Yay! Thank you so much for posting the WHOLE awesomest PKA in the whole world!! :D I watched it yesterday but I missed some parts of it, now I'm watching it all over again and COMPLETE!!!! I love you guys!
I love wings for being able to joke about that. I wasnt even mad when he raged, yelled at woody and "bribed syndicate" but have even more respect for the guy for being able to laugh it off even though he got spammed for 2 weeks for it.
funny how they don't realize that the BF3 kill cams are to let you tell your squad where the guy is and where he is going....not how you were killed. Helps a lot on squad rush....and its awesome how BF3 is still going strong...where as MW3 died out within months of being dropped.
@AlbatrossHD Dude, there men. Men get over shit like that without an apology. Ive almost got into a fist fight with my best friend and literally 15 minutes later we were laughing it off. Its how guy get over shit
i love and will miss this community goodbye
Yay! Thank you so much for posting the WHOLE awesomest PKA in the whole world!! :D I watched it yesterday but I missed some parts of it, now I'm watching it all over again and COMPLETE!!!! I love you guys!
That happened more than 2 years ago!
I love wings for being able to joke about that. I wasnt even mad when he raged, yelled at woody and "bribed syndicate" but have even more respect for the guy for being able to laugh it off even though he got spammed for 2 weeks for it.
askakappa is a great guest!
he would make a nice host every now and then!
In what way would taking away a killcam be better than a killcam?
Funny thing is Wings talks about doing Hot Wings of Redemption, and now Kyle is actually doing it 4 and a half years later because Wings never did.
+Greg Jones I listened to an old PKA earlier where woody said he wasn't a fan of Minecraft. things sure change lol
Lol so have I and yes they do
funny how they don't realize that the BF3 kill cams are to let you tell your squad where the guy is and where he is going....not how you were killed. Helps a lot on squad rush....and its awesome how BF3 is still going strong...where as MW3 died out within months of being dropped.
If you guys cant hear woody or the other guys at about 30 mins in and onwards try putting both your earphones in :)
I think he should record more of the new ones because they don't show the post show
@AndrewSmithTV1 It's not actually a new mic, he usually uses a different one though.
He has his good and bad sides like everyone does...
10:00 kyle says his 2nd most viewed site is 4chan in a later episode he claims he doesn't know what that is
@paljohn47 ya u can use a program called callgraph and it will record audio from skype witch u can use in videos or anything like tht
@charmulbachu i watch and play but whenever i look over at it, it annoys me
How did they get BF3 when it came out on the 25th of October and this was uploaded the 29th of September?
@iKNOWcrazyPEOPLE i was confused when it had .5 i thought it was only the pre/post like u used to do.
I like how wings and woody were making a joke about the whole incident and that is why i love wings!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!
He's talking about a game that took away the kill cam, you're just trying to work your way out of a hole
It helps you learn what you did wrong, and taking away a kill cam isn't innovation it's moving backwards
He is over 700 years old.
rofl.. I was here when this vid has 100 view.. next day 787. WOW!
good job :)
@R1AN07HD ?
the start was brilliant :)
sick new mic woody i know this isn't your channel but still
fix the video audio
@ggtttggtttgg Name?
Thanks man!
@AlbatrossHD Wings has apologized to woody, they made a dual com about it.
Saying BF3 is still going strong is a joke, there are more people playing black ops 1 than BF3 right now
cheers babe
@ggtttggtttgg how?
btw i dont kno if ur blind if u r sorry but do u not see all the sun spots on his face if u dont kno what those r ur not old a nuff
@SGawesome Thank you man!
how long did this take to upload?
my top site on chrome are dueling network, youtube, wells fargo, motherless, amazon, tumblr, and MyUCF
What kind of tea does woody like?
How long time does it take for you to upload these?
@iiTzLaMiA you actually watch the video??? dude just listen to it while your doing something else in another tab or something.
i cant help it im just the sexy *epic look at the cam*
Wtf are reactions to the left of comment box?
woody looks like hes in his late 20's tops!
it's ask a capper the onlyusemeface guy
fucking love wings.
#wingslosta1v1 jeez I remember when he lost it was painful to watch. I have a lot respect for wings as a person :/ I hope things get easier for him.
Wow ads on woodys videos
@SGawesome lol. i was about to say something, then i put both ears in and felt like a bumbass.
syndicate is going to take over the world he's gaining like 3 to 4 subs every minute even though that the same as freddieW is getting lol
2 05
lool, i love woody
its woody's fault, it was like that when he streamed it
See my point...
no hes way over hes in the 700000 get it right
i googled image searched 'emu', and i shit my pants fuck thats scary
Mic talk! 19:00
in my opinion kill streaks ruined cod and in BF3 you basically are the kill streak
@TdwageLuTher Hes 39 :)
Off by 10 :P
@AlbatrossHD Dude, there men. Men get over shit like that without an apology. Ive almost got into a fist fight with my best friend and literally 15 minutes later we were laughing it off. Its how guy get over shit
wing's girlfriend...
Wings is the best
I love bf3 now all the cod noobs are away. There starting to come back though cus of dirt bikes
DICE > Activision
Unsub woody
2 07