the reason the person is speaking in the same tone is because the notes that are being memorized are relative to her tone. So when you hear/remember her voice and the note the person is requesting you to sing, you'd memorize it.
Absolute Pitch can be developed. Assign a song to every note, eventually, when you hear the note, the song will finish in your head instantly, after a while, the notes will imprint in your head, and you will be able to sing them without reference. :)
Anyone that cannot recognize that the “random piano notes” are just different octaves have no reason to even watch this video, they should be developing more relative pitch not perfect (absolute) pitch
lol, you funny... but I get what you are saying.... This would have been more useful if she had went down the keyboard, and hit one note at a time... Starting with the low keys all the way down to high keys Just say the note... without putting in the " this is " C " Just say the note 'c' and hit the key.... F hit the white key Gb hit the black key F# hit the black key again G hit the white Key..... and so on... lol A person could then put her video on repeat... And just listen with their eyes closed. And get used to hearing the tones with the letter given... Once they get used to hearing them in order... Maybe She could do the same in the rhythm of a simple song... I dont play... but this would help a novice like me understand better, without being overwhelmed by her hitting every "C" on the keyboard in a ear punishing rapid fire... hahaha Thanks for sharing your video all the same... S Because some have the knowledge and skill but dont share it freely..
@@mssburr Maybe practicing relative pitch would be more helpful to you than perfect? It sounds like that's what you're saying. If the octaves do not sound the same to you, then yes, there's a high chance you'd benefit more from what you seem to be suggesting, which to me sounds like relative pitch.
@@jvdv4940 It is the ONLY way to develop perfect pitch, actually. You cannot develop absolute pitch as an adult. Most of the comments on this video are full of shit.
Piano pitch is where the person who is extremely familiar with the timbre of the instrument can listen to any note on the piano and name it accurately. Many professional pianists are able to do this after many years of hearing all the notes on the instrument. However, being able to hear a pitch and discern it accurately on anything else and to be able to hear whether it is flat or sharp of a particular note as well as SING any note is the true sign of absolute pitch. I taught an adult student who was always interested in music but never learned to read music. To my amazement, eventually when he did learn to read music well enough, his brain was finally able to make the connection between what he was hearing and the name of the notes themselves. He actually had a latent absolute pitch. He was also Aspbergers.
Sing the note names and then sing the solfege (C is do until you get into moveable solfege). See the song Doe a deer. They also assign them scale degrees/Roman numerals. So, in this case, C is a Roman numeral 1. Like : I That's music theory in a nutshell...
If they're in ascending order, you don't learn the pitch itself in isolation: you learn the interval from the previous note. That's fine and it's useful to have an awareness of the scale, but that's not actually that helpful in this situation.
C: click 0 then L G: click 1 then right arrow E: click 2 then left arrow F: click 3 then J D: click 4 then J then J A: click 4 then L B: click 5 F#: click 6 then left arrow C#: click 7 then J then J G#: click 7 then L then L D#: click 8 then right arrow A#: click 9
WOW! I just played with my voice and felt like a kid again. My God, I LOVED IT!!! I sang in a choir when I was a kid and now, I want to "play" again. Thanks so very much.
Some "same" notes seem different to me. It's like the one an octave higher is flatter than the one an octave lower. And then sometimes different instruments produce different pitches for me.
+Kenny 劉健聰 technically in an actual instrument they do vary but little bits. Also as the pitch gets higher the wave is faster so your mind can "skip" over the tops of the peaks of the wave lol kinda like audio distortion... if that makes any sense. Could also be due to the type of wave used in the tone generator... ideally to tell a musical tone you want a sine wave but this sounds more like a square to me (which is simply an on/off wave pulse)
Well, wood instruments never forget they used to be a tree. And if you think your piano, guitar or bass is in tune, well, it's going back out again as we speak... If you need strings, the sound waves sound all shaggy. They don't lock into a tuner very well. Or stay there. Either. Drums sound "wubby." There's overtones in there that bounce funky. The sound waves are moving inconsistently.
I'm surprised you haven't had any more recent hits. This seems like an excellent way to develop absolute pitch. I will listen every day and follow your advice of starting with two notes. Thank you very much!
OreoDog It would be a lot more helpful if you listened to the video right before you sleep. Studies show that retention is greatly improved when material is presented right before bedtime.
If you want perfect pitch try this: learn the starting pitch for a certain song you have permanently ingrained in your head (like the starting perfect 5th at the beginning of the Star Wars theme), and then identifying the rest of the tune in relation to that pitch that you know.
@@finosuilleabhain7781 definitely relative pitch. I believe I may have absolute pitch, but I never associated the names of the notes with what I was hearing. I've always been able to perfectly hum or whistle a song after hearing it once, in its exact key. I fully attribute that to video game music. Here's hoping singing the note names in their pitch helps it fully click, tired of playing by ear. I want to be able to learn proper theory instead of "just playing what sounds good together."
Does anybody else hear these notes as every so slightly sharp? It's barely off; just a tad bit so little but it hurts my head. It's driving me crazy. I know that I honestly can't be the only one.
