Dandavats. The third verse, as sung in the video, should be: madhu-madhura-smita-lobhita-tanu-bhṛtam anupama-bhāva-vilāsam nidhuvana-nāgarī-mohita-mānasa- vikathita-gadgada-bhāṣam His smile, sweet like honey, allures all embodied beings. His pastimes are filled with unparalleled sentiments of pure love (bhāvas). His mind is captivated by the heroine of Nidhuvana, as He utters indecipherable words in a choked voice.
Dandavats. The third verse, as sung in the video, should be:
His smile, sweet like honey, allures all embodied beings. His pastimes
are filled with unparalleled sentiments of pure love (bhāvas).
His mind is captivated by the heroine of Nidhuvana, as He utters
indecipherable words in a choked voice.