Take the child away wtf how are people actually saying thats not the answer. SHE COULD HAVE STABBED A 1 YEAR OLD. she isn't fit to be a mother. She should get medical help and get better then see if she's able to have her child, but for now, she shouldn't be anywhere near him.
The comments i see are ridiculous saying "oh the baby shouldnt be away from his mom"... did you forget she tried stabbing him? Shes not well...she isnt even responsible enough to take her treatment!!
You can have a mental disorder and be a good mom. That's not what she's saying. But the girl in this video didn't bother to take responsibility, take her medications or get help. If you do take responsibility and make the best out of it so that you can take care of your child, then that's fantastic. Not everyone with a mental disorder is a bad parent. It depends whether that person cares enough to do the best out of it.
Dianne Bautista kkkumkkumkk Ji kukukukumuumukkuukku uukukukmumukmu JMJ luk muuku km mi JMJ Ku ukuuu la información uuu kimex muuuuumkkuku ukmkmummumkuumuuuumuuumumukuumumuumuumuumu y me muuukuumuumuuuukuuukuuuuuuuu7uujuuumk km umuukkkuukuukum km kmuuuukukukkkumuuk km muum la uuuukuuukuukuukkumuumu Yuiuuuukuuuuukukuukuumuuumku uuuu uukuumuuuuummuuu kkkumkkumkk kkuuk uk uu kuumuuku ukuuu kuuumkuuuuuuumumukumuukuuuuuukuuumumuuuukuuuumuuuuku y km mumuuukuukuumuu uuuuuk ukuuu muuukuuuk kmuu uukuumuuuuummuuuuukukkm kmuu uukuumuuuuummuuuuukukkmukuuuu Mmu muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk Ku uuuukuuukuukuukkumuumuuuk km Ku ukuuuu uuuuuu kkuuk k km k uuuukuuukuukuukkumuummk uuu uu u7ukumuuu7kuu un uuuu mumuuukuukuumuu uuuuuu kkuuk uukuuuum7kuu kkkumkkumkk uukukuuukuuuuukuukkuumkuuuuuukuuuuuukumuuuuuu uuumuuuuu Ku muuu kuukkuuuuuu kkuuk uu Ku ukuumuuuuuu uuuumuk km kmuu uk kuumuukuuuuu Ku m Kuu KUkumuuk uum km mu kmuuuuumuukumuuumu uuuuuk muuuuumuumkuuuuuuukujumuukuuukmukuuuuuuuuukuuuuuuuuuuuumuuuu uuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu km ukukkuu kmuuuuumuukumuuumuuu7kukuuukuuuuuuuuukukumuuu kmuuuuumuukumuuumu muy muuumu uuuuuuuukuuu kkuuk Ku kuuuuuuuuuuu7uuk7kuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu7uuuuu7kukuuuuuuuku km uuu uu mu uuu uukuumuuuuummuuu uuuuuu kkuuuu7u Kuuuuuuúumuuu uuuuu kuukkuuuuuuu7uuuuuu uuu uu kuukkkuuu7u777u7u7uukukkukuuuu y uuu umkmuuu Ku uuuuuuk Kuu uuukuuu7uk7 uukuuuukuuuuuumuuuuuuuk kuukkuuuumuuuuu kuumuukuuuuu uuuu7uuuu kuukm Kuuuuuuu kuukm Kuuuuu7uukuuuuuu kuuuku uuuku7 Ku jkukmumuk ku kuukkuuuumuuuuu7 uu7uuu kkuuk kuukkuuuumuuu muyukuk Kuu u7uuuuuu777 kuukm u kkuuk Ku kuuuku kuuu uukukukmumukmu u u uumuukuuu7uukkuuu u7 Kuu u uuuuuumuuu kluukuuu u k uk kiuuuuuuu km Ku uu Kk uuuuuuuukuuu uukuu 7u7 Ku kuuumkuuuuuuumumukumuukuuuuuukuuumumuuuukuuuumuuuuku u uuuuuumuuk u uuuu Ku kuuuku mu Kuu mu u kkuuk uuu7ku ukuuu u kuu Ku u kuukkuuuu7uku Ku7u Kuu kuuu uu Kuuu uuuuuu Kukuuu y kmuuuuumuukumuuumu umuuuuuuu Kukuuu Kuuuu Ku ukuumuuuuuú kuuukk u k me Kukuuu k Kukuuu Kukuuu mu uuku7 Kuu kuumu KUkumuuk u kuukm k Kukuuu kukukukuuu uku7uu uumuk uuu uuukumk7 u kkuuuu kuukm kkuuk Ku u kkuu
@@servicedogsadie4780 it doesn't dear. I have severe depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, I get full blast anxiety and panic attacks sense my mom passed away 9 years ago. I'm a mother of 5 children. Ages 7, 16, 17, 18 and 22 and I have never in my life mistreated my children because of my mental health. God forbid someone disrespect anyone of my children. You best believe I'll be in jail for murder PERIOD!!! NO QUESTIONS ASKED. She is using her mental health as an excuse and that's fkn sad. Smh
If someone told a doctor or psychiatrist they were going to kill themselves they would have been sent someone where they aren't a harm to themselves or others.....
Sagatha Gonzalez Bipolar people that do not take their treatmemt properly says that kind of stuff all the time it is very vey sad but it cames a time when you just stop beliving in what they are saying. I used to date a guy with this disorder and he always said to me things like "if you dont bring me a beer from the store I will seriously kill myself" crying like this girl
@@anainesgonzalez8868 Yeah, my boyfriend of almost 2 years is bipolar but he's medicated. It used to be way worse than it is now and he was really suspicious and on edge constantly, and self-harmed, was suicidal, and threatened to hurt himself and commit suicide often.
@Sagatha Gonzalez I suffer from manic bipolar disorder but the worse thing for me was going to a place like a mental hospital. My episodes would come and go large things wouldn’t effect me but stupid things would. The worse thing was nobody understanding and people still don’t. I’m proud of my disorder because I wouldn’t be me without it. Educating people about my disorder is what I do. I wish they would have gotten help for her and focused on it. But custody was what they came for. As a person who lives with illness every day of their lives it’s hard to say that you need help. I’m 16 and have known since I was 7. I’ve been dragged through the mud in life but the good thing is my personality over comes my illness. I grew up in a great home who understood that they would never understand what I was going but was there by my side every step of the way. When I’m manic I don’t feel like I’m me. I’m on meds and if they had extended a hand in helping her maybe she would be okay. I just live each day with nobody understanding that I’m not a statistic. I’m not the 80% of mentally ill who can’t get a job. I don’t want a relationship because I’m focusing on education and my job. I will be a great person someday and I wish someone had given this young girl hope instead of statistics.
