O God Beyond All Praising - 1965 Allen Analog Organ

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • This hymn may be recognized to some as 'I Vow To Thee My Country', or to still others as part of Holst's 'The Planets'. As it is, I started with the synthetic Clarinet stop, since I never use it, and did some hand-registering before building up a crescendo. This tune is a particular favorite of mine.
    ** About the organ **
    This organ was installed June 15, 1965 as part of a new church building for the 2nd Baptist Church of Rochester, NY. It was a Custom build from Allen Organ in Macungie, Pennsylvania, with additional options for a Schulmerich Carillon system. It is a unit organ of seven electronic ranks, with the Great/Swell/Pedal sharing three tone generators, the Swell having a dedicated Celeste generator, and an independent Choir division of three tone generators, for a total of five audio output channels. A total of 570 oscillators generate all the sounds that are heard. A dedicated Choir Celeste generator awaits installation, which will bring the total up to 607 oscillators. The organ was dedicated in September, 1965 in a recital performed by Berj Zamkochian.

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