world lost a treasure far too soon.
I remember how much River Phoenix meant to young people then & how shocked I was when they would play the phone call his little brother made on the night he died on all the news story. He was truly talented & one of a kind. He is missed by many.
He seemed so genuine. I love how he said his ideal time is to be "in someone's living room playing some improve games.' I find that so admirable he really is invested in becoming his character. He is not interested in the glamour of Hollywood. Why is it these simple, sweet, smart and talented souls die so young. 😢 I know Joaquin misses him and learned so much from him.
To be true to ones character personally & professionaly & also be able to share that boldy & honestly is the ingredients of a true a true star. RIP RIVER❤
If you’re an addict you’ve got to have good friends and family or it’s like driving 100+ mph without a seatbelt everywhere you go. I don’t think Narcan was common in the 90’s but it was around and paramedics definitely had it so idk why he had to go. If you or a loved one uses opioids have it, it’s available for free at pharmacies without prescription and it is truly magic in the way it reverses the worst of OD’s.
If I could turn back time, I would throw away the drug concoction that John Frusciante, the Red Hot Chili Peppers' guitarist, insisted RIver drink. This drink would kill River.
That was truly inspiring in River Phoenix was well be on his ears of maturity its too bad that we don't have him around today to make more common sense out of people and what we do with them on planet are resting peace Phoenix
Un ragazzo dall' animo profondamente empatico e sensibile ,che cercava con tutte le sue forze di non tradire la propria essenza, .... estremamente difficile in quel mondo basato sulle apparenze e sulla materialità .
I watch this video and I keep seeing Kurt Cobain instead of River. Then I remember that Kurt Cabain's time of death is the same. Five months after River, Kurt also left. If life's destinies had played out differently, River would have played Kurt perfectly. Rest in peace both of you!
My biggest crush as a child and favorite actor I related with him, also vegetarian humanitarian, environmentalist he was the only actor that was similar to me. It was such a great loss for everyone who he was loved by! Gone to soon to young. Ofc I wish he was still alive! ❤
La sua voce è così dolce e delicata e ogni parola che esprime è piena di sensibile autenticità ,mi sarebbe piaciuto conoscerlo ,sento umilmente che la sua anima è così affine alla mia...la sua amicizia sarebbe così preziosa.....forse in un altra dimensione .... è una dolce speranza di una ragazza che sogna forte.
Concordo con quanto hai scritto, inoltre hai descritto perfettamente le sensazioni che mi suscita la sua voce "dolce e delicata". È da poco che ho avuto l'opportunità di sentire la sua vera voce, soprattutto ascoltando interviste, e me ne sono innamorata, e tutto ciò mi rende ancora più triste 😞😢💔 Ho scoperto da poco la sua voce e non riesco a fare a meno di ascoltarlo. 😢
Siamo fatti di energia che trasmettiamo in modo positivo o negativo, e l'amore è la forza più potente dell' universo , una forza costruttrice che tutto può...sii grata dell' amore che senti nel cuore ... sicuramente River ti sentirà...in una dimensione migliore . Purtroppo le migliori lezioni di vita si attraversano attraverso le tempeste della vita., River le sue le ha sicuramente imparate ., credo che tutto abbia una ragione e il fatto che fosse una persona famosa non è un caso...essere conosciuto per essere di esempio attraverso i suoi pregi ed errori che la sua anima con purezza autentica esprimeva.
I hope he's among those who got about in safe keeping. We know you're out there. (Many of you) thank you all for your brave choices. What ever "Holly wood" was meant to be for us... We enjoy movies... May the best have been saved, ... (like the rumors) and may you brave ones help us turn the world around, someday.
