I hope for the latter. I know Luke says people shouldn't hope for that, but unless something drastic like that happens to one or a few of the companies like Ubisoft many of the others won't learn/change for the better.
Given the current situation, it is impossible for them to continue as they were, because this business model created their predicament. It's either a drastic change in management or being annexed.
It seems to me that Tencent is waiting for Assassin’s Creed to succeed or flop before they move in or not. If it flops, they know they can pay even less for Ubisoft and have a better argument for why the Guillemot family should hand over control to them. Why pay $8-$10 billion when you could pay $3-$5 billion instead?
@@friendlyroughai3319 It is not dead. Valhalla was a record earner for Ubisoft with over 1 billion dollars. The fact that Valhalla is mediocre as a game has nothing to do with it.
@@devilselbow both can be true, we objectively live in a period with a vast diverse range of great games while also living in an era where game qaulity can suffer at the hands of suits. We'll always get our BG3s and RDR2 but also get our gollems 😭
@@devilselbow That doesn't mean it's not still declining. Most games companies are still over inflated from the pandemic boom, so it's only natural that we'll see lots of layoffs from everyone, especially when they sink massive amounts of money into projects that flop like SW Outlaws.
The answer is simple : Ubisoft is essentially a family business. It got a tad too big but it's essentially a family business so no wonder the Guillemots want to stay in control
The rot is too deep at this point, the buyout in inevitable. Theyve coasted on mediocrity for too long and now theyre drowning. Bethesda the same way but they at least have Daddy Phil backing them up.
But unlike bethesda, ubisoft is under buyout threat from a chinese company, i doubt the country of france would allow their biggest game publisher to be bought out by a chinese conglomerate
+ A lot of the value on Ubisoft Marcket Share, is due to the massive amount of people and infrastructure of work, that cant even make good games or even mid games at a good pace. That tells everything about how mutch of Ubisoft value is just cover up by trash no one want to manage. Its just a masive waste for a few IPs that are worthy of something, but not that mountain of cash.
I find it strange that Luke is saying that if Tencent buys out Ubisoft then there will be layoffs. If Microsoft or Sony buys Ubisoft they will still lay off a massive amount of people I mean just look at Sony and Microsoft track records. Microsoft earlier this year later off the HiFi rush studio, and more. Sony literally did the same thing with the London studio, and Sony of Japan.
Public perception of Ubisoft is that it is so rotten to the core that a majority of the gaming audience would rather see them burn to ground to set an example for the entire industry.
They're burned it's just the time when ashes spread all over the industry. Competition should be there but I really want to see EA and ubisoft to shut down for good of gaming
Back when I had way too much free time on my hands, I read Atlas Shrugged. [Paraphrasing because it was about 20 years ago] The world's leaders kidnap the world's smartest man, John Galt, in order to force him to repair everything they've screwed up. Leaders: You have all our power and influence. Do whatever you have to, just fix it. Galt: The first thing I'll need is the immediate and irrevocable resignations of everyone in the room and an oath that you'll never hold public or private office again. Leaders: What? Galt: It's the first and most important step. I can't do anything with you still around. Leaders: That's unacceptable. Find a way that doesn't involve removing us. Galt: I can't. It's impossible. Leaders: What do you mean it's impossible? You're the smartest man in the world, aren't you? You're finished if you don't do it. Galt: Go ahead then. It still won't solve your problem. Leaders: ................. Edit: I think the ending had something to do with how the author's self insert Mary Sue main character saves the day because of how pretty and smart and cool and popular she is. (Atlas Shrugged is hard to read, and not just because it's 1000 pages longer than it needed to be)
What strikes me as laughably ridiculous is how the Guillemot family genuinely believes they'll find a buyer to sell to under the stipulation that they still get to be in charge. Yes, let's spend an insane amount of money buying a company that happily ran itself into the ground & allow the people _who were steering the ship the whole way_ to retain their level of control/ownership? Like... what? lol. They're in no position whatsoever to be making any demands. Ubisoft has been steadily imploding _because of them._ Let's make that distinction very clear. If anything, the first priority of any buyout should be on the condition of all of them being ousted. No exceptions.
