I have been taking K2 every day in the form of MK2 tablets. They say it is good for cluster headaches. I take 1 tablet once a day. Is that enough to help my skin?
I take Omegas and K-2 every day. I'm 61, and still have good skin, so I'm all about proper nutrition, hydration, sleep, and exercise. Also avoiding alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc. It makes such a big difference in the quality of life. I retire next year with no health issues, and have never been on medications, so I can travel with my wife and enjoy life. :D
@@ramosa999 Sorry, all the foods you listed have other serious negative downsides. Cheese is constipating--very bad for health. All foods derived from animal sources are not the best food sources. Eggs are high in bad cholesterol. Eat the original diet God gave Adam and Eve in the Eden Garden and we will have the best health possible. GOD BLESS You ON THIS FIFTH WORKDAY OF THE WEEK, THURSDAY AS THE Sabbath draws near.
I have taken K2 for probably a decade or more. I'm about to turn 67. No wrinkles. Some people guess my age to be late 40's early 50s. I took it more to reduce Cardiovascular issues so that calcium would go to my bones and not my arteries. My Bone density is amazing as well. Now I find out that's my secret weapon in looking much younger! Thanks you!
I'm 70, also no wrinkles. And I'm still working. I've been fermenting and eating natto since my macrobiotic days. A tablespoon in a serving of spicy three bean salad is quite nice and has twice the RDA of K2. My blood pressure has also been consistently healthy.
Odd. I’ve been craving my mom’s kimchi and was thinking it was the key to getting healthy. I thought it was just my mom’s brainwashing as she always said it’s the secret to no Body odor, etc. lol.
My mom is already 90 but she is still active she just eat fish and vegetables nodried fish or bagoong she just drink milk, eat papaya banana every day when we go to the doctor to examine her the doctor said wowww your mom is perfect no sickness the only problem to her do not let her delayed her meals... God fearing and prayerful...Gods gift thats all
@@pavladulinkova2620 I also take vit D and K2. Have been taking ever since covid begun, worked every day in a shop and have never had so much as a sniffle. Great for your immunity. I buy natural products from British supplements.
I'm 74 and EVERYONE thinks I'm early/mid 50's, SERIOUSLY ( ALL THE TIME)...I don't take vitamins of ANY kind, my whole life. Still have naturally brown hair....I've always wondered why/how? I certainly do not eat the perfectly balanced diet either.☺️ Its the Grace of God...for sure❤
I'm 49 and look a lot younger than my age, as well. No one ever believes me when I tell them how old I am. I've never done anything special, either. I think it's just good genes, in my case.
I've been taking K2 for about a year now. I was taking it for bone health. Never knew it helped with skin aging, but am thrilled to hear that. I am 68 years old and just had a bone scan a week ago and it came back normal. So I think the K2 helps, I also take Boron for my bones.
@ Agnes Symon - Also take Vitamin D3 with K2 Mk7 to fight against plaque building up in your arteries, leading to heart attacks or stroke. For more info do a search on You Tube.
You are so lucky. I’m 63 and although I’m doing all I can naturally I have osteo. So wanted to be like you. I’ll start the k once I get clearance. Bravo! I got hit by a car kinda knocked me off my game but I’m determined to get back biking and lifting again. Smiling more lol. That helps the face. I noticed that my face with all the pain looks older! It’s true don’t frown you may get stuck that way. Trying to smile more taking some of the settlement from my accident and investing in my face. My underarms too if weight lifting doesn’t restore me back to a better place. Thanks for sharing. 💪🏻🙏🏻💜
Dear Dr Anil..I m 63...people commented I look 47 -50yrs old!..I attribute it to my faith in God..I speak life to myself- as I become older I grow younger! I pray n worship...n say Heavan us in my life n my body. I've indeed grew stronger physically..have a youthful voice n good energy. I take Vit D3....use good skin moisturizer ..excercise ...n I enjoy good meals. Thank you n God bless you
I'm 81 and eat "Natto ank2,D3,C all the important AMINOS. And Praise God am and night in the name of Jesus, just ask he says & you will receive.God Bless
My Mom is 88 years young and she has never smoked drank alcohol and gave up caffeine at the age of 60. She has great skin and health. She is active in her life and lives independently . Only drinks water, and lemon water with ginger. That’s it flawless skin. She and her sisters have great skin maybe two or three surface wrinkles that’s it
Great. Im 43 and i dont drink alcohol never smoke and not a fan of cofee.Ppl say im younger compared to my peers and I too feel so. No tummy ,hair is there 80-90%😅 and yes im super active goes for walking n running daily 45-1 hour. Most importantly ,I stoped sugar in all its forms . Thats the key as i had triglycerides and slightest form of fatty liver but all gone normal now bcoz of no sugar rule. Cheers
I take vitamins C, Zinc, D3 and K2. I also use a good face and neck moisturizer (and arms and legs get it too). I am 70 in September, a widow, and my relatives say I could pass for 40 or 45. I have been working on taking good care of myself in the last 5 years. I give a lot of credit for better skin to the vitamins. I also cut way back on sugared products. And, I eat very few desserts. I am most blessed. Thanks for the fantastic information. I love all of your videos. By the way, you look great!
It's a lot of factors not just diet or supplements. Examples: Less stress, having a loving and supportive family and friends, being a member of something bigger than you like your church, helping others, etc...
When I was 35 ( 5 years ago ) I was paralysed and couldn’t move - it happened out of nowhere - I was 55kg ( 121 lbs) and 5’5 and I was healthy and walked for hours everywhere, so it came out of nowhere. It took heaps of morphine and a few ambulance officers to move me as I was a dead weight and couldn’t move. They put me on prednisone ( a steroid ) to move me but every time I went off the prednisone - I couldn’t walk again. Five months later I couldn’t take it anymore, so I researched all night every night to fix myself and I started taking k2 in 2015 along with a healthy diet and never needed prednisone again- I have a vitamin k2 and vitamin D spray that I take daily - I have been all about k2 for last five years as it worked miracles on me- I do not abs will not take prednisone again. Thank you for this video - you are an amazing doctor.... happy Easter Friday !!!
What an amazing story of your healing! Thanks so much for sharing it. So glad you recovered. It's too bad the doctors couldn't help you and you had to find the answers by yourself.
@@rachelarmel7547 thank you Rachel. Six years ago I told the specialist “vitamin k2 and vitamin d is what they used in Japan” and the specialist told me, we live in Australia and not Japan so we follow our protocol and I just wanted to be nice and work with people and I said, yeah I understand. I still did my own thing, which is vitamin d and k2 and it helped me ever since...I don’t like causing waves ever and I really respect doctors but sometimes you have to try everything that works for you and vitamin k2 worked for me and hope it works for others also !!!
I have lived by the wisdom of my elders they told me when I was young back in the 1970s that if you avoid the beach suntans, drinking too much hard liquor, smoking and high stress jobs they will exponentialy age you, and I have done that at 60vI still appear as a 40 yr old.
That and drink water, stay away from sugar (the white granular stuff), light to moderate exercise daily-not strenuous-fun activity to get heart rate up a bit.
I’m not sure what you mean by beach suntans, but overexposure of anything is bad for you, that doesn’t mean you should steer completely clear of it. If you download the “D-minder” app it will calculate (based on your location & elevation etc.)which hours of the day you can receive the beneficial, and nutrient full, UV rays. Because once it’s below or beyond a certain point in the sky the light you are getting will be reflecting off the atmosphere, leaving you basking in the “bad” UV rays, similar to if you are receiving sun through a window. So again, I’m not sure exactly what you mean by beach suntans, but definitely only avoid overexposure, especially during those times of the day where you can not receive the beneficial rays 🌊🤙🏽
I believe it has a lot to do with it. I’ve never liked Sodas or sugary drinks - strive to not eat sugar or carbs in large or frequent quantities and don’t drink alcohol. I WILL NOT tan or stay in the sun my whole life if I can help it and use suntan lotion especially on my face no matter the season. I’ve taken alpha Lipoic acid too since my early 30s. I’m 49 and no one can hardly believe my age 🥰
@@katiesinger1289 There have been discoveries that due to the magnetic field of the earth weakening over all - solar radiation and cosmic radiation have gone up. The sun is literally affecting us more strongly than in the past 👍 Great catch
Congratulations! You may look a bit older, but you will live a lot longer! Your family and friends ( and you) won’t mind a couple more wrinkles to have you around longer❤️
Wow that’s a lot of hard work and dedication CONGRATULATIONS!! And btw your beautiful! I’m subscribing to your channel. God knows I could use a push to lose weight. I’ll try Keto. I’ll try anything. I’m miserable 24/7 because I’m up to 193lbs: ( I’ve lose 10 lbs and then I gain it back. I should weigh 155-165...That’s when I felt good, healthy, flexible, and beautiful. I feel so gross I don’t even let my poor husband of 28 yrs come near me anymore.
I am a 60 yo white American woman and I eat natto once a week. Most people know nothing about the benefits of eating healthy. I'm a nurse and see it everyday. I take care of pregnant women. It's a time when you should be your fittest. Most are obese, hypertensive and diabetic. It's an epidemic, worse than COVID! Also infertility is on the rise. Why? Because men and women are prematurely aging do to their lifestyles and poor food choices. I say eat like a monk. Eat your veggies and fruit. Do yoga. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and pot. But then this may put the doctors out of business. LOL. I'm now going to eat natto more often! Thanks for the info!
This is wonderful info from the front lines. I could not agree with you more. Metabolic syndrome as well. Every day at 2 pm I see the whipped cream 2000 calorie “ coffee” drinks people buy. Can you share with our group where you purchase natto?
I realize that when people say you don't look your age, well thank them but don't take it to heart. I'm 68 and when people tell me I look younger, I am reminded that my body can't do what it use to so I listen to my body first...
Ain't that the truth! Great reminder. The last time I pulled a physically 25yo move, ten years ago, at the age of fifty-six, while getting up from an easy chair, my left knee collapsed under me and I went down, landing on the side of my foot, and wound up with what's called a Jone's Fracture of the metatarsal bones. The mind hovers around the age of 25, leading us to subconsciously believe we are still physically twenty-five. 🤣 It's wise to get into the habit as we age, to remind ourselves that we are not twenty-five anymore, and to take life just a bit more cautiously. Although I must say, that at 65, just waking up in the morning serves as a reminder, these days. But, gardening keeps me active.
I would second Dr. Rajani. Friends, PLEASE keep up with your labs. For years now I was suffering from crushing fatigue, poor appetite, heavy weight loss, depression and cramping in my legs that were so horrific my grown sons would almost weep to watch me in such agony. (My ex also noticed and said something seemed very wrong with me.) Honestly, I thought I was dying. I saw my MD and he ran some labs. I had such profound Vitamin D deficiency that he was very alarmed. I couldn't take supplements. He said I needed a prescription form and ASAP. The cramps are dramatically diminishing, but some damage is done, such as several teeth that just broke. And the heavy weight loss resulted in diminished fat pads. Please keep up with your medicals, labs, appts, all of it. Best wishes, dear friends. *Remember, your health is your own personal project. Doctors typically do not do much preventative work on patients these days. Many providers are overwhelmed and Covid did a number, and well, we all get it.
Yes i am Asian and everyone i met were shocked to hear that i am almost 60. I am so lazy to take vitamins. I guess my youth just heritage from the race and eating habit from my family. I hate diet foods, but i eat lots of fruits, veggies, less meat, and drink water. Lots of water
I do eat Natto. Black soy natto. Black natto is very mild. That being said, you can put wasabi or hot sauce in the natto. Mix it up and put on warm rice.
I live in Japan so I have easy access to natto. You get used to the taste and smell. Recently (before seeing this video) I made a conservative effort to eat one pack everyday for lunch and now my skin is glowing. Bonus that it contains K2!! Going to keep on doing that!! Thanks Dr Rajani!
Natto is highly nutritious❤️ Our soil has been depleted of it's Nutrients. Yes I take K2 supplements, I also eat Kale grown in organic soil. Gut health is essential to the body and the largest organ we have, "our skin". K2 activates a protein that helps the mineral (calcium) bind to your bones, without K2 it leads to calcified plaque in the arteries. Great video, finally a Doctor who promotes healthy eating with skincare ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Merci pour le partage.
Thank you so much Dr. Rajani. I've been spending so much time with my elderly mother, five years of helping her with all the stress, I thought it was just stress causing me to look 10 years older, why my skin and muscles were so lax; I'd look in the mirror and just cry. Now that I'm getting her into a wonderful facility and letting the professionals take over, getting K2 into my diet will help me tremendously begin to feel like myself again. BLESS YOU!!! xo
Definitely, if you possibly can, go to eat all organic. Eating Gouda cheese has a lot of K2 in it and so do grass fed, organic meats and preferably not chicken and pork unless they are both pastured and fed as grain-free as possible with very minimal omega 6 and junk fats.
I’m 73 an have been taken for 50. I eat very healthy, never have smoked, hardly ever drink except for a little wine once in a while, plus good genetics!
Next Salvation: as what would one gain if they gained the entire whole yet lost their soul. SHLM & HaB (peace & love). Ask the Messiah to be your personal Savior. He is the Atoning Offering for mankind for the remission of sin ( 1 John 2:1-2). He said to him, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). If you believe the Messiah died on the cross, & Resurrected three days later (presenting Himself as First Fruits to the Father), please ask Him to be your Savior. He is the ONLY way to Everlasting Life.
@@olusinajoyce6379 We will have to give account for every idol word. So I press hard to speak exactly what the RYH HaQDSH (Spirit, the Righteous--which is the Spirit of the Creator) tells me to speak. I must die daily to my flesh. What you refer to as "normal" are the speech and sayings familiar to our society. I tell you, this society will not be my Judge, but the King of kings is coming to serve as Judge. Let my speech be clean and right before the Messiah. One time I saw my beloved brother who I had not seen for years. He said where is Gina? He said he would not talk with me if I continue to talk like the Scriptures--something like that. I had to sacrifice that relationship, not I , but allowing him to sever it, in order to keep following the King, my Master, the Messiah. I was different because one day I had asked the Creator to help me, to FILL IN, when I cannot defer to my earthly husband, at times when he was being fleshy/wrong. (I said this prayer, in the Name of the Messiah).The next morning I was FILLED with the RYH HaQDSH. For a seed to be profitable, it must die, then it is reproduced. So too, I must be dead to myself, in order to speak as the RYH HaQDSH would have me speak. My reward was great--years passed again and this time when I saw my beloved brother, I was rewarded greatly, as he was determined to play his guitar and have me sing Hebrew songs. We did this fellowship for hours. One person tried to get him to play a secular song, and though he tried, he stopped, and said no, then had me sing more. Another person (our family was gathered) sucked her lip in disgust. I have to die daily to myself, as Shaul spoke of. Be courageous, precious being. Hayah and His Son want to give us the life that is BEYOND MEASURE. We must be filled with His RYH HaQDSH.
