Char Chic omg IM DOING THE EXACT SAME THING RN! I’m like “no way I can sleep before 1:00 and without my phone in hand before going to bed”. I’m disappointed at myself. I have like a 1000 alarms, so that I go to bed (relatively) early, but I never manage to do so. ☹️ I only slept 4 hours yesterday
I wish people would stop saying technology is the reason we are depressed… because it more like we have access to news and current events. 12yr olds 30-40 years ago would normally be like a 5 or 6 year old today. Kids today know that the world they are going to have to work and raise that families in is a crappy dirty place. So it’s not technology that’s making us depressed it having access to knowing what we are going to have to live in. Edit: thanks for the likes I am also a gen z
Most of us (Gen Z) aren’t even graduated high school yet, I think we have to wait until we can truly understand this generation Edit(2021): Damn I’m in college now
This whole "iGen" thing really gets under my skin. First of all, I was born in 2001 and find that I have nothing in common in my childhood with those born anywhere near 2012, because I was already in middle school. Also, continuing to say that social media and phones wreck our generation is so confusing, because "Gen Z-ers" did not invent all of these things. We were raised with millennials and Gen X giving us technology and social media. If people over the age of 40 want to continue to say we are "ruined", they should consider WHO RUINED US IN THE FIRST PLACE. Children don't have access to advanced technology without being enabled by their parental figures. Every generation is a product by those that came before them. We are raised in a world that has been changed by people who lived prior. It's not like our generation is obsessed with technology because we wanted to be. Parents now give their kids iPads so they don't have to worry about them, as opposed to giving them creative outlets or encouraging them to advance their talents or finding new passions or simply playing outside! I myself was not raised like that - I played outside every single day and didn't have a phone until I started high school. We were not born with smart phones in our hands, we were enabled and encouraged the have the newest technology.
Same here. I was born in 2000 and I used to play outside as a kid. I got my first phone at the age of 17. I use my phone to find some information regarding my interest, hobbies or homework. I only watch You Tube and I use What's App only when I have to ask or tell something necessary. I don't play video games or use social media. I just listen to music from my phone while resting or doing some work. So it depends on the individual and not the technology. Technology is a blessing if we use it correctly. Today's generation is more diverse, open and accepting, thanks to the internet and technology. We should also not forget that because of the internet we are aware of the things happening around the world.
The kids born in 2010+ started on technology when they were young, like I see 2 year olds with big ass tablets or Nintendo switches. While me born in 2002 my mom made me do work books, read a book, watch that old ass TV (non flat screen cause they didn’t exist yet) or play on those old computers
I agree to some degree but also we have to admit that our constant use of technology is causing people to be shut ins. Which is amking us depressed bcuz communication with real people is still important. Edit: this lack of socializing makes people feel lonely and makes people more anxious and depressed.
That's just pessimism. We still have a ton of nature, we get a very diverse weather all around the globe. We have amazing people and thinkers. We have the ability to be the first people to colonize Mars with a robotic AI or to be successful self employed entertainers. If you think the world is horrible then that limits your hope of what you can do with it. Even being a homeless person is an option, maybe not a healthy one but you get to explore with nothing holding you back not even taxes. I'm glad to be living right now with everyone I know
Why does everyone always saying there depressed or we are depressed is ? When I feel like most aren't depressed at all just that there's more exposure now because the internet
I wish we would stop immediately being characterized by electronics. We aren’t products. Everyone likes to blame social media for our depression, but it’s simply not true. If the world wasn’t such a hellhole, maybe we would be happier.
Grace Elizabeth The world isn’t a hellhole tho. The world has drastically gotten better it’s just with social media we gravitate to the negatives. People in the past didn’t do that cause they had not social media
And people tried to put us down When iTunes bumped a post-Cold War sound My generation sat at the Mecca of malls, Times Square, I'm there, Viacom installs So we hit the net while the Trade Center fell New York met Hollywood, we ran like hell No Vietnam for us, yo, Iraq it's on So who agreed upon this cowboy Genghis Khan? The choice made, baby. Hey we'd take it back logged in dropped out, MTV took track They sold it back to us and claimed no correlation The iMac, iPod, iGeneration And I'm waiting for the day we can get out The world is ours, that's the story no doubt Want to be more than info super highway traffic want to be more than a walking demographic! "Hey! You're part of it" Talking about the iGeneration "Yeah! You're part of it" Talking about my iGeneration See the iGeneration knew organization meant optimization and unification When imagination gave participation In creation of culture a manifestation The Berlin Wall fell and out we came The post-Cold War kids laid claim to AIM. LOL, OMG, yo, BRB. Space, colon, dash, closed parenthesis We sat at our laptops and typed away, and found that we each had something to say Web-logged our fears, our hopes and dreams Individuated by digital means Fiber optic lenses, DVD, Coca Cola, Disney and Mickey D's. Flat mass culture, the norm that took hold I hope I die before I get sold
Gourab Kundu the past generations had tv news yelling at them. Compare your Facebook feed to just a single hour of FOX News. On FOX the world is ending 24/7. Idk about you but my social media feeds are primarily new emerging technology and socially positive political shit. We have the benefit of using apps like Flipboard to curate our news for our interests instead of just being yelled at in between commercial breaks
I'm currently in 8th grade, so I would like to inform some adults what goes on in a Gen Z's day to day life. I would like to inform you that we are not what we think. In my school, I can't speak for others, the kids are pessimistic, tired, sad, and opinionated. "See Something, Say Something"(an initiative based on preventing violent acts and improving student mental health through student awareness of problems and learning to see signs of depression in and outside of school, mostly based on social media) is shoved down our throats, teaching us do something most of us refuse to do, not for our sake, but for others. Almost all of us know what it is like to be in a dark place, and we know that adults knowing that you don't want help from does nothing but hurt you. We are too sympathetic to do something before they try to handle it themselves, but no adult understands that, and rather sees mental illness as something that they could prevent by forcing the child to talk. In my school, we talk about what a wreck the school system is. State testing gives us anxiety that we can't afford. We retain very little of what we learn, a result of being taught to learn for a test, and not to learn for ourselves. We find our interests outside of school and have intelligent disscussions about these interests with our friends. We pressure ourselves to succeed in school, even though we find most of it pointless, because if we don't do well our failure will be on the news, mocking us for being the "worst generation yet." In my favorite class, English, we have class political discussions and have Socratic Circles, a learning form borrowed from Socrates, in which we teach each other based on what we already in an organized and polite disscussion. That is the only class I have ever taken in which the teacher encouraged us to be free thinkers, further our learning by ourselves, and to pursue our interests. In fact, we once had a debate on whether Fantastic Beasts was racist or sexist because of an article that a student read. Our teacher assigned homework that night was to research the issue, form an educated response, and be ready to discuss it with the class the following day. Our generation believes that learning like that furthers us, and learning based on a test hinders us. In my school kids consistently get an unheathly 4 to 8 hours of sleep. Studies show that this effects our ability to learn immensely, as well as our mental heath, and physical growth. Not only are we physically tired, we are mentally tired. Tired of having to break down walls adults have thrown up, tired of putting up walls around adults because we are scared of our beliefs getting out. We just want it to stop. In my school, although we are depressed and sleep deprived and annoyed, we want to change the world. We have lofty goals and would do so much to accomplish them. I don't know what career I want, but I want to change the world. I want to make someone's life better, to put a smile on their face. I don't know what that is yet, but it might end up having something to do with the psychology field. I find it incredibly interesting. I know other kids do too, but none of us say anything, because when we do, people are concerned that we are depressed or need a therapist our self. Every kid I know has a passion for something. Every kid I know wants to change the world, to fix what the adults messed up. So yeah, we're a wreck. But we also have our heads on straight. Social media is not just an escape, but a learning system. We don't know if there's hope, but we want to make our own. So maybe we're better than you thought, or maybe we're worse. My friend gave me an interesting fact the other day: they used to put people on insane asylums based on stress levels. Based on tested fact and observation, almost all of our generation should be locked up by those standards. As a generation, we intend to change this, even if we lose everything in the process. That is what Gen Z is like. Depressed, but determined. Thanks for reading.
16 year old, so also Gen Z. This is the most accurate thing I've read about us. So accurate I'm at the point of tears. Even if other generations don't understand us, we pride ourselves on understanding each other.
As a 16 year old, I think generations before were much worse, in some places in the world there were racial segregation and remarks from some groups of people, disease and illnesses which are easily curable now and world wars and poverty.
This sh*t to accurate Turning 15 in a couple of months and you mate really have a voice. I'm happy, that we are at the same page you don't know how much I've been trying to look for someone who actually gets what's going on with us.
the whole "never known a world without the internet" thing is kind of patronising. there's so much more more about this generation than technology and 'being connected' but that's always seems to be the first thing that's affiliated with gen z
Joshua Croll well you can’t be surprised with how much phones have changed the world, but yeah it’s annoying, you don’t see me calling millennials the guyswhogetdrunkandgotoworkandcomehome generation
I think everyone should apologize to Gen Z, we've created a world full of hate, we've thrown plastic into oceans and caused global warming to run rampant and now we leave this generation who is still full of kids and teenagers and even though we always told them to clean up after themselves, we're making them clean up the mess we've made the world.
You have to be a millenial. Your whole comment just made me cringe. "A world full of hate" The only reason the world is even the slightest bit hateful now is because of leftist extremism that pushes anti-free speech, anti-freedom rhetoric. I say this as someone from Gen Z.
"Compared to previous generations, they spend a lot more time communicating with their friends electronically." Jokes on you, I am a Gen Z who is online all the time, but I do not have friends. ;)
Wasserrübenvergilbungsvirus I'm gen z born in 2001 i have only 1 or 5 friends that are not so cool in high school I have some that are know around the school but I get anxiety all the time and depression also I think that's the problem with our generation
Generation Z is depressed because of phones? I'll tell you what- every time I open my phone I'm faced with article after article of how the environment is dying, how the older generations refuse to face reality and change policies, how we're doomed to inherit a broken planet and by the time those in power move on it'll be too late. I see the strife caused on my friends in other countries, able only to watch. Gee, it must be the phone's fault for connecting me to the realities of the world we live in.
Memes keep me alive. We are already nihilistic as it is. I don't wanna get into a dark space...but we don't fear failure as much or get hit hard enough by surprise, because we can already see it in a failed system. Its kind of like Me: I wanna die rn Others: Same. #mood Thats a coping mechanism that has become culturally acceptable and allows us to relate to one another..yet, depression affects a lot of people. If you're just depressed and nihilistic thats one thing. If someone you know is depressed and suicidal, "I wanna die rn" has a different and more urgent meaning...
The thing I hate is that she said that phones cause gen z to be depressed. In my opinion the phone was the thing that made me the happiest. Hearing older people say they hate their office job makes me really sad for my future. The thing that makes me feel depressed is being stuck in a 9-5 job that I hate just to make a living, not my phone. My phone is a distraction from all the depressing things happening in the world. The phone isn't the problem EDIT: I'm not saying that phones help EVERYONE, I'm just expressing how it has helped me and my opinion on the things stated in the video. The internet and the youtubers I watch have really helped me cope. Being suicidal, I've made lists of reasons to stay alive, and one of my reasons was the fact that if I kill myself, I will never be able to watch TMG, Shane Dawson, David Dobrik etc again. Yes, I'm aware that it's not the best thing to do as a way to cope and I should get therapy, but at the moment I can't access any form of therapy. Also I'm in no way saying I have depression, I should have used better language in my comment, but the future, desk job etc (what I stated before) makes me feel very hopeless and sad and the phone/internet helps me cope with those emotions.
I'm millenial, 33. We are depressed because we are bombed by shits from when we are born, they ask to us to be responsable for things did by old generations. Help the rain forest! Do that, do that! Look what are you doing!.. Me? Why no one say wars and shits were made by my parents and grandparents... i don't know nothing about a war, i didn't nothing. And the same generations asks to us to weak up in the morning at the 6 o clock to make stupid jobs to be slaves of angry elders to be paid less than anyone. Why we are depressed? Because for us the society is not a society, is a trap, a prison, and when you have a phone or internet in your hands, or a videogames, everything look better than that. Can you feel any difference between generation x and z?
Sure your phone distracts you but after that, do all your problems go away. Some people are on there phone so much that they forget to get a reality check. So I agree with the lady.
Why do you need a distraction? Sounds like you’re running from our worlds problems, it’s literally almost our turn to run this planet. My phone and video games made me super depressed, I had to put it down and face myself and my own issues, gen z lacks the basic concept of loving oneself for who they are because theyre always seeing other peoples life highlights online and think that’s all their life is supposed to be, nothing but good times. Pain is essential for growth, if you can’t run from it, run to it
The phone fact is an interesting thing for one reason. You're more likely to be on your phone if you're depressed, phones don't cause depression, but it's where most depressed people go
Dude, that's like saying cocaine is what makes you happy. The phone loads you up with so much dopamine that your dopamine receptors are deadened, and life starts to feel like shit.
well, each of them are tbh. in the past century there hasn't been a generation that hasn't been born into some special circumstance, and no generation has gone down in history as "the shit one" lmao
LOL its true as a gen z myself we act like we have it the worst even though there are Billions of children outside of the US who are beaten yet they don't complain
Whenever I hear GenZ being referred to as iGen its never by an actual member of GenZ. It’s always someone from Millennials or older. iGen focuses just on the tech aspect of GenZ and I feel like it discredits GenZ as purely tech obsessed. Same with blaming phones for anxiety and depression, I reduces a complex issue to just phones are bad. Phones are just how we get all the information about the horrible things in the world around us, they aren’t the only problem, bad news and rising political tensions are just the things were being constantly informed on.
AvocadoKin you ever think that you actually have a choice? you don't have to be a sheep and do everything your generation is doing... but you guys are mostly sheeps so you gotta be trendy right?
wobblegook you just ignored the Original Poster's entire comment to just put your barely relevant opinion here, didn't you? Because your comment barely associates to the OP's Original comment.
wobblegook to be honest, this is actually not the worst reply someone said to me. But anyways, listen, I'm tired, and I know that if I argue with you, this is going to turn into a huge back and forth argument that's going to involve more people and just turn into a huge debacle. You're not worth the time I have left.
i kind of wish that we saw ACTUAL gen z's talking about our generation. this is pointing out how we are at risk to ourselves and how bad the things we do are. i'd like to see more positives
To be honest, I think we haven't seen the true face of Gen Z yet. The Gen Z that's actually going to matter are still little kids currently. In 5-6 years we'll see what this generation is really made of. And I think our predictions are going to be entirely off the mark. There's something that a lot of studies are leaving out... The fact that "minorities" will be the majority of gen Z. It sounds small, but it's something huge that is overlooked by many. I find it amusing that few have linked the change in American culture with our changing demographics as a country. This is why you see many "status quo's" already being challenged. America is literally changing and I think most people are ignoring the elephant in the room. We've reached the tipping point and it's going to be really interesting to see how quickly everything changes now.
Danie F I've thought about how interesting it is for America specifically. This country has done so many terrible things to minorities and now "minorities" will be the majority. I still have a lot of anger towards America for the almost irreversible damage it has done to my country. And yet I love the people I've met and the life I live. Interesting how America will change if a majority of it feels this way 🤔
MrKmas508 Yes it is, Gen Z is a 15 year gap, then 2010 to 2025 would be after Gen Z and then 2025 to 2040 will be the one after that. It’s stated that the US will be majority white until 2040, where whites will then be 50% of the population.
M.L. Soll in generation Z too (born 2003) but I’m not depressed nor I loathe myself, I’m curious tho, why do you hate yourself, why is depression so common in today’s world?
Skylar Jade I’ve seen plenty of replies and none of them tell me a legit reason, our generation is privileged asf compared to previous generation, it’s obviously social media and such what is causing depression
@@pugassassin5591 Well I haven't seen a comment explaining a valid reason why there's so much depression in this generation, like I said, we have a fuckton of stuff and privileges compared to other generations, so logically there wouldn't be so much depression.
As with every generation, there’s a definite disconnect between how Gen Z operates and how other generations perceive it. For instance, I have a Catholic friend who gave up her social media for Lent. And halfway through this, I got a message from her telling me how difficult it was to give it up because she had to receive messages from other people through social media, particularly for school. She wanted to disconnect completely, but without accessing her social media she was missing out on a lot of important things in her life. And that’s something I feel like other generations don’t necessarily realize. In some ways, the new technology gets to a point where the youngest generation can’t operate without it if they want to make and maintain connections in their age group.
People of older generations perhaps don’t quite understand that the internet is becoming as much an essential public utility as electricity or water. Many essential functions are becoming much more difficult to perform without it.