What makes you think River is still alive? It's not an insult, it's just a curiosity. because I also read comments like this on MJ lady D etc and I would like to know your thoughts on it.. thanks if you answer me ❤️
@@mymelody222 well, it's more of a personal journey about discovery when you might have curiosities into some hidden actions throughout history. (Because this assumption is related to practices which go back into possible true history not made public and concealed). This remarkable discovery is often much to wrap your head around so it's not something to spring onto those who aren't ready to see many different perspectives of life outside a narrative, of what can actually be curated for the masses' experience. That being said, ...what if there were much more to what actually is, ... than what information we are given to see? It would be easier to be direct, however the information may be uncomfortable and undesirable to learn. There is a fantasy of mine and many, it seems - that many have been helped to be removed from their uncomfortable situations as perhaps a separation from strange imposed contracted practices that may have also been imposed onto many for reasons that don't share true kindness and love for humanity.. For those who have found an attraction to a different path of self knowledge, "spiritual", as many refer to, ...we can remain aware of unkind possibilities in this world and choose to see that the light we carry from within our hearts radiates a true universal and higher energetic frequency than that of any grouped illuminated narrative. Should you find yourself upon this path, Know that your light is important, your heart is the center of your essence and soul. If you continue to remain in your love for yourself, humanity (no matter the extremes of others choices), and nature, ~~you are actually creating and connecting to a frequency which shines more light and love frequency into any darkness. It appears humanity is going through a recalibration of programming to attune to a higher, loving, more humane practice of living and being. For those who are still shedding the heavier practices (which have been kept hidden) are experiencing a renewal to adjust for more light, true universal source light to embody, ... it is a struggle to their existence so we see discord for they do not want to see change. Being you, in your light, experiencing love of yourself and all that is important to you and your soul is actually enought to affect, sustain, and change the world. Kindness was always more important than we were taught. May kindness and love always be your accessible strength. 💖🙏
Did I ever tell you about the time that I met River Phoenix? It was in bills bar in Boston on Lansdowne Street. I noticed them sitting there with a couple of friends, and I couldn’t help but repeatedly look over excitedly and stare at them. I went to the bathroom and oddly enough he came in and was using the urinal right next to me. He said hey man in a way that was really reminiscent of one of his movie roles. When we got done, he started, asking me if I could find any peyote. I thought that was a really strange request. I’ve never even seen it. But I usually could get a hold of mushrooms and acid. So I told him I’d make a few calls and figure it out. I couldn’t find any obviously. And I went over to tell him that I wasn’t able to find it but I could get a hold of some mushrooms. He said that his friend said that he had to go with them, and that they were really hard to watch him. I didn’t really understand that, but he said that he had to go with them and couldn’t hang out with me. I didn’t think that he would. I didn’t realize what a strange request looking for peyote in a random bar in Boston meant. But a few months later, he was dead. I wasn’t a bit surprised. I guess when somebody asks you for peyote, you just kind of assumed that they’re on a quest for something. He was really looking for something beyond what we normally look for. He was tapped into something a lot greater. I’ll never forget meeting him that time. As hard as it was having a conversation in a random bathroom. It was about drugs. But it was about more than that. It was about searching for something that nobody had that you’ll probably never find anyway. But if you don’t look, you’ll never find it.
River Phoenix was a fantastic actor filled with charisma and brilliance. Gone way to soon!! Sounds like a real down to Earth 🌎 kind of guy with a huge heart ❤. Imagine what he could of been today if only he was here. I loved ❤ hearing this great attitude to have River Phoenix treat everyone the same ((like a human begin)).Forget about the fame for a moment. I think 🤔 💭 this is where Keanu gets his down to Earth 🌎 personity too.
Imagine a movie with River and Paul Walker both in it... Dunno why I associate the two. Good looking all American boys.. And they good guys. God bless them both. ❤💔❤
I personally believe that if River Phoenix was alive today he would have made an wonderful and outstanding President of the United States he was such a beautiful young man ❤️ Rest in Peace River Phoenix 🕊️❤️
And The Red Hot Chili Peppers' guitarist, John Frusciante, is the one who committed the crime. He's the one that insisted River drink a drug concoction, not telling him what he put in it. Yet we celebrate his music and 99% of the public don't hold him accountable.
❤ River Phoenix , I know that if things would have turned out differently, Phoenix and Reeves would have made excellent movies together. I miss River and He was taken way way way too soon … Rip River much love ….. You were too kind for this world ..