When I supplemented with K2(25 mcg daily)and vit D3(75mcg daily) I got calcification of my hearing bones inside my ear leading to hearing loss. The first sign I had was having painful ears when loud bass was played. I halted the k2 and my hearing returned to normal in 3 months time. This was over a year ago when I bought into the supplementation hype. So there can be severe downsides to supplementing something in dosages not found in regular food, like hypercalcification where you don’t want it. Be careful.
Your experience isn't typical. A lot of people including me are taking 400mcg/day and much larger vit d3 doses. My guess is whatever K2 supplement you got was no good or not what it said. Certainly something to think about, but not the norm.
Thank you so much, for this wonderful information I'm going to start doing those things. I am 76 years old and I don't mind getting older. I want to age nicely and feel good. Thank you.
I will be taking K-2 now. I thought the issue with my face now may be due to bone loss but wasn't sure. I have always looked 10 years younger - genes. Younger men 10 and 11 years younger thought I was their age. Now I look my age and it seemed to have crept up on me over night. I thought it was due to stress and worry. G-d gave me youth as a blessing and I don't want to lose it. I will be ordering K-2.
All the women in my family look 20 years younger. I find that women with dark skin age beautifully. High melanin production makes skin supple and pretty much wrinkle free Especially if we eat well, our skin stays tight. I've been all over Africa and have been amazed how smooth and wrinkle free even in 80 yr old women. Melanin is a magic component for great skin.
My mom is 95 barely a wrinkle on her pale skin. She avoided the Sun, smoking, drinking but I think it's in the genes. I am holding up too and I am just as pale.
Dark skin is undoubtedly gorgeous. I just watched a documentary of the oldest WWII veteran; he was a 109 year old black man who literally looked like he was about 70...still driving, walking, cooking, going to church. What a force! And he was so handsome.
Eggs, Brie, and organic butter are constants in my diet. (KETO) since I cut out sugar more often than not I’ve noticed a big difference in the texture and evenness in my skin. Still working on that slipping elasticity!
Vitamin D3 only never synthetic vitamin D2 CHECK YOUR D LEVEL BECAUSE MOST ARE DEFICIENT!!! ❤️☘️😎🦋♓️🌹😎🌞 Vitamin D and K 2 work together!! I took both for 3 months and my D level went from 17 to 133 ❤️❤️❤️
@@Kathy-20J-73 Autophagy will tighten your skin. That's what happens when you do Intermittent Fasting and only eat within a 6 to 8 hour window daily. For example, a person might have coffee with a tsp of MCT oil for breakfast, then eat a meal at 12:00 pm and finish eating their late meal before 6:00 pm. I also take biotin daily. I also take collagen in my shakes; but my sister's plastic surgeon told her you don't need to take collagen, just take the precursor to collagen: biotin.
I had an old aunt (78) with the most wonderful skin, I asked her how her skin was so lovely! Her reply was good butter 🧈 eat the very best butter you can! None of that margarine rubbish. This was around 32 years ago I asked that question. I was only a child and her skin looked like a peach 🍑 to me. As I go older I still thought about it but turns out she wasn’t far wrong! Even when she passed she still hadn’t aged much..
This is interesting. I’ve been taking k2 and eating liver for years. I do this for other health benefits, but had no idea is was so beneficial to the skin. This is exciting. Thanks!
@@dianasolfest4052 Animal liver in general is very nutritional. I enjoy chicken liver and beef liver with onions. They all have benefits so find one that tastes good to you.
I'm 62 and I've been on Vit d3 liquid 5000IU and K2 for years. I take them with a high fat meal as they are fat soluble. I also 18 hr fast with two meals a day with 2 litres of water.
As a seemingly healthy 52 year old I had a prinzemetals heart attack ( cardiac spasm) which led to cardiac arrest because the local ER didn't recognize what was happening to me. By the grace of God I happened to be asking for help for the 4th time in a week at the ER when my heart stopped beating so resuscitation efforts began immediately and saved my life after 15 minutes. Whew! One of the good things that came out of this was my extensive research and discovery of the benefits of vitamin K2 with Menaquinone. Keeping calcium in my bones and out of my blood vessels was what interested me on it. I had never considered that facial bones also become porous. Pretty cool, isn't it, that what's helps to keep us healthy also helps us to keep our pretty?
julie, Another thing that will get rid of the calcium on your arteries is drinking a tablespoon of vinegar daily. Put an eggshell, which is calcium, into a glass of vinegar and it will dissolve it into liquid in 3 days. Vinegar is the fountain of youth. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you survived that heart attack Julie. How long ago did this happen?
I started taking MK2 about 10 years ago for cardiovascular support. Today, many people think I am younger than my age. I chuckled when you said your mother gave you Cod Liver Oil. Mine did as well, and I am very grateful for that now.
Im at that age where i dont want to look younger but i don't want to look old either. I need to start taking supplements. Thank you for this video, very informative!
I'm 66 years old and I look like 49-50 according to many people; NO ONE has ever guessed my correct age! Perhaps, I must've lots of Vitamin K2. Thank you sir, for a well informed video; God bless 🙏
Great video. Watched it while eating my 2 pasture raised eggs which I eat EVERY morning. Also pure butter, grass fed meats and beef liver. At 70 I have seen 30 yr. olds with more wrinkles than me. I have very few around the eyes. Never smoked, no tanning, rare alcohol. No bone issues either. I gave my kids cod liver oil too. I think I'll subscribe to you. Thanks.
@@Ela-vw9gv on line, in bulk D3, and K2, K1, magnesium on Amazon. I don't like taking tablets or pills, so the bulk powders are easier in smoothies. You'll have to get tiny millimeter, milligram spoons, and I mean tiny measuring spoons. Lol. Also on Amazon. They are cheap.
I have osteoperosis, am 65, have been taking a K2 supplement for two years, and no longer have muscle pain. I was attributing the pain to, possible, leeched calcium, from my bones into my muscles, calcifying them. That's a self-diagnosis, of course, and not recommended. However, the K2 seems to be working.
Any good non soy sources for K2. I'm allergic to legumes and soy has sent me into anaphylaxis in the past. Am I just doomed to use my soy free D3/K2 supplement forever?
As a DDS I am concerned about the plastic sealants put into kids teeth. They may cause an estrogen response (in girls and boys) and may also affect the development of the adult oral biofilm. No one is considering the impact of this unnecessary treatment. Thanks for your great information.
Your concerns are quite valid. Quite. Actually, it’s probably quite intentional. They knew soy protein is loaded with estrogen, yet pushed it hard as THE choice for baby formula. You can’t pillage the house unless you first bind the strong man, and you can’t overthrow a nation unless you first get the MEN out of the way. This has been deliberate, methodical, quite planned and intentional. Organizations such as the UN, League of Nations (now home of the UN headquarters), Council of Foreign Relations, and other organizations pretending to be for world peace (their version requires total domination, and they’ll openly state that if you read what they publish, and observe the pageantry at celebratory events-opening ceremonies, half time shows, etc. If you can stomach it, fo watch the ceremony for the opening of the Goddard Tunnel. Switzerland is anything BUT “neutral”, the government is openly satanic, if you look with your eyes and use basic logic. They also have no problem being one of the top locations in the world for money laundering the accounts of millions, billions, and trillions of dollars. They had and have no issues with securing and hiding stolen and pillaged treasures, etc. They’re fine with the dirty money and the assisting of committing and covering the crimes of what is to most an unimaginable level. So, these organizations have been working to push societies together, to create discord, not peace (but they do have a good puppet show for the people who are mentally kiddies), have to have a good front, a good façade, but hey, they even now display an artistic interpretation of the Beast of the book of Revelation in the Bible. They tried to claim it was a gift they couldn’t refuse, I say rubbish, I’m sure they didn’t have to prominently display this “gift” (I say it is a commissioned piece of art, and it fits the UN and Revelation quite well, coincidentally, of course). The UN through referendums, agendas (their words for them), and other documents have openly stated their intention to “reclaim” lands (which all coincidentally seek to struggle with “wildfires”, such that do very mysterious types of damage, burning metal to dust, leaving plastic unscathed, or vice versa at times (most likely DEWS, US military has been blatantly attacking its own people since September 2001, yet more magical things like aluminum planes that would have the nose dented if it hit a goose while flying, but can appear right in midair on camera, not flying into the frame, but just popping into existence, only to crash right on through 3 walls of a concrete and steel building, magically maintaining its wings through all of this, coming out the last wall with its nose still intact, and again, disappearing into thin air just as mysteriously as it appeared. OR, the project Bluebeam grand debut was a success, and the det charges that can clearly be seen going off floor by floor for the whole world to see was what brought them down. Either aluminum cans can indeed penetrate concrete reinforced with steel on a steel frame, OR…it would crumple, as the laws of physics dictate. Personally, I choose the latter. E The UN is one of many puppets of the deep state, who is the puppet of even more evil people, people who stay well under the radar, right where they keep their countries also, well under the radar, like Lichtenstein, Monaco, Switzerland, Belgium, even Egypt and Antarctica, these are places to watch instead of the circus act. But they keep a very, very quiet and peaceful exterior. Most people never even think about them at all. Just as they like it. So part, just a tiny part of one of the UN’s published agendas is to reduce the world population by 80% asap. Mr. Gates stated that with his formulas, he can help them achieve that more quickly. They also “legalized” experimenting on humans without their knowledge or consent, on individuals or entire populations, using food, air, water, or medicine. Well, it’s been going on for over a century and a half, but it’s been even more a free for all ever since. They also said they’d create continual crises so people would beg for their “solutions” (tactic as old as the hills themselves), and beg to be part of their human experiments, and to demand their rights be taken away, using fear tactics as a motivator. And of course crisis actors to normalize it all. Crisis acting itself isn’t a multibillion dollar industry because the everyday man hires them. They have to “perform” somewhere. Mostly on the evening news, for TV watchers and news believers who love puppet shows and circus acts. Their biggest pride and joy was debuted about 3-1/2 years ago. They were so proud, they pre-enacted it years ahead of time at the London Olympics (all the way down to the well-intentioned, caring but helpless, dancing medical staff, and the “beloved nanny” aka the nanny state dropping in to save the day! Oh, yes, trust the nanny state. They love you and will lull you to sleep. Aerial view was the thing itself under a microscope, as were the umbrellas of the Marys Poppins as they floated down to the rescue. The “brand names” for the “solutions” are just a way to track which experiment the participators are a part of. Most program a scannable chip, well, they can scan it at the store, and get very basic info, but the government scanners reveal much more about those bearing the chip in their bodies. They want people to continue to participate, so they’ll have more, and use fear to gain participants. It was also to test the social pressure and who would resist not only their fear tactics to try to force participation, but pressure and panic from others. And of course they needed a visual, and that was multi-purpose as well. Show us visually who will blindly obey, who will not, and for those who will participate, and for those who will, show us you’ll remain silent no matter what we do to you, or demand from you. Participate in the Satanic worldwide silencing ritual. You’ll be a good little slave, and you agree to be silenced. You won’t resist. That’s what we need to see, a quick visual assessment of who will and won’t be a problem for what we have in store for you. We need to assess the threat to us before we fine-tune our next move. Thanks for your participation. And the whole trans bs is the same thing. Just another Satanic ritual, silence the sane, sterilize children under the sick and twisted guise of “caring” knowing full well the suicide rate will increase, especially once they truly ARE “trapped in the wrong body” for life, a slave to the pharmaceutical companies, never to have their hormones be kind to them ever again. Hormones are the way cells communicate with each other. Hormone disruptions are like taking an axe to the communications systems. It’s like ripping out every cable and server, even someone’s mouth itself. It’s pure evil, so of course evil states are promoting it and promoting it as “caring”. There’s nothing “caring” about watching someone fall off a cliff just because they’re blindly dancing vigorously right next to the edge, and it’s all the worse to encourage them to dance all the more wildly, and yet worse to give to them a shove off the cliff. But here we are. Many people DO know and discuss it. More people need to do the same, or at least STOP participating if they have been doing so.
