@@LoveAnimals58 Des personnes généreuses ont envoyé de l'argent pour soigner les singes, Kaka puis Bobby. J'avais d'ailleurs conseillé d'envoyer de l'argent plutot directement à l'hopital vétérinaire. (s'il en existe un..) mais le petit Bobby n'y a meme pas été emmené en grande urgence. J'ai suggéré aussi un pédiatre humain si par malchance aucun vétérinaire n'était disponible. Il aurait été au moins mis sous oxygène et sauvé, en attente du bon diagnostic.
Alguien le mando 50 dólares americanos para que lo llevara al veterinario y no lo hizo. Pero que tal su lujoso carro y todo lo que tiene con lo que gana con los videos explotando esos animales.
You are so right about Mon and Kaka knowing what’s going, some people think animals don’t have feelings when the truth is they are more tuned in than humans. I feel bad for Mon and Kaka because they still gave to be around their mom, but especially for sweet little Bobby he deserved so much more than what he got. This woman is on my shit list because she didn’t give Bobby a chance at life.
You are absolutely right about that all of her animals get hurt poor Kaka I don’t think her leg will ever be right again and Mon just stays away his spirit is broken and the mother just doesn’t care anymore I hope her channel gets shut down and Mon and Kaka get good homes.
@@pamelaoliver2963 C'est ce qu'on peut leur souhaiter de mieux, une bonne famille aimante, sans les séparer de préférence. Il ne manque pas de bonnes personnes désireuses d'avoir des singes pour tenir compagnie à leurs enfants par exemple, mais qui ne savent pas trop comment s'y prendre pour en obtenir sans avoir affaire aux horribles braconniers.
All of a sudden a owner shows up and the grandparents just hand Bobby over to a stranger B S, they’ve had Bobby for a while and now this happens. It doesn’t make sense and if it doesn’t make sense it’s not true, to quote Judge Judy. Anyone with any sense would have said wait until my daughter gets back, so this is just another lie.
You youtubers are just brutal people. You know what you people are missing? A heart! Poor monkey. SHAME ON YOU THAT YOU MADE THIS BABY MONKEY SUFFER & BENEFITNG OFF OF HIM & DID NOTHING. AWFUL. GOD SEES EVIL.
The man who showed up probably was there to take away Bobby’s body, This family found Bobby in the bushes how do they even know who Bobby’s owner is, they want us to believe that some man showed up and said he was Bobby’s owner and the grandparents just gave Bobby to a complete stranger, lies all lies. I’m done with this monkey channel I’ll miss Mon and Kaka but I can’t support this channel anymore.
Oui vous avez raison. Il a du venir les débarrasser du corps pour qu'ils n'aient pas à l'enterrer dans leur terrain. Il y a quelques années une femme a été emprisonnée au Cambodge car on avait trouvé plusieurs corps de petits singes enterrés dans son jardin. C'est donc plus prudent. Il a sans doute fallu payer cet aide complaisant, il incinérera probablement le cadavre pour qu'il ne soit pas retrouvé. Voila à quoi a servi l'argent envoyé par les bonnes personnes qui ont pensé aider pour la santé des petits singes.
You made him disappear!! Poor monkey, what they have to go through! So you could make money off an innocent voiceless being. These poor monkeys feel, ok! You TH-camrs don’t feel nothing towards these monkeys & just treat them as money making machines, people are not stupid. They are just an object for you. You’re being an actress in front of the camera when you know you don’t give a damn! Get a real job already! & leave these poor monkeys alone if you are going to neglect them! They are better off without you people!
No. They were waiting for him to die. I feel that with every instinct in my body. They were hoping he would get better and save their channel, so they let him suffer for three days.
Bobby could hardly breathe 3 days ago and that was the last time we all saw him that was the last video that’s why people are thinking Bobby may have died, in that last video he was bad off and was having trouble breathing and he was making a choking sound.
Perché nnnhai curato il piccolo Bobby, come hai fatto con la gambetta della povera Kakà?!?!?😢😢😢 Se sapevi avesse la malattia??? Perché tanta crudeltà?!!!?? 😔😔😔 Bobby era una creaturina dolcissima 💙💙💙
Правильно пишите. Я отписалась от этого канала. Но столько вокруг наивных подписчиков, которым всё равно, кого смотреть. Поэтому они не отпишутся. Будут смотреть Каку, которая мучается со сломанной ногой и неизвестно, что с ней будет дальше. Будет калекой и потом придумают, как избавиться от неё.
You are so right! There are too many naive people that believe these evil youtubers that own these monkeys that are just for profit, its so disgusting. Shame on them. & look what happened to this poor baby monkey, she let him suffer, & didn't do anything about it. Shame on everyone that supports evil.
Bobby was in an awful state when we last saw him, he was obviously in distress and unable to feed. I'd be surprised if he survived. Let's hope Kaka doesn't contract the same disease. Kaka is still suffering from her injury and will now be depressed by the loss of Bobby.
You are right the brother was the main one for a while, but when she showed up she was there for them and took great care of them, she’s a whole different person now.
Мне интересно, за что люди ставят лайки?? За то, что от больного Боби избавились или за то, что он скорей всего умер??? Вы что за люди?? Зачем вы даёте заработать этой безжалостной даме, на мучениях малыша??
@@Toxic-c5j4uа может это ты слепой?? Все люди заметили ее отношение к малышу и просили ее отвезти к врачу, но дама делала вид, что все прекрасно и игнорировала все просьбы. Результат на лицо. Бобби нет, он не просто исчез, он был тяжело болен
How sad, why not just tell us he has died, we knew he was going too, 3 days ago.. He was sick from day 1, he just got worse, RIP Bobby, rainbows await you
Показали всё миру, как умирает маленькая обезьянка тянули ждали денег от фанатов не показала ветеренару, она просила помощи жестоко, это смерть ждёт и остальных обезьянок и Мона и Каку они уже больны сами сломали ногу 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😓👹
Она Боби или выкинула, или он умер. Люди теперь будут возмущаться и она найдёт похожую обезьяну и покажет её вместо Боби. Будет нагло врать, что это он. Я отписалась от этой лгуньи. Она просто зарабатывает деньги и не любит обезьянок. Диз лайк. От убийц надо отписываться.
I already reported this channel as well. I hope they take it down, but then Kaka and Mon will just appear on a new channel with different actors. *sigh*
Il n'y a eu personne. Cette vidéo en noir et blanc de tres loin, prétendument d'une caméra de surveillance dont nous n'avons jamais eu connaissance, peuvent dater de n'importe quand. Deux autres personnes de la famille sont présentes, deux hommes, et ils ne l'auraient pas prévenue ni pensé à filmer eux mêmes la scène ? Allons donc ! C'est du foutage de gueule et c'est tout.
