I’m at work just waiting for the last 10 min to go by. Then u hit me with the beautiful description of life and anticipation and it made me tear up. Really struck home with me bc I just got my shipping confirmation that I’ve been waiting since the 1st for my Alpha Mini that I bought based off of your recommendation. Anyway, thanks for the amazing videos and words brother!
Wow! Your content is amazing. This is the exact wheel that I am on the fence about. I just felt the Gomez was not actual scale to F1 for one thing, nothing against it, just think the Cube would be what I am looking for. If this racing gig gets to boring I think you have a shot at movie production!
A week now with your wheel and I’m still figuring out all the possibilities… 🥳 Installed lovelydash and DNR led profiles (using simhub) and it’s bringing the beauty to life! 😍 adjusted the paddles to my hands and enjoy driving with it a lot!! 🥳 thank you once more! 🤗
I just love your content! From the beautiful stills to sweeping shots and especially your arguments with your computer, it would be really easy for that part to come off 'corny' or dumb, however, you manage to nail it everytime! You deserve all the success the channel has brought and really should be far more popular but I'm sure that will come. I know that personally I recommend it highly when anyone I know or see is asking for sim racing channels to follow! 🎇🎆🎇🏆🏎️ 🛣️ 🏁 🛣️ 🏎️ 🛣️ 🏎️ 🛣️
Man amazing work with this video extremely well done. Keep this type of content up it's got my attention. this is why I keep coming back to watch, you do it different then others 🎉
Oh yes. Yes, yes yes. I just received Formula v2.5 wheel and Frex shifter aluminium short/long shaft centre profile mount. Both delivered 23rd Dec. I saved, I paid. How long until wheels have LCD screens on each button? Thanks for the upload. Enjoy a bottle of Ouzo, you've earned it. Maybe some Jameson Whiskey. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Hi and Happy New Year Steliyan! Hope you could give some feedback back on the Cube Controls CSX 3. I bought it last year(30.12.2022 😁) and I have no complaints, it is amazing, managed to set the buttons led’s from the suggested video. But I have noticed something on the wheel, a buzzing noise, not loud but enough to hear it. Did some investigation and played with the brightness on the screen - no changes. When adjusted the brightness on the buttons LED’s the noise has reduced. Would be possible if you have a chance to pay a bit of attention on yours? Is only my wheel or is something in the hardware? Not an electronic nerd but definitely this is not right. I was asked to record the buzzing but not sure if my phone can capture it over the pc fan noise. Please let me know what you found. All the best in the new year❤! Oh , just a quick one, are you planning to do a live stream? Would love to learn a thing or two from you! Regards, Dan
Good morning RBM - yet another great video - won;t be long before you pick up an oscar for your acting ( I also remember the SR addict upload that was so brilliant) Got my Imsim's yesterday fitted them last night in process of fine tuning but intial impression is WOW such a huge step up from the V3i's - the build quality is execeptional - will let you know once I have tuned to my sweet spot - so many options with the brake pedal it is mind blowing - have a great day buddy 😀
🤣🤣🤣 TH-cam Oscar 🤣 I’m so glad to hear you got those pedals man 😀 Take your time and give few days to each setting till you find your personal sweet spot ! It will take time but honestly, those can be you last pedal set ever 🤭 they are built as a tank 😁
@@chepilevski I made the mistake of wasting 600 dollars on a Ferrari f1 wheel for thrustmaster not realizing I can actually get better gear for cheaper
@@chepilevski I believe it was Benjamin Franklin that said something like ≈ 'typically the smartest person in the room is the one that's made the most mistakes' which I love, however, typically add on 'when they're accepted as an opportunity to learn and or grow.'
Wonderful intro and review, Steliyan! :D I've had the opportunity to take one in my hands at Misano Simulation Center just yesterday and I tested the new grips: I felt more grip with bare hands than with my gloves on (OMP similar to yours Sparco). What's your experience about this? I'm waiting for Black Friday to get the F-PRO, which has the same new grips as the CSX3.
Thx buddy 😁 Grips are almost equal in my opinion with gloves and without but I won’t say they are the best on the market! I lost the wheel few times but I had the FFB bit too high which is not how I use it usually! I believe this have enough grip for normal use🤔
Hey. I've been watching you for a while. And you are the only person I've seen with a natural talent (like mine). That drive above 9/10+. And heard some Greek(I'm also). So just wanted to say. Hello.