POTUS John Kennedy was one of a handful of public figures who tried to warn the world. It went badly for him. Michael Jackson was another, for example, it also went badly for him. As is always the case when anyone with any power speak up to warn the world, he was instantly hit with wild accusations which he could refute, (but of course that wasn’t reported). He wasn’t even in the country during most of the times when they alleged the incidents supposedly occurred. in one court case, though the media didn’t feel the need to tell anyone, he was in Bahrain, getting away from the world and pressures of home (and the threats he got for speaking out). That’s pretty far away. Yes, it is. But he was naive and he allowed these underprivileged kids and their moms to stay in his home, and be cared for by his staff. They gave them whatever they wanted, they even had the chauffeur at their disposal, and look how they thanked him for that. They became puppets for the retaliation brigade. Mike tried to warn everyone, and that wasn’t well-received. Trump also has openly and publicly stated to them that he will do anything and everything to try to stop them from their agenda (their word for it), and look how that’s gone for him. And the list goes on. Watch and learn. Anyone calling them out suddenly is slammed with eithe severe illnetot death, or extreme legal cases that will be made a media circus, because these families began methodically buying up every newspaper, magazine and publishing house they could (and went on to radio, TV, movies, recording studios, Hollywood, all formed of media that exist today) back in the 1880’s, because the job of the media is “to shape and mold public opinion and behavior, both foreign and domestic), so they could report whatever they wanted the people to believe (like 6 million Jews dead, dying and destitute, always over in the Middle East, and Near East, Europe, that part of the world. Never 4 million, 5.7 million, or even 6.8 million. Always 6. It’s an important Kabbalah number. They reported it in the 1880’s, repeatedly, always changing location, including pictures of pleading, outstretched hands, please send all you can to the plight of these people (nevermind real plights elsewhere). It’s quite a coincidence that it’s been 6M and no other number, and that it was repeatedly reported for 60 years, until the story stuck to one country in particular (lots there, people need to do serious homework. No one is taught about the 20 million Christias targeted and killed in that same war. Or the Germans who were crucified to their own trees and barns. Or the carpet bombing from Allies that boiled even the asphalt and people were burned alive and encased in the very streets, women and children included. Those who jumped into the rivers only caught the rivers on fire. The refugees huddled under any remaining tree or fleeing in boats were hunted by air and bombed or shot. Talk about genocide, and that’s not e be n including Eisenhower’s death camps. Who were the ones actually holocausted? By the very definition of it? Ya, and they get insulted on top of all that. So, sure, The H man did some sick stuff. Typhus actually killed most PT in those camps and they were called death camps because of the rampant disease. They actually tried to keep people AWAY from them. If they wanted to kill all the J people, the H man wouldn’t have had them on staff in his home, or have over 150,000 officers, not infantry, but officers (Nazi Jewish officers, that’s a lot to allow if he hated ALL of them, and that’s a lot who agreed to be in the Nazi party, it was a socialist movement as opposed to communism). The point is, records show it was just under 279,000 who died in the camps counting other nationalities, including Germans themselves. H man was spying and competing with the heinous experiments the US was doing, (along with Canada and England) but never could as he didn’t have the funds the US had. The Allies just had a better smear campaign. All experiments were heinous. Still are. Now. Actually, many German soldiers and officers had their own Underground Railroad and got Jews to holland and other places, which is why sometimes people said they never saw family again, doesn’t mean they all died. It just as easily could be that they were taken to safety and lost touch, no way to find each other. There was no internet. And like any disaster, names get reported as missing or dead multiple times. It’s the nature of the situation. Even the Jews have reduced their estimation to 1.5 million, but the census statistics show the birth and death rate to be pretty steady for that time period. So they were mostly elsewhere. They still had children, the camps had stores and maternity wards, no need for German soldiers, all men, to have a maternity ward. Did they do bad things and kill some? Yes. Most were deported, experimented on, or put to work in labor camps. There was Nazi money with a menorah on it. They gave them their own currency, which they’d not bother to do if they planned to kill them all. No, they wouldn’t. Much forensics proves gas stories to be scientifically impossible, and no reported mass graves found, despite great effort to search from ground and air conducted ground penetrating radar, in an attempt to find and honor mass graves. The only ones found are Eisenhower’s death camps that contain naked German male civilians, stripped of their clothes once dead, after being rounded up from the towns, any male who could hold a gun, and held at gunpoint to die from the elements with nothing but the clothes on their backs, no water, no latrines, no weather protection, sent the Red Cross away, saying they had supplies, but deliberately weren’t sharing them, they stole the food of the Germans and it was sent to eventually rot in warehouses in England, not even giving it to the rationed Brits. They had THEM tear out their beloved gardens to create “victory gardens”, which was deliberate to raise patriotism but yet break the spirit of the people. That’s how sick and twisted these bastards are. England is known for its beautiful gardens, definitely not for their food or quality of teeth (and a dentist knows this more than most medical doctors , that nutrition is directly shown in the quality of teeth, and the places with the best real nutrition (not FDA guidelines), have the straightest, strongest and whitest teeth. The best German breeding stock that wasn’t already in the military were held by the Allies, mostly American, just standing in a field and starved to death, baked by the heat and frozen with icicles hanging from their hair and beards, seeing how long it would take for them to die, and look just like a typhus victim-emaciated. And dead. Their blond hair was shaved AFTER death to disguise the nationality of the dead (as opposed to Germans who shaved heads of everyone fi I g in while alive to prevent typhus spread by lice), pictures taken to misidentify them (this all came out from American soldiers who finally shared photos and stories once they no longer feared the consequences). Ultimately, these are all examples of why it is what you’re not told that deserves your attention.
I am a whole food plant based vegan. I am 53, and most people think I look 40 or younger. I have long attributed it to the phytoestrogens in plants such as soy despite limited case studies. I will never consume animal-based collagens or products, but K2 and/or natto are definitely great to learn of. Thank you so much for sharing and caring!
If your parents or families members looks also young,than you look younger because your family genetics. If it's no so,you look younger because your vegan foods.
I am a vegan too. I swear by soy. I had a nurse flip when I told her my age. She was only a couple years old than me, but she looked 20 years older than me. It'd diet, lifestyle - low stress and genetics that's the trifecta.
I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but I was taking K2 for about 2 months and I ended up hospitalized with kidney stones! First time in my life having kidney stones and I'm 46.
I have had kidney stones all my life and lithotripsy and 2 years ago surgery to remove a huge one. I started taking K2 (mk7) and each year I have had ultrasound scans to see if the stones that are in there are growing and they are not so the K2 is directing the calcium away from binding with the oxalates and forming stones. It has worked for me.
@@fishnlady تناول ماء الشعير المغلي وماء البقدونس يفتت الحصى في الكلى إلى بودرة وكذلك تناول الصمغ العربي المذاب في الماء يفتتها كذلك دون الحاجة لإجراء جراحة
A doctor going over papers for free! Absolutely rare-and he gives his opinions on sociological factors, veracity, and he treats the viewer like "the old medicine", like a doctor who has a true conversation with the client factoring in history of body and mind. This is nothing like new doctors who just advertize fraxel and a suplement or a peptide serum, nothing like visiting doctor on the rush, who pops in for filler after a literal 10 second peek at the patient. I have one worry however, and I think it is valid due to the new generation of people watching: The lack of a "video" disclaimer may become a legal liability or may even be one as we speak. How many poeple have you heard say "i learned it in a video", when you know they do not read even the tiniest bit in their spare time? I believe more people, young and old, have gotten used to just watching videos, literally forgetting even if videos have text spaces underneath. Ive seen and heard employees at our cutting edge hospitals overlook more and more minutae of written details. Ive had RNs, SWs, and MDs simply want to see imaging and be spoken to, rather than have to read. This progression of ignorance of written word is extremely troubling. My request is for you to add "video" disclaimers, because law is not in absolutes, attention spans are shortening by the week, and bob dylan would say, "the times they are a-changin'". Good Karma, -Im Pressed
@@foreignmely reading dramatically effects the way a brain is wired in ways that video watching cannot accomplish. When you have spent a lifetime reading, you have a specialized area in your left ventral occipital temporal region, shifted facial recognition into your right hemisphere, reduced your inclination toward holistic visual processing, increased your verbal memory, and thickened your corpus callosum, which is the information highway that connects the left and right hemispheres of your brain. In simpler terms: reading doesn't just fill your brain with information; it actually changes the way your brain works for the better as well. Research shows that deep reading, the kind that happens when you curl up with a great book for an extended period of time, also builds up our ability to focus and grasp complex ideas. Studies show that the less you really read, the more these essential abilities wither.
The disclaimers are very important. I hope doc Rajani considers it. YT is soon clamping down on information that isn't FDA approved like natural medicine.
This is great, but let's also not forget the two biggest causes of aging - the sun and smoking. I've been avoiding the sun like a vampire since I was 16. I'm almost 58 now and can easily pass for someone in their early 40s. My partner is 6 months younger than I am and looks 20 years older because he smokes like a chimney and is out in the sun all the time with no sunscreen. SO GLAD I watched this - dentist told me I have bone loss in my jaw - so I am going to start taking a K2 supplement. Not really sure about any of the foods on that list, because I basically avoid dairy now. If you're wondering why childrens' growth, etc. is different in this day and age, I suspect it's because of factory-farming practices (an environmental disaster) and the use of pesticides for starters...
You can get lung cancer from that toxic 2nd hand smoke. My mom did. Even just on his clothes- if you can EVER smell it- you are getting exposure in your lungs. You can believe this because it is true. Make him quit or move on.
In response to your comment about something in our food affecting our children...I read an article that blamed a chemical found in our water bottles and plastics, it was said it coverts to estrogen. Hormones in our meats was also blamed for affecting hormones in both sexes. Interesting topic!
I have also heard and read about it when I was 27, now I’m 46 pre menopause and definitely need good vitamins, I can only treat my hot flush symptoms because we have high cancer in our family so no estrogen for me.
It’s Phthalates and Bisphenol released in the water from the plastic bottles, and also in food and skincare that are in plastic packaging! Look for BPA free on the packaging!
I once watched a documentary about a town or village somewhere in Scandinavia where there was a plastic bottling plant and the water from the plant leaked into the water table and a lot of the children were being born half male half female after a lot of research they found it was due to the plastics in the water I wish I could remember when and where I saw the documentary but it’s made me wary of drinking from plastic also reheating in plastic convenience is not always a good thing
I've been taking Natto and K-2 vitamins in my routine for about 2 yrs. I was 55 when I lost a lot of collagen and muscle on my face due to an illness several years ago. I have the midface sagging which was the result. I use a lot of topicals and collagen capsules and together with the Natto and K-2 I have seen some improvement. One thing I discovered from one study when I was researching Natto, is that half of Japan eat it everyday and have beautiful skin. The other half of Japan doesn't like Natto so they do not look as youthful as those who do eat it regularly. I thought that was something interesting to add here. The study said that Natto is "an acquired taste", so I take capsules with a high dosage instead.
@@JustMe-gs9xi I would have to say yes...but not alone. Eight months later, I still take natto daily and I will continue to do so. I also added 'Collagen Powder about 5 months ago, from Bio-Trust. (not selling it...just trust it) I add a scoop to my coffee. It is tasteless in coffee. I could never drink it in cold liquid...BLECH! Chk bones, shrimp shells, cow feet, eggshell and chicken feet! I never thought I could drink that stuff, but I was desperate enough to do it...and it has filled in a bit of the hollowing, but I expect another year to look more "filled in". It took me one year of very bad habits(more "Whisky" and less food)which ultimately made me drop 100 lbs that year which wrecked my face. I could afford to lose the weight...but not "that way". My face will probably never "forgive me".👀🤦♀️ Been Sober...for 4 years. If you want to know the results, read on...or skip the rest. I also added a topical cream that is a "fiber blast" to help with hollowing. So...since that post, there is improvement, but right side of my face is more "filled in" than "left side"...sigh. Skin texture has improved, my hair is thicker, my knees and feet hurt a little less...which is probably the collagen's contribution. So... it takes more than Natto, but I'm grateful to have access to it...and still recommend it wholeheartedly. I am always looking for the strongest milligrams I can find, with the least capsules. One every night is it.
Pharmacist here!!! Bingo! Hit the vit K nails on the head!!! I was glad to here you explain the difference between vit K1 and K2 in regards to clotting disorders. Patients gets SO SCARED of vit K!! Thank you for using your platform for education!!!
This comment is before i watched the video. I was just diagnosed with billary hyperkenesia, basically an overactive gallbladder.... I believe I have had this all my life , which leaves you deficient invitamin D and vitamin K.I am fifty years old, and I look like i'm about ten years older than what I am. I'm excited to watch.
Great to hear about the K2! I've been taking Natto for about 8 or 9 months now. Get it at a Japanese market in frozen units of which I eat 1/2 container at a time. I bury it in my salad or scrambled egg and it's not unpleasant at all. I'm 76 and have ostopenia as well as a mild blockage in one place and am excited to learn if it's been helpful. I already see that it's helping with calcium deposits in the palm of my hand. Love your show. I've had a face lift at 70 (I'm 70) in the picture and still look great but needing touch up now. I've got much useful info from you and appreciate your show. You're wonderful 👍. Bea
Not trying to be rude but isn’t it usually not in the eye of the beholder for ones self hmm. In short u can have ur own opinion of urself ofc or ur skin but it does make more sense for those opinions to be dependent on others views . Just a thought to consider
@@margaretmitchell4926 I didnt see anything wrong with her comment. It's a sign of confidence not in a bragging way. And I agree she looks great at 70.
Wow I commend your ability to eat natto for that long, and being not Japanese. Not even all Japanese people like that stuff. I love seeing open minded people.
@@potofgoldinthesky678 no but I have only been taking it for a couple of weeks. All ok so far! I’ve read quite a bit about K2 recently and how essential it is for our skin and overall health 🙋♀️
I initially was doing research regarding vascular health when I found out about K2 and D3. Had a CT Scan for my heart due to family history and lipid panel. Zero plaque build-up. I feel blessed. I stopped taking it but have started again due to your informative videos. I'm 63 and feel lucky that the bone loss isn't to bad as well as doing Infini with a very experienced MD. Also many other machines because I was an Advanced Aesthetician/CMA local to you. I was blessed to find Spectrum when Mary first started her school. Blessings to you.
Two more sources of Vit K2 Raw butter and raw cream. Food as anti aging skincare is real. I can’t get over how nice my skin looks when I eat chicken liver regularly ! Also not eating as in Fasting is also an anti aging tool. Thank you for all your info. And research 😊🙏🏼
@@sabreenasubhan9658 love Indian food. I had chicken Vindaloo last night but when I was in India the women spent 6 hours cooking and would not let me in the kitchen. I never did learn and I no longer have 6 hours a day
In my country it is said that due to the mass production of chickens they get pumped full of hormones and bad stuff and if you think about it realistic, what is the function of the liver... do in my mind all those toxins goes to the liver, chicken livers not my thing.
I’m half Japanese and I eat natto and I had NO idea how good it was for the skin! ❤️👍🥣🫖 My mom didn’t start to get lines until she was well into her 70s.
@@mellenhead273 I did the sun worshiping thing up until my 20s. My mother scolded me every single time I came back from the beach with my Johnson’s baby oil! Believe me I would do a lot of things different if I was wise enough back then. I would probably look at least 10 years younger.😣 I can’t say beyond a shadow of a doubt regardless of your DNA or what your background is, avoid stress and insomnia at all cost! Not only will it kill you it will age you beyond imagination. I’m walking proof of both.😬
@@mellenhead273 You’re still young enough to repair the damage! I would look into the Korean skin care regiment. They have the best products and they are not expensive! I started using them when I was around 50 and I can tell you they actually make a big difference pretty quickly. I went with the middle of the road 11 step process. I know that sounds like a lot but it really doesn’t take much time at all. Once you do it a few times you’ll probably be done with it within 10 minutes.