Кака уже не та игривая весёлая обезьянка потухшие глазки не смотрят на мамашу бояться, и испуганно прижимается, как бы её не ударили опять и причинили боль Мон тоже хромает его лопасти дед наверно 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Nunca lo cuidastes te pedimos muchas veces que lo lleve al veterinario no isistes nada si el dueño lo llevo hojala lo cuide espero está vez te acerques más a Mon que lo tienes abandonado
You can say anything you want. Kaka and min knows what happened😢😢😢😢its sad . They are smart they were rhere. They know. Look at kaka. Shes so hurt. How could you do this. She was totally attached to the baby. God love him. Where ever he is😢😢😢😢
Вы заметили, что близко не показали обезьянку? Вроде забрал, но кого??? Вот вопрос... Вранье это все люди... Пора перестать смотреть на эту лживую мадам. У нее нет сердца, только деньги перед глазами .
Ils se foutent tous de vous ! Mais vous êtes naïve, au point de penser que certains s'occupent bien de leur singe ! Savez vous que tout ces singes que l'ont vois sur les réseaux sociaux, sont des bébés singes volés à leurs mères ? Leurs mères sont souvent tuées et leurs bébés arrachés. Tout est scenarisé comme au cinéma. Une fois la caméra arrêtée, vous pensez que les singes ne souffrent pas ? Ils ne sont pas allaités, jamais pris dans les bras, porté des couche chimique jour et nuit, porte des vêtements qui tiennent beaucoup trop chaud alors qu'ils ont déjà leurs poils, et en plus ils les couvrent avec des couvertures ! Ils leur donent une alimentation ultra transformée comme des brioches, du riz, des nouilles, des gâteaux, les singes ne profitent même pas de la nature, enfermer jour et nuit, forcer de marcher sur deux pattes alors que ça détruit leurs hanches, ils sont forcer de faire ce qu'ont leur demande tout simplement. Savez vous que les macaques, et autres espèces de singes sont amenés à disparaître à cause d'eux ? Savez vous que quand ils grandissent ils les abandonnent ou les tue ? Aller faire vos recherches sur ce qu'il se passe réellement au Vietnam
The mans face covered and all. Oh I'm so angry its got to the point these video channels make you more depressed then happy, seeing what is happening to the monkeys. 😢😢😢
How convenient all of a sudden Bobby’s owner comes and picks him up. You lady are a liar. Did Bobby die, if so it’s from your negligence. I’m done with you and your channel you think the people that watch you are stupid but we are not.
Yes she always thinks we are stupid she bought Bobby but she’s lazy to a good care of him they got Mon kaka when Mon and kaka is not little like Bobby they were grown already .
@@ritahagan9305 Non non, Kaka était tres petite aussi pas plus de 3 ou 4 mois, son grand père ne pouvait plus s'en occuper, je m'en souviens parfaitement.
Ritahagan9305 is right mon and kaka were both very small kaka was not much more than an infant and Mon a little older and the mom was very attentive with them both she played with them she gave them baths twice a day cooked them food and fed them well 3 meals a day but once the good conditions at her brothers house ended she just seemed to develop a don’t give a damn attitude and I think she just kept Bobby to amuse Kaka like a toy she spent zero time with him and he’s so little sweet and cute how could you not love him.
La dernière fois que nous avons vu Bobby il était à l'agonie en train de mourir d'asphixie sous vos yeux. Nous avons été plusieurs a dire que Bobby n'était autre que le petit singe qui visitait aussi Ruby, la petite macaque albinos. Vous l'avez nié, et lui aussi. Et maintenant vous venez dire qu'un propriétaire imaginaire a repris le singe ? Pour l'enterrer peut-être ? Vous espérez convaincre qui ? Je regrette beaucoup pour Mon et Kaka, qui sont de gentils singes, bien élevés par le passé. Mais vous êtes devenus une chaine d'escrocs maltraitants, et il n'est plus possible de suivre votre chaine, encore moins de la recommander.
Ruby’s channel was the reason I started watching here, just to see what became of him. That was the ONLY reason I watched, and I will not watch this channel again. I hate the channels where they make the monkeys wear ridiculous clothing. I won’t watch any of them.
I predicted this. I said that they would come up with some lame reason that Bobby disappeared. It’s a boldfaced lie. Bobby died because they neglected him.
I have nothing more to say!! Everyone has said it. I’m amazed how many times they dupe us. Very heartless acts of cruelty. I knew Bobby wouldn’t be around long. I thought he would actually die from something. But same feelings of death. Poor Ka Ka 😢. I think Mon knows what’s goes on around there from their actions and what they talk about. He always looks frightened these days. I bet the brother (Dad) would not be happy about all of it. Ka Ka belonged to Grandpa at one time. So I think she is safe. Hopefully! 🙏 I am very disappointed in the whole situation.
Sa fracture n'a pas été soignée correctement, elle a du être réopérée, et je ne suis pas sure que la convalescence soit adaptée. Elle boite toujours. Et n'est pas correctement nourrie à mon avis, manque de calcium pour la consolidation de l'os.
It’s called Ruby Farm (no possessive form was used). Ruby is an albino macaque and she’s very beautiful. They have manufactured drama on the channel a couple of times and I called them out on it, but otherwise they treat Ruby very well and the channel is really fun and relaxing to watch. Bobby was there for a couple days where they wrote this lame story about how he was mistreated by a neighbor, so the “Grandfather” tried to steal him. They got pretty beat up by the channel watchers for that, so they “returned” Bobby the next day. But Bobby was doing double duty between the two channels at that time. A few months ago, Ruby broke her leg, but Vui, her owner (we think) took her to a REAL vet and got her healed pretty well. I think they treat Ruby better than the other monkeys because she is VERY valuable, due to her rarity and the fact that I don’t think she’d survive in a monkey troupe.
Грустят те, кто не понимает, что Боби или умер, или его выбросили. Он уже почти сгнил от грибка. Неизвестно, что будет с Какой. Она будет калекой из за сломанной ноги.
C'est évidemment un singe devenu malheureux, elle qui était si joyeuse et joueuse dans la maison d'avant, méfiante, et peut-être même apeurée. Quant à Mon, il n'est pas fou, et reste prudemment à l'écart.
Она его замучила. Он был болен и его не лечили. Начала его мазать, когда он уже сгнил. Теперь она от него избавилась. Может выкинула, а может он умер. Я писала раньше, что она придумает, как от Боби избавиться. Теперь нагло врёт. Неприятная особа. .
@@ЕваПанмох Il est mort. Il aurait du être mis sous assistance respiratoire l'autre jour, il était agonisant. Rien n'a été fait et il est mort. Ne cherchez pas plus loin. Ne soutenez plus cette chaine et n'envoyez surtout pas d'argent.
