I love Murphy, and his predecessor, Hank. I have been in the hobby for decades and never knew these guys existed, along with many of the fresh water puffers you guys have. Thanks for making the store so fun with such a personable mascot!
My god he is so cute!!! That little "smile" he has..adorable. I just got my first pea puffer..no comparison but he is just as adorable and i have named him simon and i love him already
I just visited Aquarium Co-Op for the first time this past Tuesday. It was very excellent seeing in person what I’ve observed on TH-cam for the past 4 years.
I love my Fahaka. I got him in August, and he was only a quarter inch. Now he is five inches. Soon he will be moving into his 75 gallon temporary tank, till I can get his 180. Though my LFS just got in a beautiful 300 gallon deep that I am eyeballing.
@@kerrypitt9789 thank you! It's my favorite fish. Fresh water, salt water doesn't matter. The Fahaka puffer is my favorite. They are also known as the Nile puffer. Cory has a couple videos featuring them.
Okay I looked it up, WOW! I love the design on the skin of this beautiful fish. I know I could Google this and you are probably thinking, Kerry go Google it! But I like information from the source and fish people usually like to talk about their fish. How big will your Fahaka grow? Do most puffers have similar traits and eating habits? Again, you own a beautiful fish, thanks for name dropping! 😃
@@kerrypitt9789 they average 18 inches, but I have heard of them getting to two feet. At five inches here is eating a Crawfish or clam everyday and gets 100 ghost shrimp thrown into his tank every week. He doesn't do well with any other fish, though I can pet him and hold him in my hand. He is shy about eating. He won't eat if anyone is watching.
I went to the shop for the first time about a month ago and saw Murphy. What a personality! I have been to lots of fish stores in WA, CA, TX, KS since the 70's and I can say Aquarium Co-Op does it right. They are actually kind of dangerous in a good way. I could spend all my lunch money there. I was amazed at how bright all the fish were. The display tank with the cardinal tetras was amazing. I never saw them so bright. I just wish the store was closer. Took me several hours to get there but it was worth the time and traffic. I picked up some wood, plant food, fish food and a half dozen fish. Lucky I had a list and was able to control myself. I will be going back when it is time to stock the tank I am setting up. I could spend all day just looking at their fish. I better make another list. Is there a support group for fish addiction?
I love that word "Carnage!" He has such personality and as my artist wife pointed out, he is absolutely gorgeous! I appreciate that you share him with us. I know it's good for your channel but it's good for my heart.
Murphy is so awesome!! Love watching him especially when he's eating clams lol!! Sent a video of him eating to my sons mom, she comes over all the time to see our son & likes our fish, and now she has me sending all kinda fish videos to her. I had a couple Oscars when we were together so she likes fish but now she wants a tank & is looking into what kinda fish she likes!!
I usually don't tend to think fish are that cute but this puffer fish is the most adorable thing I've ever seen and Murphy is a perfect name for him and his little buck teeth
Always love Murphy videos. Such a fun not so lil fish. Yesterday on a different fb group I'm in someone posted a video of a mbu puffer about Murphy's size who spooked himself into puffing....interesting video and he depuffed quickly
Fascinating how fish as small as guppies can be kept trouble-free with such a large carnivorous species. Just goes to show, carnivorous doesn't necessarily mean piscivorous.
My LFS had one. Had to force myself to walk away since I know I could not afford the little guy (he was a small juvenile, maybe 3-4"). One day when I have the space and income. For now my dwarf puffers keep me happy.
You can see the 24/7 live Murphy camera here: www.aquariumcoop.com/pages/murphy-camera
Aquarium Co-Op thank you so much
Is this guy still alive?
@@mayham2003 I don’t know I think?
@@mayham2003wait never mind he died 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Murphy is such an iconic and relatable TH-camr 😉
What a nice puppy dog you have there!
Yeah- Right!
Oh i watch your vids
I got to feed Murphy last month! Very cool :-)
How dare you beat me to posting!
Most famous fish on TH-cam? Most AWESOME fish on TH-cam - easily 💯
No frank from the king of DIY is but he passed away so i guess its not murphy either
Its jaws from rawwfishing
Murphy > jaws all day
@@aero1614 yes, that guys seems to be killing a lot of fish))
RIP Murph.