That's not true though. I'm in gen z and I stopped using Facebook and Instagram completely 3 years ago. I don't have Twitter or snapchat. It doesn't feel like I'm missing out on anything and I still connect with people
Unfortunately you can't compare someone born from 1995 and someone born in 2012 and name them in the same generation. They are 2 completely different generations
acar1994 your r dumb...please do some research on how generations studies make connections and draw conclusions before you say another nonsensical statement 😂
specific dates for generations aren't decided until after that generation (around 25 years) finishes. At the moment 1995 onwards in Gen Z but many are predicting Gen Z to become 2001 to around 2012/13
no shade, but i think gen z should speak about gen z and how we think we’ll change the world, not someone else from another generation speaking on us because then it would be more accurate (minus the guy who was actually from gen z)
Jordan The guy on the left is most likely his Parent. His Parent is most likely from Generation X. I Expect Gen X to understand Gen Z more than any other generation just because they're the ones teaching raising us. I don't expect Millennials to speak on our behalf either. We are still young so we still don't know how we will change the world but we are definitely more connected.
Your point was actually really thought provoking. Seth, the guy who replied to you made a pretty good point about Gen X because my dad actually came from Gen X. I feel like Gen X parents really sowed the ideas of being a hard worker into most Gen Z kids and we tend to pick up on a lot of our Gen X parent's work ethics, but this is of course from a more conservative side of a Gen Z childhood. I've noticed that the more liberal/democratic Gen Z kids bring up some pretty sharp ideas to our current social climate, they are a lot more vocal, and they provide better perspective than most Millennials (but this could just be bias since im Gen Z myself lol.) This obviously reflects from the problems that the more democratic Gen X parents faced back in their youth. Either way, we all as a collective have a very rebellious nature and I feel like this stems from our parents as well. A lot of us want change so that it can tailor to the individual instead of the masses. Talking to most democratic/liberal people in my generation has always met a good middle ground and we both gained good insight and perspective from each other. The ability to relate to one another on even the most superficial thing is one of the most beautiful experiences that our Generation has and I feel like we are definitely going to solve a lot of problems as more of us start rolling into adulthood.
I'm a baby boomer 65 years old an I'm glad we have millennials an gen z or whatever because I need them to show me how to deal with all this technology . Computers an the like.where not part of my generation. Lol!!!
Paintball enthusiast there is pro and con sides of every all boil's down to how a young person is raised.the moral values of my generation where more important until the hippie movement.which stressed more freedom of choice.and do your own thing philosophy.but if you did go back to the 50s I'm sure you would be faced with the same problems under a different name. Technology is a great thing.problem there is people abuse it. That's human nature.but I see a bright future for these kids .there smarter then my generation was.and who knows?. They might come up with a cure for cancer.👍👍!!!
John Krausse I hate baby boomers. When you guys were born was the time when everybody in America became more disrespectful(didn’t wear suits and hats anymore, young kids swearing, etc.)
Real Hip-Hop Head when I think about that you do have a point.we where more rebellious.but I think that would have happened anyway.the generation gap was a big difference. But hate might be to strong a word.just because one person does something doesn't mean it's right or that the next generation should act the same way.we had Vietnam looming in our future.
judy lapointe they might be smart enough to avoid the great depression.and when it comes to the sexes.well you can thank the media for that brain washing.
Honestly: I'm a millenial, 1985. And i feel myself like a big brother for the generation Z. I feel myself very protective and responsable with them because i don't want to see them abused like my generation, without a job, without rights, without an home and in the hands of the baby boomer generation, like puppets. Puppets ready to be used in stupid jobs, without dignity, with a college degree used as toilet paper. I will do everything to help them because no one did that for us.
LegioneNotturna I’m generation z, and I fail a lot in school.....I try a lot to focus and pull out time just to make my grades become higher but it just doesn’t work so I’m scared if I don’t get a job
I think one of the best parts abt gen z is that, thought being brought up with the internet, when it comes to basically anything we have to power to say “i don’t know about/how to do something but I can learn”. That’s pretty cool imo
Would it not be better to have actual gen Z people talk about their own generation instead of other generations telling us what they have, I guess, observed? I kind of feel like this is just a video pointing out flaws of gen Zs
2 things for all the older generations to know about gen z. 1. Yes we have technology and use it but we also played outside as kids and hang out with friends around town. We are not always on phones and know very well what the outside world is like. 2. We are not depressed because of social media, I think social media has actually helped a lot of us so much with learning about other cultures and opinions and expressing ourselves. We are all depressed because we see the broken world the older generations have created and left us to deal with.
I agree. When I think about the world we live in I get really depressed. Planetary health, the tratment of animals, human rights issues, all of that. I even decided not to have children because of it.
@@alstef09 true but i am more referring to how they left us to deal with climate change and how the world is dying, this patriarchal society, etc. i should’ve been more specific
As someone from Gen Z i feel like it's not the phones or new technology that's making us depressed or have mental health problems. A phone or Internet is just a device which makes our lives easier. When older generations say that we spend too much time on our phones i wonder if they realize all the things we actually do with a phone. Talking to friends, reading a book, doing reserch, making our planners, reading articles, watching videos and learning new things everyday. We are not just doing useless things or simply wasting our time. Lots of us do use our phones for a lot of good. I don't see why phones can make people depressed. If anything it can help a lot of people having mental health issues as there are many things online which help you go through some of the things you go through. You can talk to someone who had gone through similar things that you are dealing with. And trust me i know that it's helpful. However, i think that many of us have mwntal health problems is because we are more open about it. I bet other generations also had lots of people with mental health issues but due to circumstances they didn't really believe it could happen or they weren't so open about it. So basically just stop blaming everything bad that happens to Gen Z on phones.
QueenB Well, as another person born within the Gen Z year ratio, they do influence depression and sorrow. Lots of people become addicted to their phones and lose motivation. Like it or not phones arent very good for you. Most likely youve been up for quite a while because you were on your phone. The amount of activities that are accessible via your phone are infinite. You may not waste your time on your phone, but a lot of people do; including myself.
That's a really good point I agree with you but at the same time gen z people can also be playing too many games especially at school during classes which is a issue between gen z and alpha generation.
I feel like as a gen z, we are stereotyped. We are seen as lazy people who don’t care about education or careers. I stress so much about my grades because I want a good career. I am definitely not the stereotypical teen. I’m a huge nerd and an old soul. I love learning and helping people. When I’m older I hope to set an example like those who have influenced me! Have a great day to those who are reading this!!
I think the problem with Gen Z is they care more about a useless career than marriage and kids. :( Or that might be more so Millennials... Gen Z might be different because we're still young so we can change.
Baby boomers have been saying the same thing about Gen Y for decades. Wouldn't worry about the nay-sayers. Gen Z will be fine, don't let the older generations devalue you guys.
Born in 2000 myself, I feel exactly the same way! I guess our generation as a whole are much more introspective and self aware despite the 'social' identities we take on
"They dont remember a life without technology" Uhhhhhhhhh im an '03 Gen Z and i still remember vhs tapes, cds, thick ass tvs & computers, flip phones, blackberries, or simply just doing whatever like drawing or playing with rEal toYs Its not like the moment technology became popular or smth, magically, everyone born 1995-2012 came out of the womb with an iphone in their hands lmao
its evey We haven't yet Exactly like the oldest of us is 38 but once the boomers are out of the way the ball will be in our court. The creator of Facebook was a Millennial to give one idea of what we've done.
They pulled the same kind of shit on my generation, talking about how we will change the world. They are always hopeful and the previous generation just kicks the can down the road to the next one to fix everything.
Thezebraherd probably because we are now old enough to understand and so the millenials get to hate on the next down, to add to this, they care about us now because people are starting to vote now
I agree, I also find “Zoomers” and also since early Gen Zs get confused with millennials and often blamed for what the millennials did I also say we are also the “oppressed generation” but “zoomers” sounds more 😎
Idk bout u guys but for me (or in my place) Gen z is mostly stressed rather than depressed because they already have to think about the future the time when they are already adults and they Must have decent job and all, so you need to get higher grades. My classmates would rather think about wanting to get decent jobs and all at a young age not being able to enjoy being young and just stress about those stuffs when they are already adults they want to be "mature" because they are expected to be, expected not to make the same mistakes again seriously if you talk about any kind of game and they see you like it you'll be bashed (for ex. Minecraft, Roblox, sorry I only knew the popular ones and Fortnite ain't a thing in my country ) I mean when will we enjoy these? When we grew up?
i agree. yeah depression exists, but the majority of gen z isn’t depressed. and a lot of those who aren’t depressed see depression as an aesthetic. gen z is very stressed out and pressured. i myself am a part of gen z and i can confirm that
Me too, I sometimes don’t understand why am I have to study and work so hard for 20 years and then I have to work for 8-10 hrs a day per and I have holiday fir only 15 days in one year? I question my self everyday what’s the meaning of life? What’s the purpose for hard study for 10-12 hrs for a day per ? Why do we have to pay the tuition which is cost lots of dollars and when I work I got paid just a little ? There are lots of depressed and expected to our generation. The climate change , Racism , Discrimination , Bullying and Sexist are such a big problem that Gent Z faced when we try to call out about these problems it turns out that the adult to us as a stupid and more dumber which is it’s unfair we try to make our society much more better and peace but they don’t see what we have done though. I’m disappointed to all the adult who claims themselves as a person who have got lots of experience in this world 🙄 P.S. I am strongly apologize to my bad English and grammars.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! Two Gen Zers and one clearly not Gen Zer do NOT get to speak on behalf of the entire generation WHEN most of us ARE STILL IN SCHOOL (elementary through High school!) Our identity has not yet been formed! Our experiences molding our minds are not yet done!! NOT ONCE did these “experts” mention the things that have effected us on the daily. Our memes, and the internet culture that has grown BECAUSE OF US! The daily fear we experience because “safe” locations (schools, concerts, bars, etc) are target by people who are not being barred from weapons of deadly destruction! And people are are able to receive those weapons and need help are failed but the system sloppily put in place to “help” them. THESE THREE PEOPLE do not speak for an entire generation! Not once has a person spoken on behalf of a large group of people, who most of WERENT EVEN OLD ENOUGH TO VOTE IN THE LAST USA ELECTION! Not okay! Not okay!
EXACTLY!! No one understands our generation. Not even the experts, I mean it. My advisory teacher even thinks that for the first time in forever, we might be the generation only WE truly understand. It’s sickening that all they think our generation is about is social media, technology. Every problem we have is manipulated to social media or technology addiction. Like you said, in schools we have the fear of lockdowns, active shooters, etc..our generation is unlike no other. If we’re sick? oH iTs thE phOnEs Depressed? SoCiAl MedIA, SCrEeN tImE Tired? NoT eNoUgH sLeEP (Also because of screen time) Generation Z? tEchnOloGy AddIcTs
Ace Huang I am Gen Z...and I am not in therapy and all my friend in school aren't either...(I am not directly dismissing your point, it's just that you should not talk making generalizations) your r wrong but not completely
Alex Aguilar sorry if u read my comment as a serious opinion, i am well aware that not everyone who is a gen z-er is in therapy. That would be ridiculous and most definitely disconcerting. Also sorry if my suggestion somehow offended you, although if you have been contemplating seeing a therapist you should! I'm all the better for it and I really think psychotherapy has helped put me on a track of realizing self worth that teens don't get to explore on the daily.
omg yes, you are right, I am sorry, I had just woken up and was triggered for no reason, my bad❤, I swear I am not that awfully and mean in real life😂✌. On a side note, I am so happy you are feeling much better! We are part of the same generation we should try to be united❤🙌
Alex Aguilar its cool, i have seen way worse replies happen on youtube haha ☺️ And definitely! Hope this generation can be one built on love for other human beings and the earth ✌🏼
Elio because Baby Boomers are the single most consistent voters. This year and 2020 will be when Millennials and the eldest iGen can fight back. Look at the election of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Congress. She is a 27 year old Socialist who ran on a platform of abolishing ICE and she beat the Democrat incumbent who was Nancy Pelosi's heir apparent. Millennials really fucking dropped the ball in 2016 not getting Bernie elected, but the youth can still make things right.
Europa Man yep, the most racially mixed, globally connected generation that consists of hundreds of thousands of immigrants will stop immigration lmao. you are simply ignorant of reality.
While Gen Z doesn’t seem like the best generation to many, I (being apart of GenZ) believe we will surprise many. We grew up in a world that’s more connected than ever before, which means it’s easier for people to be hurtful, but it also means many kids and teens are more aware what the world is like. We grew up in a world where being different is normal and is often celebrated and discrimination is seen as something awful. We grew up in a world where mental health messages are spread better so more people are aware of it and know they are not struggling alone. Sure there’s a lot of violence happening but lots of that is caused by people from generations before us, and sure not everyone will grow up to be good, but I know many people my age and younger who want to make a difference in the future and hopefully change this sometimes scary, ugly world into something beautiful and loving. I hope you have a good day. 😀😀
I know it's almost been a year, my mom makes fun of black people, while me, a gen z, i'm friends with black people and the inequality thing is so bad. My mom hates gay people. Our generation is more into equality and not judging people who are "different"
ari I think that it is time to stop discrimination and racism. And while I disagree with some things that have been said and some actions that have been taken, I think a change is long overdue. And I also think that there may be other factors at play as well other than racism. Racism is a huge part, and is definitely the main reason of why these things happen, but there should also be other conversations in the background from what I’ve heard/seen and also going off my previous views (one conversation should possibly be “what causes normal, non racist police officers in the US to be as “jumpy” as they are?”, and another “would having more officers help the situation, make it worse, or have no effect”). Unfortunately, such conversations are often drowned out, shut down or turn uncivil online, leading to many to be afraid to bring them up (maybe, maybe no one has even thought to). Sorry if this wasn’t the answer you were wanting/expecting.
@@GeneralNuisance00 Sorry, but the other person is right. That's the general consensus of that range. The only ones that disagree are usually the early gen z'ers who try to insist that they're "90's kids". And I don't know where you got your fact from about Canada, but we most certainly do not think gen z and gen alpha are millennials.
Gen Z behaves the way it does because the world we live in makes us this way. Im 1998 and I kinda call BS on the work/life blend 7 days a week thing. Precarious work is a very real threat so I would say we are always in the process of advancing our credentials due to capitalistic competition. I also think with the advent of technology human work is becoming fabricated for the sake of the economy. Since the transition to the service industry, it seems technology is allowing us to pursue more intellectual work which naturally lends itself towards the hobby territory. My point is I think that this video credits too much individuality to Gen Z.
Well even though the previous generations dont think so, i would say that we are spiritually the unluckiest generation, we cant do what we truly want. We are constantly at pressure of being like somebody, following an ideal or creating something great. We just cant be satisfied with what we are and what we have produced through our work. I must say, that generation z is the one whose work is most highly viewed through fixed parameters of judgement. We just cant enjoy our work without caring about about how the authority will percieve it. Sure, we are encouraged to be entrepreneurial/creative, but we know that deep down, this encouragement is linked to economic or societal gains, thus eliminating the possibility of pure contentment due to the work we do. This comment might seem like it wants to push forward a socialist agenda. And that is true. A society without a capitalist heirarchy is something we need, and we need it desperately. Even though it might logically seem like socialism doesn't work, but u can't deny that their is very little fulfillment in doing things just to satisfy some parameters on which u r being judged. This is not simply because we dont like being judged. This is because we as human beings are biologically wired to overreach, to experience novelty, to be free of authoritarian judgement.
Man I think there's just too many people in the world I guess, hence competition. I'm not pushing a socialist agenda but I do think real capitalism can't exist under current circumstances . I think we really are witnessing technological determinism
I read a couple of different articles on Gen-Z people that said we're expected to be the most educated generation, the most economically conservative generation and the generation with the highest suicide rates in American history which I find pretty believable. We come from the most middle class generation in American history so it makes sense that we can afford college level education and we've learned (or at least I have) how lack of education or education in pointless degree's can screw you over in life. We come after the most economically and socially left wing generation in American history so it only makes sense that the following generation would show a certain level of backlash against that. And one of the reason's I think our suicide rates are gonna be so high is because we grew up surrounded by social media which can actually just make someone feel lonely instead of connected.
Im not entirely sure how the 24/7 work life blend goes against the advancing credentials, unless you’re offering an explanation for it and say we work 24/7 because we’re always in school or teaching ourselves something. Is that it? I 100% agree with the fabricating jobs for the economy, I’ve thought about that a bunch before. I also find it interesting how we fabricate jobs but outsource many jobs because capitalism has always relied on cheap/free/slave labor in America to function so that the rest can live in better conditions so it’s like we’re saying “WE NEED JOBS” but also “ooo but not those kinds of jobs (because then we’d have to pay a livable wage and increase the cost of common goods)”
As an older millennial, I absolutely love how open-minded & creative Gen-Z are. Take your time & don't let us old people stop you all from being great!
@@olivia25144 his words a true most children. Once someone ages to adulthood, it is typical that they often lose such. "open-minded & creative" Not always. It's like a clock ticking for many Gen Z, how much longer until they are adults?