You grandparents gave bobby to a complete stranger...without your knowledge. 😮 no way!!!! We believed grandpa was a good person but to give bobby away with out you not knowing sorry but i dnt believe you!! I have supported you all along but now im not sure. Anybody could have said he was bobbies owner. N how many month's have you had bobby now... 2months.??.. this man says his bobbies owner. Lets just hope bobby has a better life snd hes nog going to slmebody cruel. And poor kaka!!! 😢😢
I have been on that Ruby Farm. Bobby was used in their videos too. Was Bobby just passed around to creating videos and it is Bobby so don't tell me he is not the same monkey also the lady looks like you is it your sisters. How did you not think people would find out. This is terrible that poor baby Bobby was used in this way. I now see why you took so long to name him. He was never staying. I really need an answer to this. Every one go onto Ruby Farm and you will see
Она всю дорогу ведет монолог, это фильм о ней самой. Кака обречена, вид ее не очень хороший. Садистка и обманщица! Дом для обезьян построили, это значит, возьмут новых.😢😢😢 Я призывала байкотировать их канал, но никто не внял. Баба продолжает дальше зарабатывать деньги! Мучить животных они будут, но после того, как прекратится поток денег, они оставят из в покое, не будут отбирать их у самок, в естественной природе.
Give her real food she is hungry and sad you you used to love Mon than kaka she was very emotional when used to like Mon than her . Views started love kaka then you switched to love kaka now where is Mon he’s running away from you this behavior is not cute
Im sorry you just saw what Pipi parents had to do to get Pipi back. No one would just hand out a monkey with out having evidence that the monkey is this man. After weeks. I have watched your videos for a long time. There have been changes that i dont feel that I have worked out to while for Kaka and Mon. But still, i will be positive, and I hope things improve. i would have told the man to come back and talk to you. Something is not right
Are you kidding me??? They let Bobby die, but they waited 3 days until he finally did to come up with some cockamamy story about him being taken away (Yes, his body was taken away). That's what's not right!! You're going to continue to support this channel?? Are you HIGH??? Every second you support this channel contributes to the pain of a sentient being!
You found him in the bushes . What oner? He had a skin condition and you had to get medicine for him all time. Now all of a sudden he's gone? No I don't believe that for a min. And if anyone buys that story they are crazy. I love kaka and Mon and the baby . But if it was one of the other 2 you would be out there looking for them. This is a lie. Either he's let go in the forest or you gave him away. How could someone just show up when your not hime and your grandmother let's them take the baby monkey. Seriously. No one showed up you were not on because you were trying to figure out something to tell your audience. 😢 Why lie? We are not stupid people. You didn't want to take care of his condition any more and kaka isn't stuck in the playpen so she can get around she doesn't need his company anymore. So off he goes. God knows where. All I know is if it was kaka or Mon and someone came and took them there would be hell to pay. You wouldn't sit around and not look for them. Shame on you. 😢😢😢
I think it took Bobby a couple of days to die. 😭 They left him suffering, hoping he would get better so that they could post a triumphant video saying "See? You were all wrong". That's the reason it took 3 days to make a video. That's absolutely horrifying, and I hope I'm wrong. But I think I'm right. 😭😭
Dans l'état ou il était sur la dernière vidéo il n'a pas pu tenir 3 jours. Il n'a pas du passer la nuit à mon avis. Le temps de régler la disparition du corps et l'invention d'une histoire explicative... on a attendu une vidéo 3 jours.
@@electra-gal Je ne suis pas médecin, mais je suis raisonnablement certain qu'il a passé des heures et, plus probablement, des jours à souffrir. Il ne leur faudrait pas 3 jours pour imaginer une histoire. Et c’est exactement le genre de ces gens qui attendent de voir ce qui se passe avant d’agir. Je sais juste que j'ai raison.
@@Toxic-c5j4u Ah parce que vous vous savez ce qu'il avait ? On attend avec curiosité votre diagnostic alors, moi je n'en ai pas justement, et à ma connaissance aucun n'a été posé par la personne qui l'a vu à la pharmacie ou animalerie, on ne sait pas trop. S'il vous plait comblez ma curiosité insatisfaite ?
just make sure, mom, that nothing bad happens to kaka and mon. just be very sure because if something does--heaven forbid--many if not nearly all your viewers will go away and could be the end of your channel.
Bobby died. I doubt he survived another day after that last video. Very convenient that suddenly. Someone found Bobby locked up. No that’s was not him no miraculous recovery after the neglect we witnessed. This woman had to wonder how we would react to seeing Bobby missing. They think we are stupid. She killed Bobby
A sa décharge, cette dame n'a pas choisi cette situation. Son frère est parti travailler à l'étranger en la prévenant au dernier moment, et en lui laissant 2 singes sur les bras. Elle a essayé de gérer comme elle a pu, mais visiblement sans amour des animaux et sans envie, avec difficultés. Elle aurait mieux fait de donner les singes à une autre famille en ayant envie. Le fait qu'elle n'a pas su gérer la situation, et pas voulu écouter les conseils, très entêtée, ce qui a mené à la catastrophe. Il n'est plus temps de pleurer, et encore moins de mentir, c'est inutile.
i'm so sorry, kaka's mom, that you lost bobby. i didn't much care about him because i thought he took so much of your attention you were practically neglecting kaka and mon. but i know you loved him, and that's what counts. a loss is a loss. that is truly regrettable. i hope you feel better soon.
C'est l'inverse elle ne s'en occupait pas du tout, elle laissait Kaka, convalescente, s'en occuper. Il était tout le temps couché, elle ne le prenait meme pas pour lui donner le biberon.
She didn't "Lose" him. She didn't take care of him! That family had him for a month! He had those horrible lesions the entire time, yet they never took him to a vet, even after people sent money! I really hope that Kaka and Mon are taken away.
I wondering if he proved that baby bobby was really his monkey and why are there 2 men taking bobby away. it kinda sounds fishy about these people.. the other person seems to be looking where they shouldnt be.. those people look fishy to me. I hope you find him and figure things out.. best of luck to you....😊
A family how loved their Kaka get their monkey taken off them. Her Dad sreachs the forest to spend an hour with her. You have your monkeys remember your luck. Look after them
@@angieroa Vous feriez mieux de laisser en paix les gens honnêtes et vous occuper des escrocs. M. Ngoc ne cherche pas Kaka, il y a un moment qu'il l'a trouvée, et retrouvée une seconde fois. Ne vous occupez pas de ce que vous ne connaissez pas et ne comprenez pas, alors qu'un petit singe , Bobbie, vient de mourir sous vos yeux sans même que vous vous aperceviez de son agonie, qui était évidente pour toute personne un peu attentive.
Only God and those involved know the whole truth, and I therefore will not throw out assumptions or finger pointing. I pray for Mom, Mon and Kaka. Love, Grammie in Texas USA. ❤❤❤
You were begging the woman to take bobby to a real vet. What other proof of absolute neglect do you need? Criminal behavior. Even in Vietnam animal abuse is a crime.
