Ogrelink hello again i would like to know your thoughts on black ogre beater Kirito mod skill is it a good skill record ? Again thanks for another very informative video.
Hey, if I am not mistaken, it has a 500 attack and 8000 heal effect? Mod skill generally has more damage effects so people like to use it for damage, so that skill tend to be disliked due to the healing effects and it is easily achieved with potions. So it is not the best, but it is still a really strong skill because it is a mod skill
@@Ogrelink Yes you are correct and i asked because i think theres a bug see everytime my hp goes low i hit switch with black ogre beater kirito. I think the 8000hp+ applies for every mob i think. Because when my hp is low like 1-2k hp i hit switch with black ogre beater kirito and my hp goes full i dont know if its a bug or what i hope you can explain this Thanks for replying it means a lot to me you're the only one i can ask about this
@@Ogrelink Hey Ogrelink I would like to ask about (Secret Joys) Yuuki which is an ability skill record that increases damage of a skill record used on switch by an additional 50.5-100%. What I would like to ask is if my damage is 5k it becomes 10k? Is that how it works? Thanks in advance.
@@mustinee it won't work like that. Basically it increase your skill damage multiplier by 100%. So if you have a skill with 1000% damage multiplier, it will be added with 100% on switch making it 1100%
Hey man im new to the game and I want to get strong as fast as I can. I was wondering if there is a trello or a wiki or even a information page that shows the latest meta. I just got to lvl 92 and the game is becoming kinda tough. Much love
Hello, welcome to the game! There js a saoif wiki page, but it has not been updated for a while and I am not sure if it mention about the current meta. At your level though, I think this will help you get stronger fast. th-cam.com/video/IIwowvDzIqo/w-d-xo.html But after certain point, we will need to grind to really get stronger. This video will help you on it. The leveling suggestion on it is old though. There is a better way to level up now. th-cam.com/video/IoVD8dY1Ars/w-d-xo.html
Can you please give me some tips about when to buy new equipments? I am a beginner and currently at floor 3, I have watched your beginner tips but not all of them(don't have much time to do so) and there's something still bothering me and that is when to change equipments. What I do is whenever I get to a new floor, I buy the strongest sword and armor at the merchant then upgrade the sword to max and only upgrade the armor to lvl 10 or 11. Is there more efficient way to have strong equipments without wasting too much col and upgrade materials?
What I want to know is wether should I just keep the equipments from the pasts floor and just keep upgrading it or just like what I do, buy or craft a new one but just upgrade it to a certain level then buy a new one if I get into newer floor. I'm really confused on this matter because I'm wary of materials, I feel like I might be wasting them. Hope you help me, thank you.
I would say just change equipment when you struggle to clear the floor. No need to always use the latest floor weapons and armor. The floor weapon cap at floor 61 and on that floor, you can craft the equipment to get the best bonuses that you need
@@mjsabater3561 thank you. Glad to know that someone likes it. I plan to continue for a few episodes. Already asked permissions from those legend players to use their contents 🙂
Naikin power level bisa naikin weapon proficiency level dan skillnya yang paling tinggi. Pakai integral weapon dan chaos armor. Tapi total power tinggi kalau tidak pakai skill yang efektif juga tidak bisa tingkatin damage. Ini saya ada guide yang kasi tahu apa saja yang tingkatin total power th-cam.com/video/ttdBLuZWlx8/w-d-xo.html Tapi kalau mau lebih kuat, bisa lihat yang ini th-cam.com/video/IIwowvDzIqo/w-d-xo.html atau th-cam.com/video/IoVD8dY1Ars/w-d-xo.html
Amazing, Orgelink is the Legend when I start Saoif
Thank you. No way I am. I always at the low-mid level haha. Your skull reaper event speedrun gonna be a legend haha.
Nope I learned alot from you when I started, always will watch your video for my improvement 😊
@@alice-z8032 now is the time for you to teach me instead 😆
Ans = buy Arcana
@@alice-z8032 haha too expensive and addictive....
I don't know what to say but that bgm is amazing...
Thank you. Takes some time to choose them, and yea those songs sound cool 🙂
i was wating for somone to list players on a ranking list and this is the best first one!
Thank you. Yea it will be tough to rank player, but yea I do spot some really OP player from time to time
Ogrelink hello again i would like to know your thoughts on black ogre beater Kirito mod skill is it a good skill record ? Again thanks for another very informative video.
Hey, if I am not mistaken, it has a 500 attack and 8000 heal effect? Mod skill generally has more damage effects so people like to use it for damage, so that skill tend to be disliked due to the healing effects and it is easily achieved with potions. So it is not the best, but it is still a really strong skill because it is a mod skill
@@Ogrelink Yes you are correct and i asked because i think theres a bug see everytime my hp goes low i hit switch with black ogre beater kirito. I think the 8000hp+ applies for every mob i think.
Because when my hp is low like 1-2k hp i hit switch with black ogre beater kirito and my hp goes full i dont know if its a bug or what i hope you can explain this
Thanks for replying it means a lot to me you're the only one i can ask about this
@@mustinee it is not bug. There are similar skills that can heal and it works the same way that it heal per mob that got hit
@@Ogrelink Hey Ogrelink I would like to ask about (Secret Joys) Yuuki which is an ability skill record that increases damage of a skill record used on switch by an additional 50.5-100%. What I would like to ask is if my damage is 5k it becomes 10k? Is that how it works? Thanks in advance.