They Guillemot family have singlehandedly destroyed Ubisoft rep and tanked its value, all in a desperate quest to stay in control of the company. They would rather watch Ubisoft crash and burn, than give up control to someone else. I'm hoping for something to change, but I doubt anything can be done at this point. PS. The fact that Tencent is yet to decide on increasing stakes, should tell us enough about just how bad it is at ubi 😂
Ubisoft has been failing for a few years in a row now and no positive changes have been made , they are at the edge of bankruptcy and still haven’t made any positive changes , i don’t think Ubisoft is going to survive another 5 more years hopefully some more capable company gets ownership of their IPs and finally makes something good with them
Tencend is “iffy” because they want to make it cheaper. That’s it. If they are too excited about the buyout, the stock price will go through the roof. But if they pretend like they do it to save a dying business out of goodness of their souls, they can buy the stocks pretty much for peanuts. And since the entire industry goes through tough times, it’s easy to convince the shareholders that Ubisoft is next to the chopping block.
Luke, layoffs will happen, no matter what. People are gonna loose their jobs regardless whether Ubi gets sold or they stay private and burn down slowly anyway.
If ubisoft were to go to microsoft to ask about a potential buy out i dont see why microsoft wouldnt go for it, they would cost $6 billion MAX, for the IP you're getting, Tom clancy, FarCry, Assassin Creed, For Honor, need for speed, watch dogs, and just dance, these are big IPs for a relatively cheap buyout
Tencent is not good at making games but they are very good investor in major AAA space tho. They own 100% Riot and Grinding Gear, significant stakes in Larian and Fromsoft too. They tend to leave them alone. This is also why I don't see how they can fix Ubisoft coz leaving Ubisoft alone is not a good idea and the only pivot I can see from Tencent is using Ubisoft IP and invest heavily into mobile space.
But Ubisoft is easy to fix. Here, I can do it with 2 steps. 1. Remove Western political agenda. 2. All player characters are either custom or attractive. Done. The games can be the same repetitive buggy trash always. And they will sale millions.
I really appreciate your economic gaming talks. There is no other channel I know, that does that. As I like to invest myself a bit I am checking for opportunities 😊. Also, nobody uses the god sent tool paint so perfectly as you do! Looking forward to more content like that!
Not related, but as a PC builder, I have to point it out that in the last few videos I've noticed your PC fans are throttling far too often. Check your settings/system. They never used to do it so frequently.
Assassin's creed shadow will be the point of no return...they know it, that's why they delayed the game, but it's futile, this game will not save the company even if it sells well, which is something I don't believe will happen anymore.
From what I know, the companie.that NTE has control over, the studios release the games that the studio wants with no publisher interference. They just buy a lot of studios that make games for mobile (This is probably why people think they only allow studios to launch liveservice)... At least that's what I've seen.
The gullimonts need to stop huffing each other’s farts, wake up, and realize they are running ubisoft into the ground. “Good for investors”= abysmal for the actual employees and consumers.
AC Shadows is literally Ubisoft’s Hail Mary on their current business model, if it fails the buyout is basically guaranteed. And while I think the way Ubisoft (and many developers that focus on live service model games) operate is terrible, I take no pleasure in watching them implode. I used to love the AC franchise, and eagerly awaited the release of Beyond Good and Evil 2 ever since its initial teaser, and now I only feel apathetic, because they did this to themselves.
i just hope ubisoft doesn't turn into an assassin's creed coal mines studio more than they already are. i knew from the announcement of watch dogs legion, that the watch dogs franchise was gonna unfairly be put on hiatus. that watch dogs movie also most likely not gonna have Aiden Pearce, UBISOFT STOP BEING SO WEIRDD!!!!
@@hamzahmohammed5491 Lets be honest, do you really trust current Ubisoft with Beyond Good and Evil? Michel Ancel isn't even there anymore to lead the project.
Are we really sure that the Guillemot family is primarily responsible for the crashing and burning of Ubisoft? I'm sure they play a part, but surely they aren't the ones in the Creative Director and Writing roles, which are (aside from monetisation) the biggest culprits. I just don't see how the Guillemots can continue doing things the way they have if Tencent buy them out Also, Ubisoft is due for "thousands and thousands" of layoffs. They are one of the biggest studios out there, despite profits plummeting for years now. Anyone who didn't see this coming and jump ship by now, this is on them
Oh yes PLEASE get the Ubisoft artists in a different company. The artistic design of their games is always amazing, I hated that it was always wrapped in a Ubisoft game.
The only reason to cancel xDefiant is try to hold cash. I think they are trying to hold together until AC Shadows releases in hopes the stock moves up and put them in a better negotiating position. Alas, theirs not enough running cash until the release.