WOW - It just hit me hard, RBM. But with that kind of acting at the start of the video - you could be the NEXT JAMES BOND!!!, hahahaha. Awesome content as usual.... [:]-)
You will love it Daniel! Don’t forget to assign the shifters before you start using it trough the Cube Control software! Is just quick threshold adjustment 🤛
Hey buddy, is bit complicated to explain that here but basically wen you connect that wheel to the last SimHub version you will find there all the different effects and then choose on which light source to display it ! I must do video about those settings at some point, but I’m sure you will find how wen you open the software! Thx for the kind words mate 🤛
Excellent video congrats on the new wheel. My next wheel will likely be the Simagic FX Pro, it's has many of the same features as this one including the 6 paddles. What will you use all those paddles for?
I just got the FX Pro in my hands and I have to say , that wheel is indeed Magic 😃 I will start testing Simagic products in the next few weeks and come with videos but that first impression of the FX Pro is just top ! Soon will come with more info buddy 🤛
Nice to see how you transform your passion into something creative and original, very well done!!!! I've got a question : I'm currently using a Thrustmaster t300 with T-LCM pedals. I'm very happy with the pedals, but want to upgrade my wheelbase. My budget is max 1000 euro. I want to go to a Direct Drive wheel, but so much to choose from. I'm not a particular fan of some kind of brand, but of course i want the right value for my money? What would you advice at the moment? ( Pc player and sometimes gt7 on playstation) Thanks so much!!!
Thank you for the kind words buddy! The last 8-9 weeks I’m really impressed from the Moza R9 and they have some wheels which will fit in that budget but Camus are sending wheel to test which is 15nm and same price ! If that Camus DD is good as I expect can be the best value on the market but I will need some week to test before give opinion! Simagic are sending too there DD Ultimate which I will start testing from today and week need a week to create opinion too ! If you are not in rush so we will have the answer 😃
I am always dueling myself between a beautiful piece of hardware and it’s price… and I think it’s very positive the results, because I usually study it out and find a diy solution that fits my needs better… but this wheel will be hard to to diy my way out…
It so beautiful indeed man ❤️ I haven’t created yet any profiles just set the yellow flag on all buttons and ABS - TCS on the little windows! Ah , and that speed limits animation! Ones I have time to tweak it properly for each car and game I will share files buddy! Enjoy your little monster mate 💪
I have a GSI formula pro elite & i have USB issues (i have Intel processor) where my usb disconnects & buttons stop working. Has anyone experienced something like this or data output issues with the CSX 3? thanks!
That is hard call particularly for the price difference! I will compare them at some point but in little words, if money doesn’t matter this will be my choice but for the price of this I can get almost 2 FX pro 🙈
@@chepilevski I myself got the F-CC pro before Simagic released their two new F1 style wheels.. I love it even tho I run it with a usb cable, the grip of them tho leaves to be desired maybe I should wrap it
I like it a lot ! It is not my favorite and I’m more fan of the Soelpec which have 5inch screen and 300mm size for the same price but i still love the CSX3 as I did when I first got it! Cube Controls are coming with new wheel soon which will be better in my opinion! I had it in my hands last year on the expo and is promising!
@@luisb3743 at some point I will try to do that explanation as I have to test next the Simagic Alpha U and Camus 15nm I create full opinion between all those options I will do that video for sure 🤛
Well that is personal preference Andy ! I love driving GT3 cars in that size but other prefer 300mm That is a question only you can give to yourself if you can test is somewhere or you already have experience with that size ! Other then that , the wheel is insane and full features 😃
I am on the fence between this wheel or the V-RSPG by VPG. I am a little bit concerned about the top rotary switches in the rim when used wearing gloves. The back is closed by the rim so there is very little to 'grip'. Any thoughts? I wish I could make up my mind... Cheers.
They are tin indeed but have good grip because of the shape ! I found is possible to make just one klick from the back side and two from the front in one movement which was probably the goal from that design but I won’t say is the best choice!
@@chepilevski ??? From the back? The photos on their web site show the rim closed. In other words those rotary dials cannot be 'pinched' with thumb and index finger...unless they made a last second change and the photos are not up-to-date. To be clear: I am talking about the two blue top rotary knobs.