I'm really sorry for your loss. May you both see each other very soon, in the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Magnesium lovely will help as you have encountered much stress. Xo
Your daughter is not gone. You will definitely see her again. I know this because I flat lined for 1 minute and the experience I had proofed to me that there IS an afterlife. 💜💜
Vitamin D3 with K2 i have been taking now for 2 months and noticed a vast difference with my skin i also take magnesium and also b vitamins as well, b vitamins are key for skin as well......
The book Nourishing Traditions and The Weston A. Price Foundation have lots of great info about K2. It is now believed that K2 is the “activator X” discovered by Weston Price in the 1930s as a critical nutrient among the diets of healthy non-industrialized populations.
@@dancewitme211 You can find them on social media sites,I recommend a Japanese cook book. If you're allergic to soy, you can use Gabonzo beans, chick peas. Iodine comes from seaweed, kelp, salmon and tuna, Japanese eat about 1200mcg a day, US recommends 36mcg. Have blood work done to see if you have any vitamin, mineral, and or trace mineral deficiency's. My internal medicine doctor does this once a year, I had to pick up the fat levels in my diet. Healthy fats, avocado, olive oil, etc.. I also have my hormones tested once a year though my OBGYN. I hope this helps, have a beautiful day ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love your work! As a Nutritionist the only supplement I take is Vitamin D and I eat with rich food sources of vitamin C. Not only good for skin health but also strong immune system. I recently travelled to the other side of the world, gone into 14 day quarantine and moved back home adapting to different climates and not once gotten sick. I'm going to give K2 a go.
Yes, its said by several doctors, including Berg, that to get the most out of D, you need k2 to distribute the D properly. Just take em together. Ive checked, researched. Its the right thing .
I eat D3 regularly, but it has no impact on my skin, I do have osteoporosis, due to very early menopause hormone problems (polycystic ovary syndrome - with of course no cysts!), my skin is terrible tired, with not enough water, with hard fat which at my age makes me severe problems, my face lost volume very quickly. In cca 3 years came to radical change, and even hyaluronic cosmetics does no good for me, I have very thin skin prone to rosacea and perioral dermatitis...Nothing works for me. I 'm waiting to get to the endocrinologist, but in my experience no one takes you seriously if your life is not in danger - only the quality. I kind of think they will not help me. I used to use hormonal therapy for 10 year at younger age which worked very well, than I stabilized and I did not need it any more. That rapidly changed after I got over 50. I do not want to have plastic face, but I do not age normally. My mom has better skin and skeleton at her 92 . I live in Europa and I feel really depressed, because in last 2 years I developed arthritis in my spine, and hips and shoulders and I can not eat pain killers due to my stomach and kidney issues. I think I eat good balanced food, but I might have problems with absorption and later with metabolic, anabolic and ketabolic procesess. So we get to enzymes and similar problems. But I can only guess? Which doctor can find what goes wrong and where can I appropriately support my body to function better? I can not eat every possible supplement on the world.
Moisture in the air in certain parts of the world makes the skin look young too. When I was in Asia, and it was warm and moist in the air, my skin looked like in my 30s. When I came back to the states where everything is dry, my skin looked like in the 50s...!
Excellent information on the importance of K2! I was a model that spent a lot of time in Asia... amazing how I could not tell the difference in someone 30 or 60 in Japan! You are absolutely right! Thank you brilliant Doc for once again bringing us valuable information on remaining healthy! 🙏🏻😊
Vitamins A, C, E as well as copper, selenium and zinc are also anti-aging. I have a friend with Crohn’s who had his terminal ileum (TI) removed. It is a region in the G.I. system for absorbing vitamins. He had impaired ability to absorb B12 and copper. His hair turned grey/white. Apparently, copper deficiency can do this.
I also had that part of the small intestine removed, due to ulcerative colitis. I order a water-soluble form of the fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E, K, called ADEKs. I also get monthly B12 shots. I didn't know about the copper. Thank you.
My late Mom, all through our childhood, gave us Cod Liver Oil every day and slathered us in sunscreen year ‘round. “Gooseliver” and Baby Beef Liver & Onions was always in her dinner rotation. She said “you’ll thank me someday!” She’s gone and I’m 61, and I’d love to tell her Thank You! My brother and I can probably count on one hand the sick days we took from kindergarten to graduation. We just didn’t get the viruses and other things “going around.” Sugar wasn’t allowed in the house so we don’t have the “sweet tooth” some people struggle with. Mom used Ponds Cold Cream faithfully for decades. Her skin looked fabulous her whole life and I’m so lucky she passed some good old-fashioned habits. Of course with new knowledge and even better products, like Dr. Rajani’s, I fully intend to keep aging gracefully, inside and out. ❤
I would love to see you in a video with doc Eric Berg he has a good channel on vitamins and nutrients for keeping younger. It could be a great contribution!! both care about educated people on taking care of the body in and out and prevention as the best thing to do.
Natto and Korean red kimchi have the probiotic bacillus subtillus. A very well studied probiotic (discovered in in 1834). The balances the gut microbiome and creates 66 antibiotics in the gut. Used in farming (plant and animal health). Some of the effect of natto might have to do with bacillus subtillus. I buy Yumm kombucha that has bacillus subtillus for the probiotic.
I am 56 years old and was getting a wrinkly neck and saw this video in April. Since then I have been taking natty daily, along with a K2 MK-7 supplement and my wrinkles are nearly gone on my neck. People have commented on it also! Thank you Dr. Rajani, you advice is easy to cross reference and is truthful.!
@@gritandgrace6425 Hi I have been taking Vitamin K2 as MK-7-100MCG per serving- 120 ct- Bronson(brand) along with Nature Wise Vitamin D3 5000iu (125 mcg) both of which can be found on Amazon. The two vitamins pair together and as one increases vitamin D in the system, the K2 helps to put it in the proper place e.g.. bones. K2 also helps to decalcify the blood vessels and places the minerals again in its proper place. So as well as an aesthetic effect that you will get, it is also very helpful for your health!
@@catherinemarlowe9307 I'm sorry I meant Natto. Natto is a fermented bean that can be found in asian markets in the refrigerator or freezer section. It can also be purchased online. Sometimes people have a hard time eating Natto because of its strong taste, but I have become use to it. Essential what you want is fermented foods. You can also get K2 in sauerkraut, in Kim chee, in some hard cheeses such as parmesan cheese. K2 along with helping reduce wrinkles helps to remove calcium from soft tissues mainly the veins and arteries, thus reducing atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries and places the calcium into bone where it is needed. This is well documented in many reputable research papers.What a miracle vitamin huh!
@@catherinemarlowe9307 -Sorry I meant Natto- It's japanese fermented beans. It can be found in asian stores normally in the refrigerated section. Takes getting use to with its taste and texture. But you can also get K2 from sour kraut, kim chee, hard cheeses, any fermented food too!
Watch THE SECRET TO LOOKING YOUNGER: th-cam.com/video/a3TOlBr02jY/w-d-xo.html
I have been taking K2 every day in the form of MK2 tablets. They say it is good for cluster headaches. I take 1 tablet once a day. Is that enough to help my skin?
Are you having less headaches?
@@JosieStev yes, I am! Not sure if it's from my vitamin regimen or the Emgality injections. Maybe a combination of both.
Wow, that’s great! Did you have any side effects from the Rx?
@@JosieStev no side effects.
It's Vitamin K-2 folks. But still watch the video, coz Dr Rajani is a fountain of knowledge. 😊👍🏻
Would be interesting but eerie to image your skeleton then create a plastic model from it where you could examine your own skeleton by proxy.
Thank you for the info
Thank you 🙏
He did mention k2 @ 2:04 earlier part of video disclosing which vitamin is that
@H. Craig In order for calcium to be absorbed vitamin K2 must be present if not calcium goes into your blood instead of your bones
I take Omegas and K-2 every day. I'm 61, and still have good skin, so I'm all about proper nutrition, hydration, sleep, and exercise. Also avoiding alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc. It makes such a big difference in the quality of life. I retire next year with no health issues, and have never been on medications, so I can travel with my wife and enjoy life. :D
Congrats on your retirement!
Shave your head.
@@rayradiance666 Thanks!
Where do you buy the K2 and how many milligrams are the best?
@@ramosa999 Sorry, all the foods you listed have other serious negative downsides. Cheese is constipating--very bad for health. All foods derived from animal sources are not the best food sources. Eggs are high in bad cholesterol. Eat the original diet God gave Adam and Eve in the Eden Garden and we will have the best health possible. GOD BLESS You ON THIS FIFTH WORKDAY OF THE WEEK, THURSDAY AS THE Sabbath draws near.
I have taken K2 for probably a decade or more. I'm about to turn 67. No wrinkles. Some people guess my age to be late 40's early 50s. I took it more to reduce Cardiovascular issues so that calcium would go to my bones and not my arteries. My Bone density is amazing as well. Now I find out that's my secret weapon in looking much younger! Thanks you!
Enjoy and thank you
hi, could you tell me the name of the brand you take for K2? thank you
Could you share what brand of K-2 you are taking? Thanks
I’ll,purchase different brands depending on availability and where I’m purchasing. but I stick to well known brands that are rigorously tested
I'm 70, also no wrinkles. And I'm still working. I've been fermenting and eating natto since my macrobiotic days. A tablespoon in a serving of spicy three bean salad is quite nice and has twice the RDA of K2. My blood pressure has also been consistently healthy.
Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, cheese etc are loaded with K2.
Odd. I’ve been craving my mom’s kimchi and was thinking it was the key to getting healthy. I thought it was just my mom’s brainwashing as she always said it’s the secret to no Body odor, etc. lol.
Ty, for that info, Jac!
Also, Miso soup is loaded with K2
So is plain Greek yogurt and kefir .
My mom is already 90 but she is still active she just eat fish and vegetables nodried fish or bagoong she just drink milk, eat papaya banana every day when we go to the doctor to examine her the doctor said wowww your mom is perfect no sickness the only problem to her do not let her delayed her meals... God fearing and prayerful...Gods gift thats all
If she is so healthy what is she going at the doctor?
Saras Watkin medical check up
Woaw! Looking forward to grow old gracefully like your mom.
Thank you for sharing.
@@roxyweka why cant she miss meals? I m 20 but somtimes i dont even eat lunch or breakfast , isnt intermittent fasting good?
if it is gods gifts then you dont need to eat anything .... Is There A god Is There any person that a god has helped us ??
I’ve been taking k2 and D3 for 2 months and I can definitely tell a difference in my nasal lines already
Hello Tessa, can you tell me if you take them separately or together in 1 pill and what brand do you buy? Thank you!
@@pavladulinkova2620 I also take vit D and K2. Have been taking ever since covid begun, worked every day in a shop and have never had so much as a sniffle. Great for your immunity. I buy natural products from British supplements.
How much do you take per day?
Then I need to start taking this Asap
K2 Mk7 and D3 together with a teaspoon of Kerrygold butter. Both are fat soluble vitamins so to get best result always take with fatty food.
I'm 74 and EVERYONE thinks I'm early/mid 50's, SERIOUSLY ( ALL THE TIME)...I don't take vitamins of ANY kind, my whole life. Still have naturally brown hair....I've always wondered why/how? I certainly do not eat the perfectly balanced diet either.☺️ Its the Grace of God...for sure❤
Thanks for sharing!!
I am thrilled to have you and stay tuned and well.
Or peace from the spirit
I'm 49 and look a lot younger than my age, as well. No one ever believes me when I tell them how old I am. I've never done anything special, either. I think it's just good genes, in my case.
Liar. Picture needed.
I've been taking K2 for about a year now. I was taking it for bone health. Never knew it helped with skin aging, but am thrilled to hear that. I am 68 years old and just had a bone scan a week ago and it came back normal. So I think the K2 helps, I also take Boron for my bones.
What amount of boron
in mg or mcg?
@ Agnes Symon - Also take Vitamin D3 with K2 Mk7 to fight against plaque building up in your arteries, leading to heart attacks or stroke. For more info do a search on You Tube.
What do you take. We are in Ontario canada 🇨🇦
Which brand/product do you use? Thank you!!
You are so lucky. I’m 63 and although I’m doing all I can naturally I have osteo. So wanted to be like you. I’ll start the k once I get clearance. Bravo! I got hit by a car kinda knocked me off my game but I’m determined to get back biking and lifting again. Smiling more lol. That helps the face. I noticed that my face with all the pain looks older! It’s true don’t frown you may get stuck that way. Trying to smile more taking some of the settlement from my accident and investing in my face. My underarms too if weight lifting doesn’t restore me back to a better place. Thanks for sharing. 💪🏻🙏🏻💜
Dear Dr Anil..I m 63...people commented I look 47 -50yrs old!..I attribute it to my faith in God..I speak life to myself- as I become older I grow younger! I pray n worship...n say Heavan us in my life n my body. I've indeed grew stronger physically..have a youthful voice n good energy. I take Vit D3....use good skin moisturizer ..excercise ...n I enjoy good meals. Thank you n God bless you
I'm 81 and eat "Natto ank2,D3,C all the important AMINOS. And Praise God am and night in the name of Jesus, just ask he says & you will receive.God Bless
My Mom is 88 years young and she has never smoked drank alcohol and gave up caffeine at the age of 60. She has great skin and health. She is active in her life and lives independently . Only drinks water, and lemon water with ginger. That’s it flawless skin. She and her sisters have great skin maybe two or three surface wrinkles that’s it
@@jess97724 wow what was his diet like pls
Dr. Denmark lived to 114 and her only beverage was water.
Sounds like genetics, not everyone has good ones
Im 43 and i dont drink alcohol never smoke and not a fan of cofee.Ppl say im younger compared to my peers and I too feel so. No tummy ,hair is there 80-90%😅 and yes im super active goes for walking n running daily 45-1 hour.