Of all the names that could try to buy Ubisoft, Tencent is probably one of, if not THE worst. When you see how Tencent has no issue with shamelessly copying the visual identity of Horizon as seen with "Light of Motiram", it bodes poorly for the future Ubisoft. IMHO, I would've been a bit sad if it had been Sony trying to buy Ubisoft, but it would've been better.
Tencent usually leaves the studios alone in terms of making games, no? I mean if you look at companies like Epic Games, Riot, Super Cell, they all remained relatively independent after major investment from Tencent.
I feel like the condition that the Guillemot family retains control over the company after buyput should discourage anyone from buying this company. That family IS THE REASON why Ubisoft lost so much of its value. No sensible business would buy an entire company to restructure it in hopes to make a profit, only to keep the reason why the company was put on sale in the first place.
Man, if Tencent buys Ubisoft, but maintaining power is the influence of the Guillemot family, it will be the dumbest thing possible! They will spend some money to acquire it, but keep the problem, and no one will give Ubisoft a second chance.
Tencent should buy Ubisoft, take all the power of influence from the Guillemots, and take one of these broken studios like xdefiant or Prince of Persia, and make it an AI studio. Test some project in this aspect. And don't come to me with puritanism! When Pixar started making 3D animations, everyone in the industry saw it with a bad eye, and today 3D is the animation scenario basically. It is very possible to combine the capacity of AI with human individuality.
I hope Tencent makes a console so Sony can have competition again and get back to focusing on PlayStation and now everything else outside of the console.
If Tencent does take over they really should slash half of the workforce on day one, I have friends working in a medium-sized Ubisoft studio and that thing is bloated as all hell with people who are incompetent and void of creativity, they're mediocre software engineers and designers simply hired in a rush during the mid-late 2010s game industry expansion
If tencent buys ubisoft they'll actually be under management that cares more about making money than pandering politics, which will be better for consumers.
I havent seen a AAA company take this many losses before... like its impressive that not one person in the Execs could switch courses... now look Ubisoft will be killed in the west... Gatcha only really seems to flourish in Asia. But yea... being bought by Microsoft would be the best choice. Corporate has to GO... and if that doesnt work they can just shutter the company... They wont be missed
Hard to see how they will recover from current situation... Both avatar and outlaws did not do well, there are too many poor decisions in AC Mirage, don't see that one going without tons of bad press even if gameplay is good, there hasn't been much innovation in their games (although Riders republic, prince of Persia were imo underrated). Don't see the odds of having something new for 2025 that would tip the scale.
Can someone tell me why anyone would want to buy it if the family is staying in charge? They seem to only make bad decisions and if I'm not mistaken what they are giving up is the revenue so if the family thinks the revenue isn't worth holding onto but they wanna stay in charge that should be a huge red flag right? Cause they want control but none of the "profit" that comes from that control
The main take away from this should be developers should not do any Star Wara projects and not get in bed with Disney. They lose all creative freedom.and Disney will sink their project.
@sirab3ee198 a lot of the shit decisions ubisoft had to make in Star Wars outlaws was because disney forced it on them. Samething with an upcoming starwars game by NetEase. Disney told the devs they have to remove all white heroes from the game and put in as much non binary gender neutral shit that they can.
Not just GGG, Tencent also owns/is major shareholder of Riot, FromSoft, and Larian etc. Only people who have no idea of the industry are biased against Tencent because it’s a Chinese company.
It's insane how biased he is, especially with all the recent videos Luke has put out about Path of Exile 2, showering it with praise. He also ignored how many games in development that have been cancelled by Microsoft, as well as the number of studios that have been shut down by them.
@@hakuhyo174 People simply have vague idea of Tencent. They just throw random shitty ideas about Tencent. It is pretty much 99% people on the internet, they just write a comment out of their ass without crosscheck.
The reason that the Guillemonts want to maintain control so bad is because that's the culture of these French family-owned businesses. It's family identity and pride at stake. Owners dread their family's business being talen over.
Sony buying Ubisoft to hold hostage all AC games against future COD and Bethesda releases seems like a smart move given Sony would share their first party expertise with them, year long training and all
Before you describe how toxic tencent is, I need to remind you that tencent owns 80% of the shares of Grinding Gear Games who make Path of Exile that you are currently playing.😅😅😅
Tencent also have a huge share of Lariant Studio. Tencent technically produced Baldur Gate3 and POE that people showering with praise but people still thinking Tencent is toxic.