Wow.tbh,I never saw heard him speak. He’s lovely,very charming and quietly eloquent. River,I don’t know what made you turn to drugs …. But in the end,it doesn’t matter. I believe,of course what occurred that nite was an accident,a gruesome one. Some,even even suggested even murder? Who knows. His words were extremely well thought out and politics “even for those days…… Some Hollyweird people are always listening. Yes, RIP PIVER❤
This recording says it all , Johny depp and most actors at time couldn't be the prospect he was . It was a sacrifice ,,, that the surviving members would split up his integrity and emulate his style and think they all took his place . He was a great white shark in Hollywood , a threat to the greatness of 5 actors at least .
He is so organic and comfortable in his own skin. A beautiful soul, I agree he was too pure and good for this world. Living in a world where Trump was President and the climate crisis was beyond redemption would have destroyed him. The universe had bigger plans for this wonderful human. ❤RIP River Phoenix
His parents messed him up by being in that cult where he got touched as a child. Most ppl that use were. Also they all depended on him to be the bread winner. Sad.
As a decades-long fan of both, I will say that you're correct, he would have played it brilliantly. It would have been a perfect role for him, and he probably would have been very into it. But Sting would have never gone for it no matter who played him. He's been vehemently against a Hollywood biopic of himself from the get-go. That's why you haven't seen one yet, and won't until he's long gone.
Listening to this makes me wonder when/why he took such a turn to that Hollywood party scene, so much so, that he overdosed on drugs. This sounds like a completely different River 😢
River wasn't just an environmentalist. He was a vegan/ animal rights activist. You can't be an environmentalist and ignore veganism. It affects all of us when we consume animal flesh and secrestions. Watch Cowspiracy, Earthlings, Dominion. And read Diet For A New America by John Robbins.
So soft, so gentle, inspirational and sensitive person gone to soon
Man, River would be so disappointed in what we’ve become as a society. RIP.
Abso-freaking lutely. I miss him Soo much 🥺 He was so humble.
But not the doing drugs part. And supporting the illegal drug industry part.
How so. We were crap then and crap now
Oof. She sounds like a liberal. Don’t believe what they tell you. We aren’t crap at all. The majority of us are honest , hard working and decent people.
Yup, extremely disappointed.He would probably feel partly responsible for all the drug use and the fentanyl epidemic because he would probably think he helped glamorize it unintentionally.Not.many other actors are so humble.
He was like a young buddha. He was always so good, he made stand by me. That scene by the tree when he was on lookout with the pistol is legendary, and he was a kid. He was on point about homelessness and police state back then. Dead on the money. What an inspiration he was.
7:50 to about 8:30 💔🥺 we love him as a human 🙏🏻💕✝️
I've loved him since I was 9, and joined TH-cam initially because of him when I was 16. Over the past 17 years I've watched a lot of videos (& read several books) on him. This is by far the best video, bio, or the like I've ever seen on him that wasn't a strait interview. It told his story, in his words 💗 Thank you to whomever put this together 🙏
A True Legend.
RIP River Phoenix.
So gentle, such a beautiful soul ... So clear and soothing like River.
Couldn't agree more 💙💙
Some people are too good for this world.
guys are going to reopen the case about the death of river phoenix
Or they do drugs they should know better to not do.
@@user-Rt3h678gхорошо, что о нем не забывают❤
I love hearing him speak
Yes, me too. Such a high frequency soul, and so his voice was set in high frequency too. It is actually soothing. The frequency of his voice is soothing and healing. That happens with high frequency people. Really not many around. But River was one of them.
the important thing to know/remember is river was as good a person as he could be with all he went through , n it's very sweet we had him as long as we did n his death was never quite as we were told , but he'd still ask us to move forward in peace and love
What a sweet soul. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for watching! 🔥
Thank you for this lovely tribute. River was such an inspiration in my life and I will forever be grateful. I wish he lived on to do great things. ❤️❤️
More great things you mean.
He was the most beautiful and talented among his siblings and perhaps also the most fragile. 30 years later the pain of his loss deepens because thanks to the Internet I am learning to know him, not only as an actor but above all as a human being through the interviews done with him and with those who had the pleasure of knowing him.
Besides, it was nice to hear his wonderful voice, unknown to me until recently, because, being an Italian girl I have always heard him dubbed in my language.
River, I saw you for the first time in "Little Nikita" and since then you entered me and never came out.