Alysia B. That was my thought as well, I mean as they said the daughter didn’t work, so it’s not like the mother was “scheduled” to watch the baby because the daughter was working or had plans and at the last minute the mother got called in and had to tell the girl she couldn’t watch the baby after all, instead it seems like the mom was raising her grandchild and her child, and the daughter actually had to step up once to watch her own kid and it pushed her over the edge. Between that and her trying trying to manipulate the judge with “if you take my baby I’ll kill myself,” I already know how this is ending, although I haven’t finished it yet. I mean it proves her mother’s case, that she is unstable & manipulative, thus she made the judge’s decision very easy, I mean before she made that threat things didn’t look good for her, but her case wasn’t damaged beyond repair, but that one comment destroyed any hope she had of winning. It really make me wonder who the aggressor was with her step father, and while he’d still be guilty, as she was underage, if she was the aggressor in that situation I think a 25 year sentence is a bit out of line, I mean if she was 6, or even 12, I’d be all for burying him under the prison, but 25 years because she was 18 months or so under the age of consent seems a bit heavy handed.
Imagino el nivel de control emocional psicologico que debe de tener la dra para enfrentar esas situaciones mis respetos, sean o no actuados muestra como debemos de adoptar nuestro comportamiento ante cualquier situacion de nuestras vidas.
Soy una persona con bipolaridad y primero dejo de comer antes de dejar el medicamento, tengo un Hijo y lo he criado, educado y ahora es un profesional exitoso. La chica está perdida totalmente,sino se médica para a terminar muy mal. Buena la desición de la Dra y ojalá la señora no meta a la casa anuncio novio que le viole el nieto.
Exacto, tengo un amigo que tiene bipolaridad y se medica, cuando le bajan la dosis al mínimo puede tener “episodios” porque él trabaja en un sitio de mucho estrés donde nos tratan a veces como esclavos, y cuando se le junta el estrés y la medicación baja le dan brotes... el tuvo una bebe cuando tenía 18 años y la novia 16, se emanciparon a esa edad, hoy en día la nena tiene 12 años y es linda, educada, lista, un amor de niña, así que tomando la medicación y cuidándose se puede llevar una vida “normal”
Nunca he conocido a nadie con una condicion asi de cerca pero igual felicidadez a los que la padecen y llevan al pie de la letra sua medicamentos no ha de ser facil pero si se puede por el bien de toda la sociedad y mas de la familia cercana.
No todos los bipolares aun medicados son como tu dices.. tuve un novio bipolar manico depresivo que se medicaba y de vez en cuando tenia episodios y desaparecia... no tomen el koolaid!
la bipolaridad no es el problema aquí, el problema es que ella no toma sus medicamentos y hace lo que quiere. lo mejor es que el niño no este con la madre.
Muy cierto Miin el problema no es la bipolaridad el problemas es que ella quiere controlar el mundo con esta enfermedad ella no toma sus medicamento por que ella sabe que es la única manera que puede controlar todo a su alrededor
Soy solo depresiva LEVE, por efectos secundarios tan desagradables no es posible medicarse y CERO de ganas de estirar la mano para tomar la medicina (por semanas no tengo ganas de bañarme, lo hago para no dar asco a mi hija y lo logro por no ser depresiva profunda NI BIPOLAR). solo quienes padecen esos TRASTORNOS (no son enfermedades) comprenden. La Dra, Polo decidió lo correcto para el niño pero esa chica vive un infierno. Debo comentarte que una amiga depresiva PROFUNDA se suicido de un balazo por ya no funcionar ni con medicamento. También porque miro su futuro. SU MADRE DESPUES DE DOS AÑOS CATATONICA murió. Son temas muy serios Min
Excelente lección qué dio la doctora Polo, esperamos que las mamás y papas lo hayan captado. Así se enfrenta a los hijos. Para no caer en sus amenazas y dejarlos salirse con la suya.
to be honest everyone in the room was kind of all going against laura and it sort of felt offending because people were laughing and teasing, including Dr.Polo but i agree with the decision of the case, they could've just handled it differently.
"Mi mamá nunca me quiso realmente" "Ella nunca estuvo ahí para mí" Literalmente le creyó ciegamente y mandó a su pareja a la cárcel, cosa que no todas hacen, y se hizo cargo de ella siempre y hasta de su nieto, ¿de qué demonios está hablando?.
La Dr tiene razón, personas con esos trastornos no pueden sostener una relación formar a lo largo del tiempo, seguramente si hay casos donde si lo logran, pero la mayoría tiene dificultades. Es muy triste 😢
This was actually very stigmatizing. She obviously needs a court order to take her medication, but they made fun of her. It was disgusting to watch tbh.
exactly my thoughts. She's clearly sick, was raped by her stepdad, and on top of that, her mom is telling her she can go ahead and kill herself (knowing she's sick)... sad case here. I hope she gets the help she needs
Queen Rose I think what she meant by that is people who struggle with mental illnesses such as bipolar struggle with stable relationships in general. Some people with mental illnesses do struggle with their identity more than people who don’t. Mental illnesses are no joke. I myself struggle with bipolar, bisexual, and with a man for six years now. It’s harder for people with mental illnesses to deal with being in relationships. But, it’s not impossible. There are many people who struggle with some sort of illness and take medication and we don’t know it. That’s because they don’t feel comfortable talking about it. I’m lucky that my man is fully supportive of me. He encouraged me to get help. I work, take medication, and just do my best. Do I have horrible periods everyday at times? Yes I do. Have I felt urges to self harm? Yes. But I think of the outcomes that come along with it, which is what stops me from doing so. Bipolar is also similar to another illnesses called Borderline Personality Disorder. But it’s much more severe. I also have this illness. People with BPD fear abandonment, struggle with being in relationships of all kinds, not just romantically, but friendship wise and family wise. They have explosive episodes, but don’t go through manic states one week and depressive states the next week like bipolar does. BPD is more focused on more explosive episodes of anger, sadness, fear of abandonment, constant feelings of by those whom they are close to, constant feelings of shame and guilt, low self esteem, etc. These episodes tend to be short lived. This is how it is with me. Many people with BPD also have Bipolar. Bipolar is more focused on extreme highs and lows in moods. BPD is also not recognized as much as Bipolar is. These are things I’ve learned. Sorry I’m writing so much. This just hit home for me.
Belle Crista I understand. i dont have bipolar but i do struggle with extreme anxiety.. i just dont understand how being bisexual is related to being bipolar. thank you for replying
@@queenrose6291 ik I'm responding to a year old comment, but when a bi polar person experices manic episodes they feel like they can conquer the world and nothing can stop them. Because of this, some bi polar people become way more outgoing cause they just wanna do do do. This leads to things like thrill seeking, partying, drugs and sex. Mixing manic episodes while being fucked up on tons of drugs, having sex sounds like a good idea at that time, and when that time comes the sex of the person might not even cross their mind.
Barbara khalifa Claro jjj cual quier se rie . Como una persona se queda con una locita como esa que tiene un descuido de su salud mental y no se preocupa de su hijo? Que trageria coño
How is being bisexual a symptom of bipolar? It’s not having “their sexuality out of control” it’s one thing to act they way she does going off with different guys and such but dating men and women shouldn’t be used as an example of her illness. I’m not on her side at all I just wanted to make this point.
