The Apostle Paul says in Romans chapter 12, “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
To rebuke and cast out even cast down the lying spirit of witchcraft is the authority given by God. Are you a witch 🧙 seeking refuge behind the word 📖 of God. REBUKED 🙏
Ohh my how powerful this deliverance sermon is! I just noticed it’s over a year ago! But it just worked for me. I have been delivered from witchcraft. I had diarrhea I vomited so so much! I have 4 adult children and all those pregnancies no vomiting. I never vomit but tonight!!! Rather, this morning, I have been delivered. I serve an Almighty God! Thank you Mfundisi Sonnie - God is truly using you in my life. In my life, I have played your son My Soul says YES more than any other song. Moyo wangu wakabvuma Jesu! May God continue to use you in such a mighty way!
Can you help me???? I got pregnant ten years ago and im still 71... I am a christian...i dont want this pregnancy not sure if God is in it..the whole thing is confusing....this pregnancy will not show up on ultra sound...drs cnt help me.....
Can you help me???? I got pregnant ten years ago and im still 71... I am a christian...i dont want this pregnancy not sure if God is in it..the whole thing is confusing....this pregnancy will not show up on ultra sound...drs cnt help me.....
@@isaacmwita2582 No it can be body hot heat or high or low blood pressure.. Start LAYE your ✋ on head or heart 🙏 over self or just say JESUS as many × it's POWER IN THAT HOLY NAME DO IT EVEN IF U HAVE ADDICTION GOD SEE YOU STILL HIS HUMBLE GOD FEAR CHILD OF HIS AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT HES A HOLY GOD POWER DELIVER AN HEALING LITE NO SPELL OR DEMONS HAVE CONTROL KEEP IN BANDAGE👍💪
Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point! Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact! Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian. Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ) The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king. Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour." Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian Origins of Christ Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah Egypt- ( Kryst ) Greek- ( Khristos ) Latin- ( Christus ) Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of! Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god. Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael. Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct. Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture. Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet J becomes H Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus Or to be exact Hail Zeus. All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus. And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important. At the time spanish was the most common language spoken. So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you. You will serve but only one God.! Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies. The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual. Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever. The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit.... They have taken out the Holly Mother. It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature. So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube. Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black. The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021... Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube). Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society. So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon. You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted! You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God.
What good is it to live a entire lifetime following a gay King's book instead of your own God given mind? Question ❓ Say you where to really die in the next few seconds and now your face to face with the actual true creator. He asking you a simple question... Why Did You Follow The Words of The World and Not Understand That I Had Already Blessed You As A Perfect Creation In An All Knowing State of Being? What would be your response? Would you really tell your Creator, that you chose to follow a gay man's book, cause you were told that it was ( his true word). Facts- the KJV Bible was written in 1593 and then finally published in 1611. Written by a Scottish man ( James Charles Stuart ) who later became a English King only after killing his own parents and married his older brother just for a chance to become a king. But back then it wasn't strange to marry siblings for a position of royalty. It was simply considered a strategic move for power.. now James Charles Stuart was also a well known Demonologist and wrote another book on demonology that the Vatican itself still uses as it's source. I know this personally for I have met and spoken to Gabriele Amorth himself. Gabrielle Amorth being Chief Exorcist for the Vatican itself. So back to my ❓ Question. What would you say to the true God? He did give you a mind, Right? Why did you decide to conform with the rest of society and follow a Worldly Book? For a perfect God surely doesn't make un-perfect creations. Don't you know that all creation is perfect itself. We are all made in his own image. Who is great enough to have convinced you that a book that isn't even the size of some Dictionaries. You expect a small book to be the Whole Word of a God? Fact 2- James Charles Stuart took out 40+ Previous parts of the Greek Septuagint ( Greek Version ). And if you still read the very last part of any Bible, what does it say? If anyone shall take words out of this book, I will take from their inheritance in my kingdom. And if anyone should add to this book, I should add plagues upon them.... Yet you call the KJV Bible- your true word of God, when James Charles Stuart did exactly that... Still, it makes no difference when standing face to face with the Creator. So who gets to be let in the kingdom. The man who followed his own heart and mind his whole entire life, or the worldly society who chose to conform to a book... And let a world decide for them... How to live. When you were already born in a perfect state.
@@prissnoyce8363 the 1593 version was stolen from the Ethiopians. the words written within are Spirit (God's/Ancient of Days/The Creator's Spirit) and they live on today because of it. They unearth, enlighten and fight on our behalf.
Your timely message a year today is really addressing a challenging situation in my life for the past 5 years. The Blood of Jesus has power over them all.
I haven't heard any preacher, in all my life preach this in American. Never. I am so glad this man of God is preaching this. This evil is REAL. ABSOLUTELY.
Year's ago while sleeping in an abandoned car felt something coming out my vagina, I got out the car went and sit in a car, started pushing it and digging it out my vagina, with the help of God 🙏🙄☝️ I got it out ( a ball of cooked collard greens) 😭
Don't just say Jesus. Address him as Lord Jesus or Jesus Christ. There are more than one Jesus'is the Bible and you even have men that practice witchcraft that call themselves Jesus. That's why it's important to be specific.
First to the Jew then extended to the Greek. All glory to Jesus Christ for extending salvation to all tribes, nations and the world. We will all bow before him on the day of his coming, thank you so much for the message on battling witchcraft pastor! Much love for your ministry, god bless.
Complete my comment I came upon this very powerful and timely message by GODS GRACE ALONE. 🙏🏽 Every word has spoken to me. Especially today the 23 of Jan 2023. Tomorrow is my Second born birthday he turns 31. LORD ONLY knows what we been through. Thank you kind Sir May you be blessed. Thank you for teaching us to understand the tactics Of Evil in our Midst. Such an encouraging message. Wow how would I find this message, only GOD.
Thank you man of God Sonnie for your powerful prayer against witchcraft and against the evil spirits in the name of Jesus. I beg your mercy and kindly pray for me and for my two daughters and a grandson as, there is no peace and prosperity in my family. I praise you, Glory be to God. Alleleuah . I am from India, Goa. I am Cecilia monteiro
Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point! Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact! Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian. Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ) The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king. Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour." Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian Origins of Christ Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah Egypt- ( Kryst ) Greek- ( Khristos ) Latin- ( Christus ) Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of! Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god. Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael. Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct. Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture. Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet J becomes H Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus Or to be exact Hail Zeus. All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus. And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important. At the time spanish was the most common language spoken. So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you. You will serve but only one God.! Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies. The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual. Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever. The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit.... They have taken out the Holly Mother. It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature. So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube. Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black. The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021... Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube). Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society. So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon. You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted! You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God.
What a powerful message , what a powerful teachings. Every veitchcraft holding my destiny, children’s destiny and my family destiny to catch 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥in the Mighty name of Jesus. Anyone who is listening to this message may any witchcraft holding your life be destroyed and catch fire *7 in Jesus name Amen 🙏
Since modern technology people are hacking phones and computers without their knowledge. According to the Greeks hacking is witchcraft and sneaky. I have female hackers who are obsessed addicted. All addictions and obsessions are directly from Satan. They are busybodies who can't focus on their lives because hacking makes them feel powerful.
The name I AM holds more power than Jesus! Jesus is no different from Horus, Allah, Buddha, Chrisna ect. Different characters SAME MESSAGE. psa 82:6 Luke 17:20-21 God said I DON'T DWELLIN THE TEMPLE MADE BY MAN HANDS, but we are that temple. The character Jesus said THE FATHER IS IN ME AND IN YOU. I AM THAT I AM!
Praise Wednesday morning Pastor Sonny Abdul, I have always love to joined in Praise and worship. But never knew you were a Prophet, as i followed the instructions you' be given to clapped our hands, the shine eyes into my wall into the apartment was not there, bats were flying around and the geeks only noise am hearing. Jehovah God blesses you. though from 2021 June, God's word never goes stale, texting from Bklyn. MY Amen
Thank you Prophet, truly God has anointed your vessel with His manifold wisdom on witchcraft. Your release on this subject ALWAYS resonates with my spirit man. ❤️, 💕, 💗 you, your wife and the RockHill family.