Did we watch the same video? Or did you fall asleep while watching all of them? We know what happened. And damn right I'm going to point fingers at people who abuse animals! We saw it right in front of our eyes, for a MONTH, on TWO different channels! I can't even with you! /smdh
Sua história não convence ok?Como levou o macaquinho sem vc em casa? Como entregaram o macaquinho sem prova que é mesmo o dono? Conte outra história essa não convence.
Gd này buồn cười kênh sin sin mất đi tìm chuộc lại đứa lớn tốn 10 triệu. Đưa nhỏ mới tìm dc đây 3 triệu ngta mua sao để lại vậy. Ông bà đâu phải con nít mà ng lạ đến muốn lấy gì trong nhà cũng đưa. Ít nhất phải nói đợi con tui về. Bó tay cho ông bà nhà này
Dejen de atacar a la señora ella iso lo k pudo xk si lo llevo al doctor y lo cuido lo más k pudo y si se lo llevo el dueño k bueno pero el también es responsable porque lo abandonó y ya miro k la señora lo cuidaba y ya estaba mejor y por eso vino por el para hacer ver mal a la señora y mon no está abandonado a el siempre le a gusto andar libre desde la otra casa andaba libre no sean tan inumanos
Что то я не увидела, как она лечила малыша от грибка, он все время был скукоженный, а в последних кадрах еле дышал. Я еще тогда подумала как она обыграет его смерть? Придумала, не верю ни одному слову!
I believe this is the guy who has a monkey that looks like Bobby and the Grandfather guy took the monkey for a day and did not give back and this guy saw Bobby and since he looked like his monkey your parents let Bobby go to him just saying,,,,
Lástima que Bobby volvió con su antiguo dueño. Esa gente debería haber prestado más atención. Cuidaste bien de Bobby. Espero que el propietario también te informe cómo le está yendo a Bobby. y que puedes contactar a Bobby. Amo a Mon, Kaká y Luna.😥❤❤❤
С головой не в порядке??? Малыша эта дама, просто угробила. Он сгнил от грибка. Не уверена, что он ещё живой. О какой заботе вы говорите?? Бедный малыш, только мучился.
Bobby probably died and she doesn’t want to be blamed for it, well too late you are to blame for his death no one is going to believe that his owner came and got him, you are ridiculous if you think people believe you.
She got rid of that baby who was very sick,she completely neglected him. This lady is fraud and lunatic
The sick lady didn’t have any money to pay for the monkey to be treated so she got rid of it!!
@denisedion9993 She has money from TH-cam, she just doesn't want to spend it to help this poor animal, she is responsible for his death
@@LoveAnimals58 Des personnes généreuses ont envoyé de l'argent pour soigner les singes, Kaka puis Bobby. J'avais d'ailleurs conseillé d'envoyer de l'argent plutot directement à l'hopital vétérinaire. (s'il en existe un..) mais le petit Bobby n'y a meme pas été emmené en grande urgence. J'ai suggéré aussi un pédiatre humain si par malchance aucun vétérinaire n'était disponible. Il aurait été au moins mis sous oxygène et sauvé, en attente du bon diagnostic.
Alguien le mando 50 dólares americanos para que lo llevara al veterinario y no lo hizo. Pero que tal su lujoso carro y todo lo que tiene con lo que gana con los videos explotando esos animales.
You are so right about Mon and Kaka knowing what’s going, some people think animals don’t have feelings when the truth is they are more tuned in than humans. I feel bad for Mon and Kaka because they still gave to be around their mom, but especially for sweet little Bobby he deserved so much more than what he got. This woman is on my shit list because she didn’t give Bobby a chance at life.
Kaka and Mon need to be removed from that house.
You are absolutely right about that all of her animals get hurt poor Kaka I don’t think her leg will ever be right again and Mon just stays away his spirit is broken and the mother just doesn’t care anymore I hope her channel gets shut down and Mon and Kaka get good homes.
@@pamelaoliver2963 C'est ce qu'on peut leur souhaiter de mieux, une bonne famille aimante, sans les séparer de préférence. Il ne manque pas de bonnes personnes désireuses d'avoir des singes pour tenir compagnie à leurs enfants par exemple, mais qui ne savent pas trop comment s'y prendre pour en obtenir sans avoir affaire aux horribles braconniers.
All of a sudden a owner shows up and the grandparents just hand Bobby over to a stranger B S, they’ve had Bobby for a while and now this happens. It doesn’t make sense and if it doesn’t make sense it’s not true, to quote Judge Judy. Anyone with any sense would have said wait until my daughter gets back, so this is just another lie.
La mentira del año! El pobre bobby murio por descuido de esta mujer y ahora inventan este cuento! Lo dejaste morir!
Porque,que tenía
Было ясно, что они будут придумывать, хотя всем понятно, что Бобби умер из-за ее пренебрежения
@@ИринаГрицык-д3х Pues a darse de baja en este canal.
You youtubers are just brutal people. You know what you people are missing? A heart! Poor monkey. SHAME ON YOU THAT YOU MADE THIS BABY MONKEY SUFFER & BENEFITNG OFF OF HIM & DID NOTHING. AWFUL. GOD SEES EVIL.
Pas de généralisation svp. Beaucoup de youtubeurs s'occupent tres bien de leurs singes.
The man who showed up probably was there to take away Bobby’s body, This family found Bobby in the bushes how do they even know who Bobby’s owner is, they want us to believe that some man showed up and said he was Bobby’s owner and the grandparents just gave Bobby to a complete stranger, lies all lies. I’m done with this monkey channel I’ll miss Mon and Kaka but I can’t support this channel anymore.
Il n'y aura plus jamais de nouvelles de Bobbie , oubliez. Et croisez les doigts pour que Kaka n'ait pas été contaminée.
Think that Boby is abandoned
Oui vous avez raison. Il a du venir les débarrasser du corps pour qu'ils n'aient pas à l'enterrer dans leur terrain. Il y a quelques années une femme a été emprisonnée au Cambodge car on avait trouvé plusieurs corps de petits singes enterrés dans son jardin. C'est donc plus prudent. Il a sans doute fallu payer cet aide complaisant, il incinérera probablement le cadavre pour qu'il ne soit pas retrouvé. Voila à quoi a servi l'argent envoyé par les bonnes personnes qui ont pensé aider pour la santé des petits singes.
@@balan384Bobby is dead from neglect.
@@LMD2915 talking out of your ass again.... prove it??????
Bobby è morto e tu sei bugiarda
How people believe all these nonsense she dumped the baby or he deed one year after kaka will be missing too
Are you dead too????? you got proof??? huh???? or talking out of your ass again..
I won’t believe anything she says until I see video of her visiting Bobby, until that happens I won’t believe her, she will remain a liar.
Ха ха она навестит Бобби, но это будет уже другая, резко выздоровевшая макака! Даже в этом случае я не поверю!