+Kimi Uthman Yeah, this is what happens when people don't master their audio before uploading them. It's a bit painful to listen to as someone who's done a fair amount of editing and post processing of media.. Cool training though.
Yes we are still listening. The time you spent doing this has benefitted at least 50% of the 59,505 that have listened so far. I am a subscriber and a listener.
I really like this exercise and upload, but as a musician with near perfect pitch, I feel that it would benefit those who have difficulty hearing tone to only hear one instead of the various octaves that were played. Good idea though, I really felt my note sense sharpen after listening to this exercise, thank you!
this incredible video belongs on television...maybe the knowledge network....some channel where all this fabulous and imaginative information can be spread throughout North America...after all. we all know which tampons to buy, why should'nt we all enjoy absolute pitch too.
I never think of myself to have a perfect pitch, but strange enough if I hold my hands and pretend to play the clarinet (which is what I play) I can tell what the not I am listening to is, by finding that note in the clarinet, in my mind. (without a clarinet in my hands.
Hey Good sir, it worked for me! four hours later and i can still sing and hear the C Without any difficulty. Great Job I hope ill be able to sing it in the morning
Video: This is F Me: oh god not this again Video: Sing the note F Me: uhhh... I think I'm good now thank you Video: Sing the note F Me: no Video: I SAID SING THE *****N NOTE F Me: O_o
I'm slightly synthaestic, and this to me what the notes should look like. C = Blue A = Yellow E = Bright Blue F = Orange G = Green B = Red D = Pink? Bb = Dark Red Ab = Golden F# = Wood? C# = Turquoise Eb = Teal That's how I imagine it. I have a very abstract imagination, so much that certain colors in my mind I couldn't identify.
gopro25 it's often based on early experience of the two senses activating together, even if they only go together on average more often than not. For instance, I tend to see images for sounds because I remember company logos very well... so when i hear a soda can opening, it sounds like a "blue wave", though the image of the pepsi logo doesn't actually appear in my head, it's just a blanket of blue that comes at me like a wave. I never drink pepsi, but my mom did when i was little. It happens for SO many things and I've figured out over time that my pairings are all connected with logos. Apparently I was interested in such things as a baby... probably because I couldn't read yet.
OMG I do that too!!! My colors are a little different, like I see a C as orange, and D is red, but I also see G as green. ^^ And I do see multiple colors at once, like I'll go back-and-forth from purple and blue with F and B. And to me, the colors will mix with flats and sharps.
Watched C and G a couple times yesterday. It has been one day without even thinking about notes, came back now and before the video i just sang C and G for myself, it was spot on!! This video is amazing!
I was the kid that choir teachers told to move my lips and not make a sound. Now I'm trying to learn the piano at 65 yoa. Your videos are the best tools. But I still sound like a buzzsaw.
I can always identify certain notes instantly because I'm very familiar with music that starts on those notes. Video game menus are a huge help: Ab is Halo 3 ODST, B is CoD Zombies, E is Mass Effect, etc.
Can we have this on Spotify so that we can listen to it with our phones of while we sleep so that it goes into our subconscious memory?????? Kinda need it to be.
Put this on my ipod and I'm interested to see what this does for me. My music theory teacher told us that perfect pitch is just a gift that some fortunate people are born with, and she went to Juliard and worked with a lot of amazing musicians and all that.
Yea that makes sense for sure. I'd def like to at least get E down so I can tune my guitar without a tuner and know it's in concert pitch. But I'm definitely more interested in interval ear some of that downloaded that I listen to as well.
David Lucas burge describes perfect pitch as hearing the tones of pitches. Like the difference between a brassy as saxophone and a stringy violin have a difference in timbre aka tone color, pitches also have a tone color. All notes an octave apart will have a similar pitch tone. You have to let the note come to you and listen for the vibe the notes make an octave apart. The more you listen for this pitch color the better you will hear it over time. I believe this works to some extent as I have heard it and I also showed it to a friend and a piano teacher who both heard the same thing
Hey. I only spend like 15 minutes a day doing that. My ear and ability to tell a note has improved a whole lot. No need for 5 hours. That would be exhausting an confusing.
Oh I was referring to a previous comment about listening to pitches. There are different ways to train Your ear. Perfect pitch is the absolute value. Relative pitch is relative distance of notes. Relative pitch and perfect pitch can work together but you should also learn relative pitch. Perfect pitch is like hearing c as a certain feeling. You can hear it as a sound color... Like trombone vs flute. The tones have different color(technically called timbre). It's the same with pitches only there is a pattern that repeats each octave. As you go to higher octaves the color of a given note stays the same only it is brighter. And if you go lower its darker. C will always have the color of c. D will always sound like d. It doesn't matter what octave you're in
For the visualisation you could add a picture of the piano note played and picture of the note score in classical notation. Please indicate the frequency of A.