Thank you Pastor! For this powerful message ...And releasing God's great Spirit - Amen and Amen, Pls Pray for me on moving into a new home ASAP, also Pray for removal of demonic persons (R, C, S) and any other demonic that tries to get in my way, In Jesus Name, I agree with you in Prayer, believe, Decree and Declare in Christ Name, Amen
I just want to thank God for dr so nice today I listen to what he said I had a bad evil person in my home when I got threw listening to him preach that spirit opened the door an left my house thank you for saving me Rosalind Anderson
This message was like you knew what i was passing through man of God, really i was blessed i witness the works of the enermy overthrow my relationship in one day
Problem I’m facing right now. Any Prophet that sees me talks about an Auntie who says she won’t allow me to marry and travel buh after chancing on this sermon, I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ and no witchcraft can control my life IJN 🙏
This word is on point. I live next door to a witch and warlock in Ebony Vale, Jamaica. 🇯🇲 I pray to God they 'll be exposed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
The word 'warlock' is an insult, it means an oath - breaker. Do not use this word, please. 'Witch' is a gender - neutral term that can be used for any practitioner of The Craft, regardless of their gender. It you really want to throw negative and hateful comments on witches, maybe do your research first.. I strongly reccomend you to study about wicca and witchcraft, maybe you'll be very surprised. By the way, do you know the wiccan rede? "Eight words the wiccan rede fulfill, an ye harm none, do what ye will." Blessed be!
Dear Dr Sonnie Madu my name is DAWN ELLIOTT I am from Guyana 🇬🇾 I attended a church name kingdom life ministry I watched your video and I am bless I have been going through some jointpain no matter how much tablet I drink this pain remain but after watching your video I understand
thanks Mr Sonnie Badu for those and insight surely you are sent from God to help the nation's May God continued to lavish you your family and your ministry.
Very blessed, when it comes to the subject of Witchcraft, no one does it like u. You are full of God given wisdom. This is very helpful, thank u for sharing, my life will never be the same.
I believe even before I watch this video cause this is what I needed for today. Thanks Jesus and Holy Spirit for guiding me here. God bless you all my friends in Christ. Jesus never fails so do I. 13.07.2022.
Yesterday was confirmation on my whole life and why it’s been going down hill and staying stagnant , I’m going home and playing this home in the presence of the enemy in JESUS NAME I WILL BE FREE!
Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point! Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact! Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian. Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ) The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king. Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour." Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian Origins of Christ Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah Egypt- ( Kryst ) Greek- ( Khristos ) Latin- ( Christus ) Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of! Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god. Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael. Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct. Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture. Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet J becomes H Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus Or to be exact Hail Zeus. All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus. And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important. At the time spanish was the most common language spoken. So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you. You will serve but only one God.! Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies. The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual. Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever. The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit.... They have taken out the Holly Mother. It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature. So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube. Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black. The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021... Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube). Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society. So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon. You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted! You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God.
Honestly though, who have any of you had the privilege to meet and learn from in your own experience? Now you say that I'm misleading people and I turn people away from the truth. Okay let's examine that point- first off what's true. Well -(Nothing Is). Absolutely nothing in this world is right or wrong till the person themself chooses to except it as being factual. The mind of the person has no information till it's presented in front of you. Only you can make the choice of excepting if it holds to your own heart. Now I have been providing all the proof of backing up my claims I make everything clear and precise. I myself have had sat on and witnessed several classes to top name people who have studied and been to different places. So for now I will simply tell you just a small list of names that I have met and studied under. I have read historical material from their own books that I will lable below if you're ready? 1) Gabriele Amorth is the Chief Exorcist for the Vatican at Rome. He himself has ten's of thousands of exorcisms that he has performed and has been a exorcist for roughly sixty years... 2) Philip Gardiner is a professor on different cultures and religions/mythologies from around the world. - His own Book ( The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies- Revaluations of the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis and Serpent Cults ) 3) Jordan Maxwell is also a world renowned professor on different cultures. He himself has done several talks and videos and can easily be looked up online. And most who seek to know the occult or secret information on topics of religion or forbidden historical facts, know of his name. Book ( The Naked Truth- Exploring the Deception About the Origins of Modern Religion ) 4) Bill Donahue is a professor on topics of religion or the Bible itself. Also another well known man who has done a few classroom discussions on Religion and the idea of Jesus Christ and where the name was taken from. 5) Frank Chester is another professor of whom I have a privilege of meeting and sitting in on a class in San Francisco. Bright guy on topics of religion. 6) Santos Bonacci is a world renowned professor on Astrology and the study behind Astral signs of the Zodiac and their connection to the Universe and the idea of God. And how God or Jesus connection to the Sun, Planets, Moon and our very way of Natural Laws of Physics. Has done hundreds of Classroom discussions and videos that are online to witness. So yeah, these are just a few of the Men that I have met and studied from. So please don't tell me that I'm misleading or wrong in what I know or say. It would be disrespectful to many people who have both taken actual time to travel visit sit in classroom discussions and learn from all the beautiful different cultures from around the world! One more thing! They Actually have recently found a real temple of Zeus in Egypt. To be exact for you the archaeologist have found the Temple in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. And the Temple is dedicated to Zeus Kasios. A temple that merges the Greek deity of Zeus with Mount Kasios. Really want to tell me that Zeus still isn't tied to Egypt? And that Jesus or IA-SVS doesn't mean EA- Zeus or Hail Zeus All... I still beg to differ. And so would all the Archaeologist over in Egypt who are uncovering the temple. Now the term IA-SVS may go back to latin in which it does. But it's derived from EA-Zeus is broken into EA from the Akkadian God EA and then from the Greek equivalent being Zeus. However there have been multiple temples dedicated to Zeus all over the Mediterranean and into Egypt. And the current excavation of the temple of Zeus Kasios in the Sinai Peninsula, is proof! More- the Statue of the Vatican's own Saint Peter, has an exact copy. However the copy lies on the Greek island of Crete. And there the copy isn't called Saint Peter, but Zeus. See, no offense. But you Christians make it all to easy to break down... All because of one fact. You are indoctrinated to only learn history of different cultures up to 12th grade...then you all stop and graduate becoming El- der members of society. You even get your square ⬛ black hats. Well done Conformist world of Denial and Lies. When will your King come forward and tell the truth behind who you all serve?🤔🥱😢 Facts remains this Je-sus = Zeus- Seth- Thor... All leading back to the Canannite God Bael... More than him is his father the Canannite God Elyon... And all one needs to prove it. Is to show you all the 7 Hebrew Names of your own God... I suggest you look them up. For Elyon is hidden inside each and every name. So Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-der, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
Hello I'm so excited my relationship was fixed back again my partner is back to me and we happily together , I go help from a man who brought us back #papaosaro thanks doc. 🙏🙏
My sis and I are experiencing this right now today realizing it's our mother ..we are staying in the word of God and prayer and calling it out this is serious business everything he is saying we have said before I heard him say this , I know this is real ..
@@pattersonqueen definitely sis thank you for your support's definitely getting better though Christ Jesus, seeing more and more with the word of God and fasting is absolutely necessary
Wow! i feel comfortable Doctor. I need your prayer as many things of mine are stuck ministry not as before 2. my perusal of further education in PhD 3. at the same level of salary for the last almost 15 years.
Im so thankful for this i need this . I was told that some one was watching me through a evil mirror and this person had been watching me since childhood I've been hearing that from a lot of people and I don't know how I don't know why it doesn't matter why but I wanted to be done and over with whoever this person maybe in Jesus mighty name I plead the blood of Jesus..4-1-2023... wow wow lord God deliver me from evil 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
I have seen my light break through’ with this service I’m healed! More KINGDOM work to do thank you amen. I love the Lord he love me first I deserve clean fresh energy to praise and receive his blessings I’m my life.
I Come into Agreement with you Prophet, ALL WITCHCRAFT will be destroyed and every spell broken this night.....08/13/2022! Tear Satan's kingdom All the Way DOWN!
Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point! Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact! Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian. Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ) The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king. Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour." Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian Origins of Christ Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah Egypt- ( Kryst ) Greek- ( Khristos ) Latin- ( Christus ) Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of! Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god. Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael. Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct. Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture. Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet J becomes H Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus Or to be exact Hail Zeus. All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus. And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important. At the time spanish was the most common language spoken. So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you. You will serve but only one God.! Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies. The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual. Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever. The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit.... They have taken out the Holly Mother. It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature. So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube. Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black. The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021... Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube). Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society. So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon. You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted! You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... See the truth.