So many things I would like to say, so many reflections I could make but what remains inside is only a great void and the sense of an interrupted life that could have brought you joys and satisfactions and us with you, if only you had taken better care of yourself and if you had had people around you capable of helping you.
River, despite your death you are eternal to me, even a thousand years or more can pass, because even if your life was short, your memory will always remain because you were a special person.
May you rest in peace. 🌈 ❤
This is such an honest and beautiful message 💗. I am certain, it would touch River. He would feel the honest care. In my opinion, that is what he needed, a true honesty, true connection, true care. That was the key ingredient missing in his life. I think.
Thanks 🖤😞
@francescaf.7942 A very honest expression of a beautiful soul. Thank you.
p.s. i'm a straight man - i.e. i don't fancy River, lol, i just think he was a great person. We need so many more like him to save our home, Earth, from us.
Thanks for commenting on my thoughts.
Today we are environmentalists and animal rights activists for fashion but he was in a pure, unconditional and fully aware way.
By the way, I saw that you write from Ireland, thanks to your comment I learned two expressions in English that I didn't know.😊
Greetings from Italy 🇮🇹
What a remarkable young man. Wow, I'm honestly in awe of his wisdom & how articulate he is at conveying his thoughts and beliefs, especially for such a young man!
The world lost a treasure far too soon.
I remember how much River Phoenix meant to young people then & how shocked I was when they would play the phone call his little brother made on the night he died on all the news story. He was truly talented & one of a kind. He is missed by many.
I miss this dude so much.
He was so talented.
Agreed 🔥
There are certain types of videos about River that I usually stay away from. This isn't one of them. Very well done.
Now that I'm an adult and have a 23 year old nephew I realize how young River was when he died because I see my nephew as a child. 💔
It's crazy isn't it. I was 12 going on 13 when he passed and had no idea how young 23 actually is
This.. I have no words. You really showed who our sweet Rio truly was. This genuinely made me cry. Beautiful.
I love River Phoenix so much he's my favorite actor and person. I hope he having a happy birthday up in heaven.
El era hermoso y gran actor en paz descanse.
Oh my 😢 ..sweet dear one he loves you too
He seemed so genuine. I love how he said his ideal time is to be "in someone's living room playing some improve games.' I find that so admirable he really is invested in becoming his character. He is not interested in the glamour of Hollywood. Why is it these simple, sweet, smart and talented souls die so young. 😢 I know Joaquin misses him and learned so much from him.
Thank you so much for this....such a beautiful piece...respectful
Wow such an incredible and inspiring soul. Thanks for making the biopic
His voice and message lives on
We ❤ you River ✨️
To be true to ones character personally & professionaly & also be able to share that boldy & honestly is the ingredients of a true a true star. RIP RIVER❤
Happy Birthday River ❤
he was sooo beautiful inside as well as outside...
If you’re an addict you’ve got to have good friends and family or it’s like driving 100+ mph without a seatbelt everywhere you go. I don’t think Narcan was common in the 90’s but it was around and paramedics definitely had it so idk why he had to go. If you or a loved one uses opioids have it, it’s available for free at pharmacies without prescription and it is truly magic in the way it reverses the worst of OD’s.
He was so mature, intelligent and well-spoken. What a shame and loss.
If I could turn back time I would get an ambulance full of equipment on standby in front of The Viper Room just for River.
I would do the same. I often think about going back in time and stopping his death 😢
@@jccrazy7249 I wish his death wasn’t real. What if he’s still alive, just hiding himself somewhere in this world.
On stand by?
If I could turn back time, I would throw away the drug concoction that John Frusciante, the Red Hot Chili Peppers' guitarist, insisted RIver drink. This drink would kill River.
That was truly inspiring in River Phoenix was well be on his ears of maturity its too bad that we don't have him around today to make more common sense out of people and what we do with them on planet are resting peace Phoenix
Un ragazzo dall' animo profondamente empatico e sensibile ,che cercava con tutte le sue forze di non tradire la propria essenza, .... estremamente difficile in quel mondo basato sulle apparenze e sulla materialità .
He’s so ridiculously beautiful.
