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- Marvel Wolverine Announcement. Wolverine Teaser, Kevin Feige Clip Explained. Hugh Jackman Ryan Reynolds Avengers Doomsday Teaser, Deadpool & Wolverine Return, Avengers Secret Wars Teaser, Marvel Phase 7 Movies & X-Men Teaser ► bit.ly/Awesome...
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Covering new Marvel Wolverine Announcement. Kevin Feige explains the future of Wolverine in the Marvel Universe. Hugh Jackman New Movies. Wolverine vs Hulk. New Hulk Movie Plans, World War Hulk, MCU Adamantium, Captain America Brave New World Connection. And long term Marvel Movie plans. Deadpool 4 and Ryan Reynolds future of Deadpool Movies and TV Shows at Marvel. Avengers 6 Secret Wars X-Men Plan Explained. Marvel Phase 7 Mutant Saga, New X-Men Movies.
X-23, Wolverine vs Hulk, Gambit Deleted Scenes, Blade Deleted Scenes, Sabretooth, Wolverine vs Sabretooth. Deadpool vs Disney Jokes, Kevin Feige Marvel Jokes and 4th Wall Breaks. Deadpool and Wolverine Post Credit Scene Jokes. Evil Iron Man Scene, The Punisher Cameo Scene, X-Men Scenes, More Deadpool Variants, More Wolverine Variants. Adamantium Explained. Ben Affleck Daredevil References, Elektra, Why Deadpool Saves Wolverine, The X-Men, Fantastic Four and Deadpool Saves The MCU. How Deadpool and Wolverine sets up Avengers 6 Secret Wars with Battleworld and Loki Season 2 Ending with God Loki Crossover Easter Eggs
Why Marvel is rebooting the MCU, all the marvel movies and disney plus marvel tv shows with Avengers 6 Secret Wars. And what's going to change with all the Avengers, New Iron Man, X-Men Mutants like Wolverine, Deadpool, Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, Spider-Man and other characters marvel previous had not been able to use the way they wanted in previous movies
Marvel MCU Reboot Plans Explained. What Happened to Marvel, Disney Plus Streaming problems, and Fixing Marvel. Lots more Marvel Trailers soon Avengers 5 Doomsday Trailer, Thunderbolts Trailer, Avengers 6 Secret Wars Trailer, Captain America Brave New World & Fantastic Four Trailer videos!
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Kevin Feige Avengers Doomsday Teaser via Marvel Studios, Omelete
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Here's my new Wolverine video and Marvel's future movie plans. Post all your reactions in the comments! Here's my new Black Panther video too! th-cam.com/video/Ik3ks0dtMu4/w-d-xo.html
what movie i wanna see wolverine in? wolverine vs. squirrel girl....
Hulk vs Wolverine
"Secret Wars" would be the best time to replace Jackman as Wolverine, or turn him into "Old Man Logan."
Wolverine is going to need an adamantium walker by the time Marvel is done with him.
Damn that's rough 😭
Yo mama gonna need a vibranium walker when im done giving her this wakandan BBC
Hugh Jackman will go down as the greatest and longest actor in Marvel universe
Yep Hugh will be the OG forever. Henry Cavill would be good if Marvel gets him.
Toby maguire says hellooo 😂
@@derekjanisch584 Has done like 3 movies. note the OP said longest actor... as in he put in the most screen time. 2nd would be RDJ. Toby only has 4.
@ That's not really proper English but sure... I don't care that much.
Hugh Jackman said it himself many years ago that the reason he came back was because he wanted to see the Avengers and X-men crossover in MOVIES , untill he doesn't see RDJ or Iron-man interact with wolverine don't expect him to retire.
Great point. Do you think a Wolverine interaction with Downey-Doom counts?
@@kiezersosay49 possibly then the true ending will be old man Logan
Imagine if one of the previous Hulk actors like Edward Norton came back to fight against Wolverine?
Hulk and Vanisher in the same movie? Fight Club 2?
@davidcornell4463 naw we definitely need a Fight Club 2 😂 thanks for putting that in my head, about to watch #1 right now
@@CertifiedUltraEgo One of my favorite movies ever.
1st rule of fight club don't talk about fight club
So why r u talking about it
My vote is for Eric Bana.