@@makaylawaters2568 I believe they just meant that she was moving from partner to partner really quickly. A lot of things such as tone are lost in translation, sadly. Also, the judge is a proud lesbian/bisexual (she has a wife). Not saying there aren't some lesbians that are opposed to bisexual people, but she has covered other cases where people are bisexual and she has never held it against them. Please don't take this comment as me attacking anybody! I just wanted to add this since I'm a native speaker so I have a bit more insight than someone who doesn't fluently speak Spanish does
Las personas que dicen quitarse la vida no lo dicen los asen si que nadien lo sepa muchas gracias Doctora polo por ser tan justa y tan Umana cazo serrado es mi programa faborito lo veo todos los dias ❤😂🎉😅🎉🎉c
Honestly, i hope the grandma doesn't stay in the home for the last 30 days, or at least have someone to protect her. There could be a chance that girl will snap on her
I just love how they generalize all bipolar people. My sexuality isn’t all over the place, I take my meds, don’t drink /do drugs, go to uni, work. Also, mania isn’t fun. It’s scary af and you ruin everything you’ve ever cared for in your life. So yeah, please don’t think all people with bipolar disorder are completely lunatic. Also, all the laughing was incredibly disrespectful. You wouldn’t laugh at someone who’s diabetic right?
Rosanne THANK YOU. I enjoy these shows but this one offended tf out of me. Also they should have explained Type I vs Type II, and how individuals react differently to mania because its not the same for everyone. Generalizing doesn’t help and I have yet to meet another bipolar like me that LIKES mania. Almost everyone i know agrees that its terrifying sometimes. My anxiety skyrockets and I develop paranoid psychosis
If she’s holding a knife a responsible mother or even person would have the basic common sense to not wave a knife around like that. It could possible slip from her hand and fatally injure that small child easily.
I dont usually comment on videoes or reply to any comments on it either but your comment is the only one different from the rest and I tried to read everything down below hahaha. But in my opinion, someone bipolar and that angry at a baby less than 12months who is just crawling around could be harmful, I would say she was inexperienced with the situation because usually you would give something to entertain the baby for a while before continuing to cook lke a toy or a rocking chair or tv and so on. Looking ahead the child could not be supported by two young girls, one with her mental condition and another who is incompetent at her workplace. I do believe you are right that she needs help from people around her but I think her mother isnt the best person for that. She has blocked out anything good her mother did for her by how old she is now. Her mum did take care of her and gave her medicine and she did send her husband to prison once knowing about the rape and pregnancy. The judge did give her time to change and sort herself out, she has her girlfriend who supposedly puts her in a happy place and its best she is away from her mum because she isnt accepting the help and is already stuck in the mindset her mum is evil, doesnt look out for her and is the cause of her fathers suicide. If she needs to get help then best with someone she can accept help from and her own choice to accept it. Things could also have been different if she had already realized her situation and pleaded with the judge that she would change and given time to take her medications she could be fit to be a mother but no, she wants to mother in her state of mind and if thats her reaction to taking care of the baby for a bit while her mum went out then it could be worse and the baby's welfare was the main priority of the case.
Hm apparently someone who's diagnosed with bipolar disorder can harm anyone at any giving time, especially if they are not under medication. Now in this case she's obviously screaming at her child holding a knife cause she's "cooking" but so much depression and anxiety she's not going to think at the moment and she's going to react viciously and stab the child. Under depression and anxiety and whatever she got they don't think in the moment. So in my opinion your comment was base of ignorance and immaturity...
I have a son. I have a partner whom I will be marrying next month. It wasn't hard for me to date several men and them knowing I had a son. (nobody ever met him, as I was picky).. It's all on the man's willingness to become a father figure to a child or not. I don't agree with you at all.
Because not a lot of men want to fuck your son..Theres a handful of them out there I'm sure. But I would NEVER,I REPEAT NEVER, get into a relationship with someone if I have a child with another person. You open your child up to all kinds of sexual abuse. There arent many men out there that wouldnt (given the chance) fuck your kid. It doesnt matter the age. A 9 month old was raped in ohio recently by her mother boyfriend, she died from internal bleeding. Whenever a child is the victim of sexual abuse, or abuse of any kind, its always the parents fault.
"mañana lo vas a ver en el periodico" ja😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅buena respuesta dra Polo.asi se yrata a los wue amenazan las autoridades.."sommayots de edad y haga lo que les de ñla gana de sus vidas " miy bie..viva LA POLO
I am bipolar/depression and anxiety. It is hard. Because what they said is true, the medication slows me down. It makes me sleepy all the time and I hated it. I would stop taking to be able to get things done. My house was always a mess but when I went off the meds my house was clean. But I was constantly irritated. My daughter or husband would annoy me easily. And I would be mad. I spoke to my psychiatrist and told her I didn’t want to become a bad mom and wife. I didn’t wanna be mad all the time. And cry sometimes. Cause I would be crying a lot. It was a bunch of trials with my medications until we finally found a set that is good. I’ve been on them and it’s been great so far. I hope this girl gets help as well and find the medication that works for her.
The girlfriend *I have a job and I know she's bi polar but she's so sweet with me* Girlfriends sister comes out "YEAH! everything is a lie and she only has a job because I'm the owner and they fight a lot " The look on Laura's face when her sister calls her out...PRICELESS🤣
Pobres niños, como me duele oir llorar a cualquier criatura! que salvajes son algunas personas, que estan enfermas y no ponen remedio ni acepta ayuda de nadie ! Que barbaridad 😢
lamentablemente pero muchas veces es así y a la familia también se les va la vida tratando de acompañar al enfermo si son mayores de edad es su decisión te dicen y uno con las manos atadas
Es triste esa enfermedad , pero no le da derecho de poner miedo a la Dra. Polo , Dios que le ilumine a esa muchacha y que ojalá encuentre su felicidad junto a su pareja.
When the girlfriends sister put them on blast ...I was dead... deceased 👾Lord forgive me because im bipolar and so is my son but this girl needs some intense therapy
jajajaja minuto 12:50 ...morí con la reacción del hombre y la joven cuando escuchan la declaración de la testigo jajajajaa "y soy la novia " jajajajajajaa
Yo tengo bipolaridad y con el medicamento q me mandaron cuando me.lo descubrieron ahora estoy súper bien ,si hay momento q puede volverte algunos episodios pero mseguir con el tratamiento te facilita más la vida
me encanto muy bien resumido la bipolaridad quedo muy claro por parte de ana maria polo y es una condicion que crece cada dia mas y mas yo lo noto muchicimo es tal cual dijo ana maria los sintomas
Finally the plaintiff won and got full custody of her grandson. This way her daughter can either improve her atitude when it comes to talking to another person, a judge, a medical doctor, etcétera, etcétera, etcétera. Mar 9, 2020 @ 10:30 am.