I love a good Murphy video...he looked like he was smiling when he finished his clams 😁😀
I love Murphy, and his predecessor, Hank. I have been in the hobby for decades and never knew these guys existed, along with many of the fresh water puffers you guys have. Thanks for making the store so fun with such a personable mascot!
So cool to watch him eat. I need a puffer in my life...
I just wanted to say we all loved seeing you and saying hello to you Murphy. You always loved following us around when we visited. ❤️
Murphy is awesome. Love to watch him. Such an adorable fish 😍
There's my bud, Murphy. He is getting to be a BIG boy. His lil buck teeth are so stinkin' cute.
My god he is so cute!!! That little "smile" he has..adorable. I just got my first pea puffer..no comparison but he is just as adorable and i have named him simon and i love him already
He looks like a character from Wallace and Gromit. Watching him eat cracks me up, thanks so much for sharing. Made my day.
I just visited Aquarium Co-Op for the first time this past Tuesday. It was very excellent seeing in person what I’ve observed on TH-cam for the past 4 years.
Those markings. That smile. He is gorgeous
These fish are so cute. I'm no-where near responsible to own any fish but I love watching these guys crunch away at shellfish.
I love my Fahaka. I got him in August, and he was only a quarter inch. Now he is five inches. Soon he will be moving into his 75 gallon temporary tank, till I can get his 180. Though my LFS just got in a beautiful 300 gallon deep that I am eyeballing.
Jason another fish I have to look up!! Good luck on your tank!
@@kerrypitt9789 thank you! It's my favorite fish. Fresh water, salt water doesn't matter. The Fahaka puffer is my favorite. They are also known as the Nile puffer. Cory has a couple videos featuring them.
Okay I looked it up, WOW! I love the design on the skin of this beautiful fish. I know I could Google this and you are probably thinking, Kerry go Google it!
But I like information from the source and fish people usually like to talk about their fish.
How big will your Fahaka grow? Do most puffers have similar traits and eating habits?
Again, you own a beautiful fish, thanks for name dropping! 😃
@@kerrypitt9789 they average 18 inches, but I have heard of them getting to two feet. At five inches here is eating a Crawfish or clam everyday and gets 100 ghost shrimp thrown into his tank every week. He doesn't do well with any other fish, though I can pet him and hold him in my hand. He is shy about eating. He won't eat if anyone is watching.
Murphy!! I’m coming to AGA. I may have to make a pilgrimage to the Coop to feed Murphy!
I went to the shop for the first time about a month ago and saw Murphy. What a personality! I have been to lots of fish stores in WA, CA, TX, KS since the 70's and I can say Aquarium Co-Op does it right. They are actually kind of dangerous in a good way. I could spend all my lunch money there. I was amazed at how bright all the fish were. The display tank with the cardinal tetras was amazing. I never saw them so bright. I just wish the store was closer. Took me several hours to get there but it was worth the time and traffic. I picked up some wood, plant food, fish food and a half dozen fish. Lucky I had a list and was able to control myself. I will be going back when it is time to stock the tank I am setting up. I could spend all day just looking at their fish. I better make another list. Is there a support group for fish addiction?
I love that word "Carnage!" He has such personality and as my artist wife pointed out, he is absolutely gorgeous! I appreciate that you share him with us. I know it's good for your channel but it's good for my heart.
Murphy is so awesome!! Love watching him especially when he's eating clams lol!! Sent a video of him eating to my sons mom, she comes over all the time to see our son & likes our fish, and now she has me sending all kinda fish videos to her. I had a couple Oscars when we were together so she likes fish but now she wants a tank & is looking into what kinda fish she likes!!
He's the most gorgeous fish I've ever seen. Got to love him 💕
Love his big ole gut when he's done eating lol. He's so cute.. and kinda scary :P
Murphy is BEAUTIFUL!
Awesome awesome AWESOME!! Love this fish, the sound of those clams being crunched like twigs wow!!
He looks amazing! He sports the Steelers colors!!! Lolll such a personality, he looks right at you!!! I loved the video
any puffer bigger than 4 inches are the coolest fish seeing them rip every thing apart then getting a big belly.
So cool! Never get tired of watching/hearing him eat. :)
Good to see Murphy again! Thanks Coopy.
