Adding policies to your Golang Apps with Open Policy Agent - Wojciech Barczyński

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ค. 2022
  • Speaker: Wojciech Barczyński, Spacelift
    Description: It might feel like chasing a rabbit to keep up with users’ requests for new configurations and policies. It is even more challenging if you build for power users. In the talk, I will show how to use the Open Policy Agent (OPA) for these scenarios, share our experience in Spacelift, and present how to integrate OPA into your Golang application.
    Bio: I am the VP of Engineering at Spacelift, a Golang developer, and a CloudNative practitioner. At Spacelift, we build a collaborative orchestration platform for Infrastructure-as-a-Code. All in Go with heavy use of AWS Lambas, various CloudNative projects, and the OpenPolicyAgent framework. Before, I led platform teams at Codility and the engineering at Hypatos (Fintech/ML SaaS). My first migration to Kubernetes and microservices, which I did as a system engineer and developer, was for a leading mobile fashion eCommerce in Indonesia at that time - Lyke, a Rocket-Internet venture. I am also the organizer of Golang Warsaw Meetup.

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