Deseo de todo corazón que hoy día seas una persona rehabilitada y tu madre te permita ver a tu niño con frecuencia porque eso seguro te animará más en la vida 😘
Not all women that are bipolar are bad mom's. My daughter is bipolar and suffers from PTSD do to her ex beating her. She is a wonderful mom. She puts her son's needs before everything else and loves him so much. Oh btw He is autistic and she handles it and works with him the school and therapists. She is an awesome mom.
Tengo 51 años, me diagnosticaron bipolaridad a los 23. Mi vida no fue fácil pero con los años entendí que es esencial aprender a gestionar mis emociones. Aún tengo mucho por aprender pero... Voy por buen camino
What you're are saying is idiotic. She isn't okay in her head she's sick and is putting her son in danger she is an adult and needs to stop acting like a victim
Jimin's Jams The main problem with bipolar is they can lie and lie a lot. The lies can even change from one minute to another and they will still tell you they did not lie a minute ago even though everyone witnessed it. They never admit they were wrong even after doing very bad stuff. So I think this is why Ana did not seem to give much credit to the daughter and back up the mom strongly. She said she did study this disorder.
What's there to explain she tried stabbing the 1 year well was threatening to do it then when they say her mom is staying with her child she says she is going to kill herself that's not normal she's not okay mentally and a child should not be with this type of person unless they take their medication and learns to have it under control and not have these breakdowns
I think the baby should definitely be taken away from her but allow supervised visitations. She needs a lot of help and support! You can see how she’s in pain, and she doesn’t know how to deal with her illness. And the way she cried when she said that her mom never loved her, it’s possible her mom was cold sometimes because she doesn’t understand her illness, makes her feel bad about herself, and it’s possible the girl felt unloved and as a burden. I’m not saying this true but it’s a possibility. Also la doctora Polo medio sinica y grosera en este episodio.
Arlene se nota que no quiere a su hija porque le dijo mátate mátate, es muy triste lo que le pasó a Laura porque sufrió abuso sexual por parte del padrastro, pero el niño no tiene la culpa, Laura nunca debió amenazar al bebé con un cuchillo, además faltaba el detective Peñate o el mayor Fuentes para que se llevaran a Laura a la cárcel porque Laura cometió un crimen de intento de homicidio, solo en esa parte la cagaste Polo. Tenías que meterla a prisión.
Take the child away wtf how are people actually saying thats not the answer. SHE COULD HAVE STABBED A 1 YEAR OLD. she isn't fit to be a mother. She should get medical help and get better then see if she's able to have her child, but for now, she shouldn't be anywhere near him.
Heyyy Armyyy (`^ω^´)”
lol I thought I was the only army watching this
Danielle Douglas
me too
lmao glad i found other armys😂
@@amber-bp3sr yessss
their faces when the people find out she gay
I was dying
@Andy Blade
Oh mah gawd
U just spoiled everything
Lmao 🤣🤦♀️
Gee thanks for the spoiler
Thanks for the spoiler
thanks for the spoiler 🤦🏻♀️
@@eluvzk0518 y'all needa stay your asses above the comments 😭😂 I was scrolling thru and got the spoiler too.
man that security guard is hot
Ricky Clark are u gay?
arronkiller90 watts no I'm a girl it's just because of my name
Ricky Clark well dang he is
Eunice Lopez I have to explain to people that I'm not a dude it's just because of my name
Ricky Clark ummmm alright
Omg the reaction of the people in the back at 12:50 😭😂
ellie and mommy lol
I just noticed 😂😂😂
:o 🤣🤣🤣
Brianna Douglass they said “TEAAA” LMFAO
I’m using this show to help me learn Spanish and the people on it are WILD LMFAO
me too im here to learn spanish haha
@@ronaldmuldan4904 lol same
Omg same
Try to say what the judge says I get my Spanish comebacks like that.
The comments i see are ridiculous saying "oh the baby shouldnt be away from his mom"... did you forget she tried stabbing him? Shes not well...she isnt even responsible enough to take her treatment!!
Stephanie Aspiro I KNOW RIGHT!!!
I agree.
Stephanie Aspiro YES IKR
Stephanie Aspiro ITS ACTING U. IDIOT
The girlfriend: “I have a job at a hair salon” 💇🏽♀️
The sister: “Imma end this whole girls career”🧍🏽♀️
@@curcurnuts2350 8
sister: bam boom pong
These are the first people I’ve seen actually drinking the water
Jenna McPearson facts
I thought it was only me thinking that lmaooo
So happy her mother won
Got custody of her son.
Time 4:06PM Fri 3/20/20
Jenna McPearson facts 😂
why do yall fel bad for her , she has that baby on the floor crying . She dont need a baby
Asian Sniperz I know! even if she has a mental disorder that's no excuse for her to go get help. Or just hold the baby or something!
I Have a mental disorder. Does that make me a horrible future mom? Oh! i guess so!
You can have a mental disorder and be a good mom. That's not what she's saying. But the girl in this video didn't bother to take responsibility, take her medications or get help. If you do take responsibility and make the best out of it so that you can take care of your child, then that's fantastic. Not everyone with a mental disorder is a bad parent. It depends whether that person cares enough to do the best out of it.