Thank you for this! Trying to select a didgeridoo for my grandson but didn't realize they come in so many different keys. This helps a lot! Thanks again🙏
No offense but I havent found a single video that only and ONLY includes the notes sound. They always have a voice, more notes or some dude playing the instrument. I only want the sound frecuency of the note said.
I honestly don't get how other musicians can't recognise notes just by hearing them. When you play the same note over and over, you should have it memorized. It worked for me. :)
i always thought perfect pitch was like color perception. yellow is yellow, c# is c# For me i have what i call "relative' pitch. I have a few notes memorized a, d, g, c. Also in highschool the 'B' building school bell was a B flat and the 'A' building school bell was a B natural so i knew those pitches from exposure every single day between class. anything not those notes i just use intervals to find out the pitch based on the notes i do have memorized, so i have to reference other pitches in my head with the one I'm hearing. In my opinion, true perfect pitch is when you hold down the piano pedal, bang a couple (maybe three) chord clusters on the piano with your hands and someone can tell you every note from bass to treble in the chord cluster without even thinking about it. It's equivalent to color perception to them. (no i'm not talking about synethsesia :p just making a comparison)
Music is the key component to "changing how money works". Developing the ability to "hear colors" is directly related to the plan of evolutionary "DNA". Through meditation, one can "re-write" their DNA; UNLOCKING the potential for there to be more light in the world. Just imagine a world where everyone, through evolution, could experience The totality of living a colorfully loving life. It's all about the music. We are not in the 30's anymore. It's time to re-teach the secrets of the Talmud, i.e. sacred geometry, and 432 Hz tuning. Lol :) this is the Devine plan, and I'm humbly gracious to serve such an elegant part in this process. I need your help. You know who you are. To those that have an ear to hear, let them hear. Thank you. Much love. :)
I downloaded a vocal pitch monitor and when it told me to sing the note I did exactly that paused the video stopped tried to sing the note again and it was perfect it was exactly on the note and did this for all of them, and then I told my friend to play any key on my keyboard and he did this for every note in random order and I guessed them all correct.
All this talk (whining?) about colour is entertaining. For me, PP/AP came naturally and effortlessly; I listened to the notes a few times, learned what they were labelled, and I was done. I realize this is a rare gift. It's interesting to use colour-coding to the pitches, but it seems like everyone perceives colours slightly differently in relationship with sound, so perhaps colour-coding is not the most lucrative form of association; However, on an individual basis, I can see it's usefulness.
I think this could help a lot... all u need to do is hum the notes... singing might be better so that you can change the pitch within the note... might be nice to have a recording of a person singing the notes or humming like I said.
Listen I know I'm gonna get hate for this, but you cant form perfect pitch you can only develop it as a baby like a language. Mozart and Beethoven could probably tell you what this guy can but neither of them had perfect pitch. You can teach yourself every every note on the piano any be able to recognize it, but it won't be instant. Someone with perfect pitch can instantly recognize any note on the piano. Anyway sorry for writing an article in the comments of a YT video and if you are still reading you deserve an award so anyways there's my opinion.
Baby’s develop perfect pitch if they are surrounded by complex music Just like they develop language But you can get your relative pitch so good to where it’s almost as good as perfect pitch But you can’t get perfect pitch
0:08 this is C 0:43 this is G 1:18 this is E 1:58 this is F 2:32 this is D 3:03 this is A 3:33 this is B 4:10 this is F# Gb 4:39 this is C# Db 5:15 this is G# Ab 5:45 this is D# Eb 6:21 this is A# Bb
As a guitar player trying to learn how to sing - this is a great simple tool - just let them know to try and sing (say) anything they want and keep referring to C and it will speeed it uuuuuuuuuuup :) Thanks - all in cccccccc :)
That said, (for the benefit of victims who might mistakenly believe this has anything at all to do with developing your ear), it's a handy video to have on hand for tuning guitars properly to tempered tuning.
For my own personal use. (feel free to use it) 0:09 this is C 0:43 this is G 1:18 this is E 1:58 this is F 2:32 this is D 3:02 this is A 3:33 this is B 4:09 this is F# 4:38 this is C# 5:15 this is G# 5:45 this is D# 6:22 this is A#
Duncan Petrus 4 years later, I'm reading this Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice
Duncan Petrus 😂😂😂😂
Matthew G Read it in Ursula‘s from The Little Mermaid.
"This is G"...
When i was a young boy
Larhesus 😂 kingpin
@@lilactheruevet2424 😂😂😂
Paola Espinoza will you be
I can taste music after this.
Tae's Buttcheeks nice username i love it
Bitch please
I smell my notes and then play them with my eyeballs
An e taste like cheese
I wish i could taste, but if i tasted probably, it would taste like strawberry
Wow after a few days listening to this I'm starting to hear notes walking down the street HAHA!
+Barak Levy really? cause I felt improvement in pitch test after watching this video twice.
+PointShoot Hacks Its hard, although in relative pitch i'm no bad I still don't seem to know random notes I sing or guess a random note
Yes, that is the case with me too.
