كيف القرآن هو الحق وقد جاء بعد الكتاب المقدس؟ مسيحي محترم يكتشف الحقيقة

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 พ.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 21

  • @ramiR44
    @ramiR44 หลายเดือนก่อน

    جزاك الله خير الجزاء للأخ حمزة والأخ عباس ولبقية الاخوة

  • @عنعن-د9ل
    @عنعن-د9ل หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    نقطة مهمة يجب التنبه لها أن النصارى بعد رفع عيسى عليه السلام ليس عندهم نص قطعي في كون عيسى عليه السلام صلب أم لم يصلب ، فمن ظن أنه صلب في وقتهم لا يعتبر كافرا !!! لأنه شاهد شخصا مصلوبا مماثلا في شكله لعيسى عليه السلام ، لذا يجب البحث والحوار في نقطة الشرك والتي دخلت على النصارى بعد 300 سنة من عيسى عليه السلام في مجمع نيقيه أله عيسى عليه السلام وأمر بطرد وتحريق كتب المخالفين ، ثم بعد ذلك ب 80 سنة أكملوا التثليث في اجتماع آخر مع لعن وتكفير وطرد المخافين وتحريق كتبهم ... هذه النقطة المفصلية ، لذا لو أن حواريا ظن أن عيسى عليه السلام قتل وصلب وأن الله كتب عليه الموت بعد أن بلغ الرسالة لكونه رآى شبيهه مصلوبا ، فلا يعد مشركا أو كافرا ... فلا نجعلها معركة مفصلية ، بل التوحيد والتثليت هو رأس الأمر ثم نبوة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم والإيمان بالقران وما فيه من أخبار ... ويمكن الاستفادة حينها من نصوص في الاناجيل تدل على أن الله سيحمى عيسى من القتل والصلب يمكن مجادلة النصارى بها بعد إبطال عقيدة التثليث... أرجو تمريرها للمحاورين ... المناقشة في الصلب قبل الشرك تضييع وقت بلا فائدة

    • @bortom2
      @bortom2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      عنا في القران واضح انو لم يصلب ليش نعمل حالنا جاهلين مش فاهم

    • @MohammedAli-je8sb
      @MohammedAli-je8sb หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      احسنت والواضح ان عمليه الصلب هذه حدثت وحدث مثل هذا لابد انه شاهده الكثير من الناس فالمؤكد ان الناس شاهدوا رجلا يشبه المسيح فالمقربين من المسيح بالتاكيد سيعرفون انه ليس المسيح واليهود القتله سيؤكدون انهم قتلوه ووقع الناس في اشكاليه واختلاف فكيف لنبي كان يحي الموتى لا يستطيع ان يحي نفسه فبقى الناس في هذه الاشكاليه يتناقلون جيلا بعد جيل فمن سيوضح لهم ماحصل فربنا انزل القران هدى ورحمه وليوضح للناس ولاهل الكتاب ما اشكل عليهم فنفى عمليه القتل والصلب فقال وماقتلوه وماصلبوه ولكن شبه لهم الواضح ان هناك اما شخصا كان شبه المسيح هو من قتلوه او ان المسيح بقدرة الله جعل صورة هذا الشخص شبيه له وربما كان تتطوعا منه شخص من الحوارين ولكن المسيحين الان يقولون ان عيسى تم صلبه ومات ثم بعد ٣ ايام احياه الله ورفعه اليه ولكن في القران ينفي عملية قتل المسيح وصلبه مطلقا لان ان كان المسيح قد تم قتله وصلبه فهذا سيكون اثباتا لليهود ان المسيح لم يكن نبيا ولم يكن يستطيع يحي الموتى ولذا ربنا نفى عمليه القتل والصلب وهنا اضطر المسيحيون الى تلفيق كذبه وهي ان المسيح ضحى بنفسه علشان خطاينا فشوف الكذب على المسيح عليه السلام ونحن كمسلمين نعظمه ونقدره ونحبه فقد لقى المعاناه من اليهود وماسلم منهم نبيهم موسى ونحن كمسلمين مازلنا نعاني منهم ومن مجازرهم .

    • @عنعن-د9ل
      @عنعن-د9ل หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@bortom2 نعم في القران الأمر واضح ومحسوم وقطعي ، ولكن النصراني هل نجادله في خبر الصلب أم في الشرك بالله ؟ إذا اقتنع بالتوحيد وترك الشرك بعد ذلك وآمن بالقرآن سيؤمن بكل أخبار القران

    • @عنعن-د9ل
      @عنعن-د9ل หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@MohammedAli-je8sb أحسنت كذلك ، لذا لو أن حواريا ظن أن عيسى عليه السلام قتل وصلب وأن الله كتب عليه الموت بعد أن بلغ الرسالة لكونه رآى شبيهه مصلوبا ، فلا يعد مشركا أو كافرا ... فلا نجعلها معركة مفصلية ، بل التوحيد والتثليت هو رأس الأمر ثم نبوة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم والإيمان بالقران وما فيه من أخبار ... ويمكن الاستفادة حينها من نصوص في الاناجيل تدل على أن الله سيحمى عيسى من القتل والصلب يمكن مجادلة النصارى بها بعد إبطال عقيدة التثليث