The older generations who criticize Gen Z for spending all their time on electronics don't understand the context or how we've grown up. My entire middle school and high school career have been centered around electronics. I HAVE to have a computer/laptop for school and I have to have a cell phone to communicate with peers for projects, assignments, tests, etc. I also feel as if teachers have been giving us more homework because it's easier to give when you have the internet and you don't have to print everything out. However, I don't think they understand how difficult this can be for students like me who had mainly paper work in elementary school and quickly had to change to completely internet-based files and assignments. It's hard to navigate, and my early years of education were based around a completely different type of learning style. I think if schools and the world slowed down for a bit we could all gain our footing. But, as that is evidently never going to happen, the obvious solution would be for all generations to make an effort to respect each other and work to understand each other better. We have to treat everyone as individuals and respect that we are all different people with different learning styles and social skills. (this is a 12am rant. Sorry for the essay.)
My daughter is going thru the exact thing! All homework is electronic. She has a chrome book at school. It stresses her out. Her younger brother tho still has printed pages but less than she had 3 yrs ago at his age. She just started grade 9. Already between them can you see how fast things are changing. He also is getting a chrome book assigned to him this year. Yey, now I'll have 2 stressed out kids.
I think the thing the girl said the end about how we're less likely to have a license or own a car is a good thing, Gen Z have recognized the problems that driving cars causes and are now relying more on public transportation which is great for the environment and are now making public transport around the USA better and more available.
For me I don’t personally care for the expenses that go along with a car. Yes in America its sometimes a necessity but I would rather focus on public transportation like the rest of the world. I wish I could live in a European country, although they have their own problems, I just believe my thoughts align more with their modes of thinking. However I do believe America overall needs to fix their public transportation, even in NYC (one of America’s largest cities) it is pathetic
I think our generation cares for the environment, but I don't think that's the reason why we don't have cars or licences - I mean there's a lot of ecologically friendly cars out there, but these are pretty expensive and the average Gen Zs just can't afford all the expenses that come with owning a vehicle without being in debt. I personally, didn't get my licence until I was 19 because I couldn't afford it, I'm 21 now and only decided to purchase a car because even though I live in a large city, public transport is not reliable, with what would normally be a 15 minute car drive to where I work sometimes lasting up to an hour in transit.
We can't let supercars go extinct though. I want to own one when I have the money, and not some slow-ass electric shit, but proper V10s and 12s. Otherwise we wouldn't have the fun of driving over 200 mph.
I value equality and change for the better. I have my career figured out for the most part and I'm 17. I work and I'm already starting on my career before college. We are the generation that grew up in a tough world. We know we have to work hard to get where we want to be and that life is very complicated. Generation Z are complainers but we're also do-ers. We fight for what we want. We are the first to endure school shooter lockdowns. We know what's been going on politically, we know our world is dying and by the time our children are grown, they will live in a hotter, much less environmental friendly world than we have. That's why we push for changes because the generations before us screwed us over. We were exposed to a lot at an early age and you can bet that when we become adults, change will happen.
People say children are different now. They act differently, play differently, talk differently than previous generations. But remember, children aren't born with a smartphone in their hand. Children need parents to raise them and teach them how to act, so don't hand your kid a phone and complain about how they spend too much time on there phone. There are teenagers, like me, who are living amongst these gen Zs and millennials but have no part in it. I am 16, I have no social media other than TH-cam, I read books, I work full time and go to school, I drive a manual car. I'm not boastling in any way, but I am ultimately thankful to the discipline my parents, mainly my dad, installed in me at a young age. I'm glad that at 16 I have the job experience of most 30 year olds, I'm glad that I worked for every cent of my car. Remember that kids will be however you raise them, I'm glad to have had an amazing dad.
This was a nice comment! I don't even know you and I feel proud. I'm a Millennial and I mainly only know about the Gen Z experience through my younger cousins and TH-cam videos. The media really makes one believe that ALL Gen Z's are stuck on their phone, hate to work and are extremely liberal! Glad not everyone of you guys are walking social media droids eating Tide Pods.
SweetTea742 Thanks for the reply man. You brought me back to the day I commented this, and It's crazy to see how far I've already come since then. Enjoy the rest of your life, peace. ✌️
Honestly for me and alot of friends of mine we only use our phones so much cuz we just want to be entertained. The outside world is so chaotic, rushed, fast paced and stressful that it just makes us want to escape it and just use our phones all day.
As a member of Gen Z or iGen myself as I was born in 2004, I can tell you right now how much is going to have to change in a matter of years, in merely a decade things are going to change drastically, with the rise of Gen Z. I also see the fact that with the end of the older generations such as The Greatest Generation all through the Baby-Boomers and Gen X, that there is going to be a massive shift in what we define as 'normal' especially in America. You look back to the 50s and you see a predominantly white culture based off values of tradition, or keeping older values. When you look nowadays at Millennials and members of my own generation, you see a drastically different setting that's defined by multiculturalism and acceptance of one another. As such I firmly believe that in the coming years we're going to see a massive change in society and the social structure, that shown merely 5-6 decades ago would seem outlandish to someone raised in the culture of the 50s and 60s.
It's refreshing to see such insight in someone from my own generation younger than myself. (2001). As a whole our generation is actually more liberal than millennial's but is less inclined to support social justice. You see when you look at the hard facts on paper women have the same rights and privileges as men do and minorities have the same rights as white people do in the developed world (United States, Great Britain, France, Japan, South Korea, etc.). The differences we see between men and women in the roles they play are partly genetic and partly learned and while to some people that may be looked down upon or outright denied I believe in many ways femininity is a good thing. In the case of minorities the differences we see in their behavior are almost exclusively caused by their cultural background. In some cases the tolerance and multiculturalism supported by the developed world has resulted in conflict as the customs and beliefs of one culture are not compatible with the culture that accepts them. Rather than focusing on multiculturalism I believe we should follow the analogy of a melting pot as the United States is often referred to. Rather than dividing people into separate groups the cultures of the people that live there whether born there or having immigrated there should slowly coalesce peacefully combining elements of many cultures with people trying new things while not forgetting old traditions. The true strongest divider in the world is wealth though and the amount of money you possess or your family possesses can determine a lot more. I would like to go on but I need some sleep. It would be interesting to see what your opinions are.
Gaming Kraken so your 14? This is some really great insight! Around 14 is when i began seriously finding myself philosophically, socially and politically. I look forward to where iGen takes us.
I don't know dude, I look around and see kids doing fortnite dances and spending most of our time in Snapchat, exposed to social media and the culture in-between, so many are failing in school since the school system is so outdated, and we are never exposed do science and technology Such as celebrities and other crap like that. We are going to be the generation that wasted all their time in social media.. yeah, sitting there, seeing how time elapsed
@@mrquack6469 with technology advancing so rapidly I don't believe that Gen Z should range from those born between 1995-2012, maybe from 1995-2005, but anyone born after that is just too different. I believe that's because most of them as children were handed phones and other devices by their parents to keep them occupied when they were younger and as a result they've just grown up accustomed/immersed in that culture. Nevertheless, I believe once these kids grow up they're going to go on to do great things, even change the world as we see it.
1995 to 2012? How does that even make sense. it be should be 99 to 09. I’m a 98 and I had a completely different childhood and influences than those who are literally still only 6 and are still growing up. Technology changed a lot in the early 2000s and it’s just silly to say that we all belong in the same category
Nah don’t hype yourself. Generations are usually 15 years long so maybe 1995/96-2010. Your ‘98 childhood isn’t that much different from my ‘00 especially given the fact that it takes a couple years for a decade to phase out so cultural trends and experiences of the late 90s truly didn’t end till 2001/02 at best. It’s like the end of the 80s. 80s pop culture didn’t phase out till 1992/93 ish and that’s when the 90s truly began.
Unlike other generations, Gen Z wont just sit down and get walked all over by boomers nor would they just watch chaos unravel. Boomers call us kids and tell us to grow up and be "Normal" people. We are far from normal. Gen Z takes the "Everyone is Unique" saying to heart and they will refuse to be "Normal" people because thats just boring. Our Millennial brothers and sisters showed us the pain they went through being normal people and now they are mentally depressed. We wont make the same mistake and we will open up so many paths that will change and fix the world.
Nope nobody is unique or special. Right now thinking that isn't true, is fine, but once your an adult I bet your gonna have tons of problems just because of that thinking
As a part of gen-z I see that kids end up on our phones and social media a lot just because it's really the only option we have to connect. I and plenty of others I know prefer to meet and talk in person but with the increased paranoia of millenial and late gen-x parents we end up being stuck at home and away from other people making us have to turn to the internet for social interactions. Besides communication we also end up getting into the world at a later time with the average age of being allowed outside without an adult raised from 5 to 13.
I had a gen Z kid come in and want to intern because he wants to be an engineer. He got offended at how ppl spoke and even said it was "unprofessional" when nobody ever cursed or said anything. I told him that the world doesn't owe him understanding and that if he keeps up that soft mentality he'd fail and never become successful. He left shortly after. The issue was is he couldn't take criticism.
My middle school was fine. We loved political discussion and debate, it was great. My high school is the opposite, it's a leftist art school filled with feelings driven babies. It honestly depends, Gen Z is going to be a real interesting case.
Edgy Cats 69 not really. A kid might develop their personality but it’s not going to be the same when they reach their senior year of high school. And are you in middle school right now? how can you possibly think middle schoolers back in 2008 were tolerable than ‘18 kids.
Gen Z has been really screwed over. I love branding “no work life balance” as a “work life blend”. Way to brand the degradation of employment benefits as a positive. Gen Z and Millennials don’t work 7 days a week because of their “better work ethic”. They/we work 7 days a week because we hold more debt at a younger age than any other generation in American history and have been brought up in an economy with stagnant wages that can’t pay for city rent prices without working more than one job. It’s called hustling because we’re all getting hustled.
Or you know just get on with the fact that it doesn't matter? Why would you start a war with someone just because he's slightly older than you? This distinct line being drawn between Millennials and Gen Z will really just create useless conflict that shouldn't exist in the first place. Each generation will have their own failures and winners,and like it's just their age! God damn.
I'm GenX. Still kind of a slacker, but my son is GenZ. The things I really respect about his generation is how open they are about mental health issues. They've taken the shame out of a lot of it. Also, I've seen GenZ totally chew someone out and still respect the pronouns they identity with. I still kind of marvel at how they do those things.
As a part of gen z I think we are amazing we are going to change the world, but they brought up that phones are making us depressed when we use our phones as an escape from depression or an escape from what the world has turned into before we started protesting.
*my mom gay* the whole concept of generation is a very American creation. The Greatest Generation, the Silent Generation, the GI Generation, the Baby Boomers. The reason why the Baby Boomers are considered the whitest generation is because in America during the 1950s America was majority white. Every generation is increasingly more and more racially diverse, which is why the Boomers struggle to understand how the status quo is changing.
The generation cycle mostly applies to America and a handful of other similar countries like Canada and the UK the rest of the world as their own stuff going on.
Same. I'm still in high school, but I really hate going to work at shitty jobs like fast food, although I also recognize I could just not work until I need to, but I like money. I've just thought, though, if I were to have to keep doing a shit job for the rest of my life, I'd rather kill myself than just live depressed. I don't really mind working in an organization, but it's just that I fear not being able to afford college to get a job that I want, thus trapping me to stay poor because I wasn't born into wealth or comfort. Seeing my mom living paycheck to paycheck has given me so much desire to escape from the trap of poverty, but our society and majority of current lawmakers that want to keep medicine and postsecondary education based on making money only fill me with a view of a bleak picture for other people of my generation who were not born with such affluence. All I just want to do is help people and teach others, but I don't want to have to go into debt just to be able to do that. Life really sucks and the future is full of uncertainty.
But phones started becoming big until like 2008 -2010 so shouldn't generation z be from 2010 till now , because u cant really compare ppl being born in the late 90's to ppl born in 2012 cause technology was diffrent 😂
Miguel Maravilla It’s about technological advances, new technologies are still being developed today, are you going to say it starts in 2300? Generation Z is from 1995/96 - 2010/12, I was born in 1999 and a Generation Z.
That’s a fair point that I think is often mistaken. I don’t think the name of our generation should change cuz that’s just dumb but yes, the idea that we are totally technology dependent should be tossed out because it’s true we’ve never lived a life without it but at the same time, growing up in the early 2000s or into 2010, most of us have very VERY few interactions with it because it was new, amateur and not available to us. Technology has always been there in our lifetime, we just didn’t always have the opportunity to use it.
The older generations took our childhood, made us grow up faster than we should, you guys ruined us we need to take it back for the future. You guys created this, you guys started this figure it out.
@@ktheone6000 no, I hate people who say they where born in the wrong gen or who wish they would be born in a older gen. But half of this gen are spoiled brats who can't take shit and blame everything on other people, especially older people
LS nah, I blame y’all for the shit we have to fix, I grew up watching my peers getting shot and watching older generations not care at all about it. LGBTQ+ is having a hard time BECAUSE of older generations, Older generations give women a harder time, older generations created cellphones, older generations literally created our problems.
Born in 1992 and I don't give a shit about a generation label. I loved my childhood, going out, calling for my mates by actually knocking on the door and asking their parents if they can come out? Playing Football, play tig, Collecties, bulldogs takedown, knocking on doors and running off, going to a golf course just to be chased by security. All that good stuff!
its not just a label its showing how generations change and da label is just saying yuh grew up & and still living out the energy frequencies of your incarnation date...certain brackets of ppl hold sum what of the same energy... thats why at a family reunion ect. most times kids are playing with kids teens with teens & adults with adults... but we all co exist together is wah makes it seem as an illusion... in fact i think the reason the most of us are like this is because a lot of us wanna go back to different generations like your time big homie...whole reason the jerks did the futuristic shit subconsciously... stuff like playing sports and walking to friends houses, & unity was more popular during the time of yuh guys energy frequencies... we all separated and dum na days kids are either gang banging the wrong way or trying to help clean up our mess... at least yuh guys had more ppl who would fight instead of be a coward and pick up guns... every generation had Violence but more den likely it had a cause but look at the kidz na days??? yuh are Generation Y(Pluto N Scorpio) my brother 1983-1995...Thats probably why yuh dont resonate with it...Generation Z is 1995-2008(Pluto N Sagittarius)
Mario Justiniano because time has changed... most kids were born into the internet world yuh have 3 and 4 year olds wrking tablets rn... so it kinda grew wit us i agree that socializing physically is better den Social media... but its kinda a thing most parents started with the world getting out of hand so many around this time was force to be more yuh cant really trust ppl 2x as it use to be... so its better safe den sorry...if that makes sense
Work-life blend = you are to be available at your employer's convenience no matter what, no matter when. Psychological abuse + labour exploitation shouldn't be masked as innovation. "Oh my god, I have a whole evening for myself instead of working on a report my boss has just decided needs to be finished by tomorrow, how boring!"
I love how the gen z kid is sitting there with his dad breathing down his neck. That’s what I hate about my generation, we can’t be financially or psychologically free from our kamikaze helicopter parents.
Same here brother, my dad's a baby boomer so he constantly attempts to shut down what realistic aspirations I have for the future, while at the same time scolds me for not knowing anything about life. That's why after college I'm joining the Army, just to get the hell away from him & finally try and start my life. I love him to death, but I'm sick of approaching my 20's & staying at square 1.
DigitalPlugged so ur saying if parents aren’t helicopter parents then they aren’t a real parent to you? Sorry some parents actually trust their kids in making decisions and not screwing up their own life.
I'm an older gen Z 23 now.. And feel very disconnected with a lot of people younger then me. Tiktok etc. For that I'm too old now.. But I am very proud that people the same age as me and younger are so outspoken and open. We never let older generations intimidate us, no one can tell us shit we will yell at boomers for being racist for some stranger on the street. Yes we are depressed and angry about the mess that has been made by previous generations. That's why they love to paint us as those braindead social media worshippers. We are becoming old enough to vote and I know they are scared as hell.
I was born in 2001, and I can tell you that no one had a phone until 7th grade. Seeing toddlers with their phones is very strange to me, I feel like Gen Z should be those born 2012 and above
Bruh I’m a ‘01 baby to and that’s so true lol I didn’t have social media or a phone till I was 12 lol. We played outside for the most part until everyone got to middle school around 2012/2013 then that’s when we started seeing drastic changes in our productive lives.
Sadly every time login in is work for them & the work & life balance is no longer weekdays 9-5 but 7days a week 24/7. Therefore for better or worst that is their change of their inherited world born after 1995 with the internet.
There's an implied main idea to the video. The answer is supposed to marinate inside of your head so that YOU can provide a constructive perspective to the question. Just because they don't answer the question directly doesn't mean that it's not answered; there's a multitude of answers actually, but YOU just missed the point. edit: Oh by the way -Sincerely, a Gen Z Adult
I'm 15 years old, so I know nothing but a world with technology. But it's all about how you were raised, because I just learned that kids having their phone out at dinner is a problem. I didn't even know that was a thing, because I wasn't even raised with the thought of that possibility. So yes technology, but its also about how you were raised.