@@boriskosloff754 ah , sorry🙈 the two blue are only reachable from the front ! Those are ok with gloves but I won’t rate them as easy task! With the shape they have , I can do one klick with glove sometimes very easy and sometimes hard because of the shape of the knob ! They won’t be the best for precise inputs in my opinion! I really need to spend more time with this to see and feel all the floats!
Been following for a long time and the vids, production and content are great.... but...... you speak too softly. The background music overwhelms your voice and I have to turn the volume way up to hear you. Alex has the right volume, but take this as constructive....... I have good hearing but.... I struggle to hear you at most times.
Hey Jeffrey , thx for letting me know that buddy 🤛 Can you tell me on what device you consume the content? I try to fix that issue for ages and always check the sound on different speakers and it sounds different on each device 🙈
@@chepilevski I always watch TH-cam vids on my home computer: Asus Z490 motherboard w/onboard sound card and standard Windows drivers, Amplified speakers doing normal stereo line out, & I9-10850K...... (my sim has it's own dedicated computer and upgrading it as soon s the RTX4080 is released with 13th gen Intel I7)
@@jeff3575davison that is crazy setup there buddy! I edit the videos on gaming headset which as great for gaming but probably that’s the problem! Must take dedicated headphones for the editing process! On cheap speakers and phone’s sound ok but must make sure works in any speakers
I’m at work just waiting for the last 10 min to go by. Then u hit me with the beautiful description of life and anticipation and it made me tear up. Really struck home with me bc I just got my shipping confirmation that I’ve been waiting since the 1st for my Alpha Mini that I bought based off of your recommendation. Anyway, thanks for the amazing videos and words brother!
Big hug brother 🤗
Your videos are a work of art in themselves!
Much love 🤗
Thx for the kind words buddy 🤛
Thanks for your mention ❤
Your video bring me up to speed brother 🍻😃
Wow! Your content is amazing. This is the exact wheel that I am on the fence about. I just felt the Gomez was not actual scale to F1 for one thing, nothing against it, just think the Cube would be what I am looking for. If this racing gig gets to boring I think you have a shot at movie production!
Gomez have great wheels but this here with all the backlight buttons and SimHub compatibility first choice for me 😃
You will love it Ken 💪
A week now with your wheel and I’m still figuring out all the possibilities… 🥳 Installed lovelydash and DNR led profiles (using simhub) and it’s bringing the beauty to life! 😍 adjusted the paddles to my hands and enjoy driving with it a lot!! 🥳 thank you once more! 🤗
It entirely different game, like almost another hobby 😄
Happy you enjoy yourself bro 🤗
Mine shows up in 3 days. Excited!~
Those will be 3 days full of anticipation 😁
You will love it James 💪
Wow if I buy that wheel I will most definitely get in trouble, it is beautiful
Most of us will 😁
@@chepilevski $1600÷ and full of features I mean did it leave any box unchecked
I haven’t been sim racing to long but i can see we are in a bounty of new technology
Yes man it’s been some crazy years of evolution 😃
Bro the production quality of your videos is on another level. I absolutely loved the intro!
Thanks for the kind words buddy 🍻
What a beautiful wheel!!!! And btw, I am so glad to hear O.T.I.S. again! I missed her sassy attitude! 😆
🤣🤣🤣 I missed her too buddy 😁
Thx for the support brother ❤️
I just love your content! From the beautiful stills to sweeping shots and especially your arguments with your computer, it would be really easy for that part to come off 'corny' or dumb, however, you manage to nail it everytime! You deserve all the success the channel has brought and really should be far more popular but I'm sure that will come. I know that personally I recommend it highly when anyone I know or see is asking for sim racing channels to follow!
🎇🎆🎇🏆🏎️ 🛣️ 🏁 🛣️ 🏎️ 🛣️ 🏎️ 🛣️
Thank you for that beautiful post and supportive words buddy ! It means a lot ❤️
I have tons of fun doing that and is nice to know people enjoy it 😃
He could have not said it better
Ey malaka, a spider has eight legs 😅
Have you had a look at the Sim-lab Grid Porsche rim ? 🤤
Hahaha , αυτή είναι μια αράχνη με έξι πόδια 😂
I haven’t tested that yet buddy!
