She is my hero!! God bless her and those who work hard with her. She is working tirelessly to transform the city that has been neglected by mismanagement, corruption, incompetence governance for decades. What she is doing is a testament of good governance and leadership. She is amazing and I pray that almighty God will help her in everything she does!
Amazing work! May God bless all who work hard for our country. Please don't forget to include public service infrastructures like public library, restrooms, schools, gas stations, etc...Thank you dear mayor. You are awesome!
Aduuuuuuuuu may God bless you. Today, how many leaders, countries, diplomatic, and TH-camrs are filming and appreciating your best job, and your idea, including your great team and our hero prime minister?
if people can not park their car on the road - where can they park around this area? What is the alternative parking wise if people cannot park on the road. I'm sure its in the plan.
Mayor Adanech any plans for new Schools??? in Addis Ababa getting proper Standard School’s it’s one of the biggest Challenges for residents, the City administration what’s doing about new Standards Schools & Colleges??
Bro that is a culture issue. You can't just change people as you can for the street and buildings. Those who give are the ones to blame. I have personal experience about that and it's the rich who want to play with the system.
Leba!!!! You took all the lands belongs to the residents. With your authority & decision, you gave the Lands belong to Access Real Estate home buyers to your corrupted officials & UAE's oligangs
ታሪክ ለመስራት እግዚያብሄር እድል ሠጥቷችኋል
ለተከበሩ ከንቲባ ረጅም እድሜ እና ጤና ተመኘሁኝ ፈጣሪ ይርዳሽ
በዚሁ ከለፋችሁ አይቀር የመንገድ ስም እና የቤት ቁጥር አብሮ ቢሰራ ሰዎች በቀላሉ ከቦታ ቦታ ጊዜ ሳያጠፍ ይገናኛሉ
She is my hero!! God bless her and those who work hard with her. She is working tirelessly to transform the city that has been neglected by mismanagement, corruption, incompetence governance for decades. What she is doing is a testament of good governance and leadership. She is amazing and I pray that almighty God will help her in everything she does!
Amazing work! May God bless all who work hard for our country. Please don't forget to include public service infrastructures like public library, restrooms, schools, gas stations, etc...Thank you dear mayor. You are awesome!
ተባረኪ፣ አቤቤ
ማሻ አላህ ። ውዷ ከንቲባዬ አዶት ወ/ሮ አዳነች አበቤ በርቺልን እወድሻለሁ አከብርሻለሁ ወላሂ ።
The Iron Lady the Iron Mayer, you are doing Great!!
አዳንዬ በርቺ
በጣም የሚያኮራ ሥራ ነው በርቱ በርቱ በርቱ በርቱ በርቱ በእውነት ዶክተር ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር አቢይ ኢትዮጵያዊ ጀግና መሪ ነዉ ከቤተመንግሥት አንሥቶ ሥንቱን ድሪቶ አፀዳው የዘመኑ ጀግና መሪ ነዉ ይሔንን የደብተራ የመተተኛ መንደር አፀዳልኝ ጀግና ጀግና መሪ ነዉ ።
ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር💚💚💚💛💛💛❤❤❤
ለአዱ ገነት አዲስ አበባ አዱን ሰጣት።
ሀቅ ነው ።
ይህ ትውልድ እድለኛ ነው ልማትና የልማት ስራ ክብርት ከንቲባችን ተባረኪ ረጅም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ይስጥሽ
This women is amazing
you are hero.may God help you in your future endeavor.
አዱዬ አንቺና ጠ/ር አብቹ በረከት ናቹ ለኢትዮጵያ ።ላወቀው ላሰተዋለው።
አበቤ አንበሳ በርቺ በለውጥ ጊዜ ችግር ይኖራል ሁሉም መስዋትነት መክፈል አለበት
Nice & historic job for Ethiopia
ጀግኒት ከንቲባችን ገና ብዙ ነገር ሰራተሽ ታሳይናለሽ እግዚአብሔር ይጠብቅሽ 🙏🙏🙏🙏🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
Thank you our leaders❤❤
አዱ እና አዱ ገነት ክፉ አይንካችሁ።
Good job❤❤
ትልቅ ራዕይ ያለው መሪ ትልቅ ነገር ያቅዳል ፣ይዘጋጃል ፣ያለ ፍርሀት ከሥሩ ከሚገኙ ቆራጥና በዕውቀት ከሚመሩ ተከታዮች ጋር ወደ ተግባር ይተረጉማል ።ይህ ሀቅ ነው አሁን በሀገራችን ኢትዮጵያ እየተካሄደ ያለው።
እግዚአብሔር ይርዳችሁ።
የተጀመረ ሁሉ እንደሚያልቅ አይተናል። ጠቃሚ ነው ወይስ ጎጂ ለሚለው ግዜ ይመልሰዋል። ግን ሲያልቅ በደንብ እናየዋለን። አሁን እዚያ መሃል ሲገባ ግራ ያጋባል።
Aduuuuuuuuu may God bless you. Today, how many leaders, countries, diplomatic, and TH-camrs are filming and appreciating your best job, and your idea, including your great team and our hero prime minister?