Bruh im 18 and i didnt even know that people had a problem with that lmaooo i always have my phone even in thanksgiving i have phone when I'm eating but my parents never complained about it yeah
even though I'm 13 I don't see either of my parents much anymore but since my childhood had a lot of roots in family and community, I know how to set aside my tech so that I can spend time with family and friends
I'm 14 and I only knew how to use a computer this year (only TH-cam and printing and stuff) while my sister at 6 is already taking selfies and learning about Snapchat, being the oldest I feel like I need to keep up
@@anisseezra68 wait what? Snapchat at 6??? I have to be 13 (I'm 12) before I'm allowed to have snapchat, I think that is completely reasonable, maybe even a little young.
“Experts” on a generation that hasn’t been able to form their own identity yet?!?! You don’t apply traits to a baby that hasn’t been born yet... like if our generation ends at 2012 these kids are just 6! I’m born 2003 and I’ve changed so much since I was six (my face? HAHAHA no) but my personality has changed 110%!!!! I just hate the term “expert” on something that has barely been around for 10 years!!! 🤷🏼♀️
Being a zoomer myself (born in '01) I can say that many of us are in some ways quite bitter towards the world. We were born into a post 9/11 America, 2 wars that were for the most part unpopular, and an economic recession that saw many of our parents either lose their jobs, or have salaries cut. And we saw millennials either struggling as adults or acting like children. But I think that being a generation to grow up with the internet, we were able to express our opinions a lot more among each other without the "shuddup you're just a kid" argument being thrown at us. And we have a diversity of thought because of this that is totally unprecedented. There's a lot to be bitter about in the world. But I think for the most part that gen z is good at transforming that bitterness into a reason for good discussion.
I watch this and I actually have hope for our generation, but when I see woahvicky, Danielle Cohn, Malu Trevejo, etc. All of that hope is flushed down the toilet.
It's also inadvertently the fault of many parents of GenZers that so many of them turn to their phones for social interaction. Parents these days are getting more and more protective of their kids and where they can physically go or hang out with even though things are getting less and less dangerous but the media and all the stories that many parents have access to scares them. Many young kids no longer play out on the street or walk down like a ways in their neighbor hood to visit their friend, or to maybe walk down to a local restaurant or to school. There's spontaneity in how kids can interact and it makes it hard for them because kids and teens don't tend to think in the way many adults do when it comes to planning simple interactions. for many kids who do have that freedom it's typically a text or a facetime and they're already headed towards their friends house. It's hard wanting to simply just hang out with your friend without knowing all that's gonna happen, so when your parents demand phone numbers, a time table, a detailed list of activities its hard for kids to give them these things because they dont know.
That’s true. A tether with numerous strings attached. My gen was free AF. And the gen before me even more so- I mean they smoked indoors and didn’t use car seats! (Maybe 2 gens back) ahh yes the glorious internet- strange thing- the Napster days pirating music and the days. In time the parentals learned to navigate “history” which I had no knowledge of! I think it’s eery and not entirely natural the slow systematic boxing in. The sci fi movies turn out to be more or less predictive programming. I don’t feel good about where it’s going but I believe we may make a quantum shift. Take care young man on the earth
As a member of gen z I can tell you that the phone addiction thing is over exaggerated. Yes we do spend probably too much time on our phone but honestly what do you expect. They don't teach us to do anything without technology. And most of our anxiety and depression comes from school. We are constantly under so much pressure to get the best grades and compete with each other just to get accepted into colleges. Plus have any of you guys seen what colleges require to even just be considered for a spot?
W4r galactic oh yes because deteriorating mental health, failure from our government, racial injustice, climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic are ideal
The only thing I agree with in this whole video is that the newest generation is the more realistic. We are more realistic in that we don’t see the world as a sunshine and rainbows. The idea that we are the most egalitarian is also something I agree with, but in a different way. While Millennials are more closed-minded towards those they disagree with, gen z is more willing to speak freely and aren’t pulled toward more antagonistic ideologies. We antagonize for fun, not to say others are the enemy. We are more connected with the world than previous generations, but that also doesn’t mean we are always willing to want to go out and help 24/7, especially in politics. We see that oppression as something that is always going to happen. While we feel it is wrong that others are being oppressed, we are afraid to commit to the idea of being the world policemen like other generations. Isolationism, with a global awareness is something our generation will probably pride more than previous generations. We would likely volunteer more for charity work in other countries, but don’t expect our generation to continue the idea of American imperialism. We are probably less likely to protest, as we don’t like confrontation. We are a lot less Politically correct, not because we are less socially-conscious, but we are more likely to believe that it is stupid to get offended over shit if the intent isn’t to hurt. While millennials were more likely to spread their views through the media, we are more likely to allow people to make their own decisions. While the millennials and generations before were unable to distance themselves away from their ideals in making decisions without proper evidence, gen z is more patient, and aren’t afraid to suspend belief until justice runs its course. I feel like pewdiepie is the epitome of what our generation will be like. I’m not sure what pewdiepie believes in politically, but I know that he is a realist and is sick of outrage culture in the media. The electronics thing is somewhat petty, as I believe our generation uses electronics in a different way than previous ones. We use social media like Instagram and Snapchat, which aren’t really made for spreading any sort of fake news or propaganda. It is because of this that we are more likely to think more independently than other generations who do not know how to use the internet. Our cynicism is in part linked to social media, but our cynicism comes with an understanding that life is never going to be perfect. Our “idealists” are that of a cynical-idealist, who believe perfection may never be reached, but we should always strive for it. Most gen z people dislike Trump and Clinton, and are sick of the media on both sides sucking one’s dick, and kicking the other’s. In short, we are less for authoritarianism on both sides of the spectrum as it pertains to social issues.
I really agree with the piece about politics most of our generation is just so done with politicians bs and I personally believe the world will get along much better once the current politicians leave office and retire.
They talk like we invented depression. Its always been there. Gen Z just talks about the important stuff instead of caring about what society might think of us. That's one of the biggest differences between us and the previous generations. We might be on our phones all the time but when the time comes for us to take a stand, you'll find us standing in the front line fighting for whats right.
@Benjamin Wulf you're too young this generation is getting weak I hate being part of this generation you'll find out about it but idk what country you're from
Ok I'm sorry but I was born in 2005 and I don't think we should be judged with like 5 year olds I think they should be a different generation because I didn't have any access to technology when I 10 and below (besides an ipod shuffle lolol) Once I started year 5, yes, I needed a computer for school but at that time I didn't have a phone. I only got a phone (I needed a phone as I caught public transport everyday to school and home) when I started high school (middle school for americans) which was not an iphone and I didn't have any social media on it. Take into account that some people use technology for educational purposes, such as writing or editing.
Even though I'm an 08, I had an ipod, which I still have, the little square that would go in your pocket without a screen, and a gameboy, and when I say I loved these items, I mean it
i’m about to go into 9th grade, idek if this video is still getting views but this is what my town is like: a lot of people in my town are older and are boomers. those boomers are very racist (i live in the south). they think because their white they won. my school mocks me because i stick up for others and fight for equality. i question everything including my teachers and sometimes they don’t have answers or they have a bigoted answer. the kids all look happy but they aren’t. all of us have cried ourselves to sleep on more than one occasion. most of us can say we went through a “tough time”. a lot of us have family issues and are mentally unstable. we are so scared of failing and being alone. we know right from wrong. we just don’t act on it because we’ve been told not too. we keep waiting for a teacher or parent to tell us what to do. we need to stop waiting and start acting. dueces, Emma
"Try not to be on your phone before bed"
*is watching this at 1 am in the morning
Char Chic omg IM DOING THE EXACT SAME THING RN! I’m like “no way I can sleep before 1:00 and without my phone in hand before going to bed”. I’m disappointed at myself. I have like a 1000 alarms, so that I go to bed (relatively) early, but I never manage to do so. ☹️ I only slept 4 hours yesterday
Watching this at 1:44 A.M.
Same me at 2:22 am lol
Lamo mood
Try 7 am.. i haven’t sleptt yet lmao
The babies and toddlers on phones shown in this video aren't Gen Z, they're Gen Alpha
Thank you so much for that! I was scrolling through the comments and so glad I saw this!! ☺
Actuallly I was a toddler and I was on my moms phone and I am a gem z. So it just depends on how late of a gen z you are.
Dwight K. Schrute well most of us are. I was born 2000 so I wasn’t really aware of the fact that I was “living” until the 2010’s I kinda just existed.
true! unless those were clips from the early 2000s that ain’t us 😂
Generation Z would change the world
Generation Z: Big Chungus
i mean, it was a january meme, and those are not the best ones.
Changing the world one meme at a time
Shhhhh most of us are young let us have fun before adulthood later on crush us 😂
Gen z: shaggy memes.
As someone who was born in 1907 I think these damn kids are spending too much time on those damn typewriters
lol typewriter...what is that?
as someone born in 1746, i believe these kids spend too much time throwing tea in water
Alicia Abdullah as someone born in 100 b.c. Y’all rely on this “A.D.” calendar to much
As a dinosaur, i think yall drive too much
as Joseph seed, i think these damn kids are spending too much time smoking bliss.
I wish people would stop saying technology is the reason we are depressed… because it more like we have access to news and current events. 12yr olds 30-40 years ago would normally be like a 5 or 6 year old today. Kids today know that the world they are going to have to work and raise that families in is a crappy dirty place. So it’s not technology that’s making us depressed it having access to knowing what we are going to have to live in.
Edit: thanks for the likes I am also a gen z
It’s A Gray Rainbow depression sucks, everyday I feel like I can’t even lift a finger, it doesn’t help that it’s so hot outside
Yep! That's exactly why. Its not phones, its the news we are able to read on the phones.
facts, sorry adults but yall just a bunch of umbrellas to the situation at play
Most of us (Gen Z) aren’t even graduated high school yet, I think we have to wait until we can truly understand this generation
Edit(2021): Damn I’m in college now
ST X and people are all ready going into politics, when most don't know what position they are.
Connor yeah i graduate in 2024 and honestly it’s very crazy to think that
But I am graduating next year 🤪🤪
@Hol M people shot up schools before us too. It's sadly just more common and talked about now.
This whole "iGen" thing really gets under my skin. First of all, I was born in 2001 and find that I have nothing in common in my childhood with those born anywhere near 2012, because I was already in middle school. Also, continuing to say that social media and phones wreck our generation is so confusing, because "Gen Z-ers" did not invent all of these things. We were raised with millennials and Gen X giving us technology and social media. If people over the age of 40 want to continue to say we are "ruined", they should consider WHO RUINED US IN THE FIRST PLACE. Children don't have access to advanced technology without being enabled by their parental figures. Every generation is a product by those that came before them. We are raised in a world that has been changed by people who lived prior. It's not like our generation is obsessed with technology because we wanted to be. Parents now give their kids iPads so they don't have to worry about them, as opposed to giving them creative outlets or encouraging them to advance their talents or finding new passions or simply playing outside! I myself was not raised like that - I played outside every single day and didn't have a phone until I started high school. We were not born with smart phones in our hands, we were enabled and encouraged the have the newest technology.
Same here. I was born in 2000 and I used to play outside as a kid. I got my first phone at the age of 17. I use my phone to find some information regarding my interest, hobbies or homework. I only watch You Tube and I use What's App only when I have to ask or tell something necessary. I don't play video games or use social media. I just listen to music from my phone while resting or doing some work.
So it depends on the individual and not the technology. Technology is a blessing if we use it correctly. Today's generation is more diverse, open and accepting, thanks to the internet and technology. We should also not forget that because of the internet we are aware of the things happening around the world.
The kids born in 2010+ started on technology when they were young, like I see 2 year olds with big ass tablets or Nintendo switches. While me born in 2002 my mom made me do work books, read a book, watch that old ass TV (non flat screen cause they didn’t exist yet) or play on those old computers
I got my first phone in 7th grade
I agree to some degree but also we have to admit that our constant use of technology is causing people to be shut ins. Which is amking us depressed bcuz communication with real people is still important.
Edit: this lack of socializing makes people feel lonely and makes people more anxious and depressed.
Varun Chandra I’m with you on that . I was born in 2001 and I would
say I relate more with millennials/ people in their early 20s.
“try not to be on their phone right before bed”
me watching this before i go to bed
“We don’t fear failure” yah cause we’re all depressed and don’t care about dying 🤷🏻♀️
Taehyung's tummy
If your want to die well than that’s unfortunate. What can I say except gl
True my school is a cesspool of self harm, and we're rich.
Swanlord tell me about it, you can't walk five meters in my school without overhearing someone casually joke about killing themselves
Thats pretty mch what we are gonna be known in the future probably the sad boy generation or some like that
For real
We are not depressed because of what we have done, but rather the world that has been given to us.
That's just pessimism. We still have a ton of nature, we get a very diverse weather all around the globe. We have amazing people and thinkers. We have the ability to be the first people to colonize Mars with a robotic AI or to be successful self employed entertainers. If you think the world is horrible then that limits your hope of what you can do with it. Even being a homeless person is an option, maybe not a healthy one but you get to explore with nothing holding you back not even taxes. I'm glad to be living right now with everyone I know
Precisely. And all the older generation in here gonna be like... No.... That's not true
Why does everyone always saying there depressed or we are depressed is ? When I feel like most aren't depressed at all just that there's more exposure now because the internet
No, it’s definitely what we have done
@@brycelahm1283 why are gen z when we are still just kids learning about the world? It's not our fault the world we're born into is like this.
I wish we would stop immediately being characterized by electronics. We aren’t products. Everyone likes to blame social media for our depression, but it’s simply not true. If the world wasn’t such a hellhole, maybe we would be happier.
Yeah if anything we are going to end up being the most apathetic and pessimistic generation
Grace Elizabeth
The world isn’t a hellhole tho. The world has drastically gotten better it’s just with social media we gravitate to the negatives. People in the past didn’t do that cause they had not social media
Grace Elizabeth the term iGen was coined by Nerdcore rapper MC Lars to define Millennials but it stuck better for Gen Z
And people tried to put us down
When iTunes bumped a post-Cold War sound
My generation sat at the Mecca of malls,
Times Square, I'm there, Viacom installs
So we hit the net while the Trade Center fell
New York met Hollywood, we ran like hell
No Vietnam for us, yo, Iraq it's on
So who agreed upon this cowboy Genghis Khan?
The choice made, baby. Hey we'd take it back
logged in dropped out, MTV took track
They sold it back to us and claimed no correlation
The iMac, iPod, iGeneration
And I'm waiting for the day we can get out
The world is ours, that's the story no doubt
Want to be more than info super highway traffic
want to be more than a walking demographic!
"Hey! You're part of it" Talking about the iGeneration
"Yeah! You're part of it" Talking about my iGeneration
See the iGeneration knew organization
meant optimization and unification
When imagination gave participation
In creation of culture a manifestation
The Berlin Wall fell and out we came
The post-Cold War kids laid claim to AIM.
LOL, OMG, yo, BRB. Space, colon, dash, closed parenthesis
We sat at our laptops and typed away,
and found that we each had something to say
Web-logged our fears, our hopes and dreams
Individuated by digital means
Fiber optic lenses, DVD, Coca Cola, Disney and Mickey D's.
Flat mass culture, the norm that took hold
I hope I die before I get sold
Gourab Kundu the past generations had tv news yelling at them. Compare your Facebook feed to just a single hour of FOX News. On FOX the world is ending 24/7. Idk about you but my social media feeds are primarily new emerging technology and socially positive political shit. We have the benefit of using apps like Flipboard to curate our news for our interests instead of just being yelled at in between commercial breaks
I'm currently in 8th grade, so I would like to inform some adults what goes on in a Gen Z's day to day life. I would like to inform you that we are not what we think.
In my school, I can't speak for others, the kids are pessimistic, tired, sad, and opinionated. "See Something, Say Something"(an initiative based on preventing violent acts and improving student mental health through student awareness of problems and learning to see signs of depression in and outside of school, mostly based on social media) is shoved down our throats, teaching us do something most of us refuse to do, not for our sake, but for others. Almost all of us know what it is like to be in a dark place, and we know that adults knowing that you don't want help from does nothing but hurt you. We are too sympathetic to do something before they try to handle it themselves, but no adult understands that, and rather sees mental illness as something that they could prevent by forcing the child to talk.
