this is an internationally recognized certification ! so basically you can follow this or/and a national initiative if it is available in your country/region, but either will work for transparency and verifiability of the environmental benefits of the project (increasing reliability for investors :)
So basically, if you follow any national or international standard, like the Green Bond Principles or Climate Bond Standard, and make a green bond framework with this information that is readily available and verifiable, you can label your bond as green. Like in the video here, you can get a external party to check it against the standard or their own criteria and then you have it a legitimate green bond, attract more investors and avoid "green default". Anyone in any country can issue them
Can US companies issue their own green bonds or this only available in Europe?
this is an internationally recognized certification ! so basically you can follow this or/and a national initiative if it is available in your country/region, but either will work for transparency and verifiability of the environmental benefits of the project (increasing reliability for investors :)
So basically, if you follow any national or international standard, like the Green Bond Principles or Climate Bond Standard, and make a green bond framework with this information that is readily available and verifiable, you can label your bond as green. Like in the video here, you can get a external party to check it against the standard or their own criteria and then you have it a legitimate green bond, attract more investors and avoid "green default". Anyone in any country can issue them