La cara de kaka lo dice todo… el sabe que ha ocurrido y sabe que lo acurruca una malvada… ellos son muy listos.. solo les falta hablar
You made him disappear!! Poor monkey, what they have to go through! So you could make money off an innocent voiceless being. These poor monkeys feel, ok! You TH-camrs don’t feel nothing towards these monkeys & just treat them as money making machines, people are not stupid. They are just an object for you. You’re being an actress in front of the camera when you know you don’t give a damn! Get a real job already! & leave these poor monkeys alone if you are going to neglect them! They are better off without you people!
Well said 👏
You are so right.
@@carolmcquay7042 Wake up!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
They waited 3 days to make a video because they had to take time to come up with something to cover up Bobby’s death.
No. They were waiting for him to die. I feel that with every instinct in my body. They were hoping he would get better and save their channel, so they let him suffer for three days.
Bobby could hardly breathe 3 days ago and that was the last time we all saw him that was the last video that’s why people are thinking Bobby may have died, in that last video he was bad off and was having trouble breathing and he was making a choking sound.
Of course, he is dead. Poor baby 😢. They also used him in another channel, terrible, money hungry monsrers
Perché nnnhai curato il piccolo Bobby, come hai fatto con la gambetta della povera Kakà?!?!?😢😢😢 Se sapevi avesse la malattia??? Perché tanta crudeltà?!!!?? 😔😔😔 Bobby era una creaturina dolcissima 💙💙💙
Отписываемся от канала убийцы! Не ставим лайки и не пишем комментарии!
Правильно пишите. Я отписалась от этого канала. Но столько вокруг наивных подписчиков, которым всё равно, кого смотреть. Поэтому они не отпишутся. Будут смотреть Каку, которая мучается со сломанной ногой и неизвестно, что с ней будет дальше. Будет калекой и потом придумают, как избавиться от неё.
@ЕваПанмох You are absolutely right
Ahora mismo
You are so right! There are too many naive people that believe these evil youtubers that own these monkeys that are just for profit, its so disgusting. Shame on them. & look what happened to this poor baby monkey, she let him suffer, & didn't do anything about it. Shame on everyone that supports evil.
Thanks for the entertainment.. youll make me lol.....
Bobby was in an awful state when we last saw him, he was obviously in distress and unable to feed. I'd be surprised if he survived. Let's hope Kaka doesn't contract the same disease. Kaka is still suffering from her injury and will now be depressed by the loss of Bobby.
El mono Bobby murió pero lo bueno es que ya no sufre mas de esa enfermedad que dia a día lo consumia😢
Ubico zelim i tebi i tvoj familiji isto.Gde je Rubi i Bobi.Imas li ti srce UBICO?????
You are right the brother was the main one for a while, but when she showed up she was there for them and took great care of them, she’s a whole different person now.
Мне интересно, за что люди ставят лайки?? За то, что от больного Боби избавились или за то, что он скорей всего умер??? Вы что за люди?? Зачем вы даёте заработать этой безжалостной даме, на мучениях малыша??
why you talk nonsense as always????
@@Toxic-c5j4uты работаешь похоже на эту лживую семейку , бот!
@@Toxic-c5j4uа может это ты слепой?? Все люди заметили ее отношение к малышу и просили ее отвезти к врачу, но дама делала вид, что все прекрасно и игнорировала все просьбы. Результат на лицо. Бобби нет, он не просто исчез, он был тяжело болен
Oszuści zamęczyli zwierzatko na śmierć
How sad, why not just tell us he has died, we knew he was going too, 3 days ago.. He was sick from day 1, he just got worse, RIP Bobby, rainbows await you
Показали всё миру, как умирает маленькая обезьянка тянули ждали денег от фанатов не показала ветеренару, она просила помощи жестоко, это смерть ждёт и остальных обезьянок и Мона и Каку они уже больны сами сломали ногу 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😓👹
Она Боби или выкинула, или он умер. Люди теперь будут возмущаться и она найдёт похожую обезьяну и покажет её вместо Боби. Будет нагло врать, что это он. Я отписалась от этой лгуньи. Она просто зарабатывает деньги и не любит обезьянок. Диз лайк. От убийц надо отписываться.
Claro que traerá otro mono y dirá que es Bobby… es tan miserable y poco sensible que la considero capaz de cualquier cosa
than stop posting since you unfollowed her.....lol
@@anamariasuarezperez2077 you only see 20mins of the camera.... you dont really know her...
Многие отписались
@@ИринаГрицык-д3х why cuz the baby isnt here anymore. What about Kaka and Mon. Dont they matter???
Кака в шоке от смерти Бобби!
거짓말에 대한 신고를 했어요...동참해 주세요
I already reported this channel as well. I hope they take it down, but then Kaka and Mon will just appear on a new channel with different actors. *sigh*
What a joyful with Bobby Monkey ♥♥
Kaka would also not be happy with a stranger picking up bobby, she would react. She just sat there. So obviously it is someone she knows.
Il n'y a eu personne. Cette vidéo en noir et blanc de tres loin, prétendument d'une caméra de surveillance dont nous n'avons jamais eu connaissance, peuvent dater de n'importe quand. Deux autres personnes de la famille sont présentes, deux hommes, et ils ne l'auraient pas prévenue ni pensé à filmer eux mêmes la scène ? Allons donc ! C'est du foutage de gueule et c'est tout.
it was probably the guy who kidnapped her...
Falsa…lo has abandonado a su suerte o ha muerto…como sabes que el dueño de Bobby fue el que se lo llevó? Y que lo está cuidando muy bien???
stop talking nonsense.. you have no proof to anything
@@Toxic-c5j4uпосмотрите внимательно прошлые видио, особенно последнее. И если вы разумный человек, то только слепой не увидит, что Бобби умирал
Кака уже не та игривая весёлая обезьянка потухшие глазки не смотрят на мамашу бояться, и испуганно прижимается, как бы её не ударили опять и причинили боль Мон тоже хромает его лопасти дед наверно 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Nunca lo cuidastes te pedimos muchas veces que lo lleve al veterinario no isistes nada si el dueño lo llevo hojala lo cuide espero está vez te acerques más a Mon que lo tienes abandonado
I 'm think , the baby monkey is dead
You can say anything you want. Kaka and min knows what happened😢😢😢😢its sad . They are smart they were rhere. They know. Look at kaka. Shes so hurt. How could you do this. She was totally attached to the baby. God love him. Where ever he is😢😢😢😢
Угробили макаша,Кака тоже весь больной((😢 Зачем тебе животные? Сажай салат!!!😡
Please don't be looking sad, if you have any heart you have to live with yourself & what you did to this sweet precious monkey. Shame on 😢
Вы заметили, что близко не показали обезьянку? Вроде забрал, но кого??? Вот вопрос... Вранье это все люди... Пора перестать смотреть на эту лживую мадам. У нее нет сердца, только деньги перед глазами .
Bobbie a "disparu" ? Vous vous foutez du monde ?