Honestly though, who have any of you had the privilege to meet and learn from in your own experience? Now you say that I'm misleading people and I turn people away from the truth. Okay let's examine that point- first off what's true. Well -(Nothing Is). Absolutely nothing in this world is right or wrong till the person themself chooses to except it as being factual. The mind of the person has no information till it's presented in front of you. Only you can make the choice of excepting if it holds to your own heart. Now I have been providing all the proof of backing up my claims I make everything clear and precise. I myself have had sat on and witnessed several classes to top name people who have studied and been to different places. So for now I will simply tell you just a small list of names that I have met and studied under. I have read historical material from their own books that I will lable below if you're ready? 1) Gabriele Amorth is the Chief Exorcist for the Vatican at Rome. He himself has ten's of thousands of exorcisms that he has performed and has been a exorcist for roughly sixty years... 2) Philip Gardiner is a professor on different cultures and religions/mythologies from around the world. - His own Book ( The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies- Revaluations of the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis and Serpent Cults ) 3) Jordan Maxwell is also a world renowned professor on different cultures. He himself has done several talks and videos and can easily be looked up online. And most who seek to know the occult or secret information on topics of religion or forbidden historical facts, know of his name. Book ( The Naked Truth- Exploring the Deception About the Origins of Modern Religion ) 4) Bill Donahue is a professor on topics of religion or the Bible itself. Also another well known man who has done a few classroom discussions on Religion and the idea of Jesus Christ and where the name was taken from. 5) Frank Chester is another professor of whom I have a privilege of meeting and sitting in on a class in San Francisco. Bright guy on topics of religion. 6) Santos Bonacci is a world renowned professor on Astrology and the study behind Astral signs of the Zodiac and their connection to the Universe and the idea of God. And how God or Jesus connection to the Sun, Planets, Moon and our very way of Natural Laws of Physics. Has done hundreds of Classroom discussions and videos that are online to witness. So yeah, these are just a few of the Men that I have met and studied from. So please don't tell me that I'm misleading or wrong in what I know or say. It would be disrespectful to many people who have both taken actual time to travel visit sit in classroom discussions and learn from all the beautiful different cultures from around the world! One more thing! They Actually have recently found a real temple of Zeus in Egypt. To be exact for you the archaeologist have found the Temple in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. And the Temple is dedicated to Zeus Kasios. A temple that merges the Greek deity of Zeus with Mount Kasios. Really want to tell me that Zeus still isn't tied to Egypt? And that Jesus or IA-SVS doesn't mean EA- Zeus or Hail Zeus All... I still beg to differ. And so would all the Archaeologist over in Egypt who are uncovering the temple. Now the term IA-SVS may go back to latin in which it does. But it's derived from EA-Zeus is broken into EA from the Akkadian God EA and then from the Greek equivalent being Zeus. However there have been multiple temples dedicated to Zeus all over the Mediterranean and into Egypt. And the current excavation of the temple of Zeus Kasios in the Sinai Peninsula, is proof! More- the Statue of the Vatican's own Saint Peter, has an exact copy. However the copy lies on the Greek island of Crete. And there the copy isn't called Saint Peter, but Zeus. See, no offense. But you Christians make it all to easy to break down... All because of one fact. You are indoctrinated to only learn history of different cultures up to 12th grade...then you all stop and graduate becoming El- der members of society. You even get your square ⬛ black hats. Well done Conformist world of Denial and Lies. When will your King come forward and tell the truth behind who you all serve?🤔🥱😢 Facts remains this Je-sus = Zeus- Seth- Thor... All leading back to the Canannite God Bael... More than him is his father the Canannite God Elyon... And all one needs to prove it. Is to show you all the 7 Hebrew Names of your own God... I suggest you look them up. For Elyon is hidden inside each and every name. So Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-der, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
this things have destroyed my marriage, my job life everything, its like someone monitoring my every move. This is such an eye opener for me.. My untie asked m for money, she paid me back after a week. since then,I lost my job and my life has never been the same ever since. my son is in phillipines my wife in dubai and me here in kenya. I was in uae for 10 years,. Pray for me Man of God.
Every evil convenant released upon my life without my knowledge break in the Mighty Name of Jesus and it shall be done! Every evil convenant released upon my husband, my marriage, and my son without our knowledge break in the Mighty Name of Jesus and It shall be done! Anyone who is witch that is on assignment to destroy me, my marriage, and my family may that person or persons go mad and become confused, the evil plans destroyed by fire, and that person or persons leave my family alone and if that person is staying with me may that person will have no rest day or night and that person will leave my house at once and it shall be done in the Mighty Name of Jesus AMEN!
Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point! Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact! Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian. Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ) The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king. Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour." Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian Origins of Christ Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah Egypt- ( Kryst ) Greek- ( Khristos ) Latin- ( Christus ) Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of! Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god. Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael. Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct. Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture. Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet J becomes H Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus Or to be exact Hail Zeus. All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus. And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important. At the time spanish was the most common language spoken. So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you. You will serve but only one God.! Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies. The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual. Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever. The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit.... They have taken out the Holly Mother. It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature. So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube. Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black. The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021... Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube). Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society. So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon. You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted! You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God.
Ephesians 6 vs 12. Spirits don’t die so when the body leaves, wont the spirit still linger and continue wickedness? Thats how come there are alters that are generational curses in many families. Theses things are very wicked. One must be be prayerful to uproot them.
Honestly though, who have any of you had the privilege to meet and learn from in your own experience? Now you say that I'm misleading people and I turn people away from the truth. Okay let's examine that point- first off what's true. Well -(Nothing Is). Absolutely nothing in this world is right or wrong till the person themself chooses to except it as being factual. The mind of the person has no information till it's presented in front of you. Only you can make the choice of excepting if it holds to your own heart. Now I have been providing all the proof of backing up my claims I make everything clear and precise. I myself have had sat on and witnessed several classes to top name people who have studied and been to different places. So for now I will simply tell you just a small list of names that I have met and studied under. I have read historical material from their own books that I will lable below if you're ready? 1) Gabriele Amorth is the Chief Exorcist for the Vatican at Rome. He himself has ten's of thousands of exorcisms that he has performed and has been a exorcist for roughly sixty years... 2) Philip Gardiner is a professor on different cultures and religions/mythologies from around the world. - His own Book ( The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies- Revaluations of the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis and Serpent Cults ) 3) Jordan Maxwell is also a world renowned professor on different cultures. He himself has done several talks and videos and can easily be looked up online. And most who seek to know the occult or secret information on topics of religion or forbidden historical facts, know of his name. Book ( The Naked Truth- Exploring the Deception About the Origins of Modern Religion ) 4) Bill Donahue is a professor on topics of religion or the Bible itself. Also another well known man who has done a few classroom discussions on Religion and the idea of Jesus Christ and where the name was taken from. 5) Frank Chester is another professor of whom I have a privilege of meeting and sitting in on a class in San Francisco. Bright guy on topics of religion. 6) Santos Bonacci is a world renowned professor on Astrology and the study behind Astral signs of the Zodiac and their connection to the Universe and the idea of God. And how God or Jesus connection to the Sun, Planets, Moon and our very way of Natural Laws of Physics. Has done hundreds of Classroom discussions and videos that are online to witness. So yeah, these are just a few of the Men that I have met and studied from. So please don't tell me that I'm misleading or wrong in what I know or say. It would be disrespectful to many people who have both taken actual time to travel visit sit in classroom discussions and learn from all the beautiful different cultures from around the world! One more thing! They Actually have recently found a real temple of Zeus in Egypt. To be exact for you the archaeologist have found the Temple in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. And the Temple is dedicated to Zeus Kasios. A temple that merges the Greek deity of Zeus with Mount Kasios. Really want to tell me that Zeus still isn't tied to Egypt? And that Jesus or IA-SVS doesn't mean EA- Zeus or Hail Zeus All... I still beg to differ. And so would all the Archaeologist over in Egypt who are uncovering the temple. Now the term IA-SVS may go back to latin in which it does. But it's derived from EA-Zeus is broken into EA from the Akkadian God EA and then from the Greek equivalent being Zeus. However there have been multiple temples dedicated to Zeus all over the Mediterranean and into Egypt. And the current excavation of the temple of Zeus Kasios in the Sinai Peninsula, is proof! More- the Statue of the Vatican's own Saint Peter, has an exact copy. However the copy lies on the Greek island of Crete. And there the copy isn't called Saint Peter, but Zeus. See, no offense. But you Christians make it all to easy to break down... All because of one fact. You are indoctrinated to only learn history of different cultures up to 12th grade...then you all stop and graduate becoming El- der members of society. You even get your square ⬛ black hats. Well done Conformist world of Denial and Lies. When will your King come forward and tell the truth behind who you all serve?🤔🥱😢 Facts remains this Je-sus = Zeus- Seth- Thor... All leading back to the Canannite God Bael... More than him is his father the Canannite God Elyon... And all one needs to prove it. Is to show you all the 7 Hebrew Names of your own God... I suggest you look them up. For Elyon is hidden inside each and every name.