Most importantly ,I stoped sugar in all its forms . Thats the key as i had triglycerides and slightest form of fatty liver but all gone normal now bcoz of no sugar rule.
I take vitamins C, Zinc, D3 and K2. I also use a good face and neck moisturizer (and arms and legs get it too). I am 70 in September, a widow, and my relatives say I could pass for 40 or 45. I have been working on taking good care of myself in the last 5 years. I give a lot of credit for better skin to the vitamins. I also cut way back on sugared products. And, I eat very few desserts. I am most blessed. Thanks for the fantastic information. I love all of your videos. By the way, you look great!
Thanks for sharing!! and Thanks for your kind words
You are doing all the right things but you also must have very good genes. I'm the same I'm nearly 60yrs old and most people think I'm in my late 30s.
How long have you been taking K2 and how many mg?I just started taking it less then a month ago. I hope I have the same results you’re having.😊
What brand r u taking ? Thank u
Lol why does every older woman think they look 10-15 years younger? It's cope
How refreshing to watch a video that is genuinely trying to help and not trying to sell you something! Thank You!
He's selling the supplements that he recommends?
It's a lot of factors not just diet or supplements. Examples: Less stress, having a loving and supportive family and friends, being a member of something bigger than you like your church, helping others, etc...
Hello how are you doing hope you're safe over there👋👋👋👋
Yes, I noticed that too. When I see pictures of a loving pet owner, his or her face looks very young and you want to befriend that person.
When I was 35 ( 5 years ago ) I was paralysed and couldn’t move - it happened out of nowhere - I was 55kg ( 121 lbs) and 5’5 and I was healthy and walked for hours everywhere, so it came out of nowhere. It took heaps of morphine and a few ambulance officers to move me as I was a dead weight and couldn’t move. They put me on prednisone ( a steroid ) to move me but every time I went off the prednisone - I couldn’t walk again. Five months later I couldn’t take it anymore, so I researched all night every night to fix myself and I started taking k2 in 2015 along with a healthy diet and never needed prednisone again- I have a vitamin k2 and vitamin D spray that I take daily - I have been all about k2 for last five years as it worked miracles on me- I do not abs will not take prednisone again.
Thank you for this video - you are an amazing doctor.... happy Easter Friday !!!
Thank you kindly for sharing 🙏🙏
Its awesome you were proactive and researched some doctors prescribe without researching. 💔
What an amazing story of your healing! Thanks so much for sharing it. So glad you recovered. It's too bad the doctors couldn't help you and you had to find the answers by yourself.
@@rachelarmel7547 thank you Rachel. Six years ago I told the specialist “vitamin k2 and vitamin d is what they used in Japan” and the specialist told me, we live in Australia and not Japan so we follow our protocol and I just wanted to be nice and work with people and I said, yeah I understand. I still did my own thing, which is vitamin d and k2 and it helped me ever since...I don’t like causing waves ever and I really respect doctors but sometimes you have to try everything that works for you and vitamin k2 worked for me and hope it works for others also !!!
Are you walking again?
I love how he explains everything so we can understand it all, he breaks things down really well
Simple solutions for simple -minded
I have lived by the wisdom of my elders they told me when I was young back in the 1970s that if you avoid the beach suntans, drinking too much hard liquor, smoking and high stress jobs they will exponentialy age you, and I have done that at 60vI still appear as a 40 yr old.
That and drink water, stay away from sugar (the white granular stuff), light to moderate exercise daily-not strenuous-fun activity to get heart rate up a bit.
I’m not sure what you mean by beach suntans, but overexposure of anything is bad for you, that doesn’t mean you should steer completely clear of it. If you download the “D-minder” app it will calculate (based on your location & elevation etc.)which hours of the day you can receive the beneficial, and nutrient full, UV rays. Because once it’s below or beyond a certain point in the sky the light you are getting will be reflecting off the atmosphere, leaving you basking in the “bad” UV rays, similar to if you are receiving sun through a window. So again, I’m not sure exactly what you mean by beach suntans, but definitely only avoid overexposure, especially during those times of the day where you can not receive the beneficial rays 🌊🤙🏽
I believe it has a lot to do with it. I’ve never liked Sodas or sugary drinks - strive to not eat sugar or carbs in large or frequent quantities and don’t drink alcohol. I WILL NOT tan or stay in the sun my whole life if I can help it and use suntan lotion especially on my face no matter the season. I’ve taken alpha Lipoic acid too since my early 30s. I’m 49 and no one can hardly believe my age 🥰
The sun is either a lot stronger these days or my skin burns easier. I grew up on a beach never got sun poisoning. Now it's like an hour and im done
@@katiesinger1289 There have been discoveries that due to the magnetic field of the earth weakening over all - solar radiation and cosmic radiation have gone up. The sun is literally affecting us more strongly than in the past 👍 Great catch
Yay! I already started taking k2, I'm likely never gonna look super young since I have lost 155 pounds, but I can try hard to look my best
Great job!
don't use lotion for your body and face rather use oil.
Congratulations! You may look a bit older, but you will live a lot longer!
Your family and friends ( and you) won’t mind a couple more wrinkles to have you around longer❤️
What an amazing accomplishment, my friend! I am so happy for you. Be proud, stand tall, and be happy;) much love to you:)
Wow that’s a lot of hard work and dedication CONGRATULATIONS!! And btw your beautiful!
I’m subscribing to your channel.
God knows I could use a push to lose weight. I’ll try Keto.
I’ll try anything.
I’m miserable 24/7 because I’m up to 193lbs: ( I’ve lose 10 lbs and then I gain it back.
I should weigh 155-165...That’s when I felt good, healthy, flexible, and beautiful. I feel so gross I don’t even let my poor husband of 28 yrs come near me anymore.
I do take K2 with vitamin D because both help each other!🙌🏽
Greetings from Hamburg, Germany 😘
Greetings 🙏🙏
Me too, per my Dr.
How much vitamin k2
Cool wo kaufst du das, danke!
I just bought some - can't wait to look younger! 😊
This human deserves more subscribers💪🏽👏🏼👏🏼
I am a 60 yo white American woman and I eat natto once a week. Most people know nothing about the benefits of eating healthy. I'm a nurse and see it everyday. I take care of pregnant women. It's a time when you should be your fittest. Most are obese, hypertensive and diabetic. It's an epidemic, worse than COVID! Also infertility is on the rise. Why? Because men and women are prematurely aging do to their lifestyles and poor food choices. I say eat like a monk. Eat your veggies and fruit. Do yoga. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and pot. But then this may put the doctors out of business. LOL. I'm now going to eat natto more often! Thanks for the info!
This is wonderful info from the front lines. I could not agree with you more. Metabolic syndrome as well. Every day at 2 pm I see the whipped cream 2000 calorie “ coffee” drinks people buy. Can you share with our group where you purchase natto?
@@rajanimdskincare I purchase natto at a local asian store in East Hanover, NJ. I am sure you can get organic natto on line.
I kept up my exercise routine during both my pregnancies. I don’t smoke or drink . My doctor and the nurses were impressed. I was flattered lol
I’ve never heard of Natto hmmm will have to look into it, thanks for recommending this!
Bought some natto awhile ago would have to try it out soon.
Do take D3 K2, krill oil, vitamin C and eat lots of veggies, fish and meats.
I will keep my natural of how God Almighty created me...🌹
I realize that when people say you don't look your age, well thank them but don't take it to heart. I'm 68 and when people tell me I look younger, I am reminded that my body can't do what it use to so I listen to my body first...
Is that picture a recent picture?
@@saranwright7113 yes, it is. I don't like fooling people with old pictures...
Tell me about it, I too look younger than my age, but I can't do what I used to. Collegan Protein is helping with my arthritis, my knees are good.
@@sct4040 I got to try some.
Ain't that the truth! Great reminder.
The last time I pulled a physically 25yo move, ten years ago, at the age of fifty-six, while getting up from an easy chair, my left knee collapsed under me and I went down, landing on the side of my foot, and wound up with what's called a Jone's Fracture of the metatarsal bones.
The mind hovers around the age of 25, leading us to subconsciously believe we are still physically twenty-five. 🤣
It's wise to get into the habit as we age, to remind ourselves that we are not twenty-five anymore, and to take life just a bit more cautiously. Although I must say, that at 65, just waking up in the morning serves as a reminder, these days. But, gardening keeps me active.
I would second Dr. Rajani. Friends, PLEASE keep up with your labs. For years now I was suffering from crushing fatigue, poor appetite, heavy weight loss, depression and cramping in my legs that were so horrific my grown sons would almost weep to watch me in such agony. (My ex also noticed and said something seemed very wrong with me.) Honestly, I thought I was dying. I saw my MD and he ran some labs. I had such profound Vitamin D deficiency that he was very alarmed. I couldn't take supplements. He said I needed a prescription form and ASAP. The cramps are dramatically diminishing, but some damage is done, such as several teeth that just broke. And the heavy weight loss resulted in diminished fat pads. Please keep up with your medicals, labs, appts, all of it. Best wishes, dear friends. *Remember, your health is your own personal project. Doctors typically do not do much preventative work on patients these days. Many providers are overwhelmed and Covid did a number, and well, we all get it.
Yes i am Asian and everyone i met were shocked to hear that i am almost 60. I am so lazy to take vitamins. I guess my youth just heritage from the race and eating habit from my family. I hate diet foods, but i eat lots of fruits, veggies, less meat, and drink water. Lots of water
It is only because of your good gene. As an East Asian I have wrinkles at young age, no matter how much heathy food and supplements I had.
I’m 65 and I’ve been told I look 45. 🤗❤️🙏I’m not bragging! I do have aches n pains but my body n my face look pretty good yet. 🤗🙏
Thanks for sharing!!.Thank you for watching and glad you enjoyed. Keep us posted on your journey and congrats
Trust me people lie so don’t believe them!!
@@shirinshaikh9268 lol
Oh and the world is so much better because of it ! Thanks for sharing !
@@suzanneblaylock9598 your welcome❤️🙏🌺
I do eat Natto. Black soy natto. Black natto is very mild. That being said, you can put wasabi or hot sauce in the natto. Mix it up and put on warm rice.
I swear this man is brilliant
I get my K2 from organic grass feed butter. I have a big slice with my toast every morning. Plus 3 organic eggs 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
I live in Japan so I have easy access to natto. You get used to the taste and smell. Recently (before seeing this video) I made a conservative effort to eat one pack everyday for lunch and now my skin is glowing. Bonus that it contains K2!! Going to keep on doing that!! Thanks Dr Rajani!
Am in Japan & hv tried natto it’s not my fave..will hv to make a concentrated effort to eat them again daily 😅
Natto is highly nutritious❤️
Our soil has been depleted of it's Nutrients. Yes I take K2 supplements, I also eat Kale grown in organic soil. Gut health is essential to the body and the largest organ we have, "our skin". K2 activates a protein that helps the mineral (calcium) bind to your bones, without K2 it leads to calcified plaque in the arteries. Great video, finally a Doctor who promotes healthy eating with skincare ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Merci pour le partage.
I get natto at my local asian store for my k2 source.
Just came from the store where I found natto made from organic soybeans. However, it also contains MSG.....
MSG is No! No!
Tempeh which is originally from Indonesia is a fermented soy bean cake. It should also have high levels like Natto.
Thank you so much Dr. Rajani. I've been spending so much time with my elderly mother, five years of helping her with all the stress, I thought it was just stress causing me to look 10 years older, why my skin and muscles were so lax; I'd look in the mirror and just cry. Now that I'm getting her into a wonderful facility and letting the professionals take over, getting K2 into my diet will help me tremendously begin to feel like myself again. BLESS YOU!!! xo
Thank you for following and watching. Take care of yourself and your mom
That is a stressful situation. Especially when it your your parents or family member.
God bless you and yours 🙏🏻
Definitely, if you possibly can, go to eat all organic. Eating Gouda cheese has a lot of K2 in it and so do grass fed, organic meats and preferably not chicken and pork unless they are both pastured and fed as grain-free as possible with very minimal omega 6 and junk fats.
Go❗ You have done God's work and now is your time. You're on the right track ‼️💖
I’m 73 an have been taken for 50. I eat very healthy, never have smoked, hardly ever drink except for a little wine once in a while, plus good genetics!
Next Salvation: as what would one gain if they gained the entire whole yet lost their soul. SHLM & HaB (peace & love). Ask the Messiah to be your personal Savior. He is the Atoning Offering for mankind for the remission of sin ( 1 John 2:1-2). He said to him, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). If you believe the Messiah died on the cross, & Resurrected three days later (presenting Himself as First Fruits to the Father), please ask Him to be your Savior. He is the ONLY way to Everlasting Life.
@@ginarios9442 what is this? Can't you just be normal for a minute?
@@olusinajoyce6379 We will have to give account for every idol word. So I press hard to speak exactly what the RYH HaQDSH (Spirit, the Righteous--which is the Spirit of the Creator) tells me to speak. I must die daily to my flesh. What you refer to as "normal" are the speech and sayings familiar to our society. I tell you, this society will not be my Judge, but the King of kings is coming to serve as Judge. Let my speech be clean and right before the Messiah. One time I saw my beloved brother who I had not seen for years. He said where is Gina? He said he would not talk with me if I continue to talk like the Scriptures--something like that. I had to sacrifice that relationship, not I , but allowing him to sever it, in order to keep following the King, my Master, the Messiah. I was different because one day I had asked the Creator to help me, to FILL IN, when I cannot defer to my earthly husband, at times when he was being fleshy/wrong. (I said this prayer, in the Name of the Messiah).The next morning I was FILLED with the RYH HaQDSH. For a seed to be profitable, it must die, then it is reproduced. So too, I must be dead to myself, in order to speak as the RYH HaQDSH would have me speak. My reward was great--years passed again and this time when I saw my beloved brother, I was rewarded greatly, as he was determined to play his guitar and have me sing Hebrew songs. We did this fellowship for hours. One person tried to get him to play a secular song, and though he tried, he stopped, and said no, then had me sing more. Another person (our family was gathered) sucked her lip in disgust. I have to die daily to myself, as Shaul spoke of. Be courageous, precious being. Hayah and His Son want to give us the life that is BEYOND MEASURE. We must be filled with His RYH HaQDSH.