In my school, we talk about what a wreck the school system is. State testing gives us anxiety that we can't afford. We retain very little of what we learn, a result of being taught to learn for a test, and not to learn for ourselves. We find our interests outside of school and have intelligent disscussions about these interests with our friends. We pressure ourselves to succeed in school, even though we find most of it pointless, because if we don't do well our failure will be on the news, mocking us for being the "worst generation yet." In my favorite class, English, we have class political discussions and have Socratic Circles, a learning form borrowed from Socrates, in which we teach each other based on what we already in an organized and polite disscussion. That is the only class I have ever taken in which the teacher encouraged us to be free thinkers, further our learning by ourselves, and to pursue our interests. In fact, we once had a debate on whether Fantastic Beasts was racist or sexist because of an article that a student read. Our teacher assigned homework that night was to research the issue, form an educated response, and be ready to discuss it with the class the following day. Our generation believes that learning like that furthers us, and learning based on a test hinders us.
In my school kids consistently get an unheathly 4 to 8 hours of sleep. Studies show that this effects our ability to learn immensely, as well as our mental heath, and physical growth. Not only are we physically tired, we are mentally tired. Tired of having to break down walls adults have thrown up, tired of putting up walls around adults because we are scared of our beliefs getting out. We just want it to stop.
In my school, although we are depressed and sleep deprived and annoyed, we want to change the world. We have lofty goals and would do so much to accomplish them. I don't know what career I want, but I want to change the world. I want to make someone's life better, to put a smile on their face. I don't know what that is yet, but it might end up having something to do with the psychology field. I find it incredibly interesting. I know other kids do too, but none of us say anything, because when we do, people are concerned that we are depressed or need a therapist our self. Every kid I know has a passion for something. Every kid I know wants to change the world, to fix what the adults messed up.
So yeah, we're a wreck. But we also have our heads on straight. Social media is not just an escape, but a learning system. We don't know if there's hope, but we want to make our own. So maybe we're better than you thought, or maybe we're worse.
My friend gave me an interesting fact the other day: they used to put people on insane asylums based on stress levels. Based on tested fact and observation, almost all of our generation should be locked up by those standards. As a generation, we intend to change this, even if we lose everything in the process.
That is what Gen Z is like. Depressed, but determined. Thanks for reading.
16 year old, so also Gen Z. This is the most accurate thing I've read about us. So accurate I'm at the point of tears. Even if other generations don't understand us, we pride ourselves on understanding each other.
As a 16 year old, I think generations before were much worse, in some places in the world there were racial segregation and remarks from some groups of people, disease and illnesses which are easily curable now and world wars and poverty.
This sh*t to accurate
Turning 15 in a couple of months and you mate really have a voice. I'm happy, that we are at the same page you don't know how much I've been trying to look for someone who actually gets what's going on with us.
God this is the most underrated comment in existence it captures most of gen Z perfectly
Im 18 and literally had Vietnam flashbacks while reading this. Scary accurate. Well done mate.
the whole "never known a world without the internet" thing is kind of patronising. there's so much more more about this generation than technology and 'being connected' but that's always seems to be the first thing that's affiliated with gen z
It's the media that keeps pushing that stereotype... I would have believed the same thing if i didn't read the comments.
Joshua Croll well you can’t be surprised with how much phones have changed the world, but yeah it’s annoying, you don’t see me calling millennials the guyswhogetdrunkandgotoworkandcomehome generation
Well it IS what make us stand out a bit more..
I think everyone should apologize to Gen Z, we've created a world full of hate, we've thrown plastic into oceans and caused global warming to run rampant and now we leave this generation who is still full of kids and teenagers and even though we always told them to clean up after themselves, we're making them clean up the mess we've made the world.
I couldn't have said it better myself
They should be thanking previous generations for all the technology and progress made throughout history.
You have to be a millenial. Your whole comment just made me cringe.
"A world full of hate"
The only reason the world is even the slightest bit hateful now is because of leftist extremism that pushes anti-free speech, anti-freedom rhetoric.
I say this as someone from Gen Z.
beginger xx Had to make it political? I'm not talking about politics.
How is "created a world full of hate" not political?
"Compared to previous generations, they spend a lot more time communicating with their friends electronically."
Jokes on you, I am a Gen Z who is online all the time, but I do not have friends. ;)
Wasserrübenvergilbungsvirus I'm gen z born in 2001 i have only 1 or 5 friends that are not so cool in high school I have some that are know around the school but I get anxiety all the time and depression also I think that's the problem with our generation
I'll be your friend
Facts bruh
Wasserrübenvergilbungsvirus lmao that’s me. #lonelyforlife #nofriends #imnotjoking #pleasebemyfriend #youtubefightsaretheonlythingthatkeepmealive
Generation Z is depressed because of phones? I'll tell you what- every time I open my phone I'm faced with article after article of how the environment is dying, how the older generations refuse to face reality and change policies, how we're doomed to inherit a broken planet and by the time those in power move on it'll be too late. I see the strife caused on my friends in other countries, able only to watch. Gee, it must be the phone's fault for connecting me to the realities of the world we live in.
Earth is messed up, man
@@kyanatalebi7029 and the last generations are the ones to blame
Tea!!! 🍵
@killer4u7 no it’s the you useless kids these days.
@@gloriakayoka9208 How are kids to blame for problems that started before we were even born?
I believe we can
we're depressed shits but we're all open minded and memes exist so there's still some hope
Your depressed, not us 😂😜
_ Sosmir _ stfu I’m not going to kill my self 💀🤦🏽♂️ I’m not stupid like you 😂
Love your profile picture ARMY 💜
@@anthonygandara4854 whoosh/
Memes keep me alive. We are already nihilistic as it is.
I don't wanna get into a dark space...but we don't fear failure as much or get hit hard enough by surprise, because we can already see it in a failed system.
Its kind of like
Me: I wanna die rn
Others: Same.
Thats a coping mechanism that has become culturally acceptable and allows us to relate to one another..yet, depression affects a lot of people.
If you're just depressed and nihilistic thats one thing. If someone you know is depressed and suicidal, "I wanna die rn" has a different and more urgent meaning...
The thing I hate is that she said that phones cause gen z to be depressed. In my opinion the phone was the thing that made me the happiest. Hearing older people say they hate their office job makes me really sad for my future. The thing that makes me feel depressed is being stuck in a 9-5 job that I hate just to make a living, not my phone. My phone is a distraction from all the depressing things happening in the world. The phone isn't the problem
EDIT: I'm not saying that phones help EVERYONE, I'm just expressing how it has helped me and my opinion on the things stated in the video. The internet and the youtubers I watch have really helped me cope. Being suicidal, I've made lists of reasons to stay alive, and one of my reasons was the fact that if I kill myself, I will never be able to watch TMG, Shane Dawson, David Dobrik etc again. Yes, I'm aware that it's not the best thing to do as a way to cope and I should get therapy, but at the moment I can't access any form of therapy. Also I'm in no way saying I have depression, I should have used better language in my comment, but the future, desk job etc (what I stated before) makes me feel very hopeless and sad and the phone/internet helps me cope with those emotions.
I'm millenial, 33. We are depressed because we are bombed by shits from when we are born, they ask to us to be responsable for things did by old generations. Help the rain forest! Do that, do that! Look what are you doing!.. Me? Why no one say wars and shits were made by my parents and grandparents... i don't know nothing about a war, i didn't nothing. And the same generations asks to us to weak up in the morning at the 6 o clock to make stupid jobs to be slaves of angry elders to be paid less than anyone. Why we are depressed? Because for us the society is not a society, is a trap, a prison, and when you have a phone or internet in your hands, or a videogames, everything look better than that. Can you feel any difference between generation x and z?
Sure your phone distracts you but after that, do all your problems go away. Some people are on there phone so much that they forget to get a reality check. So I agree with the lady.
Why do you need a distraction? Sounds like you’re running from our worlds problems, it’s literally almost our turn to run this planet. My phone and video games made me super depressed, I had to put it down and face myself and my own issues, gen z lacks the basic concept of loving oneself for who they are because theyre always seeing other peoples life highlights online and think that’s all their life is supposed to be, nothing but good times. Pain is essential for growth, if you can’t run from it, run to it
The phone fact is an interesting thing for one reason. You're more likely to be on your phone if you're depressed, phones don't cause depression, but it's where most depressed people go
Dude, that's like saying cocaine is what makes you happy. The phone loads you up with so much dopamine that your dopamine receptors are deadened, and life starts to feel like shit.
Every generation believes it is the chosen one.
Iván Egües Exactly, lol!
well, each of them are tbh. in the past century there hasn't been a generation that hasn't been born into some special circumstance, and no generation has gone down in history as "the shit one" lmao
Currently the “shit” generation is most likely Baby Boomers.
Ivan Engues, so true!
True. Gen z’s pessimism, and self-loath May be exactly what our world needs.
Title: How Gen Z will change the world
Video: phones are giving them depression they need to learn to get off of them and they are awful at life
This comments needs more likes and too this comment section is more accurate than this entire video.
Yes yes thanks
Underrated comment
LOL its true as a gen z myself we act like we have it the worst even though there are Billions of children outside of the US who are beaten yet they don't complain
it's true
Whenever I hear GenZ being referred to as iGen its never by an actual member of GenZ. It’s always someone from Millennials or older. iGen focuses just on the tech aspect of GenZ and I feel like it discredits GenZ as purely tech obsessed. Same with blaming phones for anxiety and depression, I reduces a complex issue to just phones are bad. Phones are just how we get all the information about the horrible things in the world around us, they aren’t the only problem, bad news and rising political tensions are just the things were being constantly informed on.
AvocadoKin you ever think that you actually have a choice? you don't have to be a sheep and do everything your generation is doing... but you guys are mostly sheeps so you gotta be trendy right?
wobblegook you just ignored the Original Poster's entire comment to just put your barely relevant opinion here, didn't you? Because your comment barely associates to the OP's Original comment.
wobblegook to be honest, this is actually not the worst reply someone said to me. But anyways, listen, I'm tired, and I know that if I argue with you, this is going to turn into a huge back and forth argument that's going to involve more people and just turn into a huge debacle. You're not worth the time I have left.
Argentum Aurum well that was civil. You take care and don't get beat up on the internet.
wobblegook thank you.
i kind of wish that we saw ACTUAL gen z's talking about our generation. this is pointing out how we are at risk to ourselves and how bad the things we do are. i'd like to see more positives
@May Eli but only one?
To be honest, I think we haven't seen the true face of Gen Z yet. The Gen Z that's actually going to matter are still little kids currently. In 5-6 years we'll see what this generation is really made of.
And I think our predictions are going to be entirely off the mark. There's something that a lot of studies are leaving out... The fact that "minorities" will be the majority of gen Z. It sounds small, but it's something huge that is overlooked by many. I find it amusing that few have linked the change in American culture with our changing demographics as a country.
This is why you see many "status quo's" already being challenged. America is literally changing and I think most people are ignoring the elephant in the room. We've reached the tipping point and it's going to be really interesting to see how quickly everything changes now.
Danie F I've thought about how interesting it is for America specifically. This country has done so many terrible things to minorities and now "minorities" will be the majority. I still have a lot of anger towards America for the almost irreversible damage it has done to my country. And yet I love the people I've met and the life I live. Interesting how America will change if a majority of it feels this way 🤔
Danie F Genz is still Majority white. The next one won’t be.
MrKmas508 Whites will be half of the population by 2040 by studies which isn’t next generation, probably in two generations.
007 that’s not how gens work
MrKmas508 Yes it is, Gen Z is a 15 year gap, then 2010 to 2025 would be after Gen Z and then 2025 to 2040 will be the one after that. It’s stated that the US will be majority white until 2040, where whites will then be 50% of the population.
We are all depressed and self-loathing but at least we are more open-minded
M.L. Soll in generation Z too (born 2003) but I’m not depressed nor I loathe myself, I’m curious tho, why do you hate yourself, why is depression so common in today’s world?
Alex Moore bro legit read any other comment and someone will tell u why
Skylar Jade I’ve seen plenty of replies and none of them tell me a legit reason, our generation is privileged asf compared to previous generation, it’s obviously social media and such what is causing depression
@@alexmoore9580 I think ur lying. There's plenty of comments explaining why.
@@pugassassin5591 Well I haven't seen a comment explaining a valid reason why there's so much depression in this generation, like I said, we have a fuckton of stuff and privileges compared to other generations, so logically there wouldn't be so much depression.
As with every generation, there’s a definite disconnect between how Gen Z operates and how other generations perceive it. For instance, I have a Catholic friend who gave up her social media for Lent. And halfway through this, I got a message from her telling me how difficult it was to give it up because she had to receive messages from other people through social media, particularly for school. She wanted to disconnect completely, but without accessing her social media she was missing out on a lot of important things in her life. And that’s something I feel like other generations don’t necessarily realize. In some ways, the new technology gets to a point where the youngest generation can’t operate without it if they want to make and maintain connections in their age group.
Solid post
People of older generations perhaps don’t quite understand that the internet is becoming as much an essential public utility as electricity or water. Many essential functions are becoming much more difficult to perform without it.
yeah it kind of annoys me that it's required for school...
That's not true though. I'm in gen z and I stopped using Facebook and Instagram completely 3 years ago. I don't have Twitter or snapchat. It doesn't feel like I'm missing out on anything and I still connect with people
google docs isn't social media.
"we don't fear failure" that's 'cause we don't have nothing to lose and we all want to die, lmao.
tell me something I don’t know
That is true
Yeah. I wonder if you’d say that with a gun pressed to your head.
I mean my phobia is fear of death but mk
Kiss me with those double negative lips
Unfortunately you can't compare someone born from 1995 and someone born in 2012 and name them in the same generation. They are 2 completely different generations
Generations are mostly arbitrary made up constructs.
doesn't that also apply to every other generation?
acar1994 your r dumb...please do some research on how generations studies make connections and draw conclusions before you say another nonsensical statement 😂
specific dates for generations aren't decided until after that generation (around 25 years) finishes.
At the moment 1995 onwards in Gen Z but many are predicting Gen Z to become 2001 to around 2012/13
2012 is another generation. Gen Z is 1996-2008
Greatest Generation: World war II
Baby Boomers: Vietnam
Gen Z: Area 51
Generation X???
@@kt1035 Gen Z: WW3
Gen Z Tech, Migration crises and Coronavirus!
@Li1 SheP You are correct they should shut up
This didn't age well lol.
no shade, but i think gen z should speak about gen z and how we think we’ll change the world, not someone else from another generation speaking on us because then it would be more accurate (minus the guy who was actually from gen z)
Jordan The guy on the left is most likely his Parent. His Parent is most likely from Generation X. I Expect Gen X to understand Gen Z more than any other generation just because they're the ones teaching raising us. I don't expect Millennials to speak on our behalf either. We are still young so we still don't know how we will change the world but we are definitely more connected.
Seth Lawson very true 👍🏾 i didn’t even think to approach it from this viewpoint actually!!
Your point was actually really thought provoking. Seth, the guy who replied to you made a pretty good point about Gen X because my dad actually came from Gen X.
I feel like Gen X parents really sowed the ideas of being a hard worker into most Gen Z kids and we tend to pick up on a lot of our Gen X parent's work ethics, but this is of course from a more conservative side of a Gen Z childhood. I've noticed that the more liberal/democratic Gen Z kids bring up some pretty sharp ideas to our current social climate, they are a lot more vocal, and they provide better perspective than most Millennials (but this could just be bias since im Gen Z myself lol.) This obviously reflects from the problems that the more democratic Gen X parents faced back in their youth.
Either way, we all as a collective have a very rebellious nature and I feel like this stems from our parents as well. A lot of us want change so that it can tailor to the individual instead of the masses. Talking to most democratic/liberal people in my generation has always met a good middle ground and we both gained good insight and perspective from each other. The ability to relate to one another on even the most superficial thing is one of the most beautiful experiences that our Generation has and I feel like we are definitely going to solve a lot of problems as more of us start rolling into adulthood.
Ic0n yes!! i definitely agree with everything you said
AverageTH-camCommenter You do realize there are plenty of Gen Z kids who are actually working adults now?
I'm a baby boomer 65 years old an I'm glad we have millennials an gen z or whatever because I need them to show me how to deal with all this technology . Computers an the like.where not part of my generation. Lol!!!
Paintball enthusiast there is pro and con sides of every all boil's down to how a young person is raised.the moral values of my generation where more important until the hippie movement.which stressed more freedom of choice.and do your own thing philosophy.but if you did go back to the 50s I'm sure you would be faced with the same problems under a different name. Technology is a great thing.problem there is people abuse it. That's human nature.but I see a bright future for these kids .there smarter then my generation was.and who knows?. They might come up with a cure for cancer.👍👍!!!
John Krausse I hate baby boomers. When you guys were born was the time when everybody in America became more disrespectful(didn’t wear suits and hats anymore, young kids swearing, etc.)
Real Hip-Hop Head when I think about that you do have a point.we where more rebellious.but I think that would have happened anyway.the generation gap was a big difference. But hate might be to strong a word.just because one person does something doesn't mean it's right or that the next generation should act the same way.we had Vietnam looming in our future.
judy lapointe they might be smart enough to avoid the great depression.and when it comes to the sexes.well you can thank the media for that brain washing.