+Barak Levy after few years, you will try to find a note in a knife cutting through the flesh
Ha ha.. I try to find notes in door bells and bird chirps.
It'd help if the person talking would talk in the same pitch
chaquator i believe b4 this the person should fully hear the intervals. So, he or she can sing the octave that is her or his voice range.
the reason the person is speaking in the same tone is because the notes that are being memorized are relative to her tone. So when you hear/remember her voice and the note the person is requesting you to sing, you'd memorize it.
Blackbirds Photography Oic. Makes sense. Thanks for explaining.
chaquator i always do that everytime that's why they call me weirdo :"
And if some of them weren’t using vibrato
THese people want to turn us into walking tuning forks.
Not really... More like enriched listeners.
Always-Stay-Positive lol
That’s basically what I was for the a cappella group I was in for 4 years 😂
That really hit me when she said” sing the note G” I felt that 😪
love or hate her, she spitting straight fax right here
Like yooo.... I felt that
I don‘t get it tbh, can someone explain
@@marie27121 a reference to My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade, song starts with a G note
@@orcvs6297 i reallly can't tell if ur being serious or just joking
Absolute Pitch can be developed. Assign a song to every note, eventually, when you hear the note, the song will finish in your head instantly, after a while, the notes will imprint in your head, and you will be able to sing them without reference. :)
I love you
How I find G's and E's are by relating it to "Watchmen Tell Us Of The Night"
You're right, I associated C with Fly Me to the Moon and now I can identify it
I associated d with megalovania on accident
Good advice!
“This is E”
*My* *Heart* *Will* *Go* *On* *on* *a* *recorder* *flashbacks*
ice say YES
Lmao yeahhhh
You don't need to use this to know G... Any emo recognizes G right away.
Edit holy shit we got a lot of emos in the chat
julia needs therapy WHEN I WAS A YOUNG BOY
It's almost like brain washing....I like it
hahahaahaha u re weird....i like that😜😉
Lol i could totally see someone sitting in a dark room strapped to a chair watching this
So much damage
it totally doesnt work but i like it
Anyone that cannot recognize that the “random piano notes” are just different octaves have no reason to even watch this video, they should be developing more relative pitch not perfect (absolute) pitch
Oh so that's why i can't understand it...
What is octave? What is random piano notes? Wtf is a piano?
@@spideypng it's not gatekeeping
This is C.... C... sing the nowt C....
"nowt" 😂😂😂
I know what it sounds like sounds like oooooooooooooooo best description in writing but me singing
A Classical Music note-reminder
E:Chopin "Winter wind" etude
A:Grieg concerto
C:Evangelion Opening
G:Beethovens 5th
D#: Chopin waltz 34
F: Vivaldi's four seasons: Spring
B:Chopin prelude 4
G#:Chopin Nocturne in C-Sharp
D: Rach 3
A#:Chopin nocturne op 9 n2
F#:Chopin "Lament" Etude
C#: Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody no.2
Taking suggestions
No way Sherlock
Gran Ribeyro never heard of it
Yes the most classic of classical music,
The evangelion opening
I see you have good taste
c#? Hungarian rhapsody no 2 will drill that in your head
Classical Music *Adds Evangelion Intro* LMAO
They should have a corresponding video where they play the note then let you guess.
They do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm from the future and you're a fucking genius
8 T omfg imagine they died...they died without knowing they were a genius 😔
"This is A"
"Sing the note A"
"Now guess the note"
@𝓣𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓪 𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓾 rickrolled
This isn't perfect pitch
This is murder
How will I sleep
lol, you funny... but I get what you are saying....
This would have been more useful if she had went down the keyboard, and hit one note at a time...
Starting with the low keys all the way down to high keys
Just say the note... without putting in the " this is " C "
Just say the note 'c' and hit the key....
F hit the white key
Gb hit the black key
F# hit the black key again
G hit the white Key.....
and so on... lol
A person could then put her video on repeat...
And just listen with their eyes closed.
And get used to hearing the tones with the letter given...
Once they get used to hearing them in order...
Maybe She could do the same in the rhythm of a simple song...
I dont play... but this would help a novice like me understand better, without being overwhelmed
by her hitting every "C" on the keyboard in a ear punishing rapid fire... hahaha
Thanks for sharing your video all the same...
Because some have the knowledge and skill but dont share it freely..
You sleep with this playing.
*crow caws in background*
@@mssburr Maybe practicing relative pitch would be more helpful to you than perfect? It sounds like that's what you're saying. If the octaves do not sound the same to you, then yes, there's a high chance you'd benefit more from what you seem to be suggesting, which to me sounds like relative pitch.
@@asantaimeep Perfect you're born with or kids can learn it. Relative is learned but works the same in the end.
Ah, I'm so proud of myself. Since yesterday I can recognise two notes pretty much instantly :D Eb and G#, sometimes A.
I can recall f and g sharp. If I really get into it I can get them pretty good but still working on it
lol e flat and g# are the 2 notes i always get stuck on a is pretty easy
I can recall the Middle C in 1 hour!
link put the ocarina away please
+puzzlechu You caught a pikachu!