I eat leafy veggies daily. They’re nutrient-packed and the most delicious. Thankful I live in SEA where we can have them all year long
When I supplemented with K2(25 mcg daily)and vit D3(75mcg daily) I got calcification of my hearing bones inside my ear leading to hearing loss. The first sign I had was having painful ears when loud bass was played. I halted the k2 and my hearing returned to normal in 3 months time. This was over a year ago when I bought into the supplementation hype. So there can be severe downsides to supplementing something in dosages not found in regular food, like hypercalcification where you don’t want it. Be careful.
Thank you! We are all our own little chemical factory; what works for others won’t necessarily work for us.
Thank you for sharing this. So important to know
Your experience isn't typical. A lot of people including me are taking 400mcg/day and much larger vit d3 doses. My guess is whatever K2 supplement you got was no good or not what it said. Certainly something to think about, but not the norm.
Thank you.
Sounds like a coincidence.
Thank you so much, for this wonderful information I'm going to start doing those things. I am 76 years old and I don't mind getting older. I want to age nicely and feel good. Thank you.
@William Sharman Hello
P.S. NOW and Jarrow are some of my favorite brands, good news!
Been taking collagen, k2/7 along with D for several months. I have ABSOLUTELY seen a dramatic change in skin quality
Thanks for sharing
Which supplement do you take of K2???
@@lindafullerton577 NATURE'S TRUTH ULTRA K-2 + MK-7 COMPLEX 800 MCG
Can u take k2 while u taking collagen?
I will be taking K-2 now. I thought the issue with my face now may be due to bone loss but wasn't sure. I have always looked 10 years younger - genes. Younger men 10 and 11 years younger thought I was their age. Now I look my age and it seemed to have crept up on me over night. I thought it was due to stress and worry. G-d gave me youth as a blessing and I don't want to lose it. I will be ordering K-2.
All the women in my family look 20 years younger. I find that women with dark skin age beautifully. High melanin production makes skin supple and pretty much wrinkle free Especially if we eat well, our skin stays tight. I've been all over Africa and have been amazed how smooth and wrinkle free even in 80 yr old women. Melanin is a magic component for great skin.
My mom is 95 barely a wrinkle on her pale skin. She avoided the Sun, smoking, drinking but I think it's in the genes. I am holding up too and I am just as pale.
Yesss im only 22 but i look 13😅 im truly blessed💁🏾♀️
That's so true.
Dark skin is undoubtedly gorgeous. I just watched a documentary of the oldest WWII veteran; he was a 109 year old black man who literally looked like he was about 70...still driving, walking, cooking, going to church. What a force! And he was so handsome.
@@lorenlash9174 yes I envy black people for their beautiful skin. They age well. Their skin always looks good with no wrinkles, 😊😩😁😉
Eggs, Brie, and organic butter are constants in my diet. (KETO) since I cut out sugar more often than not I’ve noticed a big difference in the texture and evenness in my skin. Still working on that slipping elasticity!
Excellent and thanks for sharing
Vitamin D3 only never synthetic vitamin D2
Vitamin D and K 2 work together!!
I took both for 3 months and my D level went from 17 to 133 ❤️❤️❤️
Yes. Keto here but found the elasticity an ISSUE. any advice. Please 😁🌹
good eat raw
@@Kathy-20J-73 Autophagy will tighten your skin. That's what happens when you do Intermittent Fasting and only eat within a 6 to 8 hour window daily. For example, a person might have coffee with a tsp of MCT oil for breakfast, then eat a meal at 12:00 pm and finish eating their late meal before 6:00 pm.
I also take biotin daily. I also take collagen in my shakes; but my sister's plastic surgeon told her you don't need to take collagen, just take the precursor to collagen: biotin.
I had an old aunt (78) with the most wonderful skin, I asked her how her skin was so lovely!
Her reply was good butter 🧈 eat the very best butter you can! None of that margarine rubbish. This was around 32 years ago I asked that question. I was only a child and her skin looked like a peach 🍑 to me.
As I go older I still thought about it but turns out she wasn’t far wrong! Even when she passed she still hadn’t aged much..
Thanks for sharing such a great story
Great story.
Yes it is very worth it to get the best quality butter possible, preferably from pastured cows.
Maybe because butter have vitamin A,E,K2,selenium,iod and other elements
So seems that eat quality butter and not margarine is better
Have you tried it? Any results?
I've just started taking D3 with K2. Awaiting the results 😊
2:02 guys. Vitamin k2, mk-7. Thanks doctor
Yeah! I just started taking this a few months ago for Rona prevention. Looking forward to the face lift. 8D
This is interesting. I’ve been taking k2 and eating liver for years. I do this for other health benefits, but had no idea is was so beneficial to the skin. This is exciting. Thanks!
Thats a great find!! Enjoy
Drase Lee what kind of liver is best & why??
@@dianasolfest4052 Animal liver in general is very nutritional. I enjoy chicken liver and beef liver with onions. They all have benefits so find one that tastes good to you.
I'm 62 and I've been on Vit d3 liquid 5000IU and K2 for years. I take them with a high fat meal as they are fat soluble. I also 18 hr fast with two meals a day with 2 litres of water.
As a seemingly healthy 52 year old I had a prinzemetals heart attack ( cardiac spasm) which led to cardiac arrest because the local ER didn't recognize what was happening to me. By the grace of God I happened to be asking for help for the 4th time in a week at the ER when my heart stopped beating so resuscitation efforts began immediately and saved my life after 15 minutes. Whew! One of the good things that came out of this was my extensive research and discovery of the benefits of vitamin K2 with Menaquinone. Keeping calcium in my bones and out of my blood vessels was what interested me on it. I had never considered that facial bones also become porous. Pretty cool, isn't it, that what's helps to keep us healthy also helps us to keep our pretty?
Amazing story with a great ending. Thank you and congrats
julie, Another thing that will get rid of the calcium on your arteries is drinking a tablespoon of vinegar daily. Put an eggshell, which is calcium, into a glass of vinegar and it will dissolve it into liquid in 3 days. Vinegar is the fountain of youth. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you survived that heart attack Julie. How long ago did this happen?
Thanks a million for ur comment! What do u think caused ur heart attack?
I started taking MK2 about 10 years ago for cardiovascular support. Today, many people think I am younger than my age. I chuckled when you said your mother gave you Cod Liver Oil. Mine did as well, and I am very grateful for that now.
Appreciate your sharing and great moms
I’ve been taking K2 with D3 for years this is true - a good diet helps a lot
Im at that age where i dont want to look younger but i don't want to look old either. I need to start taking supplements. Thank you for this video, very informative!
I'm 66 years old and I look like 49-50 according to many people; NO ONE has ever guessed my correct age! Perhaps, I must've lots of Vitamin K2. Thank you sir, for a well informed video; God bless 🙏
Congrats and stay tuned. Keep sharing your secrets with us.
Same here except my turkey neck gives me away.
Great video. Watched it while eating my 2 pasture raised eggs which I eat EVERY morning. Also pure butter, grass fed meats and beef liver. At 70 I have seen 30 yr. olds with more wrinkles than me. I have very few around the eyes. Never smoked, no tanning, rare alcohol. No bone issues either. I gave my kids cod liver oil too. I think I'll subscribe to you. Thanks.
excellent and thanks for sharing....
@@rajanimdskincare should i take another viramin with k2 doc?
I just ordered K powder into my smoothie along with vit D powder.
Where did you order if you don’t mind sharing
@@Ela-vw9gv on line, in bulk D3, and K2, K1, magnesium on Amazon. I don't like taking tablets or pills, so the bulk powders are easier in smoothies. You'll have to get tiny millimeter, milligram spoons, and I mean tiny measuring spoons. Lol. Also on Amazon. They are cheap.
@@moniquefleming3738 good idea!
Take a spoonful of apple cider vinegar daily , it has sufficient k2.
…🌱🪴🌷One rare food (if you luv cheese) is aged Gouda which does contain Vitamin K2; gr8 vid. Dr. R!
Yay, I already eat tons of Gouda. Thx for the info.
I have osteoperosis, am 65, have been taking a K2 supplement for two years, and no longer have muscle pain. I was attributing the pain to, possible, leeched calcium, from my bones into my muscles, calcifying them. That's a self-diagnosis, of course, and not recommended. However, the K2 seems to be working.
Research magnesium & magnesium oil...The missing link...
Any good non soy sources for K2. I'm allergic to legumes and soy has sent me into anaphylaxis in the past. Am I just doomed to use my soy free D3/K2 supplement forever?
Yes, I take K2 with vit D. My facial structure is remaining. I look much, much younger than I am. Thank you for this video.
As a DDS I am concerned about the plastic sealants put into kids teeth. They may cause an estrogen response (in girls and boys) and may also affect the development of the adult oral biofilm. No one is considering the impact of this unnecessary treatment.
Thanks for your great information.
Your concerns are quite valid. Quite. Actually, it’s probably quite intentional. They knew soy protein is loaded with estrogen, yet pushed it hard as THE choice for baby formula. You can’t pillage the house unless you first bind the strong man, and you can’t overthrow a nation unless you first get the MEN out of the way. This has been deliberate, methodical, quite planned and intentional. Organizations such as the UN, League of Nations (now home of the UN headquarters), Council of Foreign Relations, and other organizations pretending to be for world peace (their version requires total domination, and they’ll openly state that if you read what they publish, and observe the pageantry at celebratory events-opening ceremonies, half time shows, etc.
If you can stomach it, fo watch the ceremony for the opening of the Goddard Tunnel. Switzerland is anything BUT “neutral”, the government is openly satanic, if you look with your eyes and use basic logic. They also have no problem being one of the top locations in the world for money laundering the accounts of millions, billions, and trillions of dollars. They had and have no issues with securing and hiding stolen and pillaged treasures, etc. They’re fine with the dirty money and the assisting of committing and covering the crimes of what is to most an unimaginable level.
So, these organizations have been working to push societies together, to create discord, not peace (but they do have a good puppet show for the people who are mentally kiddies), have to have a good front, a good façade, but hey, they even now display an artistic interpretation of the Beast of the book of Revelation in the Bible. They tried to claim it was a gift they couldn’t refuse, I say rubbish, I’m sure they didn’t have to prominently display this “gift” (I say it is a commissioned piece of art, and it fits the UN and Revelation quite well, coincidentally, of course).
The UN through referendums, agendas (their words for them), and other documents have openly stated their intention to “reclaim” lands (which all coincidentally seek to struggle with “wildfires”, such that do very mysterious types of damage, burning metal to dust, leaving plastic unscathed, or vice versa at times (most likely DEWS, US military has been blatantly attacking its own people since September 2001, yet more magical things like aluminum planes that would have the nose dented if it hit a goose while flying, but can appear right in midair on camera, not flying into the frame, but just popping into existence, only to crash right on through 3 walls of a concrete and steel building, magically maintaining its wings through all of this, coming out the last wall with its nose still intact, and again, disappearing into thin air just as mysteriously as it appeared. OR, the project Bluebeam grand debut was a success, and the det charges that can clearly be seen going off floor by floor for the whole world to see was what brought them down.
Either aluminum cans can indeed penetrate concrete reinforced with steel on a steel frame, OR…it would crumple, as the laws of physics dictate. Personally, I choose the latter.
The UN is one of many puppets of the deep state, who is the puppet of even more evil people, people who stay well under the radar, right where they keep their countries also, well under the radar, like Lichtenstein, Monaco, Switzerland, Belgium, even Egypt and Antarctica, these are places to watch instead of the circus act. But they keep a very, very quiet and peaceful exterior. Most people never even think about them at all. Just as they like it.
So part, just a tiny part of one of the UN’s published agendas is to reduce the world population by 80% asap. Mr. Gates stated that with his formulas, he can help them achieve that more quickly. They also “legalized” experimenting on humans without their knowledge or consent, on individuals or entire populations, using food, air, water, or medicine. Well, it’s been going on for over a century and a half, but it’s been even more a free for all ever since.
They also said they’d create continual crises so people would beg for their “solutions” (tactic as old as the hills themselves), and beg to be part of their human experiments, and to demand their rights be taken away, using fear tactics as a motivator. And of course crisis actors to normalize it all. Crisis acting itself isn’t a multibillion dollar industry because the everyday man hires them. They have to “perform” somewhere. Mostly on the evening news, for TV watchers and news believers who love puppet shows and circus acts.
Their biggest pride and joy was debuted about 3-1/2 years ago. They were so proud, they pre-enacted it years ahead of time at the London Olympics (all the way down to the well-intentioned, caring but helpless, dancing medical staff, and the “beloved nanny” aka the nanny state dropping in to save the day! Oh, yes, trust the nanny state. They love you and will lull you to sleep. Aerial view was the thing itself under a microscope, as were the umbrellas of the Marys Poppins as they floated down to the rescue.
The “brand names” for the “solutions” are just a way to track which experiment the participators are a part of. Most program a scannable chip, well, they can scan it at the store, and get very basic info, but the government scanners reveal much more about those bearing the chip in their bodies.
They want people to continue to participate, so they’ll have more, and use fear to gain participants. It was also to test the social pressure and who would resist not only their fear tactics to try to force participation, but pressure and panic from others.
And of course they needed a visual, and that was multi-purpose as well. Show us visually who will blindly obey, who will not, and for those who will participate, and for those who will, show us you’ll remain silent no matter what we do to you, or demand from you. Participate in the Satanic worldwide silencing ritual. You’ll be a good little slave, and you agree to be silenced. You won’t resist. That’s what we need to see, a quick visual assessment of who will and won’t be a problem for what we have in store for you. We need to assess the threat to us before we fine-tune our next move. Thanks for your participation.
And the whole trans bs is the same thing. Just another Satanic ritual, silence the sane, sterilize children under the sick and twisted guise of “caring” knowing full well the suicide rate will increase, especially once they truly ARE “trapped in the wrong body” for life, a slave to the pharmaceutical companies, never to have their hormones be kind to them ever again.