Man amazing work with this video extremely well done. Keep this type of content up it's got my attention. this is why I keep coming back to watch, you do it different then others 🎉
Thanks for the kind words and support buddy 👊
I definitely enjoy doing those videos 😁
Oh yes. Yes, yes yes. I just received Formula v2.5 wheel and Frex shifter aluminium short/long shaft centre profile mount. Both delivered 23rd Dec. I saved, I paid. How long until wheels have LCD screens on each button? Thanks for the upload. Enjoy a bottle of Ouzo, you've earned it. Maybe some Jameson Whiskey. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Awesome news brother 😃 enjoy your new gear and have happy times In Christmas and the new years 🥂💪
5:09 New desktop background. Absolutely stunning wheel!
It is beautiful indeed man 😃
Lol great start 😂 Wheel looks awesome…thanks for yet another top video. Looking forward to the next one ! Cheers
Thx buddy 😁
Have a great week mate 🤛
Yes brother you got one. I'm so tempted but the price is a little too much for me this side of Xmas. Happy your happy bro.
Thx Brunmie 🤗
You will get that at some point I’m sure brother 💪
Make sure u compete your priorities first 🤛
Best review I've seen on TH-cam.!
Το βίντεο είναι καταπληκτικό...!!!! .. Ακόμα γελάω... Σέ ευχαριστώ πολύ με έχεις βοηθήσει πολύ με τις τοποθετήσεις σου....
να εισε καλά αγόρι μου ! σε ευχαριστώ για τα καλά λόγια 🍻
Dude, I like what you're doing!
Thx Toby 😁
Steliyan pareces un productor de cine !! Me encantan tus vídeos!!! 👌
un fuerte abrazo hermano, gracias por el apoyo como siempre ❤
David,any news about the second version of the LEOXZ XF1 Sport? thanks and greetings.
vaya,ahora me di cuenta que estaba en Español...
@@JoseFcoBN de momento sin noticias... Pero llegarán pronto
Hi and Happy New Year Steliyan! Hope you could give some feedback back on the Cube Controls CSX 3. I bought it last year(30.12.2022 😁) and I have no complaints, it is amazing, managed to set the buttons led’s from the suggested video. But I have noticed something on the wheel, a buzzing noise, not loud but enough to hear it. Did some investigation and played with the brightness on the screen - no changes. When adjusted the brightness on the buttons LED’s the noise has reduced. Would be possible if you have a chance to pay a bit of attention on yours? Is only my wheel or is something in the hardware? Not an electronic nerd but definitely this is not right. I was asked to record the buzzing but not sure if my phone can capture it over the pc fan noise. Please let me know what you found. All the best in the new year❤! Oh , just a quick one, are you planning to do a live stream? Would love to learn a thing or two from you! Regards, Dan
Wow, really creative way to do the video - you are awesome!
😁 thx buddy , was fun project 😄
Love the intro 🤣🤣
Eres un crack, no entiendo inglés pero transmites muy buen rollo en tus videos. Saludos!!
Thank you Adrian 🤛
Good morning RBM - yet another great video - won;t be long before you pick up an oscar for your acting ( I also remember the SR addict upload that was so brilliant) Got my Imsim's yesterday fitted them last night in process of fine tuning but intial impression is WOW such a huge step up from the V3i's - the build quality is execeptional - will let you know once I have tuned to my sweet spot - so many options with the brake pedal it is mind blowing - have a great day buddy 😀
🤣🤣🤣 TH-cam Oscar 🤣
I’m so glad to hear you got those pedals man 😀
Take your time and give few days to each setting till you find your personal sweet spot !
It will take time but honestly, those can be you last pedal set ever 🤭 they are built as a tank 😁
@@chepilevski Will do buddy 🕒🎃
Another great video, the wheel is just amazing. Hope to be able to get one for myself one day. Just need to upgrade to direct drive
Thx buddy ❤️
Hope you will make that upgrade soon 💪
@@chepilevski I made the mistake of wasting 600 dollars on a Ferrari f1 wheel for thrustmaster not realizing I can actually get better gear for cheaper
@@CommentFrom hey , we all do mistakes and I have done many too ! There is no waisted experience buddy as long as we learn something 💪
@@chepilevski I believe it was Benjamin Franklin that said something like ≈ 'typically the smartest person in the room is the one that's made the most mistakes' which I love, however, typically add on 'when they're accepted as an opportunity to learn and or grow.'
