2023 still one of the best songs😭🙏 Keitou luvuci ena tagi Ko Sega ni tatau lei amani Ko sa Liu kina vanua yalataki Sobu madaga na vakacegu Mai lagi😭 Appreciate ur family n ur love once 😔cuz we never know what tomorrow brings ☑️💯 This songs is a story & a message 🙏🙏 Totoka na qaqa ni sere kei na domo 😊 Still my favorite 🎶🎶😎 The west the best🙏💯☑️ Rip Amani 😭
to lose someone it's not easy they are part of our life story this song reminds us that we need to always appreciate each other because we never know when will depart from this earh Vinaka vakalevu na sere 💐
J'aime ce son qui est magnifique et que je n'ai pas hésité à mettre dans ma playlist. Respect !!! Force et AMOUR. Une grosse pensée de KANAKY. VINAKA !!!
[Lyrics below] AMANI MARO QICA (lyrics) Composed by Sully Uluilakeba Ko cei e kila lei na tiki ni siga Sa lesia mai na dau ni veibuli Se me tadrai se me namaki Na o ni rarawa e kauta mai Rogovaki tu Mani nomu leqa Yali tawa macala lei e loma ni wai Sega nai tatau se mo bau vakamoce madaga Amani Maro Qica isa lei Taciqu Naivuruvuru qori nomu yavu Sai Nakalou e macuata Nomu koro ni vasu Dina Sara Tini karua ni maji ena rua saiva Loma loma ni bogi mo sala Cina Ena-vakatakakana kei na dua ,na tacimu Dina CHRS KEITOU LUVU...CI ENA TAGI KO SEGA NI TATA.....U LEI MANI KO SA LIU KINA VANUA,VAKARAUTAKI SOBU MADAGA NA VAKACEGU MAI LAGI Oti oti ni nomu vosa ko tukuna I ju Au se nunu tale mada vakadua Cagi mudre liwa koto vaka rauta Mataka caca ni vakaraubuka Ki vanua Rui vakanomodi Voqa yawa na Domoni kaci Ko Kere bula, se ko, cei mena bau, rogoca li Sigatabu sa lokuca tu na vanua Lewe ni koro mera bau vaqaqara Isa lei Mani ko sa tu li evei Kuria tu na mosi neirau tu yawa Mataka cake tale ni tusiti E viwa Bau Taciqu mo sa takasa Ko davo galugalu ka sega na vosa Au tagi lagalaga CHRS Vakasuka qele ena rua dua Siga mosimosi mo talaci kina Sa sega ni rawa tu na yaco yani Vuku ni mate yaco tu e vuravura Ra oso drigi mai na veiwekani I vakaraitaki walega ni yalomu Dou lewe ono na veitacini ko gone duadua Savu na vakavinavinaka levu Vua na turaga Ratu mai Verata Roko tui Viwa, Roko tui Namuana Ena veivuke dou a cakava Sega ni guilecavi na tabani lawa Kei na yavusa na Yatusawa Ena mataqali Navarovaro Mataqali kai Verata CHRS
Hi I am half Fijian and my baby sister is too but my parents are fully Fijian I understand how you feel I lost my grandpa he died when he was sleeping and when my parents told me I was heartbroken I even cried at school because of my grandfathers death but now I’m doing well and I hope you are too .
Isa Mani tavalequ, sa vaciriloloma dina na rogoca tiko na kemu sere. Gole ena vakacegu tavalequ lomani, sota tale ena mataka vou ni noda Turaga! ❤ Vinaka vakalevu na sere, rogorogo vinaka dina! 😍😍😍
wowwww so nice even i dont understand the language but this is one of the best song i ever heard of... Keep singing my neighboring brothers. love from Kosrae Home of the Sleeping Lady...
There are very few instances where I actually like listening and memorizing the lyrics to fijian songs. This song is one of those songs. Very sad story but encapsulated in such a beautiful song. Well done to the artists and my condolences to Mr. Qica's family 🕊🤍
Absolutely beautiful duet singers! Smooth and awesome voice of the individual singer, too!! I wish I know the meaning of the song! The accompany instruments players is outstanding sounds!! USA 8/22
Rogo vinaka qai mosimosi dina.😭 I dont know how you two able to sing this song...I had tears all over my face when i was singing along. Vinaka na sere Noni And Suli ❤
@@BAKAPRODUCTIONFIJI tuturu na wai ni mata ena kena rogo vakaciriloloma na qaqa ni sere kei na kena lagalaga.... love your production bratha.... God Bless...
Bula Vinaka. Thank you for watching. Please like the video and subscribe to our channel.