Would you like to name your Pikachu?
Midi notes
“Sing the note c”
*proceeds to slam on the piano keys harder*
When I was a kid my vacuum made the E note and I used to sing along lmao
This video has such an aggressive energy
LOL i love it!!!
This is C
No this is Patrick
Thank you joker, very funny
Incredible joke, unbelievable, standing ovation commencing
Hahaha good Joke
0:11 - C
0:45 - G
1:20 - E
2:00 - F
2:35 - D
3:06 - A
3:36 - B
4:12 - F#/Gb
4:42 - C#/Db
5:18 - G#/Ab
5:50 - D#/Eb
6:26 - A#/Bb
This needs to be pinned
@@smilekids7 👁👄👁
I played a song pressing these timestamps.
Friend: So, what kind of music do you like?
Me: ... it's complicated
This is A
*Sings before it starts*
*Gets It right*
*Screams in A*
Her: this is G
Me: WHEN I WAS A YOUNG BOY MY FATHER TOOK Me into the city.... heh
You freaking stupid emo
@@raxacorico HE SAID SON WHEN
listening to this to become more like ling ling
Then practice for 40 hours
No practice it for 40 days
Not only did ling ling practice for 40 hours ling ling also does the ling ling work out
Don’t become a sacrilegious boi tho
C 00:10
G 00:45
E 1:20
F 2:00
D 2:35
A 3:05
B 3:36
G is my favourite song but they sound much better on live concerts
Thank u ^^
Thanks, D is my favourite
Who is this child telling me what to frucking sing?
My 2-and-a-half year old loves watching this over and over. He has perfect pitch for all white-key notes so far.
wow.. does he have perfect pitch today that he's around 5?
I wonder if it's a good thing to provoke in a child
@@jvdv4940 It is the ONLY way to develop perfect pitch, actually. You cannot develop absolute pitch as an adult. Most of the comments on this video are full of shit.
@@jvdv4940 Can't hurt. How can learning hurt? Relative that you learn, works just fine. Too. Doesn't matter in the end.
Piano pitch is where the person who is extremely familiar with the timbre of the instrument can listen to any note on the piano and name it accurately. Many professional pianists are able to do this after many years of hearing all the notes on the instrument. However, being able to hear a pitch and discern it accurately on anything else and to be able to hear whether it is flat or sharp of a particular note as well as SING any note is the true sign of absolute pitch. I taught an adult student who was always interested in music but never learned to read music. To my amazement, eventually when he did learn to read music well enough, his brain was finally able to make the connection between what he was hearing and the name of the notes themselves. He actually had a latent absolute pitch. He was also Aspbergers.
Yep, I can relate to that!! ^_^
Thank you for sharing this with us!!!! :D
Hi I'm aspbergers
@Nox Eath same here! I can hear they key in the song but I cant name the key note! I can always sing it. Like imedioutly for some reason.
@Nox Eath It's possible! :)
I can't recognise them yet, but I can sing them...
It’s a beginning
Sing the note names and then sing the solfege (C is do until you get into moveable solfege). See the song Doe a deer. They also assign them scale degrees/Roman numerals. So, in this case, C is a Roman numeral 1. Like : I
That's music theory in a nutshell...
For some reason it drives me mad if people say "That's not C, that's a bunch of random notes".
In reality its c but in different pitches
Man youall are different species, i honestly dont see any difference and im searching the whole internet to understand the difference
I think it would help if the notes were presented in ascending order.
C major scale :
that's what I thought
If they're in ascending order, you don't learn the pitch itself in isolation: you learn the interval from the previous note. That's fine and it's useful to have an awareness of the scale, but that's not actually that helpful in this situation.
For me:
A - Orange-ish
B - blue
C - silver
D - purple
E- green
F - yellow
G - red
D is more red to me
You have Synesthesia? It makes you see colors when you hear certain notes
What I was thinking
for me:
a- red
b- light sage green
c- blue (like sky blue or royal blue)
d- dark blue (navy)
e- yellow
f- forest green
g- brown
C: click 0 then L
G: click 1 then right arrow
E: click 2 then left arrow F: click 3 then J
D: click 4 then J then J
A: click 4 then L
B: click 5 F#: click 6 then left arrow
C#: click 7 then J then J
G#: click 7 then L then L
D#: click 8 then right arrow
A#: click 9
Dude, you are my hero.
hahah, sometimes boredom leads to doing something helpful ;)
Lennard Lennard I really wish I understood this... I think this is for Nokia music stuff
That's exactly what it is. A tone is imprinted in ones brain..
WOW! I just played with my voice and felt like a kid again. My God, I LOVED IT!!! I sang in a choir when I was a kid and now, I want to "play" again. Thanks so very much.
G note: Exists
Emos: *P A I N*
My Chemical Romance: It's free real estate.
I spent a lot of time looking for a video that would allow me to hear the notes without giving me the instructions for achieving the notes. Thank you!
as if I needed to learn how to recognize a g... where's my eyeliner now?