Dianne Bautista kkkumkkumkk Ji kukukukumuumukkuukku uukukukmumukmu JMJ luk muuku km mi JMJ Ku ukuuu la información uuu kimex muuuuumkkuku ukmkmummumkuumuuuumuuumumukuumumuumuumuumu y me muuukuumuumuuuukuuukuuuuuuuu7uujuuumk km umuukkkuukuukum km kmuuuukukukkkumuuk km muum la uuuukuuukuukuukkumuumu Yuiuuuukuuuuukukuukuumuuumku uuuu uukuumuuuuummuuu kkkumkkumkk kkuuk uk uu kuumuuku ukuuu kuuumkuuuuuuumumukumuukuuuuuukuuumumuuuukuuuumuuuuku y km mumuuukuukuumuu uuuuuk ukuuu muuukuuuk kmuu uukuumuuuuummuuuuukukkm kmuu uukuumuuuuummuuuuukukkmukuuuu Mmu muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk Ku uuuukuuukuukuukkumuumuuuk km Ku ukuuuu uuuuuu kkuuk k km k uuuukuuukuukuukkumuummk uuu uu u7ukumuuu7kuu un uuuu mumuuukuukuumuu uuuuuu kkuuk uukuuuum7kuu kkkumkkumkk uukukuuukuuuuukuukkuumkuuuuuukuuuuuukumuuuuuu uuumuuuuu Ku muuu kuukkuuuuuu kkuuk uu Ku ukuumuuuuuu uuuumuk km kmuu uk kuumuukuuuuu Ku m Kuu KUkumuuk uum km mu kmuuuuumuukumuuumu uuuuuk muuuuumuumkuuuuuuukujumuukuuukmukuuuuuuuuukuuuuuuuuuuuumuuuu uuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu km ukukkuu kmuuuuumuukumuuumuuu7kukuuukuuuuuuuuukukumuuu kmuuuuumuukumuuumu muy muuumu uuuuuuuukuuu kkuuk Ku kuuuuuuuuuuu7uuk7kuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu7uuuuu7kukuuuuuuuku km uuu uu mu uuu uukuumuuuuummuuu uuuuuu kkuuuu7u Kuuuuuuúumuuu uuuuu kuukkuuuuuuu7uuuuuu uuu uu kuukkkuuu7u777u7u7uukukkukuuuu y uuu umkmuuu Ku uuuuuuk Kuu uuukuuu7uk7 uukuuuukuuuuuumuuuuuuuk kuukkuuuumuuuuu kuumuukuuuuu uuuu7uuuu kuukm Kuuuuuuu kuukm Kuuuuu7uukuuuuuu kuuuku uuuku7 Ku jkukmumuk ku kuukkuuuumuuuuu7 uu7uuu kkuuk kuukkuuuumuuu muyukuk Kuu u7uuuuuu777 kuukm u kkuuk Ku kuuuku kuuu uukukukmumukmu u u uumuukuuu7uukkuuu u7 Kuu u uuuuuumuuu kluukuuu u k uk kiuuuuuuu km Ku uu Kk uuuuuuuukuuu uukuu 7u7 Ku kuuumkuuuuuuumumukumuukuuuuuukuuumumuuuukuuuumuuuuku u uuuuuumuuk u uuuu Ku kuuuku mu Kuu mu u kkuuk uuu7ku ukuuu u kuu Ku u kuukkuuuu7uku Ku7u Kuu kuuu uu Kuuu uuuuuu Kukuuu y kmuuuuumuukumuuumu umuuuuuuu Kukuuu Kuuuu Ku ukuumuuuuuú kuuukk u k me Kukuuu k Kukuuu Kukuuu mu uuku7 Kuu kuumu KUkumuuk u kuukm k Kukuuu kukukukuuu uku7uu uumuk uuu uuukumk7 u kkuuuu kuukm kkuuk Ku u kkuu
@@servicedogsadie4780 it doesn't dear. I have severe depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, I get full blast anxiety and panic attacks sense my mom passed away 9 years ago. I'm a mother of 5 children. Ages 7, 16, 17, 18 and 22 and I have never in my life mistreated my children because of my mental health. God forbid someone disrespect anyone of my children. You best believe I'll be in jail for murder PERIOD!!! NO QUESTIONS ASKED. She is using her mental health as an excuse and that's fkn sad. Smh
If someone told a doctor or psychiatrist they were going to kill themselves they would have been sent someone where they aren't a harm to themselves or others.....
Sagatha Gonzalez Bipolar people that do not take their treatmemt properly says that kind of stuff all the time it is very vey sad but it cames a time when you just stop beliving in what they are saying. I used to date a guy with this disorder and he always said to me things like "if you dont bring me a beer from the store I will seriously kill myself" crying like this girl
@@anainesgonzalez8868 Yeah, my boyfriend of almost 2 years is bipolar but he's medicated. It used to be way worse than it is now and he was really suspicious and on edge constantly, and self-harmed, was suicidal, and threatened to hurt himself and commit suicide often.
Most people with this, and many other, disorder(s) say stuff like that but never really do it. They just try to make you do something they want.
@Sagatha Gonzalez I suffer from manic bipolar disorder but the worse thing for me was going to a place like a mental hospital. My episodes would come and go large things wouldn’t effect me but stupid things would. The worse thing was nobody understanding and people still don’t. I’m proud of my disorder because I wouldn’t be me without it. Educating people about my disorder is what I do. I wish they would have gotten help for her and focused on it. But custody was what they came for. As a person who lives with illness every day of their lives it’s hard to say that you need help. I’m 16 and have known since I was 7. I’ve been dragged through the mud in life but the good thing is my personality over comes my illness. I grew up in a great home who understood that they would never understand what I was going but was there by my side every step of the way. When I’m manic I don’t feel like I’m me. I’m on meds and if they had extended a hand in helping her maybe she would be okay. I just live each day with nobody understanding that I’m not a statistic. I’m not the 80% of mentally ill who can’t get a job. I don’t want a relationship because I’m focusing on education and my job. I will be a great person someday and I wish someone had given this young girl hope instead of statistics.
she’s 18 tho it’s different since she’s an adult now and also manipulation is part of the effects when not taken the medication
When it comes to a point where you have to ask the mother to babysit her own child, you aint the mother. Point blank.
Alysia B. unless it’s like ur mom needs to watch it while you work you get me like for ppl working two or three jobs
Sophia you right but she’s still raising that baby so grandma becomes mom unfortunately
Alysia B. That was my thought as well, I mean as they said the daughter didn’t work, so it’s not like the mother was “scheduled” to watch the baby because the daughter was working or had plans and at the last minute the mother got called in and had to tell the girl she couldn’t watch the baby after all, instead it seems like the mom was raising her grandchild and her child, and the daughter actually had to step up once to watch her own kid and it pushed her over the edge.
Between that and her trying trying to manipulate the judge with “if you take my baby I’ll kill myself,” I already know how this is ending, although I haven’t finished it yet. I mean it proves her mother’s case, that she is unstable & manipulative, thus she made the judge’s decision very easy, I mean before she made that threat things didn’t look good for her, but her case wasn’t damaged beyond repair, but that one comment destroyed any hope she had of winning.
It really make me wonder who the aggressor was with her step father, and while he’d still be guilty, as she was underage, if she was the aggressor in that situation I think a 25 year sentence is a bit out of line, I mean if she was 6, or even 12, I’d be all for burying him under the prison, but 25 years because she was 18 months or so under the age of consent seems a bit heavy handed.
Imagino el nivel de control emocional psicologico que debe de tener la dra para enfrentar esas situaciones mis respetos, sean o no actuados muestra como debemos de adoptar nuestro comportamiento ante cualquier situacion de nuestras vidas.
No pareció actuado👏👏👏
Excelente comentario.
Soy una persona con bipolaridad y primero dejo de comer antes de dejar el medicamento, tengo un Hijo y lo he criado, educado y ahora es un profesional exitoso.
La chica está perdida totalmente,sino se médica para a terminar muy mal.
Buena la desición de la Dra y ojalá la señora no meta a la casa anuncio novio que le viole el nieto.
@Yo misma callate anda
Exacto, tengo un amigo que tiene bipolaridad y se medica, cuando le bajan la dosis al mínimo puede tener “episodios” porque él trabaja en un sitio de mucho estrés donde nos tratan a veces como esclavos, y cuando se le junta el estrés y la medicación baja le dan brotes... el tuvo una bebe cuando tenía 18 años y la novia 16, se emanciparon a esa edad, hoy en día la nena tiene 12 años y es linda, educada, lista, un amor de niña, así que tomando la medicación y cuidándose se puede llevar una vida “normal”
Nunca he conocido a nadie con una condicion asi de cerca pero igual felicidadez a los que la padecen y llevan al pie de la letra sua medicamentos no ha de ser facil pero si se puede por el bien de toda la sociedad y mas de la familia cercana.