Alright Hugh Jackman sticking around as wolverine for 10 more years
It's because of money why. Because he is very known to everyone as wolverine. But someone else can play that character now. Marvel needs to get every red cent. So they will continue to bring everyone dead characters back
Till he's 90!
@@casspark-i9i of course it's about money. The entire MCU has ALWAYS been about money.
@@gordonlove5121That’s very naive, the entire movie industry has been about money for decades
i think Hugh jackman will play Wolverine as long as he want to play the role an it possibly what deadpool say in Deadpool & wolverinre were he play as wolverine intel he is 90
If Ryan Reynolds is talking about being in a Gambit movie, that makes me think they're trying to actually make the Gambit movie we never got.
God I hope so
Sounds like he made a name for himself here
@@IsaiahHolland-c6mlol. I see what you did there
Hope not
Just gave us Hulk vs. Wolverine
It sounds like that's in the cards now.
@emergencyawesome throw Ben Grimm in for the heck of it
Unfortunately hulk right now is a joke at least mcu mark ruffalo hulk.
@@emergencyawesome ...they should probably give us a proper Hulk then 😐
Wolverine has to be given to a new actor after secret wars. Hugh Jackman will always be the OG but let someone else take up the mantle
There will be another new Wolverine in addition to Hugh Jackman's new version.
I agree
F off. ... Well, there is our Lord and Savior Henry Cavill
After watching Deadpool and Wolverine I agree 100%
Well henry was there
Someone needs to give me Omega Red in the MCU.
He was in Deadpool 2. A cameo
Rumors of omega red in brave new world
@@blitz0156 because @syrupstand is a true fan
I always remember an Xmen cartoon where wolverine and capt America were fighting in ww2 together, must’ve been red skull they were fighting, got be worth a go, I remember enjoying that episode
I saw that too...
We need that
X-Men evolution
Fighting Omega Red of all villains.
9:04 russo brothers not directing the past movies recently now makes sense. They need to come back and bring back marvel up to par.
They're the same people that ruined Hulk, so no thanks.
Yea I’d rather them not do hulk dirty again and then wolverine
"If ain't broke don't fix it". Keep Hugh Jackman and cast another wolverine so they have 2 wolverines now and Hugh Jackman is giving them HUGE money and it is clear as the sky is blue. Hugh Jackman is Physically fit and still could do it and let him do it, let him decide and people should stop saying he should retire.
They’ve got his “daughter.” Why not use her?
@@pamworkman3806 Because you'd essentially rob the MCU of its own proper Logan and require another universes Laura Kinney, because shes technically not made till years after Logan. Its true she does take up the mantle in the comics but that's only cause Logan dies and he's already been around for years by that point.
12 X-Men movies in 25 years and still so many stories to tell! Crazy!
Imagine wolverine and deadpool r the only ones that remember the stuff that happened before the reboot
We just want Hulk vs wolverine in phase 7
Yes please
If we get that Wolverine VS Hulk. There has to be a new Wolverine who is a way better fighter than Hugh Jackman moves. There needs to be a Wolverine stunt double who is agile, an acrobat and knows martial arts. Hugh Jackman wouldn’t last 10 seconds against the Hulk fighting like he does 😂😂
But we would need a new Hulk
Haven't seen much Marvel movies and it feels like they killed him off
@@ericlee5934 You know funnily enough, its actually an Old Man Logan who gets the upper hand against the Hulk. Mutants grow stronger the older they get and even though Old Man Logan has a slower healing factor his experience just makes him fair more lethal.
@ not necessarily respectfully. I have all the issues of old Man Logan the original. From what I remember Hulk ate him and Logan regenerated inside his stomach and killed him from the inside like a xenomorph. Logan didn’t outfight the Hulk he actually lost. Some mutants do get stronger as they age and some do not. Any Wolverine that goes against the Hulk live action will have to have some ninja moves to keep from getting hit. One good hit from the hulk and Logan would be hurt and possibly knocked out.
Definitely would like to see Magneto take out Wolverine’s adamantium at some point!
13 X-Men movies in 25 years even though 3 of them were misses and still so many stories to tell!
Thanks so much! I ❤ your channel! I ❤ the X-MEN so much!
