I love making wreaths and swags. I haven't bought much since AC Moore went out of business because they were my favorite store for ribbon, wreaths and floral. My aunt had a business and had me working for her. She picked the grapevine and honeysuckle vines, made the wreaths, etc.
I had to convince myself years ago that I don't have the time or physical space in my life for multiple crafty pursuits, unless they are yarny based. There was definitely some cool things in that box for the right person though. Nice value, too. Man, I thought yarn got pricy but some of the faux florals and ribbon are pretty shocking in that regard too.
A lot of good stuff
Cool grab box, Heather! A lot of useful items!!☺️🧶
That was fun. I'd love to see another one.
I love making wreaths and swags. I haven't bought much since AC Moore went out of business because they were my favorite store for ribbon, wreaths and floral. My aunt had a business and had me working for her. She picked the grapevine and honeysuckle vines, made the wreaths, etc.
I had to convince myself years ago that I don't have the time or physical space in my life for multiple crafty pursuits, unless they are yarny based. There was definitely some cool things in that box for the right person though. Nice value, too. Man, I thought yarn got pricy but some of the faux florals and ribbon are pretty shocking in that regard too.
Hey Heather! Thanks for sharing with us 💙 Do you have a craft reuse store near you? They take ribbons and odds and ends of crafty things.
I use ribbon on my tree for garland but I usually do silver and blue😊
Those pics go in christmas trees troster