You da man
Honestly: I'm a millenial, 1985. And i feel myself like a big brother for the generation Z. I feel myself very protective and responsable with them because i don't want to see them abused like my generation, without a job, without rights, without an home and in the hands of the baby boomer generation, like puppets. Puppets ready to be used in stupid jobs, without dignity, with a college degree used as toilet paper.
I will do everything to help them because no one did that for us.
LegioneNotturna I’m generation z, and I fail a lot in school.....I try a lot to focus and pull out time just to make my grades become higher but it just doesn’t work so I’m scared if I don’t get a job
Thanks older generational sibling! Let's fight the boomers and Gen x together!
That’s pretty gæ
We are stronger because we didn't have those hand outs. You give handouts you make ingrates. I'm about tough love born in 83
Hey thx man
I think one of the best parts abt gen z is that, thought being brought up with the internet, when it comes to basically anything we have to power to say “i don’t know about/how to do something but I can learn”. That’s pretty cool imo
I'm Gen X (1967), and we could learn as well. It's just way easier for you to.
@@sallyphillips9175 yeah but we're able to grow up and be open minded and intelligent and mold into open minded and intelligent adults.
Man stfu
I vote instead of Generation Z we call ourselves Gen m for "Gen meme"
Astro Matrix well that’s much better then igen
Oh no that hurts really bad
This needs a petition
👌yeah despacido it👌
Our generation needs a new name. We need to be memelords
Eli Turner legit would start genocide as a prank.
Eli Turner Please Go away
Suicide rate raise up to 1000%
Edgelords sound right.
yes shistar
Would it not be better to have actual gen Z people talk about their own generation instead of other generations telling us what they have, I guess, observed?
I kind of feel like this is just a video pointing out flaws of gen Zs
Suprajira Morakot truth
That is why the video is titled "according to experts"
Yeah he’s the only one and I wish he talked more
Suprajira Morakot Gen Zs are pampered too much lol
Yeah, especially a Baby Boomer....because Baby Boomers have ALL the answers! LOL!
2 things for all the older generations to know about gen z.
1. Yes we have technology and use it but we also played outside as kids and hang out with friends around town. We are not always on phones and know very well what the outside world is like.
2. We are not depressed because of social media, I think social media has actually helped a lot of us so much with learning about other cultures and opinions and expressing ourselves. We are all depressed because we see the broken world the older generations have created and left us to deal with.
I agree. When I think about the world we live in I get really depressed. Planetary health, the tratment of animals, human rights issues, all of that. I even decided not to have children because of it.
I don’t have social media but boy howdy do I ever have depression
Checkmate boomers
That applies to younger millennials as well
"Were all depressed because we see the older generations have created and left us to deal with it"
That's basically what every generation did mate
@@alstef09 true but i am more referring to how they left us to deal with climate change and how the world is dying, this patriarchal society, etc. i should’ve been more specific
Old people talking about the young without giving them a voice, again. Nothing to see here.
Aaron Landry Our elders are smarter and better than us. I’m a gen z, and I wish I had been born in a different generation
I wAs BorN iN tHe wrOnG geNeRatiOn
Yeah. Putting everyone in a small box (stereotypes) and saying we are all the same.😡
There legit was a Gen Z guy right there
Ikr they say all these things but guess who enabled us? Them. Guess who gave us phones instead of parenting? Them. So why are they complaining?
As someone from Gen Z i feel like it's not the phones or new technology that's making us depressed or have mental health problems. A phone or Internet is just a device which makes our lives easier. When older generations say that we spend too much time on our phones i wonder if they realize all the things we actually do with a phone. Talking to friends, reading a book, doing reserch, making our planners, reading articles, watching videos and learning new things everyday. We are not just doing useless things or simply wasting our time. Lots of us do use our phones for a lot of good. I don't see why phones can make people depressed. If anything it can help a lot of people having mental health issues as there are many things online which help you go through some of the things you go through. You can talk to someone who had gone through similar things that you are dealing with. And trust me i know that it's helpful. However, i think that many of us have mwntal health problems is because we are more open about it. I bet other generations also had lots of people with mental health issues but due to circumstances they didn't really believe it could happen or they weren't so open about it. So basically just stop blaming everything bad that happens to Gen Z on phones.
QueenB Well, as another person born within the Gen Z year ratio, they do influence depression and sorrow. Lots of people become addicted to their phones and lose motivation. Like it or not phones arent very good for you. Most likely youve been up for quite a while because you were on your phone. The amount of activities that are accessible via your phone are infinite. You may not waste your time on your phone, but a lot of people do; including myself.
@@TheGamerbond lots of people have different opinions about the internet
That's a really good point I agree with you but at the same time gen z people can also be playing too many games especially at school during classes which is a issue between gen z and alpha generation.
no escuchar a la gente cuando te habla porque es mejor lo que te dicen por wassap que la persona que tienes al lado
la generacion z generacion drogada de felicidad instantanea
I feel like as a gen z, we are stereotyped. We are seen as lazy people who don’t care about education or careers. I stress so much about my grades because I want a good career. I am definitely not the stereotypical teen. I’m a huge nerd and an old soul. I love learning and helping people. When I’m older I hope to set an example like those who have influenced me! Have a great day to those who are reading this!!
I think the problem with Gen Z is they care more about a useless career than marriage and kids. :( Or that might be more so Millennials... Gen Z might be different because we're still young so we can change.
I've only met a few stereotypical teens, and no one likes them.
Baby boomers have been saying the same thing about Gen Y for decades. Wouldn't worry about the nay-sayers. Gen Z will be fine, don't let the older generations devalue you guys.
Abc Abc a career matters more than having marriage and kids
Born in 2000 myself, I feel exactly the same way! I guess our generation as a whole are much more introspective and self aware despite the 'social' identities we take on
"They dont remember a life without technology"
Uhhhhhhhhh im an '03 Gen Z and i still remember vhs tapes, cds, thick ass tvs & computers, flip phones, blackberries, or simply just doing whatever like drawing or playing with rEal toYs
Its not like the moment technology became popular or smth, magically, everyone born 1995-2012 came out of the womb with an iphone in their hands lmao
same I'm born in 2006 and remember vhs
Well, I think what you've mention is all technology :/
Ahmad Wigo and those technology been here since before
Flip phones and blackberries are also phones so I really can't understand your point. 🤣 Btw I'm a 03liner too.
I was born in 2001, and I didn't start seeing all this technology until I was roughly 12, in 2013.
EVERY generation changes the world, so this is redundant...
Sal Ponce it’s about HOW specifically they will change the world, not just stating they will.
Sal Ponce how did the millenials change the world?
its evey We haven't yet Exactly like the oldest of us is 38 but once the boomers are out of the way the ball will be in our court. The creator of Facebook was a Millennial to give one idea of what we've done.
its evey internet culture
They pulled the same kind of shit on my generation, talking about how we will change the world. They are always hopeful and the previous generation just kicks the can down the road to the next one to fix everything.
Why do people all of a sudden care about us when a year ago almost No one was talking about gen Z
Thezebraherd Probably because we’re graduating high schools
Thezebraherd because this year is the first time gen Z is entering the workforce
Because you are now going to start to work and now the older people will start talking how shit your generation is.
haha lol so true
Thezebraherd probably because we are now old enough to understand and so the millenials get to hate on the next down, to add to this, they care about us now because people are starting to vote now
Please don't call us iGen. Gen Z is just fine.
Edit: Thanks for the likes!!
true...sounds like we're an Apple product, lol.
iamindianbutidont pooponthestreet Exactly, it just lets Apple have more control over the market
"Introducing the most depressed generation yet..."
I agree, I also find “Zoomers” and also since early Gen Zs get confused with millennials and often blamed for what the millennials did I also say we are also the “oppressed generation” but “zoomers” sounds more 😎
I learned in high school that we might be called the “digital natives”
Idk bout u guys but for me (or in my place) Gen z is mostly stressed rather than depressed because they already have to think about the future the time when they are already adults and they Must have decent job and all, so you need to get higher grades. My classmates would rather think about wanting to get decent jobs and all at a young age not being able to enjoy being young and just stress about those stuffs when they are already adults they want to be "mature" because they are expected to be, expected not to make the same mistakes again seriously if you talk about any kind of game and they see you like it you'll be bashed (for ex. Minecraft, Roblox, sorry I only knew the popular ones and Fortnite ain't a thing in my country ) I mean when will we enjoy these? When we grew up?
Yes thats true, I've wondered about my future life really too much and got stressed about it rather than depressed.
i agree. yeah depression exists, but the majority of gen z isn’t depressed. and a lot of those who aren’t depressed see depression as an aesthetic. gen z is very stressed out and pressured. i myself am a part of gen z and i can confirm that
ok zoomer. its called growing up get used to it.
Me too, I sometimes don’t understand why am I have to study and work so hard for 20 years and then I have to work for 8-10 hrs a day per and I have holiday fir only 15 days in one year?
I question my self everyday what’s the meaning of life? What’s the purpose for hard study for 10-12 hrs for a day per ? Why do we have to pay the tuition which is cost lots of dollars and when I work I got paid just a little ?
There are lots of depressed and expected to our generation. The climate change , Racism , Discrimination , Bullying and Sexist are such a big problem that Gent Z faced when we try to call out about these problems it turns out that the adult to us as a stupid and more dumber which is it’s unfair we try to make our society much more better and peace but they don’t see what we have done though. I’m disappointed to all the adult who claims themselves as a person who have got lots of experience in this world 🙄 P.S. I am strongly apologize to my bad English and grammars.
Me, a 16 year old on his phone watching a video about my generation always being on the phone
Jonathan Romero that's me lmao
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! Two Gen Zers and one clearly not Gen Zer do NOT get to speak on behalf of the entire generation WHEN most of us ARE STILL IN SCHOOL (elementary through High school!)
Our identity has not yet been formed! Our experiences molding our minds are not yet done!!
NOT ONCE did these “experts” mention the things that have effected us on the daily. Our memes, and the internet culture that has grown BECAUSE OF US! The daily fear we experience because “safe” locations (schools, concerts, bars, etc) are target by people who are not being barred from weapons of deadly destruction! And people are are able to receive those weapons and need help are failed but the system sloppily put in place to “help” them.
THESE THREE PEOPLE do not speak for an entire generation! Not once has a person spoken on behalf of a large group of people, who most of WERENT EVEN OLD ENOUGH TO VOTE IN THE LAST USA ELECTION!
Not okay! Not okay!
EXACTLY!! No one understands our generation. Not even the experts, I mean it. My advisory teacher even thinks that for the first time in forever, we might be the generation only WE truly understand. It’s sickening that all they think our generation is about is social media, technology. Every problem we have is manipulated to social media or technology addiction. Like you said, in schools we have the fear of lockdowns, active shooters, etc..our generation is unlike no other.
If we’re sick? oH iTs thE phOnEs
Depressed? SoCiAl MedIA, SCrEeN tImE
Tired? NoT eNoUgH sLeEP (Also because of screen time)
Generation Z? tEchnOloGy AddIcTs
@Dextre shut up stop bringing politics into to this.
@Dextre When you're in the left and hate SJWs
Hahaha boomers brainwashing the US go *wheezing noise*
As someone born in 2000 im just glad old people are realizing now that im not a millennial
bands_ _freak 2000 gang 🤘🏾
Gen Z are so politically active and diverse, I‘m proud of us!
@Shane TheZeppelinking Are you referring to today's music? I think it's pretty good overall, in my opinion.
@Shane TheZeppelinking That's a fair answer. Why do you find today's music not good, if you don't mind me asking?
@Shane TheZeppelinking Ah.
@@undead-cartilage8530 There are a few really good pop songs on the radio in my opnion, but most are just...meh.
Nah, GenZ did nothing, GenZ are just spoiled kids thinking they know what they are doing but they can't accept a simple "no"
every gen z person i know including myself are in therapy for something or other were just a hot mess
Ace Huang I am Gen Z...and I am not in therapy and all my friend in school aren't either...(I am not directly dismissing your point, it's just that you should not talk making generalizations) your r wrong but not completely
Alex Aguilar sorry if u read my comment as a serious opinion, i am well aware that not everyone who is a gen z-er is in therapy. That would be ridiculous and most definitely disconcerting. Also sorry if my suggestion somehow offended you, although if you have been contemplating seeing a therapist you should! I'm all the better for it and I really think psychotherapy has helped put me on a track of realizing self worth that teens don't get to explore on the daily.
omg yes, you are right, I am sorry, I had just woken up and was triggered for no reason, my bad❤, I swear I am not that awfully and mean in real life😂✌. On a side note, I am so happy you are feeling much better! We are part of the same generation we should try to be united❤🙌
Alex Aguilar its cool, i have seen way worse replies happen on youtube haha ☺️ And definitely! Hope this generation can be one built on love for other human beings and the earth ✌🏼
Ace Huang PREACH 🙌🏽😆
Why do we still elect politicians that are 70 years old and have old ass ideas and beliefs
Elio because Baby Boomers are the single most consistent voters. This year and 2020 will be when Millennials and the eldest iGen can fight back. Look at the election of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Congress. She is a 27 year old Socialist who ran on a platform of abolishing ICE and she beat the Democrat incumbent who was Nancy Pelosi's heir apparent. Millennials really fucking dropped the ball in 2016 not getting Bernie elected, but the youth can still make things right.
Ikr this needs to change
Let's hope Generation Z will be bringing some much needed change to this world
first baby boomers need to retire
Abhishek kumar we will
Abhishek kumar we'll do it,don't worry
Europa Man yep, the most racially mixed, globally connected generation that consists of hundreds of thousands of immigrants will stop immigration lmao. you are simply ignorant of reality.
abc alqadiri Exactly😂😂😂
Can’t believe I’m the only one from 2020. Gen z is changing the world, exposing the government plus rich people 😌✨
i came to this video just to see the comments lol
One fairy comment at a time ✨💫🧚♀️
iGen is stupid.
Body slam that cop 🤪
While Gen Z doesn’t seem like the best generation to many, I (being apart of GenZ) believe we will surprise many. We grew up in a world that’s more connected than ever before, which means it’s easier for people to be hurtful, but it also means many kids and teens are more aware what the world is like. We grew up in a world where being different is normal and is often celebrated and discrimination is seen as something awful. We grew up in a world where mental health messages are spread better so more people are aware of it and know they are not struggling alone. Sure there’s a lot of violence happening but lots of that is caused by people from generations before us, and sure not everyone will grow up to be good, but I know many people my age and younger who want to make a difference in the future and hopefully change this sometimes scary, ugly world into something beautiful and loving. I hope you have a good day. 😀😀
I know it's almost been a year, my mom makes fun of black people, while me, a gen z, i'm friends with black people and the inequality thing is so bad. My mom hates gay people. Our generation is more into equality and not judging people who are "different"
@@sara_thegrape Oh man, you've got a Karen for a mom. That sucks dude. Sorry.
what do you think now that we're starting a revolution
I think that it is time to stop discrimination and racism. And while I disagree with some things that have been said and some actions that have been taken, I think a change is long overdue. And I also think that there may be other factors at play as well other than racism. Racism is a huge part, and is definitely the main reason of why these things happen, but there should also be other conversations in the background from what I’ve heard/seen and also going off my previous views (one conversation should possibly be “what causes normal, non racist police officers in the US to be as “jumpy” as they are?”, and another “would having more officers help the situation, make it worse, or have no effect”). Unfortunately, such conversations are often drowned out, shut down or turn uncivil online, leading to many to be afraid to bring them up (maybe, maybe no one has even thought to).
Sorry if this wasn’t the answer you were wanting/expecting.
@@sara_thegrape damn levi didn't expect your mom to be a karen
What the whole purpose of this video *were not even done with school yet*
Gen z goes up to age 24 lolz
@@curlyhairkld no, the oldest members of GenZ are 19
Did none of y’all watch the video?? It said Gen Z started in 1995.
@@GeneralNuisance00 Sorry, but the other person is right. That's the general consensus of that range. The only ones that disagree are usually the early gen z'ers who try to insist that they're "90's kids".
And I don't know where you got your fact from about Canada, but we most certainly do not think gen z and gen alpha are millennials.
true gen zers are like 12
Gen Z behaves the way it does because the world we live in makes us this way. Im 1998 and I kinda call BS on the work/life blend 7 days a week thing. Precarious work is a very real threat so I would say we are always in the process of advancing our credentials due to capitalistic competition. I also think with the advent of technology human work is becoming fabricated for the sake of the economy. Since the transition to the service industry, it seems technology is allowing us to pursue more intellectual work which naturally lends itself towards the hobby territory. My point is I think that this video credits too much individuality to Gen Z.
People need a balance of work and life. You can't deny that.