@@ruthfrancois3140 Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point! Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact! Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian. Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ) The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king. Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour." Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian Origins of Christ Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah Egypt- ( Kryst ) Greek- ( Khristos ) Latin- ( Christus ) Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of! Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god. Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael. Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct. Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture. Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet J becomes H Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus Or to be exact Hail Zeus. All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus. And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important. At the time spanish was the most common language spoken. So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you. You will serve but only one God.! Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies. The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual. Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever. The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit.... They have taken out the Holly Mother. It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature. So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube. Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black. The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021... Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube). Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society. So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon. You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted! You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... See the truth.
All my enemies whose trying to kill me catchfire in Jesus name those who are trying to kill me will go down into the world of the dead in accordance with psalm 63:9 amen
Amen amen i am touch pastor in my mine right now I wish me and my kids could of met with you but we are to far away may the Lord continue guide you with wisdom 🙏🙏🙏
Oh God, my husband has damaged furniture and our home. Putting holes everywhere. Slashing baseboards and trim, windows and doors. He states he didn’t do it. Something is wrong. I plead the BLOOD of JESUS!!!!!
Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point! Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact! Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian. Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ) The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king. Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour." Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian Origins of Christ Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah Egypt- ( Kryst ) Greek- ( Khristos ) Latin- ( Christus ) Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent. There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ). The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H. Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of! Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god. Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael. Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct. Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture. Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet J becomes H Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus Or to be exact Hail Zeus. All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus. And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important. At the time spanish was the most common language spoken. So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you. You will serve but only one God.! Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies. The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual. Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever. The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit.... They have taken out the Holly Mother. It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature. So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube. Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black. The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021... Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube). Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society. So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon. You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted! You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... See the truth.
i am impressed by the Reality check reference in your Preaching and Elucidations about the Topic. ABSENCE OF KNOWLEDGE or IGNORANCE about FORCES OF DARKNESS is s strategic activity of DEVIL to fight BELIEVERS so that victims are DESTROYED without them suspecting the DEVIL and his agents. BE ENLIGTENED BELIEVERS. Thank you Dr. Sonnie. May God bless you.
That's how my, anty wanted to give me witchcraft but the glory of of i could not eat the food she gave to me to eat, but i trow the food away. the moment I throw the food away i saw a white cat steering at me and i was so scared about it,i thank God I don't eat that food. Glory be to god.
It is so amazing I am not alone in this walk with God. I really find it hard to believe you walked the same thing I experienced with my own wife of 30 years of marriage two daughters
lack of knowledge? to gain knowledge you must gain an understanding of things you don't know about..... not dismiss them and burn them or drown them or tare them into pieces or imprison them....
This Man of God is so anointed for this assignment!
all Glory to God
The Apostle Paul says in Romans chapter 12, “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
To rebuke and cast out even cast down the lying spirit of witchcraft is the authority given by God. Are you a witch 🧙 seeking refuge behind the word 📖 of God. REBUKED 🙏
I pray for an impartation of divine discernment in the spirit for all who look to God with anticipateion
Ohh my how powerful this deliverance sermon is! I just noticed it’s over a year ago! But it just worked for me. I have been delivered from witchcraft. I had diarrhea I vomited so so much! I have 4 adult children and all those pregnancies no vomiting. I never vomit but tonight!!! Rather, this morning, I have been delivered. I serve an Almighty God! Thank you Mfundisi Sonnie - God is truly using you in my life. In my life, I have played your son My Soul says YES more than any other song. Moyo wangu wakabvuma Jesu! May God continue to use you in such a mighty way!
Can you help me???? I got pregnant ten years ago and im still 71... I am a christian...i dont want this pregnancy not sure if God is in it..the whole thing is confusing....this pregnancy will not show up on ultra sound...drs cnt help me.....
Can you help me???? I got pregnant ten years ago and im still 71... I am a christian...i dont want this pregnancy not sure if God is in it..the whole thing is confusing....this pregnancy will not show up on ultra sound...drs cnt help me.....
I’ve been going through something very spiritual. So happy that this popped up when I awaken from a nightmare.
Hello I wanted to ask is nosebleed a spirit of witchcraft ? It happened only today when I woke up
@@isaacmwita2582 No it can be body hot heat or high or low blood pressure.. Start LAYE your ✋ on head or heart 🙏 over self or just say JESUS as many × it's POWER IN THAT HOLY NAME DO IT EVEN IF U HAVE ADDICTION GOD SEE YOU STILL HIS HUMBLE GOD FEAR CHILD OF HIS AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT HES A HOLY GOD POWER DELIVER AN HEALING LITE NO SPELL OR DEMONS HAVE CONTROL KEEP IN BANDAGE👍💪
This is a powerful sermon .
Pastor Badu , a new sensation to the christian world .
May , you live long .
Stay bless .
Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
Origins of Christ
Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
Egypt- ( Kryst )
Greek- ( Khristos )
Latin- ( Christus )
Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
J becomes H
Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
You will serve but only one God.!
Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
They have taken out the Holly Mother.
It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God.
What good is it to live a entire lifetime following a gay King's book instead of your own God given mind?
Question ❓
Say you where to really die in the next few seconds and now your face to face with the actual true creator. He asking you a simple question... Why Did You Follow The Words of The World and Not Understand That I Had Already Blessed You As A Perfect Creation In An All Knowing State of Being?
What would be your response?
Would you really tell your Creator, that you chose to follow a gay man's book, cause you were told that it was ( his true word).
Facts- the KJV Bible was written in 1593 and then finally published in 1611. Written by a Scottish man ( James Charles Stuart ) who later became a English King only after killing his own parents and married his older brother just for a chance to become a king. But back then it wasn't strange to marry siblings for a position of royalty. It was simply considered a strategic move for power.. now James Charles Stuart was also a well known Demonologist and wrote another book on demonology that the Vatican itself still uses as it's source. I know this personally for I have met and spoken to Gabriele Amorth himself. Gabrielle Amorth being Chief Exorcist for the Vatican itself.
So back to my ❓ Question.
What would you say to the true God?
He did give you a mind, Right?
Why did you decide to conform with the rest of society and follow a Worldly Book?
For a perfect God surely doesn't make un-perfect creations. Don't you know that all creation is perfect itself. We are all made in his own image. Who is great enough to have convinced you that a book that isn't even the size of some Dictionaries. You expect a small book to be the Whole Word of a God?
Fact 2- James Charles Stuart took out 40+ Previous parts of the Greek Septuagint ( Greek Version ).
And if you still read the very last part of any Bible, what does it say?
If anyone shall take words out of this book, I will take from their inheritance in my kingdom. And if anyone should add to this book, I should add plagues upon them.... Yet you call the KJV Bible- your true word of God, when James Charles Stuart did exactly that...
Still, it makes no difference when standing face to face with the Creator. So who gets to be let in the kingdom. The man who followed his own heart and mind his whole entire life, or the worldly society who chose to conform to a book... And let a world decide for them... How to live. When you were already born in a perfect state.
@@prissnoyce8363 the 1593 version was stolen from the Ethiopians. the words written within are Spirit (God's/Ancient of Days/The Creator's Spirit) and they live on today because of it. They unearth, enlighten and fight on our behalf.
Your timely message a year today is really addressing a challenging situation in my life for the past 5 years. The Blood of Jesus has power over them all.
Amen !
Where is this church?
GREETINGS from Dominica not Dominican Republic. LOVE your preaching , worship and style. KEEP on preaching with boldness . BLESSING.
Bless you Apostle Badu for bringing light to this evil that is so covered and hidden in America
I haven't heard any preacher, in all my life preach this in American. Never.
I am so glad this man of God is preaching this. This evil is REAL. ABSOLUTELY.
Year's ago while sleeping in an abandoned car felt something coming out my vagina, I got out the car went and sit in a car, started pushing it and digging it out my vagina, with the help of God 🙏🙄☝️ I got it out ( a ball of cooked collard greens) 😭
I must come visit this prophet
@@mariemabry7224 I went and my God, it was simply AMAZING! The prophecy I received was spot on and helped rescue me from harm
Sooooo many CONFIRMATIONS! God bless this ministry!!!
Timely message.I found myself here today on 3/09/2022.
I am delivered from forces of darkness in Jesus Christ name Amen.
Don't just say Jesus. Address him as Lord Jesus or Jesus Christ. There are more than one Jesus'is the Bible and you even have men that practice witchcraft that call themselves Jesus. That's why it's important to be specific.
Me too, this is our message for the day 🙏
@Aly Julmim there's only one Jesus christ of Nazareth. I always put
@Aly Julmim there's only one Jesus christ of Nazareth. I always put
@Aly Julmim there's only one Jesus christ of Nazareth. I always put
There are definitely strongholds in families and ignorance of God does kill.