Some "same" notes seem different to me. It's like the one an octave higher is flatter than the one an octave lower. And then sometimes different instruments produce different pitches for me.
+Kenny 劉健聰 technically in an actual instrument they do vary but little bits. Also as the pitch gets higher the wave is faster so your mind can "skip" over the tops of the peaks of the wave lol kinda like audio distortion... if that makes any sense. Could also be due to the type of wave used in the tone generator... ideally to tell a musical tone you want a sine wave but this sounds more like a square to me (which is simply an on/off wave pulse)
idk if it’s me but if i listen to something in the 6th+ octave for a long time it’ll start sounding flat. im pretty sure it’s just my ears.
Well, wood instruments never forget they used to be a tree.
And if you think your piano, guitar or bass is in tune, well, it's going back out again as we speak...
If you need strings, the sound waves sound all shaggy. They don't lock into a tuner very well. Or stay there. Either.
Drums sound "wubby." There's overtones in there that bounce funky. The sound waves are moving inconsistently.
I'm surprised you haven't had any more recent hits. This seems like an excellent way to develop absolute pitch. I will listen every day and follow your advice of starting with two notes. Thank you very much!
Hi, I just want to know, did it work?
I'm going to listen to this video on repeat while I sleep lol...
It has been proven that you cannot learn with an unconscious brain.
thats was funny
OreoDog It would be a lot more helpful if you listened to the video right before you sleep. Studies show that retention is greatly improved when material is presented right before bedtime.
Aka hypnopaedia, according to brave new world
@@braden-wong so how is it now? Better?
If you want perfect pitch try this: learn the starting pitch for a certain song you have permanently ingrained in your head (like the starting perfect 5th at the beginning of the Star Wars theme), and then identifying the rest of the tune in relation to that pitch that you know.
That's relative pitch, surely?
@@finosuilleabhain7781 definitely relative pitch. I believe I may have absolute pitch, but I never associated the names of the notes with what I was hearing. I've always been able to perfectly hum or whistle a song after hearing it once, in its exact key. I fully attribute that to video game music. Here's hoping singing the note names in their pitch helps it fully click, tired of playing by ear. I want to be able to learn proper theory instead of "just playing what sounds good together."
+Bethany Smith Some synethesia going on here?
+trustyperson yes :)
+Bethany Smith Very funny xD
So which color is that?
Does anybody else hear these notes as every so slightly sharp? It's barely off; just a tad bit so little but it hurts my head. It's driving me crazy. I know that I honestly can't be the only one.
idk why you would hear these slightly sharp since they're perfect pitches.
+Kimi Uthman They are sharp, about 1 cent, but still noticeable.
Maybe your piano is out of tune?
+Kimi Uthman Yeah, this is what happens when people don't master their audio before uploading them. It's a bit painful to listen to as someone who's done a fair amount of editing and post processing of media..
Cool training though.
+Kemi Uthman weird I don't have perfect pitch (I'm trying to develop it) but i could tell with some of these notes that they seemed sharp
Yes we are still listening. The time you spent doing this has benefitted at least 50% of the 59,505 that have listened so far. I am a subscriber and a listener.
I really like this exercise and upload, but as a musician with near perfect pitch, I feel that it would benefit those who have difficulty hearing tone to only hear one instead of the various octaves that were played. Good idea though, I really felt my note sense sharpen after listening to this exercise, thank you!
this incredible video belongs on television...maybe the knowledge network....some channel where all this fabulous and imaginative information can be spread throughout North America...after all. we all know which tampons to buy, why should'nt we all enjoy absolute pitch too.
0:45 i was not prepared for that holy shit
I never think of myself to have a perfect pitch, but strange enough if I hold my hands and pretend to play the clarinet (which is what I play) I can tell what the not I am listening to is, by finding that note in the clarinet, in my mind. (without a clarinet in my hands.
0:10 me at a Mexican restaurant when they ask if I want more chips
Hey Good sir, it worked for me! four hours later and i can still sing and hear the C Without any difficulty.
Great Job I hope ill be able to sing it in the morning
Like if you get it
Bluefire Lite TWOSET VIOLIN?!
I was looking for this. Didn't even watch the video.
Twoset ? Lol
@@amaniealhindal8950 BTSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Video: This is F
Me: oh god not this again
Video: Sing the note F
Me: uhhh... I think I'm good now thank you
Video: Sing the note F
Me: no
Me: O_o
She sounds like Aquamarine from Steven Universe
Is Aquamarine is trying to brainwash with music?
I'm slightly synthaestic, and this to me what the notes should look like.
C = Blue
A = Yellow
E = Bright Blue
F = Orange
G = Green
B = Red
D = Pink?
Bb = Dark Red
Ab = Golden
F# = Wood?
C# = Turquoise
Eb = Teal
That's how I imagine it. I have a very abstract imagination, so much that certain colors in my mind I couldn't identify.