Well even though the previous generations dont think so, i would say that we are spiritually the unluckiest generation, we cant do what we truly want. We are constantly at pressure of being like somebody, following an ideal or creating something great. We just cant be satisfied with what we are and what we have produced through our work.
I must say, that generation z is the one whose work is most highly viewed through fixed parameters of judgement. We just cant enjoy our work without caring about about how the authority will percieve it. Sure, we are encouraged to be entrepreneurial/creative, but we know that deep down, this encouragement is linked to economic or societal gains, thus eliminating the possibility of pure contentment due to the work we do.
This comment might seem like it wants to push forward a socialist agenda. And that is true. A society without a capitalist heirarchy is something we need, and we need it desperately.
Even though it might logically seem like socialism doesn't work, but u can't deny that their is very little fulfillment in doing things just to satisfy some parameters on which u r being judged.
This is not simply because we dont like being judged. This is because we as human beings are biologically wired to overreach, to experience novelty, to be free of authoritarian judgement.
Man I think there's just too many people in the world I guess, hence competition. I'm not pushing a socialist agenda but I do think real capitalism can't exist under current circumstances . I think we really are witnessing technological determinism
I read a couple of different articles on Gen-Z people that said we're expected to be the most educated generation, the most economically conservative generation and the generation with the highest suicide rates in American history which I find pretty believable. We come from the most middle class generation in American history so it makes sense that we can afford college level education and we've learned (or at least I have) how lack of education or education in pointless degree's can screw you over in life. We come after the most economically and socially left wing generation in American history so it only makes sense that the following generation would show a certain level of backlash against that. And one of the reason's I think our suicide rates are gonna be so high is because we grew up surrounded by social media which can actually just make someone feel lonely instead of connected.
Im not entirely sure how the 24/7 work life blend goes against the advancing credentials, unless you’re offering an explanation for it and say we work 24/7 because we’re always in school or teaching ourselves something. Is that it? I 100% agree with the fabricating jobs for the economy, I’ve thought about that a bunch before. I also find it interesting how we fabricate jobs but outsource many jobs because capitalism has always relied on cheap/free/slave labor in America to function so that the rest can live in better conditions so it’s like we’re saying “WE NEED JOBS” but also “ooo but not those kinds of jobs (because then we’d have to pay a livable wage and increase the cost of common goods)”
As an older millennial, I absolutely love how open-minded & creative Gen-Z are. Take your time & don't let us old people stop you all from being great!
Thank you for ur kind words, you are awesome ❤️
@@olivia25144 his words a true most children.
Once someone ages to adulthood, it is typical that they often lose such. "open-minded & creative" Not always.
It's like a clock ticking for many Gen Z, how much longer until they are adults?
@@wokk9543 no bullshit. All love
they just have to be a less school shooter-y. whatever happened to fist fights after school?
The older generations who criticize Gen Z for spending all their time on electronics don't understand the context or how we've grown up. My entire middle school and high school career have been centered around electronics. I HAVE to have a computer/laptop for school and I have to have a cell phone to communicate with peers for projects, assignments, tests, etc.
I also feel as if teachers have been giving us more homework because it's easier to give when you have the internet and you don't have to print everything out. However, I don't think they understand how difficult this can be for students like me who had mainly paper work in elementary school and quickly had to change to completely internet-based files and assignments. It's hard to navigate, and my early years of education were based around a completely different type of learning style.
I think if schools and the world slowed down for a bit we could all gain our footing. But, as that is evidently never going to happen, the obvious solution would be for all generations to make an effort to respect each other and work to understand each other better. We have to treat everyone as individuals and respect that we are all different people with different learning styles and social skills.
(this is a 12am rant. Sorry for the essay.)
This is the most accurate post I have read about gen z
My daughter is going thru the exact thing! All homework is electronic. She has a chrome book at school. It stresses her out. Her younger brother tho still has printed pages but less than she had 3 yrs ago at his age. She just started grade 9. Already between them can you see how fast things are changing. He also is getting a chrome book assigned to him this year. Yey, now I'll have 2 stressed out kids.
reading this comment in the recent context: coronavirus seems like a slow down...
I think the thing the girl said the end about how we're less likely to have a license or own a car is a good thing, Gen Z have recognized the problems that driving cars causes and are now relying more on public transportation which is great for the environment and are now making public transport around the USA better and more available.
I'm gonna buy a big ass bus and live in it, I don't care about this transportation thing. Having a car is freedom for your own stops
For me I don’t personally care for the expenses that go along with a car. Yes in America its sometimes a necessity but I would rather focus on public transportation like the rest of the world. I wish I could live in a European country, although they have their own problems, I just believe my thoughts align more with their modes of thinking. However I do believe America overall needs to fix their public transportation, even in NYC (one of America’s largest cities) it is pathetic
I think our generation cares for the environment, but I don't think that's the reason why we don't have cars or licences - I mean there's a lot of ecologically friendly cars out there, but these are pretty expensive and the average Gen Zs just can't afford all the expenses that come with owning a vehicle without being in debt. I personally, didn't get my licence until I was 19 because I couldn't afford it, I'm 21 now and only decided to purchase a car because even though I live in a large city, public transport is not reliable, with what would normally be a 15 minute car drive to where I work sometimes lasting up to an hour in transit.
We can't let supercars go extinct though. I want to own one when I have the money, and not some slow-ass electric shit, but proper V10s and 12s. Otherwise we wouldn't have the fun of driving over 200 mph.
Nah i just think we're all just to lazy or bussy, but go off
I value equality and change for the better. I have my career figured out for the most part and I'm 17. I work and I'm already starting on my career before college. We are the generation that grew up in a tough world. We know we have to work hard to get where we want to be and that life is very complicated. Generation Z are complainers but we're also do-ers. We fight for what we want. We are the first to endure school shooter lockdowns. We know what's been going on politically, we know our world is dying and by the time our children are grown, they will live in a hotter, much less environmental friendly world than we have. That's why we push for changes because the generations before us screwed us over. We were exposed to a lot at an early age and you can bet that when we become adults, change will happen.
I disagree with one about political one lol
@@ididntknowshewas1470 ?
@@ididntknowshewas1470 I disagree with ur grammar
People say children are different now. They act differently, play differently, talk differently than previous generations. But remember, children aren't born with a smartphone in their hand. Children need parents to raise them and teach them how to act, so don't hand your kid a phone and complain about how they spend too much time on there phone. There are teenagers, like me, who are living amongst these gen Zs and millennials but have no part in it. I am 16, I have no social media other than TH-cam, I read books, I work full time and go to school, I drive a manual car. I'm not boastling in any way, but I am ultimately thankful to the discipline my parents, mainly my dad, installed in me at a young age. I'm glad that at 16 I have the job experience of most 30 year olds, I'm glad that I worked for every cent of my car. Remember that kids will be however you raise them, I'm glad to have had an amazing dad.
This was a nice comment! I don't even know you and I feel proud. I'm a Millennial and I mainly only know about the Gen Z experience through my younger cousins and TH-cam videos. The media really makes one believe that ALL Gen Z's are stuck on their phone, hate to work and are extremely liberal! Glad not everyone of you guys are walking social media droids eating Tide Pods.
SweetTea742 Thanks for the reply man. You brought me back to the day I commented this, and It's crazy to see how far I've already come since then. Enjoy the rest of your life, peace. ✌️
Karla Ruiz What's wrong with owning a car?🤔 What's wrong with following rules??🤨
What a story marc
Honestly for me and alot of friends of mine we only use our phones so much cuz we just want to be entertained. The outside world is so chaotic, rushed, fast paced and stressful that it just makes us want to escape it and just use our phones all day.
As a member of Gen Z or iGen myself as I was born in 2004, I can tell you right now how much is going to have to change in a matter of years, in merely a decade things are going to change drastically, with the rise of Gen Z. I also see the fact that with the end of the older generations such as The Greatest Generation all through the Baby-Boomers and Gen X, that there is going to be a massive shift in what we define as 'normal' especially in America. You look back to the 50s and you see a predominantly white culture based off values of tradition, or keeping older values. When you look nowadays at Millennials and members of my own generation, you see a drastically different setting that's defined by multiculturalism and acceptance of one another. As such I firmly believe that in the coming years we're going to see a massive change in society and the social structure, that shown merely 5-6 decades ago would seem outlandish to someone raised in the culture of the 50s and 60s.
It's refreshing to see such insight in someone from my own generation younger than myself. (2001). As a whole our generation is actually more liberal than millennial's but is less inclined to support social justice. You see when you look at the hard facts on paper women have the same rights and privileges as men do and minorities have the same rights as white people do in the developed world (United States, Great Britain, France, Japan, South Korea, etc.). The differences we see between men and women in the roles they play are partly genetic and partly learned and while to some people that may be looked down upon or outright denied I believe in many ways femininity is a good thing. In the case of minorities the differences we see in their behavior are almost exclusively caused by their cultural background. In some cases the tolerance and multiculturalism supported by the developed world has resulted in conflict as the customs and beliefs of one culture are not compatible with the culture that accepts them. Rather than focusing on multiculturalism I believe we should follow the analogy of a melting pot as the United States is often referred to. Rather than dividing people into separate groups the cultures of the people that live there whether born there or having immigrated there should slowly coalesce peacefully combining elements of many cultures with people trying new things while not forgetting old traditions. The true strongest divider in the world is wealth though and the amount of money you possess or your family possesses can determine a lot more. I would like to go on but I need some sleep. It would be interesting to see what your opinions are.
Gaming Kraken so your 14? This is some really great insight! Around 14 is when i began seriously finding myself philosophically, socially and politically. I look forward to where iGen takes us.
I don't know dude, I look around and see kids doing fortnite dances and spending most of our time in Snapchat, exposed to social media and the culture in-between, so many are failing in school since the school system is so outdated, and we are never exposed do science and technology Such as celebrities and other crap like that.
We are going to be the generation that wasted all their time in social media.. yeah, sitting there, seeing how time elapsed
@@mrquack6469 with technology advancing so rapidly I don't believe that Gen Z should range from those born between 1995-2012, maybe from 1995-2005, but anyone born after that is just too different. I believe that's because most of them as children were handed phones and other devices by their parents to keep them occupied when they were younger and as a result they've just grown up accustomed/immersed in that culture. Nevertheless, I believe once these kids grow up they're going to go on to do great things, even change the world as we see it.
1995 to 2012? How does that even make sense. it be should be 99 to 09. I’m a 98 and I had a completely different childhood and influences than those who are literally still only 6 and are still growing up. Technology changed a lot in the early 2000s and it’s just silly to say that we all belong in the same category
Yeah, I think it should start in 1999.
I would say 2000. My sister was born in 1999 and i was born in 1997, we had the same methods of growing up as kids
I know im very late but its not super set people say theres a 3 year period each way of what generation your personality suits to
did u have the internet. If so yes. Ur one person.
Nah don’t hype yourself. Generations are usually 15 years long so maybe 1995/96-2010. Your ‘98 childhood isn’t that much different from my ‘00 especially given the fact that it takes a couple years for a decade to phase out so cultural trends and experiences of the late 90s truly didn’t end till 2001/02 at best. It’s like the end of the 80s. 80s pop culture didn’t phase out till 1992/93 ish and that’s when the 90s truly began.
Unlike other generations, Gen Z wont just sit down and get walked all over by boomers nor would they just watch chaos unravel. Boomers call us kids and tell us to grow up and be "Normal" people. We are far from normal. Gen Z takes the "Everyone is Unique" saying to heart and they will refuse to be "Normal" people because thats just boring. Our Millennial brothers and sisters showed us the pain they went through being normal people and now they are mentally depressed. We wont make the same mistake and we will open up so many paths that will change and fix the world.
Nope nobody is unique or special. Right now thinking that isn't true, is fine, but once your an adult I bet your gonna have tons of problems just because of that thinking
As a part of gen-z I see that kids end up on our phones and social media a lot just because it's really the only option we have to connect. I and plenty of others I know prefer to meet and talk in person but with the increased paranoia of millenial and late gen-x parents we end up being stuck at home and away from other people making us have to turn to the internet for social interactions. Besides communication we also end up getting into the world at a later time with the average age of being allowed outside without an adult raised from 5 to 13.
The paranoia stemming from the serial killer scare of the 70s and 80s
Mouth Eater i was allowed to go out at the age of 8 without an adult on my block but other places by myself is 12
I can’t go outside without an adult.......I am 15
Oh you all have it easy, im not aloud to go outside without a adult and I'm 17, almost 18
I had a gen Z kid come in and want to intern because he wants to be an engineer. He got offended at how ppl spoke and even said it was "unprofessional" when nobody ever cursed or said anything. I told him that the world doesn't owe him understanding and that if he keeps up that soft mentality he'd fail and never become successful. He left shortly after. The issue was is he couldn't take criticism.
I’m part of gen z and I’m pretty damn disappointed how our world is treated
You deserve it
@@gloriakayoka9208 why?
@@eilishrebecca7534 because your mom is MORON
Man stfu
@Supguy your useless person. You know that right?
Have you been to a middle school or high school lately? We're going to ruin this society
Edgy Cats 69 middle school? you think every little kid is going to be the same when they reach adulthood?
diaspotchxe everyone deveolps their personality during that time. Middle schoolers act way worse than they did 10 years ago
My middle school was fine. We loved political discussion and debate, it was great. My high school is the opposite, it's a leftist art school filled with feelings driven babies. It honestly depends, Gen Z is going to be a real interesting case.
Edgy Cats 69 not really. A kid might develop their personality but it’s not going to be the same when they reach their senior year of high school. And are you in middle school right now? how can you possibly think middle schoolers back in 2008 were tolerable than ‘18 kids.
diaspotchxe Im in high school but I have sibilings in middle school and I live near one, I see everything that they do online and its wild
GenZ is my generation and I’m proud:)
Man stfu
I'm proud to but they didn't need to call me "IGen".
As someone who is part of Gen Z, no. Just. No
@@priyankarao4156 yeah 2021 was a horrible year for gen z
Gen Z has been really screwed over. I love branding “no work life balance” as a “work life blend”. Way to brand the degradation of employment benefits as a positive.
Gen Z and Millennials don’t work 7 days a week because of their “better work ethic”. They/we work 7 days a week because we hold more debt at a younger age than any other generation in American history and have been brought up in an economy with stagnant wages that can’t pay for city rent prices without working more than one job.
It’s called hustling because we’re all getting hustled.
True tho
Gen Z will either conquer the world or get destroyed by the millennials.
Some will fall from grace, but I know we can make it.
Or you know just get on with the fact that it doesn't matter? Why would you start a war with someone just because he's slightly older than you? This distinct line being drawn between Millennials and Gen Z will really just create useless conflict that shouldn't exist in the first place. Each generation will have their own failures and winners,and like it's just their age! God damn.
Nah, The millennials are like our protective big sib. We just got to team up and kick some old people ass.
I'm GenX. Still kind of a slacker, but my son is GenZ. The things I really respect about his generation is how open they are about mental health issues. They've taken the shame out of a lot of it. Also, I've seen GenZ totally chew someone out and still respect the pronouns they identity with. I still kind of marvel at how they do those things.
In the end, that is kinda of worthless.
2 genres only
As a part of gen z I think we are amazing we are going to change the world, but they brought up that phones are making us depressed when we use our phones as an escape from depression or an escape from what the world has turned into before we started protesting.
"amarican generation"
Other people do exist ....
Yeah but we're cooler
Brandon Porter
Nice to see a person who is not triggered ...
Mad respect man ...
*my mom gay* the whole concept of generation is a very American creation. The Greatest Generation, the Silent Generation, the GI Generation, the Baby Boomers. The reason why the Baby Boomers are considered the whitest generation is because in America during the 1950s America was majority white. Every generation is increasingly more and more racially diverse, which is why the Boomers struggle to understand how the status quo is changing.
The generation cycle mostly applies to America and a handful of other similar countries like Canada and the UK the rest of the world as their own stuff going on.
I am Gen Z and I don't like the idea of working for someone.
Same bruh
I agree
Sese Talitau-Tio I'm Gen z and I love the idea of getting paid hella cash. In AZ, minimum wage is 10.50. really awesome wage for a 17 year old.
Same. I'm still in high school, but I really hate going to work at shitty jobs like fast food, although I also recognize I could just not work until I need to, but I like money. I've just thought, though, if I were to have to keep doing a shit job for the rest of my life, I'd rather kill myself than just live depressed. I don't really mind working in an organization, but it's just that I fear not being able to afford college to get a job that I want, thus trapping me to stay poor because I wasn't born into wealth or comfort. Seeing my mom living paycheck to paycheck has given me so much desire to escape from the trap of poverty, but our society and majority of current lawmakers that want to keep medicine and postsecondary education based on making money only fill me with a view of a bleak picture for other people of my generation who were not born with such affluence. All I just want to do is help people and teach others, but I don't want to have to go into debt just to be able to do that. Life really sucks and the future is full of uncertainty.
same i hate going to work
But phones started becoming big until like 2008 -2010 so shouldn't generation z be from 2010 till now , because u cant really compare ppl being born in the late 90's to ppl born in 2012 cause technology was diffrent 😂
Miguel Maravilla It’s about technological advances, new technologies are still being developed today, are you going to say it starts in 2300? Generation Z is from 1995/96 - 2010/12, I was born in 1999 and a Generation Z.