First to the Jew then extended to the Greek. All glory to Jesus Christ for extending salvation to all tribes, nations and the world. We will all bow before him on the day of his coming, thank you so much for the message on battling witchcraft pastor! Much love for your ministry, god bless.
In the name for Jesus Christ Lord and Savior
Complete my comment
I came upon this very powerful and timely message by GODS GRACE ALONE. 🙏🏽
Every word has spoken to me. Especially today the 23 of Jan 2023. Tomorrow is my Second born birthday he turns 31. LORD ONLY knows what we been through. Thank you kind Sir May you be blessed. Thank you for teaching us to understand the tactics Of Evil in our Midst. Such an encouraging message. Wow how would I find this message, only GOD.
Thank you man of God Sonnie for your powerful prayer against witchcraft and against the evil spirits in the name of Jesus. I beg your mercy and kindly pray for me and for my two daughters and a grandson as, there is no peace and prosperity in my family. I praise you, Glory be to God. Alleleuah . I am from India, Goa. I am Cecilia monteiro
Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
Origins of Christ
Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
Egypt- ( Kryst )
Greek- ( Khristos )
Latin- ( Christus )
Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
J becomes H
Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
You will serve but only one God.!
Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
They have taken out the Holly Mother.
It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God.
@@michaeltenebris3806 u said all of that to still prove that "yeshua Cristo" is translated to" Jesus christ"
What a powerful message , what a powerful teachings. Every veitchcraft holding my destiny, children’s destiny and my family destiny to catch 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥in the Mighty name of Jesus. Anyone who is listening to this message may any witchcraft holding your life be destroyed and catch fire *7 in Jesus name Amen 🙏
Amen Amen Thank You Father God for prayer warriors.
Every evil covenant released upon my life without my knowledge break in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ 🙏
Do you happen to know anything about how they write and reveal messages and drawings
Since modern technology people are hacking phones and computers without their knowledge. According to the Greeks hacking is witchcraft and sneaky. I have female hackers who are obsessed addicted. All addictions and obsessions are directly from Satan. They are busybodies who can't focus on their lives because hacking makes them feel powerful.
This is so real ..first time I came on your channel..thank you Jesus..please pray for me and my family..Belize🇧🇿🙏🏽
Be free child of God , Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might!!!
Lord destroyed every evel satanic dreams in my life,bad luck, hardship and sickness and died in thy might name of Jesus.
Amen And amen
🙏🏽 amen
The name I AM holds more power than Jesus! Jesus is no different from Horus, Allah, Buddha, Chrisna ect. Different characters SAME MESSAGE.
psa 82:6
Luke 17:20-21
God said I DON'T DWELLIN THE TEMPLE MADE BY MAN HANDS, but we are that temple. The character Jesus said THE FATHER IS IN ME AND IN YOU.
Amen Amen Amen 🙏 🙏
Amen Amen Amen 🙏
Praise Wednesday morning Pastor Sonny Abdul, I have always love to joined in Praise and worship. But never knew you were a Prophet, as i followed the instructions you' be given to clapped our hands, the shine eyes into my wall into the apartment was not there, bats were flying around and the geeks only noise am hearing. Jehovah God blesses you. though from 2021 June, God's word never goes stale, texting from Bklyn. MY Amen
I connect by faith, agree, believe and receive deliverance from witchcraft attacks in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
Thank you Prophet, truly God has anointed your vessel with His manifold wisdom on witchcraft. Your release on this subject ALWAYS resonates with my spirit man. ❤️, 💕, 💗 you, your wife and the RockHill family.
Thank you Pastor! For this powerful message ...And releasing God's great Spirit - Amen and Amen, Pls Pray for me on moving into a new home ASAP, also Pray for removal of demonic persons (R, C, S) and any other demonic that tries to get in my way, In Jesus Name, I agree with you in Prayer, believe, Decree and Declare in Christ Name, Amen
Glory, I receive my breakthrough today in Jesus name Amen
I just want to thank God for dr so nice today I listen to what he said I had a bad evil person in my home when I got threw listening to him preach that spirit opened the door an left my house thank you for saving me Rosalind Anderson
Dr Badu teaching has open up my eyes to a lot
This message was like you knew what i was passing through man of God, really i was blessed i witness the works of the enermy overthrow my relationship in one day
God bless you pastor for this powerful massage, please pray for my marriage I am losing my husband please remember us in your prayers thank you
Problem I’m facing right now. Any Prophet that sees me talks about an Auntie who says she won’t allow me to marry and travel buh after chancing on this sermon, I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ and no witchcraft can control my life IJN 🙏
Thank u Jesus for bringing this man into our lives to bless us with this word in Jesus name amen
The blood that give me strength from day to day will never lose lose its power Amen to God be the glory Amen enough is enough in the name of Jesus.
Thank you soo much for the prayers. Exactly a year ago I escaped a terrible accident. I am alive today by the grace of God. May God bless you.
God take control over my marrage and my family
This word is on point. I live next door to a witch and warlock in Ebony Vale, Jamaica. 🇯🇲 I pray to God they 'll be exposed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
The word 'warlock' is an insult, it means an oath - breaker. Do not use this word, please. 'Witch' is a gender - neutral term that can be used for any practitioner of The Craft, regardless of their gender.
It you really want to throw negative and hateful comments on witches, maybe do your research first.. I strongly reccomend you to study about wicca and witchcraft, maybe you'll be very surprised. By the way, do you know the wiccan rede? "Eight words the wiccan rede fulfill, an ye harm none, do what ye will."
Blessed be!
Warlock ...!!! Warlock!!!! Warlock !!!!! Jesus bind allllll that stuff . WITCHES , WARLOCKS !!!! EVERYTHING !!!!!
Oh please, don't be so dramatic and once again - the word 'warlock' is an insult and almost nobody wants to be called this term.
In Jesus might name 🙏
There's nothing wrong w us witches. We need no exposing. Respect others beliefs.
I love your preaching and deliverance
Thank you for this. I knew I was not alone, but now I KNOW IT!
Haunting haus in new york
thank you Pastor Badu, for your powerful teachings , I receive it all by faith in Jesus Mighty Name Amen
I thank the lord for exposing behind my troubles and for guiding me here to know how to identify them . I am open to receive from God because am free
Dear Dr Sonnie Madu my name is DAWN ELLIOTT I am from Guyana 🇬🇾 I attended a church name kingdom life ministry I watched your video and I am bless I have been going through some jointpain no matter how much tablet I drink this pain remain but after watching your video I understand
I've been so blessed by your teachings, may God continue to increase and baptise you with the fire of the Holy ghost in Jesus mighty name
Amen no more sorrows, who ever that has dug a pit for me let them fall into it in Jesus name amen 🙏
Pastor your service is so interesting may the lord cover you under the blood
More grace sir, you blessed me so good
thanks Mr Sonnie Badu for those and insight surely you are sent from God to help the nation's May God continued to lavish you your family and your ministry.
👆Omg yes my friend it really work out for me the love spell 😮
Very blessed, when it comes to the subject of Witchcraft, no one does it like u. You are full of God given wisdom. This is very helpful, thank u for sharing, my life will never be the same.
Very interesting video and I‘am glad that I have happened to stumble upon this video
This is an awesome message thank you very much pastor 🙏
I believe even before I watch this video cause this is what I needed for today. Thanks Jesus and Holy Spirit for guiding me here. God bless you all my friends in Christ. Jesus never fails so do I.
Amen, he lead me here too🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼blessings to you
Thank you Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit
Yesterday was confirmation on my whole life and why it’s been going down hill and staying stagnant , I’m going home and playing this home in the presence of the enemy in JESUS NAME I WILL BE FREE!
Please helpme & my family. to have coynsel with Dr. Sonnie Badu.
I mean counsel session with Dr. Sonnie Badu.
Help me
Watching in Seattle, Wa. Thank you & God Bless us ALL! !! May we stay blessed & covered & anointed in & by the blood of Jesus!! Amen 🙏🏽
Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
Origins of Christ
Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
Egypt- ( Kryst )
Greek- ( Khristos )
Latin- ( Christus )
Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
J becomes H
Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
You will serve but only one God.!
Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
They have taken out the Holly Mother.
It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God.
Honestly though, who have any of you had the privilege to meet and learn from in your own experience? Now you say that I'm misleading people and I turn people away from the truth. Okay let's examine that point- first off what's true. Well -(Nothing Is). Absolutely nothing in this world is right or wrong till the person themself chooses to except it as being factual. The mind of the person has no information till it's presented in front of you. Only you can make the choice of excepting if it holds to your own heart.