I hope Ubisoft either changes or dies. I hope they don’t stay the same.
I hope for the latter. I know Luke says people shouldn't hope for that, but unless something drastic like that happens to one or a few of the companies like Ubisoft many of the others won't learn/change for the better.
Given the current situation, it is impossible for them to continue as they were, because this business model created their predicament. It's either a drastic change in management or being annexed.
The Ubisoft i know died many years ago. The Ubisoft we currently have is just a devil's imitation
It's not gonna die 😂 you might before them though
@@Tedi652 If they weren't in danger, they wouldn't have tried to retract their mistakes. That one-legged torii would still be on sale.
It seems to me that Tencent is waiting for Assassin’s Creed to succeed or flop before they move in or not. If it flops, they know they can pay even less for Ubisoft and have a better argument for why the Guillemot family should hand over control to them. Why pay $8-$10 billion when you could pay $3-$5 billion instead?
billions ? for dead ip ? nah
@@friendlyroughai3319AC is not a dead ip people will buy it the question is how many people a dead ip is what the watch dogs franchise is
It is not dead. Valhalla was a record earner for Ubisoft with over 1 billion dollars.
The fact that Valhalla is mediocre as a game has nothing to do with it.
ikr that french family don't know what they doing
Mediocre IP sells untill it doesn't. Look at what happened to Star Wars.
What will likely to happen is Tencent will watch Ubisoft to bleed dry, and scoop it on its dying moment without conditions.
yeh, Asscreed prolly not gonna make anything any better lmao.
@@MrSteelface96 well it can't get worse.
well that means other buyers may become interested
Suits in corporations making decisions about video games in order to maximize shareholder profits is why games are declining.
@@devilselbow both can be true, we objectively live in a period with a vast diverse range of great games while also living in an era where game qaulity can suffer at the hands of suits.
We'll always get our BG3s and RDR2 but also get our gollems 😭
@@devilselbow That doesn't mean it's not still declining. Most games companies are still over inflated from the pandemic boom, so it's only natural that we'll see lots of layoffs from everyone, especially when they sink massive amounts of money into projects that flop like SW Outlaws.
@@jamesfrazier4005 Capitalism in a nutshell.
Seeking profits Destroys profits
The answer is simple : Ubisoft is essentially a family business. It got a tad too big but it's essentially a family business so no wonder the Guillemots want to stay in control
if tencent buys Ubisoft I expect to see a lot more sex appeal in the games 😂
I guess that’s one way of looking at it
No more ugly female Eivor or Kay Vess at least
The whole dev team must be scream and leave at that point.
I expect to see AC fully embrace the Full potential of.... More Chinese mobile games 🎉
Tentcent fully own GGG, the makers of Path of Exile. they normally don't interfere with their acquisition's operation.
The rot is too deep at this point, the buyout in inevitable. Theyve coasted on mediocrity for too long and now theyre drowning. Bethesda the same way but they at least have Daddy Phil backing them up.
Because Bethesda already got bought out.
But unlike bethesda, ubisoft is under buyout threat from a chinese company, i doubt the country of france would allow their biggest game publisher to be bought out by a chinese conglomerate
It's not Phil who backs them
+ A lot of the value on Ubisoft Marcket Share, is due to the massive amount of people and infrastructure of work, that cant even make good games or even mid games at a good pace.
That tells everything about how mutch of Ubisoft value is just cover up by trash no one want to manage.
Its just a masive waste for a few IPs that are worthy of something, but not that mountain of cash.
Bethesda hell na what u smoking have you forgotten 16 times the details
90% chances that the French Gov block the sale of Ubisoft to anyone not French or at least in EU.
Thats how dailymotion died.
And yes i'm serious.
French = gay
Nothing wrong with being gay.
@@AlmaBuru did I say there was?
Isn’t the French government like falling apart right now?
@@Loquacious_Jacksonloquacious Jackson = gay
I find it strange that Luke is saying that if Tencent buys out Ubisoft then there will be layoffs. If Microsoft or Sony buys Ubisoft they will still lay off a massive amount of people I mean just look at Sony and Microsoft track records. Microsoft earlier this year later off the HiFi rush studio, and more. Sony literally did the same thing with the London studio, and Sony of Japan.