..."YOU can't do what you want, and you don't have to give in to the forces." -River Phoenix
I watch this video and I keep seeing Kurt Cobain instead of River. Then I remember that Kurt Cabain's time of death is the same. Five months after River, Kurt also left. If life's destinies had played out differently, River would have played Kurt perfectly. Rest in peace both of you!
Thank you for sharing , I ' d like video River rest in peace 🙏❤️♾️💫
I worked with him on a movie called, "The Thing Called Love" with Sandra Bulloch. He would come to the set in completely different moods at times.
Care to share more? I am intrugued. 🩵
Mee too. Please tell us more about him.
You is cast?
No you didn’t
My biggest crush as a child and favorite actor I related with him, also vegetarian humanitarian, environmentalist he was the only actor that was similar to me. It was such a great loss for everyone who he was loved by! Gone to soon to young. Ofc I wish he was still alive! ❤
I'm crying watching this video. I miss him so much 😭💔🙏
River reminds me of all the friends and family members that I lost because of drugs. So sad.
Even to listen to this feels like it's personal touching people. Real Big hearted people born once. Rest in Peace, River.
La sua voce è così dolce e delicata e ogni parola che esprime è piena di sensibile autenticità ,mi sarebbe piaciuto conoscerlo ,sento umilmente che la sua anima è così affine alla mia...la sua amicizia sarebbe così preziosa.....forse in un altra dimensione .... è una dolce speranza di una ragazza che sogna forte.
Concordo con quanto hai scritto, inoltre hai descritto perfettamente le sensazioni che mi suscita la sua voce "dolce e delicata". È da poco che ho avuto l'opportunità di sentire la sua vera voce, soprattutto ascoltando interviste, e me ne sono innamorata, e tutto ciò mi rende ancora più triste 😞😢💔 Ho scoperto da poco la sua voce e non riesco a fare a meno di ascoltarlo. 😢
Siamo fatti di energia che trasmettiamo in modo positivo o negativo, e l'amore è la forza più potente dell' universo , una forza costruttrice che tutto può...sii grata dell' amore che senti nel cuore ... sicuramente River ti sentirà...in una dimensione migliore .
Purtroppo le migliori lezioni di vita si attraversano attraverso le tempeste della vita., River le sue le ha sicuramente imparate ., credo che tutto abbia una ragione e il fatto che fosse una persona famosa non è un caso...essere conosciuto per essere di esempio attraverso i suoi pregi ed errori che la sua anima con purezza autentica esprimeva.
We stand by you River Pheonix. 🌱🐾🌍
R.I.P. River Jude Phoenix.
Loved you River Phoenix
Thank you 🙏🏼
Any time!💙
In Germany we say: The Best died at first! And it's true. R. I. P. River Phoenix. You are the Best. 😢
I will always love you forever my honey river Phoenix❤❤❤ 💕💕💕😘😘😘
I hope he's among those who got about in safe keeping. We know you're out there. (Many of you) thank you all for your brave choices. What ever "Holly wood" was meant to be for us...
We enjoy movies...
May the best have been saved, ...
(like the rumors) and may you brave ones help us turn the world around, someday.
Well said 💙
Many are still alive..
What makes you think River is still alive? It's not an insult, it's just a curiosity. because I also read comments like this on MJ lady D etc and I would like to know your thoughts on it.. thanks if you answer me ❤️
@@mymelody222 well, it's more of a personal journey about discovery when you might have curiosities into some hidden actions throughout history. (Because this assumption is related to practices which go back into possible true history not made public and concealed). This remarkable discovery is often much to wrap your head around so it's not something to spring onto those who aren't ready to see many different perspectives of life outside a narrative, of what can actually be curated for the masses' experience.
That being said, ...what if there were much more to what actually is, ... than what information we are given to see?
It would be easier to be direct, however the information may be uncomfortable and undesirable to learn.
There is a fantasy of mine and many, it seems - that many have been helped to
be removed from their uncomfortable situations as perhaps a separation from strange imposed contracted practices that may have also been imposed onto many for reasons that don't share true kindness and love for humanity..
