Karenni Gospel New Song - Gospel to You ( Lyric Video )

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024
  • I don't own this Song
    But Video Edit Person is Upload for them
    Title : Gospel to You ✭ English Sub
    Composer/Vocal : Khu-Johnathan Peh Bu
    When We live in this World. There All Brother Sister.
    If We Think Back About Everything.
    We Live in this World is Full Of Darkness.
    Think Careful For You Self.
    Brother Sister. In the day of You live.
    If You Day is End. For the Next Life Where You will go?
    For You and Me There is Two Place, Which Will You Go?
    Heaven and Hell?
    There Brother Sister.
    Think Careful Of You self.
    Jesus is the Salvation that Help Us From Hell.
    There Brother Sister. If You want go to Heaven.
    Have to Believe In Jesus.
    ( You Will Have Internal Life. )
    ''Jesus Love You
    Die For You On the Cross
    If You Believe Lord Jesus,,
    ❇︎ ꤒꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤞꤢꤧꤊꤚꤟꤢꤦ꤭ ꤗꤤ꤬ꤜꤢ꤬ ꤘꤣ ꤔꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤑꤢꤩ꤭ ❇︎
    ꤚꤢ꤭/ꤤ꤬ꤚꤥ꤭ : ꤋꤢꤨ꤭-ꤡꤛꤥꤔꤢ꤬ꤒꤢ꤬ ꤖꤢꤧ꤭ꤙꤢꤨ꤭
    ꤙꤤ ꤕꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤥ꤬ꤓ꤉ꤟꤥ꤭ꤕꤚꤟꤢꤧ꤬ ꤙꤤꤟꤢꤩ꤬ꤋꤢꤨ꤬
    ꤕꤟꤌꤣꤠꤟꤛꤢꤞꤤ꤭ ꤜꤟꤢꤪ꤭ꤕꤜꤤ꤭
    ꤕꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤊꤤ꤬ ꤒꤢ꤬ꤔꤟꤢꤩ꤬ꤓꤛꤢ꤬ ꤗꤛꤢꤋꤛꤢꤩ꤭ ꤒꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤜꤟꤢꤪ꤭꤮ ꤕꤜꤤ꤭
    ꤒꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤥ꤬ꤓ꤉ꤟꤥ꤭ꤓꤛꤢ꤬ ꤙꤤ ꤟꤢꤩ꤬ꤋꤢꤨ꤬ꤛꤢꤩ꤭ ꤜꤣꤙꤢ꤭ ꤔꤢ ꤒꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤕꤛꤢꤩ
    ꤒꤢ꤬ꤔꤟꤢꤩ꤬ꤓꤛꤢ꤬ ꤒꤟꤢ꤭ꤒꤟꤢꤩ꤬ ꤔꤟꤤ ꤔꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤔꤟꤢꤩ
    ꤒꤢ꤬ꤑꤢꤩ꤭ꤋꤢꤧ꤭ ꤔꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤒꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤥ꤬ꤓ꤉ꤟꤥ꤭ꤕꤚꤟꤢꤧ꤬
    ꤗꤟꤢꤪꤑꤢꤩ꤭ ꤊꤤ꤬ꤒꤢ꤬ꤘꤢꤦ꤬ꤕꤢ꤭
    ꤔꤥ꤬ꤕꤢ꤭ ꤒꤣ꤬ꤓꤢꤦ꤭ ꤔꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤜꤟꤢꤩ ꤡꤛꤣꤙꤤꤒꤢꤩ꤭?
    ꤔꤟꤢꤧ꤬ ꤔꤢ ꤠꤢ꤭ꤑꤢꤩ꤭ ꤋꤢ꤭ꤜꤟꤢꤩ ꤥ꤬ꤔꤛꤢꤩ꤭ꤖꤥ꤬
    ꤔꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤜꤟꤢꤩꤡꤛꤣ ꤙꤤꤒꤢꤩ꤭ꤕꤢ꤭?
    ꤗꤟꤢꤪꤋꤢꤨ꤬ ꤔꤢ ꤍꤢ꤬ꤚꤢ꤬
    ꤒꤢ꤬ꤔꤟꤢꤩ꤬ꤓꤛꤢ꤬ ꤒꤟꤢ꤭ꤒꤟꤢꤩ꤬ ꤔꤟꤤꤘꤢꤦ꤬ ꤔꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤔꤟꤢꤩ
    ꤛꤢꤩ꤬ꤏꤛꤢꤨꤗꤢ꤬ ꤕꤚꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤗꤟꤢꤩ꤬ꤏꤤ꤭ꤕꤜꤢꤧꤊꤟꤢ꤬ ꤕꤟꤢꤧ꤬ ꤘꤣ ꤍꤢ꤬ꤚꤢ꤬
    ꤔꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤊꤤ꤬ ꤞꤢꤧꤊꤟꤢ꤬ꤒꤟꤌꤣꤊꤟꤌꤣ꤭ ꤘꤣ ꤗꤟꤢꤪꤋꤢꤨ꤬
    ꤙꤢꤧ꤬ꤐꤟꤢꤦꤢꤩ꤬ ꤙꤛꤢ꤬ꤡꤢꤧ꤬ ꤛꤢꤩ꤬ꤏꤛꤢꤨ
    ( ꤔꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤊꤟꤢꤦ ꤔꤟꤤꤙꤢꤧ꤬ ꤗꤢꤪꤋꤢꤨ꤬ )꤃
    ꤙꤛꤢ꤬ꤡꤢꤧ꤬ ꤛꤢꤩ꤬ꤏꤛꤢꤨ
    ꤢ꤬ꤋꤛꤢꤞꤛꤢꤩ꤭ ꤕꤢꤩꤔꤟꤢꤧ꤬
    ꤔꤟꤢꤧ꤬ꤊꤤ꤬ ꤐꤟꤢꤦꤢꤩ꤬ ꤙꤛꤢ꤬ꤡꤢꤧ꤬ ꤛꤢꤩ꤬ꤏꤛꤢꤨ

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