@@michaelboyce3227 I found my personal evolution comes from the difficult parts in my life to which I put myself 😃
beautiful introduction to the video and the steering wheel looks incredibly beautiful
Much love Nenad 🤗
Thx brother
i feel like i watched a movie!😂😂 u so good!🥳🥳
😁 thx buddy 🤗
Was fun to work on this 🤭
Wow, this was amazing from the very beginning! Love your content
Thanks Francy 🤗
Wonderful intro and review, Steliyan! :D
I've had the opportunity to take one in my hands at Misano Simulation Center just yesterday and I tested the new grips: I felt more grip with bare hands than with my gloves on (OMP similar to yours Sparco).
What's your experience about this? I'm waiting for Black Friday to get the F-PRO, which has the same new grips as the CSX3.
Thx buddy 😁
Grips are almost equal in my opinion with gloves and without but I won’t say they are the best on the market!
I lost the wheel few times but I had the FFB bit too high which is not how I use it usually! I believe this have enough grip for normal use🤔
3:25 - Looks like a christmas tree
🤣🤣🤣 I know 😁
Hey. I've been watching you for a while. And you are the only person I've seen with a natural talent (like mine). That drive above 9/10+. And heard some Greek(I'm also). So just wanted to say. Hello.
I’m unsure weather to get this or the VPG elemento Pro, Great video mate 👍🏻
Wow , I never heard of those and just check them out 😮
Those are some really beautiful wheels too 🤩
This is the reason why I´m still single 😂 Great review!
Well , me too 🤣
What a beauty indeed! 😍 super intro! 😂 👍
It is indeed bro 😃
Yo - Nice video as usual man... Great intro!!!
Thx buddy 😁
Looks a fantastic wheel Steliyan, enjoy it 👍👍👍😁
Thx Pete 😃
4:35 the wheel is crazy, just like your whole simrig 😃👍
Thx buddy ❤️
I wish you to hit a million sub!
Thx for the wishes Max 😁❤️
Because of you.....I pulled the Trigger too😬🤣😍
🙈you will love this buddy 😁
Yes, I will absolutely do😊 this wheel is just a Masterpiece. All the best to you and your awesome channel buddy
Love the intro
😁 thx buddy
The room where time have stopped... Cheers astronout.
🤣🤣🤣 much love buddy 🤛😁
WOW - It just hit me hard, RBM. But with that kind of acting at the start of the video - you could be the NEXT JAMES BOND!!!, hahahaha. Awesome content as usual.... [:]-)
🤣🤣🤣 I was laughing a lot in the process 😄
Mine is being delivered today 😍
You will love it Daniel!
Don’t forget to assign the shifters before you start using it trough the Cube Control software! Is just quick threshold adjustment 🤛
@@chepilevski I am sooooooo excited!
Can’t wait to try it!
Looks like a lot to set up!
@@danielnewmanracing that’s the fun part as you buddy 😁
@@chepilevski sooooo much programming! Do you have an LED button profile set up you’d be willing to share yet? :)
This was ..... EPIC :D Still laughing at the beginning :)
🤣🤣🤣 thx buddy 🤛
Awesome Video!!!! this one inspired me, to get the CSX3, life its to short. One question, how did you do the RGB Blink on the ABS ?
Hey buddy, is bit complicated to explain that here but basically wen you connect that wheel to the last SimHub version you will find there all the different effects and then choose on which light source to display it !
I must do video about those settings at some point, but I’m sure you will find how wen you open the software!
Thx for the kind words mate 🤛
@@chepilevski thanks a lot !!!
Excellent video congrats on the new wheel. My next wheel will likely be the Simagic FX Pro, it's has many of the same features as this one including the 6 paddles. What will you use all those paddles for?
I just got the FX Pro in my hands and I have to say , that wheel is indeed Magic 😃
I will start testing Simagic products in the next few weeks and come with videos but that first impression of the FX Pro is just top !
Soon will come with more info buddy 🤛
@@chepilevski I look forward to it!
You are the best!❤
the simucube going crazy is a bit scary. is there a way to keep it safe? for example if young child or elderly adult using it?
Well, I use it on big high torque which is not usual case and for kids there is safety mod in which they can use it without any danger!
Great video again thanks 👍👍👍
Nice to see how you transform your passion into something creative and original, very well done!!!!