For those who have found an attraction to a different path of self knowledge, "spiritual", as many refer to, ...we can remain aware of unkind possibilities in this world and choose to see that the light we carry from within our hearts radiates a true universal and higher energetic frequency than that of any grouped illuminated narrative.
Should you find yourself upon this path,
Know that your light is important, your heart is the center of your essence and soul.
If you continue to remain in your love for yourself, humanity (no matter the extremes of others choices), and nature, ~~you are actually creating and connecting to a frequency which shines more light and love frequency into any darkness.
It appears humanity is going through a recalibration of programming to attune to a higher, loving, more humane practice of living and being.
For those who are still shedding the heavier practices (which have been kept hidden) are experiencing a renewal to adjust for more light, true universal source light to embody, ... it is a struggle to their existence so we see discord for they do not want to see change.
Being you, in your light, experiencing love of yourself and all that is important to you and your soul is actually enought to affect, sustain, and change the world.
Kindness was always more important than we were taught.
May kindness and love always be your accessible strength.
Bellísimo y excelente documental!!
Gracias River siempre con nosotros ♥️😍🎬👏👏✊
Hermoso y gran actor, perfectohermosisimo guapisimo dep ,❤️🖤❤️🖤
Did I ever tell you about the time that I met River Phoenix? It was in bills bar in Boston on Lansdowne Street. I noticed them sitting there with a couple of friends, and I couldn’t help but repeatedly look over excitedly and stare at them. I went to the bathroom and oddly enough he came in and was using the urinal right next to me. He said hey man in a way that was really reminiscent of one of his movie roles. When we got done, he started, asking me if I could find any peyote. I thought that was a really strange request. I’ve never even seen it. But I usually could get a hold of mushrooms and acid. So I told him I’d make a few calls and figure it out. I couldn’t find any obviously. And I went over to tell him that I wasn’t able to find it but I could get a hold of some mushrooms. He said that his friend said that he had to go with them, and that they were really hard to watch him. I didn’t really understand that, but he said that he had to go with them and couldn’t hang out with me. I didn’t think that he would. I didn’t realize what a strange request looking for peyote in a random bar in Boston meant. But a few months later, he was dead. I wasn’t a bit surprised. I guess when somebody asks you for peyote, you just kind of assumed that they’re on a quest for something. He was really looking for something beyond what we normally look for. He was tapped into something a lot greater. I’ll never forget meeting him that time. As hard as it was having a conversation in a random bathroom. It was about drugs. But it was about more than that. It was about searching for something that nobody had that you’ll probably never find anyway. But if you don’t look, you’ll never find it.
Wow.. he definitley was doing much soul searching right before he left us. He knew his path. Thank you for sharing
❤😢❤😢❤😢❤😢everyone is always searching till they find it ❤❤❤❤❤😢😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
he was so beautiful man
Loved the video
River Phoenix was a fantastic actor filled with charisma and brilliance. Gone way to soon!! Sounds like a real down to Earth 🌎 kind of guy with a huge heart ❤. Imagine what he could of been today if only he was here. I loved ❤ hearing this great attitude to have River Phoenix treat everyone the same ((like a human begin)).Forget about the fame for a moment. I think 🤔 💭 this is where Keanu gets his down to Earth 🌎 personity too.
So Well articuladed......❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹🎆🎆🎆🎵🎼🎶🎹🎹🪘🥁🎤🩰🩰🩰🩰 A. RIVER Runs Through it.....
Special Soul Spirit.....🎵🎼🎶🫂🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Imagine a movie with River and Paul Walker both in it... Dunno why I associate the two.
Good looking all American boys.. And they good guys.
God bless them both. ❤💔❤
such an inspiring guy
I personally believe that if River Phoenix was alive today he would have made an wonderful and outstanding President of the United States he was such a beautiful young man ❤️ Rest in Peace River Phoenix 🕊️❤️
Se resembles so mut Charly Scheen and Mark Paul Harrys all at the same time. He was incredibly mature for his age. Very inspirational!
i love you river and so does reeves.
Even this has the symbolisms
Very motivational
Glad you think so! 💙
Ahh. My first real crush. I was just 13, but soooo upset when he died.
Thank you.
I have theory that River Phoenix was murdered.