Hormones are the way cells communicate with each other. Hormone disruptions are like taking an axe to the communications systems. It’s like ripping out every cable and server, even someone’s mouth itself. It’s pure evil, so of course evil states are promoting it and promoting it as “caring”. There’s nothing “caring” about watching someone fall off a cliff just because they’re blindly dancing vigorously right next to the edge, and it’s all the worse to encourage them to dance all the more wildly, and yet worse to give to them a shove off the cliff.
But here we are. Many people DO know and discuss it. More people need to do the same, or at least STOP participating if they have been doing so.
POTUS John Kennedy was one of a handful of public figures who tried to warn the world. It went badly for him.
Michael Jackson was another, for example, it also went badly for him. As is always the case when anyone with any power speak up to warn the world, he was instantly hit with wild accusations which he could refute, (but of course that wasn’t reported).
He wasn’t even in the country during most of the times when they alleged the incidents supposedly occurred. in one court case, though the media didn’t feel the need to tell anyone, he was in Bahrain, getting away from the world and pressures of home (and the threats he got for speaking out).
That’s pretty far away. Yes, it is. But he was naive and he allowed these underprivileged kids and their moms to stay in his home, and be cared for by his staff. They gave them whatever they wanted, they even had the chauffeur at their disposal, and look how they thanked him for that. They became puppets for the retaliation brigade. Mike tried to warn everyone, and that wasn’t well-received.
Trump also has openly and publicly stated to them that he will do anything and everything to try to stop them from their agenda (their word for it), and look how that’s gone for him.
And the list goes on. Watch and learn. Anyone calling them out suddenly is slammed with eithe severe illnetot death, or extreme legal cases that will be made a media circus, because these families began methodically buying up every newspaper, magazine and publishing house they could (and went on to radio, TV, movies, recording studios, Hollywood, all formed of media that exist today) back in the 1880’s, because the job of the media is “to shape and mold public opinion and behavior, both foreign and domestic), so they could report whatever they wanted the people to believe (like 6 million Jews dead, dying and destitute, always over in the Middle East, and Near East, Europe, that part of the world. Never 4 million, 5.7 million, or even 6.8 million. Always 6.
It’s an important Kabbalah number. They reported it in the 1880’s, repeatedly, always changing location, including pictures of pleading, outstretched hands, please send all you can to the plight of these people (nevermind real plights elsewhere). It’s quite a coincidence that it’s been 6M and no other number, and that it was repeatedly reported for 60 years, until the story stuck to one country in particular (lots there, people need to do serious homework. No one is taught about the 20 million Christias targeted and killed in that same war. Or the Germans who were crucified to their own trees and barns. Or the carpet bombing from Allies that boiled even the asphalt and people were burned alive and encased in the very streets, women and children included. Those who jumped into the rivers only caught the rivers on fire. The refugees huddled under any remaining tree or fleeing in boats were hunted by air and bombed or shot. Talk about genocide, and that’s not e be n including Eisenhower’s death camps.
Who were the ones actually holocausted? By the very definition of it? Ya, and they get insulted on top of all that.
So, sure, The H man did some sick stuff. Typhus actually killed most PT in those camps and they were called death camps because of the rampant disease. They actually tried to keep people AWAY from them. If they wanted to kill all the J people, the H man wouldn’t have had them on staff in his home, or have over 150,000 officers, not infantry, but officers (Nazi Jewish officers, that’s a lot to allow if he hated ALL of them, and that’s a lot who agreed to be in the Nazi party, it was a socialist movement as opposed to communism).
The point is, records show it was just under 279,000 who died in the camps counting other nationalities, including Germans themselves. H man was spying and competing with the heinous experiments the US was doing, (along with Canada and England) but never could as he didn’t have the funds the US had. The Allies just had a better smear campaign. All experiments were heinous. Still are. Now.
Actually, many German soldiers and officers had their own Underground Railroad and got Jews to holland and other places, which is why sometimes people said they never saw family again, doesn’t mean they all died.
It just as easily could be that they were taken to safety and lost touch, no way to find each other. There was no internet. And like any disaster, names get reported as missing or dead multiple times. It’s the nature of the situation. Even the Jews have reduced their estimation to 1.5 million, but the census statistics show the birth and death rate to be pretty steady for that time period. So they were mostly elsewhere. They still had children, the camps had stores and maternity wards, no need for German soldiers, all men, to have a maternity ward.
Did they do bad things and kill some? Yes. Most were deported, experimented on, or put to work in labor camps. There was Nazi money with a menorah on it. They gave them their own currency, which they’d not bother to do if they planned to kill them all. No, they wouldn’t.
Much forensics proves gas stories to be scientifically impossible, and no reported mass graves found, despite great effort to search from ground and air conducted ground penetrating radar, in an attempt to find and honor mass graves.
The only ones found are Eisenhower’s death camps that contain naked German male civilians, stripped of their clothes once dead, after being rounded up from the towns, any male who could hold a gun, and held at gunpoint to die from the elements with nothing but the clothes on their backs, no water, no latrines, no weather protection, sent the Red Cross away, saying they had supplies, but deliberately weren’t sharing them, they stole the food of the Germans and it was sent to eventually rot in warehouses in England, not even giving it to the rationed Brits. They had THEM tear out their beloved gardens to create “victory gardens”, which was deliberate to raise patriotism but yet break the spirit of the people. That’s how sick and twisted these bastards are.
England is known for its beautiful gardens, definitely not for their food or quality of teeth (and a dentist knows this more than most medical doctors , that nutrition is directly shown in the quality of teeth, and the places with the best real nutrition (not FDA guidelines), have the straightest, strongest and whitest teeth.
The best German breeding stock that wasn’t already in the military were held by the Allies, mostly American, just standing in a field and starved to death, baked by the heat and frozen with icicles hanging from their hair and beards, seeing how long it would take for them to die, and look just like a typhus victim-emaciated. And dead.
Their blond hair was shaved AFTER death to disguise the nationality of the dead (as opposed to Germans who shaved heads of everyone fi I g in while alive to prevent typhus spread by lice), pictures taken to misidentify them (this all came out from American soldiers who finally shared photos and stories once they no longer feared the consequences).
Ultimately, these are all examples of why it is what you’re not told that deserves your attention.
That’s very interesting
Love when you talk about the food supply too!! Thank you for bringing awareness to this.
People seem to like these do more to come. 🙏🙏🙏
@@rajanimdskincare It's just one of several ways they (the 1%) conduct covert warfare on us. Especially Americans, their main target....
I am a whole food plant based vegan. I am 53, and most people think I look 40 or younger. I have long attributed it to the phytoestrogens in plants such as soy despite limited case studies. I will never consume animal-based collagens or products, but K2 and/or natto are definitely great to learn of. Thank you so much for sharing and caring!
If your parents or families members looks also young,than you look younger because your family genetics.
If it's no so,you look younger because your vegan foods.
Grass fed beef. Great for the skin!
I am a vegan too. I swear by soy. I had a nurse flip when I told her my age. She was only a couple years old than me, but she looked 20 years older than me. It'd diet, lifestyle - low stress and genetics that's the trifecta.
In my family we all look years younget it is genetics and healthy balancec diet cooked from scratch daily
I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but I was taking K2 for about 2 months and I ended up hospitalized with kidney stones! First time in my life having kidney stones and I'm 46.
I have had kidney stones all my life and lithotripsy and 2 years ago surgery to remove a huge one. I started taking K2 (mk7) and each year I have had ultrasound scans to see if the stones that are in there are growing and they are not so the K2 is directing the calcium away from binding with the oxalates and forming stones. It has worked for me.
@@fishnlady تناول ماء الشعير المغلي وماء البقدونس يفتت الحصى في الكلى إلى بودرة وكذلك تناول الصمغ العربي المذاب في الماء يفتتها كذلك دون الحاجة لإجراء جراحة
@@wafaaalshareef8611 شكرا لك على هذه المعلومات.
A doctor going over papers for free! Absolutely rare-and he gives his opinions on sociological factors, veracity, and he treats the viewer like "the old medicine", like a doctor who has a true conversation with the client factoring in history of body and mind. This is nothing like new doctors who just advertize fraxel and a suplement or a peptide serum,
nothing like visiting doctor on the rush, who pops in for filler after a literal 10 second peek at the patient.
I have one worry however, and I think it is valid due to the new generation of people watching:
The lack of a "video" disclaimer may become a legal liability or may even be one as we speak. How many poeple have you heard say "i learned it in a video", when you know they do not read even the tiniest bit in their spare time? I believe more people, young and old, have gotten used to just watching videos, literally forgetting even if videos have text spaces underneath.
Ive seen and heard employees at our cutting edge hospitals overlook more and more minutae of written details.
Ive had RNs, SWs, and MDs simply want to see imaging and be spoken to, rather than have to read. This progression of ignorance of written word is extremely troubling.
My request is for you to add "video" disclaimers, because law is not in absolutes, attention spans are shortening by the week, and bob dylan would say, "the times they are a-changin'".
Good Karma,
-Im Pressed
Informed videos with references and studies is worth watching instead of googling everything
He's making money off the videos and supplements he sells.
@@foreignmely reading dramatically effects the way a brain is wired in ways that video watching cannot accomplish. When you have spent a lifetime reading, you have a specialized area in your left ventral occipital temporal region, shifted facial recognition into your right hemisphere, reduced your inclination toward holistic visual processing, increased your verbal memory, and thickened your corpus callosum, which is the information highway that connects the left and right hemispheres of your brain. In simpler terms: reading doesn't just fill your brain with information; it actually changes the way your brain works for the better as well. Research shows that deep reading, the kind that happens when you curl up with a great book for an extended period of time, also builds up our ability to focus and grasp complex ideas. Studies show that the less you really read, the more these essential abilities wither.
The disclaimers are very important. I hope doc Rajani considers it. YT is soon clamping down on information that isn't FDA approved like natural medicine.
This is great, but let's also not forget the two biggest causes of aging - the sun and smoking. I've been avoiding the sun like a vampire since I was 16. I'm almost 58 now and can easily pass for someone in their early 40s. My partner is 6 months younger than I am and looks 20 years older because he smokes like a chimney and is out in the sun all the time with no sunscreen. SO GLAD I watched this - dentist told me I have bone loss in my jaw - so I am going to start taking a K2 supplement. Not really sure about any of the foods on that list, because I basically avoid dairy now. If you're wondering why childrens' growth, etc. is different in this day and age, I suspect it's because of factory-farming practices (an environmental disaster) and the use of pesticides for starters...
You don't look 40...... Please be real. You look GREAT!
You can get lung cancer from that toxic 2nd hand smoke. My mom did. Even just on his clothes- if you can EVER smell it- you are getting exposure in your lungs. You can believe this because it is true. Make him quit or move on.
In response to your comment about something in our food affecting our children...I read an article that blamed a chemical found in our water bottles and plastics, it was said it coverts to estrogen. Hormones in our meats was also blamed for affecting hormones in both sexes. Interesting topic!
I have also heard and read about it when I was 27, now I’m 46 pre menopause and definitely need good vitamins, I can only treat my hot flush symptoms because we have high cancer in our family so no estrogen for me.
It’s Phthalates and Bisphenol released in the water from the plastic bottles, and also in food and skincare that are in plastic packaging! Look for BPA free on the packaging!
I once watched a documentary about a town or village somewhere in Scandinavia where there was a plastic bottling plant and the water from the plant leaked into the water table and a lot of the children were being born half male half female after a lot of research they found it was due to the plastics in the water I wish I could remember when and where I saw the documentary but it’s made me wary of drinking from plastic also reheating in plastic convenience is not always a good thing
A few very important things that have a huge impact on various forms of aging are: married vs single, and having children vs not having children
True in single and no children and I have zero stress 🤣
You are 100% correct.
😂 truth! I do have 1 kid, but honestly, being a single mom is an absolute cakewalk compared to living with his father for over a decade.
if I get a divorce and Foster out my children will that help? 🤣
@@bronagh1579 🤣🤣🤣 we should try
I'm so happy that you told us natto is good against wrinkles, because I take it for years for cleaning and preventing the arteries of plaques!
I've been taking Natto and K-2 vitamins in my routine for about 2 yrs. I was 55 when I lost a lot of collagen and muscle on my face due to an illness several years ago. I have the midface sagging which was the result. I use a lot of topicals and collagen capsules and together with the Natto and K-2 I have seen some improvement. One thing I discovered from one study when I was researching Natto, is that half of Japan eat it everyday and have beautiful skin. The other half of Japan doesn't like Natto so they do not look as youthful as those who do eat it regularly. I thought that was something interesting to add here. The study said that Natto is "an acquired taste", so I take capsules with a high dosage instead.
Thanks for the tip.
@@AnnaMaledonPictureBookAuthor 😊
So Natto Capsules????? do they work???
@@JustMe-gs9xi I would have to say yes...but not alone. Eight months later, I still take natto daily and I will continue to do so. I also added 'Collagen Powder about 5 months ago, from Bio-Trust. (not selling it...just trust it) I add a scoop to my coffee. It is tasteless in coffee. I could never drink it in cold liquid...BLECH! Chk bones, shrimp shells, cow feet, eggshell and chicken feet!
I never thought I could drink that stuff, but I was desperate enough to do it...and it has filled in a bit of the hollowing, but I expect another year to look more "filled in". It took me one year of very bad habits(more "Whisky" and less food)which ultimately made me drop 100 lbs that year which wrecked my face. I could afford to lose the weight...but not "that way". My face will probably never "forgive me".👀🤦♀️ Been Sober...for 4 years. If you want to know the results, read on...or skip the rest.
I also added a topical cream that is a "fiber blast" to help with hollowing. So...since that post, there is improvement, but right side of my face is more "filled in" than "left side"...sigh. Skin texture has improved, my hair is thicker, my knees and feet hurt a little less...which is probably the collagen's contribution. So... it takes more than Natto, but I'm grateful to have access to it...and still recommend it wholeheartedly. I am always looking for the strongest milligrams I can find, with the least capsules. One every night is it.
@@maureenperez9999 Thank yhou so much. I wrote a nice long reply and it got wiped out
Pharmacist here!!! Bingo! Hit the vit K nails on the head!!! I was glad to here you explain the difference between vit K1 and K2 in regards to clotting disorders. Patients gets SO SCARED of vit K!! Thank you for using your platform for education!!!
Thank you very much for your insights and contributions.
