I am glad that the people of this country are still treading the treasures of the old, Hungarian Carpathian Basin Culture. Wonderful in the background are matyo (beige) motifs, even stylized ones. We should be afraid of the principle of politics that has been under attack for almost two hundred years. We need to know that the people of Central Europe come from a Mother, speak different dialects today or feel differently related to one another. I ask the blessing of the Good One for their people! TRANSLATION
myslel som si, dúfal som, že takýto spôsob tvorby a prevedenia je už prežitý.....škoda pasáže s rusínskymi piesňami absolútne nezvládnuté, nehovoriac o krojoch napr. na kyjivsku dribnu
I am glad that the people of this country are still treading the treasures of the old, Hungarian Carpathian Basin Culture. Wonderful in the background are matyo (beige) motifs, even stylized ones. We should be afraid of the principle of politics that has been under attack for almost two hundred years. We need to know that the people of Central Europe come from a Mother, speak different dialects today or feel differently related to one another. I ask the blessing of the Good One for their people! TRANSLATION
Dobrý deň, budú aj ďalšie videa z Východnej 2017 ?
myslel som si, dúfal som, že takýto spôsob tvorby a prevedenia je už prežitý.....škoda
pasáže s rusínskymi piesňami absolútne nezvládnuté, nehovoriac o krojoch napr. na kyjivsku dribnu