radio aserna program 2015-09-26 interview Legend Artist Osman Abdulrahim Part-1
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 พ.ย. 2024
- Radio Aserna Saturday 26 September 2015 Show
Radio Aserna program (26 September 2015) - By Ytbarek Gebretnsae, Interviews Eritrean Legend Artist, Osman Abdulrahim. This is part-One of his interviews with Ytbarek Gebretnsae. Their discussion is full of rich history of Eritrean Artists and their role in raising, national feelings of Eritreans. Stay tune!
መደብ ራድዮ ኣሰርና (ይትባረክ ገ/ትንሳኤ) - 26 September 2015 -
ይትባረክ ገብረትንሳኤ፡ ን'ህቡብ ስነጥበባዊን ድምጻዊን ዑስማን ዓብደልሪሒም፡ ናብ ስቱድዮ ሒዙልና ቀሪቡ ኣሎ። እዚ ቀዳማይ ክፋል ናይ ዕላሎም ኢዩ። ኣዝዩ መሳጢ ዝኾነ ታሪኻዊን መነቓቕሒን ትሕዝቶ ኣለዎ። ሰናይ ምክትታል።
Wow! Thank you very much for honoring, commemorating and remembering our great Iconic figure Osman Abderihim. Let us preserve the capture of honoring our legends and artists. Great work.
Mengiste semay yewariska tegadalay Osman Abdurihiim
ዕስማን ናይ ብሓቂ ኣርትስት ሓድ ሓደ ግዜ ትግርኛስ ንፍቅሪ ኣይገልጽን እዩ ተባሂሉ ዝተሕዝኣ ወይ ዝተጨወየ ቆንቆ እምበር ንፍቅሪ ዝከውንስ ከመይ ጌሮም ዕስማን ተክለ ሃይለ የማነ ኣል አሚን ዮኑስ ምሓሪ ፍቅሪ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነ ዕምቀት ፋቅሪ ከይተረፈ ንዘልዓለም ዝከውን ደርፊ ደአፎም እዮም ኣብ ዕድመና ዎዩ ኣባሻውል ቅመም ኣስመራ እያ እሞ ይትባረኽ ንዓካ ይገድፎ
ሓንቲ ካብ አእምሮይ ዘይትወጽእ ጸላም ቡረት ዘላታ ናብ ሙዕግታ ዑስማን ባዕሉ ኣሞረ ሕዝዎ ኣሞራ ቀይራቶ ዝነበረት ረዘነት ኣለም ሰገድ እትብሃል ናይ ብሓቂ ጸላም ብረት ዝነበረታ ናብ ሙዕግርታ ኣብ ሞንጎ ኣባሻውልን ገዛብርሃኑን መውዓሊኡን መሕደሪኡን ጌርዎ ኔሩ ሕሰቦ ባዕልካ ይትባረክ ካብ እንዳዓሊ እንዳዱካን ክሳብ ካናዳ ችካጎ ሓደ ካብ የሕዋትካ ሰሰናዩ ንዓካ ርሑስ ኣውድዓመት ዎ ድሓንካ
ብጣሚ ጽቡቅ ጌርካ እትባረኸ ነዚ ክትገብር ኮለኻ ቀዳም ይካታተካ ነሬ ግን ኣይቀጸልካዮን ንሱ ድማ ኩነታት ኣገዲዱካ ይኸውን የመስግነካ
thanks osman. i remember my chilhood time it was very good lovely time. god please you osman long live osman abdelrihim more than hundred years.
legendery Baba osman
king of love music
ባባ ዑሱማን ንበረለይ።
the first eritrean Golden's melody lovely word's is from osman abderihm 100%
king of music Eritrean legend
King osman abderahim
hiiiii guys Osman Abderehim is the first greatest eritrean artist we know him
ዑሱማን ዓብደል ረሒም ዘይሙኖ ሞዴል ኣርቲስት ቐመም ሂወት ።
እበሳጮ ኣለኹ ደኣ ናይ ገብረጻድቕ ዶ ኣይኮነትን? ተስፋይ ሓዉ ከም ኡ ዝበለ መሲሉኒ?
ፍቅሪ ዕዉር ኣሚነ ከ ኣለካ love you
god please you father eritrea artist osman abderihim
Osman abdulrahim aboe zema teom elal zey meno ab ketema mexewa 6 werhe wesidatekal ny lomi ke ab gezom dekisom ay getmi ay zema habuna elom hade gezi ms semakayo zey tedegmo ezi natka kb 1964 kesab hje 2021 nesemo nestemakero neberelna edem tenan yehabka fekri ewer amine - ab ketema mexewa
Leby medrbeda - tenber nera koxera telima -
ኢዞም ዳ ሃገር እንዲሁም
ኣክብድኩምልና ምንም ከይሓገዝና
ኣብ ልብታት ህዝብታት ሰፍርኩም
ሓሳባተይ ኩሉ ከይጽሕፈሌልክ
ለይቲ ኮይኑ እዮ
فنان اريتريا الاول
ክንደይ ይጥዕም ዕላል ታሪኽ ሰነድ ሓወልቲ ነቢዔ