Te felicito.
No todos los bipolares aun medicados son como tu dices.. tuve un novio bipolar manico depresivo que se medicaba y de vez en cuando tenia episodios y desaparecia... no tomen el koolaid!
la bipolaridad no es el problema aquí, el problema es que ella no toma sus medicamentos y hace lo que quiere. lo mejor es que el niño no este con la madre.
Miin Chan si es cuestion de actitud
Miin Chan y que no tome sus pastillas es por culpa de la bipolaridad, porque si no tuviera bipolaridad, tomaria sus pastillas :v
Milai Chan , SE MAMÓ!!!
Muy cierto Miin el problema no es la bipolaridad el problemas es que ella quiere controlar el mundo con esta enfermedad ella no toma sus medicamento por que ella sabe que es la única manera que puede controlar todo a su alrededor
Soy solo depresiva LEVE, por efectos secundarios tan desagradables no es posible medicarse y CERO de ganas de estirar la mano para tomar la medicina (por semanas no tengo ganas de bañarme, lo hago para no dar asco a mi hija y lo logro por no ser depresiva profunda NI BIPOLAR). solo quienes padecen esos TRASTORNOS (no son enfermedades) comprenden. La Dra, Polo decidió lo correcto para el niño pero esa chica vive un infierno. Debo comentarte que una amiga depresiva PROFUNDA se suicido de un balazo por ya no funcionar ni con medicamento. También porque miro su futuro. SU MADRE DESPUES DE DOS AÑOS CATATONICA murió. Son temas muy serios Min
Excelente lección qué dio la doctora Polo, esperamos que las mamás y papas lo hayan captado. Así se enfrenta a los hijos. Para no caer en sus amenazas y dejarlos salirse con la suya.
to be honest everyone in the room was kind of all going against laura and it sort of felt offending because people were laughing and teasing, including Dr.Polo but i agree with the decision of the case, they could've just handled it differently.
"Mi mamá nunca me quiso realmente" "Ella nunca estuvo ahí para mí"
Literalmente le creyó ciegamente y mandó a su pareja a la cárcel, cosa que no todas hacen, y se hizo cargo de ella siempre y hasta de su nieto, ¿de qué demonios está hablando?.
Es una loca manipuladora
The judge is Savage af
Who else watches this mostly because of the security guard 😂😂😂
Robertooo 😍😍😍
He's engaged ATM. Que Lastima! LOL
@@soozieswrld thats a lucky lucky person 😍😢
He’s hot asf
😍😘😗😙😚 Roberto
La Dr tiene razón, personas con esos trastornos no pueden sostener una relación formar a lo largo del tiempo, seguramente si hay casos donde si lo logran, pero la mayoría tiene dificultades. Es muy triste 😢
Pobre bebe, Dios es grande y ojala salve a ese niño y bendiga a su abuela para que salgan adelante
I always love when you can tell she’s just done arguing and automatically goes “quien tiene testigos?” 😂
This was actually very stigmatizing. She obviously needs a court order to take her medication, but they made fun of her. It was disgusting to watch tbh.
Exactly this.
yes ,her mother is stupid too , i don't think she even can raise a child without problems
exactly my thoughts. She's clearly sick, was raped by her stepdad, and on top of that, her mom is telling her she can go ahead and kill herself (knowing she's sick)... sad case here. I hope she gets the help she needs
@@aliciac.5808 She doesn't want to get the help, like she doesn't take the medication
exatcly,i hope she gets help she needs
im bisexual and i love this judge.. but what does being bipolar have to do with being attracted to both genders??
Queen Rose I think what she meant by that is people who struggle with mental illnesses such as bipolar struggle with stable relationships in general. Some people with mental illnesses do struggle with their identity more than people who don’t. Mental illnesses are no joke. I myself struggle with bipolar, bisexual, and with a man for six years now. It’s harder for people with mental illnesses to deal with being in relationships. But, it’s not impossible. There are many people who struggle with some sort of illness and take medication and we don’t know it. That’s because they don’t feel comfortable talking about it. I’m lucky that my man is fully supportive of me. He encouraged me to get help. I work, take medication, and just do my best. Do I have horrible periods everyday at times? Yes I do. Have I felt urges to self harm? Yes. But I think of the outcomes that come along with it, which is what stops me from doing so.
Bipolar is also similar to another illnesses called Borderline Personality Disorder. But it’s much more severe. I also have this illness. People with BPD fear abandonment, struggle with being in relationships of all kinds, not just romantically, but friendship wise and family wise. They have explosive episodes, but don’t go through manic states one week and depressive states the next week like bipolar does. BPD is more focused on more explosive episodes of anger, sadness, fear of abandonment, constant feelings of by those whom they are close to, constant feelings of shame and guilt, low self esteem, etc. These episodes tend to be short lived. This is how it is with me. Many people with BPD also have Bipolar. Bipolar is more focused on extreme highs and lows in moods. BPD is also not recognized as much as Bipolar is. These are things I’ve learned. Sorry I’m writing so much. This just hit home for me.
Belle Crista I understand. i dont have bipolar but i do struggle with extreme anxiety.. i just dont understand how being bisexual is related to being bipolar.
thank you for replying
@@queenrose6291 ik I'm responding to a year old comment, but when a bi polar person experices manic episodes they feel like they can conquer the world and nothing can stop them. Because of this, some bi polar people become way more outgoing cause they just wanna do do do. This leads to things like thrill seeking, partying, drugs and sex. Mixing manic episodes while being fucked up on tons of drugs, having sex sounds like a good idea at that time, and when that time comes the sex of the person might not even cross their mind.
She didnt say that. She said that bipolar people are often more sexually active
Michele Crissy true
New favorite show since I've been learning Spanish for my boyfriend.
Woman: "Soy yo"
Subtitles: *Hi*
Me: WHAT?!?!?!
jajaja y la Doctora se burla de de la novia de la muchacha😂😂😂
Barbara khalifa Claro jjj cual quier se rie . Como una persona se queda con una locita como esa que tiene un descuido de su salud mental y no se preocupa de su hijo? Que trageria coño
GaTiChiKa claro que es un descuido esta muchacha ni si quiera se toma sus medicaciones . Estas ciega ?
@@MarjyGTV un descuido es algo involuntario y ésta chica no toma la medicación porque no le da la gana. Aquí no hay descuido
12:49 the two people behind her were shook when she said she was auras girlfriend lol😂
At 12:52 when she said "im Laura's girlfriend" the people in the back facial expressions had me weak
12:48 the audience in the back had me weak LMFAOOO
How is being bisexual a symptom of bipolar? It’s not having “their sexuality out of control” it’s one thing to act they way she does going off with different guys and such but dating men and women shouldn’t be used as an example of her illness. I’m not on her side at all I just wanted to make this point.
I thought the same. I’m a straight woman but I felt a little homophobia coming from the court room.