I was never into comic books in general but I grew up in the 90's and have been obsessed with the X- Men ever since the original X-Men '97 cartoon!
Ryan needs to do a Deadpool & Spider-Man movie with Andrew Garfield 💔😭
I think it may happen
doesn’t matter who actor plays but a deadpool and spider-man will definitely happen specially a deadpool alone and spiderman alone do well so expect high
Why him? Why not Tom Holland? He is the next one yet!
@@michaeldoneghy i personally chose Andrew because he’s a more experienced Spider-Man, his Spider-Man personality would go perfect with Ryan’s Deadpool, plus Ryan Reynold & Andrew Garfield actually really good top tier chemistry with each other in the real world so i think it’ll hit harder, that’s just me though
0:16 Kevin Feige cryptic clue: "Beyond" = The Beyonder
Reaching harder than Michael Jordan at the end of Space Jam
@@benjamincleaves7474 We love to theorize in this community.
@earthling33 Thought the same thing 😁
I hope the X-men team in mcu will be the lineup of X-men 97
You're probably right
I hope Cyclops takes centre stage in the X-Men films. Beau's X-Men 97 really helped familiarise audiences with how cool he is
Yea, the x-men films from Fox, really didn’t do Cyclops justice.
honestly, this is my fear. i don't have anything against cyclops, per se, but i think the upshot of marvel not having access to all of it's comic characters is that they've had to develop onest that wouldn't have ever stood a chance of being made otherwise. we would nave never gotten moon knight, any of the defenders, and so on if they could have just done a small number of popular mutants. don't believe me? the DECU proves my point. in more than a decade they barely went beyond their holy trinity. how many batman movies do we have? why develop an obscure hero when you can go with the sure fire hit?
Only problem was no one actually watched xmen 97
Cyclops is get his own solo film in mcu mutant saga
Couldn't agree more. Cyclops should be to The Mutant Saga what Iron Man or Cap were to the Infinity Saga.
I just realized that Deadpool is actually more like an Avenger than an X-Men because he isn’t a mutant or wasn’t born with his powers!
Till his 90 baby!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
I can't really see them keeping Hugh Jackman's Wolverine around "for the really big movies" while simultaneously consigning a newer Wolverine to smaller stuff. Seems like they'd be sabotaging the new guy right from the start if they did that, and they probably hope to see the recast roles take off with the newer actors the way the OG stuff did. I suspect it'll be a lot more nuanced and carefully thought out.
I would love to see hulk vs wolverine,or avengers vs x men!
I need Chloe Bennet's Daisy Johnson aka Quake to come back from Tahiti and show up in secret wars
That would be cool
The calverine needs to happen !!!
Henry Cavill will likely be back in the marvel movies, but probably as a different character.
@@emergencyawesome cavil as collosus would be awesome ngl. he's got the frame for it, the acting chops, and he'd still be closely tied to the x-men and wolverine.
@@emergencyawesome Henry Cavill is set to play Wolverine in the upcoming movie The Wolverine. that's Google's Answer
@@Eternaldarkness3166 He looks more like a Nova to me
@Eternaldarkness3166 Who is Google and how is the answer trustworthy?
Fun fact, old man Logan and a present Wolverine met together in the comics for a good amount of time 🤔
Holy fuck can’t wait to see that. If it happens
"Secret Wars" would be the best time to replace Jackman as Wolverine, or turn him into "Old Man Logan."
They really should have Cavil play Wolverine. The Calverine was awesome.
I would love to see all the original X-Men actors from the first trilogy versus the Avengers!
I would love to see wolverine be part of a new X force team
That would be cool!
“They’re going to make him do this til he’s 90” seems more real than ever 😂
We absolutely need a new Wolvie after Secret Wars. Hugh Jackman has been a gift, but every dog has his day.
I really want a lot more X-Men movies with Sentinels, Apocalypse, Mr Sinister and Dark Phoenix as villains and Wolverine, Gambit, Cable Bishop and Kelsey Grammars Beast!
Blade fans in shambles again
All 6 of them 😂
Sounds like somebody has been ice skating uphill.
I feel like Blade fans probably got a decent happy small bite with the OG returning instead of not having anything at all yet
pretty sure they have given up at this point lol
We finally got Cable in Deadpool 2 but we still need Bishop who was only in Days of Future Past for a few seconds!