Pharmacist here also and I supplement D3 with k2!😊
BLACK Seed oil and Manuka Honey every night one teaspoon each. I started applying black seed oil on my skin from Perfect press.
Excellent and thanks for being part of my group here.
@@rajanimdskincare No problem thank you for a reply. 😊
Where are you from if i may ask?
This comment is before i watched the video.
I was just diagnosed with billary hyperkenesia, basically an overactive gallbladder.... I believe I have had this all my life , which leaves you deficient invitamin D and vitamin K.I am fifty years old, and I look like i'm about ten years older than what I am. I'm excited to watch.
Great to hear about the K2! I've been taking Natto for about 8 or 9 months now. Get it at a Japanese market in frozen units of which I eat 1/2 container at a time. I bury it in my salad or scrambled egg and it's not unpleasant at all. I'm 76 and have ostopenia as well as a mild blockage in one place and am excited to learn if it's been helpful. I already see that it's helping with calcium deposits in the palm of my hand. Love your show. I've had a face lift at 70 (I'm 70) in the picture and still look great but needing touch up now. I've got much useful info from you and appreciate your show. You're wonderful 👍. Bea
Not trying to be rude but isn’t it usually not in the eye of the beholder for ones self hmm. In short u can have ur own opinion of urself ofc or ur skin but it does make more sense for those opinions to be dependent on others views . Just a thought to consider
@@margaretmitchell4926 I didnt see anything wrong with her comment. It's a sign of confidence not in a bragging way. And I agree she looks great at 70.
Wow I commend your ability to eat natto for that long, and being not Japanese. Not even all Japanese people like that stuff. I love seeing open minded people.
Well done bea 👍
It tastes awful!
Wow I’ve recently started to take K2 🤸♂️🤸♂️🙋♀️
Any side affects?
@@potofgoldinthesky678 no but I have only been taking it for a couple of weeks. All ok so far! I’ve read quite a bit about K2 recently and how essential it is for our skin and overall health 🙋♀️
I've been taking k2 with vitamin D 3 for years for bone health. I had no idea it could fight wrinkles. I'm 43
enjoy and thanks for sharing.
I initially was doing research regarding vascular health when I found out about K2 and D3. Had a CT Scan for my heart due to family history and lipid panel. Zero plaque build-up. I feel blessed. I stopped taking it but have started again due to your informative videos. I'm 63 and feel lucky that the bone loss isn't to bad as well as doing Infini with a very experienced MD. Also many other machines because I was an Advanced Aesthetician/CMA local to you. I was blessed to find Spectrum when Mary first started her school. Blessings to you.
Two more sources of Vit K2 Raw butter and raw cream. Food as anti aging skincare is real.
I can’t get over how nice my skin looks when I eat chicken liver regularly !
Also not eating as in Fasting is also an anti aging tool.
Thank you for all your info. And research 😊🙏🏼
Yes I wish I liked chicken liver. How do you prepare?
@@rajanimdskincare how do u prepare?? If u like Indian food .. there r some good soul feeding recipes..
@@sabreenasubhan9658 love Indian food. I had chicken Vindaloo last night but when I was in India the women spent 6 hours cooking and would not let me in the kitchen. I never did learn and I no longer have 6 hours a day
In my country it is said that due to the mass production of chickens they get pumped full of hormones and bad stuff and if you think about it realistic, what is the function of the liver... do in my mind all those toxins goes to the liver, chicken livers not my thing.
I’m half Japanese and I eat natto and I had NO idea how good it was for the skin!
My mom didn’t start to get lines until she was well into her 70s.
You are sooooo lucky! I just turned 30 and growing up on the beach and under t,he hole in the ozone layer has me looking older than your mumma
Japanese are so beautiful. Hair & skin
@@annacpa58 I agree unfortunately I’m only half. 🥴
@@mellenhead273 I did the sun worshiping thing up until my 20s. My mother scolded me every single time I came back from the beach with my Johnson’s baby oil!
Believe me I would do a lot of things different if I was wise enough back then. I would probably look at least 10 years younger.😣
I can’t say beyond a shadow of a doubt regardless of your DNA or what your background is, avoid stress and insomnia at all cost! Not only will it kill you it will age you beyond imagination.
I’m walking proof of both.😬
@@mellenhead273 You’re still young enough to repair the damage! I would look into the Korean skin care regiment. They have the best products and they are not expensive!
I started using them when I was around 50 and I can tell you they actually make a big difference pretty quickly. I went with the middle of the road 11 step process. I know that sounds like a lot but it really doesn’t take much time at all. Once you do it a few times you’ll probably be done with it within 10 minutes.
I too always looked about 15 years younger I'm 68. But my 43 yr old daughter died a year ago and I have aged a lot since with no energy.x
I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter! How devastating...Praying for you
I'm really sorry for your loss.
May you both see each other very soon, in the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Magnesium lovely will help as you have encountered much stress. Xo
Im so very sorry...
So sorry my dear for your loss.
Keep healthy and strong.
God bless.
And I understand your loss.
Your daughter is not gone. You will definitely see her again. I know this because I flat lined for 1 minute and the experience I had proofed to me that there IS an afterlife. 💜💜
Vitamin D3 with K2 i have been taking now for 2 months and noticed a vast difference with my skin i also take magnesium and also b vitamins as well, b vitamins are key for skin as well......
Thank you❤
You're welcome 😊
The book Nourishing Traditions and The Weston A. Price Foundation have lots of great info about K2. It is now believed that K2 is the “activator X” discovered by Weston Price in the 1930s as a critical nutrient among the diets of healthy non-industrialized populations.
Natto on hot rice with an egg broken over at breakfast. Yum. Miss living in Tokyo sometimes.
Fermented foods are phenomenal for gut health, Natto is highly nutritious ❤️
I need to get Natto recipe.
@@dancewitme211 You can find them on social media sites,I recommend a Japanese cook book. If you're allergic to soy, you can use Gabonzo beans, chick peas. Iodine comes from seaweed, kelp, salmon and tuna, Japanese eat about 1200mcg a day, US recommends 36mcg. Have blood work done to see if you have any vitamin, mineral, and or trace mineral deficiency's. My internal medicine doctor does this once a year, I had to pick up the fat levels in my diet. Healthy fats, avocado, olive oil, etc.. I also have my hormones tested once a year though my OBGYN. I hope this helps, have a beautiful day ❤️❤️❤️❤️
don't forget nori on your natto.
Love your work! As a Nutritionist the only supplement I take is Vitamin D and I eat with rich food sources of vitamin C. Not only good for skin health but also strong immune system. I recently travelled to the other side of the world, gone into 14 day quarantine and moved back home adapting to different climates and not once gotten sick. I'm going to give K2 a go.
Excellent. I have a vid coming on c and d
Yes, its said by several doctors, including Berg, that to get the most out of D, you need k2 to distribute the D properly. Just take em together. Ive checked, researched. Its the right thing .
I eat D3 regularly, but it has no impact on my skin, I do have osteoporosis, due to very early menopause hormone problems (polycystic ovary syndrome - with of course no cysts!), my skin is terrible tired, with not enough water, with hard fat which at my age makes me severe problems, my face lost volume very quickly. In cca 3 years came to radical change, and even hyaluronic cosmetics does no good for me, I have very thin skin prone to rosacea and perioral dermatitis...Nothing works for me. I 'm waiting to get to the endocrinologist, but in my experience no one takes you seriously if your life is not in danger - only the quality. I kind of think they will not help me. I used to use hormonal therapy for 10 year at younger age which worked very well, than I stabilized and I did not need it any more. That rapidly changed after I got over 50. I do not want to have plastic face, but I do not age normally. My mom has better skin and skeleton at her 92 . I live in Europa and I feel really depressed, because in last 2 years I developed arthritis in my spine, and hips and shoulders and I can not eat pain killers due to my stomach and kidney issues. I think I eat good balanced food, but I might have problems with absorption and later with metabolic, anabolic and ketabolic procesess.
So we get to enzymes and similar problems. But I can only guess? Which doctor can find what goes wrong and where can I appropriately support my body to function better? I can not eat every possible supplement on the world.
Funny you’re a nutritionist but didn’t know to take K2 with Vitamin D3.
Funny you’re a nutritionist but didn’t know to take K2 with Vitamin D3. You work for the UK NHS by any chance?!
Moisture in the air in certain parts of the world makes the skin look young too. When I was in Asia, and it was warm and moist in the air, my skin looked like in my 30s. When I came back to the states where everything is dry, my skin looked like in the 50s...!
Clearly you don’t live in the Deep South-we’re semi tropical down here.
I don't eat any of those foods so Thanks sooooo MUCH for sharing this supplement with us. Just discovered and subscribed to your channel! 💖🙏💙
Excellent information! Agreed ...it’s not just having procedures it’s taking care of your body to support beautiful procedures ... Thank You Dr Jani
Excellent information on the importance of K2! I was a model that spent a lot of time in Asia... amazing how I could not tell the difference in someone 30 or 60 in Japan! You are absolutely right! Thank you brilliant Doc for once again bringing us valuable information on remaining healthy! 🙏🏻😊
Hi, page. Was that everywhere in Asia or just in Japan ?
@@a.m.thomas9366 I was in China and Japan and it was definitely the case for both of those countries. I was astounded!
@@justanotherhuman3668 Due to their diet. Not at all the SAD diet, aka: Standard American Diet.
@@justanotherhuman3668 Of course, it’s diet. As a Chinese, I was shocked to see what people eat in the US when I was there for college.
Exactly! Soy is not the same here in the U.S. ,I don't drink soy milk at all anymore, but I do eat edamame beans with salads!
I've been taking K2 to support my intake of D3, but I never knew that K2 also does all those other things !
I eat natto everyday. Few months ago, someone thought I was 22years younger than my actual age. I guess I will keep eating it daily!
Whats natto
Are you from Asia, if not, where do you get it from
@Michelle H. Hi there, where do you buy your Natto?
I’ll check the Japanese town markets
@@christinemott2878 rotten soybean curd.
Thank you so much, I’m going to add K2 to my regimine🌸
Hello how are you doing today 😊☺️☺️
Great information!! But why is everybody commenting in paragraphs??
Brussel sprouts and Sauerkraut has a lot of k2 . I also eat 1 avocado with lemon and salt every day.
Tempeh is also a fermented soy food that is so delicious and I prefer it to tofu.
Vitamins A, C, E as well as copper, selenium and zinc are also anti-aging. I have a friend with Crohn’s who had his terminal ileum (TI) removed. It is a region in the G.I. system for absorbing vitamins. He had impaired ability to absorb B12 and copper. His hair turned grey/white. Apparently, copper deficiency can do this.
I just learnt something new. Thank you for sharing that nugget of info. 😊
Thank you! 💖👍😍
I also had that part of the small intestine removed, due to ulcerative colitis. I order a water-soluble form of the fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E, K, called ADEKs. I also get monthly B12 shots. I didn't know about the copper. Thank you.
Copper is the melanin 😉
Agree !!! A, C and E 🥰🥰🥰
My late Mom, all through our childhood, gave us Cod Liver Oil every day and slathered us in sunscreen year ‘round. “Gooseliver” and Baby Beef Liver & Onions was always in her dinner rotation. She said “you’ll thank me someday!” She’s gone and I’m 61, and I’d love to tell her Thank You! My brother and I can probably count on one hand the sick days we took from kindergarten to graduation. We just didn’t get the viruses and other things “going around.” Sugar wasn’t allowed in the house so we don’t have the “sweet tooth” some people struggle with. Mom used Ponds Cold Cream faithfully for decades. Her skin looked fabulous her whole life and I’m so lucky she passed some good old-fashioned habits. Of course with new knowledge and even better products, like Dr. Rajani’s, I fully intend to keep aging gracefully, inside and out. ❤
Moms!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Amazing. Here is to your mom and thank you for sharing this wonderful story
I would love to see you in a video with doc Eric Berg he has a good channel on vitamins and nutrients for keeping younger. It could be a great contribution!! both care about educated people on taking care of the body in and out and prevention as the best thing to do.
Hes a chiropractor isnt he? Not an MD
@@DMV8662 u need a doctorate degree to be a chiropractor
Natto and Korean red kimchi have the probiotic bacillus subtillus.
A very well studied probiotic (discovered in in 1834). The balances the gut microbiome and creates 66 antibiotics in the gut.
Used in farming (plant and animal health).
Some of the effect of natto might have to do with bacillus subtillus.
I buy Yumm kombucha that has bacillus subtillus for the probiotic.
I am 56 years old and was getting a wrinkly neck and saw this video in April. Since then I have been taking natty daily, along with a K2 MK-7 supplement and my wrinkles are nearly gone on my neck. People have commented on it also! Thank you Dr. Rajani, you advice is easy to cross reference and is truthful.!
What brand natty and k2 m7 if you don’t mind?
@@gritandgrace6425 Hi I have been taking Vitamin K2 as MK-7-100MCG per serving- 120 ct- Bronson(brand) along with Nature Wise Vitamin D3 5000iu (125 mcg) both of which can be found on Amazon. The two vitamins pair together and as one increases vitamin D in the system, the K2 helps to put it in the proper place e.g.. bones. K2 also helps to decalcify the blood vessels and places the minerals again in its proper place. So as well as an aesthetic effect that you will get, it is also very helpful for your health!
What is natty?
@@catherinemarlowe9307 I'm sorry I meant Natto. Natto is a fermented bean that can be found in asian markets in the refrigerator or freezer section. It can also be purchased online. Sometimes people have a hard time eating Natto because of its strong taste, but I have become use to it. Essential what you want is fermented foods. You can also get K2 in sauerkraut, in Kim chee, in some hard cheeses such as parmesan cheese. K2 along with helping reduce wrinkles helps to remove calcium from soft tissues mainly the veins and arteries, thus reducing atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries and places the calcium into bone where it is needed. This is well documented in many reputable research papers.What a miracle vitamin huh!
@@catherinemarlowe9307 -Sorry I meant Natto- It's japanese fermented beans. It can be found in asian stores normally in the refrigerated section. Takes getting use to with its taste and texture. But you can also get K2 from sour kraut, kim chee, hard cheeses, any fermented food too!