@@mustinee it won't work like that. Basically it increase your skill damage multiplier by 100%. So if you have a skill with 1000% damage multiplier, it will be added with 100% on switch making it 1100%
Hey man im new to the game and I want to get strong as fast as I can.
I was wondering if there is a trello or a wiki or even a information page that shows the latest meta.
I just got to lvl 92 and the game is becoming kinda tough.
Much love
Hello, welcome to the game! There js a saoif wiki page, but it has not been updated for a while and I am not sure if it mention about the current meta. At your level though, I think this will help you get stronger fast. th-cam.com/video/IIwowvDzIqo/w-d-xo.html
But after certain point, we will need to grind to really get stronger. This video will help you on it. The leveling suggestion on it is old though. There is a better way to level up now. th-cam.com/video/IoVD8dY1Ars/w-d-xo.html
@@Ogrelink Thank you so much
In indonesia we call them "sepuh"
Yes! Haha. It will be named SAOIF Sepuh in indonesia 😆
Can you please give me some tips about when to buy new equipments? I am a beginner and currently at floor 3, I have watched your beginner tips but not all of them(don't have much time to do so) and there's something still bothering me and that is when to change equipments. What I do is whenever I get to a new floor, I buy the strongest sword and armor at the merchant then upgrade the sword to max and only upgrade the armor to lvl 10 or 11. Is there more efficient way to have strong equipments without wasting too much col and upgrade materials?
What I want to know is wether should I just keep the equipments from the pasts floor and just keep upgrading it or just like what I do, buy or craft a new one but just upgrade it to a certain level then buy a new one if I get into newer floor. I'm really confused on this matter because I'm wary of materials, I feel like I might be wasting them. Hope you help me, thank you.
I would say just change equipment when you struggle to clear the floor. No need to always use the latest floor weapons and armor. The floor weapon cap at floor 61 and on that floor, you can craft the equipment to get the best bonuses that you need
I have a game that doesn't work anymore and I have a very strong account I deleted and downloaded it more than once but it doesn't work
What was the issue?
My game is no longer working, why do I have a level 107 account?
Oh no. What happen?
Does that mean with your full gear and sword/ mod you can do this under 6 seconds ?
Yes it is possible with awakening and MOD now. 🙂
Nice short video
Thank you!
What aoe skill did you used in this vid sir 👀
The pastel lisbeth. It has increase switch gauge effect too
@@Ogrelink thanks sir 😍 hope you can do more legend episode for saoif 🥰
@@mjsabater3561 thank you. Glad to know that someone likes it. I plan to continue for a few episodes. Already asked permissions from those legend players to use their contents 🙂
Bang diskill itukan ad gambar segitiga kan ya,nah itu maksudnya apa ya bang? Gw masih kurang paham
Itu MOD skill. Ini saya ada video yg menjelaskan tentang MOD skill kalau ingin tahu lebih lanjut. th-cam.com/video/AiAMJcnhjtU/w-d-xo.html
@@Ogrelink bang ad guild khusus indo yg mau nampung newbie ga? Susah bnr nyari guild indo
ada banyak ya guild indo, cuma yang tampung newbie saya kurang tahu ya. Kemarin saya ada kenal orang, tapi kayaknya sekarang kok sudah bubar guildnya
@@Ogrelink oh gitu,nyari guild indo lewat mana ya bang? Discord? FB?
Bang gw lvl 104 stack di Power 65k, naikin nya gimana ya ? Btw baru sampe tower lvl 75, stack disitu T_T
Naikin power level bisa naikin weapon proficiency level dan skillnya yang paling tinggi. Pakai integral weapon dan chaos armor. Tapi total power tinggi kalau tidak pakai skill yang efektif juga tidak bisa tingkatin damage. Ini saya ada guide yang kasi tahu apa saja yang tingkatin total power
Tapi kalau mau lebih kuat, bisa lihat yang ini
th-cam.com/video/IIwowvDzIqo/w-d-xo.html atau
@@Ogrelinkmakasih bang infonya, emang harus harus hard grinding banget sih ini wkwkw
@@RylLFs. Iya haha.
malah bahas mantan member ane🤣🤣🤣
Hahaha iya kamu dari Alicization juga ya. Legend Kanami
@@Ogrelink sebelum alicization juga dia member saya🤣🤣🤣sampai sekarang masih ada nomer dia nya juga kok🤭
@@Fynixia ooo sebelum alicization guild apa kalian? Kamu ketua guildnya? Wah harus bikin living legend kanami kalo gitu wakaka
@@Ogrelink dia sebelum alicization di guild Aegis Soul [AS] dan sebelumnya lagi baru guild ∆•IDN tempat guild ane dulu🤣🤣🤣
@@Ogrelink saya juga sebelum alicization masuk guild Aegis soul bareng sama andrian
1467997010 id guild buat yg mau gabung khusus org indonesia
Guild apa namanya?