Ils se foutent tous de vous ! Mais vous êtes naïve, au point de penser que certains s'occupent bien de leur singe ! Savez vous que tout ces singes que l'ont vois sur les réseaux sociaux, sont des bébés singes volés à leurs mères ? Leurs mères sont souvent tuées et leurs bébés arrachés. Tout est scenarisé comme au cinéma. Une fois la caméra arrêtée, vous pensez que les singes ne souffrent pas ? Ils ne sont pas allaités, jamais pris dans les bras, porté des couche chimique jour et nuit, porte des vêtements qui tiennent beaucoup trop chaud alors qu'ils ont déjà leurs poils, et en plus ils les couvrent avec des couvertures ! Ils leur donent une alimentation ultra transformée comme des brioches, du riz, des nouilles, des gâteaux, les singes ne profitent même pas de la nature, enfermer jour et nuit, forcer de marcher sur deux pattes alors que ça détruit leurs hanches, ils sont forcer de faire ce qu'ont leur demande tout simplement. Savez vous que les macaques, et autres espèces de singes sont amenés à disparaître à cause d'eux ? Savez vous que quand ils grandissent ils les abandonnent ou les tue ? Aller faire vos recherches sur ce qu'il se passe réellement au Vietnam
The mans face covered and all. Oh I'm so angry its got to the point these video channels make you more depressed then happy, seeing what is happening to the monkeys. 😢😢😢
Врет нагло. Просто фу-фу-фу, я увеличила изображение, это совсем не Бобби. За дураков всех держит, хоть бы Кака не заболела
Zgadzam się się z Tobą. Boby był blondynem a ta niby małpa ma czarną głowę którą później ten niby właściciel zasłania ręką.
How convenient all of a sudden Bobby’s owner comes and picks him up. You lady are a liar. Did Bobby die, if so it’s from your negligence. I’m done with you and your channel you think the people that watch you are stupid but we are not.
Yes she always thinks we are stupid she bought Bobby but she’s lazy to a good care of him they got Mon kaka when Mon and kaka is not little like Bobby they were grown already .
@@ritahagan9305 Non non, Kaka était tres petite aussi pas plus de 3 ou 4 mois, son grand père ne pouvait plus s'en occuper, je m'en souviens parfaitement.
why would Bobby die....nothing life threating was wrong with him..
Ritahagan9305 is right mon and kaka were both very small kaka was not much more than an infant and Mon a little older and the mom was very attentive with them both she played with them she gave them baths twice a day cooked them food and fed them well 3 meals a day but once the good conditions at her brothers house ended she just seemed to develop a don’t give a damn attitude and I think she just kept Bobby to amuse Kaka like a toy she spent zero time with him and he’s so little sweet and cute how could you not love him.
@@Toxic-c5j4uон гнил заживо, ты не смотрел видео?
La dernière fois que nous avons vu Bobby il était à l'agonie en train de mourir d'asphixie sous vos yeux. Nous avons été plusieurs a dire que Bobby n'était autre que le petit singe qui visitait aussi Ruby, la petite macaque albinos. Vous l'avez nié, et lui aussi. Et maintenant vous venez dire qu'un propriétaire imaginaire a repris le singe ? Pour l'enterrer peut-être ? Vous espérez convaincre qui ? Je regrette beaucoup pour Mon et Kaka, qui sont de gentils singes, bien élevés par le passé. Mais vous êtes devenus une chaine d'escrocs maltraitants, et il n'est plus possible de suivre votre chaine, encore moins de la recommander.
Exactly, they think we are stupid
Ruby’s channel was the reason I started watching here, just to see what became of him. That was the ONLY reason I watched, and I will not watch this channel again. I hate the channels where they make the monkeys wear ridiculous clothing. I won’t watch any of them.
@@LMD2915 you sound like you are crying ......
I predicted this. I said that they would come up with some lame reason that Bobby disappeared. It’s a boldfaced lie. Bobby died because they neglected him.
I have nothing more to say!! Everyone has said it. I’m amazed how many times they dupe us. Very heartless acts of cruelty. I knew Bobby wouldn’t be around long. I thought he would actually die from something. But same feelings of death. Poor Ka Ka 😢. I think Mon knows what’s goes on around there from their actions and what they talk about. He always looks frightened these days. I bet the brother (Dad) would not be happy about all of it. Ka Ka belonged to Grandpa at one time. So I think she is safe. Hopefully! 🙏 I am very disappointed in the whole situation.
Sa fracture n'a pas été soignée correctement, elle a du être réopérée, et je ne suis pas sure que la convalescence soit adaptée. Elle boite toujours. Et n'est pas correctement nourrie à mon avis, manque de calcium pour la consolidation de l'os.
All of these monkeys belong to someone else. The people that we see in the videos are actors.
Ya dont speak for me
If that is the owner that was the same owner on Ruby Farm channel had Bobby chained up. Then poor Bobby isi in trouble
Bobby is no longer in trouble. Bobby died.
Mentira ele morreu só pode
Pas de sous titres... c'est bien commode.
ты считаешь что зрители тупые? на самон деле ты патериала этим лжим суеетом много зрителей - убила бобы? бог твой судья
Do you know the other channel they used Bobby on?
Ruby's farm. Ils ne l'ont eu que quelques jours en visite.
@@electra-gal 바비는 루비의 농장에서의 원숭이와 같은 원숭이군요..
It’s called Ruby Farm (no possessive form was used). Ruby is an albino macaque and she’s very beautiful. They have manufactured drama on the channel a couple of times and I called them out on it, but otherwise they treat Ruby very well and the channel is really fun and relaxing to watch. Bobby was there for a couple days where they wrote this lame story about how he was mistreated by a neighbor, so the “Grandfather” tried to steal him. They got pretty beat up by the channel watchers for that, so they “returned” Bobby the next day. But Bobby was doing double duty between the two channels at that time. A few months ago, Ruby broke her leg, but Vui, her owner (we think) took her to a REAL vet and got her healed pretty well. I think they treat Ruby better than the other monkeys because she is VERY valuable, due to her rarity and the fact that I don’t think she’d survive in a monkey troupe.
kaka está triste e nos também que pena❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Грустят те, кто не понимает, что Боби или умер, или его выбросили. Он уже почти сгнил от грибка. Неизвестно, что будет с Какой. Она будет калекой из за сломанной ноги.
C'est évidemment un singe devenu malheureux, elle qui était si joyeuse et joueuse dans la maison d'avant, méfiante, et peut-être même apeurée. Quant à Mon, il n'est pas fou, et reste prudemment à l'écart.
I'm not sad, I'm ANGRY!!
Boby dah kelihatan gak sehat... Mati ya sudah. Kasiah harus ngurusi dan ngobatin bayi bayi monyet.
Она его замучила. Он был болен и его не лечили. Начала его мазать, когда он уже сгнил. Теперь она от него избавилась. Может выкинула, а может он умер. Я писала раньше, что она придумает, как от Боби избавиться. Теперь нагло врёт. Неприятная особа.
