Noor sherif i was thinking he loves his wife the actress boussy i dont think his like that so even mohamed ramadan that guy he loves womens i dont think his like that too but the rest maybe anyway. Who knows people become too much u dont know who is normal who's not allah help us and protect us too ameen. People dont change ur self to women if ur man and if u women dont change ur self to a man. Keep ur self as allah made u. And get marry normal women marry men so even men marry womens because we all going back to allah there is judgment day. THINK.
نور الشريف واضح أنه ليس مثلي بل هو حاربه الماسونيه
نور الشريف رجل محترم اتقو الله اتهموه بكده عشان كان ليه أراء سياسية
اللي يفضح ويشهر بالناس.. حتدور عليه الدواير..
ياشويه كدابين الراجل عشان معارض خلتوهم مثلين
اتقوا الله فى نور الشريف و اذكروا محاسن موتاكم أنهم افضوا إلى ما قدموا
شذوذ مش مثليه رجاءا .. يوم يسمى الحرام بغير اسمه
والاسم الصح هو عمل قوم لوط
نور الشريف كذب ،واضحة القصة .
الافتراء موجود الله يستر من اي احد يتهم الناس بالباطل
يعني مالقيتي موضوع ولا محتوى الا الكلام دا
لا حول ولاقوة الا بالله ...مافى موضع ثانى تحكى فيه
ال.لسمه تامر.حبيب.ده.شكله.
بسلكلتات نعملهم ايه 😂
قرف وخلاص بس اللي يقول احسن من اللي مايقول ويبلش بنات الناس معاه عشان مظهره الاجتماعي
ومن الشواذ كذلك اسر ياسين و أحمد مجدي
محمد شاهين
Noor sherif i was thinking he loves his wife the actress boussy i dont think his like that so even mohamed ramadan that guy he loves womens i dont think his like that too but the rest maybe anyway. Who knows people become too much u dont know who is normal who's not allah help us and protect us too ameen. People dont change ur self to women if ur man and if u women dont change ur self to a man. Keep ur self as allah made u. And get marry normal women marry men so even men marry womens because we all going back to allah there is judgment day. THINK.
الشذوذ منتشر في مصر ليه ؟ حت الستات شاذات
ياشيخة اتقي الله
ممثلين فجرة فسقة