What they meant is the that in the bipolar disorder, they are very sexual, not about their sexuality
@@makaylawaters2568 I believe they just meant that she was moving from partner to partner really quickly. A lot of things such as tone are lost in translation, sadly. Also, the judge is a proud lesbian/bisexual (she has a wife). Not saying there aren't some lesbians that are opposed to bisexual people, but she has covered other cases where people are bisexual and she has never held it against them. Please don't take this comment as me attacking anybody! I just wanted to add this since I'm a native speaker so I have a bit more insight than someone who doesn't fluently speak Spanish does
Las personas que dicen quitarse la vida no lo dicen los asen si que nadien lo sepa muchas gracias Doctora polo por ser tan justa y tan Umana cazo serrado es mi programa faborito lo veo todos los dias ❤😂🎉😅🎉🎉c
Honestly, i hope the grandma doesn't stay in the home for the last 30 days, or at least have someone to protect her. There could be a chance that girl will snap on her
Y Excelente la opinión del abogado Ángel Leal!!!❤
Damn the judge handle the situation when she threatened to kill her self so well. Respect 👏🏻
Muy buena la opinión de la psicóloga!!!! ❤
This is my new favorite youtube channel
I just love how they generalize all bipolar people. My sexuality isn’t all over the place, I take my meds, don’t drink /do drugs, go to uni, work. Also, mania isn’t fun. It’s scary af and you ruin everything you’ve ever cared for in your life. So yeah, please don’t think all people with bipolar disorder are completely lunatic. Also, all the laughing was incredibly disrespectful. You wouldn’t laugh at someone who’s diabetic right?
Rosanne THANK YOU. I enjoy these shows but this one offended tf out of me.
Also they should have explained Type I vs Type II, and how individuals react differently to mania because its not the same for everyone. Generalizing doesn’t help and I have yet to meet another bipolar like me that LIKES mania. Almost everyone i know agrees that its terrifying sometimes. My anxiety skyrockets and I develop paranoid psychosis
I would laugh at someone who's diabetic
i’m proud of you💗
@@nicols7937 that’s so sweet, thank you 🥺🥰
It’s a spectrum!
Laura: te lo juro me voy a matar
Su mama: matate, matate, Laura! hahahhaa
Alguien supo si se mató????
@@blancaamaya3827 yo queria saber lo mismo...pero no lo creo
No creo...
No ,no sé mato
I love this show!! Almost better than Judge Judy!😊
She didn't try to stab the baby, as you can hear she said "Im cooking", apparently when you cook you use knife.
Mel Gh facts😂
If she’s holding a knife a responsible mother or even person would have the basic common sense to not wave a knife around like that. It could possible slip from her hand and fatally injure that small child easily.
In addition to what the others have said, she could lose control later on. She didn't try to stay the baby, you're right. Not yet, at least.
I dont usually comment on videoes or reply to any comments on it either but your comment is the only one different from the rest and I tried to read everything down below hahaha. But in my opinion, someone bipolar and that angry at a baby less than 12months who is just crawling around could be harmful, I would say she was inexperienced with the situation because usually you would give something to entertain the baby for a while before continuing to cook lke a toy or a rocking chair or tv and so on. Looking ahead the child could not be supported by two young girls, one with her mental condition and another who is incompetent at her workplace. I do believe you are right that she needs help from people around her but I think her mother isnt the best person for that. She has blocked out anything good her mother did for her by how old she is now. Her mum did take care of her and gave her medicine and she did send her husband to prison once knowing about the rape and pregnancy. The judge did give her time to change and sort herself out, she has her girlfriend who supposedly puts her in a happy place and its best she is away from her mum because she isnt accepting the help and is already stuck in the mindset her mum is evil, doesnt look out for her and is the cause of her fathers suicide. If she needs to get help then best with someone she can accept help from and her own choice to accept it. Things could also have been different if she had already realized her situation and pleaded with the judge that she would change and given time to take her medications she could be fit to be a mother but no, she wants to mother in her state of mind and if thats her reaction to taking care of the baby for a bit while her mum went out then it could be worse and the baby's welfare was the main priority of the case.
Hm apparently someone who's diagnosed with bipolar disorder can harm anyone at any giving time, especially if they are not under medication. Now in this case she's obviously screaming at her child holding a knife cause she's "cooking" but so much depression and anxiety she's not going to think at the moment and she's going to react viciously and stab the child. Under depression and anxiety and whatever she got they don't think in the moment. So in my opinion your comment was base of ignorance and immaturity...
A woman with sons is much more difficult to find a partner .... but with daughters ....well .....much easier.... Why is that ....?
I have a son. I have a partner whom I will be marrying next month. It wasn't hard for me to date several men and them knowing I had a son. (nobody ever met him, as I was picky).. It's all on the man's willingness to become a father figure to a child or not. I don't agree with you at all.
Ignez Maciel i swear bruh like wtf
Because not a lot of men want to fuck your son..Theres a handful of them out there I'm sure. But I would NEVER,I REPEAT NEVER, get into a relationship with someone if I have a child with another person. You open your child up to all kinds of sexual abuse. There arent many men out there that wouldnt (given the chance) fuck your kid. It doesnt matter the age. A 9 month old was raped in ohio recently by her mother boyfriend, she died from internal bleeding. Whenever a child is the victim of sexual abuse, or abuse of any kind, its always the parents fault.
"mañana lo vas a ver en el periodico" ja😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅buena respuesta dra Polo.asi se yrata a los wue amenazan las autoridades.."sommayots de edad y haga lo que les de ñla gana de sus vidas " miy bie..viva LA POLO
oml i love dr. madeline she explains everything so well
Gracias Doctor polo. Bien dicho.
Mrs. Polo is so shady, I love it!!!! lol
I am bipolar/depression and anxiety. It is hard. Because what they said is true, the medication slows me down. It makes me sleepy all the time and I hated it. I would stop taking to be able to get things done. My house was always a mess but when I went off the meds my house was clean. But I was constantly irritated. My daughter or husband would annoy me easily. And I would be mad. I spoke to my psychiatrist and told her I didn’t want to become a bad mom and wife. I didn’t wanna be mad all the time. And cry sometimes. Cause I would be crying a lot. It was a bunch of trials with my medications until we finally found a set that is good. I’ve been on them and it’s been great so far. I hope this girl gets help as well and find the medication that works for her.
That banana emoji feels disgusting, placed on this video.