Ubisoft needs massive layoffs anyway the whole publisher is bloated
Why not wait for Ubi to do the layoffs and then buy it.
@@謝元龍-f7d they already are doing layoffs they will get swallowed by tencent and then ubisoft will start to make great games again.
Public perception of Ubisoft is that it is so rotten to the core that a majority of the gaming audience would rather see them burn to ground to set an example for the entire industry.
They're burned it's just the time when ashes spread all over the industry. Competition should be there but I really want to see EA and ubisoft to shut down for good of gaming
Guillemot family should feel "comfortable"with not owning their company
Ubisoft is doing so terribly there is be layoffs anyway. Probably shortly after Shadows is released.
Back when I had way too much free time on my hands, I read Atlas Shrugged.
[Paraphrasing because it was about 20 years ago]
The world's leaders kidnap the world's smartest man, John Galt, in order to force him to repair everything they've screwed up.
Leaders: You have all our power and influence. Do whatever you have to, just fix it.
Galt: The first thing I'll need is the immediate and irrevocable resignations of everyone in the room and an oath that you'll never hold public or private office again.
Leaders: What?
Galt: It's the first and most important step. I can't do anything with you still around.
Leaders: That's unacceptable. Find a way that doesn't involve removing us.
Galt: I can't. It's impossible.
Leaders: What do you mean it's impossible? You're the smartest man in the world, aren't you? You're finished if you don't do it.
Galt: Go ahead then. It still won't solve your problem.
Leaders: .................
Edit: I think the ending had something to do with how the author's self insert Mary Sue main character saves the day because of how pretty and smart and cool and popular she is. (Atlas Shrugged is hard to read, and not just because it's 1000 pages longer than it needed to be)
What's the ending?
@@wrathfirex he dropped this so we'd read bro is devious
@@collapsingsociety2714 haha yeah will google it later
Libertarian cr4p.
@@wrathfirex All the lights go out. Literally.
What strikes me as laughably ridiculous is how the Guillemot family genuinely believes they'll find a buyer to sell to under the stipulation that they still get to be in charge.
Yes, let's spend an insane amount of money buying a company that happily ran itself into the ground & allow the people _who were steering the ship the whole way_ to retain their level of control/ownership?
Like... what? lol.
They're in no position whatsoever to be making any demands.
Ubisoft has been steadily imploding _because of them._
Let's make that distinction very clear.
If anything, the first priority of any buyout should be on the condition of all of them being ousted. No exceptions.
i can see tencent agreeing to it with a big stipulation on make us money or we get full control in 1 to 2 years
They Guillemot family have singlehandedly destroyed Ubisoft rep and tanked its value, all in a desperate quest to stay in control of the company.
They would rather watch Ubisoft crash and burn, than give up control to someone else.
I'm hoping for something to change, but I doubt anything can be done at this point.
PS. The fact that Tencent is yet to decide on increasing stakes, should tell us enough about just how bad it is at ubi 😂
They're also the founder of the company.
18,000 employees who do nothing
Ubisoft will be selling pachinco machines, having mobile games and mmo's if Tencent owns Ubisoft.
I kinda hope tencent tries to buy it, the French government shuts it down and then we get to see Ubisoft become a penny stock
Ubisoft has been failing for a few years in a row now and no positive changes have been made , they are at the edge of bankruptcy and still haven’t made any positive changes , i don’t think Ubisoft is going to survive another 5 more years hopefully some more capable company gets ownership of their IPs and finally makes something good with them
Love watching these after catching them live & seeing my comments create a nice section of dialog.
Tencend is “iffy” because they want to make it cheaper. That’s it. If they are too excited about the buyout, the stock price will go through the roof. But if they pretend like they do it to save a dying business out of goodness of their souls, they can buy the stocks pretty much for peanuts. And since the entire industry goes through tough times, it’s easy to convince the shareholders that Ubisoft is next to the chopping block.
Luke, layoffs will happen, no matter what.
People are gonna loose their jobs regardless whether Ubi gets sold or they stay private and burn down slowly anyway.
the last thing we all need is another buy out. lord, when will it end
I find it funny talking about this whole situation and having it sound like two mafia bosses talking about controlling a city
They have a game that's releasing in 2 months yet I have seen much to nothing about it lol
As a gamer the best outcome for us if they break the company and sell series for the higher bidder. But it won't happen.