@@ЕваПанмох Il est mort. Il aurait du être mis sous assistance respiratoire l'autre jour, il était agonisant. Rien n'a été fait et il est mort. Ne cherchez pas plus loin. Ne soutenez plus cette chaine et n'envoyez surtout pas d'argent.
Il n'est pas parti il est mort sous nos yeux et les siens.
You grandparents gave bobby to a complete stranger...without your knowledge. 😮 no way!!!! We believed grandpa was a good person but to give bobby away with out you not knowing sorry but i dnt believe you!! I have supported you all along but now im not sure.
Anybody could have said he was bobbies owner. N how many month's have you had bobby now... 2months.??.. this man says his bobbies owner.
Lets just hope bobby has a better life snd hes nog going to slmebody cruel. And poor kaka!!! 😢😢
I think that Bobby is dead 😢
@angieroa maybe she will prove us wrong when goes to see bobby. F 🤞
@KimberleyGibbs-b4t I wish so, but he was dying on the previous video 😓
Bobby is not going anywhere on this planet. He is dead.
I have been on that Ruby Farm. Bobby was used in their videos too. Was Bobby just passed around to creating videos and it is Bobby so don't tell me he is not the same monkey also the lady looks like you is it your sisters. How did you not think people would find out. This is terrible that poor baby Bobby was used in this way. I now see why you took so long to name him. He was never staying. I really need an answer to this. Every one go onto Ruby Farm and you will see
Она всю дорогу ведет монолог, это фильм о ней самой. Кака обречена, вид ее не очень хороший. Садистка и обманщица! Дом для обезьян построили, это значит, возьмут новых.😢😢😢 Я призывала байкотировать их канал, но никто не внял. Баба продолжает дальше зарабатывать деньги! Мучить животных они будут, но после того, как прекратится поток денег, они оставят из в покое, не будут отбирать их у самок, в естественной природе.
Да согласна, что она теперь будет брать новых малышей, типа Кака скучает!
Give her real food she is hungry and sad you you used to love Mon than kaka she was very emotional when used to like Mon than her . Views started love kaka then you switched to love kaka now where is Mon he’s running away from you this behavior is not cute
Im sorry you just saw what Pipi parents had to do to get Pipi back. No one would just hand out a monkey with out having evidence that the monkey is this man. After weeks. I have watched your videos for a long time. There have been changes that i dont feel that I have worked out to while for Kaka and Mon. But still, i will be positive, and I hope things improve. i would have told the man to come back and talk to you. Something is not right
Are you kidding me??? They let Bobby die, but they waited 3 days until he finally did to come up with some cockamamy story about him being taken away (Yes, his body was taken away). That's what's not right!! You're going to continue to support this channel?? Are you HIGH??? Every second you support this channel contributes to the pain of a sentient being!
They Kidnapped Kaka before they did Pipi.. They both had to pay to get them back... Pipi and KAKA are best friends R/t since they were little.
@@Toxic-c5j4u Hé oui...il y a une télévision cassée à réparer chez Pipi. Ceci explique cela.
You found him in the bushes . What oner? He had a skin condition and you had to get medicine for him all time. Now all of a sudden he's gone? No I don't believe that for a min. And if anyone buys that story they are crazy. I love kaka and Mon and the baby . But if it was one of the other 2 you would be out there looking for them. This is a lie. Either he's let go in the forest or you gave him away. How could someone just show up when your not hime and your grandmother let's them take the baby monkey. Seriously. No one showed up you were not on because you were trying to figure out something to tell your audience. 😢 Why lie? We are not stupid people. You didn't want to take care of his condition any more and kaka isn't stuck in the playpen so she can get around she doesn't need his company anymore. So off he goes. God knows where. All I know is if it was kaka or Mon and someone came and took them there would be hell to pay. You wouldn't sit around and not look for them. Shame on you. 😢😢😢
I think it took Bobby a couple of days to die. 😭 They left him suffering, hoping he would get better so that they could post a triumphant video saying "See? You were all wrong". That's the reason it took 3 days to make a video. That's absolutely horrifying, and I hope I'm wrong. But I think I'm right. 😭😭
you make me laugh...lovely entertainment....
Dans l'état ou il était sur la dernière vidéo il n'a pas pu tenir 3 jours. Il n'a pas du passer la nuit à mon avis. Le temps de régler la disparition du corps et l'invention d'une histoire explicative... on a attendu une vidéo 3 jours.
@@electra-galwhat he had wouldn't have killed or made him feel dead...
@@electra-gal Je ne suis pas médecin, mais je suis raisonnablement certain qu'il a passé des heures et, plus probablement, des jours à souffrir. Il ne leur faudrait pas 3 jours pour imaginer une histoire. Et c’est exactement le genre de ces gens qui attendent de voir ce qui se passe avant d’agir. Je sais juste que j'ai raison.
@@Toxic-c5j4u Ah parce que vous vous savez ce qu'il avait ? On attend avec curiosité votre diagnostic alors, moi je n'en ai pas justement, et à ma connaissance aucun n'a été posé par la personne qui l'a vu à la pharmacie ou animalerie, on ne sait pas trop. S'il vous plait comblez ma curiosité insatisfaite ?
Right? Bobby was found in the bushes! How would you know who the owner was?
Don't believe in those lies, what bushes? This was all staged.
All these monkeys are owned by people that we don’t see. The people in the videos are actors.
LIAR on the viddo bet grandparents mistakenly gave Bobby away
Se o dono o veio buscar então nos mostre esse vídeo
Kaka você está precisando dos cuidados do papai por favor deixem ir
Para casa da sua família piedade❤
just make sure, mom, that nothing bad happens to kaka and mon. just be very sure because if something does--heaven forbid--many if not nearly all your viewers will go away and could be the end of your channel.
i knew thar there was something I didn't like about her Of course KAKA is upset
Bobby died. I doubt he survived another day after that last video.
Very convenient that suddenly. Someone found Bobby locked up. No that’s was not him no miraculous recovery after the neglect we witnessed. This woman had to wonder how we would react to seeing Bobby missing. They think we are stupid. She killed Bobby
Where is mon? Haven’t see him lately
All of a sudden theres only security footage and no camera person? WHATEVER!
Is Kaka an invalid now?
I never to see baby to drink some milk or see the doctor when a baby has an illness.
você pode leva kaka para visita boby❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Boby is dead, wake up
Bonne question ! 😁
Dobre!Już fotografia była. @@electra-gal
Now look at Kaka never mind the situation with Mon 😡
That could be the next door neighbour. Why hand over bobby like that with out you been there
Cette scène n'a pas existé sous cette forme, à cette date, ni avec cette signification.
MOM please check out that other Grandfather because if that monkey died then your parents mistakenly gave Bobby away AND IT MIGHT STOP THE NEGATIVITY
you don't go try found Bobby? look for him please
Hello mon kaka Bobby mom and family have a wonderful day ❤❤❤❤❤
Bobby is no longer there
Bobby is dead, Debbie.
