I just reached pensioner age last month. Presbyopia started to impact my vision, with just a little bit blur, 20 years ago when I retired from work and spent more time reading on computer screen. I bought a pair of reading lens but the improvement was insignificant. Used it a few times only to find it more a hassle than helpful. I am still reading and typing this comment with my mypoia(-4,-4.5) lens. Good news is my optometrist niece told me presbyopia should stop progressing after age 65. Though presbyopia may have been reined in, another age related eye flash (on right eye) is taking its toll in recent years. Vison is a bit hazy and somtimes crowded with floaters. I put it jokingly, it's better to see things with ' one eye open one eye close ' at this age.
I also got new multifocal lens today. The optical lens has improved a lot over the years, so they can make better zones for different functions. I used Hoya Expert Fit, High Index 1.67. The lens are custom grinded to your prescription and is unique, unlike single focal lens which has stock lens for most people. The one I made today is called "Occupational Lens" which is mostly for computer distance in the middle, and reading in the bottom, and just a little distance on the top. This way the head can look straight ahead for the screen and also can read comfortably. Only $635 lenses only.
my university friend had high myopia (-8.0) and had developed cataract bad enough to do operation. Her myopia was corrected by choosing the right lens for her prescription. No more thick glasses afterwards.
我見大家都想知道朋友的眼鏡公司聯絡方法,所以我在此影片的資訊欄(discription box)留了她的聯絡電話☎️
Would you mind to disclose how much you paid for the glasses and how much was subsidized by the government?
睇標題就估到係講眼, 正好40, 老花😪
Hello Jimmy, 我在悉尼的!剛剛需要配返副新的鏡!可以介紹一下你朋友店嗎?Thank you
我在此影片的資訊欄(discription box)留了她的聯絡電話☎️
香港四眼族配鏡要求看得遠看得清,與澳洲標準有差別。來澳後首次配鏡找港人視光師,無要求下只跟原度數,後感老花之煩到區內洋人視光師驗眼配鏡,近視無加深,總覺新鏡片看景象欠些許清晰但又解老花之擾。直至眼角閃光急忙找不用預約視光師照眼底,問他是否新鏡片不合適,比較新舊兩鏡片是舊鏡片不合,雖然能看得遠看得清,但景象是縮小的,換駕駛執照驗眼要求也只需看到20m~25m 處車牌,新鏡片勝任有餘,那解釋了老花情況是被「高清」近視鏡片加害。
I just reached pensioner age last month. Presbyopia started to impact my vision, with just a little bit blur, 20 years ago when I retired from work and spent more time reading on computer screen. I bought a pair of reading lens but the improvement was insignificant. Used it a few times only to find it more a hassle than helpful. I am still reading and typing this comment with my mypoia(-4,-4.5) lens. Good news is my optometrist niece told me presbyopia should stop progressing after age 65. Though presbyopia may have been reined in, another age related eye flash (on right eye) is taking its toll in recent years. Vison is a bit hazy and somtimes crowded with floaters. I put it jokingly, it's better to see things with ' one eye open one eye close ' at this age.
Jimmy 請問在Brisbane 店舖在那裡?可以告知嗎?謝謝🙏
我在此影片的資訊欄(discription box)留了她的聯絡電話☎️
其實我都是資深帶眼鏡人,又深近視,以前在香港最平都要6、7 千。但在深圳佩完,真的返唔到轉頭,佢哋啲蔡司漸進鏡都好好質量
你好,可以分享邊度配眼鏡嗎? 謝謝
請問你朋友在Sydney 有無店舖?如Brisbane 在那?🙏🙏🙏
我在此影片的資訊欄(discription box)留了她的聯絡電話☎️
我在此影片的資訊欄(discription box)留了她的聯絡電話☎️
我在此影片的資訊欄(discription box)留了她的聯絡電話☎️
What is the name of this glass? Can I buy it in Hong Kong for use?
My optometrist recommended either Hoya or Nikon lens, and choose the more expense design because there are different grades and price points.
我這副新眼鏡鏡片係用Tokai 的ClairArte
I can't find the optical shop with this glass, Tokai in HK?
Oh! May check later in HK. Thanks indeed
我個朋友的公司,此鏡片係日本最新,所以眼鏡都會在日本做的,我在此影片的資訊欄(discription box)留了她的聯絡電話☎️
我在此影片的資訊欄(discription box)留了她的聯絡電話☎️
I also got new multifocal lens today. The optical lens has improved a lot over the years, so they can make better zones for different functions. I used Hoya Expert Fit, High Index 1.67. The lens are custom grinded to your prescription and is unique, unlike single focal lens which has stock lens for most people. The one I made today is called "Occupational Lens" which is mostly for computer distance in the middle, and reading in the bottom, and just a little distance on the top. This way the head can look straight ahead for the screen and also can read comfortably. Only $635 lenses only.
Yes, optical nowadays are very advanced. With the aid of computer simulation, lens can be designed to fit various lifestyles.
聯絡電話已經放在影片的資訊欄discription box 內🤗
Jimmy 若深近視最佳是換晶體.不用帶眼鏡.用過包讚.
my university friend had high myopia (-8.0) and had developed cataract bad enough to do operation. Her myopia was corrected by choosing the right lens for her prescription. No more thick glasses afterwards.