No need for theory we know Depp made a lethal drink and John FRUSHIANTE handed the drink to him. Murder.
And The Red Hot Chili Peppers' guitarist, John Frusciante, is the one who committed the crime. He's the one that insisted River drink a drug concoction, not telling him what he put in it. Yet we celebrate his music and 99% of the public don't hold him accountable.
❤ River Phoenix , I know that if things would have turned out differently, Phoenix and Reeves would have made excellent movies together. I miss River and He was taken way way way too soon … Rip River much love ….. You were too kind for this world ..
RIP dear soul. Love eternal
Wow when he said they are out to hurt me!!!
He was talented but fame comes with a price and for him it was death 😢 rest in peace I will always remember stand by me thank you very much river 🙏 ❤
Wow.tbh,I never saw heard him speak. He’s lovely,very charming and quietly eloquent. River,I don’t know what made you turn to drugs ….
But in the end,it doesn’t matter.
I believe,of course what occurred that nite was an accident,a gruesome one.
Some,even even suggested even murder?
Who knows.
His words were extremely well thought out and politics “even for those days……
Some Hollyweird people are always listening.
This recording says it all , Johny depp and most actors at time couldn't be the prospect he was . It was a sacrifice ,,, that the surviving members would split up his integrity and emulate his style and think they all took his place . He was a great white shark in Hollywood , a threat to the greatness of 5 actors at least .
Such a shame. Great charisma in his vocie
He is so organic and comfortable in his own skin. A beautiful soul, I agree he was too pure and good for this world. Living in a world where Trump was President and the climate crisis was beyond redemption would have destroyed him. The universe had bigger plans for this wonderful human. ❤RIP River Phoenix
Everyone looks like everyone
Oh my gosh, he was trying to get away from Hollywood, and apparently they didn't like that?
"I would never, never do anything unless I believed in it." - River Phoenix
He was pretty mature for his age.
His parents messed him up by being in that cult where he got touched as a child. Most ppl that use were. Also they all depended on him to be the bread winner. Sad.
He fell right into it anyway, didn't he.
You can still watch River Phoenix, he is now Mark Dice on TH-cam.
I remember who celebrated when he died
guys are going to reopen the case about the death of river phoenix
Had he lived he would have been offered the lead role in Gordon Sumner's biography film.
And he would play the role brilliantly.
As a decades-long fan of both, I will say that you're correct, he would have played it brilliantly. It would have been a perfect role for him, and he probably would have been very into it. But Sting would have never gone for it no matter who played him. He's been vehemently against a Hollywood biopic of himself from the get-go. That's why you haven't seen one yet, and won't until he's long gone.
"Eternity ...It is the sea mingled with the sun" - Arthur Rimbaud
The James Dean of the 70's generation !
I can totally see the comparison.
Both physically and mentally. And both talented and died extremely young.
🌬🕊🦋he comes up every day for me
Since a chYld
Listening to this makes me wonder when/why he took such a turn to that Hollywood party scene, so much so, that he overdosed on drugs. This sounds like a completely different River 😢
River wasn't just an environmentalist. He was a vegan/ animal rights activist. You can't be an environmentalist and ignore veganism. It affects all of us when we consume animal flesh and secrestions. Watch Cowspiracy, Earthlings, Dominion. And read Diet For A New America by John Robbins.
I love meat
@@gradearapper2011yeah we were all conditioned to feel that way. I raised my kids on meat and cheese. I knew no better. I do now
Handsome just as much as Jonny Depp
Too much competition
@@grapevineepimenis9318 lol
gone to soon, we never even met nor coexist but I feel like we share some bond together
Sad to say but River wouldn't have lasted long in Hollywood. His authenticity and honesty would have had him pushed out.
James Dean, River Phoenix, Brandon Lee, Heath Ledger….
He says all that then he od'd ina club.
Don't explain your philosophy, embody it. -Epictetus
When did he say don't od in a club in this video?
@@d.sfilms7677Come on! You know exactly what they meant.
He took a drink from a friend he trusted. That’s how he OD’d.
Holy crapola this kid is based AG
I don`t think he uses drugs or arything I think so
silly boy, got too complacent ?