Its going to be weird with Hugh Jackman Wolverine meeting a younger versions of the X-men in the soft reboot
Well he was often the oldest person in the mansion 😊
The next movie should be “Wolverine & Deadpool” with a running gag that DP gets bottom billing in his own movie. Jackman and Reynolds can pull that off.
I really want to see Wolverine with Gambit and Banshee.
X-Men movies have had plenty of Magneto as cool of a mutant villain as he is but only one with Apocalypse or Sentinels or a decent Juggernaut and none with Mr Sinister!
Sooo pumped!!
There are some characters and stories that I think are undeniably the best or most interesting in the X-Men universe but especially the main X-Men of Professor X, Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix, Beast, Storm, Gambit, Rogue, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Angel, Cable, Bishop, vs Magneto, Sabretooth, Mystique, Juggernaut, Apocalypse, Mr Sinister, Pyro, and of course Sentinels that are timeless and could be told in so many different and compelling ways!
Since the Phoenix Saga is always a Pain for Live Action. They could set up one or two of the AvX movies as PART of the Phoenix Saga for X-Men.
Because I know I sound like a Broken record, but the Phoenix Saga Needs to be a 2 or 3 movie lead-in, 2 or 3 movie lead-out.
The last thing we need is another live action version of Phoenix Saga. Please, give us some story arcs that haven't been done in live action yet.
Reynolds wasn’t joking when he said “Until you are 80”
“It’s 90 bub “🗣️!! lol 😆
Wolverine vs Predator the comic was amazing and id love that to be a movie
There should be at least a Saga of Trilogy of movies based around The Sentinel Program! Sentinels are one of the biggest storylines in all of the X-Men but they’ve only been in one movie and I feel like they could have been made much better or more ominous or threatening or dangerous. The story of the Sentinel program from DoFP didn’t feel nearly big enough!
X-Men and Wolverine!
He could be old man Logan
I would love to see a lot more battles between Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix or possibly the 2 most powerful of any of the X-men or any mutants period!
I want to see wolverine in an upcoming Hulk movie where they briefly fight
Spider-Man vs Wolverine would be cool too
It sucks that we won’t ever get a real wolverine in the MCU only a cameo wolverine…
I’d love to see Hugh come back in the Gambit film 😂
The first X-Men movie 25 years ago really opened up a whole new era of superhero movies since the Batman and Superman movies of the 80’s!
Sentinels, Sentinels, Sentinels!!! We need a lot more big giant robots trying to kill or collect mutants and fighting with the X-Men!
I would never call myself a Trekkie or a Super Fan of Star Trek or Star Wars or most anything in Marvel or DC but I definitely am a Super Fan of the X-MEN!
Hell yeah till he 90
Hulk vs Wolverine is easy money and perfect toss up to Avengers vs X-Men. 💪🏼. Give me 3 hours. First 90 minutes is Wolverine vs Hulk, then 2nd 90 minutes is Avengers vs X-Men and boom. Everyone is happy. 😁
I want Norton’s version of the Hulk.
Hell yeah preach brother preach!
Same bro! Same!
100%!!!! That hulk looked so awesome!
Ohhh HELL NO !!
Ed Norton is a narcissistic control freak. There's good reasons NOBODY will work with him !!
@@edwardfletcher7790 100% agree
It’s really no wonder that the X-Men was one of the first big blockbuster superhero movies or franchises of the last 20 years because the stories are so original and the powers are so cool to watch fight each other on the big screen!
I wanna see him come back for Marvel versus DC movie
If they make big blockbuster Transformer movies where cars turn into giant walking talking alien robots why is it so hard to make X-Men movies with Sentinels or big giant robots fighting X-Men?!?
Logan the wolverine with his fearless and dangerous adamantium claws
No, he’s talking about Logan, my neighbor. With his stainless steel BBQ grill.
I want to see wolverine vs apocalypse
Until he’s 90!!!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳
Why not just follow the comics and have X-23 become the next Wolverine? Everyone already loves her and Dafne Keen is turning out to be a very good actress plus she could easily play her for the next 10-15 years.
Or for the next 30 years.