    • @MohammedAli-je8sb
      @MohammedAli-je8sb หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@عنعن-د9ل اتفق معك تماما .كنت اتمنى ان يتوقف هذا الجدال والنقاش مع المسيحين فلهم دينهم ولنا دين فالمسيحين قد مروا بحروب وفتن بسبب تعدد مذاهبهم والان لا قتال ولا فتن كل واحد حر في مذهبه يبقى الدور علينا كمسلمين والاهم الان لدينا اكبر مشاكلنا وهي الصراع مع المحتل الصهيوني وقتل هذا العدد الكبير من اهلنا في غزه لايجب ان يمر مرور الكرام فتوحيد الصفوف مقدم على الجدال والنقاش في هذه الظروف الصعبه

  • @mushkho3608
    @mushkho3608 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    In the early centuries of Christianity, there were some groups and individuals who believed that Jesus was not crucified, or that the crucifixion did not happen in the way traditionally understood. Here are a few examples:
    1. Gnostic Christians:
    Several Gnostic groups in the 2nd century AD held the belief that Jesus was not actually crucified, or that the crucifixion was an illusion. Gnosticism generally taught that the material world was inherently evil, and that Jesus, as a divine being, could not truly suffer or die in a physical way.
    Basilides (c. 117-138 AD): A Gnostic teacher in Alexandria, Basilides taught that Jesus did not suffer on the cross. According to his teachings, Simon of Cyrene was crucified in place of Jesus, who escaped and watched from a distance. Basilides' teachings gained followers in the 2nd century but were later considered heretical by mainstream Christianity.
    Valentinus (c. 100-160 AD): A prominent Gnostic thinker, Valentinus developed a belief system where the material world was a flawed creation. In his view, Jesus, being purely divine, could not experience suffering in the material world. His followers viewed the crucifixion as either symbolic or as an illusion.
    2. Docetists:
    The Docetists were early Christians in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD who believed that Jesus only appeared to have a physical body and that his crucifixion was an illusion. The term "Docetism" comes from the Greek word dokein, meaning "to seem." Since they believed Jesus was divine, they argued that he did not truly suffer or die.
    Serapion of Antioch (c. 190-211 AD): Serapion was a bishop of Antioch who condemned the Gospel of Peter for containing docetic views. This gospel suggested that Jesus only appeared to suffer during the crucifixion, which was rejected by orthodox Christian leaders like Serapion.
    Marcion of Sinope (c. 85-160 AD): Though Marcion is known primarily for his rejection of the Old Testament, many of his followers held docetic views. They believed that Jesus, as a divine figure, could not truly suffer in the flesh. Marcion himself may have leaned toward this view, although his teachings were more focused on differentiating the "good" God of the New Testament from the "wrathful" God of the Old Testament.
    3. Gospel of Barnabas (later tradition):
    While not an early Christian text, the Gospel of Barnabas (likely written between the 14th and 16th centuries) claimed that Jesus was not crucified and that Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place. This text gained attention in later Islamic tradition, which holds that Jesus was not crucified, a view reflected in the Quran (Surah 4:157). Though this gospel was written centuries after the early Christian period, it echoes some early ideas that Jesus did not die on the cross.
    These groups and individuals reflect alternative beliefs about the crucifixion that were present in the early centuries of Christianity (primarily the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD), particularly among Gnostic and Docetic sects, which were later deemed heretical by mainstream Christian theology.
    And here are some additional names for people with different points of views:

  • @Abdillhsd
    @Abdillhsd หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    🌺 اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد 💙

  • @abdoaiman
    @abdoaiman หลายเดือนก่อน

    Man of respect.. I encourage such kind of discussions

  • @abdulelah9726
    @abdulelah9726 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My opinion about George as i followed him in many discussions he is an honest person and maybe one day will come to Islam. Insha-Allah ❤

  • @mk7700mk
    @mk7700mk หลายเดือนก่อน

    اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد

  • @abdulelah9726
    @abdulelah9726 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ❤ ❤ ❤