Now I have been providing all the proof of backing up my claims I make everything clear and precise. I myself have had sat on and witnessed several classes to top name people who have studied and been to different places. So for now I will simply tell you just a small list of names that I have met and studied under. I have read historical material from their own books that I will lable below if you're ready?
1) Gabriele Amorth is the Chief Exorcist for the Vatican at Rome. He himself has ten's of thousands of exorcisms that he has performed and has been a exorcist for roughly sixty years...
2) Philip Gardiner is a professor on different cultures and religions/mythologies from around the world.
- His own Book ( The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies- Revaluations of the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis and Serpent Cults )
3) Jordan Maxwell is also a world renowned professor on different cultures. He himself has done several talks and videos and can easily be looked up online. And most who seek to know the occult or secret information on topics of religion or forbidden historical facts, know of his name.
Book ( The Naked Truth- Exploring the Deception About the Origins of Modern Religion )
4) Bill Donahue is a professor on topics of religion or the Bible itself. Also another well known man who has done a few classroom discussions on Religion and the idea of Jesus Christ and where the name was taken from.
5) Frank Chester is another professor of whom I have a privilege of meeting and sitting in on a class in San Francisco. Bright guy on topics of religion.
6) Santos Bonacci is a world renowned professor on Astrology and the study behind Astral signs of the Zodiac and their connection to the Universe and the idea of God. And how God or Jesus connection to the Sun, Planets, Moon and our very way of Natural Laws of Physics.
Has done hundreds of Classroom discussions and videos that are online to witness.
So yeah, these are just a few of the Men that I have met and studied from. So please don't tell me that I'm misleading or wrong in what I know or say. It would be disrespectful to many people who have both taken actual time to travel visit sit in classroom discussions and learn from all the beautiful different cultures from around the world!
One more thing! They Actually have recently found a real temple of Zeus in Egypt. To be exact for you the archaeologist have found the Temple in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. And the Temple is dedicated to Zeus Kasios. A temple that merges the Greek deity of Zeus with Mount Kasios.
Really want to tell me that Zeus still isn't tied to Egypt? And that Jesus or IA-SVS doesn't mean EA- Zeus or Hail Zeus All... I still beg to differ. And so would all the Archaeologist over in Egypt who are uncovering the temple.
Now the term IA-SVS may go back to latin in which it does. But it's derived from EA-Zeus is broken into EA from the Akkadian God EA and then from the Greek equivalent being Zeus.
However there have been multiple temples dedicated to Zeus all over the Mediterranean and into Egypt. And the current excavation of the temple of Zeus Kasios in the Sinai Peninsula, is proof!
More- the Statue of the Vatican's own Saint Peter, has an exact copy. However the copy lies on the Greek island of Crete. And there the copy isn't called Saint Peter, but Zeus.
See, no offense. But you Christians make it all to easy to break down... All because of one fact. You are indoctrinated to only learn history of different cultures up to 12th grade...then you all stop and graduate becoming El- der members of society. You even get your square ⬛ black hats.
Well done Conformist world of Denial and Lies. When will your King come forward and tell the truth behind who you all serve?🤔🥱😢
Facts remains this
Je-sus = Zeus- Seth- Thor... All leading back to the Canannite God Bael... More than him is his father the Canannite God Elyon... And all one needs to prove it. Is to show you all the 7 Hebrew Names of your own God... I suggest you look them up.
For Elyon is hidden inside each and every name.
So Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-der, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
Hallelujah just got the message at the right moment we are in 2023 but the message is as fresh as per now Amen 🙏
Greater is he that lives in me 🙏
That's what I been telling the witch in .y family since I found out who it is it was amazing God is real
Please pray for me and my 2 daughters and grandchildren and 1 great grandson🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲
From Jamaica Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Oct 24 2022 I and my family are delivered from witchcraft in the name of Jesus!
Thank you for serving humanity. I feel the truth in your words. God bless you.
Hello I'm so excited my relationship was fixed back again my partner is back to me and we happily together , I go help from a man who brought us back #papaosaro thanks doc. 🙏🙏
My sis and I are experiencing this right now today realizing it's our mother ..we are staying in the word of God and prayer and calling it out this is serious business everything he is saying we have said before I heard him say this , I know this is real ..
Add fasting🙏🏾
@@pattersonqueen definitely sis thank you for your support's definitely getting better though Christ Jesus, seeing more and more with the word of God and fasting is absolutely necessary
amen 🙏 powerful of God sister Rosalyn God bless you and God bless you Shee a thank you for this platform
Blessed from Kenya,I'm free and my generation indeed by the blood of the lamb
Wow! i feel comfortable Doctor. I need your prayer as many things of mine are stuck ministry not as before
2. my perusal of further education in PhD
3. at the same level of salary for the last almost 15 years.
Greetings from desire is to visit this church in person for a devine experience
God bless you much love from uganda Kampala 🇺🇬
Im so thankful for this i need this . I was told that some one was watching me through a evil mirror and this person had been watching me since childhood I've been hearing that from a lot of people and I don't know how I don't know why it doesn't matter why but I wanted to be done and over with whoever this person maybe in Jesus mighty name I plead the blood of Jesus..4-1-2023... wow wow lord God deliver me from evil 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
You will be set free in Jesus's precious name
I have seen my light break through’ with this service I’m healed! More KINGDOM work to do thank you amen. I love the Lord he love me first I deserve clean fresh energy to praise and receive his blessings I’m my life.
I Come into Agreement with you Prophet, ALL WITCHCRAFT will be destroyed and every spell broken this night.....08/13/2022! Tear Satan's kingdom All the Way DOWN!
Hello, l still remember you when you came to Kenya. FEM family church in Karen.
Amen you have helped me to understand this much better, thank you and God bless
Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
Origins of Christ
Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
Egypt- ( Kryst )
Greek- ( Khristos )
Latin- ( Christus )
Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
J becomes H
Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
You will serve but only one God.!
Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
They have taken out the Holly Mother.
It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... See the truth.
Honestly though, who have any of you had the privilege to meet and learn from in your own experience? Now you say that I'm misleading people and I turn people away from the truth. Okay let's examine that point- first off what's true. Well -(Nothing Is). Absolutely nothing in this world is right or wrong till the person themself chooses to except it as being factual. The mind of the person has no information till it's presented in front of you. Only you can make the choice of excepting if it holds to your own heart.
Now I have been providing all the proof of backing up my claims I make everything clear and precise. I myself have had sat on and witnessed several classes to top name people who have studied and been to different places. So for now I will simply tell you just a small list of names that I have met and studied under. I have read historical material from their own books that I will lable below if you're ready?
1) Gabriele Amorth is the Chief Exorcist for the Vatican at Rome. He himself has ten's of thousands of exorcisms that he has performed and has been a exorcist for roughly sixty years...
2) Philip Gardiner is a professor on different cultures and religions/mythologies from around the world.
- His own Book ( The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies- Revaluations of the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis and Serpent Cults )
3) Jordan Maxwell is also a world renowned professor on different cultures. He himself has done several talks and videos and can easily be looked up online. And most who seek to know the occult or secret information on topics of religion or forbidden historical facts, know of his name.
Book ( The Naked Truth- Exploring the Deception About the Origins of Modern Religion )
4) Bill Donahue is a professor on topics of religion or the Bible itself. Also another well known man who has done a few classroom discussions on Religion and the idea of Jesus Christ and where the name was taken from.
5) Frank Chester is another professor of whom I have a privilege of meeting and sitting in on a class in San Francisco. Bright guy on topics of religion.
6) Santos Bonacci is a world renowned professor on Astrology and the study behind Astral signs of the Zodiac and their connection to the Universe and the idea of God. And how God or Jesus connection to the Sun, Planets, Moon and our very way of Natural Laws of Physics.
Has done hundreds of Classroom discussions and videos that are online to witness.
So yeah, these are just a few of the Men that I have met and studied from. So please don't tell me that I'm misleading or wrong in what I know or say. It would be disrespectful to many people who have both taken actual time to travel visit sit in classroom discussions and learn from all the beautiful different cultures from around the world!
One more thing! They Actually have recently found a real temple of Zeus in Egypt. To be exact for you the archaeologist have found the Temple in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. And the Temple is dedicated to Zeus Kasios. A temple that merges the Greek deity of Zeus with Mount Kasios.
Really want to tell me that Zeus still isn't tied to Egypt? And that Jesus or IA-SVS doesn't mean EA- Zeus or Hail Zeus All... I still beg to differ. And so would all the Archaeologist over in Egypt who are uncovering the temple.
Now the term IA-SVS may go back to latin in which it does. But it's derived from EA-Zeus is broken into EA from the Akkadian God EA and then from the Greek equivalent being Zeus.