If ubisoft were to go to microsoft to ask about a potential buy out i dont see why microsoft wouldnt go for it, they would cost $6 billion MAX, for the IP you're getting, Tom clancy, FarCry, Assassin Creed, For Honor, need for speed, watch dogs, and just dance, these are big IPs for a relatively cheap buyout
Tencent is not good at making games but they are very good investor in major AAA space tho. They own 100% Riot and Grinding Gear, significant stakes in Larian and Fromsoft too. They tend to leave them alone. This is also why I don't see how they can fix Ubisoft coz leaving Ubisoft alone is not a good idea and the only pivot I can see from Tencent is using Ubisoft IP and invest heavily into mobile space.
But Ubisoft is easy to fix. Here, I can do it with 2 steps.
1. Remove Western political agenda.
2. All player characters are either custom or attractive.
Done. The games can be the same repetitive buggy trash always. And they will sale millions.
@@renmcmanus Dude you're delusional 😂 cute petit Asian girls will not save a bad writing or gameplay. Not every single time
Tencent is ass.
@@renmcmanus 🤡
I really appreciate your economic gaming talks. There is no other channel I know, that does that. As I like to invest myself a bit I am checking for opportunities 😊.
Also, nobody uses the god sent tool paint so perfectly as you do!
Looking forward to more content like that!
Not related, but as a PC builder, I have to point it out that in the last few videos I've noticed your PC fans are throttling far too often. Check your settings/system. They never used to do it so frequently.
Assassin's creed shadow will be the point of no return...they know it, that's why they delayed the game, but it's futile, this game will not save the company even if it sells well, which is something I don't believe will happen anymore.
lol it won't save them. ac Japan was literally the golden goose card they held for so long. after many people have that.. the franchise is dead.
L m a o nobody thinks ubisoft being gutted is a negative thing
Exactly, Ubisoft is wayyy too big. It’d be good if instead of layoffs they just split off into another company, or three.
8:35 Why is "sure" muted?🤣
From what I know, the companie.that NTE has control over, the studios release the games that the studio wants with no publisher interference.
They just buy a lot of studios that make games for mobile (This is probably why people think they only allow studios to launch liveservice)...
At least that's what I've seen.
The gullimonts need to stop huffing each other’s farts, wake up, and realize they are running ubisoft into the ground. “Good for investors”= abysmal for the actual employees and consumers.
AC Shadows is literally Ubisoft’s Hail Mary on their current business model, if it fails the buyout is basically guaranteed. And while I think the way Ubisoft (and many developers that focus on live service model games) operate is terrible, I take no pleasure in watching them implode. I used to love the AC franchise, and eagerly awaited the release of Beyond Good and Evil 2 ever since its initial teaser, and now I only feel apathetic, because they did this to themselves.
Why do I like Lukes AI Concord song so much 🤔 it's kinda dope 😂
If Ubisoft is mostly selling their games once their prices a cut during sales. That says a lot about how over priced their games are currently.
Sony needs to buy it. Spiderman/God of war/Horizon level quality lvl AC games is what we need
i just hope ubisoft doesn't turn into an assassin's creed coal mines studio more than they already are. i knew from the announcement of watch dogs legion, that the watch dogs franchise was gonna unfairly be put on hiatus. that watch dogs movie also most likely not gonna have Aiden Pearce, UBISOFT STOP BEING SO WEIRDD!!!!
I want it gone, so that someone better can get the IP.
Watch Dogs is such a missed oppurtunity, Legions had a great idea but bad execution while WD1 and 2 were fairly unique and had personality.
@@kraosdadafusfus8034problem is, they may bury it instead and not be given to anyone at all
And here I am still hoping we’ll eventually be getting Beyond Good and Evil 2 😅😭
@@hamzahmohammed5491 Lets be honest, do you really trust current Ubisoft with Beyond Good and Evil? Michel Ancel isn't even there anymore to lead the project.
Are we really sure that the Guillemot family is primarily responsible for the crashing and burning of Ubisoft?
I'm sure they play a part, but surely they aren't the ones in the Creative Director and Writing roles, which are (aside from monetisation) the biggest culprits.