It's 2024 now still one of the best song and it still hits different especially when you lost someone important🥺❤️☝️...
Am from Vanuatu 🇻🇺🇻🇺🇻🇺🇻🇺but I love listening to Fijian music ♥️
From ethiopia 🇪🇹 I love this song
Isa sere qo kauta lesu tale mai vei au n siga e luvu kina I wai n 2raga tamaqu😭😭😭😭 sa oti tale qo 7 n yabaki.
Totoka n vakatagi kei n sere💖💖💖💖
Its nearly end 2022, heading to 2023 this song is still a masterpiece. 🇫🇯
12.11.22...still listening😪
2023 still one of the best songs😭🙏
Keitou luvuci ena tagi
Ko Sega ni tatau lei amani
Ko sa Liu kina vanua yalataki
Sobu madaga na vakacegu Mai lagi😭
Appreciate ur family n ur love once 😔cuz we never know what tomorrow brings ☑️💯
This songs is a story & a message 🙏🙏
Totoka na qaqa ni sere kei na domo 😊
Still my favorite 🎶🎶😎
The west the best🙏💯☑️
Rip Amani 😭
Dammm I’m a Samoan but man! Dammmm love the song man!! Vocal man soooo good!! Lessss goooo
Talofa lava
@Clark Roberto pq
Talofa from Australia. I love Samoan culture & music. 💗
@@thatVintageGirl1940s its Fijian tho 👀
Malo Uso
Bula I'm not Fijian but I loved listening to the Fijian music 🥰🥰🥰👍👌
Thats alright✌
Its a song about a man that drowned at sea😪
Thats awesome..keep it up lol...🤞🤞
Its love not loved
Totoka vakaoti na qaqa ni sere oqo. RIP Amani
Kaji na lyrics taciqu
Vinavalevu na qaqa ni sere..... vakaciri loloma dina.... isaaaa...
Vaciriloloma dina na lyrics taciqu 😎
Yavusa Yatusawa
Mataqali Kai Verata
@@Yesbruvva vinaka bro🙏
😭😭😭😭 oilei na taciqu lomani, rogorogo vinaka na kemu sere 💔😭sota ena mataka vou ❤
Vinaka West Fiji - Sully!
I love the song and the blending of the voices. Sending love from the Philippines.
salamat po 😊
It's about a led who went spear fishing when their boat capsized result in drowning
So sad
Omg u understand Fijian.....
Listening all the way from Iraq 🇮🇶 🙌 👌 🎶 😍 😌 makes me and my Fijian brother's always feel at home and give ❤ hope. Love you Viti. Stay blessed 🙌 😇 🙏
Isa this song reminds me of my late brother who drowned 21years ago💔😭
Aww so sorry to hear that. May God bless his soul.
@@lighthouselighthouse 1+
@@lighthouselighthouse 1
to lose someone it's not easy they are part of our life story this song reminds us that we need to always appreciate each other because we never know when will depart from this earh
Vinaka vakalevu na sere 💐
Toujours avec de bonnes Vibes ..a l'écoute depuis Kanaky New-Caledonia 🇳🇨 ...Happy New year..22🍾
Marshallese but love listening to fijian music. Always the best in the pacific followed by kiribati in my opinion.
🙏🙏🙏🇫🇯🇫🇯🇫🇯🇫🇯much love from us💜💜
Mauri from fiji🤗
Very Beautiful, but Sad 🕊❤️ I’m representing this to My Aboriginal ❤️💛🖤Family ❤️
Isaaaa... Vakaciri loloma dina nai talanoa. Kune vakacegu tiko Tai.
Isaah rest high ganequ Qica.
Ni vakacequ toka na ligani noda kalou sa o koya na gone turaga jisu karisito na I noda vakabula Ameni
2024 july anyone?
October 30th 2024🥰
Isa sa vakaciriloloma dina 😢 Totoka na laga sere West Fiji!
❤ from New Calédonia enjoy 🎉 Fidji song! Bula!
😥😥isa sa mosi dina..vnk na sere...kaji saraga na vocals..💥💥🎶🎶🎷🎷
😢😭I miss you brother Amani I remember wen I came to the village isaa I jst cn't Believe 😭😭you Gone so far 😭😭RIP BROTHER 💕😭
Totoka nomuni sere👍👍😚❤❤
To my Fijian blood all the best God bless you all need more forever......