David Chan I was born in 2000, and am a millennial. You are a curious, exotic anomaly.
Invalid Name. Please, Try Again. You are not a millennial. There is literally NO WAY!
@@invalidname.pleasetryagain122 ?
That’s a fair point that I think is often mistaken. I don’t think the name of our generation should change cuz that’s just dumb but yes, the idea that we are totally technology dependent should be tossed out because it’s true we’ve never lived a life without it but at the same time, growing up in the early 2000s or into 2010, most of us have very VERY few interactions with it because it was new, amateur and not available to us. Technology has always been there in our lifetime, we just didn’t always have the opportunity to use it.
The older generations took our childhood, made us grow up faster than we should, you guys ruined us we need to take it back for the future. You guys created this, you guys started this figure it out.
Yup blaming will fix all your life problems
@@LS-qt9bo lol I feel so sorry for ya, being a gen z but addicted to older generations, that tumbler fake nostalgia really got to ya didnt it.
@@ktheone6000 no, I hate people who say they where born in the wrong gen or who wish they would be born in a older gen. But half of this gen are spoiled brats who can't take shit and blame everything on other people, especially older people
@@LS-qt9bo nah the past really was shit and the boomers doesn't seem to stop complaining about newer generations.
LS nah, I blame y’all for the shit we have to fix, I grew up watching my peers getting shot and watching older generations not care at all about it. LGBTQ+ is having a hard time BECAUSE of older generations, Older generations give women a harder time, older generations created cellphones, older generations literally created our problems.
Born in 1992 and I don't give a shit about a generation label. I loved my childhood, going out, calling for my mates by actually knocking on the door and asking their parents if they can come out? Playing Football, play tig, Collecties, bulldogs takedown, knocking on doors and running off, going to a golf course just to be chased by security. All that good stuff!
its not just a label its showing how generations change and da label is just saying yuh grew up & and still living out the energy frequencies of your incarnation date...certain brackets of ppl hold sum what of the same energy... thats why at a family reunion ect. most times kids are playing with kids teens with teens & adults with adults... but we all co exist together is wah makes it seem as an illusion... in fact i think the reason the most of us are like this is because a lot of us wanna go back to different generations like your time big homie...whole reason the jerks did the futuristic shit subconsciously... stuff like playing sports and walking to friends houses, & unity was more popular during the time of yuh guys energy frequencies... we all separated and dum na days kids are either gang banging the wrong way or trying to help clean up our mess... at least yuh guys had more ppl who would fight instead of be a coward and pick up guns... every generation had Violence but more den likely it had a cause but look at the kidz na days??? yuh are Generation Y(Pluto N Scorpio) my brother 1983-1995...Thats probably why yuh dont resonate with it...Generation Z is 1995-2008(Pluto N Sagittarius)
DantieuS I was born in 1992 as well and never thought about the fact that kids can just txt each other rather than knock on their friends door. :O
Mario Justiniano because time has changed... most kids were born into the internet world yuh have 3 and 4 year olds wrking tablets rn... so it kinda grew wit us i agree that socializing physically is better den Social media... but its kinda a thing most parents started with the world getting out of hand so many around this time was force to be more yuh cant really trust ppl 2x as it use to be... so its better safe den sorry...if that makes sense
Yeah tig was the best
DantieuS Gen eralization.
Work-life blend = you are to be available at your employer's convenience no matter what, no matter when. Psychological abuse + labour exploitation shouldn't be masked as innovation. "Oh my god, I have a whole evening for myself instead of working on a report my boss has just decided needs to be finished by tomorrow, how boring!"
Yeah, that's not gonna happen. As a member of gen z I can happily say we only to work that we want to do
I love how the gen z kid is sitting there with his dad breathing down his neck. That’s what I hate about my generation, we can’t be financially or psychologically free from our kamikaze helicopter parents.
Same here brother, my dad's a baby boomer so he constantly attempts to shut down what realistic aspirations I have for the future, while at the same time scolds me for not knowing anything about life. That's why after college I'm joining the Army, just to get the hell away from him & finally try and start my life. I love him to death, but I'm sick of approaching my 20's & staying at square 1.
DigitalPlugged so ur saying if parents aren’t helicopter parents then they aren’t a real parent to you? Sorry some parents actually trust their kids in making decisions and not screwing up their own life.
@@skylarsturgis04 No, not at all. Did u read his comment?
I'm an older gen Z 23 now.. And feel very disconnected with a lot of people younger then me. Tiktok etc. For that I'm too old now.. But I am very proud that people the same age as me and younger are so outspoken and open. We never let older generations intimidate us, no one can tell us shit we will yell at boomers for being racist for some stranger on the street. Yes we are depressed and angry about the mess that has been made by previous generations. That's why they love to paint us as those braindead social media worshippers. We are becoming old enough to vote and I know they are scared as hell.
I was born in 2001, and I can tell you that no one had a phone until 7th grade. Seeing toddlers with their phones is very strange to me, I feel like Gen Z should be those born 2012 and above
Exactly many people at my school didn’t get phones until 7th grade and I was born in 2002
Bruh I’m a ‘01 baby to and that’s so true lol I didn’t have social media or a phone till I was 12 lol. We played outside for the most part until everyone got to middle school around 2012/2013 then that’s when we started seeing drastic changes in our productive lives.
Did they reply to the question in the title of this video? I don't think so.
Sadly every time login in is work for them & the work & life balance is no longer weekdays 9-5 but 7days a week 24/7. Therefore for better or worst that is their change of their inherited world born after 1995 with the internet.
There's an implied main idea to the video. The answer is supposed to marinate inside of your head so that YOU can provide a constructive perspective to the question. Just because they don't answer the question directly doesn't mean that it's not answered; there's a multitude of answers actually, but YOU just missed the point.
edit: Oh by the way
a Gen Z Adult
Reda Zaki nobody notice... dont call atention to that.... zombies is what we need
Reda Zaki Bruh, lol.
Pretty sure the whole of Gereration Z is Depressed
We are. We just make it funny tho
Rodolfo ornelas we’re kinda sarcastic aswell lmao
im not
@@boa9557 how old are you?
Tell me about it..!!
I mean our generation was always powerful but 2020 is really giving us our time to show what we're actually capable of
Yeah some people made comparisons of gen z’s and the greatest generation, and this pandemic and whatever happens in the future will make us powerful
Yep, we cancelled people off the internet, that's what we did
What did you do?
Anyone who has studied history knows that this whole generation thing is just a marketing ploy
@Joseph Stalin our almonds
I'm 15 years old, so I know nothing but a world with technology. But it's all about how you were raised, because I just learned that kids having their phone out at dinner is a problem. I didn't even know that was a thing, because I wasn't even raised with the thought of that possibility. So yes technology, but its also about how you were raised.
Bruh im 18 and i didnt even know that people had a problem with that lmaooo i always have my phone even in thanksgiving i have phone when I'm eating but my parents never complained about it yeah
even though I'm 13 I don't see either of my parents much anymore but since my childhood had a lot of roots in family and community, I know how to set aside my tech so that I can spend time with family and friends
I'm 14 and I only knew how to use a computer this year (only TH-cam and printing and stuff) while my sister at 6 is already taking selfies and learning about Snapchat, being the oldest I feel like I need to keep up
@@anisseezra68 wait what? Snapchat at 6??? I have to be 13 (I'm 12) before I'm allowed to have snapchat, I think that is completely reasonable, maybe even a little young.
Man stfu especially you
“Experts” on a generation that hasn’t been able to form their own identity yet?!?! You don’t apply traits to a baby that hasn’t been born yet...
like if our generation ends at 2012 these kids are just 6! I’m born 2003 and I’ve changed so much since I was six (my face? HAHAHA no) but my personality has changed 110%!!!! I just hate the term “expert” on something that has barely been around for 10 years!!! 🤷🏼♀️
gen z has been around for almost 26 years, but i see your pint
Being a zoomer myself (born in '01) I can say that many of us are in some ways quite bitter towards the world. We were born into a post 9/11 America, 2 wars that were for the most part unpopular, and an economic recession that saw many of our parents either lose their jobs, or have salaries cut. And we saw millennials either struggling as adults or acting like children. But I think that being a generation to grow up with the internet, we were able to express our opinions a lot more among each other without the "shuddup you're just a kid" argument being thrown at us. And we have a diversity of thought because of this that is totally unprecedented. There's a lot to be bitter about in the world. But I think for the most part that gen z is good at transforming that bitterness into a reason for good discussion.
i want to hear something about my generation other than the technology. everyone already knows about that
I'm a Milleinnal and I want to hear that too...
@@cristinaxivj uh no it's not racism it's stereotype
@@cristinaxivj Lol nah, ya are the " find racism in everything " generation.
I watch this and I actually have hope for our generation, but when I see woahvicky, Danielle Cohn, Malu Trevejo, etc. All of that hope is flushed down the toilet.
It's also inadvertently the fault of many parents of GenZers that so many of them turn to their phones for social interaction. Parents these days are getting more and more protective of their kids and where they can physically go or hang out with even though things are getting less and less dangerous but the media and all the stories that many parents have access to scares them. Many young kids no longer play out on the street or walk down like a ways in their neighbor hood to visit their friend, or to maybe walk down to a local restaurant or to school. There's spontaneity in how kids can interact and it makes it hard for them because kids and teens don't tend to think in the way many adults do when it comes to planning simple interactions. for many kids who do have that freedom it's typically a text or a facetime and they're already headed towards their friends house. It's hard wanting to simply just hang out with your friend without knowing all that's gonna happen, so when your parents demand phone numbers, a time table, a detailed list of activities its hard for kids to give them these things because they dont know.
That’s true. A tether with numerous strings attached. My gen was free AF. And the gen before me even more so- I mean they smoked indoors and didn’t use car seats! (Maybe 2 gens back) ahh yes the glorious internet- strange thing- the Napster days pirating music and the days. In time the parentals learned to navigate “history” which I had no knowledge of! I think it’s eery and not entirely natural the slow systematic boxing in. The sci fi movies turn out to be more or less predictive programming. I don’t feel good about where it’s going but I believe we may make a quantum shift. Take care young man on the earth
As a member of gen z I can tell you that the phone addiction thing is over exaggerated. Yes we do spend probably too much time on our phone but honestly what do you expect. They don't teach us to do anything without technology. And most of our anxiety and depression comes from school. We are constantly under so much pressure to get the best grades and compete with each other just to get accepted into colleges. Plus have any of you guys seen what colleges require to even just be considered for a spot?
As a genZ
I tell you its not, it is making our generation the weakest generation because we are using the tools wrong.
W4r galactic oh yes because deteriorating mental health, failure from our government, racial injustice, climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic are ideal
@@karma0932 all those were much worse before.
W4r galactic how so? Tell me how climate change is better now. Tell me how the US government has failed us worse. How was racial injustice was worse.
I’m Gen Z and I hate working with computers, anyone else?
Neon Rose
Hah hah, um I don't think so.
ttemicraft FTW I meant like actually doing things in computers like making documents and creating slideshows not watching TH-cam
Born in 2000 and I'd much rather do something manual and without computers.
GINNVNGAGAP ahah same! I'm so bad at working on pc
yes i do
The only thing I agree with in this whole video is that the newest generation is the more realistic. We are more realistic in that we don’t see the world as a sunshine and rainbows.
The idea that we are the most egalitarian is also something I agree with, but in a different way. While Millennials are more closed-minded towards those they disagree with, gen z is more willing to speak freely and aren’t pulled toward more antagonistic ideologies. We antagonize for fun, not to say others are the enemy.
We are more connected with the world than previous generations, but that also doesn’t mean we are always willing to want to go out and help 24/7, especially in politics. We see that oppression as something that is always going to happen. While we feel it is wrong that others are being oppressed, we are afraid to commit to the idea of being the world policemen like other generations.
Isolationism, with a global awareness is something our generation will probably pride more than previous generations. We would likely volunteer more for charity work in other countries, but don’t expect our generation to continue the idea of American imperialism.
We are probably less likely to protest, as we don’t like confrontation. We are a lot less Politically correct, not because we are less socially-conscious, but we are more likely to believe that it is stupid to get offended over shit if the intent isn’t to hurt.
While millennials were more likely to spread their views through the media, we are more likely to allow people to make their own decisions. While the millennials and generations before were unable to distance themselves away from their ideals in making decisions without proper evidence, gen z is more patient, and aren’t afraid to suspend belief until justice runs its course.
I feel like pewdiepie is the epitome of what our generation will be like. I’m not sure what pewdiepie believes in politically, but I know that he is a realist and is sick of outrage culture in the media.
The electronics thing is somewhat petty, as I believe our generation uses electronics in a different way than previous ones. We use social media like Instagram and Snapchat, which aren’t really made for spreading any sort of fake news or propaganda. It is because of this that we are more likely to think more independently than other generations who do not know how to use the internet. Our cynicism is in part linked to social media, but our cynicism comes with an understanding that life is never going to be perfect. Our “idealists” are that of a cynical-idealist, who believe perfection may never be reached, but we should always strive for it.
Most gen z people dislike Trump and Clinton, and are sick of the media on both sides sucking one’s dick, and kicking the other’s.
In short, we are less for authoritarianism on both sides of the spectrum as it pertains to social issues.
Kyle Pickus speak for yourself I agree with NOTHING you said and a lot of people my age don’t either
Kaela Buenaventura ok.
Kyle Pickus I agree with it, and I know other my age would too
I really agree with the piece about politics most of our generation is just so done with politicians bs and I personally believe the world will get along much better once the current politicians leave office and retire.
Garbage not Trash
The times they are a changing.
They talk like we invented depression. Its always been there. Gen Z just talks about the important stuff instead of caring about what society might think of us. That's one of the biggest differences between us and the previous generations. We might be on our phones all the time but when the time comes for us to take a stand, you'll find us standing in the front line fighting for whats right.
That’s true, I’ve seen it a couple of times, I’m also a gen z
ok boomer
Gen Z are not going to change the world, they’re going to destroy it
@Benjamin Wulf shut up idiot I'm from gen z this generation is weak and stupid
@Benjamin Wulf this generation is weak and stupid I was born in 2000 it's weak ass mfs on tiktok now a days
@Benjamin Wulf you're too young this generation is getting weak I hate being part of this generation you'll find out about it but idk what country you're from
@Benjamin Wulf there's a lot of things going on this generation girls are different now a days the music sucks today tiktok is ruining the youth
@Benjamin Wulf from the music they listen to
These comments are horrifying honestly lol
Too many Gen Z'ers talking about their generation here, amiright?
Jordan Moch no s hit it’s in the tittle
We won’t change anything. We’re Millennials 2.0
Chioma Ifezue eh, more like millennials 1.5. just an upgrade.
well, i guess they weren't kidding about you kids being realistic
hopefully, we will fix the planet that was devastated by the generations before millenials
@@ironicmanx9886 hopefully. But we'll have to fight with everything we've got for that - oil execs are the queens of profiting off of future disaster.
Ok I'm sorry but I was born in 2005 and I don't think we should be judged with like 5 year olds I think they should be a different generation because I didn't have any access to technology when I 10 and below (besides an ipod shuffle lolol) Once I started year 5, yes, I needed a computer for school but at that time I didn't have a phone. I only got a phone (I needed a phone as I caught public transport everyday to school and home) when I started high school (middle school for americans) which was not an iphone and I didn't have any social media on it. Take into account that some people use technology for educational purposes, such as writing or editing.
sas wood above 2010 it’s generation alpha
Same I also have zero social media.
I think they ARE considered a different generation. They don't have a name yet.
Even though I'm an 08, I had an ipod, which I still have, the little square that would go in your pocket without a screen, and a gameboy, and when I say I loved these items, I mean it
They are in a completely different generation they are Generation Alpha
i’m about to go into 9th grade, idek if this video is still getting views but this is what my town is like:
a lot of people in my town are older and are boomers. those boomers are very racist (i live in the south). they think because their white they won. my school mocks me because i stick up for others and fight for equality. i question everything including my teachers and sometimes they don’t have answers or they have a bigoted answer. the kids all look happy but they aren’t. all of us have cried ourselves to sleep on more than one occasion. most of us can say we went through a “tough time”. a lot of us have family issues and are mentally unstable. we are so scared of failing and being alone. we know right from wrong. we just don’t act on it because we’ve been told not too. we keep waiting for a teacher or parent to tell us what to do. we need to stop waiting and start acting.
dueces, Emma