I just don't see how the Guillemots can continue doing things the way they have if Tencent buy them out
Also, Ubisoft is due for "thousands and thousands" of layoffs. They are one of the biggest studios out there, despite profits plummeting for years now. Anyone who didn't see this coming and jump ship by now, this is on them
they dont care how incompetent the company is, it's property, they are waiting for it to tank more
Oh yes PLEASE get the Ubisoft artists in a different company. The artistic design of their games is always amazing, I hated that it was always wrapped in a Ubisoft game.
Guillemot made the company. Guillemot should get to keep the company. And everyone else should be allowed to leave.
The only reason to cancel xDefiant is try to hold cash. I think they are trying to hold together until AC Shadows releases in hopes the stock moves up and put them in a better negotiating position. Alas, theirs not enough running cash until the release.
Of all the names that could try to buy Ubisoft, Tencent is probably one of, if not THE worst.
When you see how Tencent has no issue with shamelessly copying the visual identity of Horizon as seen with "Light of Motiram", it bodes poorly for the future Ubisoft.
IMHO, I would've been a bit sad if it had been Sony trying to buy Ubisoft, but it would've been better.
People seems have vague idea about Tencent. People need some kind of reality check, Tencent own a huge share on Lariant, FROM and Grindinggear.
Rapidly approaching a games industry with no independent triple a studios.
Tencent usually leaves the studios alone in terms of making games, no? I mean if you look at companies like Epic Games, Riot, Super Cell, they all remained relatively independent after major investment from Tencent.
I feel like the condition that the Guillemot family retains control over the company after buyput should discourage anyone from buying this company.
That family IS THE REASON why Ubisoft lost so much of its value. No sensible business would buy an entire company to restructure it in hopes to make a profit, only to keep the reason why the company was put on sale in the first place.
That family is also the founder of the company. It's not like they buy existing company and burn it to the ground. They're the one who started it all.
Remember that crash everyone was talking about?
We're in it now! Thank god.
100% of Ubisoft needs laid off and the company needs rebuilt from the ground up in a serious country (non western)
Soon as I heard ten cent was a possible buyer I knew it was only gonna get worse at Ubisoft so I don’t know who thought it would get any better
I didn’t think Ubisoft micro transactions could get much worse, but if Tencent buys it they will find a way lmao
French Government is in a mess right now. I guess this is a golden moment for Tencent to come in.
Man, if Tencent buys Ubisoft, but maintaining power is the influence of the Guillemot family, it will be the dumbest thing possible! They will spend some money to acquire it, but keep the problem, and no one will give Ubisoft a second chance.
Tencent should buy Ubisoft, take all the power of influence from the Guillemots, and take one of these broken studios like xdefiant or Prince of Persia, and make it an AI studio. Test some project in this aspect.
And don't come to me with puritanism! When Pixar started making 3D animations, everyone in the industry saw it with a bad eye, and today 3D is the animation scenario basically. It is very possible to combine the capacity of AI with human individuality.
It's impossible but I would love Ubisoft to become a publisher and hire other devs to make Rainbow6, Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia and other IPs
I hope Tencent makes a console so Sony can have competition again and get back to focusing on PlayStation and now everything else outside of the console.
If Tencent does take over they really should slash half of the workforce on day one, I have friends working in a medium-sized Ubisoft studio and that thing is bloated as all hell with people who are incompetent and void of creativity, they're mediocre software engineers and designers simply hired in a rush during the mid-late 2010s game industry expansion
You know its real when the howard candle comes out
Facts 😂
☠ I didn't even notice that at first
If tencent buys ubisoft they'll actually be under management that cares more about making money than pandering politics, which will be better for consumers.
Tencent acquisition would only result in the same crap being released faster. Ubisoft is beyond saving at this point.
Nosferatu was for me 10/10 the ending was so good.
I havent seen a AAA company take this many losses before... like its impressive that not one person in the Execs could switch courses... now look Ubisoft will be killed in the west... Gatcha only really seems to flourish in Asia. But yea... being bought by Microsoft would be the best choice. Corporate has to GO... and if that doesnt work they can just shutter the company... They wont be missed
My professional opinion: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Hard to see how they will recover from current situation... Both avatar and outlaws did not do well, there are too many poor decisions in AC Mirage, don't see that one going without tons of bad press even if gameplay is good, there hasn't been much innovation in their games (although Riders republic, prince of Persia were imo underrated). Don't see the odds of having something new for 2025 that would tip the scale.
Who in their right mind would buy out ubisoft and allow the leadership to stay
I don't think MS will buy any other developer any time soon until they figure out how to maximize profits out of Bethesda and Activision
As long as the buyer retains The Division and finally work on The Division 3, I don't care who is in charge.
