सिद्धमंत्र में एक से अधिक जप नहीं होता। विशेषकर स्वयं तारकब्रह्म के कथन को विकृत करना बहुत बड़ा पाप है, जानते हुए भी जो यह पाप करता है उसे इसका फल भोगना ही पड़ता है।
BA'BA'NA'M KEVALAM mantra becomes BA'BA'NA'MO KEVALAMO under the guidance and leadership of a group of trained and veteran WTs is totally unfortunate and disgraceful. The Ta'raka Brahma Ba'ba' Shrii Shrii A'nanda Mu'rtijii Himself says BA'BA'NA'M KEVALAM.
The idea of observing Mahaprayan Divas is anti-Anandamarga philosophy and it has no recommendation of the Marga Guru. The inclusion of such a program in the Carya'carya is unethical. The Guru has not given any authority to any individual or organization to make any alteration, deletion, or addition to the Carya'carya. Such an act is Gurudroha..
Baba nam kcbalam
Baba Nam Kevlam
Baba 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
सिद्धमंत्र में एक से अधिक जप नहीं होता। विशेषकर स्वयं तारकब्रह्म के कथन को विकृत करना बहुत बड़ा पाप है, जानते हुए भी जो यह पाप करता है उसे इसका फल भोगना ही पड़ता है।
जब लार्ड शिवा और कृष्ण का मरण दिन नहीं मनाया जाता फिर बाबा का क्यों?
The wrong pronunciation of the Siddhamantra angers and furiously angers the Guru. Ba'ba himself says that the mantra is BA'BA'NA'M KEVALAM.
সিদ্ধমন্ত্রের ভুল উচ্চারণ গুরুকে রাগান্বিত করে এবং ক্ষিপ্ত করে।
BA'BA'NA'M KEVALAM mantra becomes BA'BA'NA'MO KEVALAMO under the guidance and leadership of a group of trained and veteran WTs is totally unfortunate and disgraceful. The Ta'raka Brahma Ba'ba' Shrii Shrii A'nanda Mu'rtijii Himself says BA'BA'NA'M KEVALAM.
The idea of observing Mahaprayan Divas is anti-Anandamarga philosophy and it has no recommendation of the Marga Guru. The inclusion of such a program in the Carya'carya is unethical. The Guru has not given any authority to any individual or organization to make any alteration, deletion, or addition to the Carya'carya. Such an act is Gurudroha..