I usually don't tend to think fish are that cute but this puffer fish is the most adorable thing I've ever seen and Murphy is a perfect name for him and his little buck teeth
He’s a lovely specimen. He’s awesome
Love it!! Got to meet Murphy while I was there last week visiting my sister. Even more amazing in person! Can’t wait to visit again❤️
Always love Murphy videos. Such a fun not so lil fish. Yesterday on a different fb group I'm in someone posted a video of a mbu puffer about Murphy's size who spooked himself into puffing....interesting video and he depuffed quickly
He looks so small compared to the supa-chonk he is today.
He is bad ass love it
Fascinating how fish as small as guppies can be kept trouble-free with such a large carnivorous species. Just goes to show, carnivorous doesn't necessarily mean piscivorous.
Nice to see Murphy again! He is getting big.
Hehe...I love Murphy. He’s so cute.
I never ever ever get tired of watching Murphy!
I hope Santa is good to you and brings you a special treat.
I wish I could afford one of these. He looks like a happy fish dog.
Loved watching this. I have added to home screen. Found this by accident. But, those are nice guppies too!
I fed my 14" pacu a variety of mixed nuts (mostly brazil), for their teeth. I could also hear the crunch. Fun to watch, thx for sharing. :)
more feeding Murphy videos please i need them like you don't even know
Murphy is absolutely awesome.
A big fish with many small ones ... my dream aquarium !!!
I love puffers and murphy started this obsession
Okay, you are right... he's adorable! Toothy smile! More? Are you going to feed me more? :D
He looks so happy!!! ❤️
My LFS had one. Had to force myself to walk away since I know I could not afford the little guy (he was a small juvenile, maybe 3-4"). One day when I have the space and income. For now my dwarf puffers keep me happy.
File under "Things you shouldn't pet"
Beautiful fish!
LOVE the guppies everywhere!
Murphy is so cute!
Can’t get enough of the murph, mine is only around 3 inches, inhaled all the clam meat out of the shell last night and he’s resting lol
A fish with actual entertainment value. Who knew?
He's so cute
I love this fish, Murphy.
he's so cute! he could bite my finger clean off, i'm sure, but cute!
His face is so happy
Amazing fish!
He’s worth every bit of expence
That is an amazing animal...
Hi 👋🏼 love it when you video and feed Murphy 🐡 thanks for sharing 👍🏻
He is so cute💕
Oooooo what a very beautiful fish! Give him my Belgium greetings!😍😁
WOW. He is huge. Have you had seem sense he was a baby puffer?
I can't make it to AGA, but I'm coming to the shop at the end of January from Chicago! Can't wait to see you Murphy!
Fantastic up-close footage!
He’s so cute!
Hi cory I love Murphy he’s a awesome pufferfish
Hard to imagine him as anything but a goofy loving pet, but I'm guessing fingers wouldn't be a problem for those teeth!
Murphy!! 💕👍
Murphy is cute, strange, but cute.
More Murphy videos!! ❤️
Murphy is the Li'l Sebastian of fish.
I love murphy
Question: Can you put a motoro stingray together with Murphy as a tankmate? Thank you.
Murphy the Kirby vacuum of puffers
R.I.P Murphy you will be missed
Not to be dramatic or anything but I would die for Murphy
SLAYER He didn’t die lol
A fine clam eating boi
I LOVE MURPHY!!!!!! ❤️
I subbed for videos like this and the guppies!
More videos of your tanks!
okay and i enjoyed the 800 gallon.
Wow looking cute
Murph is the goodest boy
Hey Cory, have you been keeping in touch with Lamont? Wonder how he's doing.
Can u do a video about "crapedacusta " fresh water jellyfish?
hi i see ur puffer is in with other fish. could i keep pea puffers with tetras; corys. and shrimp in a 55 gallon . cheers
Puffers and guppies 😎
How do you control the guppy population, or do you sell the ones from this tank?
Almost picked one up yesterday for 150... but I can’t afford him right now, beautiful puffer
What size tank will he move into next? 😮
I’m thinking 6x10x3ft
@@AquariumCoop 180 cubic feet = 1350 gallons. That's massive! :O
More Murph More Murph More Murph!
What's the largest saltwater puffer fish and is it bigger than the mabu?
What kind of plant is the big one in behind Murphy?
notifacation squad where you at also I love your videos keep up the good work and keep on filling my day with joy