Can someone tell me why anyone would want to buy it if the family is staying in charge? They seem to only make bad decisions and if I'm not mistaken what they are giving up is the revenue so if the family thinks the revenue isn't worth holding onto but they wanna stay in charge that should be a huge red flag right? Cause they want control but none of the "profit" that comes from that control
The main take away from this should be developers should not do any Star Wara projects and not get in bed with Disney. They lose all creative freedom.and Disney will sink their project.
What are you talking about?!?!?!?!.....
@sirab3ee198 a lot of the shit decisions ubisoft had to make in Star Wars outlaws was because disney forced it on them. Samething with an upcoming starwars game by NetEase. Disney told the devs they have to remove all white heroes from the game and put in as much non binary gender neutral shit that they can.
this would explain why they delayed shadows
Why TF someone want to buy Ubisoft if buyout doesn't mean you get to control it? That's doesn't make sense
The captains always go down with the ship
Such bias against Tencent. Path of Exile developer is owned outright by Tencent, yet it is never mentioned or praised.
Not just GGG, Tencent also owns/is major shareholder of Riot, FromSoft, and Larian etc. Only people who have no idea of the industry are biased against Tencent because it’s a Chinese company.
It's insane how biased he is, especially with all the recent videos Luke has put out about Path of Exile 2, showering it with praise. He also ignored how many games in development that have been cancelled by Microsoft, as well as the number of studios that have been shut down by them.
@@hakuhyo174 People simply have vague idea of Tencent. They just throw random shitty ideas about Tencent. It is pretty much 99% people on the internet, they just write a comment out of their ass without crosscheck.
@@hakuhyo174 Minority share (30%) in Larian Studios. Which gave Larian the capital to expand.
100% Sony or Microsoft will do lay off if they bought Ubisoft.
Ubisoft is so pathetic they can’t even give their company away now lol
luke wth that sound scared the shit outta me lol
Ten-Cent will be bought by 50-Cent and they will rename it to 60-Cent(🤭)
Stick to your day job, jokes aren’t your thing
@zeikers it made me laugh, and at least his joke was original, unlike your response
@@zeikers ok Mr. I don't know from a hole in a wall, I will take your advice and do that ok(😞)..now that I'm sad, you do you feel better mr. Nobody?😆
@@JRChuxx again, not too funny
@@zeikerslol ur both pathetic
The reason that the Guillemonts want to maintain control so bad is because that's the culture of these French family-owned businesses. It's family identity and pride at stake. Owners dread their family's business being talen over.
Tencent >> Sony because if Sony buys them all games will be PS exclusives Ubisoft will lose sales Sony will get bad exclusive games
Sony buying Ubisoft to hold hostage all AC games against future COD and Bethesda releases seems like a smart move given Sony would share their first party expertise with them, year long training and all
I really hope they dont cancel the new anno game… thats the only ubisoft game I play and I really really like it. Fingers crossed
Feel sad for potential unemployment, but ubisoft did this to themselves.
can’t mismanage a disaster. Ubisoft actively made decisions customers hated. Personally I don’t think they made a good game since AC4.
No matter who owns them their ips will get milked. Their games are predatory by design
Why are you using ad blockers?
I hope the Sands of Time remake is safe 😔
I think tencent should also buy kadokawa because fromsoftware under tencent equals awesomeness
Will they continue to make quintuple A games like skull and bones??????
*I just want Far Cry Alaska* 😭
i still play anno 1800 with my friend a blast of a game imo, too bad seeing ubisoft being this f'ed
Microsoft can’t buy them for 10 years due to the agreement of Ubisoft had the cloud distribution rights for ABK
Ironic the Chinese knockoffs company is buying the west's most generic copy/paste games publisher.
Before you describe how toxic tencent is, I need to remind you that tencent owns 80% of the shares of Grinding Gear Games who make Path of Exile that you are currently playing.😅😅😅
Nobody i know plays path of exile.
Tencent also have a huge share of Lariant Studio. Tencent technically produced Baldur Gate3 and POE that people showering with praise but people still thinking Tencent is toxic.
Well I have more faith in tencent making good games with ubisoft's library than ubisoft themselves.
why do you get bot comments?
maybe Tencent is just being coy... waiting for things to be even more to their advantage before taking over Ubi