Really, I get,
C = Pink
D = Green
E = Red
F = Yellow
G = Baby blue
A = Dark blue
B = Moldy yellow/green
Rachael McInnes Braden Dredge
Synesthesia is very personal and varies widely among synesthetes.
gopro25 it's often based on early experience of the two senses activating together, even if they only go together on average more often than not. For instance, I tend to see images for sounds because I remember company logos very well... so when i hear a soda can opening, it sounds like a "blue wave", though the image of the pepsi logo doesn't actually appear in my head, it's just a blanket of blue that comes at me like a wave. I never drink pepsi, but my mom did when i was little. It happens for SO many things and I've figured out over time that my pairings are all connected with logos. Apparently I was interested in such things as a baby... probably because I couldn't read yet.
Melanie Dodge You are right on the money! Thanks for the insight!
OMG I do that too!!!
My colors are a little different, like I see a C as orange, and D is red, but I also see G as green. ^^
And I do see multiple colors at once, like I'll go back-and-forth from purple and blue with F and B. And to me, the colors will mix with flats and sharps.
Me: Why am i so tired
Me at 3 am: watching this useless video
Per your request for comment: This is exactly what I was looking for when I found it. Very well done.
I think it will take repetition but I can see this being pretty effective
You'll wind up doing a LOT of that in music school, lol.
Watched C and G a couple times yesterday. It has been one day without even thinking about notes, came back now and before the video i just sang C and G for myself, it was spot on!! This video is amazing!
"This is G"
*Vietnam War Flashbacks*
I was the kid that choir teachers told to move my lips and not make a sound. Now I'm trying to learn the piano at 65 yoa. Your videos are the best tools. But I still sound like a buzzsaw.
I can always identify certain notes instantly because I'm very familiar with music that starts on those notes. Video game menus are a huge help: Ab is Halo 3 ODST, B is CoD Zombies, E is Mass Effect, etc.
+Nick D'Amato Okay how the hell did you figure that out? Perfect Pitch or Interweb?
same I know what you mean.
I never learnt to obtain perfect pitch, but I just naturally got this when I was learning the piano. It comes to you so naturally.
Can we have this on Spotify so that we can listen to it with our phones of while we sleep so that it goes into our subconscious memory??????
Kinda need it to be.
It won't do any good. You'll learn next to nothing while asleep.
Winds of March Journey/Perry tribute band it was a joke 😂
This is incredible three days listening to this and I'm playing by ear already thanks Marcelo
Hope this doesn’t ruin my sleep, if I don’t get any sleep imma see u in court
greatest video ever
Put this on my ipod and I'm interested to see what this does for me. My music theory teacher told us that perfect pitch is just a gift that some fortunate people are born with, and she went to Juliard and worked with a lot of amazing musicians and all that.
***** Tell me about it. Oo
I have perfect pitch, and it is an absolute NIGHTMARE trying to listen to an out of tune instrument or singer. >.
Yea that makes sense for sure. I'd def like to at least get E down so I can tune my guitar without a tuner and know it's in concert pitch. But I'm definitely more interested in interval ear some of that downloaded that I listen to as well.
David Lucas burge describes perfect pitch as hearing the tones of pitches. Like the difference between a brassy as saxophone and a stringy violin have a difference in timbre aka tone color, pitches also have a tone color. All notes an octave apart will have a similar pitch tone. You have to let the note come to you and listen for the vibe the notes make an octave apart. The more you listen for this pitch color the better you will hear it over time. I believe this works to some extent as I have heard it and I also showed it to a friend and a piano teacher who both heard the same thing
Hey. I only spend like 15 minutes a day doing that. My ear and ability to tell a note has improved a whole lot. No need for 5 hours. That would be exhausting an confusing.
Oh I was referring to a previous comment about listening to pitches. There are different ways to train Your ear. Perfect pitch is the absolute value. Relative pitch is relative distance of notes. Relative pitch and perfect pitch can work together but you should also learn relative pitch. Perfect pitch is like hearing c as a certain feeling. You can hear it as a sound color... Like trombone vs flute. The tones have different color(technically called timbre). It's the same with pitches only there is a pattern that repeats each octave. As you go to higher octaves the color of a given note stays the same only it is brighter. And if you go lower its darker. C will always have the color of c. D will always sound like d. It doesn't matter what octave you're in
For the visualisation you could add a picture of the piano note played and picture of the note score in classical notation. Please indicate the frequency of A.
*g note plays*
Thank you for this! Trying to select a didgeridoo for my grandson but didn't realize they come in so many different keys. This helps a lot! Thanks again🙏
"Sing the note C"
sir, this is a wendy's drivethrough
No offense but I havent found a single video that only and ONLY includes the notes sound. They always have a voice, more notes or some dude playing the instrument. I only want the sound frecuency of the note said.
The "different notes," are actually the same note in different octaves.
@@Alan-xe4st smoked and rolled my doggies!