I've got a question : I'm currently using a Thrustmaster t300 with T-LCM pedals. I'm very happy with the pedals, but want to upgrade my wheelbase. My budget is max 1000 euro. I want to go to a Direct Drive wheel, but so much to choose from. I'm not a particular fan of some kind of brand, but of course i want the right value for my money? What would you advice at the moment? ( Pc player and sometimes gt7 on playstation) Thanks so much!!!
Thank you for the kind words buddy!
The last 8-9 weeks I’m really impressed from the Moza R9 and they have some wheels which will fit in that budget but Camus are sending wheel to test which is 15nm and same price ! If that Camus DD is good as I expect can be the best value on the market but I will need some week to test before give opinion!
Simagic are sending too there DD Ultimate which I will start testing from today and week need a week to create opinion too ! If you are not in rush so we will have the answer 😃
@@chepilevski thanks so much, I've got some patience left. So I'll will wait until you've tested the other wheel you mention. Again thanks so much🙏👍
@@bisniz love that buddy! Patient is the key for success in life 💪😀
I am always dueling myself between a beautiful piece of hardware and it’s price… and I think it’s very positive the results, because I usually study it out and find a diy solution that fits my needs better… but this wheel will be hard to to diy my way out…
I totally agree with you !
Was going to get a dd2 set up but this semi cube wheel how now changed my mind
You won’t go wrong buddy 🤛
Hi Steliyan! I got this beauty too, could you please share your buttons simhub profile? Enjoy it!!
It so beautiful indeed man ❤️
I haven’t created yet any profiles just set the yellow flag on all buttons and ABS - TCS on the little windows! Ah , and that speed limits animation!
Ones I have time to tweak it properly for each car and game I will share files buddy!
Enjoy your little monster mate 💪
@@chepilevski nice! Thank you for share it in the future 😘😘
I have a GSI formula pro elite & i have USB issues (i have Intel processor) where my usb disconnects & buttons stop working. Has anyone experienced something like this or data output issues with the CSX 3? thanks!
This vs the Simagic FX Pro?
That is hard call particularly for the price difference! I will compare them at some point but in little words, if money doesn’t matter this will be my choice but for the price of this I can get almost 2 FX pro 🙈
@@chepilevski I myself got the F-CC pro before Simagic released their two new F1 style wheels.. I love it even tho I run it with a usb cable, the grip of them tho leaves to be desired maybe I should wrap it
What are your thoughts on this wheel after all the other wheels you've now tested?
I like it a lot !
It is not my favorite and I’m more fan of the Soelpec which have 5inch screen and 300mm size for the same price but i still love the CSX3 as I did when I first got it!
Cube Controls are coming with new wheel soon which will be better in my opinion!
I had it in my hands last year on the expo and is promising!
Great Video! Comparison with the Moza Fsr would be cool!
Thx Buddy 🤗
The comparison between Moza and this is hard as they offer different things on completely different price 🙈
@@chepilevski Yes maybe a Video like R9 Vs Simucube like is iz worth to oay more for the differences and stuff like
@@luisb3743 at some point I will try to do that explanation as I have to test next the Simagic Alpha U and Camus 15nm
I create full opinion between all those options I will do that video for sure 🤛
@@chepilevski Great looking forward to your next video my friend
Flipping wowww just what your epic rig and driving skills.desrve have the csx2 epic wheel
Those are like art work indeed man 😃 the design of each part is brutal 💪
How I can see your full rig set up ?
It’s in the video of my rig for 2024 brother 🤛
do you think that this could be the perfect wheel for GT3 in ACC?
Well that is personal preference Andy ! I love driving GT3 cars in that size but other prefer 300mm
That is a question only you can give to yourself if you can test is somewhere or you already have experience with that size ! Other then that , the wheel is insane and full features 😃
@@chepilevski i bought the F-Pro and i love it
Great video bud
Thx buddy 😁
hahaha the Greek there was a nice touch
I love that language ❤️
comment from China,I'm using simagic alpha mini,which QR should I use,QR 50 or 70?
It is 70mm pattern on the back of this !
@@chepilevski thanks bro
με τα μπινελίκια άπλα γελούσα σε ολο τι βίντεο χαχαχαχ
δισκουλα θα πραγματα Γιανι μου 🤣🤣🤣
Muy buena introducción, típico de la esposa hahaha.