  • @mushkho3608
    @mushkho3608 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Here are some additional early names from the first 300 years of Christianity who were associated with beliefs that questioned or denied the crucifixion of Jesus or held alternative views about it:
    1. Simon Magus (1st century AD):
    Simon Magus was a Samaritan religious figure mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 8:9-24) and is often considered one of the earliest Gnostics. While he is not directly linked to denying the crucifixion of Jesus, his teachings formed the basis for later Gnostic ideas that rejected the physical suffering of Jesus. Simon’s followers (known as Simonians) believed in a spiritual Jesus who transcended physical suffering, which later influenced docetic and Gnostic thought.
    2. Cerinthus (late 1st - early 2nd century AD):
    Cerinthus was a Christian-Jewish Gnostic teacher who lived in the late 1st and early 2nd centuries. He taught that Christ was a distinct divine being who descended upon the man Jesus at his baptism but left him before the crucifixion. This meant that, according to Cerinthus, Jesus the human was crucified, but Christ, the divine spirit, did not suffer. Cerinthus’ views were opposed by early Christian leaders like the Apostle John, according to tradition.
    3. Carpocrates (early 2nd century AD):
    Carpocrates was a Gnostic teacher who lived around the early 2nd century (c. 130-150 AD). His followers, the Carpocratians, believed that Jesus was a purely human figure who had achieved spiritual enlightenment and was not divine. Though they did not focus explicitly on the crucifixion, their teachings generally downplayed the suffering and divinity of Jesus, fitting with early Gnostic tendencies to view Jesus as more of a spiritual guide than a suffering savior.
    4. Satornilus (Saturninus) (early 2nd century AD):
    Satornilus was an early Gnostic teacher from Antioch, who flourished around 100-120 AD. His teachings included a dualistic worldview, where the material world was evil. He believed that Jesus did not have a physical body and only appeared to be human. In his view, the crucifixion could not have truly happened, as Jesus was not a material being and could not suffer physically. Satornilus’ views were among the earliest forms of Docetism, where the suffering of Jesus was denied or spiritualized.
    5. Valentinus (c. 100-160 AD):
    As mentioned earlier, Valentinus was one of the most influential Gnostic teachers in the 2nd century. His followers, the Valentinians, believed that the divine Christ did not truly suffer on the cross but rather experienced a symbolic or spiritual event. For them, the physical suffering of Jesus was either illusory or only related to the human aspect of Jesus, not the divine Christ.
    6. Gospel of Peter (written c. 150 AD):
    The Gospel of Peter is an early Christian text that contains a docetic interpretation of Jesus’ crucifixion. The text suggests that Jesus did not truly suffer on the cross and that his death was not real in the material sense. This gospel, though not tied to a specific person, reflects the docetic views circulating in the 2nd century and was condemned by early Christian leaders like Serapion of Antioch.
    7. Apelles (late 2nd century AD):
    Apelles was a follower of Marcion (another Gnostic teacher) but later developed his own theology. Apelles maintained that Jesus had an apparent, not real, physical body and therefore did not suffer in a literal, physical way. He lived and taught around the mid- to late 2nd century AD and was excommunicated by Marcionite communities for deviating from their teachings.
    8. Theodotus of Byzantium (late 2nd century AD):
    Theodotus was a leather merchant from Byzantium who taught that Jesus was a mere man who became the Christ only after his baptism, when the divine spirit descended upon him. He denied that Jesus was divine by nature and thus did not emphasize the salvific significance of the crucifixion. Theodotus' teachings, known as Adoptionism, were condemned by the early church as heretical.
    These figures represent a broad spectrum of alternative beliefs about the nature of Jesus and his crucifixion in the first 300 years of Christianity, particularly among Gnostic and docetic circles. Their teachings were often at odds with the emerging orthodox Christian doctrine, which emphasized the physical crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus as central to the faith.

  • @thequran3397
    @thequran3397 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    متابع للقناة منذ أكثر من سنه ونصف
    مشكورين وموفقين باذن الله حقيقي ماشاء الله وبارك فيكم اجمعين
    سؤال أسألة لنفسي في كثير من الفيديوهات والمقابلات
    لماذا المحاولة في إظهار التناقض والتحريف في الأديان الأخرى عامة وفي الانجيل خاصة مثل هذا الفيديو
    وفي بعض الأوقات أرى أنه عندما يحاول الطرف الآخر الدخول والسؤال عن الإسلام والقرآن تحاولون تبديل الحديث مره اخرى عن معتقداتة
    أعتقد أن اسهل طريقه الدعوه هي نشر وتعديل المفاهيم القرانية الإسلامية 👌
    انها مثل مباراة والفريق الخصم يسعى للعب المباراة علي ملعبك ..إذا ف اهلا به
    نجيب علي استفساراته ونعدل من الصورة الخاطئه المفهومة عن الإسلام
    وشرح كيفية اكتمال الأديان السماوية بالإسلام وبرسول الله محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم
    أعتقد أن اي خصم محاور يحاول أن ينوه أو يدخل ولو عن بعد في الاسلام لا تجعله يخرج أو يتردد بالعكس . ادخلة وبقوة 💪

    • @Abdillhsd
      @Abdillhsd หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @ZwJ60
    @ZwJ60 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have an important correction for my brother Hamza out of brotherhood, respect and the religion that unites us first. He said at the end of this discussion that we Muslims are accused of taqiyya, and this is certainly not true. We as Muslims do not have anything hidden in our belief to practice taqiyya. The ones who practice it are the Shiites and it is the basis of their belief. We Sunni Muslims do not consider the Shiites to be Muslims, but rather they are a dagger in the side of Muslims. As for the Sunnis and the community, our belief is clear, evident, pure and clean as the purity of snow, and it is available to everyone without exception. Islam is a religion for all humanity, because it is the true religion that is consistent with sound nature, sound reason and a clean, transparent heart. Whoever wants to believe, let him believe, and whoever wants to disbelieve, let him disbelieve. The Day of Judgment will inevitably come, and we will all be held accountable justly.