The other notes are just different octaves
Well then, grab an instrument buddy 😊😊😁😁
I think you're talking about having the note played on just one octave
I honestly don't get how other musicians can't recognise notes just by hearing them. When you play the same note over and over, you should have it memorized. It worked for me. :)
Did you developed perfect pitch now
i always thought perfect pitch was like color perception. yellow is yellow, c# is c# For me i have what i call "relative' pitch. I have a few notes memorized a, d, g, c. Also in highschool the 'B' building school bell was a B flat and the 'A' building school bell was a B natural so i knew those pitches from exposure every single day between class. anything not those notes i just use intervals to find out the pitch based on the notes i do have memorized, so i have to reference other pitches in my head with the one I'm hearing.
In my opinion, true perfect pitch is when you hold down the piano pedal, bang a couple (maybe three) chord clusters on the piano with your hands and someone can tell you every note from bass to treble in the chord cluster without even thinking about it. It's equivalent to color perception to them. (no i'm not talking about synethsesia :p just making a comparison)
this is the song brian eno has been trying to make for 50 years
simplicity is key
helps a lot thank you....and b is blue for sure,G is green C is white,F is yellow...thats what I see on the subject of synthesia .
The ringing sound sounds like what I hear when I sneeze too loud 😭😂
I have yet to comment, but I've been doin this almost every day for quite a while. Thanks for the video!
I know it a just what I want to hear, but it does sound a but like “This is a shark.....”
Music is the key component to "changing how money works". Developing the ability to "hear colors" is directly related to the plan of evolutionary "DNA". Through meditation, one can "re-write" their DNA; UNLOCKING the potential for there to be more light in the world. Just imagine a world where everyone, through evolution, could experience The totality of living a colorfully loving life. It's all about the music. We are not in the 30's anymore. It's time to re-teach the secrets of the Talmud, i.e. sacred geometry, and 432 Hz tuning. Lol :) this is the Devine plan, and I'm humbly gracious to serve such an elegant part in this process. I need your help. You know who you are. To those that have an ear to hear, let them hear. Thank you. Much love. :)
I downloaded a vocal pitch monitor and when it told me to sing the note I did exactly that paused the video stopped tried to sing the note again and it was perfect it was exactly on the note and did this for all of them, and then I told my friend to play any key on my keyboard and he did this for every note in random order and I guessed them all correct.
All this talk (whining?) about colour is entertaining. For me, PP/AP came naturally and effortlessly; I listened to the notes a few times, learned what they were labelled, and I was done. I realize this is a rare gift. It's interesting to use colour-coding to the pitches, but it seems like everyone perceives colours slightly differently in relationship with sound, so perhaps colour-coding is not the most lucrative form of association; However, on an individual basis, I can see it's usefulness.
I only know G instantly because of turning my ukulele by ear 😂
PlainIguana same haha, and because of my chemical romance
I think this could help a lot... all u need to do is hum the notes... singing might be better so that you can change the pitch within the note... might be nice to have a recording of a person singing the notes or humming like I said.
I’m scared. Is it just me but it’s my first time watching this and about halfway through the video i could sing the notes before it was played
That's a good thing!
Listen I know I'm gonna get hate for this, but you cant form perfect pitch you can only develop it as a baby like a language. Mozart and Beethoven could probably tell you what this guy can but neither of them had perfect pitch. You can teach yourself every every note on the piano any be able to recognize it, but it won't be instant. Someone with perfect pitch can instantly recognize any note on the piano. Anyway sorry for writing an article in the comments of a YT video and if you are still reading you deserve an award so anyways there's my opinion.
Baby’s develop perfect pitch if they are surrounded by complex music
Just like they develop language
But you can get your relative pitch so good to where it’s almost as good as perfect pitch
But you can’t get perfect pitch
egzactlly proves my point
@@slightlyinsaneartisticmeme5875 but relative pitch like that would take a lifetime.
0:08 this is C
0:43 this is G
1:18 this is E
1:58 this is F
2:32 this is D
3:03 this is A
3:33 this is B
4:10 this is F# Gb
4:39 this is C# Db
5:15 this is G# Ab
5:45 this is D# Eb
6:21 this is A# Bb
As a guitar player trying to learn how to sing - this is a great simple tool - just let them know to try and sing (say) anything they want and keep referring to C and it will speeed it uuuuuuuuuuup :) Thanks - all in cccccccc :)
I think it'd be helpful to include tones from more than one instrument on here.
Thank you for this training video. It helps me with tuning my flute and recognizing the perfect pitch for playing in tune.
great to tune your voice to :)
Thank you for all your help today love all u teaching it help me are lot.blessing
instructions unclear, i now can see music
That said, (for the benefit of victims who might mistakenly believe this has anything at all to do with developing your ear), it's a handy video to have on hand for tuning guitars properly to tempered tuning.
this sounds like sleep paralysis
For my own personal use. (feel free to use it)
0:09 this is C
0:43 this is G
1:18 this is E
1:58 this is F
2:32 this is D
3:02 this is A
3:33 this is B
4:09 this is F#
4:38 this is C#
5:15 this is G#
5:45 this is D#
6:22 this is A#