Isaa really heart touching sega ni tarova na wainimataqu sa bau mosimosi dina na qaqa ni sere💔💔💔😭😭😭
Isaaa Mani.. Rest in Gods Hand OB
Sa bau too good saragaa!!!! Keep up the great work The West Fiji and 21VOID Production
Totoka na buli sere💖
So in love with this song ❤️❤️ Sending love from 🇻🇺
J'aime ce son qui est magnifique et que je n'ai pas hésité à mettre dans ma playlist. Respect !!! Force et AMOUR. Une grosse pensée de KANAKY. VINAKA !!!
[Lyrics below]
Composed by Sully Uluilakeba
Ko cei e kila lei na tiki ni siga
Sa lesia mai na dau ni veibuli
Se me tadrai se me namaki
Na o ni rarawa e kauta mai
Rogovaki tu Mani nomu leqa
Yali tawa macala lei e loma ni wai
Sega nai tatau se mo bau vakamoce madaga
Amani Maro Qica isa lei Taciqu
Naivuruvuru qori nomu yavu
Sai Nakalou e macuata
Nomu koro ni vasu Dina Sara
Tini karua ni maji ena rua saiva
Loma loma ni bogi mo sala Cina
Ena-vakatakakana kei na dua ,na tacimu Dina
Oti oti ni nomu vosa ko tukuna
I ju Au se nunu tale mada vakadua
Cagi mudre liwa koto vaka rauta
Mataka caca ni vakaraubuka
Ki vanua Rui vakanomodi
Voqa yawa na Domoni kaci
Ko Kere bula, se ko, cei mena bau, rogoca li
Sigatabu sa lokuca tu na vanua
Lewe ni koro mera bau vaqaqara
Isa lei Mani ko sa tu li evei
Kuria tu na mosi neirau tu yawa
Mataka cake tale ni tusiti
E viwa Bau Taciqu mo sa takasa
Ko davo galugalu ka sega na vosa
Au tagi lagalaga
Vakasuka qele ena rua dua
Siga mosimosi mo talaci kina
Sa sega ni rawa tu na yaco yani
Vuku ni mate yaco tu e vuravura
Ra oso drigi mai na veiwekani
I vakaraitaki walega ni yalomu
Dou lewe ono na veitacini
ko gone duadua
Savu na vakavinavinaka levu
Vua na turaga Ratu mai Verata
Roko tui Viwa, Roko tui Namuana
Ena veivuke dou a cakava
Sega ni guilecavi na tabani lawa
Kei na yavusa na Yatusawa
Ena mataqali Navarovaro
Mataqali kai Verata
Malo na lyrics
totoka na sere
Video Quality too Good!
Rogo re qai vaciriloloma a qaqani sere.
A beautiful tribute. Rest well Mr Qica.
Bula...shot out gabby chef of Maliu Mai american samoa a fijian brother of mine
Song of the year 2021
✌️This shit on repeat.. 💯❤️
2023 still loving this song💜🔥🦋
Isa 😢😢. ..vnk west kajii
Damn I really love this song😭😭😭😭😭😭 isa sa vacisi loloma dina 🙁🙁😢😢😢 I don’t know if any other people watch this video will cry like me ❤️❤️❤️❤️💔😭😭😭😭😭😭
@@asaelijohnson544 oso lol
@@asaelijohnson544 ae sa qai ca tale
'Sooo maann'....isaaa na tavalequ. Sa kemui vakananumi tu ga na sere qo. 🧡❤💞
❤😭🙏Sa bau vakamosi yalo dina na rogoca na sere oqo.
I love to listen to this song.i am listening in from Vanuatu. Bravo!!!
Totoka na sere ....♥️🙋it hit different
Love the fijian songs 🇻🇺
Totoka nomu sere taciqu😪❤
Totoka Dina na Sere kei na vakananumi...GB!
Hi I am half Fijian and my baby sister is too but my parents are fully Fijian I understand how you feel I lost my grandpa he died when he was sleeping and when my parents told me I was heartbroken I even cried at school because of my grandfathers death but now I’m doing well and I hope you are too .
This got me stumped, how is someone half Fijian when their parents are fully Fijian? Do you mean speak Fijian?
@@isikelimara 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@isikelimara he could be adopted or born overseas🙄🙄
Our favorite song at home♥️♥️stuck on replay ♥️♥️♥️
😭💗💗💗 "Keitou luvuci ena tagi..." hits hard
Listening from Cook Islands. What a beautiful yet sad song. Meitaki West Fiji Sending love🇨🇰 ❤️
Isaaa Mani! Rest easy taciqu ❤
i love it❤❤❤kiss from Tahiti 😘👍💪🏽
Isa Mani tavalequ, sa vaciriloloma dina na rogoca tiko na kemu sere. Gole ena vakacegu tavalequ lomani, sota tale ena mataka vou ni noda Turaga! ❤
Vinaka vakalevu na sere, rogorogo vinaka dina! 😍😍😍
totoka na sere, vakaciri loloma jina... gola ena vakacegu vasu.
nice song required..vnk boys na sere.☺😊kalougata jk nmdou veisiga ni mtka
Uro uro!