What sources are you pulling that from lol
Dafne keen just screams on camera, the only bits of extended dialogue she had was alone with wolverine and it shows she has less acting ability than Millie Bobby brown 😂
There could be so many crazy action scenes with Sentinels! I don’t fell the like the X-Men movies even scratched the surface of making Sentinel fighting X-Men scenes nearly as massive as they should be!
I really liked X-Men Apocalypse but would love to see a lot more stories with him as the main villain and we finally got to see Jean Grey actually turn into the Dark Phoenix but it was only for a few seconds but then they never showed her as a bird of fire in her own movie! Twice they completely ruined the Dark Phoenix storyline and never showed the coolest most destructive super powers in all of the X-Men!
Can you do a video explaining the ending and the post credit scene of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie?
Theyre introduce Rose and Silver. Youre welcome
I could watch so many different versions of X-Men movies if they are made well as much as any different versions of the Avengers or Spider-Man or Batman or Superman movies!
X-Men Vs. Avengers
Bryan Singer even with all of his scandals really helped create the world of the X-Men and re-created Superman! I will always love X-Men 1 & 2 and Superman Returns!
I'm a simple man. I see Wolverine, I click
Yes... let's get OML as a full film .... that was my favorite comic book run in quite a long time 🎉
I'm so glad Hugh came back and plans to stick around. Can't wait to see a new young actor take up the role though too. Aaron Egerton would be a cool attempt at a good wolverine. He's great in the kingsman movies. Also need to see more Cavilrine. Maybe put him up against Hulk. That would be pretty epic.
Thanks for the update i appreciate you keeping me up to date.
Secret wars is going to be sick!!!❤
We want to see wolverine come back and fight the hulk or Omega Red
If nothing else Bryan Singer helped give us some of the best castings of actors for mutants imaginable! Especially with Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and Patrick Stewart as Professor X for 25 years!
Wow, from pages of ah book to live screen, what ah time to be alive! LFG‼️ MCU
Hugh Jackman could do the Old man Logan story line in marvel!
If you count all 3 Deadpool movies as X-Men movies then there have been 12 X-Men movies and only 1 with Sentinels fighting X-Men! Which blows my mind because they are one of the biggest, best and coolest storylines and that they were really only in one movie at all is insane to me!
not sure what movie I want Wolvi in but I want to see him pop up in a Thing vs The Hulk scene, I guess...just make it so.
Would like to see him in the new black panther movie!! 😎. 💯
Excelsior!! 🎉🎉🎉
There are no superhero movies I would rather watch than any really good X-Men movies though I do really like many of the others I have always been a little obsessed with the X-Men!
Hulk Vs Wolverine is all we want....please give...Except for that Hulk vs Thanos rematch we never got..still waiting for that...
Huge Jackman will no doubt go in the History books! But after maybe, 2 more movies, he definitely should pass on the Torch! & Honestly, the man to take that mantel should be The Calverine!!👏👏👏👏👏👏
I’m not completely convinced that Hugh Jackman needs to stick around but I do like that they are at least considering doing more different stories with him and they want to give us more darker tales, plus I really like the possibility of a Gambit focused movie with Channing Tatum. That’s probably my favorite idea of a movie for Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman to be in besides Doomsday and Secret Wars. Otherwise though I just want a new Wolverine actor.
I'll be in my mid-20s by the time Hugh Jackman is done playing Wolverine.😂😂
I hope to be extremely old by the time Jackman is done playing Wolverine. 😉
I want Wolverine to be like a core character in the same way Nick Fury was. He can help start connecting all of the new phase with a face we’re comfortable with and he can still have his own movies during this.
Ryan Reynolds secretly plotting to Deadpool the heck out of future serious moments, in their own movies! 😂
I be mad when I’m late to the good news. I’m so excited and I just want to say thank you for your genuine accuracy!! You don’t give too much. You give great info and it’s certifiable. Love this channel man!
Hugh jackman and I were both born on October 12th lol. He was my first favorite hero, and the first hero I had ever really seen on screen. I saw X-men before I even watched blade
Avengers vs Xmen is what I am looking forward to see Hugh Jackman
He the best in the world at what he does
"Till your 90"
There will always be something so cool about Wolverine as a mutant or someone who basically has huge knives coming out of his fists!