+Panco Mircea Salut, clipul nu-i chiar asa calmant, de fapt. E o instalatie de depozitare a deseurilor nucleare de la centrale atomice. E totusi un video super super tare si o piesa brici
a question,just to save some time for me, as I don't specifically choose to contribute towards efforts to save humanity and all that lives in this way (it is extremely time consuming)as you do mister "thegreatestprofile" (but its absolutely delightfull, that you actually care) - This footage is from actual advertisement of corporation in sweeden, that offers it's services, in another word,-proposition of good business for customers and governments from abroad? Thank you for your answer. Annzu.
if the answer is "yes",I could only say: "Dear LORD!( with no aspect of "preaching" =]).If they will store that stuff in there, I dont really know what unnatural consequences local environment including inhabitants will have within next 100year,but if they will have any, all the world will have through another hundred,through the lumber that Finland will keep exporting until depleted, or substitution found/invented.You think its a plan of a single silo? My friend they have a lot of mountains :)
Just one word: Amazing. Great video and such an amazing track. We need to spread the love of psybient music!
Una din cele mai calmante melodii care le-am ascultat vre-o data ,si video ++++++!Mersi!
+Panco Mircea Salut, clipul nu-i chiar asa calmant, de fapt. E o instalatie de depozitare a deseurilor nucleare de la centrale atomice. E totusi un video super super tare si o piesa brici
Cer scuze dar am scris ,dar referitor la clip mersi de iformatie.
+Panco Mircea nu-i cazul de cerut scuze, ai dreptate. am zis sa ma bag si eu in vorba. toate bune!
Brave are the ones who ............................................................
Great video for a great song
I was watching some of your other videos man that's impressive stuff mesmerizing
Spectacular, Deployed Worldwide Through My Deep Learning AI Research Library… Thank You.
such a good video and perfect song too
"The place you must remember to forget."
Onkalo = hidden. Out of sight + out of their minds = nasty surprise for future generations.
Niice video, great song
Wow, great work!!!
Класс, очень понравилось !
@ellinas3 it´s a underground storage facility for Finland's spent nuclear fuel called " onkalo "..
Great song and video, any idea what this video is all about???
Interesting piece of info. Thank you for sharing it with us. :)
This is The Onkalo spent nuclear fuel repository in Finland. A massive underground nuclear waste storage site.
Crossfingered eye opening! I mean; what on earth are we playing with?!
Sebastian Stevens
Check project Onkalo, or I highly recommend movie "Into Eternity" ;)
Thank you, I was just looking for something to watch!
Update: I watched Niclear now directed by Oliver Stone, this movie tuned my view on nuclear energy 180 degrees around, for the positive. A must watch!
i got u
what genre of music is this !
psybient / psychill
With great power comes radioactive waste.
a question,just to save some time for me, as I don't specifically choose to contribute towards efforts to save humanity and all that lives in this way (it is extremely time consuming)as you do mister "thegreatestprofile" (but its absolutely delightfull, that you actually care) - This footage is from actual advertisement of corporation in sweeden, that offers it's services, in another word,-proposition of good business for customers and governments from abroad? Thank you for your answer. Annzu.
I found out what it is, it is Finland's nuclear waste storage facility!!!!
баба гном ёпта
No vehichle driving in the middle of the road, you are not a plane. Go home vehichle you are drunk. :)
Oh crap maybe it is not a vehichle :/
if the answer is "yes",I could only say: "Dear LORD!( with no aspect of "preaching" =]).If they will store that stuff in there, I dont really know what unnatural consequences local environment including inhabitants will have within next 100year,but if they will have any, all the world will have through another hundred,through the lumber that Finland will keep exporting until depleted, or substitution found/invented.You think its a plan of a single silo? My friend they have a lot of mountains :)
Black Mesa facility :P