Beautiful but sad. Memories are hard to let go when they are captured in beautiful songs like this...love it and felt it. Peace to the family. 🇵🇬
Great composition..toso viti toso
We love this song .
So sad and so much love ❤️
wowwww so nice even i dont understand the language but this is one of the best song i ever heard of... Keep singing my neighboring brothers. love from Kosrae Home of the Sleeping Lady...
Bula vinaka from Kosrae!
@@aldreii6901 what does it mean??wanna learn too😊
@@venistertilfas2701 Just saying hello, that's what it means
the intro was story....I like the whole arrangement.
There are very few instances where I actually like listening and memorizing the lyrics to fijian songs. This song is one of those songs. Very sad story but encapsulated in such a beautiful song. Well done to the artists and my condolences to Mr. Qica's family 🕊🤍
Absolutely beautiful duet singers! Smooth and awesome voice of the individual singer, too!! I wish I know the meaning of the song! The accompany instruments players is outstanding sounds!! USA 8/22
Rogo2 totoka na sere.😍😍
Just listened to the song while browsing, gotta say love the song and the voices out standing Kia Kaha from NZ
Vinaka vakalevu to all our musicians for bringing the gap
I love this song... All the way from PNG. 🇵🇬
Beautiful song. ❤
Best composed hit .... Cheers from California
Isa Tavalequ...kemu sere sa mai roboti Viti tu nikua...sega ni namaki nomuni sa mai takali...RIP Vale!
Variation of the voices is just too good with the lyrics really add everything up..😪😪😎😎😎
Melody & harmony too good ❤ don't know the lyrics but it hits differently & on repeat mode 👌 Vinaka 😍 much love from Vanuatu
Rogo vinaka na sere Suli...kajii vadua Nox🤦🎶🎵🎼
RIP Tai Manii😭😭
Totoka na sere💯❤👌sa bau sota na domo
Rogo vinaka qai mosimosi dina.😭
I dont know how you two able to sing this song...I had tears all over my face when i was singing along.
Vinaka na sere Noni And Suli ❤
@@BAKAPRODUCTIONFIJI tuturu na wai ni mata ena kena rogo vakaciriloloma na qaqa ni sere kei na kena lagalaga.... love your production bratha.... God Bless...
Isa Mani😭Mosi dina o iko ganequ💔
Isaa Amani😢😢😢gauna kece au rogoca kemu sere e lako saraga wai ni mataqu
Isa🥺 Vakaciriloloma dina a sere qo🥺 Sobu jiko na vakacegu mai Lagi ki na loma ni vuvale❤
Awwwwww 😢😢😢 sa rogo2 re dina a sere isaaaa Uraga Tau....
Isa i love the lyrics of this song...so sad indeed! Never take anyone for granted, be nice always. The guys singing it just aced it 💯👋
Vinaka saka vakalevu yasa❤❤❤
Anthem saraga ni lockdown Suri na sere qo. totoka Rups
Lockdown tiki i kinoya qori tai 😃😃
@@21voidfiji tai drau caqeta na qase ni Tonga qori🤣
Sweetest harmony🙏🇵🇬
Isa vakaciriloloma dina na sere kei na domo..so emotional n sad the lyrics of this song ❤❤😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤❤
Totoka na sere 👌❤
Isa sa vakaciriloloma dina na leweni sere qo 😢
Wow I just love their voices and the lyrics
Vinaka ju...long time
Lako saraga mai tuba na noda instint ni yalewa ni rogoca na domomuni tau. Sa rogo vinaka dina ♥️
😂😂😂😂 deh dragon
Beautiful tribute & brilliant voices. Watched dis how many times 😢rip mani
Just can't get enough of this song, love its meaning and also the variation of their voice😍🔥
Totoka na sere OB Suli❤
Awww rily got me teary...Sobu tiko na vakacegu ena loma ni vuvale vaka turaga...Rest in Love Amani ❤💔😭
Totoka vakaoti na qaqani sere...🙋♂️💥💖
...my Condolences to the family & friends🙏
sa nia du na qaqa ni sere.... condolences to the family..... may your memories live on
vinaka Knox ..kaji na sere💯✌👏
Lyrics literally hit hard!❤😭🤧
This was my brother fav 🎶