This is going to go down bad. So its all turn the monkeys are used for money and not lov 😢😢😢😢
A sa décharge, cette dame n'a pas choisi cette situation. Son frère est parti travailler à l'étranger en la prévenant au dernier moment, et en lui laissant 2 singes sur les bras. Elle a essayé de gérer comme elle a pu, mais visiblement sans amour des animaux et sans envie, avec difficultés. Elle aurait mieux fait de donner les singes à une autre famille en ayant envie. Le fait qu'elle n'a pas su gérer la situation, et pas voulu écouter les conseils, très entêtée, ce qui a mené à la catastrophe. Il n'est plus temps de pleurer, et encore moins de mentir, c'est inutile.
I bolje je valjda ce se bolje brinuti o njemu
Я была бы рада, если бы его забрал хороший человек, но думаю малыш все таки умер.
i'm so sorry, kaka's mom, that you lost bobby. i didn't much care about him because i thought he took so much of your attention you were practically neglecting kaka and mon. but i know you loved him, and that's what counts. a loss is a loss. that is truly regrettable. i hope you feel better soon.
C'est l'inverse elle ne s'en occupait pas du tout, elle laissait Kaka, convalescente, s'en occuper. Il était tout le temps couché, elle ne le prenait meme pas pour lui donner le biberon.
She didn't "Lose" him. She didn't take care of him! That family had him for a month! He had those horrible lesions the entire time, yet they never took him to a vet, even after people sent money! I really hope that Kaka and Mon are taken away.
I wondering if he proved that baby bobby was really his monkey and why are there 2 men taking bobby away. it kinda sounds fishy about these people.. the other person seems to be looking where they shouldnt be.. those people look fishy to me. I hope you find him and figure things out.. best of luck to you....😊
Wake up, Bobby is dead
Бот, пошел отсюда, на кого работаешь?
@@angieroareally where is your proof you twit?¿???
@@ЕленаНовгородова-у7г I work for the devil....
@@angieroawhere's your proof you twit¿??¿ lol
A family how loved their Kaka get their monkey taken off them. Her Dad sreachs the forest to spend an hour with her. You have your monkeys remember your luck. Look after them
Kakas dad is searching the forest to make videos for TH-cam to make money, wake up people, you are so naive
@@angieroa Vous feriez mieux de laisser en paix les gens honnêtes et vous occuper des escrocs. M. Ngoc ne cherche pas Kaka, il y a un moment qu'il l'a trouvée, et retrouvée une seconde fois. Ne vous occupez pas de ce que vous ne connaissez pas et ne comprenez pas, alors qu'un petit singe , Bobbie, vient de mourir sous vos yeux sans même que vous vous aperceviez de son agonie, qui était évidente pour toute personne un peu attentive.
@@angieroaye OK.
@electra-gal, and you have all the information best friends with Mr Ngoc he told you why he is going to see Kaka.
Boby não era seu que pena amava assiste Boby😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Only God and those involved know the whole truth, and I therefore will not throw out assumptions or finger pointing. I pray for Mom, Mon and Kaka. Love, Grammie in Texas USA. ❤❤❤
You were begging the woman to take bobby to a real vet. What other proof of absolute neglect do you need? Criminal behavior. Even in Vietnam animal abuse is a crime.
C'est tres simple vous savez : si ce singe est réellement encore en vie, il réapparaitra sur une chaine ou une autre. Mais n'espérez pas trop.
Did we watch the same video? Or did you fall asleep while watching all of them? We know what happened. And damn right I'm going to point fingers at people who abuse animals! We saw it right in front of our eyes, for a MONTH, on TWO different channels! I can't even with you! /smdh
Sua história não convence ok?Como levou o macaquinho sem vc em casa? Como entregaram o macaquinho sem prova que é mesmo o dono? Conte outra história essa não convence.
Gd này buồn cười kênh sin sin mất đi tìm chuộc lại đứa lớn tốn 10 triệu. Đưa nhỏ mới tìm dc đây 3 triệu ngta mua sao để lại vậy. Ông bà đâu phải con nít mà ng lạ đến muốn lấy gì trong nhà cũng đưa. Ít nhất phải nói đợi con tui về. Bó tay cho ông bà nhà này
Informe para nós seguidores como boby está amo bobinho❤❤❤❤😂❤❤❤❤😂❤❤❤❤Brasil
He is dead you naive person
Parem d serem mentirosos, ele morreu
Levem emborA ps outros macacos
Pare de alisar esse bicho
So this guy just shows up and you hand over the baby monkey. I wonder what the name of this guy channel is going to be.
Estos la hanbendido
Pues si lo vendieron y va a vivir mejor que lo digan y demuestren… mejor con otros dueños, también podían vender al pobre kaka….
Μετάφραση στα ελληνικα
Denunciem esse canal
Dejen de atacar a la señora ella iso lo k pudo xk si lo llevo al doctor y lo cuido lo más k pudo y si se lo llevo el dueño k bueno pero el también es responsable porque lo abandonó y ya miro k la señora lo cuidaba y ya estaba mejor y por eso vino por el para hacer ver mal a la señora y mon no está abandonado a el siempre le a gusto andar libre desde la otra casa andaba libre no sean tan inumanos
You are so naive or blind lady
Что то я не увидела, как она лечила малыша от грибка, он все время был скукоженный, а в последних кадрах еле дышал. Я еще тогда подумала как она обыграет его смерть? Придумала, не верю ни одному слову!
Cái bài của tui may dien chứ con khỉ nhỏ vậy mà đi xa dc vậy ak.mà đi lạc đúng nhà may nữa chứ. Tao đeo tin
I believe this is the guy who has a monkey that looks like Bobby and the Grandfather guy took the monkey for a day and did not give back and this guy saw Bobby and since he looked like his monkey your parents let Bobby go to him just saying,,,,
Bobby is dead, all is staged.
Lástima que Bobby volvió con su antiguo dueño. Esa gente debería haber prestado más atención. Cuidaste bien de Bobby. Espero que el propietario también te informe cómo le está yendo a Bobby. y que puedes contactar a Bobby. Amo a Mon, Kaká y Luna.😥❤❤❤
Naive idiot 😂
С головой не в порядке??? Малыша эта дама, просто угробила. Он сгнил от грибка. Не уверена, что он ещё живой. О какой заботе вы говорите?? Бедный малыш, только мучился.
주인의 거짓말을 믿는군요.. 바비는 죽었어요..
Bobby probably died and she doesn’t want to be blamed for it, well too late you are to blame for his death no one is going to believe that his owner came and got him, you are ridiculous if you think people believe you.
@@롯처럼 он или умер от грибка, который эта дама не лечила, или она его выкинула. Ужасная женщина!! Ещё нагло врёт. Диз лайк.