እግዚአብሔር እግር ችን በርክልን እይንች ይበርክሽ ሳላም ይብልን🙏🏽🤝🤝🤝🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹😇
ተግባርሽም ንግግርሽም እጅግ
አስተማሪ ነው ቶሎ መጀመር ቶሎ መጨረስ ችለሻል
እድሜዬ ፷፱ ነው. አስገራሚ ልማት ነው
የሥራ ባልደረቦችሽን ይዘሽ እጅግ ጠቃሚ ተግባር ላይ ነሽ
ኦሮምያም ከፉሪ እስከ ዲማ አፈረሰ ።
የጀመረ አይመስልም ከፈረሰ ቶሎ እንዲጀምሩ የአንተን አርአያነት ይከተሉ።
እንደ ፈረሰ ሳይጨርሱ ክረምት ከገባ ነውር ነው በያቸው።
ከልብ እናመሰግናለን
በርቺ ጠንክሪ
ውራኤ ሰፈር ያየር ካርታ ያለው ቤታችን ፈርሶ ጠብቁ ተብለን 2 ወር ሞላን ልዋጭ አልተሠጠንም እኛንም አስብን ሜዳላይ ነው ያለነው ?
የመሬት ስር ባቡርስ አስባቸዋል ዛሬ ባይሆን ለነገ
Kepp the good job
Your Queen 👸 good leader
if people can not park their car on the road - where can they park around this area?
What is the alternative parking wise if people cannot park on the road. I'm sure its in the plan.
Mayor Adanech any plans for new Schools???
in Addis Ababa getting proper Standard School’s it’s one of the biggest Challenges for residents,
the City administration what’s doing about new Standards Schools & Colleges??
Th bigger problem is finding competent teachers..
ሁላችንም ከነዚህ አመራሮች/ ሰዎች/ ጎን መቆም አለብን።
ክብህርት ከንቲባ ማርሽ ቀያሪዋ የአዲስ አበባ እናት እናመሰግናለን ከተማችን በጣም እያማረባት ነው ይህ ሲጠናቀቅ ደግሞ ይታየኛል ...በርቱ በርቱ 💚💛❤️🇪🇹🙏
ድሃ ሳይከፍል እምል ቃል 😢ጥሩ አይደለም ለህዝባች በቂ ግርን ኤርያ ብለሽ ብታወሪ ይሻላል በየ ቦታው ቆሻሻ መሰብሰብያ ወር ሀውስ ያስፈልጋ በቀን ይሰሰባል ለሊት ከከተማዋ ይወጣል በርቺ ዕድል አንድ ግዜ ናት እንቅፍ ምን ያርጋል ለሰው ሀገር እንካን እንቅልፍ የለንም 😊
ዝም ብላችሁ ስራችሁን ስሩ ፣ ስራችሁ ይመሰክርላችዋል ።።።።
የግል ይዞታ በተመጣጣኝ ተኩ እባካችሁን
ወሳኝ የባቡር ማሳለጫ አስቡበት
2ሺ 3ሺ ሰው የሚቀጥር ፋብሪካ መቼ ነው የምትሠሩት
አንተ እጂንየር ስትሆን
አታልሙ አይደለም የግል ይዞታ ስትነጥቁ ተመጣጣኝ ቦታ ተኩ።ኢትዩጵያ ላይ ኢንቨስት ለማድረግ ስጋት ነው የፈጠራችሁት።ከታች የተሰገሰጉትን ጉቦኞች ነበር መጀመሪያ ማፅዳት
Bro that is a culture issue. You can't just change people as you can for the street and buildings. Those who give are the ones to blame. I have personal experience about that and it's the rich who want to play with the system.
አንተ ጉቦ መክፈል ስታቆም ጉቦ ጠያቂ ይጠፋል።
How did you buy human hair wig?????😅😅😅😅 I guess you can't buy it with your own "salary"!!!!
መኪና ማቆምያ ከሌለ አየር ላይ ነዉ ስዉ የሚያቆመዉ?
Meretun zerefachu casa enkuwan satsetu... endi shqb endeshenachu wagachun maggnetachu ayqerm, middle class yemibalewun mahbereseb wed tlq dhnet new yeketetshiwu leba!!!
Bet mesrat gojo endemeqeles qelal mesloshal getere fara!!!!
Leba!!!! You took all the lands belongs to the residents. With your authority & decision, you gave the Lands belong to Access Real Estate home buyers to your corrupted officials & UAE's oligangs
ደሀውማ ተባረረ
አንዱ አንተነህ እንዴት አውክ ?
@yesufahmed9154 ደንቆሮ ካድሬ አይመቸኝም 😂
Great job