this level deadass feels more like an experience than just being another CYOP level, the expansive backgrounds, the detailed tilesets, the portal, EVERYTHING. GENUINELY EVERYTHING. I love the bit where gus and brick see peppino arriving off of the rocket. This is such a fucking cool level and I love it so much. this needs so much more attention. I probably love it as much as I do because of my love for space but still, this is genuinely such an experience
Too bad it doesn't follow Sam's level design guide. I don't wanna check how many rules exactly but one thing i know though is that it has too many gimmicks
@@thatonedumbe don't worry about that sam's level guide thing, it doesn't *have* to follow it but it's more of a thing to keep at the back of your mind if you want to create a traditional level that's simple enough to match pizza tower's standards and design thought process. this guy probably just didn't care and made a whole adventure of a level and I respect that
3:23 after peppino gets the spicy pizza we see him running around in space confirming that the spicy pizza gives peppino the ability to breathe in space
holy shit i know the guy that made this level and he showed the progress he made on a discord server we even talked about what the secret treasure should be i said cheese (really creative)
this is probably one of the most creative cyop levels ive ever seen, what an amazing level honestly. way better than calcium castle, geromes project, and any strongcold cyop level
It was copyright but not from the original source. It was made from another account who just uploaded the entire music and label it in a different name and making false claim of it.
this level deadass feels more like an experience than just being another CYOP level, the expansive backgrounds, the detailed tilesets, the portal, EVERYTHING. GENUINELY EVERYTHING. I love the bit where gus and brick see peppino arriving off of the rocket. This is such a fucking cool level and I love it so much. this needs so much more attention. I probably love it as much as I do because of my love for space but still, this is genuinely such an experience
nah if i saw this i would immediately thing its a cyop level
@@dillius_helo dilbus!!
Too bad it doesn't follow Sam's level design guide. I don't wanna check how many rules exactly but one thing i know though is that it has too many gimmicks
@@thatonedumbe don't worry about that sam's level guide thing, it doesn't *have* to follow it but it's more of a thing to keep at the back of your mind if you want to create a traditional level that's simple enough to match pizza tower's standards and design thought process. this guy probably just didn't care and made a whole adventure of a level and I respect that
@@peteyereybut if a level is long enough it makes sense to change set of gimmicks halfway thru. But not pile them up in one part.
3:23 after peppino gets the spicy pizza we see him running around in space confirming that the spicy pizza gives peppino the ability to breathe in space
It makes sense as it’s the closest Peppino will have to Having a super form
This level reminds me about Sonic 3 & Knuckles when you are in death egg zone (also Sonic 4 and Sonic Advance 1)
The grind rails remind me of the Space Colony ARK grind rails from Sonic Adventure 2
holy shit
i know the guy that made this level and he showed the progress he made on a discord server
we even talked about what the secret treasure should be
i said cheese (really creative)
this level HAS to be a sonic adventure 2 reference, especially the rocket and the custom grind rails
thanks for playing my level!
Your level is great work. Just one thing out of curiosity how long it took you to create those cutscene segments in the level?
@@zenadvent8122 Like 6 days at least for the 4 animations
For a second thought I thought Zen Advent made the level 💀💀
@@dragonbrick1 That is some impressive effort there.
NO GOD! NO GOD PLEASE NO! NOT THE "hmmm look what u done did you found a secret :)"... Because this is THE MOST PLACEHOLDER music what I heard.
:v sign gives me 102810 years of life
Latin memes that most do not understand xD
@@dragonbrick1 un saludo a la grasa
Lore of Pizza Tower (CYOP) Level - SPACE RUN momentum 100
Houston, we have bake-off.
And a problem
The prequel to deep dish 9 be like 🍕🗼🗿🚀🗿👌😎👍:
this is probably one of the most creative cyop levels ive ever seen, what an amazing level honestly. way better than calcium castle, geromes project, and any strongcold cyop level
Most strongcold recreations are mid tbh
@@thatonedumbe finally someone said it
Such original takes!@@theantifurstar123
How you do the piiza points are derecty cheese?
that title card goes hard
How do i play CYOP was in the noise update?
No more lap 2 music? 😢
It was copyright but not from the original source. It was made from another account who just uploaded the entire music and label it in a different name and making false claim of it.
@@zenadvent8122 Is someone trying to search this account with lap 2 false claim or not?
@@Shag456 its already taken care of. The channel making false claim is gone.
@@zenadvent8122 Then why people still changing pitch or censore lap 2 song? Like chaos lord
@@Shag456I just don’t care with my videos it’s there songs therefor why should I care
very nice tiling, not the best level but still pretty good. some animations are a little choppy. i give it a 8.7/10
What happened to TDID?
they preheated their oven
Copyright, for some reason PT music has copyright now i thought Mcpig loved us too dw 💔
@@Csdfsdffsdfsdfno it just got false copyrighted
@@RedKasen500 by who and what destroy them rahhh
@@Csdfsdffsdfsdfit was not from Mcpig. There was a channel that just upload the entire music of it and using it to make false claims.
how do you install mods?
1. this is cyop level
2. he use deltapatcher
Look it up, faster and easier for everyone involved.
Pizza oven.
@@Vapeur_lol ty