However there have been multiple temples dedicated to Zeus all over the Mediterranean and into Egypt. And the current excavation of the temple of Zeus Kasios in the Sinai Peninsula, is proof!
More- the Statue of the Vatican's own Saint Peter, has an exact copy. However the copy lies on the Greek island of Crete. And there the copy isn't called Saint Peter, but Zeus.
See, no offense. But you Christians make it all to easy to break down... All because of one fact. You are indoctrinated to only learn history of different cultures up to 12th grade...then you all stop and graduate becoming El- der members of society. You even get your square ⬛ black hats.
Well done Conformist world of Denial and Lies. When will your King come forward and tell the truth behind who you all serve?🤔🥱😢
Facts remains this
Je-sus = Zeus- Seth- Thor... All leading back to the Canannite God Bael... More than him is his father the Canannite God Elyon... And all one needs to prove it. Is to show you all the 7 Hebrew Names of your own God... I suggest you look them up.
For Elyon is hidden inside each and every name.
So Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-der, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
What a messsge. I have to rewatch this a few times more. I need to soak everything in 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
this things have destroyed my marriage, my job life everything, its like someone monitoring my every move. This is such an eye opener for me.. My untie asked m for money, she paid me back after a week. since then,I lost my job and my life has never been the same ever since. my son is in phillipines my wife in dubai and me here in kenya. I was in uae for 10 years,. Pray for me Man of God.
Apostle big Ameeeeen I receive my freedom Amen
Every evil convenant released upon my life without my knowledge break in the Mighty Name of Jesus and it shall be done! Every evil convenant released upon my husband, my marriage, and my son without our knowledge break in the Mighty Name of Jesus and It shall be done! Anyone who is witch that is on assignment to destroy me, my marriage, and my family may that person or persons go mad and become confused, the evil plans destroyed by fire, and that person or persons leave my family alone and if that person is staying with me may that person will have no rest day or night and that person will leave my house at once and it shall be done in the Mighty Name of Jesus AMEN!
I let some ladies stay in my home that I shouldn't have but God didn't let them stay long🙏🙏🙏I'm glad I came across this Thank you Jesus Amen!!!
Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
Origins of Christ
Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
Egypt- ( Kryst )
Greek- ( Khristos )
Latin- ( Christus )
Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
J becomes H
Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
You will serve but only one God.!
Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
They have taken out the Holly Mother.
It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God.
Lord hallelujah Lord heaven warrior arise my king
Stop beliving in christian nonsens
I receive this word in Jesus’ name! For myself and my children and my grandchildren and son-in-law and future daughter in law. My parents and sister!
Thank you so much for the message man of God..
May God give you the strength to carry on..
More Grace!!
I got here just by the doing Grace......THANK YOU LORD JESUS....
Ephesians 6 vs 12. Spirits don’t die so when the body leaves, wont the spirit still linger and continue wickedness? Thats how come there are alters that are generational curses in many families. Theses things are very wicked. One must be be prayerful to uproot them.
Man of God I need prayer deliverance for my family...
Thank you God 🙏
I receive deliverance from the power of witchcraft in the name of Jesus
Good Night , Prophet
Sonnie , Always Watching , From Freeport , Grand Bahama. Love You .💜💜💜
Thank you Jesus ! Just had my fatal car crashed and Jesus pull me out ❤️❤️💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼hallelujah
Praise God you are ok.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@@bettywhite5133 Amen ❤️🙏🏾
Honestly though, who have any of you had the privilege to meet and learn from in your own experience? Now you say that I'm misleading people and I turn people away from the truth. Okay let's examine that point- first off what's true. Well -(Nothing Is). Absolutely nothing in this world is right or wrong till the person themself chooses to except it as being factual. The mind of the person has no information till it's presented in front of you. Only you can make the choice of excepting if it holds to your own heart.
Now I have been providing all the proof of backing up my claims I make everything clear and precise. I myself have had sat on and witnessed several classes to top name people who have studied and been to different places. So for now I will simply tell you just a small list of names that I have met and studied under. I have read historical material from their own books that I will lable below if you're ready?
1) Gabriele Amorth is the Chief Exorcist for the Vatican at Rome. He himself has ten's of thousands of exorcisms that he has performed and has been a exorcist for roughly sixty years...
2) Philip Gardiner is a professor on different cultures and religions/mythologies from around the world.
- His own Book ( The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies- Revaluations of the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis and Serpent Cults )
3) Jordan Maxwell is also a world renowned professor on different cultures. He himself has done several talks and videos and can easily be looked up online. And most who seek to know the occult or secret information on topics of religion or forbidden historical facts, know of his name.
Book ( The Naked Truth- Exploring the Deception About the Origins of Modern Religion )
4) Bill Donahue is a professor on topics of religion or the Bible itself. Also another well known man who has done a few classroom discussions on Religion and the idea of Jesus Christ and where the name was taken from.
5) Frank Chester is another professor of whom I have a privilege of meeting and sitting in on a class in San Francisco. Bright guy on topics of religion.
6) Santos Bonacci is a world renowned professor on Astrology and the study behind Astral signs of the Zodiac and their connection to the Universe and the idea of God. And how God or Jesus connection to the Sun, Planets, Moon and our very way of Natural Laws of Physics.
Has done hundreds of Classroom discussions and videos that are online to witness.
So yeah, these are just a few of the Men that I have met and studied from. So please don't tell me that I'm misleading or wrong in what I know or say. It would be disrespectful to many people who have both taken actual time to travel visit sit in classroom discussions and learn from all the beautiful different cultures from around the world!
One more thing! They Actually have recently found a real temple of Zeus in Egypt. To be exact for you the archaeologist have found the Temple in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. And the Temple is dedicated to Zeus Kasios. A temple that merges the Greek deity of Zeus with Mount Kasios.
Really want to tell me that Zeus still isn't tied to Egypt? And that Jesus or IA-SVS doesn't mean EA- Zeus or Hail Zeus All... I still beg to differ. And so would all the Archaeologist over in Egypt who are uncovering the temple.
Now the term IA-SVS may go back to latin in which it does. But it's derived from EA-Zeus is broken into EA from the Akkadian God EA and then from the Greek equivalent being Zeus.
However there have been multiple temples dedicated to Zeus all over the Mediterranean and into Egypt. And the current excavation of the temple of Zeus Kasios in the Sinai Peninsula, is proof!
More- the Statue of the Vatican's own Saint Peter, has an exact copy. However the copy lies on the Greek island of Crete. And there the copy isn't called Saint Peter, but Zeus.
See, no offense. But you Christians make it all to easy to break down... All because of one fact. You are indoctrinated to only learn history of different cultures up to 12th grade...then you all stop and graduate becoming El- der members of society. You even get your square ⬛ black hats.
Well done Conformist world of Denial and Lies. When will your King come forward and tell the truth behind who you all serve?🤔🥱😢
Facts remains this
Je-sus = Zeus- Seth- Thor... All leading back to the Canannite God Bael... More than him is his father the Canannite God Elyon... And all one needs to prove it. Is to show you all the 7 Hebrew Names of your own God... I suggest you look them up.
For Elyon is hidden inside each and every name.
Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
Origins of Christ
Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
Egypt- ( Kryst )
Greek- ( Khristos )
Latin- ( Christus )
Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
J becomes H
Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
You will serve but only one God.!
Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
They have taken out the Holly Mother.
It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... See the truth.
This was awesome , I so needed this teaching. Thank you, What is the name of your book please
All my enemies whose trying to kill me catchfire in Jesus name those who are trying to kill me will go down into the world of the dead in accordance with psalm 63:9 amen
Using witchcraft to cast out witchcraft🥸😂…what does your book say..a kingdom divided itself cannot stand?…..
May Almighty God keep me out of defeat and lees me to break through and victory
The audio goes in and out. I wish it was consistent because this is powerful
Amen amen i am touch pastor in my mine right now I wish me and my kids could of met with you but we are to far away may the Lord continue guide you with wisdom 🙏🙏🙏
Straight from Jamaica. Hallelujahhhhhhh the highest praise
you are welcome to Kenya come and preach the word.
Thank you Jesus for this man of God , I know I have being bewitched by a family member, O God set them on 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Same situation here
Oh God, my husband has damaged furniture and our home. Putting holes everywhere. Slashing baseboards and trim, windows and doors. He states he didn’t do it. Something is wrong. I plead the BLOOD of JESUS!!!!!
Thank you Jesus may God continue to move in ur life and continue to testify about our heavily FATHER WHO DESERVES ALL THE PRAIS God bless you always
I love this preaching so much. Thanks for making us know all these. May God bless u
Thank you for the word, God bless you man of God
Lord you send me here because its time to be free, be my Way Lord and be my Light.