Nah it makes it pop. Enjoy the Emojis you banana loving fuck 🍌
Esa muchacha no es fácil ojalá como siempre usted tome su decisión buena para ese beiby
The people's faces when they found out they were girlfriends 😂😂
Perfecto Dra Polo!!! ❤
The girlfriend *I have a job and I know she's bi polar but she's so sweet with me*
Girlfriends sister comes out "YEAH! everything is a lie and she only has a job because I'm the owner and they fight a lot "
The look on Laura's face when her sister calls her out...PRICELESS🤣
Me encanta la actitud de la Dr polo excelente profesional juez dios la bendiga Dr polo saludos desde Houston 6/17/24❤
omg...''tomorrow you'll be on the papers "" HAHAHAHAHAH I died at this moment
I'm on a binge watch
They should do follow ups
Pobres niños, como me duele oir llorar a cualquier criatura! que salvajes son algunas personas, que estan enfermas y no ponen remedio ni acepta ayuda de nadie ! Que barbaridad 😢
is this a official yt?? they posting eggplant emojis n shyt 😂😂😂
xI zChronic Ix it is
xI zChronic Ix you gotta stay relevant with them emojis
xI zChronic Ix lol
xI zChronic Ix lmffaoooo
Que pena que personas tan jovenes y enfermas se condenen a si mismas al negarse a seguir un tratamiento.
lamentablemente pero muchas veces es así y a la familia también se les va la vida tratando de acompañar al enfermo si son mayores de edad es su decisión te dicen y uno con las manos atadas
Fue tù cupa! XD Nice Spanish girl!
Es triste esa enfermedad , pero no le da derecho de poner miedo a la Dra. Polo , Dios que le ilumine a esa muchacha y que ojalá encuentre su felicidad junto a su pareja.
La demanda se suicido al otro dia.
When the girlfriends sister put them on blast ...I was dead... deceased 👾Lord forgive me because im bipolar and so is my son but this girl needs some intense therapy
Que clase de familia de cubanitos !
Adoro el sarcasmo de la Dra polo 😂😂😂
Me encanta caso cerrado
jajajaja minuto 12:50 ...morí con la reacción del hombre y la joven cuando escuchan la declaración de la testigo jajajajaa "y soy la novia " jajajajajajaa
Yo tengo bipolaridad y con el medicamento q me mandaron cuando me.lo descubrieron ahora estoy súper bien ,si hay momento q puede volverte algunos episodios pero mseguir con el tratamiento te facilita más la vida
Her own sister literally destroyed the girl infront of everyone 😂
The actors are getting so much better🤣
Sometimes it’s not actors it all depends on the people if they want to show themselves in the show
me encanto
muy bien resumido la bipolaridad quedo muy claro por parte de ana maria polo y es una condicion que crece cada dia mas y mas yo lo noto muchicimo
es tal cual dijo ana maria los sintomas
I am sorry to say that it seems like this Judge is confusing Borderline Personality disorder with Bipolar disorder I and 2.
A bipolar desorder diagnosed age 7 that's unheard of
@@sophietheresehautenauve I thought the very same! Way too young to be diagnosed. Also she seems to be more indicative of borderline…
@@ashd5889 at age seven any type of naughtyness would be diagnosed as adhd, imho
Buena desición doctora Polo 👏 saludos desde Argentina
Finally the plaintiff won and got full custody of her grandson. This way her daughter can either improve her atitude when it comes to talking to another person, a judge, a medical doctor, etcétera, etcétera, etcétera.
Mar 9, 2020 @ 10:30 am.
Im DED at the facial reactions of the dude with the blue shirt behind the psychologist 😂😂😂😂
Que lindo el color de pelo de la demandante ❤️
"Soy estilista de pelo"😂😂😂😂😂😂
Jajajajajaja se pasa
Y le pinto el pelo de morado a la supuesta novia que feo se lo dejo.
A mí también me chocó esa respuesta 😂
1:13 Roberto recordando que aun con sus brazacos sirviendole a la dra polo, tiene crisis depresivas.
13:48 The sarcasm lmao
13:56 que maravillaaaaaaaa 😂😂😂😂😂
who else loves the emojis in the title of every episode
Deseo de todo corazón que hoy día seas una persona rehabilitada y tu madre te permita ver a tu niño con frecuencia porque eso seguro te animará más en la vida 😘
Yo también soy bipolar y se las consecuencias de ella pero; me ejercito y no monto esos shows....
It’s sad because she’ll always struggle because of bpd
Any updates on this case
Adilenee Rodriguez you know that this is fake
Maria Ayala the people are actors the case is real it's to hide their identity
Not all women that are bipolar are bad mom's. My daughter is bipolar and suffers from PTSD do to her ex beating her. She is a wonderful mom. She puts her son's needs before everything else and loves him so much. Oh btw He is autistic and she handles it and works with him the school and therapists. She is an awesome mom.
Buen caso :)
Tengo 51 años, me diagnosticaron bipolaridad a los 23. Mi vida no fue fácil pero con los años entendí que es esencial aprender a gestionar mis emociones. Aún tengo mucho por aprender pero... Voy por buen camino
Todos estan LOCOS!!!!
Cuando me diagnosticaron la bipolaridad mi madre tramito la tenencia de mis 3 hijos xo no x eso me quería quitar la vida
mas que el transtorno, es la actitud que tiene la chica lo que la esta llevando al hundimiento😧
Q hermosa desicion. Q alegria!!
And the boy
😮 salud dentición
i feel like judge is kind of backing up the mom and not letting the daughther explain and how she feels and judge her
God, you never can get away from Army, can you?? 😂😂😂
What you're are saying is idiotic. She isn't okay in her head she's sick and is putting her son in danger she is an adult and needs to stop acting like a victim
Jimin's Jams A person with mental illness is not allowed to take care of a child , the child would go to an adoption program
Jimin's Jams The main problem with bipolar is they can lie and lie a lot. The lies can even change from one minute to another and they will still tell you they did not lie a minute ago even though everyone witnessed it.
They never admit they were wrong even after doing very bad stuff.
So I think this is why Ana did not seem to give much credit to the daughter and back up the mom strongly. She said she did study this disorder.
What's there to explain she tried stabbing the 1 year well was threatening to do it then when they say her mom is staying with her child she says she is going to kill herself that's not normal she's not okay mentally and a child should not be with this type of person unless they take their medication and learns to have it under control and not have these breakdowns
Jajaja Jajaja Jajaja Jajaja Jajaja Jajaja Jajaja Jajaja Jajaja Jajaja qué lindo 🦌🕶️
I think the baby should definitely be taken away from her but allow supervised visitations. She needs a lot of help and support! You can see how she’s in pain, and she doesn’t know how to deal with her illness. And the way she cried when she said that her mom never loved her, it’s possible her mom was cold sometimes because she doesn’t understand her illness, makes her feel bad about herself, and it’s possible the girl felt unloved and as a burden. I’m not saying this true but it’s a possibility. Also la doctora Polo medio sinica y grosera en este episodio.
Arlene se nota que no quiere a su hija porque le dijo mátate mátate, es muy triste lo que le pasó a Laura porque sufrió abuso sexual por parte del padrastro, pero el niño no tiene la culpa, Laura nunca debió amenazar al bebé con un cuchillo, además faltaba el detective Peñate o el mayor Fuentes para que se llevaran a Laura a la cárcel porque Laura cometió un crimen de intento de homicidio, solo en esa parte la cagaste Polo. Tenías que meterla a prisión.
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