🤣 The price of that wheel would definitely bring me trouble. Love the humour, butifull wheel though 👌
I’m sure is the case for most of us Taylor 🤣
Have a great evening mate 🍻
You to my friend 🍻
I am on the fence between this wheel or the V-RSPG by VPG. I am a little bit concerned about the top rotary switches in the rim when used wearing gloves. The back is closed by the rim so there is very little to 'grip'. Any thoughts? I wish I could make up my mind... Cheers.
They are tin indeed but have good grip because of the shape ! I found is possible to make just one klick from the back side and two from the front in one movement which was probably the goal from that design but I won’t say is the best choice!
@@chepilevski ??? From the back? The photos on their web site show the rim closed. In other words those rotary dials cannot be 'pinched' with thumb and index finger...unless they made a last second change and the photos are not up-to-date. To be clear: I am talking about the two blue top rotary knobs.
@@boriskosloff754 ah , sorry🙈 the two blue are only reachable from the front ! Those are ok with gloves but I won’t rate them as easy task!
With the shape they have , I can do one klick with glove sometimes very easy and sometimes hard because of the shape of the knob ! They won’t be the best for precise inputs in my opinion!
I really need to spend more time with this to see and feel all the floats!
Awesome 😃💪
Beatuful wheel and amazing content
It is indeed buddy 😃
Thx for the kind words 🍻
ahahahahahahahah " μου επρηξες τα αρχιδια" i died laughing
@@chepilevski u rule. It was epic
Activate windows, i´m not the only one 😂😂
🤣🤣🤣 I’m sure there are more like us 🤣
Lovely way to go bankrupt 😉. Enjoy your new wheel, maestro!
That’s true 🤣🤣🤣
Thx buddy 🤛
Love it
Bro are you from Greece?
No but (μιλάω ελινικα) 😃
@@chepilevski μπράβο φίλε μου ,,😁 Nice to hear.keep going on your content. You have done a nice job 👏
Bro! your opening sounds like my wife. What is this charge on your visa, you got a new hobby again?
It’s not easy bro 🙈🤣
Its just more bling. Won't make you any faster. :-) JMO
That is for sure 🙈😁
Amazing content as always. :) Keep up the good work
Thx for the kind words Erik 🤛
Have a great evening buddy
Woah! Your Greek… umm Kalimera 😁
Kalimera file mou 😁
Love your Greek 😂
🤣 I miss that language man 🤭
@@chepilevski όποτε θέλεις μπορούμε να τη μιλάμε!😂
Spiders have 8 legs not 6. ;)
That’s correct 😁
Been following for a long time and the vids, production and content are great.... but...... you speak too softly. The background music overwhelms your voice and I have to turn the volume way up to hear you. Alex has the right volume, but take this as constructive....... I have good hearing but.... I struggle to hear you at most times.
Hey Jeffrey , thx for letting me know that buddy 🤛
Can you tell me on what device you consume the content?
I try to fix that issue for ages and always check the sound on different speakers and it sounds different on each device 🙈
@@chepilevski I always watch TH-cam vids on my home computer: Asus Z490 motherboard w/onboard sound card and standard Windows drivers, Amplified speakers doing normal stereo line out, & I9-10850K...... (my sim has it's own dedicated computer and upgrading it as soon s the RTX4080 is released with 13th gen Intel I7)
@@jeff3575davison that is crazy setup there buddy!
I edit the videos on gaming headset which as great for gaming but probably that’s the problem! Must take dedicated headphones for the editing process! On cheap speakers and phone’s sound ok but must make sure works in any speakers
Que bonito
Thx Jose 🤛
My true story :'D
οχι αλλα μιλαω ελληνικα φιλε μου 😁 εζησα 11 χρονια Mytilini 🍻
@@chepilevski αα οκ τοτε! εντυπωσιαστικα παραπολυ ομως! keep it up!
@@Chris_Vasileiou η εληνική γλώσα είνε δεύτερη μου γλώσα και ακόμη βρίσω στα ελινικα🤣
@@chepilevski 🤣 κατι ειναι και αυτο φιλε
🤣🤣Tora to akusa, mou eprikses ta arxidia 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Soon you'll have the secret formula.
G'day mate.... I bit the bullet and got my quad screens. Although waiting on the monitor stand now.. 👍🏻
Those are awesome news Matthew 😃💪
You will love the update buddy
@@chepilevski oh I'm sure I will... Although, I'll have to go watch fov video again and your video on triple screen set up.. 😋
@@matthewbeale8570 take you time and you will nail it buddy 🤛