I am asking you for pray for my family because we are under spiritual attack
Thank you Pastor for Coverings me they follow me all day long and I been listening to you all day long I thank you For Covering me
Okay, I will only be doing this once, so please let us try to pay attention
First off we all start going to the horribly indoctrinated school system known as El-ementary school. And after completing the 12 year system of government designed curriculum, you become an El-der member of society and are given your square ⬛ black hats upon graduation... Remember all this cause it is horribly important to my main point!
Now the Hebrew Alphabet has no J within their Alphabet. Okay let's get more exact!
Christ comes from both Greek and Egyptian.
Greek-( Khriein )- Anoint
Egyptian and Hebrew- ( Masiah )- Messiah
Egyptian- ( Kryst)- ( Krīst )- The Temple
Greek- ( Kristos )- Anointed
Latin- ( Christus )- Old English (Christ)
The name Jesus is taken from the Latin IA-SVS and goes back to the Greek equivalent EA-ZEUS meaning Hail Zeus All in Hebrew.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
See I myself believe that the power is not of the name Jesus. This is a self image we given to the person who he himself asked to never be worshipped as a god or a king.
Like the way the human create their own self image of themself, we have put a image around a man who simply was...a man. Yeshua was just trying to teach self reliance and how to survive without the selfish system of government the feeds the (Devil aspect of our own Egos).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
By the time the new testament was written, the Septuagent- (sorry my spelling is wrong) had already transliterated into Yeshua from the koine Greek as closely as possible in the 3rd or 4th century, the result being (Iē-sous). Since the grammar of the Greek language. The a vowel of Masoretic Yehoshuaʿ or Yeshuaʿ would ( not )have been present in Hebrew, Aramaic or Canannite pronunciation during this period, and some scholars believe some dialects dropped the y of yashua. The Greek writing of Josephus frequently mention this name. In the Panarion scripts, the name Iē-sous comes from Hebrew, Aramaic and means "Hail Zeus All, and Saviour."
Now Christ is broken down from Greek and Egyptian
Origins of Christ
Greek-( Khriein ) to anoint
Egypt and Hebrew- ( Masiah ) Messiah
Egypt- ( Kryst )
Greek- ( Khristos )
Latin- ( Christus )
Jesus is derived from the Latin IA-SVS or Ea Zeus... EA derived from the Akkadian thunder God. And Zeus being the Greek equivalent.
There was no J in the Hebrew Alphabet till the 16th century. And the name Jesus is English given. So if Jesus was an invented name. Than can someone please explain to me still ( How is there any power in the name ).
The Hebrew have no J within their own Alphabet. The J becomes a H.
Now during the crusades the most common spoken language of the time was Spanish. And since the Knights Templars wanted to convert all into a one world religion under their new God (Zeus). They hid the name within the sound. Proof is in the very sound of Jesus in the Spanish pronouncing of!
Because there's no Jesus. Even when Mel Gibson created the movie The Passion of Christ, he studied the Hebrew culture... No Jesus. But there was a Yeshua Christo. And so Yeshua is the true name. Even the Popes will say that they are Anti Christo... The term Vicarious Filii Dei- meaning victor of the son of god.
Only thing is that indeed their god is still the Canaanite God Elyon. El- meaning ( God most high) the Greek equivalent of the Canaanite Elyon is Chronus the Titan of time. Now Canaanite is where we get the word Canable. Remember that fact... Cause Chronus ate all his children but Zeus who eventually overthrows his father.... The Canaanite equivalent of Zeus is Bael. This is why Zeus's animals are still a Bull and a Eagle... Just like the Canaanite equivalent Bael.
Now back to Elyon. so Elyon is where we get word's like El-ementary school, El-ohim and Emanu-El along with the other 6 name of the Jewish God
El, El-oah, El-ohei, El- Shaddai, Yah, YHWH...exct.
Now in modern history we have our favorite super hero Superman. Real name is Kal-El and the S on the uniform is not for Superman or Son of Krypton, but is secretly for Saturn. The holiday Christmas was originally know as the Saturnalia which in return dates back to the Canaanite culture.
Why? Let's look deeper. So if no J in the Hebrew Alphabet
J becomes H
Je-sus = He-sus or Ha-sus... Ha-Zeus
Or to be exact Hail Zeus.
All you need to see is the spanish equivalent or pronounciation of Jesus... even the spanish say Ha-Zeus.
And when the Knights Templars tried converting a world to the new Catholic/Christian Religion... that was important.
At the time spanish was the most common language spoken.
So let's really stop hiding in our denial of where our history of religion comes from. No matter how much you say that the Catholic Church and Christian don't still serve Elyon and the Canaanite beliefs... It all in front of you.
You will serve but only one God.!
Bael is still Zeus, Seth, Thor, Jesus.... No matter how many times you try to recreate the story
And yes there is undoubtedly patterns of same understanding within all mythologies.
The more important factor is that now in 2020- 2021 we have a outbreak of a disease called the Corona virus. (Chronus)...and now a heightened variant called the Omicron (Elyon)... Remember that everything is spiritual.
Like I had already mentioned above. We are the only biological creature that has adopted the square ⬛ shape into our cloture and uses it for everything. We can no longer turn our head without seeing a square shape. Hell we even work in what is called a cubicle. Mankind has imprisoned themselves to the shape. And when you die you go to the rectangular coffin... To be cut off from Shekinah (Gaia) forever.
The Catholic Church says that the Holly Trinity is Father, Son and Holly Spirit....
They have taken out the Holly Mother.
It is supposed to be Father, Mother and Child.... The mother being Shekinah (Gaia) or nature.
So what is built entirely on squares and rectangles? Answer is a computer harddrive.... Even in our modern movies the answer is in front of you... Transformers come from a robotic planet taken over by Titan Machines... In the Avengers, Loki is after a cube... And in the famous show Star Trek, the Borg live in a giant Black Cube.
Now starting from the radio, tv box, game system, computer screen, tablet screen, phone screen...a performance stage without the curtains.... All are black.
The worlds most wealthy company (Black Rock), As of the first quarter of 2022, the New York City-based asset management company BlackRock had total assets under management (AUM) of around 9.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This compares to 9.01 trillion U.S. dollars of AUM one year earlier, as of the March 31, 2021...
Israel's own elite intelligence units is a group called ( Black Cube)...(BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers.. Its employees include former members of israel intelligence units.... And the first National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 was also code named ( Black Cube).
Back to the beginning of my conversation. So once again we start in El-ementary school and then Graduation 🎓 we get our square shape black hats... and become El-der members of the society.
So what do you really think the Mark of the Beast is? Its the graduation ceremony of completion of the indoctrination into an One World Religion, that is still completely in service to The Canannite God Elyon.
You are given a diploma to your right hand and you place his sigil of the Black Cube of Saturn upon your own personal heads... This is the dark ceremony of completion of Elyon... And everyone in the world excepts it willingly.... And without a diploma of the 12year can't get a high level job... Jobs showing proof of who you are about to serve all your life.... And you Christians are to blind to realize what you have already excepted!
You blame the Witch Pagan and Satanists for everything wrong in your own culture...yet you all still serve Elyon. And the proof is in the 6 names of your own Hebrew God... See the truth.
Good God from Zion! Hallelujia for this Word!!!!!
i am impressed by the Reality check reference in your Preaching and Elucidations about the Topic. ABSENCE OF KNOWLEDGE or IGNORANCE about FORCES OF DARKNESS is s strategic activity of DEVIL to fight BELIEVERS so that victims are DESTROYED without them suspecting the DEVIL and his agents. BE ENLIGTENED BELIEVERS. Thank you Dr. Sonnie. May God bless you.
That's how my, anty wanted to give me witchcraft but the glory of of i could not eat the food she gave to me to eat, but i trow the food away. the moment I throw the food away i saw a white cat steering at me and i was so scared about it,i thank God I don't eat that food. Glory be to god.
Be blessed Dr. Sonnie badu , for your powerful sermon, powerful declaration..more fire, fresh annointing from above
blessed be is a pagan term.... it means let your specific gods bless you.... just saying
Sad that you christians need to steal pagan terms
It is so amazing I am not alone in this walk with God. I really find it hard to believe you walked the same thing I experienced with my own wife of 30 years of marriage two daughters
Really how did u get to know your wife had the spirit
lack of knowledge? to gain knowledge you must gain an understanding of things you don't know about..... not dismiss them and burn them or drown them or tare them into pieces or imprison them....
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah real Man of God Witchcraft is real.